• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 3,151 Views, 45 Comments

Righting wrongs. - Sylif Daring Doo

He did everything he could, he truly did do his best, but in the end he was defeated, and for what? the ego of a madman? his own anger? his betrayal? barely surviving, Dark Spyro tries to find his place in this world, one way or another.

  • ...

Interlude: The Griffon and the Dragons.

*The Skylands, Dark Spyro's POV.*

It isn't long before I reach Cynder's house, even though I could have used the teleport pads to get there faster I had decided that flying would give me and Tempest a chance to think, and possibly give Sunset a chance to calm down a little bit.

I soon land outside the house and I walk up to the front door, I take a deep breath and open the door, I step inside cautiously and I close the door before walking to the living room, both Sunset and Cynder were both in the room and they looked rather tired. "How is she?" I ask hesitantly.

Sunset looked up at me and sighed before shaking her head. "She's... not doing well, we had to help calm her down, I don't think she's ready to talk just yet." She answered, no longer sounding angered, just very tired.

I don't say anything as I stand in an awkward silence. 'That makes sense I suppose, still, I think I should say something, but what if I hurt her more? maybe it would be best to ask for help?' I sigh and look at Sunset and Cynder.

"If you think that I shouldn't talk to Tempest right now, that's fine, but could one of you give her a message for me?" I ask nervously.

Cynder and Sunset share a look and while the latter shook her head, the former looked at me. "What is it?" She asked.

I feel slight relief but I decide to not get my hopes up as I speak up again. "Can you just let her know that when she's ready, we can talk?" I ask.

"I can do that, just keep your distance until then alright?" Cynder replied before standing up with a yawn. "I'm going to bed, Goodnight." She states while heading towards her room.

I find myself standing alone with Sunset, and It doesn't take long for the uncomfortable silence to set between the two of us, after a grand total of ten seconds I sigh. "I'm going to bed, goodnight Sunset." I say before walking away.

I manage to reach the stairs before I hear Sunset speak. "Spyro." She says firmly, I look back at her and she has a very conflicted expression on her face. "You need to apologize in person, tomorrow regardless of whether or not you or her are ready, get it over with and do not beat around the bush, got it?" She practically ordered me.

With a slow nod I head upstairs and enter my room, I make straight for the bed and lie down, I don't even bother closing my door as I fall asleep quickly, I do make sure to drill it into my mind to talk to Marx after I talk to Tempest.

My sleep was not nice or silent however, nightmares plagued my mind all night and I tossed and turned endlessly yet silently.

*Cynder's house the next morning, Tempest POV.*

I woke up this morning with a heavy heart and a pit in my stomach, I know why and I hate that, it is because of what Dark Spyro said to me with such hatred in his voice. "I should have let you die in those mines!" The words stab at me like a dagger but I feel resolve as I walk down from the attic and onto the second floor, I walk past Dark Spyro's room and see the door open, I take a deep breath and peek inside out of curiosity.

I spot the dragon in question sleeping restlessly and I enter the room, approaching the bed I hear my mind screaming at me to leave and take my time, while my heart tells me that now is the best time to have this conversation, with a deep breath and nervous determination, I reach out to Dark Spyro and shake him awake, his eyes open and he stares at me sleepily for a few moments before his stare turns to one of shock.

"We need to talk." I say, trying to sound brave and resolute but coming off as nervous and uneasy.

Dark Spyro nods and sits up, I walk to his door and close it, the lights from the outside world illuminating the room in a pleasant light, I then approach the bed and sit down facing the dragon.

Dark Spyro turns to face me and I feel my nerves getting the better of me, but with a heavy heart I speak up.

"I haven't been truthful with any of you Dark Spyro, about who I am or rather was and why I followed you here." I state as calmly as I can.

Dark Spyro thankfully says nothing and allows me to speak without interruption. "My name is Tempest Crescent, I am the youngest child of King Auric Crescent of the Griffon Kingdoms and potential heir to the throne, or at least I was before Sombra's Empire kidnapped and enslaved me." I state, painful memories flooding to mind.

I take a breath and continue, knowing that if I stop I'll never get the courage to do this myself again. "I ran away from home which is how I was captured, and I had been working in that mine for years before you showed up, I had lost all hope and then you gave me hope, but you did more than that whether or not you realize that." I state before taking another breath and speaking, ignoring the memories of torture and pain.

"When you saved my life, you unknowingly forged a life debt with me, and I will do everything I can to repay that debt, but there is something else, when you saved me, I unknowingly imprinted on you, someone who was a stranger is now someone I see as a brother... and then with the tournament and the words you said to me... I have no idea what to do now, because I do not know how you feel, my instincts are going to drive me crazy unless I learn the truth." I state.

Dark Spyro nods in understanding. "I can't forgive that easily, but I do believe in second chances, I need time to process things and figure out what I want to do with my life, so at least for now, I need to move on and not allow myself to need you, I'm sorry." I say before standing up and getting ready to leave.

I feel Dark Spyro grab my arm and I look at him, he lets go and looks me in the eyes which show his guilt. "Thank you Tempest." He said quietly before I left the room.

I take a few calming breaths after leaving the room, I feel my heart aching because of my choice but I feel that if I don't do things this way, I'll never manage to grow as an individual.

With that in mind I make my way downstairs to get some breakfast before heading for classes today, I can hear Cynder and Sunset in the kitchen and I can hear Dark Spyro leaving his room behind me.

I enter the kitchen and see Sunset and Cynder making breakfast, I smell a type of meat and I can see pancakes, Cynder notices me out of the corner of her eyes and she nods. "Morning Tempest, hungry?" She asked.

I nod and approach the center island which has several pancakes sitting on a plate. "Dark Spyro and I talked, don't give him a hard time on my account, we just need some time to think things over, should be easy with classes and everything." I state idly while grabbing some food.

"Are you going to be alright to go to classes?" Sunset asked out of concern.

"Of course I will, its just going to be a little... tough." I say with an uneasy smile before focusing on my food, knowing I was lying.

*two days later, Spyro's POV*

I am sitting across from Eon in an uncomfortable silence, when he asked me here I was uneasy to say the least, but ever since we got here we barely spoke aside from him saying we need to talk and me initially replying to him, since then we've been silent and I'm getting anxious considering we've been like this for three minutes, neither of us seeming to know where to begin.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask finally, growing impatient.

Master Eon opens his mouth to speak and thankfully he actually talks. "How have you been lately? ever since we defeated Strykore we haven't truly had a chance to talk." He begins.

That can't be it. "I'm fine but we both know that's not why you asked to talk." I reply, wanting him to get to the point.

Eon clearly was anxious, that much was obvious by his mannerisms and the way his expression was. "I suppose I should start with the good news, the Doom Raiders have been located and are being apprehended as we speak, I also have learned thanks to Jet-vac that a lot of the tension from the tournament has subsided aside from the cadets being around Dark Spyro." He began.

"And Marx? I haven't heard anything about him in a while." I ask, curious as to the fate of the Salamander.

Eon sighed and took a sip from his cup, clearly this is why he is anxious. "You see, Dark Spyro has yet to tell me the details of their conversation two days ago, I asked him if he had spoken to Marx and all he told me was that he did, and that he understands his anger, unfortunately I cannot in good conscience allow Marx to return to the Academy without knowing his reasons." He stated, and I quickly see where he is going with this.

"You want me to figure out what they talked about?" I ask, to which Eon nods, and I lean back rubbing my temples due to exhaustion. "I can try but if he didn't tell you about it then I doubt he'll tell me anything." I say before getting up.

Eon stands up and walks with me to the door. "I wouldn't be so sure of that, you know him better than anyone Spyro, I believe he will he tell you if you ask." He states with a calm confidence as he opens the door.

"Alright, I'll ask him, just don't get your hopes up Eon." I say before leaving, once outside I am about to go and find Dark Spyro when I spot Tinker working on one of her machines while walking.

The four armed girl doesn't seem to be paying attention to her surroundings and yet she effortlessly moves around everyone walking around, I don't know why I'm observing this, but seeing her makes my mind wander to the Tournament, mostly about trying to stop Dark Spyro from attacking Marx in that blind fury.

I look at my own claw, a vague memory of my time in the mind of Dark Spyro flashed before me, I shook my head clear, not wanting to relive that time, but it did remind me of the deep seated anger he held inside.

'Is that anger constant? Is it sudden? Is it even his own?' I ponder as I start my search, deciding to start with the class he was supposed to be in, which was a class on creature studies? I think.

It didn't take me too long to find the class, spotting Jet-Vac alone I approach him. "Hey Jet-Vac." I greet.

"Ah Spyro." Jet-Vac replied as he began to clear off the blackboard. "What brings you here?... not a lesson I assume." He joked.

I chuckle a little at that. "No... I'm looking for Dark... do you know were he went?" I ask, not getting my hopes up, and yet I had to ask.

To my surprise, the avian nodded. "He told me he was going to the arena to blow off some steam, I think Chen was going with him." He answered.

"He told you that?" I ask, bewildered.

Jet-Vac faced me after setting down the eraser. "Yes, the two of us have been talking lately, he's been coming to me for advice about... well, it's not my place to say." He explained.

"Got it... thanks Jet-Vac." I say before flying off to the arena.

I have to admit, Dark going to Jet-Vac for advice was... kind of a relief on my mind, knowing that he's trying not to be who he once was and getting help to keep him on track was a good sign.

'Now if only i could get him to stop punishing himself.' I find myself thinking.

It only took me a couple minutes to reach the arena, once there I spot my other half with Chen and Ugmal, they seem to be sparring or at least at the end of a spar, I decide to wait and watch as Chen and Ugmal leave and Dark started a simulation, he seemed to be focused on dodging more than attacking, once all of the projections of enemies were formed, Dark destroyed them all at once using a dark magic nova.

I decide that now is a good time to approach. "Dark." I greet.

My other half seems surprised to see me, but he doesn't look scared or nervous this time, which is probably a good thing. "Hey... whats up?" He asks me, a little tired out.

"We need to talk about Marx." I state, he seems hesitant, but nods slowly.

"Alright, come on, this isn't a conversation I want anyone to overhear." Dark states as he leads me away.

The two of us fly away from the arena and we fly for a couple minutes until we are on a small island with nobody around. "So, what did Marx say? Eon can't let him come back until he understands the reason behind that potion." I say seriously.

Dark took a deep breath and sat down, he seemed to be struggling to start, but he spoke up before I could say anything.

"Strykore killed Marx's family." Dark states flatly, and my eyes widen in shock. "The Salamanders would not serve, Strykore tried to recruit them for his army but they refused to follow the man who corrupted the dragons, so he killed them, Marx survived along with the youngest and oldest members of his people who hid." He explained.

"And he's out for vengeance... but what does that have to do with you?" I ask.

Dark sighed. "Isn't it obvious? Marx knows that he can't get to Strykore, so he focused on a known servant, one he could get to, he wanted to expose me as trying to free Strykore." He replied.

I sit down and listen as Dark talks, not sure what to think. "There's more to the story, but that isn't my story to tell, Marx made a mistake, but it's one I can't hold against him, Chen and Tinker assure me that he won't try anything that stupid again, and I'm inclined to believe them." He adds.

I look at my other half. "You've really changed since we fought, not just in strength, but mentally... heh, you had a lot faster growth than I did." I state as I think to how I once was.

"We did most of that growth together... if anything, I'm still trying to figure out who I am, I'm you and I'm not, it's maddening to be honest." He replies.

I nod silently, a minute of silence later, I stand up and unfurl my wings. "I'll go talk to Eon, see you around Dark." I say before flying off towards the academy.

As i fly, I come to realize that I've only gotten more questions than answers, but at the top of those questions was one in particular.

'Is Dark truly free of Strykore?'

Author's Note:

4 years... 4 bloody years for one chapter...

The worst part is that it wasn't a case of not being able to upload or work on it, it was just me losing a lot of my drive to write, along with me not being on this site.

Case in point, I don't remember the last time I used Fimfiction instead of Qoutev, I only got back on it like... last night, i saw this chapter unfinished and decided to just finish it up.

No idea if I'm going to finish the story, I might but I don't know when I'm going to work on it again, I'm sorry about the absurdly long wait, but this is sadly one thing that hasn't been high priority for me.

Comments ( 7 )

The 4 years was worth the wait lmfao, glad i got to read it at least

yes finally the story continue😍, i was so afraid it was dead

Caught up with this as i saw the new chapter after thinking it was abandoned. Good story.

And all i have to say is that i waited until i reached the last chapter to say i shipped it. But then i saw the line.

"but there is something else, when you saved me, I unknowingly imprinted on you, someone who was a stranger is now someone I see as a brother..."

The one line. Rip me thinking Dark Tempyro was going to be a thing (yes i even thought of a ship name when reading the chapters.)

Yea, to be honest I considered pairing the two, and I kinda leaned into it early on but after a while I guess I changed my mind, not entirely sure when I wrote that part, was a cute thought though.

I figured that I wrote that line for a reason, and I didn't want to take that away if it was something crucial to the story, I really can't remember though.


Eh it's fine the story is still great and just one ship destroyed won't stop me from reading it. Instead i might just read more between the line to find any hints of who Dark spyro may end up with in the end

Any clue when the next update will be?


Not really, I haven't been on this site much, I might work on it a bit sometime though.

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