• Published 10th Nov 2019
  • 425 Views, 4 Comments

Crest of Reality: The Beginning - PK-Pony 2002

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Twilights concerns and Adrien's Beginning: Part 1

Author's Note:

Disclaimer! I do not own MLP, Digimon, Power Rangers, or Sailor Moon!

Now we won't be having our heroes heading into Equestria right away, however I will have some short chapters take place in Equestria.

Now as you can guess this will be an Anthro fanfic meaning the Ponies will be Anthro.

The reason for this is because I plan on having the Mane 6 have Digimon partners and the Element of Harmony are going to be like the Crests for them.

Anyways, until next time! This is PK-GamingDrew signing out!

Centuries ago during the time of the Silver Millennium there was an Alliance Between different groups in realities. Regular Earth, the realm of Equestria, the world of the Silver Millennium, the Digital World, and the universe of the Morphing Grid. However, when Beryl attacked the Moon Kingdom the realities were left without contact with each other and eventually, they forgot about each other over the centuries.

However, there is a prophecy that states that the Alliance would rise again with the help of the three Digidestined of Reality.

Ponyville- Equestria
Twilights POV-

I had just returned from another adventure with my friends, and to say I was concerned was an understatement.

It was just another day in Ponyville, so naturally there was a monster attacking. However, this monster was different from other monsters we've faced. for a few different reasons.

Reason 1, It was an unknown creature. It looked kind of like a dragon of some sort with gray scale armor and a gray horn on its nose.

Reason 2, Nothing we did could actually hurt it. All magic attacks just bounced off its scales.

Reason 3: When it attacked it shouted "Volcanic Strike". That's what really surprised us, it appeared that it needed to say those words to attack. So the first thing we tried was talking it down. All that did was give us its name. Which we now know to be Monochromon.

While knowing its name didn't help us, it appears some sort of Giant armored hand appeared from a portal that opened up and grabbed "Monochromon" and pulled it into said portal.

I shudder as I remember how the creature began to thrash, trying to get free from the hand.

Shaking my head I decide to send a letter to the Princess to see if she knew anything about this.

"Spike! I need you to send a letter to the princess for me!" I call out as the small purple dragon comes to me with a concerned look on his face.

"Okay, is everything all right though? You looked concerned about something."

I look at him and sigh.

"Honestly I'm not sure."

February 8, 2019- New York

Adrien's POV-

"So you might be wondering who I am? My name is Adrien Anderson, I'm 13 years old, my eyes are blue, I have blond hair, my favorite color is purple, and I wear blue jeans, a gray shirt and black rectangular glasses. My favorite shows are Digimon, and Power Rangers.

I sigh as I finish help clean up the house after my Birthday party. I then head to my room and look at some of the things I got.

A Kindle Fire to Watch Digimon and Voltron on, a Elemental Hero Deck for Yu-Gi-Oh, and Power Rangers DVD's.

Once I put these thing neatly on my desk, I open my laptop and decide to watch some Digimon Adventure online. After awhile I get to the episode where Tai and his friends get the Tags and begin looking for their crests.

" I wonder what it'd be like if these shows were real?" This was a bit unusual of me to be questioning since I was usually a serious person who didn't believe things like this could be real, but I was curious and I kept having these odd dreams.

Little did I know that I would soon find out.

Once the Episode was done I begin to turn off my computer, before I can do that though the screen of my computer begin to glow with a bright light.

"What the?!" I yelp as the glowing screen pulls me into it and I vanish falling unconscious, unaware that this world and many others would be changed, forever.

Digital World- Fanglongmon's Quadrant-

As I wake up I hear five voices talking.

"Are you sure this is wise? We aren't even sure he's one of the chosen of reality." Says one voice

"Yes I'm sure. He is one of the Digidestined on Reality the Purple Reality Crest started glowing when he arrived." Says another voice.

"I don't like this, why should we rely on humans? Do you not remember who created the D-Reaper in the first place?" Says yet another voice who seemed to have a dislike for people.

Suddenly I realize who's talking, but don't quite believe it. I quickly sit up and rub my eyes, once my vision is completely cleared I look at the creatures in front of me.

There in front of me are Azulongmon, Baihumon, Ebonwumon, and Zhuqiaomon, with their leader Fanglongmon!

I was shocked, not only was I standing in front of a group of five Digimon but I was in front of the Soverign, the guardians who kept the balance in the Digital World!

Thinking I was dreaming, I pinched myself to try and wake up.

Nothing happened.

" So... do you know why I'm here?" I ask them nervously. After all, they were practically gods in this world.

"Yes young human we do, you see you and two others have been chosen as the children of reality. A group of Digidestined who wield the Crests of Reality in order to travel the multiverse." Explains Azulongmon carefully

"Okay... so I'm apparently some sort of Digidestined who can travel across the multiverse. But why me? What makes me so special?

Azulongmon looks at me with a look of sadness before answering.

"Young one, the reason you have been called upon is because there is a threat coming towards all worlds and we need your help to stop it."

"Okay, that explains why you called me here, but that doesn't explain why I was chosen instead of someone else. I mean there must be better options in your Quadrants versions of the Human World right?"

Azulongmon looks towards Fanglongmon who then begins speaking.

"Unfortunately, only people from my Quadrant can wield the Crests of Reality and you're one of them."

I sigh, understanding why I was chosen. However, I remember something important.

"Hold on, who are the other two Digidestined of Reality who will be working with me?"

Baihumon looks at me before answering.

"We aren't sure yet. However we are looking into it. For now, here is your Digivice."

Once this is said a my wrist begins to glow and a Digivice 01 from the V-Tamer manga appears on my wrist.

"With this you can open a gate to the Digital World on your laptop and once we find your partner Digimon you can use it to digivolve them to their Champion form."

I look at the device on my wrist with contemplation wondering what I should say. After all, I was only 13, I also knew that my family would never allow me to go on some dangerous mission to save the world. I wasn't ever sure they'd believe me if I told them what happened!

Ebonwumon looks at me and chuckles.

"I know what you're thinking lad, don't worry about it. Time freezes while you're in the Digital World or in another reality."

"With that said young one what do you say? Will you help us?

Not knowing what else to do I say: I, Adrien Anderson will help you as one of the Digidestined of Reality save all realities that need to be saved!

I look into Azulongmon's eyes and see appreciation.

"Thank you, now I shall open a Digital gate back to your room. We'll contact you through your Digivice when we find your partner."

"Than you." I say as a portal opens behind me, I walk into it once I'm back in my room I get into my chair in front of my desk and slouch down.

"What have I gotten myself into?"