• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 3,128 Views, 43 Comments

Righting wrongs. - Sylif Daring Doo

He did everything he could, he truly did do his best, but in the end he was defeated, and for what? the ego of a madman? his own anger? his betrayal? barely surviving, Dark Spyro tries to find his place in this world, one way or another.

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Academy days: Answers and frustrations.

_____*Skylanders Academy, 24 minutes later, Dark Spyro's POV*_____

I find myself yawning deeply as I look over the test papers that Master Eon gave me, the papers were easy at first as I knew most of the answers already, but then came the new additions that I heard about from Eon, whereas I was able to finish four papers in a few minutes, these questions made me think really hard for the answer and at one point I found myself wondering if Eon gave me these papers and questions just to mess with me, but I thought against it knowing that the old man wouldn't do that if he wanted me back, and after a while I was certain that I have everything right, or at least most of it.

I stretch a little and then look at the last paper, the admittance form, I sigh and set all the papers, the pen and writing board on the small bedside table, I then laid down on the soft bed, I shifted myself a little so that I was on my side and closed my eyes, seeking to catch up some more on sleep and not really caring about the form right now.

I shifted again until I was comfortable and let out a tired sigh and let the silence of the room help me to go to sleep, I was just about to fall asleep when I heard the door open followed by a familiar voice filled with aggravation. "Oh no you don't!" Said the voice of Spyro.

I open eyes and look tiredly at Spyro who was glaring at me harshly but made no effort to remove me from the bed. "You are not sleeping in my room! so get out." The purple dragon demanded as he points at the door.

I blink and sigh tiredly. "I am too tired to care." I begin, I was going to leave at that but pause, I find myself smirking as a thought came to me, I look at the clearly annoyed Spyro with a little mischief on my mind. "You know...by all rights, we are in essence the same dragon, and until I turn in my papers I am technically and legally Spyro as well." I chuckle a little as the purple dragon caught on to what I was saying, scowling at the thought of it all. "In short, it's OUR room." I state in triumph before lowering my head and closing my eyes.

After what I said I half expected to hear yelling or even get hit, but instead I hear an evil chuckle from the doorway, I open my eyes and look at Spyro who now had a mischievous grin and was chuckling. "What's so funny?" I ask, slightly worried about what my good half was going to do.

Spyro walked over to the computer and turned it on. "Nothing, you're right, we are the same dragon and until you turn in the papers this is OUR room, so you won't mind if hop on the computer right?" He asked calmly, I nod in confusion and wonder what was going on.

I watch with curiosity as Spyro entered the password into the computer and pulled up the net, I have no idea what the purple dragon was doing and I simply lay my head down and close my eyes, deciding that it wasn't my problem...that was of course until absurdly loud death metal started blaring in the room, I cry out in surprise and my eyes shot open from the sudden burst of noise.

I look over to my left and see Spyro sitting in front of the computer looking at me with a large smirk as a song played on the computer. "What are you doing!?" I shout, just loud enough to hear over the music.

Spyro rolls his eyes. "I'm enjoying some time in MY room, isn't it obvious?" He replied loudly over the music, he was clearly enjoying this as I glare daggers at him.

I groan loudly and grab two pillows that were on the bed, I pull them over my head and use them to help block out the sound, much to my dismay it did not work at all and after the song ended I had enough and just stood right up "Alright already! you win!" I shout as I look at my counterpart.

Spyro smirked in victory, he closed the net and lowered the volume on the computer, I knew he was watching as I took the writing board, pen and papers and walk to the door, I open it and walk out, I close the door and head downstairs.

I hear someone doing something in the direction of the kitchen but I pay it no mind, I walk until I'm in the living room and see that the couch was empty, I walk over and set the items down on the nearby table and lay down on the couch, I rest my head on the arm cushion and close my eyes, trying to fall asleep before working on the admittance form.

Once again I feel the pull of sleep and just like before, I was disturbed by a voice. "Hey, can I get you to try something?" Asked a familiar half crazed voice.

I sigh. "Sure, whatever." I mumble as I open my eyes and see Pop Fizz holding a very unstable looking blue colored potion in his right hand. "On second thought, no, not really no." I say to the alchemist quickly and with sudden vigor.

Pop doesn't seem to notice my hesitation and holds up the vial, it was tall and thin and had a rather flat bottom. "It won't even explode!" He insists while absently jerking his hand hard to the right, causing the potion to violently bubble up, we both freeze and watch as the potion proceeds to explode, causing smoke to fill the room.

I cough violently and climb off the couch while smoke fills my nostrils, I drop to the floor and slowly flap my wings in the opposite direction, causing the smoke to rise. "What...*cough*...was that?" I ask the gremlin who was lying on the floor as well.

"Well, it's was supposed to supposed to prevent dehydration!...or did I mix it up with the exploding belch potion?" Pop Fizz asks himself as he scratches his head.

I groan and face plant the floor, the two of us end up waiting on the floor for five minutes before Jet-Vac walked in and cleared it with his gun, once the smoke was clear I get up and walk to the table, I grab my paperwork, the pen and writing board and walk to the door, I walk outside and take in some fresh air.

I walk over to the large tree that was outside the house and sit under it, I then decide to just get the last bit of paperwork over with seeing as I apparently have bad luck going to sleep, I say nothing as I write on the paper in silence, filling in all the basic details such as age, species, gender...then I came up to my name and I pause, I stare at it for a while as I think. 'This is it, once I write this down, no going back.' And without any further hesitation I write down my name on the paper.

I look up from the paper and see Jet-Vac walking off with a bluish gray potion in his hand, I blink and raise an eyebrow at this but make no effort to ask him, I then return to working on the paper, I tune out the rest of the world and continue filling in the form. 'I'm starting to remember why Spyro burned so many of these.' I find myself smirking at the thought as I filled in the especially boring parts.

By the time I was finished I could feel my eyelids struggling to stay open, I shake my head and gather everything, I walk back into the house and make my way to Spyro's room, I make it to the door with little issue and open it, I immediately see Spyro in the room, but now he was actually playing something on the computer instead of blaring music, he looks over his shoulder at me and I just walk to the bedside table and set the pen and writing board back in the drawer before walking out of the room, not saying a word.

I didn't run into any of the others as I left the house and closed the door, I grip my papers tighter and take flight back to the main building of the Academy, my flight there took around thirteen minutes but that was only because I was tired and didn't want to go fast.

I soon land in front of the building and open the door, I step inside and look around for anyone who was inside, at first I saw no one but then I hear voices, I keep walking and soon I can see the rest of the Grand Library. "I'm just saying that you might have let him off too easy! you don't need to bite my head off about it." Said the agitated voice of Kaossandra.

"I am not biting your head off! I am just saying that I am giving him a second chance." Master Eon said with a tired tone.

I clear my throat loudly which seems to be enough to get their attention, Eon's face turns from a stressed frown to a smile while Kaossandra keeps a wary stare. "I'll uh, just leave the papers over there." I say, pointing at a desk.

I quickly set the papers on the desk and look at Eon and Kaossandra. "I'll just uh...leave you to your arguement." I say before hurrying to the door, thankfully neither of the two stopped me and I was able to leave without an issue, when I was outside I quickly close the door and sigh in relief. "That was weird." I say before walking away, seeking to find somewhere quiet to get some sleep. 'I wonder where Tempest and Sunset are at right now?' I wonder as I walk.

______*Twenty minutes later.*______

Sunset walked around the Skylanders Academy with faded curiosity, she was grateful that Stealth Elf and Spyro showed her and Tempest around, the two had been pleasant to talk to, even though Spyro seemed to be distracted by something, and although she was curious, Sunset didn't really want to know what was bothering the dragon at the time.

Stealth Elf wasn't much help in that regard either, because either she didn't notice, or she did notice but didn't say anything, either way after they showed the two newcomers Campus Town and how to get back to the Academy, Spyro left followed by Stealth Elf, Tempest walked around with Sunset for a while but when she was approached by Jet-Vac who wanted to talk, the griffon left Sunset on her own.

Sunset was currently sitting on a bench in a small park, it wasn't much, just a fountain, some benches and a nice stone path going through it, she sat quietly for a while and simply enjoyed the pleasantly warm air of the Skylands, she sat on the bench for another few minutes before getting up and stretching her legs.

Sunset then walked back to the teleportation pads, the walk was long as she walked slowly, she was greeted by a few passing Mabu, common residents of the Skylands, she eventually reached the teleportation pads after ten minutes and stepped on the one to go the Academy, with a flare of magic the unicorn was back at the Academy and looked around.

It was now a lot quieter around the Academy, with no cadet or trainee to be seen, Sunset assumed that classes started or something and started to walk, she stopped herself quickly though as she came to realize that she had no destination in mind, this bothered the unicorn as she made a habit of always having a plan of some kind, shaking her head clear of these thoughts, Sunset thought that she would just explore or wander around for a while until something came up.

To her relief, Sunset spotted none other than Spyro land nearby, he looked conflicted about something judging from the way his eyes looked and his glancing at the Grand Library, he also didn't seem to notice her at all, figuring that now would be a good time to talk to the dragon, Sunset walked over to talk to him, she even cantered a little bit to get closer. "Hey, how's it going?" She greeted the absentminded dragon.

The dragon in question blinked and then looked at Sunset with surprise before relaxing a little and folding his wings. "Hey, Sunset right?" He asked, he got a nod in reply. "Well, I'm Spyro, sorry I didn't really introduce myself earlier." He replied calmly as he looked around, clearly distracted by something.

Sunset noticed this instantly and decided to find out what was going on. "Is something on your mind? you seem distracted." She asked calmly, though her tone also indicated that she insisted on getting an answer.

Spyro sighed and shook his head, he looked at Sunset and stared for a little before speaking. "Yea, something is on my mind...and I think you know what it might be." From the tone of voice he used, it was easy to determine what or more specifically WHO Spyro was talking about.

Sunset nodded in understanding. "Do you want to talk about it?" She offered with a calm tone of voice, showing that she was willing to listen.

Spyro looked over at the Grand Library for a moment in thought, it wasn't difficult to see who he was hoping to talk to, he then sighed and motioned for Sunset to follow him as he walked away from the large building. "The easiest way to explain all of this would be to say I'm conflicted." He started with hesitation.

"About Dark Spyro? I thought you made your opinions clear on that matter back in Equestria." Sunset asked as she followed the dragon, she noticed that they were going to the teleportation pads.

Spyro let out a half hearted chuckle at Sunset's choice of words. "He told you about that huh?" He asked curiously, not even taking his attention away from where he was walking.

"No actually, it was easy to see earlier during breakfast, you were putting on a face for your friends but whenever you looked at Dark Spyro you lost the mask." Sunset replied easily.

Spyro paused and looked at Sunset, his eyes seemed to be...regretful? "Can I trust you not to tell him what I'm about to tell you?" He asked, his tone was completely serious as he stared into Sunset's eyes.

Sunset raised an eyebrow at the strange request, she thought on it for a while weighing the pros and cons, on one hand she learn what was going on, but on the other hand she would end up keeping a secret from her friend...to her the choice was obvious. "You have my word, I won't say anything to Dark Spyro about this." She swore...she didn't want to keep this a secret but she had a feeling that the purple dragon needed to get this off his chest.

The promise seemed to calm Spyro a little and he continued walking to the teleportation pads with Sunset behind him, they walked up to them and he told the unicorn to go to the Academy Arena, once they were there the dragon started talking. "The truth of the matter is that I don't want him to come back at all." He began. "When we first arrived in Equestria and found the ruined village, all of us were shocked and we all immediately blamed my evil half." He sighed and shook his head.

"...Then Jet-Vac suggested that I at least use the spell to learn if he was responsible for destroying the village, I cast it and we found ourselves in a room, where Dark Spyro was waking up, we watched everything happen, from him meeting that unicorn Silver and her family, to him confiding in her about everything he did." He paused and took a deep breath. "In what was actually a few moments we watched two days go by and as we watched him hide in the cellar with Cosmo, most of us calmed down and started to look at things objectively." He explained.

"Most?" Sunset asked, though she had an idea who Spyro meant.

Spyro nodded and walked up some nearby stairs to the stands. "When I learned that Dark Spyro wasn't responsible for Jade's destruction I didn't take it very well, I found myself hoping to find any evidence that he had done something wrong, just to justify a fight." He sighed In shame as he walked.

Sunset felt a little angry that the good half of Dark Spyro would be hoping that they would fight again, she managed to stop her anger then and there, deciding to hear the full story, the two of them soon ended up among the stands overlooking the arena. "Why?" She asked.

"..." Spyro did not reply, this told the unicorn behind him much.

"Spyro? do you hate your other half?" Sunset asked softly, genuinely curious and feeling a little pity for the dragon for some reason.

"I...I really want to hate him." Spyro said hesitantly, he sounded unsure and nervous, which Sunset thought didn't really fit him very well. "I want to loathe him, despise him, I want to feel anger just thinking about him but...I can't, not from a lack of trying but I just...CAN'T hate him, I've been feeling this way ever since we stopped Strykore a week ago." He sighed and took a seat at a random spot in the stands, he looked at Sunset and his eyes showed the immense conflict within. "As much as I want to hate him, I don't want him to be hurt anymore than he already is, so I had an idea that came to me, if I acted like I loathed him and wanted him gone, he would be less willing to come back to the Skylands, it was my hope that he would stay in Equestria if he felt that everyone would be fine if he stayed away." He explained.

Sunset sat down next to the dragon who continued. "But I never took into account his desire to atone, I think If anything all I did was hurt him even more." Spyro's voice was hurt and regret was clear in his voice, he went silent and stared up at the sky, watching the clouds go by.

All the while Sunset thought about the two dragons while staring at Spyro, she stared for around half a minute before coming to a conclusion in her mind, she smilled and looked at the sky. "You know what I think?" She asked, getting a curious look from the dragon next to her. "I think Dark Spyro came back because of you." She said with confidence.

Spyro blinked in surprise. "What?" He asked with a perplexed tone of voice, not understanding Sunset at all.

Sunset looked at the purple dragon. "In case it wasn't already obvious, Dark Spyro WANTS to be punished for what he's done, he wants to earn forgiveness and work towards redeeming himself, if anything I think that show of anger back in Equestria gave him the necessary push to come back here." She explained with a knowing smile, she then looked back up at the clouds. "You two are more alike than you care to admit...and I'm not talking about the obvious here, you both have doubts and you both regret your mistakes, but you also care and if what I heard about your pasts are true, you are both pretty darn brave when you have to be." She stated, not really caring if it was sappy, as she felt that it was the truth.

Spyro was silent at first as he thought on it, he soon sighed and spoke up. "That's not all we share...remember, I saw some of his memories, I've seen his visions where none of the others could." He said, getting a little quieter as he spoke.

"You saw the statues then?" Sunset asked carefully, remembering when the black dragon told her about them, he was very shaky and filled with anxiety when he told her about it all, nearly traumatized or at least disturbed permanently.

Spyro sighed deeply and looked at Sunset, and for a moment the unicorn recognized a familiar tiredness. "I didn't just see them, I could FEEL them, I didn't see the vision through the memory spell Sunset, I had that same dream as Dark Spyro, I watched as he was tormented by the statues voices, including mine, I could do nothing the entire time except watch as he suffered and then became a statue himself." He shook his head sadly. "The dream faded right after but I don't think I'll ever forget the pain I saw that night." He said before looking at the sky again.

Sunset didn't know what to say about that and decided to stay silent and watched the clouds with Spyro, as she sat there in silence she pondered what she was going to do now, she simply tuned out the world as she went into deep thought on what to do now.

Spyro and Sunset sat in silence for around twenty minutes before Spyro sighed. "Sunset...thanks for listening to me, guess the idea of my not so evil, evil half rejoining the Skylanders really got to me." He said, to which Sunset looked at him and nodded in understanding.

"Can I ask you something though?" Sunset asked, making Spyro tilt his head a little. "Why do you want to hate him so much?" She asked, she continued even when she saw the purple dragon wince. "Is it that important?" She proded.

"N-no." Spyro replied, he started to rub his arm nervously. "It isn't fair to him really, not when I know that near the end he was being forced to betray everyone, I uh...I just..." He sighed and hung his head in shame. "I figured that if I hated him enough, I could ignore the fact that he was born from MY darkness, I wouldn't have to face that truth." He shook his head and looked at Sunset. "You have no idea what it's like to be a silent observer watching as someone pretending to be you schemes to tear your home apart and hurt your friends." He stated before looking up at the sky.

"Yea...I don't." Sunset admitted before quietly looking up at the sky again for a few moments. 'I suppose he has a point, there is no way I can imagine what he went through during Dark Spyro's evil days, if I were in his position I guess I would want to avoid the truth that I had that darkness in me all along, using hatred of that evil half to mask that fear all the while.' She thought to herself, she then smiled as she looked at the purple dragon.

Spyro soon stood up and opened his wings, he hovered in the air and flew a little bit, he looked back at Sunset who had a strange smirk on her face. "Hey Spyro...you never know, you and Dark Spyro just might start to see each other as brothers one day." She said with a slightly teasing tone.

"Ha ha." Spyro sarcastically laughed in reply, rolling his eyes before flying away, leaving Sunset behind and with a smile on her face, as well as an idea in her mind.

Sunset watched Spyro fly away and teleported to the arena floor, she started walking back to the teleportation pads so she could go back to the Grand Library or just explore the Academy, she kept mulling over her new idea in her mind and as she did so she couldn't help but like it more and more.

Soon enough, Sunset reached the teleportation pads and stood on it, she made it go to the Grand Library and she looked around, she spotted Jet-Vac and Tempest talking about something close by, Sunset started to walk over so she could talk to the Sky Baron.

Interestingly enough, Jet-Vac was holding an empty potion vial in his right hand, one that Sunset didn't remember seeing before, she decided not to question it as she walked up to Jet-Vac and Tempest. "Hey Tempest, hey Jet-Vac." She greeted.

Tempest smiled and nodded at Sunset while Jet-Vac looked at Sunset. "Hello, how do you like the Academy so far?" The Sky Baron asked, his voice was one of genuine curiosity and he seemed to be in a good mood, if the smile on his face was anything to go by.

"It's very impressive." Sunset replied. "But I had a question I wanted to ask you." She added.

Jet-Vac nodded in understanding, knowing that the unicorn would obviously have questions. "What would you like to know?" He asked.

"That device you used to bring us here, is that the same one that Dark Spyro used to go to Equestria?" Sunset asked, having been curious about this for a while now.

Jet-Vac nodded. "I spotted him flying away after his fight with Spyro, we all split up to try and catch him but I saw him break into our house, I followed inside after alerting the others and I found him trying to get it to work in my room, when I called everyone to come up to the room Dark Spyro looked defeated, he dropped the device which he had been funneling magic into, the device overloaded and I had to look away, when I looked back he was gone but the device remained for some reason." He paused and scratched his head in confusion. "I still don't understand that by the way, but back to what I was saying." He added.

"I looked at the device and the first thing I noticed were the strange coordinates, I wrote them down immediately before joining the others, knowing that we still had to stop Strykore, after we were victorious I set to work fixing the device, which is intended as a portable teleportation device, I managed to get it working for a minute but I got some strange feedback from the teleport, I did end up in a snow covered plain, but I was flung back a moment later and I saw some strange coordinates that vanished before I could write them down...is something wrong?" Jet Vac asked, stopping his explanation.

Sunset sighed in relief and nodded. "I'm fine, I just got the answer to a question I've been asking myself for a while now." She replied before noticing a perplexed look on Tempest's face, which just a moment ago was one of utter confusion.

"What question?" Tempest asked with a oddly calm tone.

Sunset looked at the griffon. "How I got sent to Equestria from the mirror world, you see on the other end, I was walking away from the school and I happened to walk near the statue where the portal was, the portal opens when there's a full moon in Equestria and there is a time difference between worlds, anyway as I was walking some kid shouted 'surprise!' and firecrackers exploded just behind me, I tripped and fell towards the portal and saw the perpetrator run away without looking back, when I fell through I ended up in the basement of the Crystal Castle instead of in front of the portal in Canterlot, and now I know why." She stated with visible relief.

Jet-Vac nodded in realization of what Sunset was saying. "You think the feedback I experienced was a result of you crossing dimensions as the result of the portal? and that as a consequence flung you off course to the Crystal Empire?" He asked, a nod from Sunset confirmed his theory.

"I thought you said you ended up there a thousand years ago?" Tempest asked with a raised eyebrow. "I don't think that device is able to go through time after all." She pointed out.

Sunset put a hoof on her chin and thought on it for a moment before sighing as she thought of something. "That answer is obvious now that I think about it, it's very possible that the banishment ended at the exact moment Jet-Vac teleported to Equestria on his test run, and the reason Twilight and everyone else were able to get to the Crystal Empire while me and Dark Spyro searched the castle is simple." She shrugged at the perplexed look on Tempest and Jet-Vac's faces. "We entered a few doors that were covered in dark magic, they were designed to torture and delay their victims, we must have been inside a lot longer than it felt." She explained simply.

"So...a very strange set of circumstances happened in a string and that led to you being in Equestria post banishment which then led to us being here right now?" Tempest asked, not fully understanding the technical or magical aspects of the conversation.

Sunset sighed and hung her head. "Simply put? yes." She replied, a little annoyed that her explanation went over the griffon's head, thankfully Jet-Vac seemed to understand what she said if his nod was anything to go by.

"Regardless of whether or not that's what happened, we should just be happy that things turned out the way they have, Dark Spyro is here and if I'm comepletely honest? I am glad to have him back." Jet-Vac stated, he then looked at Tempest. "I have to go, let me know if there are any side effects." He said with a slightly commanding tone before walking to the teleportation pads.

Sunset blinked and raised an eyebrow in confusion, she looked at Tempest. "What was that all about?" She asked out of curiosity, not understanding what the Sky Baron was talking about.

Tempest smirked and had a teasing look in her eye. "Nothing to worry about." She teased with a wink. "I'm going to go explore a little more, don't let me keep you." She said with a smile before walking away.

Sunset watched as Tempest walked away, she had a confused expression but decided not to worry about it right now, she put that thought on the back burner for now and turned to face the Grand Library, just as she did so she watched as a tall and slender woman emerged from the doorway, she wore black robes with red trim on the lower part of the robe and gold trim on the upper section, there were purple gem looking fixtures on her chest along with long white gloves and a large purple gem ring on her right hand.

The human woman took notice of her and gave an awkward wave, which didn't fit the frustration in her piercing red eyes and generally didn't fit with her appearance, Sunset returned the wave, unsure of what to make of the woman who then walked to the teleportation pads.

Sunset said nothing and made no attempt to approach the woman, instead she headed to the Grand Library and when she reached the door she opened it with her magic, she stepped inside and took a breath, steeling herself for what was to come. 'Here we go.'

Author's Note:

I know the explanations in this chapter don't really mean much or answer to many questions, but at the very least the story is moving forward and I am at least trying to answer some questions.

Anyway, the reason for Spyro's attitude has been answered and now we have an explanation as to Sunset's sudden appearance.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, feedback is also welcome, and uh... I did do some work on the previous chapter to those who were curious, some ideas came to me though as I worked on it and looked it over, among those were how I can actually USE the nonsense I wrote before, because some of it actually works better than some of my older ideas.

I know this seems like laziness and I won't deny I am hesitant to gut and rework a chapter, and I am aware that it feels like I'm going back on my promise, but I have a good feeling about this.

Ps: At least I improved on using the dots! so I'm not doing this! ......... Instead I am doing this! ... Small things matter you know?...I am going to stop rambling now.