The Bonds of Love and Fire

by Whooves235

First published

Fame and glory, these things are all Spitfire has ever needed she was the Captain of the Wonderbolts. However with the Wonderbolts putting in new requirements and the appearance of an old friend. how will it affect her career as a Wonderbolt?

Featured: 10/25/2023

Fame and glory, these things are all Spitfire has ever needed. She had her Wonderbolts, some close friends, and the adoration of millions. For her, she needed almost nothing. However over time, The Wonderbolts have changed and so has Equestria as a whole, and certain requirements are needed in order to not only join, but also continue to stay. With these requirements, Spitfire is met with challenges from all over, and she begins to wonder if her life as the Captain of the Wonderbolts is coming to an end. However she soon meets up with an old friend from her days in the academy Orion.

After this, Spitfire learns a bit about Orion and his own home life, and it starts to make her question. Does she consider him more than a friend? With these revelations, what will change? and more importantly, how will it affect her career as a Wonderbolt?

Chapter 1: Old Friends Reunited

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Wonderbolt's Base

The wind rushed past her ears, her mane whipped behind her like a flame in the middle of a huge fire. Spitfire narrowed her eyes and went into a quick roll through the last cloud ring, then made a hard bank down and to the right, shooting toward the finish line. A small light blue, and dark blue dot stood on the cloudbase. The light blue, and dark blue dot grew as she drew closer and closer to the finish line, taking on a more defined shape. Spikey blue mane, and a deep blue sports jacket worn proudly. Soarin held one hoof out in front, glancing from Spitfire to something in hoof and back again.

The whistling in her ears, the rapidly approaching clouds, the adrenaline pumping through her as she pushed her body to the absolute limit to her target. Spitfire gave a tight-lipped smile, a trick she had taught herself to avoid catching bugs. She would then flare her wings just in time to swoop over the cloud and cross the finish line.

"Time!” she heard Soarin yell as she went streaking by.

Her hooves touched down on the cloud surface. Her lungs burned, aching for breath. Spitfire would take her flight goggles from her face and let them hang limply around her neck as she gasped for air. Somehow, the sleek, form-fitting flight suit, seemed to almost compress her insides. But she’d be bucked in the head if it didn’t feel good. Pushing herself, fighting to get that extra burst of speed. The soft thudding of hooves on cloud made her ears prick up. Glancing out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Soarin dangling a water bottle near her shoulder.

“Nice job boss” He said smoothly. “You almost have your old record beat.”

"Stop the flattery Clipper and just say it blunt" Spitfire said as she walked over to a cooler, taking out a bottle of water and opening it, immediately drinking it.

Soarin would sigh and take out his stopwatch, showing it to hot-headed mare "You just barely made it by ten seconds.."

"Ten seconds?!" Spitfire said "Ugh...buck me sideways.."

"Hey look, it's not that bad right? you still made the goal" Soarin said reassuring her "Besides, you and I both know that Command would not even think about letting you go."

"Soarin it's not about what command thinks, it's what I think" She would say "Ever since they added this 'Time Trial' segment to their requirements it's been a pain in the flank for us. Both of us are lucky that we were even able to make it, just by the bare of our fur."

"But we made it! That's good!" Soarin said "Both of us can still keep our positions in the bolts, so we are set!"

Spitfire would sigh as she took another sip of her water, then she put it back into the cooler "Yah your right...I just—I wanted to prove to myself that I did not need a damn Time Trial to prove I'm a good bolt, and ten seconds? it's just...cutting it closer than I thought."

"Hay, both me and you know for a fact that you are one of the fastest bolts here. Yeah ten seconds is cutting it a bit close, but that should not really matter. We have been Bolts for a long time now, and we have proved ourselves more than once. If command thinks that because we did not make the time trial, we are not as good as we used to be? then they can shove it."

"Thanks Clipper" Spitfire would say, an exhausted smile coming from her face.

As she dried her mane, Spitfire trotted out of the shower. The warm water worked wonders to chase away the tired, aching feeling in her muscles and wash away all the sweat. She would then grab a towel and dry herself off, making sure her mane and tail were thoroughly dry. She then shook out her mane and spared a cursory glance at her reflection in the mirror to check her style; Still spiked up as usual, and her mane was all dry.

"Checking yourself out again Captain?" Fleetfoot said as she walked into the building, looked like she had just arrived too.

"Pff no, just making sure I dried off completely that's all" She would say as she closed her locker "What's up Flatfoot?"

"Well, besides the sky, Soarin wanted me to tell you the recruits are coming and we need to be prepared for the next batch of bolts" Fleetfoot said "He would have told you himself, but he had other matters to attend too."

"Are those other matters by any chance a young black stallion with a white mane?" Spitfire said, which then got a chuckle out of Fleetfoot, which then caused Spitfire to laugh as well "Seriously, those two better admit their feelings to each other by now, or Celestia help me I'm locking them in a room together."

"Oh you're evil" Fleetfoot chuckled as she took out her flight suit. "Besides, the two of them tease each other enough already, it's bound to happen at some point."

"So...Recruitment is already here? Damn, I thought that was not for another three weeks..."

"Command is pushing it up this year, they said they want to try out a new touring schedule. So earlier recruitments are necessary" Fleetfoot said "Nothing to major right?"

"Yeah you have a point" Spitfire said "I'm just hoping to not have too many recruits this time around, last year was a hoof-full."

"I know! last year was crazy!" Fleetfoot said "I swear I thought I almost saw Crash fall asleep in the air with the amount of practice she had to do" Fleetfoot said, as she would finish putting her uniform out "So any plans for tonight? Thunderlane and Soarin were thinking about doing a Bolt's Dinner today if you wanna join? Crash is gonna be there too" she said.

"That's not a bad idea! Count me in, just make sure someone watches what Clipper eats, don't need him giving us a bill of 1,000 Bits for every pie he wants" Spitfire said chuckling "Ill make sure to tell Rapidfire to join, that is if I can get him off his ass."

"Oh please, Rapid would not miss out a chance to get on your nerve" Fleetfoot said chuckling

"Oh don't worry, I'll make sure my Brother stays in check this time. If he does not then I'm gonna become a single child" Spitfire said laughing, which was soon joined by Fleetfoot.

"Well then I'll see you later tonight Captain" Fleetfoot would say as she left the locker room. Spitfire would then go into her locker again and take out a couple more things before leaving the room. She would continue to walk until she reached her office, opening the door she would walk in and go to her desk, once there she would open a drawer and pull out some papers, laying them out on her desk for tomorrow.

Most of the paperwork was miscellaneous, ranging from purchase orders on the team checkbook, to tour spots and requests from upper management. "Oh the duties of a Captian" Spitfire would say to herself as she went to grab her personal bag above the filing cabinet. As she did so, her bag would fall onto the ground spilling some of her things.

"Celestia bucking damn it.." She said, as she went to pick up her stuff, most of it being personal belongings like her wallet, sunglasses, and whistle. Then she came across an old photo, she tilted her head sideways a bit as she flipped the photo. It was quite the old photo judging how yellow it was. It contained five ponies in Wonderbolt Training Uniforms, She recognized herself obviously, then there was Surprise, she had changed a lot since then. She also recognized a mare who bore a striking resemblance to Rainbow Dash she remembered her as Prism, But her memory was a bit foggy on her. Lastly she came across a white stallion with a mane and tail consisting of blue, light blue, cyan, and light green. She remembered him as Orion, she smiled and put the photo back into her bag.

It had been almost 29 years since that photo was taken, so much had happened since then, it was hard to imagine that she and Surprise were all that was left of The 2001 Graduation Year, well...Graduation and Re-Take, the Year of 2002 was when Spitfire met the rest of the bolts along with Fleetfoot, Blaze, Misty, Wave Chill, and everypony else she had gotten to know. She always did wonder what happened to the other two ponies, as she never saw them after that.

After collecting her things she walked out the door of her office, closing and locking it behind her before she made her way out of the building. It was only 3:00 in the afternoon so she had a bit longer to relax before she had to go and meet the rest of the bolts. So with the trot of her hoofsteps and the flapping of her wings, she made her way to Downtown Cloudsdale for some personal fun.

Downtown Cloudsdale

Cloudsdale was one of the third largest cities in Equestria, and rightfully so. It was just as busy as ever, with Cloud Taxis running amok. Ponies walking around shopping, going to work, and living their lives. Spitfire was used to this, having grown up in the higher class of the Clouds. So going shopping and all of that stuff was relatively boring for her, she had enough of that stuff at home when she was younger to know that. So the pegasus spent most of her time doing more practical things ideally going to see sports shows and going to plenty of restaurants. However Spitfire also had one guilty pleasure she liked that not many ponies knew about.

Spitfire would make her way over to the park area, where the tallest mountain would peek out of the clouds, allowing trees and vegetation to reach the top. There in the center was a public gazebo and inside that gazebo were a few pegasi who were playing some music. Spitfire quietly sat on the bench in the park, far enough from the actual gazebo for anyone to know she was there to listen to the music coming from it.

She quietly leaned into the bench and relaxed while the music played in the background. Spitfire was always a fan of music, most ponies would not know this however say for Soarin and her Brother. They were mainly the only ponies who she trusted enough with her secret hobby. She just never felt comfortable with the other bolts knowing their strong, loud, and commanding captain was into sappy soft music. She chuckled a bit to herself "I sound like Rainbow Dash talking about Daring Doo" she said to herself.

Looking around the park she could see plenty of other ponies just enjoying their life, going about it as if there was nothing going on. However she then noticed something, looking near a concession stand she saw a pony who looked familiar, slowly getting up and getting a better look at the pony she could make out his cutie mark, a Lightning bolt and a Music note. His mane and tail then caught her eye as she remembered the old photo in her bag. Taking it out for a split second she looked at it, then back to the pony.

"Orion?" Spitfire asked, getting close enough for the pony to hear her.

The pony would turn around upon hearing the name, looking to Spitfire. His eyes grew wide as he realized who it was. "Spitfire?"

The two looked at each other for a couple of moments before smiling and going up to each other, giving a hug. After a couple of seconds they let go and laughed a bit. "My god it's been so long Spitfire! How are you?" Orion asked.

“Im good!” Spitfire said "What about you? What brings you to Cloudsdale after all these years?"

"Oh It’s a long story” Orion admitted with a chuckle. “Mind if I join you?”

“Of course not!” Spitfire said smiling; this alone was almost enough to make the day better! She enthusiastically waved a hoof for Orion to follow her to the empty seat on the bench beside her.

Orion gladly followed her, following her over to the bench and sitting down next to her.

“So,” Spitfire started, attempting to start the conversation back up “What brings you to Cloudsdale?”

"Well, my parents recently moved from Cloudsdale to live in Seaward Shoals, and they ended up needing to sell my childhood home in order to get the Bits. I got into a bit of an uh...disagreement with them, and I'm currently trying to buy the house back" Orion said "I had plans to actually purchase the house myself from them, but things went sideways"

“That stinks,” Spitfire winced. "I remember when our parents sold our home to move to a better area closer to the downtown area. My brother and I were not happy, so I understand where your coming from."

"Yeah, hopefully I can convince Cloudsdale Bank to let me buy it back before it's sold" Orion said "Until then I'm staying in a hotel here, It’s gonna be at least a month till the bank can decide if they're gonna foreclosure it or not” he admitted.

"I'm sorry to hear, but hay...I bet things will be good for ya" Spitfire said smiling a bit

"Thanks" Orion said smiling he had to admit; the mare was cute when she was being nice. ‘Whoa there, brain,’ he warned himself. ‘Let's keep out of the gutter, she probably doesn’t even like me that way.’

"Hay no problem" Spitfire said, leaning back a bit in her seat.

"So what about you? What's up with The Captian of The Wonderbolt's lately" Orion said chuckling a bit "Seriously, when I found out Hurricane gave you the position I almost fell out of my chair."

Spitfire laughed a bit "I would have loved to see that" She said "As for what I'm doing? Not much really this is the time we take to schedule our next batch of shows and fulfill our commercial obligations. But recruitment does also start up in a few days so we are going to probably be flooded in both paperwork and tryouts" As much as she loved her job and the fans around it, she absolutely hated the press side of it. “Guess that's just part of the job eh?” she said with a chuckle.

"Damn, that's going to be a lot of work" Orion said, straightening himself up a bit "I can't believe you are able to do this every year, if I were in your shoes I would have gone crazy!"

Spitfire would laugh again "Trust me, a few times I did go crazy. Soarin and the others were this close to strapping me to a chair" After finishing that sentence, Spitfire would look to the small road clocks and notice the time "Anyways, I should probably get going. I have a bolt meeting to attend too."

"Oh cool, what are you guys doing? Maneuver practices? Arial combat training" Orion asked.

"Nah, we are just having our annual Bolt's Dinner. We usually have one every time we finish doing performances. So its kinda tradition."

"Oh that's cool!" Orion said smiling, as he too would get up "Well I hope you have fun. Hopefully we can see each other again at some point?"

"Oh absolutely, I bet Surprise would wanna catch up too" Spitfire said smirking coyly

"Nooooo thank you" Orion laughed "I don't think I could handle her randomness even after all these years."

"Actually she has changed a lot since you last saw her. Even changed her mane so it's all spiky and stuff. I barely recognized her when I saw her again."

"Well then make sure to tell her I said hi then alright?" Orion said

"Will do" Spitfire said as she began to walk out, before turning around "Hay uh...if you wanna see each other again do you maybe wanna meet up again for like...a coffee or something?" Spitfire asked.

Orion looked at her for a moment before smiling a bit "Sure, I'll meet you at the local Ponybucks at Cirius Avenue at 1:00 pm tomorrow, and we can grab something."

"Alright! see you tomorrow!" Spitfire said as she went into the city’s bustling commercial district.

Wing’s Diner - Cloudsdale

"Alright alright alright, here's one. A Skellapony walks into the bar, he orders a beer and a mop" Rapidfire said "Why does he need the mop?" He would tell the table. Most if not all the Wonderbolts were at the table, Soarin and Thunderlane were on the right side of the table, while Fleetfoot, Surprise, and Rainbow Dash were sitting on the left. Rapid was sitting close to Soarin and a seat beside him was empty for Spitfire.

"Is it to clean up the awful joke?" Soarin said, chuckling to himself.

"Hay it's not bad! I'll have you know that this joke makes all of the fans laugh their flanks off!" Rapid said.

"Yah, probably because they're laughing at how stupid the joke is" Rainbow said, chuckling to herself.

"Alright then Id like to see if any of you could do better" Rapid said, crossing his hoofs.

"Alright here's one. A terrible drill Sargent would never stop yelling...blank" Soarin said.

"Oh it's one of those fill-in-the-sentence jokes" Thunderlane said "Uhhh....Ooo I got it 'A terrible drill Sargent would never stop yelling in Germane' there's your joke" Thunderlane said chuckling.

"Pfff that's weak" Rapid said.

"Alright how about...'A terrible drill Sargent would never stop yelling fuck me' how's that?" Rainbow said.

"No no wait, how about 'A terrible drill Sargent would never stop yelling I pissed myself' huh?" Fleetfoot said.

Soarin would chuckle a bit "Ok that's better..." Soarin said "Alright again the sentence is A terrible drill Sargent would never stop yelling..."

"Daddy~" Surprise said, which then got the entire table to burst out laughing, Fleetfoot and Soarin both wheezing as they laughed.

"Oh my Celestia wait!" Rainbow said as she then messed with her mane a bit and made it look all spiky like Spitfire and Surprise's mane "Drop and give me 20 Daddy!" Everypony would continue to laugh until Spitfire came through the door, some of them going quiet but failing to actually tell Rainbow that she was now in the building. The mare still having her mane looking like Spitfire's.

"Daddy! I want you to give me 10 laps!" She said, putting her hoofs to her side in the form of triangles as She, Rapid, and Soarin continued to laugh.

Spitfire would be standing behind Rainbow as she cleared her throat. Which caused the mare to freeze in place and turn around to look at Spitfire "You done yet?"

"Y-yes mam" Rainbow said.

"Good...because I want you to now go and give me 50 laps...." Spitfire said before smerking "Daddy~" She said seductively.

"I-" Rainbow would freeze with a massive blush on her face as the entire table burst into an uncontrollable laughter

“Might wanna fold your wings to Crash; other ponies might talk,” Spitfire said with a playful wink. Which only caused the table to burst into a burst of bigger laughter. it was almost worth seeing Rainbow’s cyan cheeks turn almost as red as the streak in her hair while she frantically got her body language under control. The mare would then sit down in her saved spot “Ok kids,” Spitfire spoke up "Did we think of an order yet or were you all just making small talk until I came?"

"Nah, we ordered a couple baskets of Hay Fries while we waited" Rapid said "We were gonna wait until you came to order the actual food."

"How thoughtful Rapid, I could almost take it as flattery" Spitfire said.

"Don't push your luck" He would say nudging her in the shoulder.

Spitfire would chuckle as she looked to Rainbow "Hay thanks again for coming out today, we all really missed you at practice"

"No sweat cap, I wouldn't miss a bolt dinner for the world" Rainbow said smiling "Besides Im coming back tomorrow anyway, so might as well spend today hanging out with you guys right?"

"Hay you said it Rainbow" Soarin said

"By the way, were you Spitfire? We arrived here expecting you to already be here. You're not usually this late" Surprise said.

"Actually it's funny you mention that, you won't guess who I ran into" Spitfire said.

"Was it another fan-boy trying to steal your bag?" Fleetfoot commented.

"No" Spitfire said, giving Fleet a look which was basically playfully "I ran into Orion."

"Shut the front door really?!" Surprise said, almost bursting out of her seat.

"I know right! I never thought I would see him again" Spitfire said "I ran into him while I was making my way over here and we had a bit of a conversation."

"Sorry uh...who's Orion?" Fleetfoot asked.

"He was a cadet with me and Spitfire back when we were in the academy" Surprise spoke up "He did not make the cut, but he was a really nice guy" Surprise said, looking over to Spitfire with a smirk "I remember somepony even had a small boy crush on him~."

"N-no I did not! Shut up Surprise" Spitfire said flushing slightly.

"You had a crush on somepony who was not me? I feel insulted" Soarin said, acting like he was shot in the heart by an arrow and limping over the booth.

"Oh shut it Clipper" Spitfire said "Its nothing like that, we were just close in the academy that's all."

"So what brings him in Cloudsdale?" Surprise asked.

"I don't think I should say, it sounded kinda personal."

"Ahh I get it" Surprise said "Still it's really awesome you got to see him again. I wonder how he is doing."

"From what he told me he is doing good" Spitfire said, grabbing a hay fry from the basket in the middle of the table "Said he is gonna be in Cloudsdale for a month or so."

"Oh sweet, maybe we will get to see him again?" Surprise asked.

"Maybe yah" She said, getting a bit quiet.

"Come on Spits...I can tell something is on your mind" Soarin said.

"Nothing on my mind Woo Bear, why don't you go back to looking at Thunderlane's flank huh?" Spitfire said smirking widely, which then got a flush out of both Soarin and Thunderlane, which in turn got the table to laugh again.

Soarin' mumbled something indistinguishable as he leaned into his seat. He then noticed Thunderlane, who was struggling not to burst out laughing.

“Don’t you do it…” he warned Thunderlane. The black stallion’s expression degraded the more he struggled not to laugh “Thunderlane, don’t you dare…” Soarin' warned again.

“Sure thing…” Thunderlane's voice cracked as a giggle nearly escaped him “…Woo Bear!” he cried as he burst out laughing. Soarin' pressed his hoof to his forehead and contemplated all the possible ways he could think of for revenge.

“I hate you…” he grumbled, “so much.”

“Love you too … Woo Bear” Thunderlane retorted, trying desperately to quell his laughter.

"Where did Woo Bear come from?" Rainbow asked, wiping the tears of joy away from her eyes

"Back in the academy, Soarin had a Stuffed Ursa-Minor he would sleep within his bunk, and one day we all found it. So we gave him the nickname Woo Bear!" Fleetfoot said, which in turn made the table laugh even more.

"I hate you all..." Soarin said.

Downtown Cloudsdale

"Alright we will see you all tomorrow for early training!" Spitfire yelled as she watched the rest of the bolts take off in separate directions. While she and Soarin would take an easy.

"Man the food there was great, we should go there more often." Soarin said.

"Pff, your only saying that because of the fact Thunderlane paid for a pie."

"I'm not!" Soarin said, giving Spitfire a nudge. The two of them would continue to walk for a mile or so, Soarin would notice that Spitfire was looking down a bit "You alright?"

"Yah I'm fine..just...thinking.."

"What are you thinking about?" He would ask.

"Just...ok promise not to tell Rapid or Thunderlane, those two are blabbermouths."

"Alright got it" Soarin said "So what's up?"

"Ok know how I said I saw Orion right?"

"Yeah, you said he and you had a cool conversation why?" Soarin said "Did he say something?" He would raise an eyebrow.

"No no nothing like that" Spitfire said "He told me he is staying in a hotel because his parents sold his house."

"Yikes...that's unfortunate" Soarin said "So the guy does not have a home?"

"Well...I never really asked but...from the sound of things I don't think so" Spitfire said stopping to face Soarin "I just...have this feeling I should have said something that's all."

" you have any plans on seeing him again?" Soarin asked.

"We made plans to get coffee tomorrow yah" Spitfire said.

"Well then tomorrow, ask him about his living situation. If you think you need to take action? ask him to stay with you" Soarin said.

"I.." Spitfire flushed a bit "Yah I guess that could work."

"Alright then" Soarin said as he got into the air "Ill see you tomorrow then" Soarin would say, then he would get a bit further before shouting "And have fun on your date!!"

Spitfire blushed a bit before turning around to yell something before Soarin vanished into the sky. She looked down a bit and thought to herself "It's...just a hangout...there's nothing romantic going on at all.." She said to herself "Right?"

Chapter 2: Two Captains one Coffee

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Spitfire's House - Cloudsdale

The sunshine from the morning day would shine through the window of the bedroom. Spitfire's eyes would slowly crack open as she rose from it, her mane was messy and unkempt as well as her wings too. She would slowly walk into the bathroom as she turned the water to the shower on. Letting the hot water pour onto her mane as she stood there, letting it soak in. She would then apply some of the mane conditioner and shampoo into her mane. As soon as that was done she turned the water off and dried herself off, walking to the mirror she would then preen herself, making sure all of her wing feathers were all nice and neat. After all of that was done she would walk out of the bathroom and towards the kitchen, where she would see Rapidfire sitting at the table.

“Good morning, Spits!” Rapid greeted cheerfully "Sleep well?"

“Ugh, not until I’ve had some bucking coffee” Spitfire groaned as she walked to the coffee machine, the remark earning an amused chuckle from Rapid.

"So I'm guessing that's a no then?" He would say chuckling a bit.

Spitfire took a sip from her coffee mug, she sighed a bit "I slept fine Rapid."

"Good, you need to be at your best today, command is sending someone to oversee preparations today."

Spitfire groaned a bit, throwing her head back "Please tell me this is just a dream and I'm still asleep" she would say, then Rapid would walk over, and poke Spitfire in the face.

"Nope...your really awake" He said grinning.

"Poke me again and you will end up in a body cast" She said, which only got him to smirk again and poke her in the cheek.

"Someone's a grumpy pony" Rapid said in a baby voice.

"I swear to Celestia Rapid one of these days I'm going to drop-kick you."

“You are totally proof that evil twins are real” he groused. Spitfire stuck her tongue out at him before chuckling softly.

" you know who command is sending over then?" Spitfire asked.

"Yeah...they're sending Yellowjacket" Rapid said, with a very unamused grunt.

Spitfire’s eyes went wide. It was rare that she found herself completely lacking words to describe the emotions she felt. Usually a string of creative curses would do, however even that solution seemed incapable of covering it. "Of bucking course they are...can this day get any worse?" Spitfire groaned in irritation "did you at least bring my saddlebag like I asked you to?” She asked, Rapid nodded and retrieved the bags from the corner he’d set them in.

"Why did you need me to bring them here again? You could have just grabbed it as soon as you got off from work" Rapid asked.

"If command is sending over Yellowjackass then he is going to give me some more damn paperwork to fill out" Spitfire said, as she grabbed the bag from Rapid "Since I'm going somewhere this afternoon I might as well bring the paperwork with me just in case I have time to kill."

"Where are you going?" Rapid asked, his eyebrow raised.

"I'm going to lunch with an old friend downtown" Spitfire said, putting her bag on.

"Sence when do you go on Lunches by yourself with another pony?" Rapid asked, soon a small grin forming on his face "Unless this is a date~" He teased.

"It's not a date!" Spitfire said aggressively, a small flush forming on her cheeks "It's just two friends catching up that's all! No alternative motives or feelings are in play Rapid."

"Riiight, so when are you and him gonna be living together then?" He joked, however Spitfire's flush would grow slightly and she would look down to the floor "Oh my god... you're going to ask him to live with you?!" He said, laughing.

"No it's not like that!!" She said, walking over to Rapid and then putting her hoof on his mouth to stop him from laughing "Listen Rapid. He just lost his house and he is staying in a hotel alone, he is an old friend from the academy and I feel bad about his situation, so I am letting him come to stay with me for a month, which is the amount of time it should take for him to get a place to live on his own got it?" She said, looking into her brother's eyes with focus and seriousness.

Rapid grabbed Spitfire's hoof and moved it away from his mouth with a stern look, he sighed and looked at her "Alright...I get it" He said, calming down his stern look fading into concern. “Spits, don’t...” He paused and sighed. “Don’t you think you might be taking this a bit, I don’t know, fast?”

Spitfire fidgeted uncomfortably, she looked her brother in the eye. “What do you mean?” She asked, not sure she wanted to hear the answer.

“Spits...” as he frowned. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt again.” Spitfire would start avoiding her brother’s gaze. Rapidfire felt his heart sink slightly. “Come on sis,” he pleaded softly, “talk to me, please?”

“What’s there to say?” She asked him "I'm just helping an old friend out, making sure he is not alone"

“Is it really that way the way to go?" Rapid said "Spitfire, you only just saw him again after almost twenty years, and now you want to ask him to stay here with you?"

"Well what am I supposed to do then?" Spitfire said firmly "Just let him stay by himself? Look” Spitfire started with a sigh, “I’m just seeing where things go, and whatever happens, happens.”

“Spits—” Rapid started, his words cut off by his sister’s hoof. Rapid’s posture sagged slightly.

“Rapid, I know you’re worried, but I need you to trust me.” She said.

Rapidfire sighed heavily "Alright, I trust you" he said, pressing his right hoof to his forehead as he squeezed his eyes shut. “You’re an idiot.” He stated flatly.

“Love you too, Rapid,” Spitfire replied, giving him a sidelong hug, which he returned after a moment’s hesitation.

“Come on,” Spitfire said as she turned to the door "We should get to practice, or else Yellowjackass is gonna be on our tail."

"Don't have to tell me twice" Rapid said taking off into the air, followed by Spitfire.

Wonderbolt's Base

The Wonderbolts flew around the obstacle course, Fleetfoot was leading with Rainbow Dash close on her tail. Somewhere far behind Tunderlane followed in third place. As they came on to their final lap, the two mares were now neck and neck. Fleetfoot glanced over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of the distance between her and Rainbow Dash. It wasn't as large as she'd hoped it would be. They finally came out at the last straight, at the end of the track, the two mares had completely exhausted themselves on the corners and so, were slowing down.

As they approached, both mares at the same speed, The two mares crossed the line at the same time. As they landed on the cloud surface they both collapsed, trying to regain the lost oxygen. A smug-looking blue stallion trotted over to them. He grinned at the mares laying on the ground. "Great job you two!" Soarin said. "It's a shame you both tired yourselves out on the last lap. You could have gone faster"

"Up...yours." Rainbow Dash panted, earning a chuckle from Soarin.

"Oh relax Crash, I'm just playing with you" Soarin said, flipping through his notebook "According to the timing, you got the third-best timing in the course."

"Nice job Crash" Fleetfoot said "Not bad for your first day back"

"Eh it was nothing, but next time I'm gonna beat your record Flatfoot" Rainbow said with a smug face, which got a chuckle out of the mare.

"Then I'll just have to work on getting faster" Fleetfoot said sticking his tongue out.

"If you two are done" Soarin said walking over "We should clean up, Yellowjacket is going to be coming soon."

"Ugh don't remind me" Rainbow said groaning "Yellowjacket is awful."

"As much as we don't like him Dash, he is the reason we did so well last season" Fleetfoot said.

"Yeah I know...but still, he is literally the worst" Rainbow said "You all know what he did..."

"I know Dash...but worst or not, he is still our superior" Soarin said "And because of this we need to show him the utmost respect. This means we need to make sure this base is cleaned and neet."

Rainbow would groan "Alright fine..." Rainbow said, The rest of the bolts would soon follow. Rainbow and Thunderlane slowly working on the inside of the building while Fleetfoot and Soarin would work on the cloud rings on the course around the HQ. After a couple of hours Spitfire and Rapidfire would quietly land at the Wonderbolt HQ, she noticed that many of the bolts were hard at work mainly cleaning the base.

“Morning, Spitfire!” greeted a happy, and yet understandably tired-looking Soarin as he walked over to the two ponies "You too Rapid"

"Morning Clipper" Spitfire said, she then turned to her brother "Hay Rapid why don't you get in uniform and help out Clipper and Flatfoot"

"Alright got it" Rapid said, walking towards the main HQ building.

"Glad to see you have everything situated Soarin. I was worried I was going to come back to a disorganized mess."

"Hay I'm not Second in Command of the Bolts for nothing Spits" Soarin grinned a bit, however that grin quickly faded into a serious face "You by any chance know why exactly command is sending over Yellowjacket?"

"Celestia if I should know. I only heard about it this morning. Probably something to do with our new touring schedule" Spitfire said "And if that's not it then I have no idea...we will just have to wait and see."

"The others are not thrilled about him coming you know" He said.

"Trust me, I'm not either. Whenever he comes it just means more paperwork for me, and harder things for everypony else" Spitfire said, she would sigh "I will be in my office if you need me. When Yellowjacket comes just come and tell me."

"Alright, got it." Soarin said as he took off to re-join Feetfoot with the cleanup.

Spitfire would open the door with the keys to the office, which she was holding in her mouth. She took a deep breath and took a look around her office. Compared to offices of businessponies, Spitfire’s was quite empty. There was only one locker containing four different drawers for all kinds of paperwork Spitfire had to do. Mainly consisting of Applicants, Forms, and expenses that the Bolts paid for on their tours. Her desk naturally also had a few drawers, but those were reserved for either personal things, such as sunglasses, or simple things like spare pens and sheets of paper. She used much of the free space she had in her office to decorate and give it some ‘Wonderbolt flair’ to it. Mainly with some posters and photographs.

The Wonderbolts were, in a way, all Spitfire really had. She never really showed or said it to the others besides Soarin or Rapidfire, but the bolts always felt like they were part of her family. Spitfire would put the keys she had in her mouth back in her jacket pocket, then walk towards her desk. She would then go over to every window and rolled up the blinds, finally letting in some light into her room. She also opened one of her four windows for the next couple of minutes, just to let in a breath of fresh air. Spitfire would then quickly put on her uniform and walk over to her desk. Sitting down in it and getting to work. She sighed at the sight of all the paperwork, but she knew moaning and crying about it wouldn’t get it done any sooner. She also knew the faster she got them done, the faster she could head out to her lunch with Orion.

She picked up the first sheet from the stack and took a look as the door opened once again. The mare would look up and see Soarin and Rainbow who looked rather exhausted from all the cleaning "Please tell me you have a good reason for coming in here this time" Spitfire said. The two ponies were infamous for coming into her office just to complain about small details. Or in Soarin's case the cafe did not serve enough pie after practice.

"It's Yellowjacket...he is here" Soarin said.

"Yeah...and he has company" Rainbow added on.

Spitfire would stare for a moment before sighing aggressively "Tell him and whomever he brought to come to my office. I will speak to them."

"Alright..." Soarin said "Come on Dash we should go and make sure we double-check the runway for any obstacles" He said as the two ponies left the room.

Spitfire would grab some of the paperwork she had pulled out and put it to the side of her desk in a neat little pile. She would then watch the door with her sunglasses on. Spitfire always considered herself someone who could respect anyone who proved themselves to be a hard worker. If you showed up to work, did your job correctly, and were able to prove to her and others you belong in the bolts? then she would have your respect. That could be further from the truth when talking about Yellowjacket. Ever since he arrived, he has been a bother and a nuisance to Spitfire and the rest of her team. Constantly coming in and demanding that things be done in an impossible amount of time. A lot of good bolts were let go because of that, and she truly did hate him for that.

Yellowjacket would slowly walk into the room carrying a rather large briefcase. The pony was orange-coated with a black and yellow mane. His eyes a lime green that almost made Spitfire gag every time she looked into them. Following the pony were two other stallions, dressed in sharply woven suits and ties, with dark Sunglasses that could rival Spitfire's own.

"Good morning Captain" Yellowjacket said "I take it you and your bolts got the memo about my visit?"

"Yes Yellowjacket we did. Most of my team is currently around the base making sure everything is kept up to code, just as you request we do every time you visit."

"Excellent! With all those minor things out of the way we can move onto the main topic" Yellowjacket said, as he grabbed some paperwork out of the briefcase. Placing it onto the desk "I have chosen a nice schedule for the Bolt's next season and I need you to sign your name on all of them, so they know you agree to the terms."

"I will get these done as soon as I can, then I will send someone to drop them off as soon as that happens" Spitfire said, glancing over some of the paperwork.

"Good, now next order of business pertains to the reason these two gentalstallions are with me today" Yellowjacket said taking out a sheet of paper "As you know, the Wonderbolts both present and future need to take a flight assessment test so they can make the team. You have yet to turn in the final results for some of your team members, as well as your own.."

"Yellowjacket, my team has been working their flanks off this past month. I just have not had the time to write them down" Spitfire said, slightly aggressive in tone "You will get the results soon."

"Soon is not good enough for me Captain. I expect the results to be handed to me by the end of the week, or I will personally hold them myself" Yellowjacket said "Make no mistake Spitfire I can and will use my authority on the council to hold those tests whether you like it or I suggest you do as I say before things get ugly.."

Spitfire held her tongue begrudgingly. She knew that there was no say in the matter that could change Yellowjacket's mind, so she sighed to herself "Alright fine, I will get you the results by the end of the week."

"And no later, or else..." Yellowjacket said "And to make sure you will keep your promise, I have hired these two stallions to oversee the Wonderbolt HQ until the week is over, they will be reporting to me everything that happens in this base."

"Are you serious? There's no way this is even allowed-"

"I have the necessary paperwork needed to prove it in the stack I handed to you Captain" Yellowjacket said, as he then stood up from his chair "I will collect the paperwork when I come for the Holiday Media Conference. I hope that you are on your best behavior until then."

"...Understood Sir..." Spitfire said, clenching her desk slightly as he watched him and the two other ponies leave the room.

2 Hours Later - Wonderbolt's HQ Cafe

The rest of the morning was spent mainly on paperwork and finalizing all of the bolts tour schedule details given to her. A grueling task that Spitfire personally hated, after that conversation with Yellowjacket she was less than happy. So it was a relief to the pegasus when she stepped out of her office and into the mess hall to convene with the rest of her team. She looked around and mainly saw most of the bolts eating.

"My wings feel like they're going to fall off..." Rainbow groaned as she laid her head down on the table.

"Ugh..tell me about it" Fleetfoot said walking over with her tray of food and sitting down "If I fly any more laps I think I'm going to drop out of the sky."

"You two are acting so dramatic" Soarin said "You don't see the rest of us making such a big deal."

Thunderlane would then lean into Soarin and groan "Oh Soar-... I don't think I can even're...gonna have to carry me to my place tonight~"

Soarin blushed as he just pushed Thunderlane away "You are such a tease" Soarin said, he then noticed Spitfire at the door "Oh hay Captian. Finished with the paperwork?"

"Yeah, just finished the last sheet." Spitfire said walking over to the four ponies "You guys finished with your training then?"

"Yup, did everything we needed too" Soarin said "Although it did not help that those ponies in black suits were watching us the entire time."

"Look I did what I could, but Yellowjacket backed me into a corner" Spitfire said "If I said no then things would have just gotten worse."

"It's ok Spits we know" Rapid said approaching the group "Besides as long as we stick together I doubt Yellowjacket can do anything to us right?"

"I don't know about that" Spitfire said sighing "I came to tell you all the bad news, Yellowjacket wants all of us to have our flight assessment test results turned in by the end of the week...I have a feeling if anyone is late he will cut them from the team."

"That's bullshit!" Rainbow spoke up slamming her hoof onto the table "We all made the bolts in our own way, and he expects us to basically retake our entrance exams?!"

"Rainbow there's nothing we can do, Yellowjacket has the power and authority to do all this. Whether we like it or not" Spitfire said, as she then looked to the rest of the bolts, who were also visibly upset as well "Look I know this sucks but we can do this, all we need to do is show Yellowjacket that we are still the best of the best. When he sees that all of us passed then he has absolutely nothing to give us shit on."

"Spitfires right, we can do this...we are the Wonderbolts for Celestia's sake" Soarin said, standing up next to Spitfire "Starting tomorrow we will train our flanks off, get faster than ever before, and before you know it those flight assessment tests will be a thing of the past."

Rainbow looked a bit more optimistic as she smiled "Alright, then what are we all standing around for? let's get back out there and train!" She said standing up, immediately the rest of the bolts did so as well as they all ran back out to the course and took to the skies as they began to train again, leaving Spitfire and Soarin in the room.

"You really think we can do this?" Soarin asked "I know most of the younger bolts will be able to make it but...Spitfire me and you are not as fast as we use to be..."

"Listen Soarin...whatever happens we will do it together, like we always have" Spitfire said smiling.

"Alright", you got it Captain" Soarin said.

"Now then, if you excuse me I need to head to Cloudsdale. I have a coffee and a friend to meet" Spitfire said walking out the door.

"Have fun on your date!~" Soarin teased.

"It's not a date!!" Spitfire yelled, her cheeks flushing red as she took off toward Cloudsdale.

Ponybucks Coffee - Cloudsdale

Orion softly hummed a song to himself as she trotted to a table outside the local Ponybuck's. A nice hot cup of cocoa was being prepared with his name on it, as well as another one for Spitfire. As he relaxed into the chair, he stared up to the skies. To the casual observer, it was a normal average day; however to Orion? It was comforting, he grew up in Cloudsdale and left it at a young age, only ever coming up for holidays and special occasions. So it was rather nice for him to be somewhere that was familiar to him.

A waitress would discreetly deliver the two cocoas. Orion would thank her politely but didn’t lift his gaze from the sky. The feeling he got from being up here was great, it was like all of his current troubles and stress was just nonexistent. Like he did not have to deal with a single thing. Soon his eyes would catch another thing in the sky, a bright yellow pegasus with a fire orange mane coming towards him. He smiled as she landed and walked up to him "Took you long enough slowpoke" Orion joked, as he smirked a bit.

Spitfire chuckled softly and sat down at the seat across from him, noticing he had already ordered her a coffee "Me? Slow? as if! I'm only 1 minute late."

Orion laughed a bit as he took a sip from his coffee "So then how was work?"

"Ehh...could have been better. Let's just say I have my work cut out for me" Spitfire said, slightly patting the saddlebag she had on her.

"Oh? What's in there? Top-secret Wonderbolt stuff?" Orion said smirking again.

"Nah, just some dumb paperwork about the next tours we have to do." Spitfire said "My boss wants me to get them done soon so I just brought some with me, figured it would be a good idea."

"Hay you know if you need to leave because your busy I won't mind, we can always reschedule."

"Orion don't worry, I have everything under control. I can multitask" Spitfire said taking out a couple of those sheets, and began the task of sifting through the dossiers. She quickly skimmed through it for any relevant or important information, but unsurprisingly there was nothing more than typical office politics and Yellowjacket's ridiculous pricing. She’d rather get the boring stuff done so she could properly have fun with Orion.

"Alright, just don't try to overwork yourself alright? I hate to see you stressed out" Orion said, taking a sip of his coffee, keeping eye contact with Spitfire.

"Don't worry, ill make sure to let you know if anything needs to be done" Spitfire would just softly smile to Orion, happy that he was considering of her feelings and was even willing to reschedule the lunch so she was not busy, but a promise is a promise after all "Anyways, enough about me. What I want to know is what have you been up to since we last saw each other."

Orion perked up a bit and smiled "Oh well, after the academy I wanted to try something a bit different. I differently wanted to stay in the atmosphere of a military setting. So I went to Canterlot and signed up to be a Royal Guard."

"Wait so you're a Royal Guardsman?" Spitfire said, slightly in awe.

Orion flushed a bit as he smiled, scratching the back of his head "Actually uh...I'm The Captian of the Royal Guards."

"Shut up! That's awesome Orion!" Spitfire said.

"Oh its nothing too big" Orion said, trying not to sound too modest "Honestly it's a well-paying job and everything, but its a lot of work."

"I could imagine, being a Royal Guard takes on a lot of responsibilities" Spitfire said "Its kinda like my job in a way, but your job is way more extreme than mine."

Orion laughed a bit "Yeah I guess you have a point, but the Wonderbolts can be extreme too! After all you have all those tours and stuff."

"Well its more than that but I guess" Spitfire said.

"Also the Wonderbolts are a part of the military too" Orion said "You are the air units and we are the ground."

"Well that's kinda right" Spitfire said "It's true that we get baseline funding from the military, but we also pull in additional revenue from commercial and private sponsorships. The reason we are thought more of as an Arial Team than the Equestrian Air Force, is because of how successful we are in our shows."

"Well yeah but, still you have to get a lot of benefits for being that successful right? It's one of the main reasons I tried to join all those years ago" Orion said.

"Things have kinda changed since then actually. Our success means that ticket revenues and sponsorships are the things we try to get the most. It’s great for the team, but it does make for some…problems.”

"What problems?" Orion asked "I only ever hear good things from the local newspapers in Canterlot."

"Well, it’s…how do I explain this?" Spitfire put her hoof to her chin for a moment "Right so, you know the Canterlot Nobels right?"

"Of course I do, it's my job sometimes to protect them while they travel around the city."

"Right, well the Canterlot Nobels are main influencers in the Canterlot Court" Spitfire explained "The court is divided into four sections; The Bolts, The Royal Guard, The Night Guard, and the leader of all three the Grand Judge."

"Right, and there are ponies who are selected to be in charge of all three units of Equestria's Military" Orion said "And Then Celestia herself personally picks who the Grand Judge will be until their term is over."

"Precisely" Spitfire said pointing to Orion "Now, the Canterlot Nobels can have a major influence in the voting system that happens every four years, whomever they support will usually get far more votes then others."

"Ohh I see" Orion said "So then what does this have to do with the bolt's benefits and revenues?"

"As I stated before, the success we make in the bolts means that ticket revenues and sponsorships are the things we try to get the most, and usually most of the money we get goes to the current pony who is in charge of the bolt unit in the canterlot court." Spitfire said "So depending on who is in charge of the bolts at that time, depends on if there are issues or not."

"Well, color me impressed, Spitfire" Orion smiled. "You know your job well, it's no wonder you're the Captian."

The compliment brought a flush of color to Spitfire’s cheeks. She smiled sheepishly and chuckled. "Thanks" she answered. "So then...what about you? Does the Captian of the Royal Guards have any politics and drama to deal with at his job?" Spitfire asked.

"Sadly no" Orion chuckled "Its more or less training and patrol with me, I'm not in castle detail so that means my services are only needed if I'm specifically asked for."

"Well call yourself lucky then" Spitfire said, as she looked down to the paperwork she had been filling out while they were talking. "So uh...I take it you live in Canterlot then?"

"Oh uh no actually" Orion said "Well not officially anyway, I more or less sleep and live at the guard barracks in Canterlot. When I'm not? I'm usually renting a hotel or staying with family."

"Why have you not bought a house then?" Spitfire asked "Surely the Royal Guard pays enough right?"

"Oh they absolutely do, don't get me wrong" Orion said "I just..." he slightly paused for a moment looking down for a moment, he then sighed a bit "I...don't like living on my own..."

Spitfire's ears slightly perked up "You don't?"

The stallion would shake his head "I prefer living in the guard barracks because most of my friends are there. When I'm living by myself or I'm at a hotel? I...tend to get rather lonely, sometimes I don't even sleep if I'm being frank."

Spitfire looked at Orion for a couple of seconds. She thought about her options and what to say, remembering the conversation between her and her brother as well as her and Soarin. She sighed to herself a bit and spoke "Look uh...don't what I'm about to say in a weird way or anything ok?"

"What do you mean?" Orion asked, his eyebrow arching a bit.

"If you're lonely at the hotel in Cloudsdale, and you need somewhere to stay until you have your whole bank thing situated. Then...why not come stay with me?" Spitfire asked, a hint of color returning to her cheeks.

Orion was fairly convinced that his heart had stopped at some point during the proposal. His cheeks were also slightly having color on them too as he stuttered with his words "I uh..." he cleared his throat and collected his thoughts "That's...really kind of you Spitfire" Orion smiled "Are you sure though? I...really don't want to be a burden."

"I mean it" Spitfire said "Besides it's just a friend offering another friend a place to crash until he has a proper place to stay."

"Alright, then I would love to stay with you" Orion said.

"Alright cool!" Spitfire said, she quickly went into her saddlebag and grabbed a piece of paper and wrote some stuff down, handing the paper to Orion after she was done "This is my address, as soon as you have everything packed and stuff you can head over there. I don't have work tomorrow so there should not be any issues."

"Fantastic" Orion said "I can't wait."

Despite all her concern and nerves, nothing could have stopped the smile that bloomed on Spitfire's face. “Neither can I."

Chapter 3: Across The Clouds

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The Hay and Stay Hotel: Cloudsdale

The door opened and Orion entered the semi-decorated hotel room. He closed the door of the room and proceeded to flip the light switch allowing some illumination. The room was still darkened however as some of the lights were broken, but in a way, it was the right amount of light to create a calming atmosphere which Orion did not mind at all. It was a two-bedroom room on the middle floor of the Hotel. From the comfort of his 'living room' Orion could at the very least watch the sunrise every morning. He even had a small patio that he could stand in if need be.

The interior walls were painted a warm blue color with burgundy white accent walls in the kitchen, however the walls were definitely aging as the yellowing in the white was clear as day event he floors were the usual cheap carpet found in most hotels. Even so Orion had been a custom to this hotel for the past week, so he was not that put off by it. Orion would then go and take a relaxed seat on his couch as he thought about the offer Spitfire had made to him. He smiled softly at it.

"Orion!" A voice shouted out, plus loud knocking coming from the door.

Orion sighed "There goes my relaxation time.." He mumbled as he approached the door. He opened it to reveal a dark red pegasus with a brownish mane. He was relatively short in size however what he lacked in height he more than made up for with muscle. The red stallion walked into the room and looked around a bit before looking to Orion.

"Orion, where the hell have you been? you were supposed to meet up with me" The stallion said.

"Rust I was busy today" Orion said as he walked back into his living room, sitting down on the couch. Rust would then walk into the room completely and stand next to the couch, looking at Orion "I even told you yesterday there was a chance I was not going to be able to make it."

"Orion you're a royal guard, not just that you're the captain of it. Like me you have a reputation and a duty to uphold, and that means showing up when you're asked to" Rust said, stomping his hoof a bit "That guard meeting was important you know."

"Hence why I asked you to be there," Orion said "I knew there was a chance I would miss it, so I sent someone to take my place who also happened to be my partner."

Rust rolled his eyes as he walked over to the other end of the couch "So I assume you were at the bank then?"

"Unfortunately yes..." Orion said giving a frustrated exhale "I had to head there right after lunch, and let me tell you it was not enjoyable."

"Well was there any good news? surely almost two weeks in you are getting some type of it" Rust asked.

"The best news I can say is that nopony has tried to buy the house yet, however that's obviously subjected to change" Orion said "The bank said that if I can deliver them the right amount of bits within the time they gave me, and as long as the house is not under the possibility of foreclosure, then I should be able to take it back."

"Soo...what do you do if you can't buy it back then?" Rust asked, he then gestured to the boxes around the hotel room "Because I doubt the Hay and Stay will let you live here..."

"I'm...not sure...but I got some news that possibly could fix that situation" Orion said "An old friend of mine offered to let me live with them until I get this bank situation settled. They live in Cloudsdale too so it's not going to affect any of my duties as a guard."

"Well that's good news! who's the friend?" Rust asked.

"Uh...Spitfire..." Orion said cringing a bit as he looked away from rust, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Spitfire?! As in the Wonderbolt Captian??" Rust shouted a bit "How did you-...your friends with her??"

"She's an old friend from the academy..." Orion said "I told her about my situation and she was kind enough to let me stay with her."

"You're not worried this will cause issues? I have seen the gossip papers surrounding the Wonderbolts, and let me tell you they're not pretty."

"They can't be that bad right?" Orion said looking to Rust.

"They're pretty bad dude, apparently the one last month made Rainbow Dash go on a two-week leave from the bolts altogether."

"Wait seriously? what happened?" Orion asked, from what he knew about Rainbow Dash if whatever was written about her was serious enough to make her leave the bolts for even a day, then it was serious.

"A photographer got lucky" Rust said sounding slightly annoyed "They snagged a photo of Rainbow and her marefriend, after that happened both of them were harassed by media, made it impossible for Rainbow to even go to a show."

"Well shit...I had no idea it was that bad..." Orion said, he looked down to the ground a bit in thought about how rough it probably has been for Spitfire to deal with that "I'm...sure nothing bad will happen if I just play it casually, after all it's not like we are dating. She is just letting me live with her until I get myself situated."

"Orion...just try to be careful, we don't need a scandal involving both the guard and the bolts" Rust said.

"Rust, I have been in the guard for eighteen years now. I can take care of myself as well as deal with stuff like that" Orion said "Now, can you just tell me about the meeting so we can move on?"

"Right...well it's mainly the same as before, the guard is still on the lookout for the pony who has been leaking information about our schedule to the media, the nobels are starting to get impatient with the amount of paparazzi that have been following them around."

"There seriously not any closer to catching him? Didn't we have a lead?" Orion asked.

"The guard is sending me to question the leed within the week" Rust said "It would probably be a good idea to accompany me."

"Right..." Orion said, rubbing his eyes in frustration "Anything else?"

"The Day Councilmen is wanting some protection for the annual Harthswarming Festival going on in Canterlot in a couple of weeks" Rust said "I don't think he will need you or me but, it's still probably worth preparing yourself for."

"Right...that all then?" Orion asked.

"That's about it yah...everything else was just patrol notes and reports from the night general."

"Right, thank you for the report" Orion said "Now...I need to pack my things so I can move in with Spitfire."

"Do you want any help? Might as well make myself useful while I'm here" Rust asked.

"I think I will be fine, I'm only bringing clothes over there so its not a lot of packing." Orion said, walking over to the bedroom area which was already being cleaned, some luggage out with folded clothes inside them.

"Alright if you say so, just remember to call me if you need anything alright?" Rust said as he made his way to the door.

"Will do Second Lieutenant" Orion smirked looking to Rust who rolled his eyes and chuckled. After Rust had left the room Orion would go back to putting some of his clothes into the luggage, mostly some shirts and a hoodie. After that he looked around seeing if he was forgetting anything else. After double-checking the entire hotel room for anything he might need he closed up his suitcase and put it on the bed for him to leave tonight. Seeing as he had nothing to do until then he decided to go and walk around town a bit. Orion would get up and grab his hotel key put it in his pockets and walk out the door to Downtown Cloudsdale.

Wonderbolt's Base

The wind would yet again rush past Spitfire's ears, her mane whipping behind her as she continued on the obstacle course. She could see Soarin below taking notes, and standing beside him where the two ponies that Yellowjacket had assigned to watch over the bolts. She mumbled to herself as she continued to fly going through loop after loop of cloud rings until she finally crossed the final one. Making a huge dive down to the runway she landed smoke following behind her.

"How'd I do?" Spitfire asked, panting after the workout.

Soarin would take out his stopwatch, showing it to her "Better than last time, you made it by three seconds" He said, grabbing water from the cooler next to him and handing it to Spitfire, who promptly took it and began to drink.

"Did I make the goal though?" Spitfire would ask as she sipped of her water.

"In regards to the time trial then yes, you made it" Soarin said "However I wouldn't get too comfortable, I timed Rainbow and Fleetfoot yesterday and both of them were close to your time as well."

"You saying that my third in command and my most promising bolt are getting faster than me?"

"Well no, I said they were close. Fleetfoot only made the final trial by six seconds" Soarin said flipping through his papers "While Rainbow on the other hand, made the final trial by four seconds."

"Well ill be damned, she's getting faster and faster each year isn't she" Spitfire said taking another sip of her water.

"Well there's a reason she's your most promising bolt now isn't there?" Soarin smirked a bit.

"Oh shut up you dork" Spitfire chuckled as she nudged Soarin in the chest. She looked to the two ponies in suits who were walking off "You think they heard the results?"

"I imagine they had to have, or else Yellowjacket would fire them" Soarin said "Then again it's Yellowjacket so I have no idea what he has told them to do."

"Well how many other tests do we need to do?" Spitfire asked, taking the paper Soarin was holding.

"We finished yours, Rainbow's, Fleetfoot's, Mine, and Thunderlanes, meaning we still need to get your brothers and Surprise" Soarin said.

"I'll make sure to get Rapid out here as soon as I can, as for Surprise you can handle that" She said.

"Alright sounds good" Soarin said looking at the clock "looks like it's lunch, you doing anything?"

"Nope, I have the day free."

"Awesome, I want you to tell me everything about yesterday" Soarin asked.

"Oh uh...It was good, we got to properly catch up a bit, apparently he is the captain in the Royal Guard" Spitfire said.

"Woh really? I hear you have to have gone through a lot of training to be that good" Soarin said "He must be one hell of a guy to be a captain."

"I would imagine so, I'll have to ask about it when he comes over tomorrow" Spitfire said.

"I take it the idea of him living with you went good then?" Soarin asked smirking a bit, which caused Spitfire to flush a bit.

"Uh...yeah he's gonna be staying with me until the bank thing is situated" Spitfire said.

"Well that's good" Soarin said "Glad you two had a good time on your date then" He teased, which got a slight flush out of Spitfire.

"How many times do I have to tell you that it was not a date" She said "We are not even a thing, and we never will be. I don't date."

"You know you act like having a Coltfriend is the end of the world Spit..." Soarin said looking at her "I don't see why we can't just joke around a bit."

"You know why Soarin" She said firmly "And besides that having a relationship, especially with me being in the bolts will only lead to drama. Especially after what happened with Rainbow and her Marefriend."

Soarin frowned a bit as he looked to the distance, seeing Rainbow and Thunderlane doing some practice loops "Yah I know...but we shouldn't let that stuff bother us. Rainbow hasn't seemed affected by what happened, at least from what I can see."

"That's because she is trying to act professional me she is still getting the effects of what happened" She said also looking over to Rainbow, then she noticed Soarin was starting to look to Thunderlane "You know...just because I don't date, doesn't mean you can't either."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he said giving Spitfire a look.

"You know what I mean dork, you and Thunderlane have been hanging out a lot more recently and I think it's clear to not only me but the other bolts that you like him" Spitfire said chuckling a bit. "You should ask him out."

"What? You think I have a thing for Dunderlane?" Soarin said taken aback with a small flush on his cheeks "As if!"

Spitfire chuckled " then you're not staring at Thunderlanes flanks when we are in the locker room?"

"I swear to Celestia if you tell anyone about that I will."

Spitfire chucked "I swear I have never seen two stallions in more of a state of denial than you and Thunderlane."

"Shut it" Soarin said pouting, with the flush still adorning on his face.

"Alright alright" Spitfire said "Come on let's just go to the cafeteria so we can catch up with the others."

"You had me at cafeteria" Soarin said as he began to walk to the building.

A couple of hours later Spitfire would be back in her office filling out more of the paperwork that Yellowjacket had left her. Most of it being approvals on meetups as well as running by some dates and times for when different bolts would be available for interviews and such. She would sigh as she continued to fill out the paperwork as the door opened. She would look up to see Rapid "Oh hay what's up?"

"Just came by to tell you that I finished up with the timing course and so did Surprise" Rapid said, walking into the room and placing down two clipboards onto Spitfires desk "So I believe that should be everything you need."

Spitfire smiled a bit and sighed in relief "Yes it is...feels like I can finally relax a bit and not worry about Yellowjackets deadline. Thank you Rapid."

"Anytime Spit" He said smiling, which then turned into a slight smirk "Soooo how was your coffee date?"

The mare flushed a bit "Oh uh it went well" She said "We just talked and got a chance to properly catch up."

"That's good" Rapid said "And...what about the...other thing..." He asked, his tone slightly changing.

Spitfire went quiet for a moment before sighing "If you're asking about my proposal to him then yes....he will be living with me for a bit."

“Spits…” He said firmly "Yellowjacket will have a field day if he finds out,” Spitfire rolled her eyes, to which Rapid continued “Would it have killed you to keep out of trouble just once? We don't need the bad publicity.”

"We won't get the bad publicity if we don't say anything" Spitfire said.

"That won't matter, you know as well as I about the other ways he could find out. What if the papers see you with him?"

"To the casual observer it would just look like two ponies having Coffee and talking, plus he is going to be with me for only one month, either way, I know what I’m doing. So can it, Rapid.” Spitfire said through gritted teeth.

Rapid locked eyes with his sister for a long moment before he let out a sigh "Fine fine...just...promise me you won't get in trouble."

"I promise..." She said looking back into her brother's eyes "I won't let this affect me or my job...this is nothing but a simple friend helping out another friend."

"Alright..." he said looking to the clock on the wall "So what time is he coming over then? I wanna meet the guy."

"He's going to be coming tonight" Spitfire said "I was going to clean up the house beforehand so you can help."

"Damn....wish I could but...I have this thing to do-" Rapid said slowly backing away from the desk.

"Uh-huh...well tell Soarin and Thunderlane that if they come back with hangovers I expect them to be able to do fifty Laps around the base" Spitfire said.

"I mean...kinda an odd thing to tell me since I'm not going to be seeing them tonight...but yah I'll pass the word" He said as he left the room.

Spitfire chuckled slightly as she returned to her paperwork, thinking about tonight and what kind of things it would bring. Her gaze somewhat going out the Window as she stared at Cloudsdale, she wondered if Orion was out there across the clouds just as happy...and perhaps even somewhat as stressed as she was.

Spitfire's House - Cloudsdale

After about five hours of grueling pain from filling out copious amounts of reports, Spitfire was finally home. She could feel the tension releasing in her shoulders as she opened the door to her home. She slowly turned her neck back and forth to remove the persistent hump that felt like it was developing from sitting at a desk so long. She shook out her wings and hooves removing the residual aches. She would walk to her living room and flop onto her couch feeling the large sigh of ease encompass her as she let go of all the Wonderbolt stress and uncurl her wings at home. She looked at the clock on the wall and noted the time to be around 7:00 pm. She knew Orion would be arriving soon, probably should have given him a time to actually show up. Seconds later she heard the door open and Rapid would come through with some takeout. "What happened to the guy's night out in the town?" Spitfire asked sarcastically.

"Figured I would do you a favor and grab you some food, got some for myself and that friend of yours as well" Rapid said looking to the exhausted yellow mare on the couch. "And for your information I did go, I just got bored because the two of them where arguing the entire time."

Spitfire would chuckle "Figures, but...thanks Rapid" She said as she leaned up a bit "Takes care of dinner at least-" Spitfire would then think for a moment about the other things she would need to do before Orion came. She still needed to find out where he could sleep, as well as how groceries would be working since she would be living with him for a bit.

"Do yourself a favor and get yourself comfortable at least. I'll take care of some things for you ok?"

Spitfire gave her brother a stare, one of her eyebrows arching "Alright what's going on...why are you being so nice?"

"What? Cant a brother be nice to his sister?" He said smirking slightly.

"Normally yes, but you? No" Spitfire said

Rapid sighed as he walked to the kitchen and put the fast food down "Look I just...don't want this whole thing you're trying to do with Orion to get to a point where it could affect how you work"

Spitfire was slightly taken aback at that as she looked to her brother with a nasty look "What makes you think I would let something like this affect how I work?"

"Because Spit, it happened before and I'm not going to let it happen again" Rapid said firmly "The last thing we need is Yellowjacket or any of the other bolts seeing you all funky from what's going on with Orion"

"How many times do I have to say that there's nothing happening between me and him before it gets into your thick skull?"

"Spitfire sorry to be blunt here but it's you who has the thick skull not me" Rapid said "How do you think this situation will look to the other bolts? A stallion who you have not seen in over twenty-seven years suddenly shows up and you ask him to move in with you."

"Its a friendly gesture Rapid" Spitfire shot back

"I know that Spitfire, and so does Soarin but what about the others? what about Yellowjacket?" Rapid said "Or what about Orion huh?"

"What do you mean"

"Open your god damn eyes Spit, how do you think this situation might look to him? What if he starts getting feelings for you? Are you going to be able to live with yourself if you end up breaking a stallion's heart?" Rapid said "I know you know what its like to have that happen..."

Spitfire was frozen for a moment, she would then look down to the ground not looking at her brother. She remembered what it was like to have feelings for another pony, looking forward to seeing them every day. But she also remembered what it was like to have those feelings broken, it had been such a long time but the feelings she could still remember. "Yes...I know what that's like Rapid..."

"Then for Celestia's sake yourself a favor and don't get involved in this stallion's life, your already letting him live here. Let it stop at that" Rapid said walking up to Spitfire, putting a hoof onto her shoulder "I know it hurts to hear me say this stuff...but you know I'm right..."

"Yah...I know..." Spitfire said finally looking up to Rapid

" I'm going to go and set the table, go get yourself ready" Rapid would let go of her shoulder and then walk to the kitchen. With a heavy sigh Spitfire would walk to her room and close the door behind her. She would go to strip off her work regalia and find her comfortable sweater. After that she would leave the room and walk back to the living room, she would place a thunder log in the fireplace. using her hooves to snap it in half then stepping back as the home began to fill with the smell of ozone and charred log. She would sit back down onto the couch and close her eyes a bit, trying to let herself relax.

Knock knock knock.

Spitfire jumped a bit as she looked to the door, There was some pony at the door. She would then slide off the couch and look through the window next to the door. She would make out the familiar white fur with a mane of different mixtures of Blue in it. She smiled as she unlocked her door and opened it, letting the cold winter night blow into the warm house. "Hay Orion" She said smiling, she would notice the two suitcases behind him "You need help with those?"

Orion stood there for a moment before he smiled back "Hay, I think I got it. Its not too heavy" He said as he slowly walked forward, watching as Spitfire stepped aside a bit giving him the signal it was ok to actually enter her home. As he did he got hit with the heat and smell of the freshly placed log, he would look around a bit " have a nice place."

"Thanks" Spitfire said as she closed the door behind Orion "Just set your stuff down next to the couch, I can help you unpack after dinner. My brother bought Fastfood"

"Rapidfire is here?" Orion asked. He had heard that Spitfire had an older brother from the Wonderbolt papers, as well as from what little he could remember about what she told him in the academy. "I'm not interrupting a family dinner am I?"

"Oh not at all, Rapid bought the food because he knew you were coming" She said as she led her new guest into the kitchen, as they both entered they saw the hamburgers and other stuff sprawled out on the table that Rapid had set up. Rapid himself was at the sink washing his hoofs as he turned his head.

"Oh hay you must be Orion" He said as he turned the sink off, turning around to get face to face with the stallion, slightly surprised about how big he looked as he reached out his hoof to shake Orion's "Jeeze...Spitfire wasn't kidding when she said you were big.."

"Rapid! shut up" Spitfire said flushing a bit in embarrassment, looking to Orion who was slightly chuckling.

"Nah it's fine Spitfire I get that a lot" He said as he returned the gesture and shook Rapids hoof "Pleasure to meet you, I must say its kinda cool to be in the presence of two Wonderbolts"

That got a chuckle from the two siblings "Eh it's nothing really, Spit is much more well known than me"

"Well, I can't help if I stand out the way I do now can I?" She said smirking at her brother "Anyways come on sit down, you must be hungry"

Orion nodded as he sat down at the table, pulling in his chair as he sat down "Thanks again for the food"

"Its nothing really" Spitfire said as she chewed on her hayburger "So, I think we are going to have you set up in the spare bedroom across from my room on the second floor" Spitfire said as she swallowed "Its big enough so I doubt you would have any issues when it comes to unpacking"

Orion would also chew a bit of his burger too before swallowing his bite "Sounds good" he said "I uh...assume that you don't live here with your brother do you?" He asked chuckling a bit

"Nah I'm just visiting, my place is more towards town. I just like to come around and push on Spits buttons"

"Yah don't worry about him" Spitfire said "It's mainly just going to be us two here most of the time, Soarin and Thunderlane may drop by once or twice as well."

"Cool" He said smiling as he finished up his burger.

Rapid would finish up his food and then stand up "Well I should get going, it was nice to meet you Orion"

"You too Rapid"

"Ill see you tomorrow at the base?" Rapid asked Spitfire.

"Probably, depends on how much paperwork I have that day" Spitfire said.

"Got it, ill just talk to ya later" He said as he walked out the room, the door could be heard opening and then closing a couple seconds later, now Spitfire and Orion were the only ponies left in the room.

"He seems nice" Orion said.

"Yeah he is a good guy" Spitfire said "All though he can be a real asshole when he wants to be."

"I'm sure he's just teasing," Orion said "It's what siblings do."

"You have any of your own?" she asked

"Yah I have a sister, she lives down in Manehatten" He said "We use to bicker a lot but we both love each other"

"That's good" Spitfire said smiling, she then stood up from her seat "Anyways let's get you unpacked. What do you have?"

"First suitcase has clothes and toiletries, second one has my guard armor and sword" Orion said.

"Sweet" Spitfire said as she went to grab one of them "Don't suppose I can see you in armor can I?" She asked chuckling.

"Sure, wouldn't mind doing that" He said smiling as he grabbed the other one. Both ponies would walk up the stairs and walk to Orion's room. Placing the bags down next to the bed, Orion would look around the room, smiling as he took in the atmosphere. The room was quite clean with the walls and ceiling being made of a nice layer of cloud brick. The furniture a nice dark blue with the bed having Wonderbolt Colored sheet covers "Thanks again for this Spitfire, it means a lot"

"Anything for a friend Orion" She said smiling,

"Anyways uh... it's a bit late so I should probably head to sleep. but early do you wake up if I could ask? Because I am an early riser due to my job."

"I wake up around 5:00 am. Gotta get my laps in before I head to the base."

"Oh perfect, I wake up around the same time."

"Well then I'll see you in the morning then Orion, hope you rest well" Spitfire said smiling as she would walk down the hall and back down the stairs.

"You to Spitfire!" He shouted so she could hear him from downstairs. He would then grab the door to the bedroom and close it. He would look around the room once more to get a good idea of where to unpack his stuff, once he got an idea of what to do he would grab his armor out of one of the suitcases and then put it on the large wooden cabinet on the left side of the room. He would then open the drawers to the dresser and begin to put his clothes from the other bag into them. Once done he would finally get to his bed and lay down on it, sighing a breath of relaxation as he felt his own exhaustion begin to overcome him. Slowly drifting to sleep.

Chapter 4: The Court of Secrets

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Spitfires House - Cloudsdale

A bright beam of sunlight would shine onto Orion’s face, he would turn over to avoid the sun, which his eyelids were also trying to block out with little success. As He slowly started waking up more and more, the faint rush of where he was reminded him that it was the morning, and that he would need to get himself ready. Sitting up and throwing his back hooves off the bed, he brushed some stray hairs out of her face from his messy bed mane and looked through the open window, He could see over the roofs of the cloud houses the outline of downtown cloud-scale from his room. He hopped off the bed and walked out of the bedroom, looking both ways down the hall before heading towards the cracked door leading to the guest bathroom.

After quickly placing a towel on the rack by the tub and turning on the water, He stepped into the shower and drew the curtain, giving himself some privacy. He smiled a little as he felt the warm water wash over his mane. It was a relaxing experience, something that Orion always enjoyed in the morning. After washing his mane and body he would quickly turn off the water and dry himself off, looking at the clock in the hallway he noted the time to be around 5:45 am. He hoped that he didn't take up the bathroom, as he knew Spitfire also would need it as well. The unfortunate downside of both her and himself being captains where that they both had to wake up early to get ready for the day, and even when they didn't have work they still woke up that early, their built-in time clocks just use to waking up so early.

Orion would open the door and look both ways down the hall, noticing that Spitfire's door was wide open yet the lights were off. He would walk past it and notice that she wasn't in there, so he would walk down the stairs and immediately was met with the smell of coffee and the smell of haycakes.

"Morning Orion, decided to wake up a bit earlier than you to make some breakfast" Spitfire said smiling as she flipped a haycake up in the air, quickly landing back into the pan.

" thanks Spitfire" Orion said smiling at the mare's kind gesture as he walked to grab his coffee from the machine, then walked to the table and took a seat.

"You sleep well?" Spitfire asked

"Yep! The beds are really comfortable"

"Glad to hear it, I made sure that the rooms were tightened up before you came yesterday. Hopefully everything is to your liking." Spitfire said as she flipped the last haycake and put it on a plate before walking it over to the table, placing it down in front of Orion "Here ya go, nice and fresh"

Orion smiled as he took a bite out of the haycake, it tasted wonderful. Guess the wonderbolt captain had a lot of other talents other than flying. He looked to Spitfire who had taken the newspaper and was currently looking over it. He would think about something before he spoke up “Hey, Spitfire?” Orion asked.

“Yea?" She asked looking up from her newspaper.

“So, um, if you don’t mind me asking,” Orion hesitated slightly, trying to think about the right words “Are all those stories about you and Soarin’ true? I'm only asking cuz uh...I don't know if he will be coming around or not if that's the case.”

Spitfire chuckled “Man...honestly, I kinda forgotten about those setups.” She admitted as she stood up and walked over to the counter to fill herself up some more coffee.

“They were setups?” Orion asked, slight shock in his voice.

“Yeah,” Spitfire laughed, “Soarin, Celestia bless the big softie, was going through a nasty spot with a couple of newspapers that were claiming he was dating Stallions. So to counter the rumors, Soarin and I got set up on a bunch of 'dates'. It was arranged so that during press conferences and public meet and greets we would be doing stuff like sitting next to each other or laughing at jokes and such, then after shows, we’d have meetings about team business or we would have bolts nights out, and we’d have to get ‘caught’ sharing longing glances and sly touches,” Spitfire giggled deviously as she finished filling up her coffee.

"Wait...why would Soarin need to have a fake marefriend if he doesn't swing that way?" Orion asked "In fact why would the bolts even go that far to counter rumors like that?"

Spitfire sighed and shook her head "You can thank Yellowjacket for that..." she said with an annoyed tone.

"Yellowjacket the councilpony?" Orion said his brow furrowing slightly in confusion "Why would he ask you to do that?"

"He didn't and Soarin came up with the plan on our own."

"Why? Kinda seems a bit excessive."

"Because the rumors were true, Soarin does like Stallions." Spitfire said taking a sip from her coffee cup. "If Yellowjacket had gotten proof that those rumors were true, then Soarin would have been let go."

"Well that's a load of bullcrap" Orion said "Why on earth would Yellowjacket do that?"

"Remember how I said the success we make in the bolts means that ticket revenues and sponsorships go to the current pony who is in charge of the bolt unit in the canterlot court?"

"Yah I recall that" Orion said.

"Well ever since Yellowjacket came to be in charge of the bolt unit he has been using the revenues and sponsorship money to fill his own wallet" Spitfire said letting out an aggravated sigh "He does jack shit to improve the bolts, and he basically leaves everything to me."

"Damn...I had no idea.." Orion said "But...I still don't understand why Yellowjacket would give a damn if Soarin liked colts or not."

"The Wonderbolts have an image to maintain. We’re family-friendly, nonpartisan, and controversy-free. That’s the image that sells, and that’s the image we have to keep for our sponsors." Spitfire said "Yellowjacket the piece of shit he is, believes that same-sex relationships lead to controversy."

"How in Celestia's name is he even still a councilpony then?" He asked "If the Grand Judge heard about this-"

"Yeah we know...sadly he is good at hiding all the dirty stuff he does. Helps that he is a good politician" Spitfire said "Anytime a team member becomes embroiled in a controversy the situation is usually resolved quietly, but with Yellowjacket? He would much rather drag it out and make it worse for not only me but the other bolts"

"Can't you do anything? Your the captain of the bolts, you should be able to do something."

"Every time I get close Yellowjacket just finds something that backs me into a corner..." Spitfire said "I have tried but it sometimes feels impossible."

"I could help...if you want it..." Orion asked, looking to the mare

Spitfire would look at Orion for a few moments. “I don’t like imposing.”

“It’s no imposition.”

Spitfire raised an eyebrow and frowned slightly. “Are you sure? I don't want you to be chasing around nothing but my work frustrations."

"From what you're telling me, the Wonderbolts are currently under the command of a pony who has no intention of helping anypony but himself" Orion said "It's clear you're struggling from it as well as the other bolts. I want to help."

Spitfire smiled slightly at that, that sense of loyalty that Orion had reminded her of Soarin and Rainbow, even if they nearly knew each other he was willing to go out of his way to do this for her. " really wanna help? Since you are a guard maybe you can ask around and see what opinion of Yellowjacket the other nobels have. Mabey we can get something from them.

"Sounds like a plan" Orion said as he got up from his seat "When I'm on break I'll see what I can do" he said, he would then walk upstairs with a slight pep in his step, coming back down a couple minutes later wearing his Royal Guard Armor. This actually grabbed Spitfire's attention, as she had never properly seen Royal Guard armor this close. Sure she had seen them from a distance at Grand Galloping Galla's and Shows, but she never got a chance to properly look at them. The armor was shiny gold, looking quite tough and durable with some scratches and dents in certain areas. On the front of the chest plate was a blue star shape and on Orion's shoulder area was his rank mark of Captian. She would look up at Orion's face and see the helmet, which was kept in really good condition as well. Little to no scratches, and his mane pushed into the helmet, almost making it seem like he had a short mane, when in reality she knew he didn't.

" look really good" Spitfire said, the mare finally snapping out of her slight trance.

Orion would flush ever so slightly, trying to use his helmet to hide it "Uh...thanks..." He said, he would clear his throat softly "Anyways I should be going, and I don't wanna keep you either so ill see you later today." He said as he opened the door looking at Spitfire, he would smile softly.

"Bye Orion" she said, the stallion nodding before closing the door himself and flying off. Spitfire would look around the kitchen and begin to clean up slightly. After that she would go upstairs to her room and put on her wonderbolt-issue lined leather jacket, putting her Uniform into a duffle bag as she put it around her waist. She would then hurry downstairs and grab her glasses before shutting the door behind her. Flying off to the Base so she could prepare for the upcoming few days.

Wonderbolt's Base

The Wonderbolt HQ was quite busy looking as Spitfire landed onto the runway, she looked around to see a bunch of the stands being put up as well as the interview tables. Spitfire would groan to herself as she landed, even if it was the last media day of the year, it was still the worst of all the off-season days for the team. A full twelve hours of interviews and photoshoots plus Yellowjacket having to be there the entire time nopony on the team liked it. All though that didn't stop some ponies from messing with each other.

“Spitfire!” Rainbow exclaimed loudly, tackling Spitfire to the ground before she had a chance to react. “You gotta see this!”

“Rainbow…ow…” Spitfire cringed as she disentangled herself from the multi-colored mare. “See what?”

“For the love of Celestia save me!” Soarin shouted as ran to Spitfire, Thunderlane Fleetfoot, and Rapid would then come walking in a group, Thunderlane specifically sporting a wicked smile.

“Heya Boss!” Thunderlane smiled at her quickly before returning his attention to Soarin.

“Oh-kay. I think I’m missing some vital details,” Spitfire mused out loud.

“Well since tomorrow is the holiday media conference” Rainbow explained. “Me, Fleetfoot, Rapid, Thunderlane, and Soarin drew straws to see who was going to be partnered with who, and Soarin was partnered with Thunderlane.”

“Ah,” Spitfire clucked, an amused smirk teasing the corners of her mouth.

“P-please boss, you gotta save me” Soarin said, his bottom lip quivering and his eyes swimming in unshed tears.

Spitfire groaned and pressed a hoof to her forehead. “Soarin...stop acting like a colt and get up."

Soarin sighed. “Killjoy,” He pouted.

"So then, your all prepared for tomorrow then?" Spitfire asked

"As I said, we pulled straws, two teams of three ponies taking on different media so we can get it done in time for the holiday break" Rainbow said "By the way since you were not here you will be with Me and Fleetfoot."

"Alright I'm fine with that" She said "As for the three amigos, you guys better be on your best behavior."

"Yah yah we will," Rapid said "Someone has to watch the lovebirds after all."

"How many times do I have to tell you we are not dating!" Soarin said.

Thunderlane chuckled "Oh come on Soar, let the public have a taste of our private time~" He teased.

"Spitfire please switch places with me..." Soarin said "I'm begging you"

“Not my problem,” Spitfire smiled. “Besides, when you're in teams of three it goes by highest rank, meaning you're the boss in your group." She said looking to Rapid and Thunderlane "Meaning if you want something you go to Soarin not me, AKA you kiss his plot, not mine.”

"Whatever you say Spit" Rapid said.

“Aww,” Thunderlane pouted, “but … but his plot is s—”

“Finish that sentence and I will bury you alive,” Soarin growled.

“For Luna's sake” Spitfire groaned. “By the power vested in me as Captain, I now pronounce you two husband and wife.” She waved her hoof at them in a blessing manner.

Rainbow burst into giggles while Soarin’ and Thunderlane exchanged a look, flushes on both their cheeks. Their silence only lasted until Thunderlane smerked.

“I call husband!” he grinned, winking at Soarin’.

“I’m bigger than you,” Soarin’ leered, ignoring the burst of giggles from the gutter-brained mares in the room, Rapid also trying to hold back a smirk.

“Yeah, but you’re soft like a mare,” he smiled back.

"I'm not soft! Besides your delicate like a mare" He shot back.

The stallion was taken aback momentarily until he came up with an idea. He leaned to the side in a relaxed posture, flashing Soarin his most demure smile and bedroom eyes, the shift in his attitude left Soarin suddenly very uncomfortable.

“Oh honey,” Thunderlane said, his wings relaxing into a low, halfway open posture that pegasi generally displayed at moments of intimacy. “Be a dear and help me, just this once?”

Spitfire nudged Fleetfoot, who was transfixed by the scene in front of her. “Go get a camera, right now. This is gonna be hilarious,” she whispered.

“Get it yourself; I’m actually enjoying the show,” Fleetfoot said shot back.

"How much you wanna bet one of them actually guts up and asks the other out?" Rainbow whispered.

"I bet 10 Bits on Soarin" Spitifre said.

"10 Bits on Thunderlane" Fleetfoot smirked.

"Are you seriously making bets?!" Soarin said as he returned to looking at Thunderlane who was now getting closer “C-come on now, Thunderlane we can talk about this.”

Thunderlane didn’t stop as he encroached into Soarin’s personal space. Soarin squeaked uncomfortably when the larger stallion wrapped a foreleg around his shoulders and pulled him close. Soarin started to speak again, but was interrupted when Thunderlane planted a big wet kiss right on his lips.

“Gah!” Soarin recoiled, causing Rainbow, Fleetfoot, and Spitfire to burst into a fit of laughter.

“Celestia’s fucking sake... Dude, what was that!?” Soarin yelled, frantically trying to scrape the taste off his mouth.

“Oh stick a sock in it. It wasn't that bad” Thunderlane answered with a hint of red on his cheeks.

“Uhg, your mouth tastes awful!” Soarin said.

“Hey now, you’re no better either! That apple pie isn’t nearly as good from this end.” Thunderlane said pouting slightly.

“I will give you five hundred bits if you two do that at the holiday conference” Rainbow interjected between fits of laughter.

“A thousand if you do it on camera,” Spitfire added.

“What kind of Captian are you to encourage this?” Soarin stared flatly at Spitfire.

“Hey, you kissed him all on your own.” Spitfire said with a chuckle. “I knew you two would be a cute couple.” She smiled, causing both stallions to groan and slink away from each other.

“I’m thinking divorce sounds good,” Thunderlane grumbled.

“Yeah, irreconcilable differences and stuff,” Soarin agreed.

“Wimps,” Spitfire smirked as she looked to the clock "Alright enough goofing around we have work to do. The Holiday Conference will be in a couple of hours and Yellowjacket will be here soon as well. Let's get this place tidied up."

"Yes sir!" The group said as they would split up. Rainbow and Soarin were the only ones who were left.

"You two need something?"

"Well uh...we wanted to know about the whole Yellowjacket thing." Rainbow said "We all turned in our flight test times, so you're gonna be giving that to him right?"

"Mhm, I'll be handing him the results." Spitfire said "I'm sure he will make some comment if he has anything to say."

"Yeah but..." Soarin said "What if he decides to sack one of us?"

"That won't happen" Spitfire said firmly, the hot-headed mare scowling a bit "If he even tries to fire one of you Ill personally see to it he sees the end of my hoof on his face in a matter of seconds."

"Spit, we both know that he is planning to do something with those results" Rainbow said "Its not a matter of if he fires one of us, it's a matter of when."

"I won't let it happen. I promise" Spitfire said "If he does try to fire somepony? Ill fight back even if it costs my job."

“No Spitfire” Rainbow said "We are not letting you risk your job for that, which is why me and Clipper think we should help you with this."

Spitfire groaned audibly. “No, Rainbow you’re not. The same goes for you Soarin.”

“Yeah, I am,” he spat back, echoing her tone. “I’m not letting a pony I’ve been friends with since foalhood suffer alone on this”

“You have a career to think about Soarin, if I leave then you take my place. Plus, the eighth grade is hardly foalhood.”

“Agree to disagree. Point is, Spitty, you’re my work family. And a friend. So, no, I’m not leaving you.”

"Same goes for me. You are my role model Spitfire, and ever since I have joined you have been like a sister to me as well. I'm not gonna lose you. I'm loyal to you and the Bolts" Rainbow said sternly.

Spitfire looked into Soarin and Rainbow's eyes tiredly, the bags below her own clearly visible. “If I agree,” she half-moaned, “Will you two promise to back out if things look bad?”

"We can make no promises...but we can try" Soarin said.

Spitfire would sigh as she rubbed her temples "Right...I need to go to my office, Yellowjacket is probably going to be going there first. So make sure everything is set up"

"On it" Rainbow said, as she walked off to prepare some more things.

"Soarin...I'm gonna need you to watch the others carefully today we can't risk anything ok?"

"Don't worry Spit, I'll make sure things go smoothly" Soarin said as he would walk off too, leaving Spitfire to herself. She would look around the base again, the stands were now put up as well as the interview tables, each of them in the proper place they needed to be for the Interviews. She would then begin to walk back to her office, going through the main building and opening her door to the office.

Canterlot City

Orion would walk down the busy streets of Canterlot, having left the castle he would look around to each side as he did. The streets that were in front of the castle were fairly crowded, with citizens and shop owners and nobles moving back and forth between Canterlot Castle and the city in a constant stream, with civilians going about their normal evening of hustling, working, playing, and living there lives. The central plaza where Orion was currently walking bustled with activity as vendors set up stalls to sell their wares. Everything from fruits and vegetables to clocks, quilts and jewelry.

One thing that Orion always tried to keep in mind about Canterlot was the residents themselves, he knew that they all had a somewhat charming quirkiness. However more often than not those quirks usually led to Orion having to stop small arguments or brawls on the side streets. Soon enough however, he arrived to the location he was heading to. Being a large city, the nobles have some areas to gather and talk with each other. Being a guard usually was the only way somepony could walk in. Private clubs were always full of gossip and chatter about things, so if there was any place to get information about Yellowjacket? it was here.

Orion would approach the door to the building and would be met with a regal-looking pony "Hello sir, can I help you with something?"

"Captian Orion of the Royal Guard" Orion would say, taking out his badge and handing it to the pony "I was hoping to ask around about an investigation I'm running" That was a lie, and he knew it. Orion knew full well he could get in trouble for this too, however the nobles were already expecting the Guard to come and question them, so for Orion? this was covenant.

"Ah yes we have been expecting you, well then welcome to the Noble's Club Captian. I hope you find everything you're looking for" The pony said handing his badge back to him, Orion took it and the pony would then step aside and open the door for Orion. He smiled and walked in, The place Orion was in was known to many as The Night Court. The name of course was given by Luna when she decided that the nobles of Canterlot needed a place to congregate, here in this building is where they would discuss everything important to them. Overturning the rulings of elected officials, dictate policy that would benefit or harm thousands of ponies. Orion knew this place was dangerous to go as any normal pony could very mutch ruin their entire career just by uttering a single thing said in this place. He would walk into the main building area where he would see some familiar ponies; Prince Blueblood, Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis, he even saw some Guard Generals as well. Most of them sit at tables and eat some rather expensive food.

Orion would take a deep breath and walk into the building, a few of the ponies looking up to him in curiosity before he walked up to the table he spotted when he first walked in. He knew that if any pony here was familiar with Yellowjacket, it was Prince Blueblood "Excuse me, do you mind if I take a seat?"

Blueblood would look up at Orion "Who might you be?" He simply asked, his eyebrow-raising.

"My name is Orion...I'm the Captain in Celestia's Royal Guard."

"My my, what might a Royal Guard Captian be doing in a place like this? Hoping to get some sort of bribe for a promotion perhaps?" Blueblood said "Or perhaps it's to try and fit in with the ponies he knows he can never live up to?" The prince would chuckle, along with some of the other nobles at the table.

Orion would grit his teeth underneath his lips sighing softly so he could speak "I'm here on an Investigation...I was hoping to ask you and the others here some questions."

Blueblood was about to speak before Fancy Pants put a hoof up "Now now Blueblood, if the dear captain has business here then we should honor that and hear him out" He said. "After all, we were told the Guard would be coming soon to ask about that paparazzi leak that is going around."

Blueblood would sigh in annoyance "Very may sit, but make these questions fast."

"Thank you" He said as he pulled a chair out and sat down "Now then...I was hoping you could all tell me your opinion on the councilpony Yellowjacket."

Some of the ponies at the table actually went pale slightly, Blueblood in particular gritting his own teeth at the mention of that name "What did he do this time?" Blueblood spoke.

"This time?" Orion asked, surprised "What do you mean by that?"

"Well you see...Yellowjacket was never the most liked among the nobles. Even after he became a councilpony" Fancy Pants said "He has a notorious history of playing dirty, to the point where it has made all of us look bad."

"Well...I'm following up on a tip that he is doing some stuff with the Wonderbolts" Orion said "Stuff that is stoping the Wonderbolts themselves from doing their job at the efficiency they need."

A couple of the nobles looked at each other, then to Blueblood before he spoke up "We have not spoken to Yellowjacket in quite some time I'm afraid...he rarely comes by anymore and even when he does he is always busy with paperwork."

" there anything you could tell me that could, at the very least shed some light on his activities outside of the Canterlot Court?" Orion asked.

"Well...there was one thing that we nobles even found odd" Fancy Pants said.

"That being?"

"He recently used a large sum of money to purchase journalist companies, news outlets, as well as reporters" Blueblood said "We had asked him why he did it, and he simply told us that it was for future investments."

"Do you know which companies he bought out?" Orion asked.

"I'm afraid not, he never told us" Fancy Pants said.

Orion would tap his chin slightly as he sighed, he would then stand up out of his seat and push it back in "Thank you for the help, this sheds some light on things."

"Anytime dear boy" Fancy Pants said smiling, before Blueblood cleared his throat.

"Just remember Captain, none of this leaves the Night Court...if It does we will find out..." He said, almost threateningly.

"Of course, It would be in my best judgement to just act as if I was never here" Orion said as he bowed slightly, he would then turn around and quietly leave the building. Nodding to the pony in the front who had let him in as he made his way back to the streets. He looked up at the clock tower and saw he was still keeping on time with his schedule. So he would begin to make his way back to the Castle, with this new information he now knew that whatever this Yellowjacket situation was? it was bigger than he originally assumed it was.

Chapter 5: Underneath The Tree

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Wonderbolt's Base

As Media Day went underway, Spitfire could feel her entire body tense up. So far things had been going smoothly for her, but she couldn't get the idea that something bad would happen out of her head. She would look to Yellowjacket, who was in the middle of talking to some reporters at the beginning of the line. It was usual for the Air Councilpony to be interviewed during this time, however it seemed like every time Yellowjacket was in front of a camera or a reporter it was where she felt him the most. He could say anything to them and by the time she found out it would have already been too late

"You alright boss?" Fleetfoot asked.

"Uh...yeah sorry, just a bit tense that's all" Spitfire said "How many more ponies do we have left?"

"Twelve, then after that we have a break" Rainbow said "After that? We should be free to leave, unless Yellowjacket calls a meeting..."

"Prey to Celestia he doesn't...those things always end up pissing everypony off" Fleetfoot said.

"And if he does call it, we will deal with it...whether we like it or not..." Spitfire said "Besides, it looks like we are having better luck than the boys are" Spitfire smirked as she looked to the table next to them, a rather irritated-looking Soarin was in the middle of listening to Thunderlane ramble on about something. Rapid meanwhile had a smirk on his face as he enjoyed the humor that Spitfire wishes she could be listening to.

"Heh yeah, they look like they're having a lot of fun" Rainbow said smirking as she too watched the boys. Suddenly from the corner of Rainbow's eye, Yellowjacket was approaching. "Guy's we have company"

Yellowjacket would walk over in between the tables, looking to both groups before speaking up “Everypony take a break, get something to eat, and cool down a bit. Captain, Lieutenant.” He turned to Spitfire and Soarin, “I'd like a word with you both"

“Yes sir,” both ponies answered simultaneously, the rest of the group leaving the tents soon after.

Soarin' shot Spitfire a particularly apologetic glare as he looked to her. Once it was just the two of them, Yellowjacket motioned for the both of them to have a seat. Spitfire suppressed a nervous gulp and took her seat.

Yellowjacket would sit down on one of the empty tables, holding some paperwork “So far it seems like this year's Media Day has gone well” he commented softly, his hooves sorting the paperwork in front of him.

“I would say the same sir.” Spitfire said

Yellowjacket would quirk an eyebrow. “I have been told by the two stallions I put in charge of watching the bolts that you finished your Time Trials?”

"Yes Sir" Soarin said as he got up and grabbed a piece of paper from the other end of his table "All the Wonderbolt's tests are accounted for."

"Excellent, with these I'm sure the Bolt's will be much better motivated" Yellowjacket said, as he put the papers into a small bag he had brought with him. "Now then, onto the business at hand, I have been going over the numbers and I believe that it would be beneficial for the bolts to begin preparation for a mutch earlier seasonal performance schedule."

"You want us to start performing earlier?" Spitfire asked, sounding almost taken aback.

"Yes, my ideal goal is for the first show to be in the second weak of next month" Yellowjacket said

"Sir with all due respect, today is the last day of work we have before the holidays. If you make us go back to work near immediately after, we won't have enough energy to put forward on our shows" Soarin said

“Well how are the bolts holding up now?” he asked.

"They're tired and exhausted from all the training you had us do for the time trials" Spitfire said with a slight annoyance in her tone. "They need this break badly".

"And I need The Bolts to number one when it comes to ticket sales and revenue, the sooner the shows the more money we get" Yellowjacket said, the stallion leaning into his chair slightly.

Soarin looked to Spitfire in a frustrated tone, they both knew what they wanted to say. But if they did they would most likely get punished for it, and that was something the bolts didn't need at this moment "Very well Yellowjacket...we will inform the bolts about the new schedule" Spitfire said, all be it reluctantly.

"Excellent!" Yellowjacket said, hopping out of his seat and approaching Spitfire "I knew you would see it my way Captian...we wouldn't want to come at crossroads now would we" He smirked at her and gave her a pat on the shoulder before walking to the two ponies in suits that had been watching the bolts, per Yellowjackets previous agreement.

"I suppose that's all then sir?" Soarin asked.

"For you yes Soarin, as for you Spitfire I had my bodyguards put some paperwork in your office for you to fill out before the end of the day today, it shouldn't take you too long." Yellowjacket said, walking off.

"Yes sir...I understand" Spitfire said, gritting her teeth as she tried not to give off an 'I want to strangle you' vibe. Soarin would look to Spitfire and pat her on the shoulders.

"Hay will only be a couple more hours, I'll stay here and wait for you to leave" Soarin said.

"Didn't you have plans with the others?" Spitfire asked, eyes looking slightly sad.

"I'm sure they will understand" Soarin said.

Spitfire would sigh and begin to walk to her office "Alright, I'll see you after I'm done"

"Don't worry Spit, you can pay me back by introducing me to your coltfriend" Soarin said, with a quite large smirk on his face.

"He's not my coltfriend!" She firmly said as she walked back to her office now with a flush on her face.

About two hours later and It didn't take Spitfire any more than forty-five seconds to exit her office along with his saddlebags, she would also wear her Wonderbolt-issue lined leather jacket, Without speaking another word, she met Soarin and threw the door of the barracks open, revealing a blizzard raging around the Wonderbolts’ base.

“It’s been snowing outside?” Spitfire asked incredulously, tilting her head sideways.

“It started snowing shortly after you went back inside” Soarin tutted. “Why do you keep your blinds closed? Do you like feeling like your office is a prison cell?”

“With the amount of paperwork Yellowjacket gave me? It might as well be" She would groan.

"Was the paperwork that bad?"

"He had me fill out confirmation that our shows would be starting earlier" Spitfire said with an aggravating groan "The egotistical dick had that paperwork filled out and put on my desk before he even asked if I was ok with it."

"We really need to figure out a way to get rid of him" Soarin said huffing in annoyance "You have to have something you can at least report to the proper ponies right?"

"Soarin even if I did, he somehow always finds a way to get out of it" Spitfire said "The stallion has nine lives, and we have barely killed off two."

"Well what can we do then?"

"Well...Orion actually said he would look into something for me. I was actually really surprised he offered to even help."

"Do you think he will get anything?" Soarin asked

"I don't really know, I guess I just have to wish for the best" Spitfire said "Oh and...don't tell Rapid, he isn't exactly thrilled with the idea he is living with me, and I don't want him throwing a cow if he finds out Orion is getting involved in bolt business"

"My lips are sealed" Soarin said as he led the way out the front door and onto the nearby cloud path, and Spitfire followed. “So, we’ll head to your house, and then I can meet this elusive Orion."

Spitfire blushed slightly "He isn't elusive" she huffing in annoyance.

Soarin trotted alongside her “c’mon, don't be so grumpy! The snow makes everything better! Oh, the weather outside is frightful!

Spitfire kept her gaze pointed at the sky, snowflakes coming to rest and melting on her face. “Please, no.”

But the fire is so delightful!”

"Can't we just get through this in one piece, Soarin.”

And since we’ve no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! And it doesn’t show signs of stopping, and I’ve got me some corn for popping-

“I’ve never liked popcorn,” Spitfire muttered disdainfully, although her friend’s silly behavior was causing a slight grin to play at her lips.

The lights are turned way down loooooow~” Soarin crooned into her ear.

Spitfire let out a giggle that she couldn’t suppress and would begin to sing along with Soarin “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!” they sang together before leaping off the edge of the cloud and into the night sky.

Spitfire's House

Orion sighed in deep relief as he slumped down on the couch, after leaving the night court he had been on duty for another two hours. The entire time he couldn't help but think about the information he had gotten about Yellowjacket, but what did it all mean? Why would he buy out journalist companies, news outlets, as well as reporters? It was all rather odd, but he hoped with this information Spitfire could at the very least get closer to getting rid of him.

Leaning his head back on the couch, he would lightly bump against the wall, he blew a raspberry and kicked at the couch with a hoof.

“Think” he mumbled, thumping his head against the wall several times, “think, think, think, think, Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink.”

Orion groaned to himself as he began to slide down the cushions of the couch until he was flat on his back with his legs in the air. “How in Celestia's do the Equestrian Private Investigators do this sort of stuff all day? Why couldn’t they teach us this in basic?”

After a few moments of laying on the floor, Orion would get himself back to his original sitting position. He tapped his hoof against the side of the couch and after about thirty seconds when he got bored of that, he closed his eyes and hummed softly. The door would then open to the house as Spitfire walked in, looking across to the couch to see Orion.

"Hey, what you up to?" Spitfire asked, smirking a bit.

"Waiting for you to get back, I have news" Orion said.

"Really?" Spitfire asked, perking up slightly as she raised her eyebrows.

"Yea, I was able to get some rather odd information on Yellow-" Orion was about to finish the sentence when he saw Soarin walk in, quickly trying to correct himself "Yellow There Soarin!" Orion said "Nice to finally meet ya"

"Smooth..." Spitfire said chuckling, looking to Soarin who had gotten his attention grabbed by the rather strange greeting.

"You must be Orion, pleasure to meet you" Soarin said walking up to the stallion "Spitfire's told me a lot about you"

"R-really?" Orion asked, slightly looking to Spitfire for confirmation.

"Oh yah, she told me everything about her new Royal Guard roommate, bet you two have a lot of fun don't you~" Soarin teesed as he looked to Orion, who had a slight flush on his face trying to avoid eye contact.

"Soarin stop teasing him" Spitfire said "Sorry Orion, he's a softie but he's a major pain in the flank sometimes" She said.

"Dang Spit, I thought we had something" Soarin said, pretending to look hurt as he even put a hoof to his chest.

"Nah it's uh...It's fine I'm used to it" Orion said, clearing his throat softly "Anyways uh, what's up with the guest? Something going on?"

"Well seeing as there's a snowstorm out, and it's close to Harthswarming, I was thinking you two could help with the decorations. Usually I'd have Rapid help but he's occupied at the moment." Spitfire said "That and Soarin tends to invite himself over, so might as well put him to work" She said smirking, followed by a slight groan from Soarin.

"Sounds like a plan to me" Orion said "I'll even cook tonight."

"You don't have to do that Orion, I can cook" The mare said.

"No no I insist, I am your guest here and you will be helping with decorations as well, so I don't want you to overwork yourself" Orion said "Besides, I make good food."

"You sure?" Spitfire asked.

"Absolutely, now you and Soarin go get the decorations, and I will grab everything from the kitchen to prepare for dinner, once I do that I'll join you in the decorations"

"Alright then, sounds good" She said, smiling as she nudged Soarin "Come on you big marshmallow, we have stuff to do"

"Im not a marshmallow" Soarin said, grumbling a bit as he followed Spitfire up the stairs to the second floor.

An hour later, Spitfire and Soarin had come back down the stairs with the final box full of decorations, To the side near the window stood a larger box with a fake tree within it, waiting to be opened and decorated. “Spit, you really ought to consider cleaning your attic. It’s a miracle I even found the decorations with the mess you have in there!” Soarin said walking down the stairs with a couple more smaller boxes.

"I don't get a lot of time to organize up there" Spitfire said, looking to the stallion as he walked down the stairs "When I re-pack the decorations I'll put more thought into it"

Soarin would place one of the boxes he had next to the tree's box and sat down, he turned to the large box and opened it up, a cloud of dust poofing into existence. “Let’s start with the Tree, so we can get these lights and ornaments up." He said as he looked to the kitchen "Orion can I have some help in here?"

"Coming!" Orion said, trotting into the room "Yea I can help, just finished setting out the food for dinner"

"Awesome, just need a bit of help setting up this tree" Soarin said "After that you and Spit can handle the lights, then me and Spit will do the ornaments."

"Sounds good to me!" He said, walking over to the large box, as he and Soarin worked on grabbing the parts of the tree, most of the parts being quite large.

"Don't pull anything you two, I don't want my best flier and my best friend being couch written for a week."

"You think so little of us?" Soarin said, smirking as he put down the first part to the tree, followed by the second part as Orion snapped it into place. Soarin would then grab the third part of the tree as he flew into the air a bit, snapping it into the second part. Which was finally followed by Orion snapping the final part of the tree into position, the stallion wiping his brow a bit

"That should do it" Orion said, looking to the large fake tree "Geeze Spit you really had to buy the biggest tree?" He said, looking to Spitfire, who had been unpacking some of the other decorations like stockings and wreaths.

"What can I say? I like to go big" She said smirking, she then walked over to the box next to the newly built tree, she turned to the box and opened it up “Now let’s start with the lights shall we?”

While Orion would busy himself with untangling the long line of multicolored lights, briefly wondering how they had even gotten so tangled in the first place, Spitfire got to work with some of the other boxes. As they worked, the three ponies engaged in idle small talk: what were their plans for the holiday, how were the bolts going, the royal guard, all that. Eventually, the room and the tree got decorated with various ornaments, tinsel, and a hoofful of streamers dangling from the ceiling.

Spitfire exhaled, took a step back, and proudly looked around the room, seeing everything in its place "Whew. I think that's everything." She sat down and looked at Orion, who had also slumped onto the couch next to Spitfire. "I can't believe that a year has already passed, It seems that everything went by so fast."

"Yah you're telling me..." Orion said, musing on the year he had gone through.

"Hay you were going to tell me something earlier before Soarin walked in, what was it?"

"I think it can wait until after dinner" Orion said smiling "I don't wanna sour the mood."

"You sure? It sounded important."

"Well...yah it is but...I just really don't wanna make things sour" Orion said looking sideways a bit, twiddling his hoofs slightly. Spitfire looked at him letting out a small chuckle.

"I keep forgetting how much of a big softie you are." She said

"I'm not a softie...I just don't like to ruin nice moments" He said, giving a slightly pouty face.

"Uh-huh...sure" She said, smirking. "And I am The Mysterious Mare-Do Well" Spitfire said chuckling.

"Oh Rainbow told you that story too?" Soarin said, the stallion currently in the air adjusting some of the ceiling lights and streamers.

"Yes Soarin she did" The mare said rolling her eyes "I swear, if she wasn't already married you would have gone for her Soarin"

"Would not have!"

"Oh yeah my mistake, you have your eyes set on Thunderlane~" She said teasing, bringing a slight flush to the blue pegasus, Orion chuckled a bit at that, as he looked to Spitfire, the stallion smiling as he watched the two ponies in front of him have a good time.

"I swear one day I will get you back for the teasing" Soarin said, continuing to adjust the lights above them.

Orion would chuckle "Jeeze no wonder ponies think you two are a thing, you two bicker like a married couple."

"Oh please it's more teasing than anything" Spitfire said waving a hoof "Me and Soarin have been through a lot together, we are practically like siblings."

"Ya but you guys still tease eachother like kids" Orion said, "It's adorable"

"I wouldn't call it adorable" Soarin said, earning a small smirk from Orion.

"Yah well you act like a kid yourself" Spitfire said, making Orion smerk. "Besides, I've seen you flirt with me before."

"Flirt?!" Soarin exclaimed, "I'm not flirting with you!"

"Jeeze, are you two absolutely sure your not a married couple" Orion asked, chuckling.

"Nah doesn't flirt with me. Im not a tall, black Pegasus with a blue mane~" Spitfire said, laughing a bit.

"Hay! Thunderlane wishes he could flirt as good as me!" Soarin began, blushing slightly

Spitfire would snort shaking her head "Anyways, I was never really into Soarin to begin with Orion, he's more like a brother to me then anything."

"Aww...So that means Thunderlane still does have a chance~." Orion said, looking to Soarin, who was now redder then ever.

"No way! You know I only like girls! There's no chance in hell Thunderlane is interested in me!" Soarin said, puffing out his chest, causing Orion to burst out in laughter as Spitfire rolled her eyes.

After a while, Orion and Spitfire excused themselves to go get changed, leaving Soarin alone with the tree. He would think back to Spitfire and how she acted with Orion. With everything going on in the bolts he was rather surprised to see how calm and relaxed she looked, Orion really did make her feel good. He wondered if perhaps there really was more to Spitfire's feelings to the Pegasus. Looking to the tree and then back at the decorations he smirked, getting an idea. He walked over to the tree and began to untangle the strings that were wrapped around it. He noticed Spitfire's bag on the floor by the table "Hey Spitfire, where'd you put those pins?"

She turned and looked at him "Oh, I dropped them in here." She said, pointing towards a bag on the floor. Soarin opened it up and pulled out a few of the blue gems.

"Thanks" Soarin said, placing them into a pocket of his coat. He continued to unpack the rest of the decorations and place them in different areas of the room. After a while, he finally finished decorating the tree. He would then go to the box in the corner and grab a small mistletoe he would then fly up near the tree and placed it near one of the branches, hanging it on a thin string attached to it. "Orion! Spitfire needs you for something!" He shouted to the top of the stairs, before quickly going to Spitfire in the kitchen "Hay Spit, could you check the tree one more time? Just wanted to make sure I didn't forget anything"

He heard a small laugh and then a "Right away!" coming from the kitchen. Soarin smiled and went to the couch in the living room. He sat down and began to watch some TV when he saw Orion coming down the stairs, and Spitfire coming out of the kitchen. "Oh hey" Orion said, walking to stand next to Soarin on the couch. "What's up?"

"Soarin said he wanted me to check the tree" Spitfire said "I just went to go grab it-"

"Ah alright-" Orion said as he suddenly stopped mid-step and then noticed the mistletoe, he then realized both him and Spitfire were standing under it. "Oh uh yeah..." He said, stepping back blushing slightly.

"What's wrong? you look flustered" Spitfire asked.

"Nothing its nothing" Orion stammered, trying not to look too embarrassed.

"But your face is bright red" She said, smiling a bit and then noticing the mistletoe. "You're not gonna kiss me are you?" She said joking

"Well- No I didn't mean-" Orion said, stumbling over his words.

"Oh come on, this is the most fun part of Harthswarming" Spitfire said, leaning forward "Besides we can't ruin tradition can we?"

As she said that, Orion slowly moved closer to her, hesitating for a moment. He was flushing alot now, but he couldn't help himself. His heart was beating loudly in his ears as he closed the distance between them. Spitfire slightly flushed too, as the mare was only joking around with him. As they came close, Soarin would slightly smirk to himself.

"Is this really a good-..." Orion started to say, but was cut off by Spitfire quickly giving him a peck on the lips. The two of them then looked to each other in silence for a few seconds.

"Wow, I never thought I'd actually do that" Spitfire said, giggling and looking to Orion, trying to break the rather awkward silence "I guess I'm not such a prude after all"

"Y-yeah" Orion said, trying to process what just happened.

"Um...Soarin" Spitfire said, turning to look at the stallion on the couch "Could you grab a drink from the fridge, I figured we could just relax for the rest of the night." She said, as she walked over to the chair and sat down. Orion still slightly flustered would go to sit on the couch. He then walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of hard cider from the fridge.

"I didn't know you drank" Soarin said, sitting down next to Spitfire.

"Eh, tis the season" Spitfire replied. The three of them sat in silence as they watched some TV. It wasn't long before Orion had fallen asleep on the couch, falling onto his side, snoring slightly.

" and Orion huh?~" Soarin said quietly, teasing the yellow pegasus.

Spitfire blushed and rolled her eyes "Yeah yeah whatever, I know you put that mistletoe there to get back at me."

"Hey! I didn't do it to get you to kiss him!" Soarin said, defending himself.

"Whatever" Spitfire said, turning to look at the sleeping Pegasus, slightly blushing.

"So, do you like him?" Soarin asked again.

"No" Spitfire said quickly "We're friends. Besides, I couldn't do that. Im the Captian of the Bolts, and he's the Captian of the Royal Guard" Spitfire said, sighing.

"If your worried about formalities, I'm sure you can handle that stuff" Soarin said "Spit I've known you for a long time, and I have only seen you and Orion around each other for no less than a day. I can tell your different around him."

"Im not" Spitfire said in a flat tone "I just think we should keep things professional when we're at work. If I start dating someone, I wouldn't want my relationship to get in the way of their job."

"That might be true, but you're the kind of person who doesn't let something like that stop you" Soarin said, taking a sip of his soda. "And this whole thing about letting him live with you until he gets his stuff with the bank solved? I cant help but feel this is you trying to get closer to him"

"Look Im not saying I wouldn't date him" She said "But currently with both our jobs we just cant, and I don't see why letting him live with me means I have some secret crush on him." Spitfire said, a bit frustrated.

"What if you guys started dating? Would you try to keep it secret?" Soarin asked, curious.

"Of course" Spitfire said, instantly.

"Or maybe you don't want to" Soarin said, smirking.

"Look, I appreciate the concern, but I think I can handle myself fine" Spitfire said, getting up and walking over to Soarin. "I think im going to turn in for the night. Can you take Orion to his room?" She asked.

"Sure" Soarin said, standing up and helping Orion off the couch. Both of them walked out of the living room, and Soarin would take the slumbering pegasus to his room, putting him into the bed. After walking out the room he looked to Spitfire.

"I'll be over tomorrow morning early, so expect me to come pick you up around 10am. Let me know what you think" Soarin said.

"Alright" Spitfire said. "I'll see you tomorrow Soarin" She said, watching him leave. As she did she looked back to the tree and at the mistletoe, softly she touched her lips, thinking about that kiss underneath the tree, then she would think of Soarins words, blushing slightly she sighed and went to go to bed.

Chapter 6: Something More

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Spitfire's House

The next day the sun was just beginning to peek through the curtains. As Orion was suddenly woken up by the sounds of the doorbell ringing downstairs. He got out of bed and quickly rushed to get dressed as he hurried down the stairs he saw the front door open and Soarin walk in.

"Oh, Morning Soarin!" Orion said cheerfully "You here for Spitfire?"

"Yea decided to pop by early just to beat the air traffic" Soarin said, "I hope you don't mind"

"Not at all" Orion said, smiling brightly "Spitfires in the kitchen eating some food I think, I heard something in there while I came down."

"Alright then" Soarin said, "I'll go say hi" He walked over to the kitchen door and pushed it open. As he walked inside he saw Spitfire sitting at the table finishing up some cereal, "Morning Captain" he said .

"Oh hay Soarin" she replied cheerfully, "Is it 10am already?" She asked, looking to the clock.

"It is" Soarin said, "I decided to pop by early just to beat the air traffic." He said with a smile.

"Oh yea, that's probably a good idea" Spitfire replied, putting her bowl in the sink and grabbing her jacket off of the counter. "Alright Orion, I'll be back later today" She said as she walked out the door. "

Oh, I'll see you then" He said, smiling as he gave her a quick wave goodbye. Watching as the two of them left, Orion sighed. He had to get ready for work himself, and knowing Rust Rider and the others, they probably have gotten themselves into trouble again. The stallion walked to his room as he grabbed his gear, shoved them in his work bag, and made his way to the train station so he could get to Canterlot.

Wonderbolt HQ

As Spitfire and Soarin arrived at the base, they could see most of the other Bolts were headed to the locker rooms to get ready for practice. Practice today was set to start at 1:30 pm, within and would be consisting of routines for their next show, which was going to be in Vancouver. Everypony had already opened their assigned lockers to gather their shower items. The orange fiery maned captain could clearly hear the tired groans of the others.

Spitfire herself turned from her opened locker, and smiled adorably at the others. "I can literally hear their tired groans. I can comprehend why I had to make you all come early today". She turned away from looking at the others. Focused on grabbing her shower essentials: two yellow towels, one favorite scented shampoo and conditioner.

Spit closed her locker and began to gather her things. After she was done, she began her path to the mares’ washroom. “Hey Spit, I was wondering if we can talk before we head into the showers?” Spitfire heard, turning around to face Rainbow, who was standing near the shower entrance.

“Sure, what is it?”

“So...I know this sounds cheesy, buuuut have you ever been with somepony before? Did you ever do anything special for them?” Dash asked.

Spitfire raised a brow at this "Did Soarin put you up to this? or was it Surprise?"

Rainbow waved her hoofs around in defense "Hay hay, it's not a set up trust me" She said "You see its me and Applejacks one year anniversary, and I wanna do something special for her. But I don't have any ideas. I was wondering if you had any?"

Spitfire turned her face away, huffing softly with a slight blush. “ I don't really have that mutch advice Rainbow, I've always kept my sexual orientation and dating life a secret, you know how the media can get" She said "But...if you must know...before I became a Bolt. I’d been with a few colts and mares before….but it’s a long story, and you all know how the last coltfriend was.”

"Right...well do you have any advice?" Rainbow asked, tilting her head slightly.

" what you feel is right Dash. There's no need to force anything" Spitfire said "If you and this mare have been together and going steady for a while, then do what you think would make her happy."

"Alright...thanks Spit."

"Anytime Crash, now go wash up. We have a lot of work today"

"Yes Ma'am!"

Everypony would eventually arrive to the runway after they've showered and eaten. Most of the bolts chatting about various things. Mainly the breakfast they just had.

"Who made the menu today?" Soarin asked Thunderlane.

"I think it was Wave, Soar. She asked the mess hall staff to prepare something special today before he showered".

"'That's what took Wave so long? No wonder he was the last one out of the shower." The pale blue stallion thought to himself.

As everypony was lined up in their rows, Yellowjacket would approach with his two other bodyguards. He was wearing his occasional navy blue uniform with four stars and achieved badges. "I'm pretty sure all of you know why you're here at this point...however I first have some news" He said, grabbing some papers as he stood in front of them all. "Your next show is going to be hosted at one of the stadiums in Vancouver. It was very challenging to book due to there being so many other applicants. Further details will be provided eventually" He said, Everypony looking to Yellowjacket as he continued to read out his notes.

"Do we have any ideas on how long it's going to be until the Vancouver show?" Surprise would speak up.

"At the moment, the estimated show time is two weeks from now, however that is expected to possibly change depending on the weather." Yellowjacket said. Spitfire, who was standing next to Yellowjacket sighed softly, she knew today was when the time trial reports would be read aloud. To say she was nervous was an understatement. However she tried to remain optimistic.

"Now then, as you are all aware, I made you all take some time trials to assess if you have been keeping up with your training, as well as seeing if you're still good enough to fly with the bolts. I am happy to report that everypony here passed" He said, Everypony else smiled, while Dash mouthed an 'aw yeah!' "However...just because you all passed doesn't mean you get off that easy. With the Vancouver show coming, Id like each of you to take some time to practice some new move sets. I want to see some new things out there so we can bring in more money. If I don't, then there will be layoffs."

Spitfire would step up slightly "I will make sure to get the bolts prepared sir."

"Good, I expect no less Captain" He said as he put the papers down "You're all dismissed" He spoke as he turned around, his two bodyguards following him. Most of the ponies letting out annoyed sighs as they took in the news.

"Great, now we have more things to worry about!" Rainbow spoke "Doesn't that guy have any kind of respect for us?! We have been training our flanks off and we don't even get a break for the holidays!"

"Look guy's I've tried to reason with him, but Yellowjacket's quite set on us using the time to train rather than be on holiday, he's allowed us to have Hearthswarming but that's all." Spitfire said "We shouldn't push our luck."

"Yellowjacket pushes his own luck!" Surprise spoke up "At this point he might as well fire one of us!"

"That won't happen" Spitfire said firmly "As long as I'm your captain, none of you will be fired."

Soarin would walk up next to Spitfire and sigh "Spit, we are just getting tired of him. We all know he's not fit to lead us."

"Even so, he is our commanding officer. We have to listen to him, regardless if we don't like him or not." Spitfire said, huffing frustratingly.

"Spit you said it yourself, we need to stand up to him" Soarin said "Don't we have anything to use on him? anything?"

"Look...I'm working on it..." Spitfire said "I'll do what I can for you guys, I just need time" She said "I'll be in my office if you need anything..." The mare sighed, walking off to go to her office.

"Has anyone noticed that Cap has been acting weird lately?” Wave Chill whispered.

Surprise looked at Wave with skepticism, one brow raised slightly. “She's just under a lot of stress Wave, I'm sure she's alright.”

Soarin meanwhile was staring into space as he thought a bit about the situation. Not even listening to their conversation. His teammates paused their chat briefly and looked at the pale blue stallion, chuckling. Their chuckling snapped Soar out of his thoughts.

“What’s so funny guys?” Soar asked questioning them.

“You were staring into space, idiot”, Thunderlane said to him, as he stuck his tongue out slightly.

“First of all, I’m not an idiot. Only my brother gets to call me that Thunderlane.” Soarin taunted. Thunderlane rolled her eyes at him, while Wave mouthed a ‘thanks bro’.

"So then...what do we do about Yellowjacket?" Rainbow asked.

"We do what Spitfire said, we have faith in her and we trust she has our best interests." Soarin said. The stallion looked to the group "She hasn't failed us yet, so we need to be there for let's get to training alright?"

"Yes Sir" The group replied as they went to go train, Soarin looking behind him to the building where Spitfire's office was. Wondering if things really were going to be ok.

Canterlot Castle

Despite his best efforts to exercise discipline and assert dominance, all efforts at not letting out a yawn utterly failed as Orion slowly trudged his way around the palace hallways, his hooves clopping against the white tiles of the floor with each slow step taken as he tried to maintain both his balance and his vertical status. He'd already lost the early morning battle against yawning, but he was not about to let something as inconsequential as sleep get a win against him as well.

Sleep had not come for him when he'd needed it to last night despite passing out on the couch with Spitfire and Soarin. But that was neither an excuse to get out of working today, Nopony at the palace, especially not the Royal Guard, were ever guaranteed a restful -or even a full- night's sleep between their respective shifts. He'd known that simple fact from the moment he'd signed up, and hadn't been deterred by it. He also knew he could run on less than optimum amounts of sleep, just as he had done numerous times before since the start of his Academy days. Orion would quietly make his way into the office, he was greeted by a few familiar faces. They were a mixture of guards from the previous night’s watch as well as a new batch to begin the day’s shift, similar to his own.

“Morning, Orion” Rust greeted.

“Morning,” Orion replied with a yawn, “Please tell me somepony put a fresh pot of coffee on.”

“Right over here,” another guard directed Orion toward them, “want cream or sugar?”

Orion scoffed as he trotted over toward them, “Come on, you know how I take my coffee each morning, Ranks.”

“Got it, bitter it is,” He commented, smiling softly as he looked to him.

As Orion began to pour himself a cup, Rust Rider called over to him, “Hey Orion, you’re gonna want to read up on last night’s incident report.” Rust said.

The guard took a sip of his coffee, “Alright, alright, I’m on my way.” Coffee in hoof, Orion trotted over to his fellow guard at his desk.

“Here you are,” they said holding up a few pieces of parchment that were stapled together.

“Thanks, Rust” Orion said as he took the report in his hooves. He sat down with both the parchment and coffee and began to read through the report.



Late last night, a report came in that there was a break-in at a local building where some of the nobles frequently like to hang out in. A quick sweep of the area showed that nothing was stolen, however much of the nobles refused to speak to the guard, claiming it wasn't any of our business. Further information is to be requested so a proper investigation into the incident can be done.

Orion finished reading the report and looked over to Rust who had finished gathering her items to go to his station, “Looks like we have some work ahead of us.”

“Same old, same old,” Rust said as he stood up. “Good luck today, you're going to need it”

Orion waved a hoof at the stallion as he looked back to the report, tapping a hoof to his chin. This was the building that Orion had gone to and talked with the nobles about Yellowjacket only a couple days ago, this couldn't be a coincidence. The stallion sat up and walked over to the guard's files as he looked through them.

"Why would somepony break into a nobles club and not steal anything..." Orion mumbled, as he shifted through the papers.

"What ya looking at Ori?" Ranks asked, the stallion walking over to him.

"Just this incident report. Something doesn't quite add up..." He said "I'm trying to see if there are any similar cases."

"Well if yer looking for any kind of help I'm willing ta offer my hoof!" The large earth pony asked, smiling.

"Thanks Ranks, but unless you know anything about secret deals or meetings or anything going on like that then I doubt you can help.

"Hm....well I don't know much regarding those things, but I hear that some of the Canterlot New's reporters have been going around lately looking for things to report on. Mabey they might have something?"

Orion thought for a moment, he then recalled the conversation he had with Blueblood and Fancy Pants. They had told him Yellowjacket used a large sum of money to purchase journalist companies, news outlets, as well as reporters. Perhaps he could get some info about that, as well as the break-in. "Actually that's a great idea, thanks Ranks!" He said, standing up and grabbing his sword "If anypony asks for me, I'll be at the Canterlot Time's Building" Orion said, as he quickly made his way out of the palace into the city.

Wonderbolt HQ

Spitfire let out a sigh, one hoof holding her pen while the other continuously tapped upon the surface of the nearby end table. The mare kept her gaze on the time, her heart rate quickening for brief moments whenever the digits changed. Another minute gone, she was running out of ideas. She knew that the bolts were in dire need of a break, but with Yellowjacket breathing down their necks she had no chance to let them rest. Just thinking about it brought out a groan from Spitfire, as she slumped in her chair. The door to her office soon opened and Soarin entered the room.

"Uh oh...I know that look" Soarin said, closing the door behind him.

"Can it Clipper...I'm not in the mood" She said, huffing softly.

"You know as well as I do moping over this isn't going to fix anything" Soarin said "What we need to do is work together on this."

"How exactly are we going to do that? We have done everything we can" Spitfire said "I've run out of ideas on how to counter Yellowjacket's ridiculous requests and tests."

"Alright...then why don't we try a different approach?" Soarin said.

"What do you mean?" She asked, perking her head up slightly.

"Remember in the academy when we use to sneak off and go to downtown Cloudsdale to go hang out?" Soarin said "Well...what if we did something similar? What if we held a bit of a party? The holidays are around the corner, and the bolts could use something to destress. So what if we held a holiday party or something at the base?"

"You know we can't do that without getting permission from Yellowjacket" Spitfire said.

"Who says he has to know?" He said "We can choose a date when he will be extra busy, and plan it then. That way he won't show up and muck anything up!" He said, smiling to himself.

"That's...not a bad idea...and it would get everypony in good spirits before the Vancouver show" She said, smiling "This could work!"

"Hell yea it will!" Soarin said.

"Alright so...what do we need to do then?" Spitfire asked.

"Well...we first need to know when Yellowjacket will be one of us will have to make an appointment to see him in Canterlot...we can say its business revolving around the Vancouver Show...we make conversation, and we try to get some info out of him on day's he is unavailable"

"Alright good thinking. I can make an appointment with him" Spitfire said "And while I do that, you and Thunderlane can get to work on planning the actual party...I think Thunderlane knows that pink earth pony from Ponyville that Crash knows. So you, him, and her can work on that"

"Got it Cap" Soarin said, saluting to her playfully, as he left the room Spitfire smiled softly, feeling much better about everything now that she had a good idea and plan in her mind. Now all she needed to do was pull it off.

Spitfire's House: 2 Hours Later

Spitfire’s wings ached as they pumped up and down. Each flap was a labor after the day of training she just endured. The wind fought her a bit as she banked to the left to correct her course. Her cloud home was just in view as she put on a burst of speed to close the distance and nearly crashed into the front of the house as her wings gave out. She had to claw her way up to the porch and lay across it panting.

Rummaging can be heard from in the house as Orion opened the door. His eyes look down at the sweaty worn-out mare then let out a sigh. “ Rough day?” He asked, smirking as he helps her to her hooves and leaders her into the house.

"You… You could say that yeah.” Once in the living room Spitfire flopped herself onto the couch. She could feel her aches slowly start to fade from her mind as her eyes started to droop closed before her laying was interrupted by the stallion joining on the couch next to her.

“Well if it's any consultation I had a long day too. I was basically running back and forth around Canterlot" Orion said "But it was worth it in the end, because I got some good info."

"Info on what?" Spitfire asked, opening one of her eyes.

"Info on Yellowjacket" Orion said, smerking.

Spitfire jumped up slightly as she looked at Orion "You got info on him?" she asked.

"Well, I was going to tell you yesterday, but I got distracted with Soarin hanging out." Orion said as he pulled out a some papers. "A couple days ago I learned from the nobles that Yellowjacket had recently used a large sum of money to purchase journalist companies, news outlets, as well as reporters." He said "While doing some research on another investigation today, I went to the Canterlot Times and found out from some of the workers there, that Yellowjacket comes once every month to talk to the supervisor, then he leaves with some papers."

"What would Yellowjacket be doing with the Canterlot Times?" Spitfire asked.

"I'm not too sure, but all I do know is that whatever he is doing, he is trying to keep it a secret."

"Well...that's...a lot to take in" Spitfire said "And here I thought I was being delusional."

"Nope, he's up to something, and I'm going to try and find out what." Orion said firmly "Besides...your not delusional...your just the biggest and loudest idiot on base” He said, smirking.

“That's not entirely inaccurate.” She blew a raspberry at the stallion. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the comfortable couch. Spitfire was just about asleep until she felt somepony tug at her flight suit. Sleepily she muttered “Take me to dinner first at least.” She said, which caused Orion to blush softly, as he huffed softly “You stink. Your suit stinks. If you sleep in your suit you’ll be a mess and stink up the house go take a shower at least before you get back to passing out.”

"Yea yea, I'll go Dad" She said, chuckling softly.

“Hey, want something to drink later?” Orion poked his head over the couch.

“Naw I’m just gonna konk out for the night and let my body rest.” She said "I have a lot of planning to do, so I need all the rest I can get"

"Oh really? What's up?" Orion asked.

"Soarin and Me are going to plan a Wonderbolt Holiday Party at the base, but it's going to take a lot of work," She said

"A Holiday Party? Sounds fun" He said.

Spitfire would stop for a moment, blushing ever so slightly " you... maybe wanna come?" She asked.

Orion paused as he looked to Spitfire "You the party right?" He asked.

"Yes to the Party Orion..." She said in a dull tone, rolling her eyes. "I figured you'd wanna come. Could be a lot of fun."

"Uhh...sure I don't see why not" He said, smiling as he turned around "Oh and don't use up all the shampoo, I still need some.

"You got it!" She said.

"Oh uh...and Spit?" Orion asked, turning back around to the mare.


"Thanks again for letting me crash here, it means a lot. Really.” He said smiling softly at the mare.

“Anytime so don't worry about it. Anything for an old friend even if said friend is a pain in the flank like you.” Spitfire chuckled as she walked to the bathroom. Thinking about everything, there was clearly a lot to get done, but if she could pull this off, she felt everything could finally get back to a sense of normal...however she couldn't help but feel there was something more over the horizon for her.

Chapter 7: The Burn of a Flame

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Spitfire hummed as she flew in the skies of Cloudsdale, unbearable boredom having driven her from home very quickly after she had awoken that morning. Orion had left earlier than her for an assignment in Canterlot so she had been struck with a bit of wanderlust. Spitfire struggled to recall the last time she truly had no responsibilities to anypony but herself and, thusly, the opportunity to satiate such a desire.

She continued to fly for the better part of the morning, eventually deciding to window shop as she moved from block to block. After stopping in an outdoor diner for a light lunch consisting of a fruit salad and fresh lemonade, she soon made her way back to the park she was in a few weeks ago. She wasn’t terribly surprised to see a dozen or so young fillies and colts playing in and around the small playground, their respective parents or foal sitters lingering a small distance away.

“Captain Spitfire” a stallion called from somewhere she couldn’t see.

Oh buck me…’ She cringed internally upon sitting up to get a look at the stallion. Her attitude quickly changed once she got a look at the pony. He was a rather yellow-toned Pegasus with a dark green mane, his purple eyes almost locking onto Spitfire directly.

“Zipper Flash...” She regarded him coldly “What do you want?.”

"Spitfire, Im surprised at you” he said feigning a hurt look. “Sence when can a stallion not check up on an old friend.”

“We are not friends” She said in a cold monotone voice.

Zipper noticed the look. “How harsh, hear I thought we had moved past all that nonsense” Noticing Spitfire’s withering look, he frowned “What? Is it really so hard to believe I have moved on?”

"Yes, because this is you we are talking about" She said, scowling slightly "You really think I'm just going to forget how you treated me? What you put me through?"

"Last time I checked? I wasn't the one who abandoned their coltfriend" He said, giving her an equally ugly look "You did that all on your own."

"You have some fucking nerve" She said, puffing her chest out in protest "Give me one damn reason why I shouldn't kick your ass right now."

"Well for starters I don't think you would wanna have a photo of you beating a poor defenseless stallion up around children" He said, reminding the mare of her surroundings "And second of all, I have protection now."

"Protection? What you're so paranoid you hired a bodyguard or some shit?" Spitfire said, smerking rather cocky.

"Mn no. I just so happen to have run into somepony who has promised me protection in return for shall we say...sensitive information" Zipper said.

"What did you do" Spitfire squinted her eyes at him, sending daggers into the eyes of the stallion.

"You will find out all in due time Spitfire. For now? I would recommend watching what you do and never know who is watching..." Zipper said He smiled politely before trotting away.

Spitfire held her breath until she was sure he was gone, releasing it in a long sigh and with a groan, she rose back to her hooves and shook the grass from her coat. She needed to find something more active to do.


Orion was walking through the courtyard of the military compound, nearing his company's barracks. He was assigned for some duties early today, so he never got time to see Spitfire. He knew he'd see her later on but he knew that it was going to be a long day and due to the time of year, it was already very dark outside, despite being only half past six, Orion sighed in exhaustion.

He didn't even open the door to the barracks before he could already hear hollering, and wild laughter from inside. It seemed the guys were having a good time, instead of getting ready for the shift. The young guardsman stepped inside, and his mouth turned to a smile, despite not even hearing what his company was so joyful about. But clearly, they were excited about something.

Inside the barracks, he could see at least twenty of his fellow troopers assembled roughly around where his bunk was. He rarely had to use his bunk, as he often went home after work. However there were rare instances where he was required to stay a few nights. He began walking there, but at that moment, another wave of laughter spread across the building. Getting closer, she could see the guards standing around someone, who was making a speech, or more likely, was cracking jokes at them.

"Okay guys, okay, now who is this? "Troopers... This sort of indiscipline, is simply, disgusting! If you were MY company, this sort of behavior would be weeded out, once and for all! But I can assure you, that my platoon won't act like this!""

Of course, the pony who played stand-up comedian, was Private Frosty Swords, one of the night guards- and Orion's bunkmate from time to time, resident funny guy.

"That's too easy, it's..." began a guard from the crowd, and lowered his voice "...General Blue Crest, come on Frosty, throw us a challenge already!"

Orion joined the crowd, and let out a chuckle herself. He had to admit, the imponification was spot-on. Although it was easy to mock and sneer at Blue. The infamous General of The Night Guard who was the generally disliked by most of the privates, Orion knew Blue personally though and knew he was genuinely a nice stallion, even if he was a dick sometimes.

When the hollering and laughing died down somewhat, Frosty resumed his act, changing the pitch of his voice again.

"And who is this? "Howdy y'all. Any of ya have medical gear I could borra? Im runnin' low on supplies""

The reaction from the soldiers were much less explosive this time around. A few of them scratched their heads, and changed suggestions between themselves who the target of the mockery could be. Orion knew who it was, but he didn't want to cut the game short, despite that they still needed to change into armor.

"Okay, that was supposed to be Private Ranks" Frosty revealed finally "I'm disappointed, guys, I didn't even get to the hard ones yet."

Orion slightly giggled, and at the same time, felt a little bad for Private Ranks. He wasn't known for being the sharpest tool in the shed. Well, in the barracks...

"We knew who it was, Frosty, it just wasn't funny. And you're a flankhole for mocking him. Rank's a cool guy." a soldier threw at him, sounding a bit offended.

"I know, but comedy only truly works if we set aside our limits, whether if the target of mockery is a cool guy or not." Frosty answered, sounding dignified, and a bit haughty.

"He's right! You shut up Lemon Eye, you wouldn't recognize humor even if it hit you over the head!" a pony from first platoon yelled.

"Do you want me to hit you over the head?" threatened Lemon, but several others dismissed him.

"Okay, okay, pussyfight's over, let's hear what Frosty has left instead, we don't have much time left!"

Frosty took a gander at the crowd, then began, raising his voice up real high:

"I am convinced that style and being a Royal Guard aren't mutually exclusive! Did I tell you about the mane conditioner I use? Oh, I will tell you all abou... Hey, look at that storefront!"

The crowd's feedback was rather conservative. A few chuckles here and there. Orion was smirking, as he knew who that was supposed to be. After all, there were only two mares in the whole company...

Several members of the crowd were whispering among each other, and no reaction came regarding the target of the imponification. After a little while though, one stallion spoke up:

"Well, I do wonder who that could be..."

"High pitched voice, is pretty girly... Hmmm..." said another stallion, putting a hoof to his chin, while also winking at another. That one spoke up:

"Oh, oh, I know that one then: It's Private Frosty!"


The entire barracks burst out laughing as a single pony, much louder than anytime before. Orion himself laughed too. Frosty looked left and right, his mouth slightly agape at the sudden change of roles.

"Screw you guys, that's not funny!" he said, but he himself was smirking a bit. Before the company's resident comedian could answer, a dark red pegasus , a certain Second Lieutenant Rust Rider interjected:

"That was indeed enough guys. Let's hustle up, and get to the armory. Especially you, Night Guard. You don't want a piece of Blue's anger, do you?"

The Lieutenant's words were effective, and the Night Guards made their way toward the door. And finally, Orion could also reach his bunk, and begin to pack some things up. Rust sat down on his own bed, and greeted his friend.

"So, how have things been Mr. Wonderbolt Smooth Talker~" He teased, Orion blushing slightly as he looked to the pegasus.

"Knock it off Rust, it's as I told you before, it's only temporary until I can fix stuff with the bank. Besides she's not that bad of a roommate. She's really nice once you get to know her"

"I'm sure she is" He said, rolling his eyes playfully "In any case I'm actually glad I ran into you. I wanted to update you on something"

"What is it?" Orion asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, you know how the Noble's Club building was broken into? The report had said that nothing was stolen so we had put it down as a burglary gone wrong" Rust said "However last night a couple of our guards performed a routine inspection near Mountainside District North and we found an abandoned warehouse that was stacked full of Cash and Letters, and the letters where all written on Nobility Owned Notepads."

"Shit really? What was on the letters?" Orion asked

"Blackmail...about a lot of the nobility and even some of the higher-up guards" Rust said "Whatever we found was most likely a meetup between a buyer and a supplier. But by the time we got there they must have left."

" that's a huge breakthrough"

"Yea, a lot of us believe that there is somepony who is supplying the news reporters with the Blackmail and the Cash. The only issue is that we have no clue who's doing it, or what their motive is, and with Councilpony Elections coming soon, we need to act fast"

"Wait..Councilpony Elections..." Orion said, tapping his chin.

"What is it?" Rust asked "You have that look on your face that means you have a theory"

"Right well...I was doing some digging for a friend of mine, It ended up with me going to The Noble's Club, and I found out something very interesting about Councilpony Yellowjacket."

"You're kidding me, what did you find out?" Rust asked, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Apparently he recently used a large sum of money to purchase journalist companies, news outlets, as well as reporters. Said it was for 'Future Investments'. When I asked the other Nobles what companies he bought they said they had no idea"

Rust thought for a moment, collecting all the information he just gathered "If what your saying is true, we may have a possible suspect. But given he is a council pony it will be quite difficult to get court authority to conduct a search of his records."

"Yea I figured as much. Though this is differently better than having no suspect at all" Orion said.

"Well whatever the case, until we get evidence that we can present in a court of law to let us conduct searches of the Council Ponies' records and Properties, we can't do anything."

"Hm...You know Spitfire has been telling me she's been looking to try and prove something about Yellowjacket. Maybe I can assist her? Try to get him to say or do something to the Bolts that would let us act" Orion said.

"That's a dangerous path Orion...if the press got news that The Bolts and Guards were working to take down a council pony it would be utter chaos."

"Then I'll just be casual about it. I won't be there as a guard, I'll be there as myself" Orion said determination in his voice.

"Orion if you get yourself into trouble I may not be able to do much. Even with your status as a Captain" Rust said, his tone a very serious and concerning one. Orion taking the hint that he was getting himself into trouble.

"I understand the risks I'm taking Rust, but I need to do this. Not just for justice and the law, but also for the bolts who are suffering under Yellowjacket's command"

Rust nodded softly "I get it...and I wish you luck" The two guards then left their bunk, and walked towards the door, which was left open for them. Rust continued:

"Just remember your training and what's at stake Orion" the two ponies then left the barracks, and turned towards the streets of Canterlot.

Wonderbolt HQ

With a spring in her step, Spitfire trotted into the main HQ Building. Upon arrival, she was greeted politely by some of the new bolts still going over their paperwork. After a quick walk through the halls, she found the entire team assembled in the main meeting room, and in the midst of a debate that, if the look on Soarins’ face was any indication, was rapidly getting heated.

The team had divided into two groups: Soarin', Rapidfire, Misty, Surprise, and Thunderlane were opposed by Fleetfoot, Blaze, Silver Lining, Fire Streak, Rainbow Dash, and Wave Chill. “I’m telling you,” Fleetfoot growled at Soarin', “If we keep bending over backward to that damn narcissistic asshole we are going to lose our jobs!”

“For the last time, Sargeant,” Soarin' emphasized Fleetfoot’s rank, “that is not going to happen.”

The familiar sound of clashing egos triggered Spitfire to slip into her command role. With a sharp whistle and a stomp of her hoof, she attracted the attention of everypony.

“Alright, everypony sit down and shut the buck up!” She stalked towards the table.

Everypony at the table, except Soarin and Rapid, shrank in their seats as the Captain approached. Soarin didn’t bother to hide his smirk. Similarly, Rapid looked like he was torn between amusement and terror.

“Now, somepony explain to me exactly what this nonsense is about,” she stated firmly, making eye contact with every Wonderbolt at the table.

"It's Yellowjacket. He showed up earlier today looking for you." Soarin' said, walking over to her "He told me to give you this" He said, handing her a letter. Spitfire raised an eyebrow at this as she took the letter and opened it, the letter seemingly already been opened.


Greetings Captian.

If your receiving this message then you should consider yourself quite unlucky. I have recently been shown some sensitive information involving you and a pegasus by the name of Zipper Flash. Due to the sensitive material around the information, I'm sure you can imagine how damaging it would be to not only yourself but the entire Wonderbolt Team. However I am a humble pony who only wishes for the best, so I have made sure this sensitive material is safely hidden from any public eye. However in doing this, it takes quite a lot on my part, so I will expect some work on your end as well to repay me for this kindness. I will be in touch.


Soarin' shot Spitfire a particularly apologetic glare as he looked at her. Rapid merely nodded, knowing better than to make the situation worse. Spitfire suppressed a nervous gulp and took her seat. "Son of a Bitch." she muttered under her breath.

"This is Blackmail Spitfire! He is holding what happened with Zipper against you!" Rainbow spoke up "He has you tied around his hoof now!"

"What do you expect us to do Dash? Tell on him?" Thunderlane said "If we even show any kind of authority this letter, he will release that information and all of us will be screwed!"

"Yea well it's better than living under his iron hoof 24/7!" Fleetfoot shouted.

"ENOUGH!" Spitfire yelled, standing up as she looked to everypony. "Look all of you make a point, there's no denying what this is, and what it means."

"So what do we do" Rapidfire said.

"First, we don't panic. That is the last thing we need" Spitfire said "If we are going to get around this, we need to find ponies who could actually do something about this"

"What, you mean like a detective?" Surprise said.

"Don't be ridiculous, if we involve anyone from the Cloudsdale Police then Yellowjacket will immediately know." Misty said.

"I'm not suggesting we go to the police" Spitfire said.

"You're not suggesting who I think you're suggesting..." Soarin said.

"Come on Soar, he would know how to handle this. Plus there's no way Yellowjacket would have any idea who he is" Spitfire said, looking to her, and then to Rapidfire who also had a similar look of concern on his face.

"Guy's what in the hay are you going on about" Rainbow spoke up.

"I have a friend...he works in the Royal Guard. I think he could help us" Spitfire said.

"The Royal Guard?! How is that better?!" Fleetfoot shouted.

"Look you guys just have to trust me on this!" Spitfire snapped back "He's already aware of the Yellowjacket situation anyways, and he's been helping me a bit. If we want advice then why not go to somepony in the Guard."

"Yellowjacket is the Air Council Pony! He has Royal Guards working with him all the time, how in the hay would he not know!" Rainbow said.

"Because he doesn't work with Yellowjacket or the Council Detail. He mainly does Castle Duty in Canterlot. Yellowjacket wouldn't recognize him at all." Spitfire said.

"Right so what's his name then" Blaze asked.

"It's Orion." Spitfire said, causing a few of the bolts to gasp slightly.

"Orions in the Royal Guard?! Shut the front door!" Surprise said "You didn't tell me that!"

"More importantly you have been living with a Royal Guard??" Rainbow asked.

"Yes, does that really matter?" Spitfire said, huffing softly.

"We are just surprised that's all Spitfire" Thunderlane said.

"Yeah well, Orion can help us with this. I trust him and I think he is the perfect pony to get advice from" Spitfire said "So I need you all to trust me on this ok?" Most of the bolts looked at each other, then they looked back to Spitfire, nodding in agreement.

"Alright everypony take a break, get something to eat, and cool down a bit." she said turning to Soarin' and Rapid, “Don't worry guys...I promise this will work out"

Spitfire's House

“Is He here yet?” Thunderlane asked, his hoof tapping the ground impatiently.

Spitfire sighed lightly she, along with Thunderlane and Soarin, were sitting together at Spitfire’s house, awaiting the eventual arrival of Orion. Thunderlane had been annoying Spitfire with some variation of the same three questions over and over again, whereas Soarin had long since fallen into a catatonic state. The sky-blue stallion’s eyes stared blankly through the space in front of him, scarcely aware of the conversation.

Spitfire truly wished she had the same ability to so completely tune out the world.

“Well unless she figured out how to become invisible: then no, I’d say she isn’t,” Spitfire answered with a roll of her eyes.

“Why are we here again?” Soarin asked with a sigh. “I mean, seriously Spit, it’s your date, not—” He froze, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head when the realization hit him. “Oh you little…” He mumbled, pressing a hoof to his forehead.

Thunderlane’s face paled as well, his eyes drifting to Spitfire, who was failing spectacularly at maintaining an innocent look.

“No” Thunderlane stated flatly.

“No what?” Spitfire asked, her voice cracking as she struggled not to giggle.

“You know perfectly well ‘what’,” Thunderlane growled.

“Hmm...” Spitfire rubbed her chin contemplatively. “Nope, pretty sure I don’t.”

“Mallow and I aren’t going on a double-date with you,” Thunderlane jerked his hoof in Soarin’s direction.

“Oh, I get it,” Spitfire purred, “you two lovebirds want private quality time.”

Soarin smacked Thunderlane’s shoulder irritably. “How, in the name of all things sacred, did you not see that one coming?”

“You’re not helping,” Thunderlane groaned despondently.

“You two are just adorable together,” Spitfire giggled, clopping her front hooves together in excitement.

“There is no ‘we’!” Soarin declared in exasperation.

Thunderlane groaned in exasperation as he pressed his hoof to his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut. “You really are evil.” He lamented, pointing an accusatory hoof at Spitfire.

“I prefer the term ‘morally flexible’,” Spitfire said with a playful wink and a smirk. The three Wonderbolts shared a moment of laughter as a familiar white pegasus stallion walked into the house. Looking at the three ponies with confusion.

"Did somepony die? Or-" Orion asked, confused.

"No not yet-" Spitfire said "We actually needed to speak to you Orion. We need your help."

"Help with what?"

"Yellowjacket" Soarin spoke up "He's just crossed a line and we have run out of options, we were hoping you could help us out."

"What did he do.." Orion said, Spitfire then walked to Orion and handed him the letter, the pegasus reading over it as his confused look turned into that of anger. "That fucking dickhead." He said.

"We need your help Orion. We can't go to the police or else Yellow will find out, and seeing as your familiar with Nobles and Politics in Canterlot...I thought you would be able to provide some inside knowledge?" Spitfire said

"I can help absolutely" Orion said "But...I'm going to need full context about things. Im not...familiar with this Zipper Flash pony"

Spitfire fidgeted uncomfortably, finding herself unable to look Orion in the eye. "He' ex-coltfriend"

"I...wasn't aware you had a Coltfriend before. I mean...besides the whole made-up thing about you and Soarin" Orion said.

"We don't talk about it because Zipper used to be a Wonderbolt." Thunderlane said. "Its...a long story."

"Is there any way you can summarize it?" Orion asked.

Spitfire would walk over to the couch sitting down, sighing softly. "It was a couple years ago, Zepher was a new recruit in the bolts, and he showed a lot of promise." Spitfire said "We began to see each other at first just as friends, but slowly we began to get closer, and we eventually decided to start dating"

"Right...and I get the impression things didn't go well after?" Orion asked.

"No...Zipper began to get a bit distant from me, and we began to have a lot of fights. Eventually Zipper went too far...he threatened to tell Yellowjacket and The Media that I was giving him a favor because I was dating him." She said, scowling slightly at the memory. "When the rest of the Bolts found out, we all ganged up on him and forced him to leave the Bolts."

"It was a really nasty situation" Soarin said "We were only able to get him to agree to leave by giving him a retirement benefit. Essentially we paid him to leave"

"Right...and if news came out that The Wonderbolts had forced a member to leave by paying them, as well as Zipper claiming that Spitfire was favoring him when they where dating. It would be a nasty blow that the Wonderbolts wouldn't be able to recover from" Orion said.

"Precisely, and now that Yellowjacket knows about it, he is going to hold us against it so we will do whatever he wants" Spitfire said.

"Has he said at all what he wants you to do?" Orion asked.

"No not yet, I imagine he is saving it for when he knows it will benefit him." Thunderlane said.

Orion stood up, walked to the window as he looked out of it, contemplating and taking in all the information. He huffed softly as he turned to the group. "Right...I'm glad you told me all this, I myself actually have news regarding Yellowjacket as well."

"Wait really?" Spitfire asked.

Orion nodded "Recently, the Guard found a warehouse that was full of Cash and Blackmail letters, they haven't identified who supplied them or who was going to pick them up. However with the information I collected about Yellowjacket buying out Journalist Companies, and now with the info you have told me. It only points to the fact that Yellowjacket has been running some kind of Underground Blackmail Business."

"Don't you think that's going a bit too far? I mean...Underground Blackmail?" Thunderlane asked.

Orion shook his head "The guard has been dealing with a huge amount of Journalists finding out information about Guard Routes, which correlate to locations of Noble Ponies as well as The Princess's." He said "Yellowjacket was one of the most voted ponies in over 5 years when he became Air Council Pony, and I have a feeling most of those votes were most likely forced due to Blackmail."

"So he rigged the election?" Soarin said "Damn...he's been playing the long game.."

"With Re-elections coming up, his suspected activity now makes more sense. He is trying to stay in office, and get himself a second term by Blackmailing ponies who would swing the votes his way." Orion said.

"So how in Tartarus are we supposed to stop him then? We have nothing but estimated guesses and one single Blackmail letter." Thunderlane said.

"You guy's are having that Holiday Party in a week right? Perhaps we can use that as our advantage" Orion said.

"How? What's a holiday party going to help us accomplish?" Soarin asked.

"If we get Yellowjacket alone in a room, and record him confessing to the Blackmail Letter. We can then turn it over to the proper ponies." Orion said "I can have it sent to the Princess's who can then authorize a search warrant of not only his properties, but also look into his bank records. Meaning we can pin him for leaking all the Blackmail and Guard Routes and get him kicked off of Council and make it so that he can never run again."

"That could work...I think we could pull it off" Soarin said looking to Spitfire "What do you think Spit?"

"I think it's about time Yellowjacket gets a taste of what it's like to be burnt by a flame" The four ponies would nod in agreement, with a plan now set up and a good idea of what's to come, all that was left was to wait.

Chapter 8: The Sting of a Jacket

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Five minutes was all he could've asked for, really. Five more peaceful minutes of sleep and relaxation, that's all Orion wanted

One tap.

"Just five more... five more minutes..."

Two consecutive taps.

"Alright, alright, I'm waking up" declared the tired pegasus, springing up from his bed with a stretch of his wings and hooves and a languid yawn fleeing from his mouth. He dozily glanced around the bedroom, lips forming a meek smile once she saw the bright-faced pony in front of him.

"You're up early today, Spit." Orion said, the yellow pegasus then gave a quick, excited nod, wings flapping fervently in place.

"What can I say, I'm looking forward to the day" She said, flicking her tail at him as she trotted to the doorway "Now get your lazy flank out of bed and come downstairs I made breakfast.

The white pony gave a simple, fitting nod prancing out of his room, following the savory smell of an omelette and the sound of it sizzling in a frying pan. Already, his mouth was starting to water, though he chuckled at the sight of the cook, hesitantly dashing a pinch of salt across and just staring at it for a few seconds before resuming flipping the omelet with a wooden spoon clenched in between her teeth.

"I had no idea I was living with both a wonderbolt captain and a five-star cook" Orion jokingly said taking a seat at the table as he looked at the mare. It wasn't long before she shifted the omelet from pan to platter, dicing it up evenly and serving it for the both of them to relish. The first mouth already was ecstasy for Orion, who could only hum in delight. "Damn, you really are a good cook.." He said.

"My mom always liked to teach me some cooking while she had the chance to. When I wasn't doing stuff with her that is" Spitfire said, taking the omelet slice and eating it herself. " have been cooking enough for me...I wanna return the favor."

"Hay hay, I was doing it because you offered me to live with you, I wanna repay that kindness" He said.

"Yeah well I'm a mare who wants to repay debts" She said, the mare making sure her standards were set. "And you my friend, are not going to cook a meal for me without me cooking for you"

"Fine fine fine, but don't expect me to not cook you a meal in return for this meal" He said, smirking slightly at the mare, who now had an equal smirk at him.

"Alright you cheeky stallion, enough teesing. We have a party to go set up for" Spitfire said, sitting up as she swallowed the last of her food.

"Right! So let's go over the plan again" Orion said, getting up and beginning to pace "The party is going to be at the Wonderbolt HQ like we had all talked about" He said "And then?"

"Then, I will have one of the bolts 'accidentally' run into Yellowjacket, have him get suspicious enough to follow them back to the base where he will bust us for having a secret party"

"Then, you will ask to speak to Yellowjacket in your office, where we have planted recording devices in. Get him to confess to the Blackmail letter, and then turn in the evidence to the Princess" Orion said smirking. "It's fullproof"

"Right...I wouldn't say fullproof, but I am confident in it" Spitfire said tapping her chin "I am a bit concerned about trying to hide the tapes from Yellowjacket, or what he will do when he is exposed"

"Don't worry, I promise you that if anything does end up happening, I'll be there for all of you" Orion said "Nothing is going to get past me"

"Oh yes, Captian of the Royal Guard" Spitfire smerked "I have no doubt in your abilities Orion, but you are just too sweet to do anything harmful to anypony"

"Hay now, I'm a tough guy. I have been through plenty of things you wouldn't even believe" Orion said

"So have I Orion, trust me when I tell you that" She said smirking, then sighing softly " don't mind me asking a question?"

"Yea sure what's up?" He asked, tilting his head.

"How did you get your scar?" She asked, motioning to his eye.

Orion looked at her for a few moments, blinking before sighing "The Canterlot Invasion" He said "I was on duty during the wedding, and I had to fight off a lot of Changelings." He said "I came face to face with a Changeling Guard and I fought him, the bug got lucky and sliced at my eye." He said, motioning to the scar "I was lucky not to lose my eye, but the scar is a reminder of my duties"

Spitfire listened, showing a lot of attention and making sure Orion knew she was taking in all the information, she did feel bad for him. That day wasn't easy for anypony, a lot of families were hurt and separated during the wedding, and a lot of Guards had lost their lives as well "I'm sorry...that sounds very painful." She said.

"It's no big deal, really it isn't" Orion said, waving it off "At the end of the day what mattered was the fact lives were saved."

"Yeah but...your life is important too Orion. You went above and beyond to help ponies that day" She said walking close to him, as she gently took his hoof holding it. The white stallion blushed slightly. "That's something I really respect."

Orion just kinda looked at Spitfire for a few moments. He never noticed how orange her eyes were...they were like a flame, a lit flame of beautiful fire. Dangerous yet full of Life. "T-thank you...that...means a lot..." He said, softly huffing as the two of them kinda just stared at each other for a few more moments. Spitfire now supports a blush of her own before clearing her throat.

"W-we should uh...head to the base to set up" Spitfire said.

"Y-yea right right" Orion said, snapping out of his trance as he made his way to the door. "Let's get a move on then shall we?"

Wonderbolt HQ

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!"

The ponies in blue chanted loudly, surrounding the single pegasus who had his lips wrapped around the neck of a large bottle of eggnog. Rapidfire guzzled the drink down, the creamy liquid that he failed to swallow drizzling down his chin and onto the floor. Finally, he finished off the drink. Grinning, he stood up straight, spreading his wings wide. He opened his mouth, but instead of letting out the victorious taunt that he'd been planning to make, he belched loudly. The other Wonderbolts laughed and cheered.

Sitting at the other end of the room, Soarin snorted to himself, shaking her head. "Dude, that's your twelfth bottle," he called. "You sure you don't want to call it quits? You know what that stuff does to you."

"No way!" Rapidfire retorted, swaying slightly as he tossed the bottle aside. "I feel fiddle as a fine...I worries, I can last as long as I need to..." his retort was interrupted when he belched again, lurching forward a little. Knowing what was going to happen, the other Wonderbolts cleared a pathway, allowing the pegasus a direct pathway to the bathroom, which he flew into at top speed, slamming the door shut behind him. A moment later, the sound of retching could be heard from the other side of the door.

Standing next to Soarin', Thunderlane clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Not even close to his record from last year."

"Bet those gingerbread cookies threw him off," Soarin' commented, sipping at his mulled cider. Hearth's Warming music played from the speakers, which sat in the corner underneath a set of wreaths with blinking lights. The decorations were relatively sparse, but even with the time they had and the amount of money all of them could use, Soarin always believed that it wasn't the decorations that made the party. It was the ponies, no matter how ridiculous they were.

"Yea well, you're only faster than us when there's food involved, especially pie" Thunderlane snarked, drawing closer to Soarin. The heat from his body being felt by him.

Soarin rubbed the back of his mane with a hoof, chuckling softly. "Yea well, I also remember you always trying to steal my slice when my back was turned," he added.

"Hey, I always worked hard! I deserved that extra slice!" Thunderlane protested. "You hog it all the time"

Soarin laughed. "Says the pony who always tried to skip leg day!"

Thunderlane laughed as well, a bit more nervously. After a moment, he admitted, "You know, if you hadn't pushed me so hard, I might not be here. You were the one who made sure I never gave up," he said.

Soarin let out a single chuckle. "Heh, yup. Silly old Soarin, always hard with the newbies."

The conversation faded into silence. The two top Wonderbolts avoided each other's gaze "You know, I, um..." Thunderlane finally said. "I know we argue and bicker alot...and so, you know, I only do it because I care about ya..."

Soarin chuckled again "I know that you big fuckin goon" he said "Otherwise I wouldn't be speaking to ya right now would I?"

"Yea...I guess your right Mellow" He said smirking.

Soarin blushed softly "You and your fuckin nicknames I swear"

"Its not my fault you look cute when you blush" Thunderlane casually said, smirking as he took a sip of his own drink.

Soarin; was about to say something, but when he looked up, the thought was driven from his head. Thunderlane wasn't looking at him: he was looking at something above them with a wide-eyed, slack-jawed expression, and blushing furiously. Soarin' looked up as well.

Fleetfoot was hovering above them, wearing a mischievous grin that would make Discord jealous. And she was dangling a mistletoe over their heads.

"Fleetfoot!" Soarin' sputtered in shock, his cheeks turning red.

Fleetfoot laughed in reply. "C'mon, you know the rules! You gotta kiss now!"

"You are so fucking childish!" He said, swatting at the mistletoe, which only made Fleetfoot laugh more.

"Sheesh, any longer and we'd have to get you two a room," Fleetfoot sniggered, dropping the mistletoe onto the floor. "C'mon, stop being so serious! Enjoy the party!" She turned and began to fly back towards the group of ponies talking amongst each other.

Soarin' remained where he was, his eyes on Thunderlane. His smile had grown wider and his blush had deepened, and he was slowly shifting his weight from hoof to hoof.

"Do you think we should tell them that we've been going out for a month now?" Thunderlane said, with a huge smirk on his face "We have been lying to the others for a while now, Spitfire even called you out on it"

Soarin' snorted with laughter. "Do you know what they would do to us if we told?"

"They're gonna find out sooner or later," Thunderlane pointed out, pausing briefly.

Soarin' frowned in thought. "You're right," he admitted. "We'll tell them at some point. But not today, all right?"

"Okay," Thunderlane agreed "I love you, Soar."

"Love you too, you big dork," Soarin replied. The doors to the lunchroom area then opened and Orion and Spitfire entered the room. Spitfire smiled as she saw everypony was having fun.

"Did you guys start the party without us already?" She said

"Nah, we were just downing all the booze so you wouldn't get drunk off your ass" Fleetfoot shouted.

"Wow Spit, didn't take you for an alcoholic" Orion commented, smirking devilishly at Spitfire who punched him in the midsection.

"Shut up you dork!" She said laughing.

"Hay now you two, don't get into a fight just yet. We haven't even started with the games!"

Orion and Spitfire walked to the rest of the group, Rapidfire then entered the room from the bathroom "Oh hay Sis" He said.

"Oh godess did you actually already puke?" She asked, trying to hold back a cackle.

"Hay, you are the one who decided to show up late" He said, rubbing his head.

Orion chuckled "You two are hilarious" He said, walking over to the other bolts to mingle.

Spitfire rolled her eyes, looking to Soarin and Thunderlane walking over "So, you two get some quality time then?"

"Like Id spend that kind of time with Mellow" Thunderlane said.

"Shut up" Soarin said, punching Thunderlane in the midsection, then looking to Spitfire "So...what about the plan. Who's the one who's gonna lead Yellowjacket here?"

"I asked Wave Chill" Spitfire said "Don't worry Soarin' I trust that your brother knows what he is doing."

"Wave always did want to be a spy when he was a kid" Soarin' said, rolling his eyes.

"Right, well how long before Yellowjacket even gets here?" Rapidfire asked.

"That's all up to fate while we are waiting let's just relax and have some fun yeah?" Spitfire said smiling.

"Now that's what I'm talking about" Soarin' said "Come on, let's get to it!"

Downtown Cloudsdale

It was a lovely Saturday evening in Cloudsdale. Luna’s glorious moon shone brightly down upon the many ponies that called the city home Granted, not many ponies were night ponies like Yellowjacket was, but it was a lovely morning nonetheless.

Yellowjacket leafed through the pages of his pocket-sized notebook, every so often he glanced up from the page he was reading to make sure he wasn’t going to bump into anypony. Years of practice had made him very capable of navigating while jotting notes or looking over his schedule.

The reason for this particular walk was primarily business. “Let’s see,” he muttered to himself as he found the page containing the list of things he needed, he hummed softly, flipping to the next page. “Ah here we are.” He smiled. “Meet with Zipper Flash, nine-thirty, Morning Brew’s Coffee House.”

He paused at the street corner long enough to get his bearings. Yellowjacket found himself at the corner of Downer and Mane Street. Morning Brew’s Coffee House was a fair distance down Mane Street, another forty-minute walk if he made good time.

Yellowjacket took a moment to stretch before he began his flight. It wasn’t often that he missed the days of being a beat reporter for another pony’s newspaper. It was a lot of hard work for lousy pay and few benefits, not something he could raise his life on. That said, years of sitting behind a desk coordinating ponies, meeting with advertising interests, and planning stories had left him with a handsome amount of business opportunities.

Becoming an entrepreneur and establishing his own paper had nearly ended in failure. Few ponies were willing to buy an unknown publication without some sort of word-of-mouth and those that did weren’t going to leave their subscriptions to the big name papers like the Manehattan Times or the Post.

Yellowjacket couldn’t fault them for that; he probably wouldn’t have changed his subscription either. His paper had muddled through six months before Yellow hit on an idea. He had noticed how much ponies enjoyed gossiping and speculating about the private lives of others. Even his editorial staff, meager as it was, enjoyed putting together their own mock paper in their free time that was a fun little romp into the fantastical.

With what money he had left, as well as his newly gained skills in politics, he scrounged together a successful underground blackmail business full of nothing but the juiciest gossip he could get his hooves on. He and a few editors on his payroll in different news companies then began writing outlandish headlines and borderline farcical articles about anything they could think of. To his great surprise they had all been successful, and the money he got was more then enough to testify for that.

There wasn’t really any turning back from that moment. Yellowjacket met with his entire team, informed them of the change in strategy, and did what he could to get rid of the ponies who didn’t want any part of his new venture. That same month his old paper closed and his new business began its run.

It was a success like Yellowjacket had never imagined. Profits were great, the money was high and it was fun to write for himself and his employees. He also received his first hate letter that same month. He still had that letter framed on his office wall. He couldn’t explain exactly why he had felt compelled to frame the letter. Most ponies had been mildly horrified at the very idea of it. Yellowjacket found it absolutely fascinating that his work had inspired a pony to actually take the time to sit down and write, not to mention spend the postage.

Yellowjacket chuckled to himself as he trotted down Mane Street. He had a feeling today was going to be a great day, and he planned on making the most of it. First, though, there was a little bit of business to take care of.

After nearly forty minutes of flying he arrived at Morning Brew’s Coffee House. The modest establishment, a small, two-story cloud brick and mortar building, sat blending in quite well the surrounding buildings. Only a forest-green awning that shaded a cluster of sidewalk tables and a small sign on the window informed potential customers that the place was, in fact, a functioning coffee shop.

Yellowjacket scanned the tables out front of the shop. There were only three ponies sitting outside at this early hour. At the nearest table was a red pegasus mare with an orange mane, holding a thick stack of papers in her hooves. Across the table from her was an off-white pegasus stallion, his brown mane partially hidden by a black fedora. The two seemed to be bickering over something related to the papers in the mare’s hooves. Yellowjacket chuckled; he knew that feeling all too well from at least one meeting a month.

At a different table was the pony he was looking for, Zipper Flash. A waitress was trotting over to him, a drink carefully held in her magic. The stallion’s back was facing Yellowjacket and he seemed to be distracting himself by tinkering with a camera that was held carefully in his hooves. Yellowjacket smiled as he trotted over.

“Here’s your tea, sir,” the waitress chirped as she carefully set the cup on the table.

“Thanks very much.” Zipper smiled up to her.

The mare smiled back at him before she trotted off. Zipper carefully grasped the cup with his forelegs, lifting it to his lips where he took in a deep breath of the steam. He could just barely smell the sweet aroma of honey over the delicate tea. He took a tentative sip of the drink, wincing as the hot liquid threatened to burn his tongue.

Zipper set the cup back on the table and let out a bored sigh. He wasn’t the type of pony who often bought things out when he could avoid it. His frugality was borne of necessity more than anything else. The possibility of additional work was what had brought him to Morning Brew’s Coffee House in the first place. Specifically a tip from new boss who had suggested that he could get some more money if he met a certain pony. Zipper rolled his eyes, he knew he had better things to do, but he needed the money.

He took another sip of his tea before a familiar voice behind him nearly scared his feathers off.

“Zipper” Yellowjacket began with a broad grin, “How’s it going?”

“Councilpony Yellowjacket,” Zipper started after a light cough, “Its going well.”

Yellowjacket quirked an eyebrow as he took a seat across from the pegasus "Thank you again for meeting me here."

"Yes, the pleasure is all mine. Not every day you do business with a Council Pony after all" Zipper said "So...what business do we need to discuss...I have already given you everything I have on Spitfire..."

"Yes...the information you have given me is very valuable, however it seems it has not hit a nerve just yet.." Yellow said, putting his hoofs together "She hasn't written back, or asked to speak with me..."

"Really now?" Zipper said with a surprising tone "She is usually not the type to be quiet after a threat..."

"Which is why I asked to meet you. She is obviously still hiding something, and I want you to look into it for me"

" will be difficult to do that given how much she hates me.." Zipper said "I will try my best...but It may take some time"

"As long as it gives me what I need to have that mare wrapped around my hoof, I do not care how you do it" Yellow said in an annoyed tone, clearly wanting to get this entire ordeal done and over with "That mare has been a foil in my plans for too long now"

"Yeah yeah whatever...I'll get you your info as long as you uphold your end of the bargain"

"As I told you before...the money will be transferred to you the moment I get what I want" Yellowjacket said firmly, pointing a hoof at the Pegasus "Don't forget, I also have info on you as well. Don't test me." He said, threateningly Yellowjacket then flipped through his notebook until he found the page he was looking for. With a meager effort he tore it free and set it in front of Zipper. “There’s the address of Spitfire's new home.” he said pointing to the innocuous parchment. “I want you to stake it out and see if you can figure out what she is up too. I’ll pull some strings on my end and see if I can find out that way. Once we’ve got that settled, I just need a few good photos of whatever she is doing. Nothing intrusive, you don’t need to get in their faces or anything like that, just a decent set of photos.”

"Mn, you know this is highly risky" Zipper said, looking to the paper and stashing it on his person.

“Then consider it a favor to me,” Yellowjacket suggested, his forelegs folding on the table.

“Favor for what?” Zipper balked in confusion.

“For not informing anypony that you and Spitfire use to be dating all those moons ago.” Yellowjacket said, his voice low.

Zipper couldn’t stop the scoff that escaped his lips. “It must be nice to be rich,” he noted out loud.

“It’s got some perks,” Yellowjacket agreed, “like the payment I will provide you for every photo and information you get.”

Zipper sighed and ran his hoof through his mane. He needed the extra income, of that there was no doubt, and with this money he could probably use it to get out of Cloudsdale and away from anypony who could come after him. “How much?”

Yellowjacket sighed. He wasn’t surprised, but he had hoped it wouldn’t come up. “Fifty bits for every shot I can use. One hundred if you can get details.”

“Alright” Zipper said, there was no way he could refuse that kind of money, given his circumstances. “I’ll get you some pictures.” He said, sitting up "Just give me time" He then trotted along the way, taking flight to go tend to other things.

Yellowjacket huffed in annoyance, he really needed this shit done soon, he needs the votes for re-election. He tapped his hoof on the table, thinking about what to do. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw a familiar stallion. Wave Chill, and he was carrying bags with him. Strange considering he should be training at base currently with the others like Spitfire had said she was doing. He smirked slightly. "Looks like today won't be a bust after all" He said, grinning wickedly.

Chapter 9: Big News

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Wonderbolt HQ

“Well,” Spitfire began as she sighed “That has been really fun.”

“Hay yeah it is!” Soarin' beamed.

“Yea, I gotta admit, we did good” Orion said.

“I’m gonna grab us some more drinks,” Thunderlane said “Cider all around?”

Receiving no complaints, he began the tedious process of worming his way to get to the makeshift bar. Spitfire followed him with her eyes for a moment before she looked to Soarin’.

“Better go help him out with that, just in case,” she said.

Soarin’ nodded, quickly vacating his seat and following Thunderlane. After they left, Orion looked to Spitfire. Smiling softly at her old friend. “Having fun?” Spitfire asked,

“Oh yeah,” Orion answered. “Are you?”

Spitfire nodded. “More than I’ve had in a really long time.” Spitfire allowed herself a proud smile. For a few minutes, the two simply watched as all the bolts enjoyed themselves. It felt like they were in their own little world and after a few more minutes alone, Soarin’ and Thunderlane returned, each carrying two mugs of cider. They carefully set each of the mugs on the table before they reclaimed their own seats.

“Thanks, guys,” Spitfire said as she reached for a mug.

“No biggie,” Thunderlane answered, reclining.

For nearly an hour, the four pegasi remained at their table, content to let the music take their minds to other places. A gentle smile grew on Orion’s lips as he looked at Spitfire, just happy to see her enjoying herself. It had been a long time since he saw her, and since moving in with her he has only ever seen her stressed out. Save for a few moments he and her were alone of course.

“Anyway, Orion” Soarin’ spoke up, folding his forelegs on the table in front of him. “There’s a couple things I’m curious about...” His words trailed off, leaving Orion a way out if she really wanted it.

“Yeah?” Orion felt a nervous sweat start to form on his brow.

“You’re one of the few ponies that I know who knew Spitfire before me. You are also a Wonderbolt Academy Washout and a Royal Guard Captian; not to mention you’re the only pony in the world that has managed to somehow live with Spitfire—”

“I’d be the one to judge that,” Rapid interjected walking over to the table with a smerk.

“As I was saying,” Soarin’ continued, giving Rapidfire a solid smack across the back of the head. “I’m curious, Orion, what caused you to leave the bolts and pursue being a guard?”

“Why wouldn’t a pony want to be a Royal Guard?” Orion asked.

“Antipathy towards the military nature of the organization, no interest in repetitive formation flying, stage fright, or hay, maybe they just don’t like the uniform,” Rapidfire answered, his tone making it obvious that he was annoyed at being left out of the conversation.

Orion folded his forelegs across his chest as he considered the question. "Well...after the 2001 Class was dismissed early, they had told us we could re-apply the following year. It's not that I didn't like being in the Bolt's because I did like it, but during the whole year and the things that happened in it. I realized that I wanted to do more than just be in a military organization, I wanted to protect ponies." Orion said "So I politely rejected the offer and decided to sign up for the guard instead"

Soarin’ gave Orion a warm smile. “That’s a good attitude to have, Orion.”

“Thanks!” Orion said with a grin "I'm glad I could be here with you all though, you are all very fun to hang out with" He said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Hay no sweat Orion, we are just glad to meet a friend of Spitfire's who isn't a pie hoarder" Thunderlane said grinning at Soarin'.

“Well, that’s your problem,” Soarin’ said with a nod "I just like pie"

“Yea you like it way too much.”

“I swear to Celestia, you two should just rut and get it over with,” Spitfire interrupted with a snicker.

Both stallions glared at Spitfire, who simply offered them her most innocuous smile in return.

“You are sick in the head, Spits,” Thunderlane said after a moment of silence.

“It’s a dirty job, but somepony’s gotta do it,” Spitfire retorted with a nod.

The off-hoof comment sent Orion, who was only just listening now, into another burst of uncontrolled laughter. Orion held out his hoof, which Spitfire was all too happy to bump.

The rest of the group continued to talk happily before the door to the room slammed open, and walking in was Wave Chill...and Yellowjacket. Spitfire huffing as she nudged Orion to look. Everypony in the room then went quiet, and the music was cut.

"Well well well" Yellowjacket said "I was hoping that Wave Chill was lying when he said there was a gathering at the Headquarters, but it seems I was mistaken."

"Yellowjacket we-" Rapidfire spoke up before getting cut off

"No excuses!" He yelled, stomping his hoof "I specifically told you all that you needed to train for the upcoming shows and that you would only get one day for holiday. That does not mean you lie about training to throw a secret party!"

Spitfire huffed as she got up and approached him. "Yellowjacket... let's just go talk in my office yea? There's no need to reprimand everypony now" She said.

Yellowjacket stared at her for a few seconds before scoffing "Fine... let's go" he said, then looking to the others in the room "But this isn't over!" He shouted as Spitfire would lead him back to his office.

Spitfire's Office

There was something Spitfire found more than a little creepy about being the only pony in a building. The cold air, dim lighting then again, the lingering potpourri of mildew and sweat didn’t help much either. Spitfire shook her head free of those thoughts as the door creaked open. Her and Yellowjacket trotted into the room his face was expressionless, a trait Spitfire had long ago learned was a red flag, but she hoped that her plan would work.

Yellowjacket began waving a hoof to the chair as he took a seat in her desk, “Please, sit down.”

Spitfire did as she was requested, though it gave the most peculiar feeling that she was a filly again. A filly about to get scolded by her parents for doing something very, very, stupid. Spitfire wondered if it was too late to run for the hills.

“So,” Yellowjacket began, “You want to explain to me what this is all about?”

Spitfire wilted under Yellowjackets unyielding glare. He was one of a very small number of ponies that actually intimidated her.

“You are a Wonderbolt and a Captain of the Royal Air Force,” Yellowjacket reprimanded her. “Use your words!”

“Fine” she managed to whisper.

“Speak up, Captain!” Yellowjacket said, his hoof stomping hard against the cement floor.

“Sir, Yes, sir!” Spitfire answered, her voice echoing off the cold walls

"Good! Then tell me what all this bullshit is!" He said slamming his hoof on the table "I gave you direct orders not to have any parties here and to also be training the entire holiday!"

"We just wanted to have some fun and relax! We have been doing nothing but training for those Timed Flight Exsames you gave us, and now we are expected to train even more for a show that's a month away?" She yelled,

"Do you forget the position you are in?" He asked "You pull this shit knowing that I have the information about you and Zipper Flash's past relationship...and as I told you in the letter if it reached out to the public what you did, then the entire bolts are ruined"

"And you will be out of funds for your campaign right?" She retorted.

"Oh please, I have plenty of money" He said "You all on the other hand will lose a significant amount once you're all unemployed"

"That won't happen." She sid firmly "I wont let it"

"Then be smart and follow my orders Spitfire" Yellowjacket said "For far too long I have been dealing with your rebellious nature...I would think that what happened with Rainbow Dash would have given you the idea I mean business"

"The only thing you showed me is that you play dirty." She said "And I wont let you get away with it"

"Oh and how are you going to stop me? Im a council pony! I have thousands of ponies working for me to do things not even the Princess's know about!"

"One day you will slip up Yellowjacket...and when that day comes I will be there to watch it all come down ontop of you" Spitfire said with a glare.

"Trust me...that day isn't going to happen for a long time" He said glaring back "Now Its basically too late to make you take back everything from the party...but seeing the current circumstances I think I know just the thing to do" He said.

"That being?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow

“You are going to quit” Yellowjacket said.

“Quit?!” Spitfire balked.

“Did I stutter, Captain?” Yellowjacket asked, shooting Spitfire a glare. “You quit the bolts before the new year, end this dalliance immediately until you have regained your perspective.”

“My perspective is fine,” Spitfire argued, her hackles rising from the order.

“Really?” Yellowjacket asked, sarcasm lacing his tone. “Then please tell me, Spitfire, exactly how do you see this turning out?”

Spitfire faltered, “I… I don’t know…”

“Exactly, you don’t. But I do, Spitfire. I know exactly how this will play out. You will all party and relax and then when the show comes, you all will not have enough energy or practice to do well, and the public will notice, which will then cause our sales to drop!" Yellowjacket said firmly.

"Ok and?" Spitfire said "We don't have to be perfect Yellowjacket"

He sighed and shook his head in disappointment. “And just how do you think that will look, hm? Not even to the press, but to the rest of the Wonderbolts. Celestia knows Rapidfire had a hay of a time after he joined being your sibling.” he said "Everything about the Wonderbolts can mean big news, even if it doesn't seem like it!"

“How do you figure that?” Spitfire snapped, immediately regretting her tone.

“Spitfire, sometimes you amaze me with your naiveté,” Yellowjacket commented with a sigh, rubbing his forehead with a hoof.

“It’s a gift,” Spitfire said sarcastically.

"You listen to me and you listen well. You will file the paperwork to resign from the Captian position, and then you will give it to Soarin' am I clear?" He said through gritting his teeth.

"And if I don't?" She said.

"I will see to it that you are forced to quit." He said threateningly "By any means necessary."

“Fine...I understand,” Spitfire acknowledged through gritting teeth.

“Good,” Yellowjacket said with a nod, "After that you’re free to enjoy your Hearthswarming however you wish.”

Spitfire answered with a reluctant salute, before Yellowjacket got up and trotted out the door. Spitfire waited over a minute before a snarl overtook her face and she punched the cabinet locker with all her might. The hard strike of her hoof against the unyielding metal echoed off the walls.

"That fucking dickwad!" She yelled, Spitfire then sat down and closed her eyes. She forced herself to take deep, calming breaths for several minutes. Once she was confident that she wouldn’t kill the first pony she saw she left the room to return to the party. Spitfire bit down on her lip in frustration as she entered it, her forehead pressing against the cool metal door. She took a deep breath and waited a moment before she pushed her way in.

"Spitfire" Orion said walking up to her with Soarin', Thunderlane, and Rapid.

"Well? Did we get what we needed?" Soarin' asked.

"Yea...we got it...and more some" She said agrassivly.

"What happened..." Thunderlane constantly asked.

"He's asking for my resignation...and the bastard threatened if I didn't do it willingly he'd make me" Spitfire said.

"Your fucking serious?!" Rapidfire yelled.

"We got that bastard on tape saying it all, it's ok" Orion said looking at the group. "Once we get this to the Princess's he will be over. His reputation will be ruined."

"Somehow I highly doubt that" Thunderlane said "But I'm glad you're optimistic."

"How about we just enjoy the rest of the Party...then we can get back to our homes and relax" Orion said.

"Yea...probably a good idea" Spitfire said rubbing her head "Lets make this day last."

Spitfire's House, 2 Hours Later

Spitfire and Orion would walk back through the door to her house, both with a smile on their face as they were giggling. "Ok and then I look to Ranks and I tell him. 'Bud I know you can't read, you're holding the book upside down' and then he looked at me so confused and said 'Oh...buck me sideways' which is when Blue came in and said 'Name a time and Place!'"

Spitfire cackled as she tried to catch her breath "Oh my goddess, he's so gay!"

"I swear, that stallion would fuck the first stallion who walks into the room" He chuckled "But when he isn't being a giant horndog, Blue is a really good friend. I think you'd like him."

"Hay, maybe we can meet him someday together. After all you met my team, only right I meet yours."

"I'm sure someday I could try and pull it off" Orion said smiling.

" know you really are a great guy Orion" Spitfire said "I honestly have been enjoying the time we have been spending together."

"Same here Spit. Its been great...reminds me of all those years ago" Orion said, remembering fondly of the old times the two had together.

"So uh...have you perchance heard anything back from the bank about your place?" She asked.

Orion sighed softly "No...I'm honestly worried. Im hope its just because its the holidays"

Spitfire rubbed Orion's back with a wing softly for comfort "Hay I'm sure things will work out.."

"I hope your right.." Orion said, smiling softly at the mare. "Hay...could I ask a dumb question?"

"Sure what's up?" Spitfire said, walking over to her chair and flopping down on it.

"Would you uh...ever wanna go out?" He asked, blushing softly.

Spitfire paused, blushing. "L-like...on a date?"

"K-kinda? But...more good friends" Orion said, rubbing his neck. "I was thinking maybe...tomorrow?"

Spitfire stared at him for a few moments before nodding softly "Yea...yea Id like that"

Orion smiled at her, opening his mouth to say something before the door swung open and Rapidfire barged in "We have a problem" he said, a brown bag wrapped around him

“Hey,” Spitfire moved to her brother's view, “Rapid. What’s the problem?”

Reaching into the bag he pulled out a rolled-up paper which she tossed onto the coffee table. Spitfire’s anger flared from the paper. It was the newest addition of Cloudsdale Times. Her concern however, was momentarily forgotten as she got a good look at the cover photograph.

The cover was a full-page picture of Soarin’ and Thunderlane. Both stallions were facing away from the photographer and appeared to be in conversation. Soarin’s wing was draped lightly over Thunderlane’s back. The headline in bold white letters read ‘LOVE IN THE SKIES?’. A supplementary line under the title read: ‘After years of speculation, are the rumors about Soarin’ finally confirmed?’.

Spitfire’s eyes drifted to the bottom of the page where a second photograph was set. The picture focused on Thunderlane, the familiar blue and gold Wonderbolt uniform in his hoof. The caption for that photograph read ‘Thunderlane turns in his uniform to be with Soarin’?’.

It was too much, and as much as Spitfire tried to quell the oncoming outburst, she was but a feather before the might of a hurricane. She tried to hold her breath, she tried to bite her tongue, none of it helped as she fell over in hysterical laughter. Orion was having similar problems, as she guffawed loudly from the floor.

Rapid did his best to be the adult in the room, though even his concerns had difficulty seeming relevant given the contagious laughter from Spitfire and Orion.

“Guys,” he said as she fought off his own giggles, “come on, it’s not funny. This is—pfft—this is a s-serious problem.”

“T-this is great!” Spitfire managed to exclaim, tears running down her cheeks as she laughed herself senselessly.

Orion bit down on her foreleg to mute her own laughter.

“C-come on Spitfire,” Rapid insisted,slowly regaining his composure. “We gotta do something about this before the story gets away from us.”

“Oh wow, oh my sides!” Spitfire coughed as she gasped for breath, oblivious to Rapid’s insistence.

In desperation, Rapid turned to Orion for help. Unfortunately for him, Orion was too busy trying to contain his own laughter to be of any use. With an aggravated sigh, he sat down and shook her head, waiting for at least one of the two ponies to calm down.

After a few minutes, Spitfire and Orion managed to get back to their hooves. Wiping the tear streaks from their eyes, they both seemed to refocus on Rapidfire, albeit with occasional bouts of chuckling.

“What are we do about this?” Rapid asked.

“Frame it and hang it in the locker room?” Spitfire asked.

“No... okay, that would actually be pretty funny,” Rapid admitted after a moment’s thought, “but seriously, what do we do about this?”

“I think we can probably just ignore it. I mean, it’s a bunch of nonsense anyway.” Spitfire said.

“Yeah, but the photographs are gonna make it a lot harder, at least on Thunderlane for a while. I don’t know how Soarin' will go with something like this.”

“I’ll talk to him about it,” Spitfire said with a sigh. "But when did this drop?"

"Dropped a few hours ago, seemed it was a breaking news headline" Rapid said.

"Yellowjacket..." Orion said grimly "He's sending a show he wasn't joking around back at the base."

"Fucking Fantastic" Spitfire said huffing "So what do we do? If he was able to get this out today what else could he do?"

"...I think we need to hold off on the tape" Rapid said "Or at least hold off on giving it to the Princess's."

"Why? Wouldn't it just stop him?" Spitfire asked.

"It could...or it would make him even more desperate and make him do something drastic" Orion said "Rapid is right"

"So what do we do then?" Spitfire asked.

"We try to stop Yellowjacket from spreading any more news..." Orion said "I can send my guard to raid one of the wearhouse's that Yellowjacket keeps his blackmail info in. We force him into a situation where he has to lay low, and then during that we go to the Princess's, lock him into check."

"I like it" Rapid said, looking to Spitfire who also nodded in agreement.

"Alright then..." Orion said nodding "Let's head to sleep then...we have a lot to prepare for."

Chapter 10: A Symphony

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Downtown Cloudsdale

It was a bright early morning for both Spitfire and Orion, the two of them deciding to get an early start on the day they had planned together. After finishing their breakfast, the two pegasi trotted down towards the city’s bustling commercial district. Spitfire took care to point out all the interesting locations she’d been to during the semi-regular trips she’d taken to Cloudsdale, as Orion had told her he hadn't been home in quite a while. Fancy restaurants where the team had been treated by wealthy sponsors, exclusive clubs they went to after shows for private parties, and even a run-down rat-hole of a bar that Spitfire swore up and down was the single greatest pub in Equestria. Orion was understandably skeptical about that one given he was in Canterlot most of the time.

Orion kept pace beside her, entranced by every little story and always looking for more details. His nerves were much easier to ignore when he was moving around. Flying would have been better, but the two of them decided to walk around to take more time to do things, as both of them were fast fliers.

"So, where where you thinking of going today?" Spitfire asked, looking to Orion.

"Well...I was thinking of going to dinner, and then maybe spending some time at the Park? I recalled seeing you there enjoying the music when we ran into each other." He said.

"That sounds really nice actually." She said smiling.

“So, um, that is, if you don’t mind me asking,” Orion hesitated, earning an amused look from Spitfire. “Are you into music?”

Spitfire sighed and smiled "Yea...its a secret passion that only few ponies know about. I usually make the excuse as to why I'm at the park for 'getting fresh air and relaxing' but in all honesty I go because I enjoy the music."

"What made you so into it? I never took you for somepony who liked music so much"

"My father...he used to take me to musicals and shows in the park all the time when I was a filly." She said, smiling as she fondly recalled those days. "When I looked at him? I could always see the passion behind his eyes, how much he loved hearing all the notes and tunes...and the melody of the music..." She stopped for a second, smile fading "It...was hard on me when he passed away...but...I like to come here to the park to listen to the music. To remember him by"

"That's...really nice..." Orion said "He sounded like an amazing pony"

"He was" She said "Not a day goes by that I don't miss him..."

"I'm sure he would be proud of the mare you have become today." He said smiling. The two of them continued on their walk.

"What about you? Did you do anything with your folks?" She asked.

Orion sighed "My family dynamic is...complex" He said "My mother is from Cloudsdale, while my Father is a Unicorn from Canterlot."

"Woh, your dad's a Unicorn?" Spitfire asked.

"Yeah, he was in the guard like me. It's actually another reason I wanted to join." He said smiling "When I was younger I always thought he was so cool in his golden armor."

"So wait, your family is a mixed family?" she asked "How did you guys get a home up here then?"

"Well, my father learned the cloud walking spell, so until we actually got a solid surface floor in the house he was always using that" He said explaining "My mom was always going on about how exhausted he was due to how long he used the spells. She could have sworn she saw him fall through the floor once or twice"

Spitfire chuckled "Your family sounds fun"

"Yeah, we all enjoyed each other's company"

"Well, at least you grew up without having famous parents. When I was with my mother I was always having to try and look good for the camera. Weather it be doing my mane or wearing makeup."

"What? Why in Equestria would you need to wear makeup?" Orion asked.

Spitfire stopped in her tracks and leaned close to the white stallion, giving Orion her very best bedroom eyes. “Oh, Orion, you are so adorably naïve~.”

Orion’s wings shot up almost as fast as her face went from white to red. Spitfire nearly fell over laughing.

“Th-that is so not cool!” Orion squeaked once he regained some semblance of control.

“Oh-oh wow…” Spitfire struggled to speak through her laughter “Y-your face, was so-so.” She burst into another fit of laughter before sitting heavily, clutching her sides “Oh... Ow. I-I can’t breathe.” She snickered.

“Karma’s a pain in the flank,” Orion noted dryly, sitting beside Spitfire and patting her back.

“Oh boy,” Spitfire gasped, directing a broad smile to Orion. “Look at the bright side, Dash.”

“What bright side?” Orioneyed her incredulously.

“At least you didn’t pop a wingie during a public meet and greet.”

Orion snorted, a lopsided smirk forming on his face.

“Who did that?” he asked impishly.

“Thunderlane,” Spitfire chuckled.

Orion eyed the Wonderbolt suspiciously. “Why do I get the feeling you had something to do with that?”

Spitfire tried her best to look innocent. “I can neither confirm nor deny that I may or may not have whispered a… colorful comment on the quality Soarin's flank.”

Orion snorted "Wow you really are hooking those two up aren't you" he asked.

"What can I say, I know love when I see it" She said grinning.

" you wanna catch a movie?" Orion asked looking at her.

"Hell yeah!" She said "I hear the new Power Ponies movie is in theaters"

"Then let's get a move on" He said with a pep in his step. Orion led Spitfire down a few more blocks to the local cinema. The two perused the posters adorning the side of the building before Spitfire paid for both tickets. much to Orion’s insistence, although he was able to pay for the snacks. Upon seeing the heavily inflated prices for a bucket of popcorn and two drinks, however, he silently regretted that decision.

The two set themselves up in the top row of the surprisingly empty theater, though in fairness it was a bit early in the day for most ponies to be out seeing a movie. As the lights dimmed and the previews began to play, both ponies made themselves comfortable. Spitfire sat with Orion on her left side.

After the annoyingly long previews were over, the movie began in earnest with the titles emblazoned on the screen in bold lettering over a sweeping shot of the Manehatten City Night. Spitfire smiled and half-watched the movie, half-watched Orion. As two ponies pushed a cart along an under-construction road on-screen, Spitfire took a large sip of her drink. Then the first pony started speaking.

“Come on, guys! The way you're slacking off around here with, you'd think it was a cold winter night. Get to work!”

About twenty minutes into the film, once the humor had slowed enough that Spitfire felt safe enough to eat or drink, she cast a glance over to her date. Orion was smiling brightly, his eyes affixed to the screen.

Orion looked to Spitfire once he saw that she wasn't looking to him. So he took a chance and wrapped his left foreleg around Spitfire’s shoulders. Spitfire flinched at first, her posture stiffening before she managed to relax. Spitfire could feel the colt trembling from his nerves. She rubbed her hoof reassuringly on Orion’s hoof, subtly encouraging the stallion not to worry. Slowly but surely Orion relaxed.

By the time the movie had almost reached its midpoint, Spitfire had relaxed to the point of almost snuggling with Orion, her head resting lightly against the Guard's shoulder. There was something that Spitfire couldn’t quite explain about the embrace. Something she hadn’t felt very often, It was simply... nice.

When the film was over, Spitfire and Orion exited the cinema together, each quoting lines and laughing. Orion noticed that Spitfire seemed to be walking a bit closer to him than she had been earlier. It was a small gesture, but it signaled to him that she was feeling more comfortable around him.

“That was the best movie ever!” Spitfire beamed, her excitement and energy nearly contagious. “Thanks for buying the tickets.”

“Well, let’s see now, I got to see an awesome movie, got some free snacks, and had a great friend to spend some time with; I call that a hay of a deal!” Orion said.

“Yeah, I am that cool” Spitfire smirked. “But you’re pretty good too.” she retorted, playfully nudging Orion in the ribs.

“Ooo, somepony thinks she’s a hotshot,” Orion challenged, his playful tone and noticeable grin not doing much to cover the fun he was having.

"Hay my name isn't Spitfire for a reason" She said chuckling.

Orion groaned jokingly, resisting the urge to smack himself in the face. “So, Spit, what should we do next?”

Spitfire took a moment to look to where the sun was in the sky, quickly gauging how much daylight was left. “Well, before it gets too late we should try to head to the place you wanted to go for dinner"

"Right!" He said “I know that anything along Mane Street is good quality, and they usually have pretty good prices too from what I remember.” He said.

"You would be correct on that assessment" Spitfire said. "I know a place we could go too, its called Thunder Diner"

"Well then, lead the way" Orion said smiling, as the two of them continued to walk along the cloud sidewalk, until they reached their destination. the casually furnished establishment had a large bar area with many small round tables set in front of a small performance stage. Booths lined most of the walls that were adorned with countless photos of performers and celebrities that had either played at the club, or had given it their patronage.

"Damn, this place looks nice." Orion said.

"Yep, I like to come here on occasion with Rapid. It's a nice place with great food" Spitfire said, leading Orion to a booth. Upon sitting down, a waiter would come, He ordered a comparatively cheap entrée and a glass of water, while Spitfire ordered herself something slightly more expensive and a lavish cocktail, the both of them also ordering some sandwiches for themselves.

"I never took you for an expensive drink mare" Orion said.

"I may not seem like it, but there have been times when I like to go all out on the lavish lifestyle" Spitfire chuckled.

"Well I hope I don't ruin the mood" He said sarcastically.

"What you? Never" She said with another chuckle.

Their sandwiches were delivered fairly quickly, after which they ate in companionable silence. Spitfire took the time to think. She liked Orion; just on a personal level they had similar interests. They were both action-oriented ponies with a deep love of duty and working with teams. They had common tastes in food, music, and entertainment. All of that made Spitfire nervous. She didn’t want another heartbreak, nor did she have any desire to break another pony’s heart, especially when that pony was her best friend from all those years ago. She and him were so close, and now that they have been talking again that closeness had returned.

Perhaps it would be best for both of them if they agreed to just be friends. If she headed off the issue there, then neither of them would risk getting their feelings hurt later. She took another bite of her sandwich to avoid a sigh. She then recalled the she had kissed him under that mistletoe. It was just a harmless joke but...for some reason she had a hard time not thinking about it. Truth be told its been on her mind for a while since it happened.

Spitfire and Orion remained in the restaurant long after their plates had been emptied, the table cleared and their appetites sated. Both ponies trade stories back and forth and truly get a chance to catch up with one another. “Having fun?” the older mare asked with a smirk, having difficulty restraining a laugh as Orion’s wing lowered, revealing her caught-in-the-act expression, complete with a freshly plucked feather in her mouth.

The stallion spat the feather out and laughed sheepishly, a hoof rubbing at the back of her head. “Uh, y-yeah! Of course!” She grinned. “What about you?”

“Ooh, I’m doing pretty good, thanks.” Spitfire smiled

"Good good" Orion said "You know I was just thinking about this time when I had gone to a club in midtown that has an open mic night every Wednesday from six to midnight. I had gone there with Ranks, Blue and his Husband, and another guard friend. When we were there we all got so drunk that we ended up singing duets together"

Spitfire chuckled "Now that's something id pay to see"

Orion laughed "Oh trust me you wouldn't have wanted to see how that turned out"

“What’s the worst that could happen?” Spitfire giggled.

“Oh Celestia, never say those words aloud.” Orion grinned. “It’s just begging for the universe to do something horrible to us.”

“I guess it’s a good thing you're here to protect me then.” Spitfire winked, batting her eyelashes which caused Orion to let out a snort.

“Thanks again for buying dinner, Spitfire,” Orion said for at least the fourth time that evening. “You really didn’t have to do that.”

Spitfire smiled. “I know I didn’t have to Orion, but I wanted to, you need to save your money for the Bank”

“Fine, then I guess I’ll just have to walk you home,” Orion said with a grin.

Spitfire found herself taken aback by the suggestion. She was used to being the one to say that line, not receive it. “Hey now,” She protested, “I’m a big filly. I can walk myself.”

"Yeah but as a gentle colt, It is my sworn duty to walk the fair lady home" Orion said in a silly tone.

"Of course sir knight, it would be my honor" Spitfire said getting up out of her seat and mockingly bowing down to him, which caused him to chuckle.

"Alright alright, let's get going. We still have to go to the park." Orion said, getting up with her as the two of them left the restaurant. The pair enjoyed the quiet walk together as they reached the park. The two ponies would just quietly sit in the park, relaxing and enjoying the music that was playing from the gazebo in the center. Both of them quietly enjoy each other's company. The park was relatively empty so it felt like it was just them, to which Spitfire felt really comfortable with.

"This has been....really fun Orion" Spitfire said, looking to the gazebo as she spoke, leaning into him softly.

"Really? Like...I'm not overdoing it?"

Spitfire chuckled and looked to Orion, who now had a pinkish hue to his cheeks "No... it's honestly been perfect" she said.

“Glad to hear it,” Orion replied, genuinely glad to see the mare happy.

“So, want to do it again sometime?” Spitfire asked.

Orion felt her heart stop momentarily. It didn’t seem real; Fear and indecision threatened to overwhelm him. Before he could psyche himself out, he decided to take the jump. “Y-yes absolutely that would be great.” he smiled, his cheeks burning red and a slight tremble running through his body.

“Great! What are you doing Wednesday night? After work, of course.” Spitfire asked.

“Um…well.” he paused a moment to think. “I, uh, I hadn’t really thought about it but I think I'm free.”

“Well then, how about you and I meet up at home after work, and from there we’ll make it a date?”

“O-okay, that would be cool!” Orion smiled nervously.

“Six o’clock sound good?” Spitfire asked.

"Absolutely" Orion said, smiling softly as he looked to Spitfire. The stallion just thinking about everything, he had been trying to process the month. It almost didn't feel real to him, especially after she kissed him...something that he was having a hard time not bringing up to Spitfire. However something inside Orion was pulling him, wanting him to speak. "Spitfire I-...wanted to..." Orion spoke, pausing as he tried to collect himself.

"Wanted to...what?"

"Look after I helped you with decorating your house, I just can't stop thinking about..."

"The kiss?" Spitfire said, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink.

"Y-yah..." Orion said, looking down.

"Do you....wanna talk about it?"

Orion nodded looking to Spitfire, he wanted to say something it was clear, but he looked so hesitant.

"Y-you can talk about it with me Orion..."

"I know...I just..." He chuckled nervously "I don't wanna sound all sappy."

Spitfire chuckled "Orion Snow, you are the most sappy pony I know when it comes to feelings and being nice. It's why I enjoy your company so much." She said.

"R-really?" He asked.

" if you need to be sappy..." She said.

Orion took a breath thinking about his words. “Ever since we met at the academy, I always admired you Spitfire. I was so young then I didn’t know how to tell you this or...even go through with explaining things. It was scary liking some pony like that. I was caught off guard completely. Back in the academy, you were the one who made sure we never gave up," he said. "You were always the one with the dreams and ambitions. While I...I was just the one who was there for no reason..."

Spitfire looked at Orion and then down at the ground " were never there for no reason..." Spitfire said returning a look to him "You were there because you wanted to be something, you think I was the one who made sure you guys would never give up? were the one who made sure I never gave up.."

Orion's eyes widened slightly as he looked to Spitfire "Y-you really mean it?"

"Orion you have kind to me...helping me out with all that shit in the Wonderbolts, going out of your way to do all those kind things for me? I...I just never understood why..."

"Spitfire, it's because I care about you. I want you to feel appreciated. I like to see you happy." Orion said, looking down to the ground with a now deep red hue on his cheeks "Everyone outside the Wonderbolts sees you as this big scary captain who has no fears. I don't see you that way...I have seen a whole different side to you. One who likes music, who likes to just relax and go for walks and dinners with friends. One who...humors an old friend by going on a date with them..."

Spitfire just looked at Orion, here for the first time was a stallion who actually cared about her. One who did things to make her happy. "Orion...ever since I ended that relationship with Zipper I never...really wanted to date again. I didn't want to get my heart broken...I just don't think I could take it."

"I know...what he did was horrible Spitfire but...I promise I won't do that to you...I would never do anything to hurt you" Orion said.

Spitfire looked to Orion, an equally deep red hue on her "I know you wouldn't..."

As the two of them looked at each other, the music from the gazebo would quiet down. A pony would walk up with a guitar and a microphone. The pony would strum softly on his guitar as he began to sing.

“I used to hear a simple song
That was until you came along
Now in its place is somethin' new
I hear it when I look at you"

Perhaps it was the heat of the moment; perhaps it was the adrenaline running through him, Orion didn’t know. The next thing he knew he wrapped a second wing around Spitfire and pulled her a bit closer, looking into her.

"Spitfire....I really like you..." Orion said, tears in his eyes as his face showed both fear and passion in them. "I have for a while now..."

"Orion..." Spitfire just looked into his eyes, those cyan eyes of his that always seemed to entrance her. As the song continued the two of them just continued to stare at each other.

“With simple songs, I wanted more
Perfection is so quick to bore
You are my beautiful, by far
Our flaws are who we really are"

“I used to hear a simple song
That was until you came along
You took my broken melody
And now, I hear a symphony"

Spitfire lost herself to the music. Her body moved closer to Orion's. It was unlike anything Spitfire had ever experienced in her life. Closer and closer she got, and closer Orion pulled her in, and as the song came to a close Orion and Spitfire became even closer, as the two of them pressed their muzzles together, softly kissing.

“And now, I hear
a symphony"

Chapter 11: A Blast of Fire

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It didn’t seem real.

Things like this were only supposed to be in the purview of cheesy romances, like the ones on TV or in Books—yet there Spitfire was, frozen in her place, with Orion’s lips interlocked with hers. Spitfire’s cheeks burned, her heart raced, and her mind spun from the simple, inescapable reality of her situation.

It wasn’t like the way she had seen it in movies or read in books. There were no fireworks, no clarion calls or sweeping strings; there wasn’t a sudden epiphany of new emotion. It was simply Orion and her, with the world around them nothing more than a vague afterthought.

All too soon, Orion’s lips parted with Spitfire’s, a ghost of warm breath washing over her muzzle as the stallion retreated. Spitfire forced her eyes open, immediately she found herself once again lost in Orion’s gaze. The older mare’s golden cheeks laced with the faintest hint of crimson and her lips still parted slightly.

The Wonderbolt remained frozen in her place, Orion’s forelegs wrapped loosely around her waist with his wing draped over her back. Spitfire’s forelegs had, at some point unbeknownst to their owner, wrapped themselves around Orion’s waist as well. Despite how hard he tried, Orion couldn’t find the words to break the silence of the moment. He was torn between excitement and utter terror, which resulted in a noticeable tremble running throughout his body. Spitfire’s forelegs very slightly tightened their grip.

“You alright, Orion?” Spitfire asked, her voice airy and soft.

“Y-yeah,” Orion answered with a smile, a strong shiver running through him at the sound of Spitfire’s voice.

“You sure?” Spitfire asked worriedly. “You’re shaking.”

Orion managed an anxious laugh, “S-sorry, I’ve just-just, well…you know…”

“First kiss?” Spitfire inquired with a quirked eyebrow.

Orion nodded mutely, his cheeks and ears flattening back.

Spitfire mouthed a silent ‘oh’, her wing providing a constant hug to the stallion. Silence filled the air between them for a moment before Spitfire lightly nudged Orion’s ribs to draw her attention. “So, was it good for you?” Spitfire asked, waggling her eyebrows playfully.

Orion snickered and folded his forelegs across her chest. He pursed his lips, tilted his head, and furled his brows together to look like a somepony lost in deep thought over the matter. Spitfire chuckled, though at the same time she felt a peculiar sense of anxiety well up in her stomach at the thought of Orion saying ‘no’.

“Well, I don’t know,” Orion teasingly drawled. “I mean, it wasn’t a blast of fire, but I’d say it was pretty good.”

“A blast of fire, huh?” Spitfire grinned impishly, “I’ll give you a blast of fire~.” Orion barely managed a squeak as Spitfire pulled him close and dipped him low. The Wonderbolt’s left hoof supported the back of Orion's head while her powerful wing gently cradled the guard’s back. Spitfire smiled warmly as her right hoof gently brushed stray strands of mane from Orion's face.

Any words were lost when Spitfire’s lips again pressed against Orion’s. Orion inhaled sharply through his nose as the Wonderbolt’s tongue teased at his lips. Spitfire lost herself in the physicality of the moment. More than once she found herself come dangerously close to yielding to her more carnal desires. With any other pony, she probably would have caved. With Orion, however, there was something she couldn’t quite put her hoof on that made her reluctant to take things too quickly.

Spitfire held the kiss until the muscles in her wing began to burn and her lungs screamed for a full breath of air. Reluctantly, her lips again parted with Orion’s. Both ponies panted lightly, the Wonderbolt’s lips ghosting over the guards more than a few times. Spitfire gently pulled Orion back to an upright position, stifling a giggle at the dazed look on the stallion's face.

“How was that?” Spitfire asked with a smirk, her forelegs pulling Orion into a close hug.

“Whoa,” Orion breathed softly.

Spitfire chuckled proudly and gave Orion a soft kiss on the cheek. “Glad I made an impression.”

Orion managed a soft laugh as he rested his head on Spitfire’s shoulder. A white wing gently slipped around the Wonderbolt’s back in a tender hug. A comfortable silence settled over the couple for a moment before Orion spoke. “Thank you,” she said quietly.

“For what?” Spitfire asked, mildly confused.

“Everything,” Orion made a broad gesture with her hoof. “The past month has been like something out of an awesome dream.”

“I’m glad, Orion,” Spitfire replied as she nuzzled between Orion’s ears.

For a while, the two lost track of time. Both ponies were content to hold, and be held, as the minutes ticked by in silence. Spitfire’s gaze shifted between Luna’s beautiful night sky and the stallion in her embrace.

“Hey, Spit?” Orion asked quietly.

“Yeah?” Spitfire answered, peering up to Orion.

"S-so uh...what does...this...make us?" He asked nervously.

Spitfire's cheeks flushed bright red. her forelegs, still wrapped around the stallion's torso, feeling his heart flutter in his chest. "I-..I don't really know Orion..." She said softly.

Orion’s cheeks burned intensely as a wave of dizziness nearly overwhelmed her. He found himself deeply glad he was both sitting down and had another pony already holding on to him. The torrent of emotions that roiled through him resulted in a sharp gasp from the guard.

“I-is it bad I’m scared?” Orion asked, his voice quavering.

“No,” Spitfire answered as she smiled and nuzzled the top of Orions head, “because it scares me too.”

The stallion laughed softly, his grip tightening on Spitfire’s waist. “Y-yeah,” Orion began anxiously. "I..want to try and see where this could go but...with our jobs...and Yellowjacket I don't want to risk making things worse"

"Orion..." Spitfire said, looking to him "I don't care what happens, as long as your ok that's all that matters"

Orion felt her cheeks burn anew at the commitment. She nuzzled his cheek against Spitfire’s shoulder for a moment, until Spitfire’s hoof gently lifted his chin up. His blue-cyan eyes again met with Spitfire’s golden orbs. With a warm smile, Spitfire’s soft lips met Orion's for a third time. The kiss ended all too soon for Orion when Spitfire’s lips left hers, the older mare gently nuzzling him.

“ you maybe wanna do this again somtime?” Spitfire asked, her voice soft and breathy.

“Y-yea” Orion answered. “Yea...Id like that a lot" Orion said smiling softly "What would we do?”

“Oh, I’ve got a few ideas...” Spitfire winked mischievously.

Orion giggled and nuzzled into the crook of Spitfire’s neck. “Well then, I guess I’ll just have to walk you home now so we can get some rest"

"Yea... let's just...stay here for a bit longer yea?" Spitfire said.

Orion would nod softly, as the two sat for a while longer under Luna’s moon, simply enjoying each other’s company for as long as they could.

Far across the park Zipper Flash smirked as Spitfire and the white casually sat in the park. He paused for a moment, his eyes drifting to the camera around his neck. Just a few more pictures, and Yellowjacket would no longer be a concern and he could get his cash. He only had a half dozen pictures left on his current film strip anyway.

“Get ready for the scandal of your life Spitfire” he whispered to the camera as he got up, the stallion content with the photos he managed to grab of the two ponies embracing each other. While Zipper had no idea who this stallion was, all he did know was that Spitfire obviously cared for him deeply. He counted himself lucky that he had gone to the park with his camera. He had followed up on a tip that Spitfire was out and about with another pony. He didn't believe it at first but after he saw them coming out of that theater, he was more than convinced.

Coming out from his hidden spot, he left the park and flew back to his apartment, getting into the room as he sighed softly, he walked over to his computer and plugged his camera in, downloading the photos onto his hard drive so he could send them to Yellowjacket. He walked over to his fridge and pulled out a beer, then walked back to the computer as he typed out the email to Yellowjacket with the photo attached.

For whom it may concern. This photo taken of the Wonderbolt Captian and a strange stallion was taken at the Park. It is clear that these two ponies are in some form of a relationship in one way or another.

Zipper Flash

He would then click send, the stallion smirking as he leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his beer. Confident in himself for the first time in quite a long time. Soon his computer would make a ding sound as an email popped up.

This information will be quite useful. As agreed upon your money will be sent to your account immediately. Well done. I hope to work with you again in the future.

There was no signature on the document, however Zipper knew that the Council Pony needed to hide anything that could tie him back to his job. Zipper took another sip of his beer "Let the show begin~"

For a few minutes, Orion and Spitfire remained still, content to merely hold, and be held in kind. A gentle breeze washed over them and rustled the leaves in the trees. They held each other closer still. For the first time in a long time both ponies they were safe. They were safe from the petty squabbles, safe from the politics, pressures, and scandals. They were safe from the prejudices, jealousies, and spite, none of it mattered. Soon however both ponies forced themselves to get up so they could get home. On the way, they both used the opportunity to consider things: where her relationship with Orion was going to be now, what the risks were, and how she was going to deal with the public opinion.

Arriving back at Spitfire’s House, Orion carefully opened the door and the two ponies walked inside, close to each other. “Thanks for everything, Orion. It was a great evening,” Spitfire said.

“Y-yeah it was,” Orion said breathily, his cheeks still flushed.

“When’s your shift over tomorrow?” Spitfire asked.

“Uhh,” Orion’s eyes drifted up and to the left as he thought about the question for a minute, “five? Yeah, Five-ish.”

“Cool,” Spitfire smiled "When you get back me and you can hang out some does that sound?"

"I'd like that" Orion said, smiling softly.

Orion and Spitfire shared a close embrace and one final kiss, before Orion went up the stairs into his bedroom. Spitfire watched as he vanished into the room, a pang of loneliness in her chest. With a sigh, she made her way to the bathroom, a hot shower would do her good.

For Orion, sleep proved to be an elusive thing that night. His head buzzed, his cheeks burned, and he could still taste Spitfire’s kiss. he brought a hoof to his lips, it had been so intense, so passionate. Orion couldn’t think of anything like it that he had experienced before. With a groan, he pressed his hooves over his eyes and tried to force himself to sleep.

What little rest he managed to get was rudely interrupted by the alarm clock. Orion’s hoof slammed down on the poor contraption to silence its ring. Forcing himself out of bed, he showered, brushed his teeth, and went through his morning stretches to warm up. After ensuring he was ready, and still on schedule, he went downstairs to notice Spitfire was absent. Probably still asleep or at the base. Seeing he was alone he left the house and took off to the cloud balloon to make his way to Canterlot so he could work his shift with the other guards.

Wonderbolt HQ

“Soarin’? Oooh Soarin!” Spitfire sang. The mare very much in a present mood. She had a feeling that both Soarin and Thunderlane hadn't read the paper just yet, so their little public outing was still a surprise...well...a surprise to the two of them only, as all the other Bolts already knew.

“I should’ve brought my camera,” Misty mumbled as she stifled a giggle.

Spitfire would find Soarin passed out on the lunch table with a pie next to him. She put her hoof on Soarin’s shoulder and shook him enough to wake him.

“Eh, wha...” Soarin’ mumbled groggily as his emerald eyes fluttered open. “Boss?”

“Wakey, wakey, Soarin’.” Spitfire said cheerily.

“Go away, it’s too early.” He mumbled as he rolled onto his side.

Spitfire sighed and rolled her eyes. “Okay, time for the hard way.”

Without further explanation, Spitfire pulled Soarin’ out of his seat letting him land on the floor with a loud thud. Soarin’ seemed rather unimpressed with the surprise change in positions, but didn’t attempt to get back to his seat. Instead, he seemed quite intent to be as big a pile of dead weight as he could possibly be, in hopes the unwanted visitors would simply leave.

Spitfire hefted Soarin’ onto her back, grunting heavily from the dead weight. “Would one of you two go and scramble him an egg or something? I’m gonna toss his flank in the shower.”

“Why don’t you go cook him something?” Misty asked, her face turning into a small pout.

“Cause if I cook, then we’re gonna have to fly him to the hospital to get his stomach pumped. And hospitals are no fun unless you’re the one getting the drugs.”

“You all suck,” Soarin’ grumbled from his position, still intent on being as useless as possible.

“Yeah, yeah, that’s nice, Soarin’. Come on, let’s get this over with.” Spitfire said as she trotted To the showers.

Misty and Rainbow, who had joined the two mares in wanting to see this escapade unfold. Watched her for a moment before Misty looked at Rainbow.

“So, do you know how to cook?”

“Um... kinda?”

“Well, he’s screwed.”

“That sounds about right, yeah.”

Twenty minutes later, a very irritated Soarin’ was sitting at the table, wholeheartedly staring at a plate of scrambled eggs that seemed to contain as much shell as egg and a slice of bread better described as blackened than toasted.

“Tell me again,” he asked, “how did three mares manage to buck up scrambled eggs and toast?”

“It’s the thought that counts, right?” Misty said with a hopeful smile.

“Not really, no.” He answered.

“Anyway,” Spitfire interrupted, “we came here Soarin’, because there’s a small problem you need to know about.”

“Joy. Of. My. Life.”

Spitfire pulled out the copy of the Enquirer from her bag and set it beside the plate of so-called food. Soarin’s eyes went wide as he took in the photograph and the headlines. The three mares exchanged a nervous glance as they waited for Soarin’ to react. Just as Spitfire was about to reach out to him, his shoulders began to tremble. For an instant, the mares recoiled fearing the enquirer had taken things too far. Then Soarin’ fell out of his chair, laughing himself senseless.

Spitfire, Rainbow, and Misty all let out a relieved sigh.

“You okay there, buddy?” Spitfire asked.

“That... that’s just too perfect!” Soarin’ said through his laughter.

“I'm...very confused right now” Spitfire said a confused look on her as well as the two other mares.

“Just—hehe—just give me a minute.”

“Can do,” Spitfire answered.

After Soarin’ had composed himself, and grabbed his own Saddlebag. He would motion the three pegasi to follow him to the bunks A short trot later, all four found themselves standing in the bunks.

“Thunderlane!” Spitfire shouted as she pounded on the bed the sleeping stallion was on.

“AH!” Thunderlane shouted as he shot up“CELESTIA DAMNIT!”

Rainbow, Soarin’, Misty, and Spitfire tried not to laugh too noticeably.

“What the hay was that for?” Thunderlane demanded. Soarin then dug into his saddlebag and held up the paper for Thunderlane to see. He studied the paper for several long moments before he looked at Soarin’.

“Does this mean we can’t cuddle anymore?”

“Screw. You.”

“Not in front of the boss, Mallow.” Thunderlane said, lightly jabbing at Soarin.

"So does somepony wanna tell me why you two are not panicking?" Misty said, speaking up.

"Yea, you two would usually be all over ponies about this shit" Spitfire added on, Soarin and Thunderlane looking to each other before looking to the other mare's.

"Guy's we have been dating for a month now" Soarin said, smirking softly.

"WHAT?!" All three mares shouted.

Thunderlane snickered "Yeah, we were just playing all of you to see how long it would take for one of you to just ask us."

"So all of those arguments, all of those times you bickered?" Spitfire said, mouth slightly agape.

"All fake yep" Soarin said "Honestly we were impressed we got away with it for as long as we did."

"I don't know if I should be impressed or disappointed" Spitfire said, quirking an eyebrow.

“So... erm... anyway,” Soarin began "I assume this has been the talk of the town then?"

"Unfortunately yes, we believe this was Yellowjacket getting back at us for the party." Spitfire said "Which just goes to show you how fast he is when it comes to proving a point."

"So what do we do then?" Misty asked.

"I'm not sure...honestly I think all we can do is hold out until we come up with an idea" Spitfire said "So until then let's just get to practice yeah?"

"Yes Ma'am" The group said as they would split up to do their own things.

"Soarin' can I actually talk to you for one moment?" Spitfire asked.

"Yeah sure, what's up boss?" Soarin asked slightly nervous "Look if this is about me and Thunderlane, I am sorry for hiding that from-"

"No no, that's not it. I could care less about you two gay's" Spitfire said "I...uh...wanted to talk to you about Orion."

"Why? What happened" Soarin asked.

"Um...we may have...kinda...kissed?" Spitfire confessed in a mumble, her words flowing together so quickly that it was difficult to tell them apart.

“Yellowjacket will have a fucking bird when he finds out,” Soarin' noted blithely. Spitfire rolled her eyes. “Would it have killed you to keep out of trouble just once? Especially given our current circumstances?”

“Alright look, first of all, it’s just a date. To the casual observer it would just look like two ponies having dinner and talking, so up until the kiss it was purely just that either way, I know what I’m doing.” Spitfire said.

“What happens when the rest of the team finds out? I mean, it’s gonna happen someday,” Soarin said.

“I’ll deal with them when I have to.” Spitfire rubbed her temple with a hoof.

“Sounds like you’ve got some things in mind.” Soarin’ noted.

Spitfire huffed, “You could say that.”

“Care to enlighten me?” Soarin’ asked.

"Look, I will handle the backlash if this whole thing ends up getting more serious." She said "Me and Orion are not even official yet...we haven't talked about it at all."

"Ok...and when you do?"

"You will be the first pony to know" Spitfire said to Soarin' seriousness deep in her eyes.

"Alright, I trust you." Soarin said "But for now I think we need to deal with the whole thing with me and Dunderlane on the front page"

"Aww what's wrong Soar, you afraid to get up in a dress and say 'I do' to Thunderlane?~"

"If I could kick your ass I would." Soarin said with a flat tone and a blush.

"I know~" Spitfire said smirking, as she walked off and headed to her office.

Spitfire's Office

A knot formed in Spitfire’s stomach as she walked out of the solid steel doors to the Wonderbolt’s locker room. Making her way to the office she would sigh softly, she wouldn't lie. Yesterday was the best night she had in quite a while, and she didn't want to regret it. She softly opened the door to her office, only to be surprised by a pony she absolutely didn't want to see.

"Hello Captain" Yellowjacket said smirking softly.

"What do you want now" Spitfire said, all but dropping the formalities at this point. She was growing to get sick of the act.

"Well...originally I was going to come here to discuss yesterday's top headlines" he said, throwing the newspaper with Soarin and Thunderlane on the desk. "However...recent developments have come to prove to me there are more...pressing matters"

"What the hell do you mean more pressing matters?" Spitfire said, brows angrily furrowing.

Yellowjacket would smirk as he simply grabbed a small photo, and threw it on the desk in front of him "I believe this will shed some light?"

Spitfire walked over to the desk and grabbed the photo. As she did she felt her entire body freeze, it was like she was paralyzed, frozen in fear. Her face went pale as she felt her heart almost stop in her chest. There in the photo, was her and Orion kissing at the park.

"It seems Soarin and Thunderlane are not the only ponies who are having secret love lives" he said.

"W-where did you get this" She said through gritted teeth.

"Let's just say I have a reliable source and the means to get what I need" Yellowjacket said, getting up and off of the chair. "Now then...I'm going to reiterate what we spoke about the day well as in the letter. Resign from the Wonderbolts...make Soarin your replacement...and I will see to it this photo is not made public." He said, smirking as he walked past her to the door "And judging by how much of a scoop the paper was about those two? You know I'm not bluffing" he said in a monotone voice.

He would then open the door, leaving Spitfire alone with her thoughts. He looked at the photograph; It stared at her like an unblinking eye; Spitfire squeezed her eyes shut and held the photo close. she didn’t try to stop the tears that flowed down her cheeks.

Chapter 12: Assault in Canterlot

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"I can't believe him! That spineless bastard!" Frosty Swords seethed as he and Orion were walking down Sol Street, towards the city center. Having gotten the morning patrol.

"I don't really get why you are so angry. Blue always behaves like this." Orion answered, while trying to walk around the puddles of snowy muck on the pavement. "Plus you should really give him a break...he is going through alot right now with his new assignment..."

"Yea yea I know...I saw the damn newspaper article..." Frosy said "But im I'm speaking about Lemon Eye now. He just backed out from patrol for the millionth time. How such a scaredy good-for-nothin' even became a royal guard in the first place?"

"Weeell..." Orion rolled his eyes, and peeked back at Frosty "Firstly, when Blue and Lemon are talking with each other there is quite a lot of tension between the two, also I'm like 99% sure the two of them have fucked at one point, and one of them is just painfully reminded of that fact. Secondly, you aren't always a prime example of a brave, and always faithful royal guard either, Frosty."

"Okay, okay, point taken." answered Frosty, while trying to pick up the pace. Orion was always slow, unlike him. "But when did I last leave you in trouble, tell me?"

"Oh, never!..." Orion answered.

"See? That's what I'm talkin' about!" answered Frosty "Because I never got into trouble!"

"Look, I know you're capable." continued Orion, taking on a much more serious tone "But every guard worth his salt knows the duties we have are very serious, I don't want to generalize, or anything, but there are new kinds of creatures seen everywhere nowadays with there own issues they bring from home."

Frosty looked at his buddy, without being impressed.

"Look, I know there are a few bad apples among creatures like griffons or dragons, but there wasn't a single crime reported from Canterlot in months. And before then, only petty theft, and such." Orion said "Until recently Canterlot has been very safe amongst the population"

"I'm not concerned. After all, the fate of Equestria does not rest on me, and anything besides that can be handled by a skilled royal guard!" Frosty said sarcastically but Orion could only roll his eyes.

Arriving at a large intersection, both guards stopped, and Orion spoke up, slightly shivering:

"I think this is where we part ways. Was nice having you, Frosty."

"Yeah, I bet! Hey, are you cold?" Frosty asked, leaning in a bit closer.

"Gee, what made you think that? My teeth chattering, or my body shivering? And I don't even dare to imagine the weather on the Platform. Ah, stupid new patrol route..." Orion answered, and drooped his ears. Indeed, his new route wasn't his usual. It was an exclusive "gift" from their platoon sergeant, who wanted Orion to make up for the missed work days.

"Sorry Orion, I was just joshing you a bit. I didn't realize you were this cold... I mean, it's barely below the freezing point, so it's just fine for me..."

Orion was squinting his eyes at Frosty. "Yea that's because your a bat pony. Im a Pegasus, we were built for different environments."

"True, but knowing you, I think you will be fine" Frosty said smirking.

"Okay, okay, point taken!" Orion waved a hoof.

"Okay, bye then! Have a peaceful patrol" Frosty said.

"Bah! I told you it'll be okay! So don't worry. Have a peaceful patrol as well"

The two guards finally separated, and Orion picked up the pace. But he had a growing suspicion, and after a few dozen yards, he glanced back. It indeed was as she suspected...

"Frosty" he said just as loud so he would hear "Quit staring at my ass!"

"What? Me? I would never! Buh-bye!" Frosty shouted back, and he actually started to walk towards his own designated route.

Orion chuckled, and rolled his eyes. Orion wasn't the first pony he caught eyeing his backside, and not the first time either. And he won't be the last, for sure half of the guard was too gay for there own good. That and armor or not, he knew it was a sight to behold. And he knew it was a fact, not mere egotism, or anything.

After crossing the Central and Industrial districts, Orion finally arrived at the Mountainside District, dreaded by many guards. The place was named as such, because as one would guess, it was located right next to the side of Canterlot Mountain. But the districts of Canterlot all had such imaginative names, like the district with the Royal Castle being called the Castle District.

Although Orion knew the place relatively well, he never had to patrol it, and admittedly, he's never been there at night. As he entered the district proper, he realized just how narrow the streets and alleyways there were. In some parts, the adjacent buildings were so close to each other, that a regulation spear couldn't be fit between them. And being evening, it was almost pitch black everywhere, as the simple firefly lamps were placed very far apart from each other.

Also, unlike the rest of Canterlot, the black cobblestone pavement didn't do the place any favors, bringing it down to the same level as the worse parts of Manehattan. Overall, it was a really a unflattering part of the city, and Orion admitted to himself that maybe it was even a bit creepy at this time of day. But that only was because how his metallic clip-clops reverberated throughout the streets, making it even more apparent he was all alone.

Orion actually wished he would meet someone, anyone, because he started to feel like he was in a dead city, with him being the only civilization around. And that happened, about half an hour into his patrol.

A strange, unicorn would trot towards him, wearing a little bowler hat, and a bag, or more like a suitcase, as he got closer, Orion loudly greeted him:

"Good evening, citizen! Where's the hurry?"

The Unicorn stopped in front of Orion, and seemingly afraid, he tipped his hat to Orion with a shaking hoof.


Orion nodded back, and asked:

"So, where are you going?"

The Unicorn looked left and right, but only with his eyes, as if searching for an escape route. Still stammering, he answered:

"J-just home..."

"Okay, carry on then! Have a good night!" Orion said smiling, the unicorn tipped his hat again, and hurried away without saying anything. Orion looked after him, and felt a little bad about the situation. It was a guard protocol to make routine checks, but maybe he picked the wrong pony for that. This one seemed like the type who fears authority, and not because he is up to no good, Guards probably aren't the just and helpful folks everywhere, unlike in Canterlot. Orion contemplated that fact for a moment.

Orion continued his patrol, and in the next few hours of it, nothing interesting happened. He zigzagged through the streets and alleyways of the district, not meeting many ponies or creatures. She checked on those who he met though, and one pony even complimented him on his nice manners. It couldn't be helped, Orion simply had a way with words, and for a royal guard, he came off more as the friendly guy from next door, rather than a figure of authority.

Walking forward, Orion noticed that of the firefly lamps was out of order. Upon closer inspection though, he realized that actually, the glass pane on one side was open. The glowing insects must have been let go deliberately...

Orion raised an eyebrow. This was a somewhat strange find. Like, why would one disable a lamp, when the lighting is already so scarce in this area? Suspicious, Orion picked up the pace a bit, to check out the next lamp in the alley, and lo and behold, that was in the exact same state. Not letting go of his thaught process, he walked forward past the next lamppost, lacking the fireflies also. Then a bend was coming up in the alley, and he started to hear muffled conversation. Clearing the bend in the alley, he could see a small group of creatures, apparently griffons, assembled around a cart. Now he could also make out some sentence fragments, which clearly came from them.

"Gimme the next one, quickly now..."

"Careful with that..."

"Shit, someone's coming, put that away..."

Orion didn't have the slightest idea what could a small group of griffons do in the pitch-black street at midnight, but one of them had a small lantern, providing some very dim light. Maybe this was some griffon cultural thing, but nevertheless, the guardsman was aiming to find out what their reason was for hanging out at this hour. After all, it was a bit strange.

Orion approached the griffons, now he could see there were four of them altogether, three male ones, and one female one, on top of the cart. It was probably for the flat crates piled upon each other nearby. Their origin should've been the small house - apparently a warehouse - they all stood before, the griffon holding the lantern put it on the cart, so now they could see each other properly.

"Greetings, Sirs and Madam!" Orion began, in a friendly tone "Is everything alright? I noticed the lights were out a bit further back on the street, I hope it didn't cause any inconvenience for you."

The griffons froze when Orion started to talk to them, but realizing what they were dealing with, they became more at ease. Except for the female griffon on the cart, who was still giving the guardsman a nasty look. One of them, a big brown griffon, stepped forward, and began to talk.

"Why hello there! Um, Sir...Guard. No, we didn't notice the lights were out, but we're all fine here, thank you, he-he!"

The griffon seemed really uncomfortable, and although his voice was chipper, his smile was forced. Orion furrowed his brows ever so slightly. He felt something was kept from him, something was going on here. But he continued with her next question, smiling again.

"Good to hear that! Then can I maybe ask what are you doing here at this late hour?"

"We? Uh... Nothing serious really. Just... Moving out my store to a different location! Yup." answered the griffon.

Orion glanced at the "store". It wasn't one, but for now, he decided to play along.

"I see. What store is this? What do you sell?"

"Oh, nothing serious. Just trinkets, odds and ends, that sort of thing. You know, it's a pawn shop kinda thing."

"Okay. And I guess those crates contain the wares you sell. Can I maybe take a look into one of them?"

The big griffon looked back at the crates nervously, and the two other griffons. One of them, with blue-ish plumage, stepped to the crates, and put a claw on them. The other, a grey one shuffled around nervously, grinning at Orion. It was actually a pretty goofy sight.

"Big brown" looked back at Orion, and gestured with a claw back and forth, as if counting something. The guardsman, at this point, stepped back a little, just in case. Just outside the range of a potential claw swipe...

"Now you see, I can't show you, because... That stuff is really fragile, and we packed it so carefully, and we don't have any more packing materials, so we really shouldn't open 'em up, heheh, yeah."

The blue griffon from the back added:

"Yeah, they're paw-painted vases and plates from Pandaria. VERY fragile stuff, so if you don't mind, noble guard, we'd spare unpacking them."

"Totally understandable!" Orion nodded "Then I'll only need to see your business license, and I'll be out of your way!"

The griffon looked at him flabbergasted. Orion feigned obliviousness, and even cocked his head a bit, with a smile. He knew he had him.

"That?... Um, I left that at home, yeah. And I can't bring it over, because we're really in a hurry! Yup, that's right!... HEY, WE'RE ALL REALLY IN A HURRY, I SAID!"

Taking the "subtle" hint, the two other male griffons started to load up the crates to the cart. The female one took each of them over, and put them under a sheet. Orion sidestepped to see better what's going on, but Brown One blocked out the view.

"How sad..." Orion said "Then Iet me ask for your name and address, so a guard can come over tomorrow, and check those out for you."

The griffon put up one claw, as someone who's going to say something very important.

"Ohhh... You see... Ah fine, you had me, noble guard! This is not my store, it belongs to my brother! I'm just helping him out, because he is really busy nowadays. I can give you his address, and you can talk out the legal stuff with him."

Orion squinted his eyes, and took on a more serious tone.

"Oh, I bet it's not your store. Because this isn't a store in the first place. This is a warehouse. So what's going on here, really?"

Surprised at the objection, the cart loaders suddenly stopped, and without the support from below, the female griff lost the grip on one of the crates. It crashed to the ground, and spilled its contents.

The brown griffon looked back. Orion looked there too.

They weren't plates at all. Or vases. They papers, a lot of papers.

The two male griffs in the back hastily started to pick them up, while the brown one stepped towards Orion, adamant about explaining the situation.

"Whoa, look at that, it seems my bro duped me, these aren't vases, heh, I guess he will really..."

"I want to see the shipping manifest, NOW." said Orion sternly, but also stepping back.

Orion didn't exactly recognize the papers, but he knew that with everything going on with a certain council pony and the recent finds in that other warehouse the guards had raided, this could be something related.

"Okay, look, I have some bits on me. Let's smooth this out alright? You didn't see anything. We'll just load these papers up, and..."

"Gruff, get out of the way!" a female voice interrupted from behind.

Orion wanted to interrupt now himself, but "Gruff" turned back to the cart, and yelled at his female companion.

"Dammit Gilda, I told you I will smooth out any interru...

"Finally!" said the female griffon, and aimed a small crossbow right between Orion's eyes.

Orion rolled to the side in a moment's notice, and the bolt wheezed past his ear.

"DAMMIT!" Gilda said, and began to reload her weapon.

Orion sprung to her hooves, and pulled out his sword, as well his "Royal Guard voice".

"DROP YOUR WEAPON NOW!!!" Orion shouted, with his sword ready in his wing's grip.

Gilda didn't comply, instead took cover behind the cart. The brown griffon, Gruff, leaped up to the cart, and dropped down weapons to the rest. He himself grabbed a large glaive, and launched himself at Orion.

"Stand down!!!" Orion yelled, but only because of protocols. He knew none of them will stand down, and he will have to fight his way out of this.

Gruff striked at Orion, but he blocked the savage lunge with his sword. Then another one, then he took the initiative, and attacked himself. Those years of fencing definitely paid off.

The griffon, surprised, made a long jump backward assisted by his wings. Orion took on the offense, with the business end of his weapon pointed forward, at a slight angle. He poked at the griffon, who retreated back to the cart, only to be backed up by the others.

Gilda aimed her crossbow at Orion. In a heartbeat, glared at her and threw his sword in the general direction. Gilda pulled back to cover with a "WHOA!"

Gruff also took cover behind the cart. He yelled:

"Damn, the little shit knows what he's doing, he's all yours!"

Now the blue griffon appeared from behind the cart, holding what looked like a magic staff. The runes on the haft were already glowing, as well as the crystal at the tip.

"Uh-oh..." Orion muttered, knowing the situation just turned from bad to worse.

The next moment, the tip of the staff began spewing a steady stream of flames at Orion. he dodged the flames, barely, then bolted, quickly grabbing his sword and then running towards the direction he came from. He definitely needed to get reinforcements. Something big was going down there, and he stepped right in the middle of it.

Orion ran as fast as she could, hearing that the griffon staff user was right behind him. He arrived at a small intersection, and took cover behind some barrels. Just in time, as the blue griffon cast flames on him from the staff. Orion kept low, but the tip of his tail got singed somewhat, as it was out of cover.

After the attack stopped, Orion left the cover, and went for the alleyway on his left. This one ran parallel to the previous one, and would lead to the main street, from where he could make it to the Southern half of the district, meeting more guards.

Of course, the rest of the griffons were unaccounted for, and as Orion ran at full speed to put a distance between himself and the griffon, then Gilda landed in front of him. Orion let out a swear within.

The female griffon aimed her one-handed crossbow at Orion, but with the distance being short enough, Orion easily knocked the weapon with his hoof, and yanked it to the side. The bolt fired, but only struck a wall:

"In the name of the crown, surrender! This is your last chance!"

Gilda didn't comply though, and with her right hand still grasped within the guardsman's hoof, she grabbed the sword with her left, and tried to push it aside. She sadistically grinned at Orion:

"You will get roasted little pony!"

Orion looked behind himself, realizing the blue griffon was almost in firing range. He didn't want to hurt anypony, but right then, he ran out of options. He shouted, without much hope of complacency:


"Oh, little guard, you're not nearly powerfu..."

The griffon's answer was interrupted by Orion easily overpowering her grip with his own, and struck Gilda in the side. She roared up in pain, and fell to the cobblestone pavement.

Just in time, as the blue griffon arrived right behind him. Orion could hear and feel the flames blazing by his backside, but this time, his tail remained untouched. When he was nearing the end of the alley, Orion could only hear the jingle-jangle of his own armor, but not the claw- and pawsteps from behind herself. He looked back, and it seemed his pursuer has indeed buggered off.

"Goddess dammet" Orion said, huffing "This is what I get for trying to be the damn hero."

Orion continued towards the main street, but suddenly heard wings flapping. He had a fleeting, unrealistic hope for pegasi guards already arriving, but of course, he had no such luck. The grey griffon, who he didn't fight so far, glided down into his alley, but didn't land yet. He grabbed onto an open window shutter, and prepped himself against the house's wall. he had a cutlass in his other hand, and talked down to Orion:

"You know, you are quite a bold stallion, messing in affairs that are none of your concern"

With the sudden tone change, he backflipped down to the pavement, some distance in front of Orion. he backpedaled, readying his sword.

"Reinforcements will be here soon, you know." Orion said, while tensing herself either for a dodge, or a strike "It would be better if you just surrendered to me now. You'd have better chances in court."

"I'm afraid that's not going to be possible, my employer would be quite angry if one of us were taken by the guard."

The griffon leaped for an attack, but Orion was on the nose, and swiped his sword at the oncoming attacker. It struck him right in the chest, where the plumage was the thickest. The griffon dropped to the ground, heaving and grunting, and grasping where his sword slashed at him.

Knowing he was far from dead, Orion trotted over to his injured adversary. He kicked away his cutlass, and went on to check the griffon for any other hidden weapons, but found none.

The griffon turned to his side, facing Orion. Now that his claws were out of the way, he could see the damage she caused. The feathers were mostly cut away in the spot he struck him, but the skin underneath had only superficial damage. To the guardsman, it was not much of a surprise, as he knew that feathers offered great natural protection against damage.

"Stand down, or I WILL kill you!" Orion said angrily, with his sword pointed at the griffon. Of course, he was bluffing.

"As if you could do that!" said the griffon, still wheezing "You guards can't kill at will. Pathetic pony!"

The griffon laughed at Orion, but his cackles turned into coughing. Being resolute, Orion lifted a foreleg, and slapped the griffon in the face with his armored hoof. He passed out cold.

"You know, you're right. We can't kill. But unlike you, we wouldn't want either."

A short time later, Orion noticed four pegasus guards flying towards her on the street. He waved to them, and they landed, with spears drawn. "Are you all right, Captain? We were told of a fight breaking out over here? We came as fast as we could."

"I'll be ok...I managed to take one of them but the other's got away" Orion said, alongside a weak smile. "He is injured, a griffon. We'll need a medic."

The pegasus stallion looked to the griffon, then he looked back at Orion, and asked:

"You seem to be all right, so... Would you mind telling me what's going on here?"

"I'm afraid I don't fully understand myself, yet. But send for a medic, then I'll show you what he wanted to kill me over..."

Orion lead the pegasus reinforcements back to the cart, where he was first attacked by the griffon gang. Along the way, the medic patched up the griffon who Orion dealt with. They were impressed with the job, although one of the guards remarked they should have been killed outright. Orion just dismissed that with a "Nah."

At the cart, Orion removed the cover from the topmost crate still on the ground. Now taking a better look, these were definitely papers, more to the point they were what he suspected. They were blackmail papers. The pegasi rallied around him, and looked with some wonder at the find.

"Damn!" one of the guards exclaimed, with eyes growing wide "Just where the fuck did all this come from?!"

"I dunno. But it's definitely something serious. We better notify HQ."

The pegasus gestured, and gave orders to the other guards, and also asked for more reinforcements ASAP, not even an hour have passed, and several Royal Guard platoons started to fill the streets. The area where the encounter happened has been locked down, and a curfew has been initiated until morning. Orion looked at the sudden happenings with some amusement. If all these guards only arrived when he needed them the most... But thinking a bit more about it, he also realized: what if the way things happened were for the best? What if somepony would have been killed in the brawl, were they to engage the gang as a platoon? Considering how adamant the griffons were to kill him, Orion was sure they wouldn't have second thoughts about fighting a whole platoon either.

As he started to walk, he noticed a squad of unicorns being lead by Rust Rider."Very nice work Orion, but then again I'm not surprised."

"Thanks Rust but I'm far more concerned with the contents of the letters, its just like the previous raid. They all blackmail letters, and these one's are for many more ponies than before"

"Shit your serious? So it is true then, there's an underground blackmail market going on" Rust said "We need to notify the higher-ups to prepare for more stuff like this"

"Agreed, and I have a feeling the griffons who assaulted me were hired to be bodyguards. Given how well they fought as well as what weapons they owned. One of them had a rune-powered spear" Orion said.

"We will put out an APB on the assailants to make sure they are found and taken in for questioning" Rust said "In the meantime we should get all this stuff back to HQ to put it in evidence"

"Right, lets get to-"

"Captian Orion?" One of the guards spoke up, Orion turning around to face him.

"What's wrong?"

"Sir... it's one of the has your name on it"

"What?" Orion said, eyes going wide as he walked over and took the paper letter, he looked at it before opening it. Looking inside he found no note or writing. Only a single photo. Orion's face went red and pale at the same time as he realized what was in the photo. It was him and Spitfire at the park.

Chapter 13: Now or Never

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Wonderbolt HQ

The Wonderbolts’ locker room was heavy with steam and regret. Rainbow and Soarin sat on benches, awkwardly not meeting Spitfire’s gaze. She understood completely.

“Look, I get it,” Rainbow muttered. “I want to punch them sometimes too. Especially Yellowjacket”

“Yeah,” Soarin rubbed the back of his head with one hoof. “It’s not like they haven’t pissed all of us off on occasion.”

“You don’t have to make me feel any better, either of you,” Spitfire muttered. She walked over to her locker and ripped it open with a growl, making the other two flinch. She paused, taking a few deep breaths. “You didn’t screw things up for the entire team.”

“Hay you two deserve privacy. Just like anypony else.” Rainbow stomped her hoof on the floor of the locker room angrily. "What that asshole did, stalking you two and then taking photos of an intimate moment? I would wanna hit him too"

Spitfire snagged her saddlebags out of her locker and closed it, a bit more gently this time. She paused, resting a hoof against the cold metal as she leaned against the locker. After finding out Yellowjacket had a photo of her and Orion at the park, the mare had decided to take a long hot shower to think things over. Of course that was interrupted by Rainbow and Soarin' walking in, curious as to why they hadn't seen Spitfire since she came back.

“So what happens then?” Soarin asked, his voice nervous.

“I have no clue Soarin'. Until we figure this out I'm afraid Yellowjacket has the upper hoof”

Rainbow cringed. “That’s bucked up.”

A ghost of her usual confident smirk dusted across her muzzle. “Hay look on the bright side, if I end up being canned, you know what that means? Soarin’s in charge.”

The two looked at each other, and Spitfire watched as the horror slid over both their expressions.

“Oh goddess I'm going to have to deal with Thunderlane and Soarin flirting all the time now!” Rainbow protested. Spitfire laughed.

“Eh, most of the organizational stuff is done anyway. Soarin’s just going to have to run practice. Shouldn’t be too much more work than he was already putting in.” She smirked.

“So what are you gonna do now?” Rainbow asked. Spitfire shrugged.

“Like I said, no clue” Spitfire said simply, before Soarin could stammer something awkward. Rainbow flushed, and Spitfire felt a little guilty. “I’d rather not talk about it right now.”

Rainbow’s wings twitched with agitation. “S-sorry! I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s fine.” Spitfire cut her off. She sighed, and flipped her bags onto her back. “I should get going. Let you all get on with your day.”

"Come on Spit...I'm sure things will get better. Knowing Orion once he figures out what happened he will do everything he can to help you" Soarin said.

"What if I don't want him to help Soarin?" Spitfire said "Orion is the sweetest guy ever and what he has done to help us is amazing, but I can't do this to him! I can't just dump all my problems onto him, especially when he has to deal with his own life and problems as well!"

"So what are you going to do then Spit? Just take it? Let Yellowjacket walk over you again?" Soarin said brows furrowed "I can't continue to see you stress yourself out like this."

"I will do whatever it takes, The Wonderbolts are like family to me. You are all like family to me, and I refuse to let it suffer" Spitfire said, eyes watering up slightly.

"Spitfire..." Rainbow said walking up to her "Let me tell you something ok? I know this is hard on you, but you can't do this to wife did something similar a while back. She tried to do all of her family's chores by herself as well as help out anypony who needed it. She put the entire town and her family before her own health and it made her really sick." Rainbow said sighing softly "Don't let the burden of others come before your own wellbeing Spit, and most importantly let ponies help you...even if you think you don't need or want it"

Spitfire sat for a moment, listening to Rainbow's words and taking them in. She was putting a lot of pressure on herself to fix all this, and even she had to admit that she was putting her own health aside for others. Perhaps it was time to let others in, maybe even take a breather. "Yea...yea I think I understand what you're saying."

"Then let us and Orion help" Soarin' said "You need it."

"Ok...I'll ask for help" She said, softly smiling "Thank you two really have changed since you first started here"

"Hay, anything for you Captain" Soarin said smiling softly.

"I'm tellin' ya, Rapid" Thunderlane said between mouthfuls of apple pie. "I've nearly been killed by a full-grown dragon, a power-hungry centaur, and many other creatures, and I never thought that a pissed-off Princess Cadance would be the scariest!"

A round of muffled chuckles sounded from around the large table in the center of the cafe. Most seemed amused at the Wonderbolt second-in-command's anecdote, though one stallion chose to go against the flow.

"Tch." Rapid sounded. After partaking in his own slice of apple pie, he continued. "You're exaggerating. Again."

"Yeah, I can see why you would say that." Thunderlane conceded, shooting the pegasus a look that proclaimed otherwise. "Then again, I was the only one holding her back after you made that crack about her flank."

"Pffft." Was Rapidfire's only response. Fire Streak and Lightning Streak exchanged grins while Misty Flare shook his head disapprovingly. A few Wonderbolt cadets glanced nervously between their present superior officers, praying that the current atmosphere of the Wonderbolts as of lately would change soon.

Thunderlane just smiled and got up beginning to put away the empty plates. It was nice being able to finally relax after the stressful holidays, but even with the stuff with Yellowjacket still going on. He was appreciating the moment for however long it would last. Then the doors from the hallway swung open and Spitfire, Soarin' and Rainbow Dash walked through.

“Alright ‘Bolts, time for the newsflash.” Spitfire said, looking over the clipboard held in her wing as she waited for the team to turn their attention to her. “I know many of you are probably aware of the situation with Yellowjacket, so I will be frank with all of you. I have been asked to hand in my resignation effective immediately” Most of the bolts looked pissed, some shocked, others sad. Overall the atmosphere was sour, not to the surprise of anypony of course.

"So what are we going to do then?" Thunderlane shouted.

"I'm not sure...however I'm going to speak with Orion when I get home and we can talk things over" Spitfire said "Until then I'm going to recommend that everypony here be careful with whom you talk to and where you go. You never know if Yellowjacket has somepony following you"

"Yes Ma'am!" All of the bolts shouted, the group splitting up as they went to their separate duties. Spitfire sighed as she looked at the clock, she somewhat dreaded going home, even if she liked to see Orion's face after a long day. However she knew that it would be a while before that.

Spitfire's house

Spitfire arrived back at her house, shortly after midnight. After work most of the bolts had decided to go to the bar for some drinks. They had great fun discussing one another's embarrassing moments from the past as well as enjoying each other's company. She headed straight upstairs upon entering. She opened the door to her bedroom. It was empty.

"He must be late" Spitfire thought to herself. She took her jacket off and threw it on the chair. She sat down in her bed. A few moments later she heard the door opening downstairs. The door to her bedroom opened. Orion stepped inside.

"Sorry I'm a bit late. The guard had me booked today. We caught a huge blackmail deal going on and it ended up getting ugly" the stallion said.

"It's fine." Spitfire said. The stallion took off his blazer and proceeded to get undressed. As he was doing so Spitfire talked to him. "I was talking to the bolts today, and we-...I wanted to ask for your help Orion. Things have gotten worse and I have no idea what to do." Spitfire said, Orion stopped and turned to look at her.

"I know" He said softly, sighing as he put a hoof into his pocket and pulled out the photo he got from the crime scene handing it to Spitfire, which caused her to blush and also go slightly pale.

"...Orion...I don't know what to say I-"

"Stop." Orion said, putting his hoof up "Spitfire I have had a long time to think about this, thinking about what I would say, how we could get through this, I have run a million scenarios in my head" He said walking up to her and taking her hoof "The only thing I know for certain right whatever happens...we will do it together."

Spitfire blushed, her eyes tearing up slightly. "O-orion I-...I just don't know what to do...Im scared..." She said, the mare ashamed of herself. She was Spitfire, the fearless wonderbolt captain who led her team to victory.

"Hay...its ok I know" Orion said "This entire thing is stupid...Yellowjacket is stupid, and we are in a really bad spot."

"So what do we do then?" Spitfire asked.

"The only thing we can do...make sure he can't hurt anypony else like he has with the Bolts."

"And how do you propose we do that?" Spitfire asked, raising a brow.

"We go to him with the tape, and tell him to destroy all of the evidence he has...or we give it to the Princess's" Orion said firmly.

Spitfire sat there for a moment, contemplating his words, she softly wiped her tears away. "I'll clear my schedule." the mare said.

"This ends tomorrow...I promise" He said crawling into the bed beside her. "Goodnight." he said he hesitated for a moment before he leaned in, giving the mare a kiss.

Spitfire blushed softly "Goodnight." she said quietly, and she would slowly return the kiss as the stallion reached over and turned off the lights.


Spitfire took a deep breath as she and Orion flew towards Yellowjacket's mansion. She had made sure that the other Bolts knew where she was going, and Orion had apparently told some of his guard friends as well. Today this was all going to end. The two ponies had agreed to fly over to Yellowjackets place, and take the day off work so they had enough time.

As they flew towards the house her anger started to rise. She had been trying her hardest to be there for her team, and for Orion. She knew that Yellowjacket was to blame, and after everything he had done. She knew that the time to act is now or never

The two ponies came in for a landing outside the building and pushed the door open. As they walked inside they were greeted by a butler.

"Good afternoon, how may I assist you?" He asked, the unicorn in question dressed in a rather fancy-looking attire.

"We are here to see the Council Pony. Is he here?" Orion spoke, flashing his guard badge. The stallion had chosen to dress in a more casual attire, as he didn't want to bring any unnecessary attention.

"Ah Yes, you came at just the right moment, Sir Yellowjacket has just returned from a very important meeting...I shall go see to it that he is told of your arrival" The butler said as he trotted off.

Spitfire and Orion stood at the entrance, both of them taking in the atmosphere of the place. Yellowjacket's mansion was at a premium in Canterlot, which made its luxurious and immaculately maintained lawn and gardens an even clearer statement of wealth and power. The manor’s facade, columns and pillars were all made of flawless marble, carved in traditional Roaman fashion. quite large and full of expensive things, mostly trophies and some expensive-looking decorations. It came with all of the amenities that money and magic could provide. Including an excellent selection of muffling and silencing spells.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was compensating for something" Spitfire mumbled, smerking softly

"Well given his personality, I wouldn't be surprised" Orion chuckled.

The sound of a door opening and closing would be heard in the hallway as Yellowjacket would begin to walk down the staircase in front of them. The stallion looked rather unphased by the two of them showing up. Upon reaching the bottom of the steps he would walk up to the two of them, wings folded to his sides "Captain Spitfire, I was surprised to hear you had shown up...I didn't expect it" He said, looking to Orion as he raised his brow "And who might you be?"

"Orion Snow" He said "Captian of the Royal Guard."

"My my...two captains in one room. Not every day something like this happens" Yellowjacket said, smirking as he looked to Spitfire. “Is there something I can help you with?” he asked with a very business-like tone.

Orion would look to Spitfire, and then Spitfire would look back to Orion. The two of them know each other's facial expressions well enough. "Is there somewhere we can talk?" Spitfire asked.

Yellowjacket squinted slightly as he turned "Yes follow me...we can go to my study." He said, leading the two ponies around the mansion. They walked for a few moments and entered a large study with books and papers. Yellowjacket walked to his desk and sat down, as Orion and Spitfire stood before him. "Now...what do you two want..."

"We are here to simply state facts Councilpony Yellowjacket" Orion said sternly "We know you have been using your influence and money to gather sensitive information on ponies, and that you have been using that information to your advantage" He said, then grabbing a small tape recorder and showing it to Yellowjacket "This is a recording of the meeting you and Spitfire had the day of the Wonderbolt Holiday Party."

Yellowjacket stared at the two of them, leaning back as he put his two hoofs together "I see...getting bold now Spitfire? I must say I'm surprised..." He said "So...what do you want then..."

"It's simple" Spitfire said "You stop your Underground Blackmail Business and you start to actually do your job properly. If you don't? We will show this recording to the Princess and have you impeached from your position and arrested for your crimes."

Yellowjacket sat there for a few moments, the stallion taking in the words of the two ponies "Well...I guess I have no choice then hm?" He spoke. He would get up and begin to walk. "You know I have been doing this job for a long those times I have gained a reputation in the underworld...ponies pay me a good amount of money to keep their secrets safe, as well as keep the secrets of others safe too, Hell just today I was able to get a secret from King Sombra himself! The stupid brain dead of a king thinks he can just be reformed and not pay for his crimes? Eventually all end up submitting to me in the end...but you Spitfire? You have been quite the challenge. From day one I have never been able to crack you, to get you to bend over and submit....until now it seems." He said as he made it to the door, closing it as he then locked it, which caused Orion's guard instincts to kick in, walking in front of Spitfire slightly and puffing out his chest.

"I have to say, when I first saw this photograph I thought it was Zipper playing a joke with me...I knew he hated you so it was only natural to assume he faked the photo...but then you brought Orion me..." He said "And then I found out that it was have a coltfriend..."

"H-he isn't my-"

"Oh shut can't deny there is something between you two, even the photo shows it." He said getting closer to the two of them "And now, after all this time, who would have guessed a simple stallion would make you go off the edge, and now? Well...I assume you know."

“Well, oh soothsayer, since you clearly seem to know why don’t you enlighten us!” Spitfire challenged, her lips curled into a snarl.

"It's two know to much... you're a liability...and I need to get rid of said liabilities" He said, pulling out a small knife from his pockets "Permanently."

"Councilor Yellowjacket as Captian of the Royal Guard I order you to drop the weapon and surrender" Orion said sternly.

"I'm afraid I won't be doing that Captain..."

"So what?! You're just going to kill us?! Over a stupid tape? Is that really all it takes to ruin your entire career?"

"Oh two are not the first ponies who I have had to dispose of for getting too close..." He said in an unforgiving monotone voice. "What do you think happened with Commander Hurricane hm? Why your graduation year of 2001 had to be canceled and delayed to the next year?"

"You killed Commander Hurricane?!" Orion yelled.

"Well...I didn't do it myself, but I did put out the hit on him." He said twirling the knife in his wings "It was truly a lucky day when I found out that you Spitfire... were his top student and that you just so happened to be the Captian when I took charge... it's like poetry...I killed your idol...and now I kill you."

A deafening silence settled between the three ponies as Yellowjackets’s words sank in. A slow-building horror grew in Spitfiret’s gut as she realized what he just said. Spitfire’s face contorted in fury and fear, her right eye twitched in a way Orion had never seen before. Orion’s face fell into a mask of neutrality, cold fury dancing in her eyes.

“I'm not going to let you hurt any more ponies Yellowjacket." Orion spoke "You are going to pay for your crimes."

Orion glared at Yellowjacket a moment longer, his eyes full of anger, then the next thing Orion realized, the blade of Yellowjacket’s knife would be charging at him, he pushed Spitfire out of the way as the two of them got out of the way. Orion would quickly got up and charged at Yellowjacket as he striking him in the jaw, sending him reeling backward.

Before Yellowjacket could recover, an even stronger blow sent him stumbling into his desk. Yellowjacket crumpled to the floor, instinctively curling himself into a defensive posture. Orion circled her like a hungry predator. Yellowjacket would uncurl himself as he heaved, looking up to Orion with anger in his eyes.

"You are not going to get away with this..." He said, spitting some blood onto the floor.

"Trust me when I have no room to talk" Orion said, before Yellowjacket looked to Spitfire, then got up and charged at her before Orion jumped in front of him, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, looking down he then saw Yellowjacket's wing, holding the knife that was currently shoved into him, a loud shriek came from Spitfire as Orion fell back slightly, the knife sliding out of him and Spitfire would zoom over to him and hold onto him.

"Orion!! Fuck fuck!" She said, tears forming "Orion stay with me!"

Orion winced in pain "Ngh...It's ok...this isn't the first time I have gotten stabbed" He said, looking to her.

"Oh but it will be your last..." Yellowjacket said, Slowly, he forced himself up into a sitting position and then standing. His cheek burned and he could taste blood in his mouth.

"NO!" Spitfire yelled as she charged at Yellowjacket, bucking him square in the chest which sent the stallion flying into the wall. The knife dropped onto the ground as Spitfire quickly picked it up, the mare walking up to Yellowjacket and holding up the knife to his throat.

He chuckled softly "Go know you want to." He spoke "But know if you will never get your life back."

Spitfire heaved, huffing deeply as she contemplated it. Suddenly she felt a hoof on her shoulder, looking back to see Orion "Dont... it's not worth it..." He said, holding a hoof to the wound.

She looked to Orion, then back to Yellowjacket. She huffed, dropping the knife onto the ground as Orion quickly pinned Yellowjacket to the wall, going into his pockets he grabbed a small zip tie and tied his hoofs back behind him. "Yellowjacket, you are under arrest for blackmail, conspiracy, attempted murder, association with murder, and attacking a royal guard. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do will be held against you in a court of law."

Yellowjacket chuckled softly "Oh...don't worry...I fully plan on that" He said, smirking softly as the door to Yellowjacket's office swung open, with two royal guards busting in with weapons drawn, upon seeing Orion they stood down slightly, then looking at the scene they immediately knew what was going on.

"Make sure Councilpony Yellowjacket is put into a cell and watched 24/7...and someone get me a medic..." Orion said, wincing slightly.

Spitfire watched as Yellowjacket was taken away, the pony smirking softly as he caught her glance. The mare felt a shiver down her spine as she knew that this wasn't the last time she would have to deal with him. She looked at Orion and walked up to him. " took a knife for me..."

"Don't...worry about me ok? I had were in danger" Orion said looking at her "I couldn't let him hurt you."

Spitfire looked at him, blushing softly "I'm going to worry about you regardless..." she said softly, taking his hoof "You saved my life...and helped to finally get that bastard."

Orion smiled weakly "Hay...I wasn't gonna let my best friend get abused like this was I?"

Spitfire chuckled "Hay, I'm the one who's supposed to be taking care of you remember?"

He smiled as the medical pony came in, Spitfire stepping back as she let them do their job and heal up Orion's wound. She looked at the window, the sun shining through it as she took everything in. He had finally been caught...Yellowjacket was now finally going down. But in the back of her mind, the question still lingered. What will happen next?

Chapter 14: The Aftermath

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Canterlot - Hospital

Soarin' sighed, his blank gaze fixated on an old newspaper held loosely in his hooves. He had picked it up seemingly hours earlier, only to never read past the front page, he did not need to. The image of Yellowjacket being taken out of his own home with a beaten-up face was enough to tell him what happened. He looked to his side to see Spitfire asleep in the chair next to him, while another pony sat across from them, apparently it was one of Orion's Friends from the Guard. Rust Rider. All of them had come to the hospital to check on Orion after he was taken in for the stab wound.

Slipping off the chair, Soarin' grunted as he stretched the stiff muscles in his wings and back. He held the stretch for several long moments before he relaxed with a satisfied sigh. With nothing else to do, Soarin' began to pace around, mindful to keep his steps quiet for Spitfire.

A worried frown pulled at his lips as he turned his attention to her. Even while asleep, he could see the pain etched across her face. He could only imagine how bad it must have hurt for her to see somepony she cared about getting hurt like that.

Soarin’s wings fidgeted against his sides, his feathers quivering with barely restrained energy. He trotted back to his chair and forced himself to sit back down. He ruffled his mane with a hoof and took a series of deep breaths to calm down.

“How the hay am I gonna deal with this” he pondered aloud.

"You and I both" Rust spoke up, looking to Soarin "Orion told me a bit about you two, especially her" He said motioning to Spitfire with his head.

"Yea...Orions a nice guy, he and Spitfire really have been hitting it off" Soarin said.

Rust smiled at that "Yeah...when he told me he was living with her it took me by surprise, but I have to say. He has been in a really good mood for the time he has spent with her. I haven't seen him this happy before."

"I'm uh...sorry that you are having to go through with this. I realize his position in the guard is special, and it can't be easy having him absent" Soarin said, scratching the back of his head.

Rust waved Soarin' off with a hoof "Nah it not that big of a deal work-wise, Guards are injured all the time, and we have ponies who fill in the positions until they can return to active duty" Rust said "If anything I'm just worried about him in general. I didn't expect him to take the full force of a knife."

"Yea...when Spit told me what he did that took me off guard" He said "He doesn't seem like the type of pony to take risks like that."

"Oh trust me, Orion is like that" Rust said chuckling "You should have seen him in his early days, felt like he was always in the medical wing for getting injured because of some fight he got into with a perp."

"You sure we are talking about the same pony? The Stallion doesn't look like he could hurt a fly."

"Orion may be a softie when it comes to being around others, but he didn't become Captain from being soft. He has had his fair share of moments where he risked himself to protect others." Rust said "He is a very respectable stallion, and I'm glad to be his right hoof"

There was a pair of hoofsteps, which startled the two from their conversation, as well as waking up Spitfire who yawned as she looked over the corner. A small unicorn trotted through the threshold, her light coat mostly hidden under her teal surgical scrubs. Her mane having colors of Orange and Cyan on them, with duel-colored eyes to match.

“Good afternoon, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long. I’m Nurce. Twolace, a pleasure to meet you both,” she introduced himself, a kind smile on her lips.

“Soarin,” Rapid said, offering the mare his hoof, which the doctor quickly shook. “Nice to meet you.”

“Heya, nurce,” Spitfire said, "how's it hanging?"

Twolace smirked from the relaxed comment, she was used to more... uncooperative patients. “Well enough, I suppose. So here's the deal. Your friend isn't in too bad of a shape, the blade luckily didn't hit any major arteries or organs." She said, looking to her clipboard "However he will still need to stay here for a good few days, just in case there are any issues after the minor surgery. So are there any other questions?"

Spitfire, Soarin, and Rust all exchanged a quick glance before shaking their heads in tandem.

“Alright then, the nurses will be by in a few minutes to take you up to his room.” She said, smiling as she turned to go and attend to a different pony.

Spitfire sighed, her head resting against the chair and a resigned look settling over her face. When she spoke her tone was quiet, though nopony could miss the sadness in her words. “Hey, Soarin?”


“I need you to do me a favor while I’m here with Orion.”

“Name it.”

“You have Wonderbolts letterhead at your place, right?” she asked looking him in the eye.

“Yeah...” he answered, not liking where this conversation was heading.

“If you could bring me some, I’d appreciate it.” Spitfire said quietly.

“What for?” he asked, dread building in his chest.

"Knowing Yellowjacket, once he gets the chance to post bail, he will unleash all the info he has on every pony he has ever blackmailed. I'm not gonna let him one-up me again." She said "I'm going to make a formal announcement telling everypony I'm dating Orion."

“What?!” Soarin' balked "Spitfire you realize the moment this gets public you and Orion's life with both change? You two will literally be stalked by media 24/7, you will never get a break."

"I have to agree with Soarin' on this ma' much as that action is thoughtful and no doubt comes from a place of love. It will change both your lives forever...once you make it public there's no going back." Rust said.

"I'm aware...and honestly I think Orion is too." Spitfire said "I won't fill out anything unless he agrees but either way I'm doing something."

Exhaling a deep breath, Soarin' nodded and sat back in the chair closing his eyes and allowing himself a moment of relaxation. “Somedays I wonder why I didn’t retire,” he mumbled to the ceiling tiles.

"You and me both" Spitfire said, smirking slightly, only causing Soarin' to smirk back.

"So uh...pardon me for asking Miss. Spitfire but...what exactly happened at Yellowjacket's Mansion?" Rust asked. "The papers haven't really gone into much detail."

Spitfire scoffed in irritation, sighing softly "We had gone to Yellowjacket to force him to quit his Blackmail Business, we told him about the tape we had of him and that we would turn him into the princess's, next thing we know he locks us in the room and has us at knife point" she said.

Both stallions looked at her with slight awe. Hearing how quickly things had turned was something unexpected. "Damn Spit...that's...a lot to take in" Soarin' said, pushing a hoof through his mane. "So...I assume Yellowjacket is done this time?" He asked.

"I wish it were that simple" Rust said crossing his hoofs "He can 100% be charged for the attempted murder, but he has a lot of resources. He will try his damn best to get out of the Blackmail charges, and if what you're saying it true? He may try to get you and Orion charged with the same thing."

"What?!" Spitfire yelled "That's bullshit! We didn't blackmail him!"

"That's true yes...but by all technicality it does look like it from an outside point of view; You went to his house, showed him something that could ruin his life, and also forced him to do something due to having said something."

"So what, you're telling me Spitfire and Orion could get charged with that?" Soarin' asked.

"Potentially, but we have no idea until the court date happens" Rust said. "Until then we don't have too mutch to worry about."

"Right...what could possibly go wrong..." Spitfire mumbled softly.

Spitfire’s comments were cut off as a pair of earth pony nurses trotted into the room. The first mare wore a set of light blue scrubs with a cheerful floral pattern, the second wore plain scrubs dyed a maroon color and trimmed with a deep blue. Both smiled cheerfully to the ponies.

“Are we all set?” the floral mare asked. "We have made sure your friend is in good condition and aware of you all being here."

"Yes, we are ready" Rust said, looking to the two Wonderbolts. hoping that this will be something that could be avoided in the future. The last thing he wanted was for Orion to suffer more, and for the Wonderbolts to go through more struggle as well.

Spitfire was vaguely aware of passing by other ponies in the halls and being ushered through the hallways just off of the surgical suites. Like almost every hospital, the walls had been painted a neutral tan color. The floor was assembled from large white tiling set into charcoal-colored grout. Soon the ponies would be lead to Orion's Room. Walking into it, they would see a pair of hibiscus plants that were placed in the corners of the room both bearing blooming red flowers. The plants flanked a couch long enough to seat four ponies. Its soft green cushions offered a fair level of comfort for the countless ponies that were forced to wait in the room for news of their loved ones.

Orion's ears twitched as he turned to face the door, smiling as he saw the ponies walk in "Hay guys, nice to see all of you" He said.

Soarin would go to sit on the corner of the couch, his eyes fixed on the cold tile floor. The wall clock ticked the seconds away like a metronome, though Soarins barely noticed. His mind replayed Spitfire’s request over and over again. He couldn’t believe things had come to this, all because of one mistake.

“So are you supposed to be up and about already?” Spitfire asked, his eyes taking in the stallion before her. “If so that is an awful outfit.”

Orion chuckled softly, smerking. “I’m supposed to walk around as much as I can; they don’t want me to get a clot which apparently could happen. As to the jacket, it is standard issue for the hospital” Orion replied.

“So why aren’t you plugged back into the baggy?” Rust asked "Here I thought I'd be able to make jokes about you being a robot" He said, smirking.

"Hahaha very funny" Orion said sarcastically "You and I both know I don't need a baggy, that's for serious surgeries."

"So then, everything is ok?" Spitfire asked, walking up to him.

"Yeah don't worry Spits. Im going to be ok" Orion said, blushing slightly.

"So this is what you deal with regularly then?" Rust mumbled to Soarin, who had snapped out of his trance a few seconds ago.

"Ohhh yeah" He said smirking.

"So uh...Orion do you mind if we talk about something?" Spitfire asked.

"Yeah sure... what's up?"

"Look...its no shock that when Yellowjacket posts bail, he will out what happened, and more importantly the stuff he has on me and you" She said, Orion nodding slowly as his ears pinned down

"Yeah I know...but I'm prepared to deal with it."

"Good, because I want to make an official statement" Spitfire said. "Orion...would you be my Coltfriend?" She asked, blushing softly. Which only caused the white pegasus to go fully red.

"I-I...y-you mean it?" Orion asked, in shock from the sudden question. He could feel his heart rate speeding up slightly, even the beeping machine could tell him that.

"Yes I do...I want to make it official" She said "Sooner we do? The less Yellowjacket can throw on us. So...what do you say?"

Orion just stared at her for a moment "Just shut up and kiss me Spit" He said, which immediately was followed by the mare wrapping her hoofs around him and pulling him into a kiss, which caused Rust and Soarin to blush slightly and awkwardly overt their gaze to the two. Soon the kiss would stop and the two of them smiled at each other.

Canterlot Castle

Celestia and Luna were sharing their evening tea together, going over which petitioners had been delayed, so Luna would need to see them first, during her night court.

A 24-hour court wasn’t easy to manage, but they’d had millennia of practice before Luna’s little ‘Nightmare Moon’ incident.

A green flame wisped in through the window, coalescing into a scroll in front of Celestia. “It is a bit late for a report, dost thou not think, ‘Tia?” Luna asked, looking in confusion at the scroll.

Celestia nodded before reading its contents, and carefully settling the scroll down like it was a venomous snake.

“Luna dear, you recall the Council Pony Yellowjacket correct?" Celestia asked carefully; Luna furrowed her brows, curious, at the change in topic that must have been prompted by whatever was written.

"We do yes...we recall him being a pony who was rather full of himself at times, however he did show us we could put faith in him as the Council Pony of Air."

"Yes...well it seems he has just been arrested for the attempted murder of the Wonderbolt Captian as well as the Captian of My Guard."

"Sir Orion?!" Luna shouted, pushing herself out of her seat. "This can't be! Why would he do something like this?!"

"I am not certain Luna..." She said softly.

"I think we should go to see your captain. Get his statement and get to the bottom of this" Luna said.

"I agree...this matter should be fully looked into."

Canterlot - Hospital

If there was one thing Orion hated it was the feeling of being useless. Perhaps that was why, he mused, the fates had cursed him to lay in an uncomfortable hospital bed, with nothing to do, and even less to distract him. It was enough to drive a pony to madness, even with the long naps he generally took when he got pain medicine.

Still, perhaps the only silver lining to her situation was the time it allowed him to spend with Spitfire. He smiled softly as he watched her look out of the window. The mare in question then looked back at him. “What?” she asked, a knowing grin on her lips.

"Nothing...just...admiring you" He said.

"Oh my Celestia you are so corny it's adorable" She said chuckling.

"Oh come on, I can't be all corny and sweet with you?" He asked.

"Never said you couldn't you dork" She said, walking up to him and giving him a slight nuzzle. "Still... you're corny as hell..."

" way too many romance novels" He said, blushing as he scratched the back of his head softly.

"And this, is why I find you adorable" She said, smirking as she booped his snoot. Causing the stallion to only blush more.

“I love you,” Orion whispered, his exhausted body dragging his mind.

Spitfire blushed softly, the mare having not heard those words in so long...and hearing it from Orion was almost like a dream come true. “I love you too.” She said, smiling softly. she then shot a mischievous look at the pegasus and sucked in a quick breath before blowing a very loud raspberry on Orion’s cheek.

“Ahh!” Orion squealed as he flailed against Spitfire’s iron grip, “No-noooo-nooooo! Ahahaha! Stop-stop-stop, staaahahahahaaap!”

Spitfire did not stop, at least not until she laughed so hard she snorted. Orion seized on the opportunity, slipping free of Spitfire’s grasp and got off the bed. Spitfire sat up, still giggling and wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. The moment she lowered her hoof, a fluffy green pillow hit her right in the face with a loud 'fwomp'.

Spitfire yelped, her limbs flailing wildly as she fell over from the dastardly sneak attack. The sound of Orion's boisterous laughter filled Spitfire’s ears. Pulling the pillow off her face, Spitfire glared at Orion. The weather manager stuck her tongue out “That's cheating!” Spitfire said with mock disdain, her lips spread into a bright smile.

“All’s fair in love and war!” Orion shot back, laughing as he walked back to the bed to look to Spitfire "You know...I never imagined that I'd be able to spend time with you like this ever again." He said "Up until we reunited at the cafe I didn't even think id talk with you until a class reunion or something"

"Well...I'm glad I was there that day. Because I wouldn't miss seeing your face for the world." She said softly, before there was a knock at the door, Orion stepping away from the mare for a moment to look at who was coming in. Seeing that it was Rust he relaxed slightly.

"Hay what's up?" He asked, noticing the papers in Rust's hand.

" uh.." the stallion spoke, his tone that of sorrow and worry. "I was collecting your mail and I saw you got a letter from the bank about your parent's house" He said.

Orion gulped slightly, ears pinning back behind him "...its bad isn't it"

Rust sighed softly "They said you can buy it out from the bank...but the money they are asking for...Orion if you did this you'd basically be short of being in debt. You might get the house but you would lose it in a matter of months"

"Mother Plucker..." Orion said softly, looking down to the floor. Suddenly he heard movement, and a hoof reaching out to him.

"I'll help pay for it." Spitfire said.

Both stallions looked to her in shock. "W-wh- no Spitfire you cant, I don't want-"

"Shut up and listen. I've seen how much you care for ponies, you risk your own life for others, risk your personal life to be with a mare whom you haven't even seen for 22 years, as well as help out the Wonderbolts who you don't even know all too well." She said. "It's about time somepony return that favor...and as your Marefriend I'm giving you that favor now. I will help to buy the house, and we can move into it. Together"

"Y-your serious? You want to move in with me?" He asked.

"Yea I'm sure, plus I can just give my house to Rapid. He lives in my folk's house right now and he could use a place to himself." She said smiling.

"Spitfire...I-...I don't know what to say" Orion said, tears forming in his eyes.

"For starters how about you stop being a big ol crybaby and hug me" She said, sighing softly as she opened her arms and wings to take in Orion, who immediately went in for the hug.

Rust rolled his eyes as he smiled "Alright you two lovebirds, while I love seeing the two of you being happy, there is another reason I'm here." He said "The Princess's contacted the HQ...there coming here"

"Sorry what-" Orion immediately snapped his head looking to Rust.

"The Princess's are coming to visit you Orion. They want to ask questions regarding Yellowjacket."

Spitfire looked between the two, she knew that this was official guard business so she decided to stand up and head to the door. "I'm...just going to let you two do your thing. I'm hungry anyway and I need lunch. I'll come back in a bit ok?"

"Alright..." Orion said, nodding softly at Spitfire as she left the room.

With a heavy sigh, Spitfire's stomach growled, momentarily distracting Spitfire from her thoughts. Twisting her head, she got a look at the clock hanging on the wall. To her surprise, it was already well past noon. She really should eat lunch...A quick ride downstairs and the Wonderbolt makes the short trek to the hospital cafeteria. There were few ponies in the line at the time, and she was grateful none of them paid her more than a passing glance. Ordering a hayburger, fries, and a large soda, Spitfire paid and took her receipt in her teeth to find a table.

Grey industrial carpet covered the floor of the dining room, which had seats for roughly seventy-five ponies. Fake trees and ferns were placed in various places to lend a more natural setting and put patients and their families at ease; Spitfire thought they looked tacky. She would quietly eat her lunch as she then caught the sight of a familiar-looking pony.

"Spitfire" The pony said, walking up to her. He was a dark blue pony with a white mane and tail, he was covered in scars.

"Thunder I didn't expect to see you here"

"Yeah well...I'm here on official duties" He said, flashing a police badge to her "Canterlot Police Department. Been working in it for a good few years now"

"That's...really good to hear man" She said "Im...honestly surprised, I didn't expect to see you ever again or even see you of all ponies as a police officer"

"Yeah...funny how things change huh?" He said chuckling. "I actually am glad I ran into you...after all these years thinking back to the academy, I was a real asshole to you and Prysm." He said, Spitfire raising a brow as he spoke "It was unfair to you two for how I acted, and more importantly how I was targeting you two. I hope you can forgive me."

"Hay, its no problem Thunder...that was the past and things change you know?" She said smiling. "Honestly I'm more happy to see that you turned your life around and that your doing something your clearly good at"

Thunder smiled softly "Anyway, I didn’t want to interrupt you eating...I do hope you have a good day" He said, tipping his hat to her.

"You as well Thunder" Spitfire nodded.

After lunch, Spitfire took the elevator back up to Orion’s floor, with her belly full she felt much better. A smile grew over her face the closer she got to Orion’s room. Knocking on the door, Spitfire waited a moment before Rust pulled it open. His cautious look quickly replaced with a kind smile.

“Ahh, Spitfire, come in!” He motioned her through with a hoof.

“Thanks,” she said as she passed, “how is... oh...”

Her words died on her lips as she registered the two alicorns in the room. Celestia regarded her with a polite nod and a kind smile, while Luna eyed her with a calculating gaze. Orion twisted his head to see who had come in, a tired smile pulling at his lips when he saw Spitfire.

“Hey, Spitfire.”

“H-hey, Orion,” she mumbled, her brain stalling for a minute before remembering it was considered rude not to bow before the princesses.

“Good afternoon, Captain,” Celestia greeted Spitfire. "How are you holding up?"

“Good, your majesty.”

“That’s good to hear” Celestia said.

“Sh-should I come back later?” Spitfire asked, her eyes flicking nervously from Celestia to Luna.

“It is quite alright,” Celestia said as she gave Orion her familiar kind smile. “We were just speaking to Orion, and since you were apparently with him, we may as well take your words in as well.”

"As you wish ma'am" She said, walking over to the bed to be aside Orion.

"So Captian...we were hoping to ask you what happened at Yellowjacket's mansion, and why he apparently tried to kill you and Spitfire." Luna spoke up.

"Right.." Orion said, ears pinning back. Celestia and Luna waited patiently for Orion to elaborate. Taking a steadying breath, he laid his head back before speaking.

"It came to my attention that The Wonderbolts had been mistreated by Yellowjacket after Spitfire confided in me some of the things he was saying and doing, and after some research that I did, as well as other events happening in a case I was working with Rust. We found out Yellowjacket was running an Underground Blackmail business. Which he was using to control ponies and make them do what he wanted, as well as rig the elections for Council Pony so he could stay in charge." Orion lightly thumped his head against the pillow. "Me and Spitfire had gathered audio of him doing this to Spitfire and we confronted him with the evidence, to which he then saw us as a liability. So he tried to remove us from the equation."

Spitfire nodded softly "It's true...we had gone there to make sure he would stop his business...he had effectively run the bolts morel to an all-time low, and sent Rainbow Dash into a depressive spiral when he had an article published on her and her wife.

Celestia took in the words, she looked to Luna who all but had a scowel on her face “I thank you for your honesty, Captain Snow yours as well Captian Spitfire.”

The tired guard managed a nod. “What happens now?”

Luna’s face contorted in anger, her left eye twitching noticeably. “That insolent—”

Celestia quickly lifted her right hoof up in front of Luna to silence the younger mare’s anger, Not that she could blame her sister for the outburst. She too felt anger and betrayal after hearing of this news. Repressing another sigh, she slowly shook her head. It seemed as though she wasn’t quite the actress she fancied herself to be anymore, as even she was having a hard time controlling her emotions.

"We will set a trial for Yellowjacket so he may face his crimes." Celestia said "We will obviously need all your notes and anything you have on this...underground blackmail business."

"Of course ma'am" Orion said.

“What do you mean, Tia?” Luna asked, her brows furrowing together in anger and confusion. "We have all but a confession from Sir Orion. Why do we waste our time with a trivial matter such as a trial?"

"Because Sister...guilty or not, he still has the right to a fair trial." Celestia explained. "I understand your anger, but you need to calm down."

“I am quite calm!” Luna insisted. “I simply need to know why thoust—”

“Language, Luna.”

Luna groaned. “Why you are taking such measures?”

Celestia took a deep breath, a faint sadness passing over her face. “As silly as this might sound, Luna, I just don’t want to show the citizens of Equestria that we can do whatever we want. We have our laws and rules for a reason, and while we have our rights as rulers to occasionally bypass them. This is a matter that could affect the entire country."

Luna sighed, rubbing at her eyes with a hoof. "Very well Tia...I understand."

"Is there anything else you need from us?" Spitfire asked.

"I believe that is all we need...but should we require anything else we will send for you two" Celestia said, smiling "And we will also make sure that you two get some alone time as well" The Alicorn said with a wink, sending both Pegasi into a blush.

Celestia gave the couple a kind smile. "We shall speak soon."

With a brilliant flash of golden light, Celestia and Luna vanished from the room. Only dust-like embers of her magic remained, fading like embers from a fire. Orion sighed, his head resting on the pillows.

"I cannot wait to get out of this damn room" Orion said mumbling.

"Hay don't worry, I'm not going to be leaving your side" Spitfire said, nuzzling him softly.

Seemingly satisfied with the answer, Orion nuzzled against Spitfire. “I love you.”

Spitfire smiled. “I love you too.”

Chapter 15: Epilogue

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Nearly three days later, Orion was finally discharged from Canterlot General Hospital. The coat on his chest that had been shaved away for the surgery was beginning to regrow as well. To celebrate her release, The Bolts decided to have Spitfire, Orion’, and some of Orion's Guard Friends out for a dinner, and after painstaking negotiations, they had arrived at a mutually acceptable solution: a nice picnic, out in the park.

“So why did you two pick this place, anyway?” Soarin’ asked, smoothing out the corner of a red and white checkered picnic blanket.

"It's where me and Orion ran into each other. We thaught it would be slightly poetic" Spitfire said, musing softly at the memory.

“Let’s get those sandwiches out, I’m hungry!” Thunderlane exclaimed with a toothy grin.

“I second that motion,” Soarin’ said, scooting closer to the baskets and licking his lips.

Spitfire gasped, her hooves covering her mouth. “Oh crap!”

“What?!” the voices of the ponies demanded.

“I forgot the pie!”

“You WHAT?!” Soarin’ shouted, a look of horror on his face.

Spitfire giggled. “Kidding, it’s in the basket on the left.”

Soarin’ narrowed his eyes. “You are so lucky I cant say what id like to say right now...”

“You know, if you wanna tell Thunderlane you love him, there are simpler ways.” Spitfire offered.

Soarin’ pressed his hoof to his forehead with a low growl.

“Screw you with green apples,” Thunderlane grumbled.

“Kinky,” Spitfire giggled, flipping open the nearest basket and hoofing out sandwich halves to each pony in turn.

“Thanks again for offering to buy all this, Mr.Rust Rider” Soarin' said as he gave him his sandwich.

“It’s my pleasure. It's the least I could do for all of you.” he said with a smile. “There’s fresh honeycomb in there too.”

"Oh shit really? Damn that's a smart idea" Orion said, chewing on his sandwich.

Rust spread his wings and forelegs wide. “Yes, shower me with your adulations.”

Orion flicked a green olive at the stallion. He didn’t flinch as it bounced off his snout and onto the blanket.

“Well, this will be an off-season for the record books.” Soarin’ mused, lifting his sandwich to his lips.

“At least it wasn’t dull,” Thunderlane said. "And it also wasn't without its benefits."

“True enough.”

Time seemed to fly by for the small group of pegasi, the sandwiches, fresh apple pie, and succulent honeycomb being consumed to the last morsel. Everypony had stories to share, and every story ended in raucous laughter. Orion leaned against Spitfire, closing his eyes and smiling as they appreciated the happy moment. The older mare smiled, happy to help Orion in whatever ways she could. It was a moment of perfection, and Spitfire savored every second of it while it lasted.

"You know...if you had told me two months ago that I would not only be living with you, but also that I'd become your Coltfriend, I would have called you crazy" Orion said chuckling softly.

"Well you know, I like a bit of crazy in my life" Spitfire said, smiling softly. "Besides...with you around I have a feeling that crazy will only increase."

Orion chuckled softly, the stallion nuzzling Spitfire softly. "I never would have been here without you have done a lot, and I really can't stress how appreciative I am of that."

"Like I told you before mean a lot to me, and it only took seeing you again to remind me of that." She said softly, the mare smiling as she looked up to him "I wouldn't have asked for a better coltfriend than you anyways."

Orion smiled back softly, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. "Nor I a better marefriend."

Spitfire couldn’t help but hum happily, the mare leaning her head against Orion's chest, hearing his heartbeat. She nuzzled her cheek against him, until Orion’s hoof gently lifted her chin up. His cyan eyes again met with Spitfire’s golden orbs. With a warm smile, Spitfire’s soft lips met Orion's. It felt as if time froze as their lips met, and both ponies couldn't have it any other way.