• Published 10th Nov 2019
  • 427 Views, 4 Comments

Crest of Reality: The Beginning - PK-Pony 2002

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Adriens Beginnings: Part 2- Partner Digimon!

Author's Note:

Disclaimer! I do not own MLP:FIM, Digimon or any of the series that will appear in this story!

So, there are going to be many references that some of you probably won't get. There will also be some references to Digimon Adventure TRI, even though it hasn't happened in this continuity yet.

February 9, 2019- New York

Adrien's POV-

I sigh as I get home from school and go to my room for the day. I then pull out the Digivice I got from the Sovereign the other day and stare at it.

As I stare at it I can't help but wonder, how on Earth was I supposed to do this? I was only 13 years old. I knew that they had chosen me, but I had to wonder if they made the right choice.

My thought are interrupted when the Digivice begins to beep. I push the button on the left to answer.


"Ah! Good to hear your voice lad." I recognize the voice as Ebonwumon. "We've located your Digimon partner, he's in Azulongmon's realm with Gennai as we speak.

"Wait, Gennai's real? Does that mean Tai, Davis and the other Digidestined are real as well?

"Yes, they're not the only ones who are real though, as you know the D-Reaper did happen in another reality, the Frontier chosen are around as well though they did things a little differently than what was shown in your world, more on that later, and DATS exists as well."

"Amazing!, But how do I travel to another reality? You never really told me how to do that."

Ebonwumon chuckles

"All you have to do is come to the Digital World your real world in connected to and you'll be able to choose which reality you want to go to by coming to the place where we first met."

"I don't know where that is though, is there a way to figure out where that is?"

"sigh Just come to the Digital world and I'll try to explain how the Digiport works, okay?"

"Okay, I'll be there." I say as I open up my computer and turn on the Digiport program that had been installed on it yesterday.

Once in the Digital world I see that I'm in the place I was when I was first transported there yesterday and I see Ebonwumon.

"Glad you could make it lad."

"Same here, now could you tell me how to travel between realities?" I ask the two. headed turtle sovereign. (Though his voice was coming out of both mouths as I now realized).

"Well lad, as you saw on the computer there are different options as to where you can teleport to. If you go to the destination option you can change where you can go, but you have to have been to that Digiport in order for it to work.

"I think I got it now, anyways how do I travel between realities?" I ask getting to the more important topic.

"Well all you have to do is go into that base over there and tell ENIAC which world you want to go to."

I froze for a second when Ebonwumon said ENIAC

"ENIAC, that first computer and system administrator of the Digital World, the computer that exists in different universes and realities all at once, and that helped Ryo Akiyama defeat Millenniummon and allowed Ryo to travel to another reality?

Ebonwumon frowns at this

"You know about that then?"

"Yeah, I know about that. Let's talk about that later though okay?"

Ebonwumon lowers his head in shame

"Anyways just tell ENIAC where I want to go right?"

"Yeah lad, just tell him you want to go to Azulongmon's world and you'll be there.

I nod and smile slightly at him.

"Your partner would understand Ebonwumon."

He looks at me, shocked but then smiles

I then enter the base and look around and see a glowing sphere

"You're ENIAC right?"

" Yes Adrien."

"Anyways, I need to go to Azulongmon's world to meet my partner, can you get me there?"

"Indeed, just step through that portal door and you'll be at the base in Azulongmon's world."

"Okay, thanks."

I turn to where the portal door had opened and slowly walk through it. Once on the other side I see that the base isn't that different from the one in Fanglongmon's world.

I then step outside and see that there's a Unimon waiting there for me.

"You're Adrien I presume?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"Okay, if you'd follow me to primary village we can go see Gennai and your partner.

As we walk I notice that File Island looked a little destroyed.

"Unimon, what happened to File Island? It looks like something tore those trees out of the ground."

He looks at me and shakes his head.

"We're still recovering from the Malo Myotismon battle that took place a year ago."

"Oh..." I couldn't help but feel a little guilty, this Digital World had seen the most enemies, while it wasn't as bad as the the Digital World the Tamers went to it was still pretty bad. I shudder for a moment thinking about the condition of that Digital World

After a few more minutes of walking in silence we finally made it to Primary Village were we see a man with brown hair in a strange robe waiting for us.

"Ah Unimon, I see that one of the Children of Reality is here."

"Yes, he has come to meet his partner Digimon." Answers Unimon

"It's an honor to meet you sir, I'm Adrien." I said, holding my hand out.

" It's nice to meet you too Adrien." Says Gennai, shaking my hand. "Now then, would you like to meet your partner?"

" Yes please, that would be nice."

Gennai chuckles

"Well, you're quite well mannered Adrien, you remind me of Cody quite a bit. Anyways, we should probably go get your partner."

I nod my head and we begin to follow Gennai to where my Digimon partner is.

After about 3 minutes of walking, we come across Elecmon,the caretaker of Primary Village.

"Gennai, Unimon, this is one of the Children of Reality correct?" Asks Elecmon

"Yes, that is correct Elecmon, this is Adrien, is his partner here?" Asks Unimon

Elecmon nods his head in confirmation

"Yeah, he's here and he's been waiting to meet his partner. So let's not keep him waiting."

With that we follow Elecmon to where my partner is. After about two minutes of walking Elecmon introduces me to my partner. A small purple Digimon with orange eyes and cat like ears on top of its head.

"Adrien, this is your partner Dorimon."

"Hello Dorimon I'm Adrien, it's nice to meet you." I say as I give a small smile since I have a bit of trouble socializing.

"Dorimon squeaks and starts running around me in circles.

"Hi Adrien! I've been waiting to meet you for a while! I can't wait to get to know you and become friends!" Says Dorimon excitedly and practically bouncing with energy.

"Whoah. Calm down for a sec! I just got here!" I say as I try and get Dorimon to calm down for a few seconds.

Gennai chuckles at Dorimon's antics.

"Well then, I should probably get going, good luck Adrien, you too Dorimon.

"Hold on a second Gennai, I need to ask you something."

"What do you need to ask?"

"Do you know why I wasn't given my crest when I first got transported to Fanglongmon's Digital World?" I ask him.

Gennai frowns before answering

"There are 2 requirements that must be fulfilled before you can be given your crest. One, the children of Reality must be able to Digivolve their partners to the champion level, two all three Children of Reality must be present to receive there Crests of Reality."

"Why is that though? Wouldn't just be easier to give us are crests when we first arrive in the Digital World?"

Gennai sighs before answering.

"You'd think that. However, there are many evil Digimon who'd love to get their hands on those crests. That is why a failsafe was put in place, to keep them out of evil hands."

I nod in understanding.

"I think I understand, thanks for explaining Gennai."

"You're welcome, anyways you should probably get back to Fanglongmon's Digital World."

"How come? I thought time froze whenever I go into the Digital World?"

"That is true. However, ENIAC can only transport people between worlds at certain time thanks to the damage done to our Digital Worlds done by the many enemies they encountered. Once the damage is completely repaired you'll be able to go between worlds anytime you want." Explains Gennai.

"Okay, I better get going then! Come on Dorimon, lets go to Fanglongmon's Digital World! Bye Gennai!" With that said Dorimon and I begin run back to the base where ENIAC was.

Once back in Fanglongmon's Digital World I made the tough decision to talk with Dorimon, explaining why it was import that he stay in the base while I'm in the human world.

"The reason why it's important you stay here is because Digimon is just a TV show, Video Game, and Comic book series in my world. If you are caught who knows what'll happen." I explain to Dorimon.

"Okay, but you'll be back tomorrow right?" He asks innocently.

"Yeah, I'll be back tomorrow." I answer smiling

Once we say our goodbyes for the day, I am back in my room and I decide to continue watching Digimon Adventure, getting to the episode where Tai and the other get back to the human world during the Myotismon Arc.

"One day, I'll be as great as they are." I whisper.

Ebonwumon's Quadrant-

Ebonwumon's POV-

I sigh as I wander my quadrant thinking about the old days, the days when Azulongmon, Baihumon, Zhuqiaomon, and I weren't the sovereign. The days when there were five of us.

The days we were partner Digimon.

I still wonder how my old partner, Shining Armor, a being from a world different from Earth was doing.