• Published 9th Jun 2021
  • 1,438 Views, 23 Comments

The Bonds of Love and Fire - Whooves235

Fame and glory, these things are all Spitfire has ever needed she was the Captain of the Wonderbolts. However with the Wonderbolts putting in new requirements and the appearance of an old friend. how will it affect her career as a Wonderbolt?

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Chapter 9: Big News

Wonderbolt HQ

“Well,” Spitfire began as she sighed “That has been really fun.”

“Hay yeah it is!” Soarin' beamed.

“Yea, I gotta admit, we did good” Orion said.

“I’m gonna grab us some more drinks,” Thunderlane said “Cider all around?”

Receiving no complaints, he began the tedious process of worming his way to get to the makeshift bar. Spitfire followed him with her eyes for a moment before she looked to Soarin’.

“Better go help him out with that, just in case,” she said.

Soarin’ nodded, quickly vacating his seat and following Thunderlane. After they left, Orion looked to Spitfire. Smiling softly at her old friend. “Having fun?” Spitfire asked,

“Oh yeah,” Orion answered. “Are you?”

Spitfire nodded. “More than I’ve had in a really long time.” Spitfire allowed herself a proud smile. For a few minutes, the two simply watched as all the bolts enjoyed themselves. It felt like they were in their own little world and after a few more minutes alone, Soarin’ and Thunderlane returned, each carrying two mugs of cider. They carefully set each of the mugs on the table before they reclaimed their own seats.

“Thanks, guys,” Spitfire said as she reached for a mug.

“No biggie,” Thunderlane answered, reclining.

For nearly an hour, the four pegasi remained at their table, content to let the music take their minds to other places. A gentle smile grew on Orion’s lips as he looked at Spitfire, just happy to see her enjoying herself. It had been a long time since he saw her, and since moving in with her he has only ever seen her stressed out. Save for a few moments he and her were alone of course.

“Anyway, Orion” Soarin’ spoke up, folding his forelegs on the table in front of him. “There’s a couple things I’m curious about...” His words trailed off, leaving Orion a way out if she really wanted it.

“Yeah?” Orion felt a nervous sweat start to form on his brow.

“You’re one of the few ponies that I know who knew Spitfire before me. You are also a Wonderbolt Academy Washout and a Royal Guard Captian; not to mention you’re the only pony in the world that has managed to somehow live with Spitfire—”

“I’d be the one to judge that,” Rapid interjected walking over to the table with a smerk.

“As I was saying,” Soarin’ continued, giving Rapidfire a solid smack across the back of the head. “I’m curious, Orion, what caused you to leave the bolts and pursue being a guard?”

“Why wouldn’t a pony want to be a Royal Guard?” Orion asked.

“Antipathy towards the military nature of the organization, no interest in repetitive formation flying, stage fright, or hay, maybe they just don’t like the uniform,” Rapidfire answered, his tone making it obvious that he was annoyed at being left out of the conversation.

Orion folded his forelegs across his chest as he considered the question. "Well...after the 2001 Class was dismissed early, they had told us we could re-apply the following year. It's not that I didn't like being in the Bolt's because I did like it, but during the whole year and the things that happened in it. I realized that I wanted to do more than just be in a military organization, I wanted to protect ponies." Orion said "So I politely rejected the offer and decided to sign up for the guard instead"

Soarin’ gave Orion a warm smile. “That’s a good attitude to have, Orion.”

“Thanks!” Orion said with a grin "I'm glad I could be here with you all though, you are all very fun to hang out with" He said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Hay no sweat Orion, we are just glad to meet a friend of Spitfire's who isn't a pie hoarder" Thunderlane said grinning at Soarin'.

“Well, that’s your problem,” Soarin’ said with a nod "I just like pie"

“Yea you like it way too much.”

“I swear to Celestia, you two should just rut and get it over with,” Spitfire interrupted with a snicker.

Both stallions glared at Spitfire, who simply offered them her most innocuous smile in return.

“You are sick in the head, Spits,” Thunderlane said after a moment of silence.

“It’s a dirty job, but somepony’s gotta do it,” Spitfire retorted with a nod.

The off-hoof comment sent Orion, who was only just listening now, into another burst of uncontrolled laughter. Orion held out his hoof, which Spitfire was all too happy to bump.

The rest of the group continued to talk happily before the door to the room slammed open, and walking in was Wave Chill...and Yellowjacket. Spitfire huffing as she nudged Orion to look. Everypony in the room then went quiet, and the music was cut.

"Well well well" Yellowjacket said "I was hoping that Wave Chill was lying when he said there was a gathering at the Headquarters, but it seems I was mistaken."

"Yellowjacket we-" Rapidfire spoke up before getting cut off

"No excuses!" He yelled, stomping his hoof "I specifically told you all that you needed to train for the upcoming shows and that you would only get one day for holiday. That does not mean you lie about training to throw a secret party!"

Spitfire huffed as she got up and approached him. "Yellowjacket... let's just go talk in my office yea? There's no need to reprimand everypony now" She said.

Yellowjacket stared at her for a few seconds before scoffing "Fine... let's go" he said, then looking to the others in the room "But this isn't over!" He shouted as Spitfire would lead him back to his office.

Spitfire's Office

There was something Spitfire found more than a little creepy about being the only pony in a building. The cold air, dim lighting then again, the lingering potpourri of mildew and sweat didn’t help much either. Spitfire shook her head free of those thoughts as the door creaked open. Her and Yellowjacket trotted into the room his face was expressionless, a trait Spitfire had long ago learned was a red flag, but she hoped that her plan would work.

Yellowjacket began waving a hoof to the chair as he took a seat in her desk, “Please, sit down.”

Spitfire did as she was requested, though it gave the most peculiar feeling that she was a filly again. A filly about to get scolded by her parents for doing something very, very, stupid. Spitfire wondered if it was too late to run for the hills.

“So,” Yellowjacket began, “You want to explain to me what this is all about?”

Spitfire wilted under Yellowjackets unyielding glare. He was one of a very small number of ponies that actually intimidated her.

“You are a Wonderbolt and a Captain of the Royal Air Force,” Yellowjacket reprimanded her. “Use your words!”

“Fine” she managed to whisper.

“Speak up, Captain!” Yellowjacket said, his hoof stomping hard against the cement floor.

“Sir, Yes, sir!” Spitfire answered, her voice echoing off the cold walls

"Good! Then tell me what all this bullshit is!" He said slamming his hoof on the table "I gave you direct orders not to have any parties here and to also be training the entire holiday!"

"We just wanted to have some fun and relax! We have been doing nothing but training for those Timed Flight Exsames you gave us, and now we are expected to train even more for a show that's a month away?" She yelled,

"Do you forget the position you are in?" He asked "You pull this shit knowing that I have the information about you and Zipper Flash's past relationship...and as I told you in the letter if it reached out to the public what you did, then the entire bolts are ruined"

"And you will be out of funds for your campaign right?" She retorted.

"Oh please, I have plenty of money" He said "You all on the other hand will lose a significant amount once you're all unemployed"

"That won't happen." She sid firmly "I wont let it"

"Then be smart and follow my orders Spitfire" Yellowjacket said "For far too long I have been dealing with your rebellious nature...I would think that what happened with Rainbow Dash would have given you the idea I mean business"

"The only thing you showed me is that you play dirty." She said "And I wont let you get away with it"

"Oh and how are you going to stop me? Im a council pony! I have thousands of ponies working for me to do things not even the Princess's know about!"

"One day you will slip up Yellowjacket...and when that day comes I will be there to watch it all come down ontop of you" Spitfire said with a glare.

"Trust me...that day isn't going to happen for a long time" He said glaring back "Now Its basically too late to make you take back everything from the party...but seeing the current circumstances I think I know just the thing to do" He said.

"That being?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow

“You are going to quit” Yellowjacket said.

“Quit?!” Spitfire balked.

“Did I stutter, Captain?” Yellowjacket asked, shooting Spitfire a glare. “You quit the bolts before the new year, end this dalliance immediately until you have regained your perspective.”

“My perspective is fine,” Spitfire argued, her hackles rising from the order.

“Really?” Yellowjacket asked, sarcasm lacing his tone. “Then please tell me, Spitfire, exactly how do you see this turning out?”

Spitfire faltered, “I… I don’t know…”

“Exactly, you don’t. But I do, Spitfire. I know exactly how this will play out. You will all party and relax and then when the show comes, you all will not have enough energy or practice to do well, and the public will notice, which will then cause our sales to drop!" Yellowjacket said firmly.

"Ok and?" Spitfire said "We don't have to be perfect Yellowjacket"

He sighed and shook his head in disappointment. “And just how do you think that will look, hm? Not even to the press, but to the rest of the Wonderbolts. Celestia knows Rapidfire had a hay of a time after he joined being your sibling.” he said "Everything about the Wonderbolts can mean big news, even if it doesn't seem like it!"

“How do you figure that?” Spitfire snapped, immediately regretting her tone.

“Spitfire, sometimes you amaze me with your naiveté,” Yellowjacket commented with a sigh, rubbing his forehead with a hoof.

“It’s a gift,” Spitfire said sarcastically.

"You listen to me and you listen well. You will file the paperwork to resign from the Captian position, and then you will give it to Soarin' am I clear?" He said through gritting his teeth.

"And if I don't?" She said.

"I will see to it that you are forced to quit." He said threateningly "By any means necessary."

“Fine...I understand,” Spitfire acknowledged through gritting teeth.

“Good,” Yellowjacket said with a nod, "After that you’re free to enjoy your Hearthswarming however you wish.”

Spitfire answered with a reluctant salute, before Yellowjacket got up and trotted out the door. Spitfire waited over a minute before a snarl overtook her face and she punched the cabinet locker with all her might. The hard strike of her hoof against the unyielding metal echoed off the walls.

"That fucking dickwad!" She yelled, Spitfire then sat down and closed her eyes. She forced herself to take deep, calming breaths for several minutes. Once she was confident that she wouldn’t kill the first pony she saw she left the room to return to the party. Spitfire bit down on her lip in frustration as she entered it, her forehead pressing against the cool metal door. She took a deep breath and waited a moment before she pushed her way in.

"Spitfire" Orion said walking up to her with Soarin', Thunderlane, and Rapid.

"Well? Did we get what we needed?" Soarin' asked.

"Yea...we got it...and more some" She said agrassivly.

"What happened..." Thunderlane constantly asked.

"He's asking for my resignation...and the bastard threatened if I didn't do it willingly he'd make me" Spitfire said.

"Your fucking serious?!" Rapidfire yelled.

"We got that bastard on tape saying it all, it's ok" Orion said looking at the group. "Once we get this to the Princess's he will be over. His reputation will be ruined."

"Somehow I highly doubt that" Thunderlane said "But I'm glad you're optimistic."

"How about we just enjoy the rest of the Party...then we can get back to our homes and relax" Orion said.

"Yea...probably a good idea" Spitfire said rubbing her head "Lets make this day last."

Spitfire's House, 2 Hours Later

Spitfire and Orion would walk back through the door to her house, both with a smile on their face as they were giggling. "Ok and then I look to Ranks and I tell him. 'Bud I know you can't read, you're holding the book upside down' and then he looked at me so confused and said 'Oh...buck me sideways' which is when Blue came in and said 'Name a time and Place!'"

Spitfire cackled as she tried to catch her breath "Oh my goddess, he's so gay!"

"I swear, that stallion would fuck the first stallion who walks into the room" He chuckled "But when he isn't being a giant horndog, Blue is a really good friend. I think you'd like him."

"Hay, maybe we can meet him someday together. After all you met my team, only right I meet yours."

"I'm sure someday I could try and pull it off" Orion said smiling.

"Heh...you know you really are a great guy Orion" Spitfire said "I honestly have been enjoying the time we have been spending together."

"Same here Spit. Its been great...reminds me of all those years ago" Orion said, remembering fondly of the old times the two had together.

"So uh...have you perchance heard anything back from the bank about your place?" She asked.

Orion sighed softly "No...I'm honestly worried. Im hope its just because its the holidays"

Spitfire rubbed Orion's back with a wing softly for comfort "Hay I'm sure things will work out.."

"I hope your right.." Orion said, smiling softly at the mare. "Hay...could I ask a dumb question?"

"Sure what's up?" Spitfire said, walking over to her chair and flopping down on it.

"Would you uh...ever wanna go out?" He asked, blushing softly.

Spitfire paused, blushing. "L-like...on a date?"

"K-kinda? But...more just...as good friends" Orion said, rubbing his neck. "I was thinking maybe...tomorrow?"

Spitfire stared at him for a few moments before nodding softly "Yea...yea Id like that"

Orion smiled at her, opening his mouth to say something before the door swung open and Rapidfire barged in "We have a problem" he said, a brown bag wrapped around him

“Hey,” Spitfire moved to her brother's view, “Rapid. What’s the problem?”

Reaching into the bag he pulled out a rolled-up paper which she tossed onto the coffee table. Spitfire’s anger flared from the paper. It was the newest addition of Cloudsdale Times. Her concern however, was momentarily forgotten as she got a good look at the cover photograph.

The cover was a full-page picture of Soarin’ and Thunderlane. Both stallions were facing away from the photographer and appeared to be in conversation. Soarin’s wing was draped lightly over Thunderlane’s back. The headline in bold white letters read ‘LOVE IN THE SKIES?’. A supplementary line under the title read: ‘After years of speculation, are the rumors about Soarin’ finally confirmed?’.

Spitfire’s eyes drifted to the bottom of the page where a second photograph was set. The picture focused on Thunderlane, the familiar blue and gold Wonderbolt uniform in his hoof. The caption for that photograph read ‘Thunderlane turns in his uniform to be with Soarin’?’.

It was too much, and as much as Spitfire tried to quell the oncoming outburst, she was but a feather before the might of a hurricane. She tried to hold her breath, she tried to bite her tongue, none of it helped as she fell over in hysterical laughter. Orion was having similar problems, as she guffawed loudly from the floor.

Rapid did his best to be the adult in the room, though even his concerns had difficulty seeming relevant given the contagious laughter from Spitfire and Orion.

“Guys,” he said as she fought off his own giggles, “come on, it’s not funny. This is—pfft—this is a s-serious problem.”

“T-this is great!” Spitfire managed to exclaim, tears running down her cheeks as she laughed herself senselessly.

Orion bit down on her foreleg to mute her own laughter.

“C-come on Spitfire,” Rapid insisted,slowly regaining his composure. “We gotta do something about this before the story gets away from us.”

“Oh wow, oh my sides!” Spitfire coughed as she gasped for breath, oblivious to Rapid’s insistence.

In desperation, Rapid turned to Orion for help. Unfortunately for him, Orion was too busy trying to contain his own laughter to be of any use. With an aggravated sigh, he sat down and shook her head, waiting for at least one of the two ponies to calm down.

After a few minutes, Spitfire and Orion managed to get back to their hooves. Wiping the tear streaks from their eyes, they both seemed to refocus on Rapidfire, albeit with occasional bouts of chuckling.

“What are we do about this?” Rapid asked.

“Frame it and hang it in the locker room?” Spitfire asked.

“No... okay, that would actually be pretty funny,” Rapid admitted after a moment’s thought, “but seriously, what do we do about this?”

“I think we can probably just ignore it. I mean, it’s a bunch of nonsense anyway.” Spitfire said.

“Yeah, but the photographs are gonna make it a lot harder, at least on Thunderlane for a while. I don’t know how Soarin' will go with something like this.”

“I’ll talk to him about it,” Spitfire said with a sigh. "But when did this drop?"

"Dropped a few hours ago, seemed it was a breaking news headline" Rapid said.

"Yellowjacket..." Orion said grimly "He's sending a message...to show he wasn't joking around back at the base."

"Fucking Fantastic" Spitfire said huffing "So what do we do? If he was able to get this out today what else could he do?"

"...I think we need to hold off on the tape" Rapid said "Or at least hold off on giving it to the Princess's."

"Why? Wouldn't it just stop him?" Spitfire asked.

"It could...or it would make him even more desperate and make him do something drastic" Orion said "Rapid is right"

"So what do we do then?" Spitfire asked.

"We try to stop Yellowjacket from spreading any more news..." Orion said "I can send my guard to raid one of the wearhouse's that Yellowjacket keeps his blackmail info in. We force him into a situation where he has to lay low, and then during that we go to the Princess's, lock him into check."

"I like it" Rapid said, looking to Spitfire who also nodded in agreement.

"Alright then..." Orion said nodding "Let's head to sleep then...we have a lot to prepare for."