• Published 31st Oct 2019
  • 4,247 Views, 36 Comments

Take Your Nephew to Work Night - TAD2

Tomorrow is take you child to work day. But seeing at Spike Drake is the secret son of Princess Celestia, he can't really enjoy such a day with his mother. So how about the next best thing; A night out with his aunt.

  • ...

Spike The Dragon Is In My Dream!

When they arrived at the little nymphs dream door, Moon Moth walked into the dream followed by Dream Scale, and lastly Luna and Spike.

Once inside the dream, it didn't take them long to find the little nymph, but it was really sad, she was the only one that was in the old form, while all the other changelings were all bright and colorful. Moon Moth looked at the little nymph, and her heart broke at the sight. "Oh, you poor thing, why can't you see the way you are Chitin?"

Dream Scale looked at the little dragon on her colleague's back. "Spike, I've seen into your dreams before, I do believe that this is the perfect task for a Dream Walker in training."

Luna gulped as she was still not so sure about this. "Moth, Scale, I'm worried that this simple nightmare could turn much worse if Spike appears. I don't think this is such a great idea anymore."

"Luna, I have seen many nightmares much worse than this while Chrysalis was ruling, but we will be here to help, so please have faith in Spike, it's not everyday that the realm allows others to travel across dreams, that is enough proof that while he is inexperienced, he has shown enough control and understanding to do the job." Said Moon Moth.

"But what if he gets hurt!?"

Dream Scale smiled as she watched the little dragon pop in a dream body. "Well, from that look on his face, I don't think he really cares."

Luna looked at Spike jumping into his own dream body. "Wait, I never taught him how to do that?"

Moon Moth smiled at seeing that Spike was willing to help one of her changelings. "Luna, I remember what you were like in your first hundred years on the job, and I must say, I think Spike has really taken to this."

Luna was biting her hooves. "This is different, Spike is only 8, I was 203, and I had my teacher Astral Mane."

"And he has you, a great teacher, that takes her job very seriously." Said the dragoness as she placed her claw on Luna's shoulder.

"But, he's..." There was a large flash of light that caught everyone's attention. "SPIKE!" Cried Luna as she was sure that something happened.

But Spike was fine. "See, you just needed to believe in yourself, and that is all that matters." Said Spike as he smiled at the nymph.

"Thank you Spike, I was just worried about what you'd think of me."

"Chitin, if you ever just want to talk, I would be happy to talk with you, and if I'm visiting Thorax, maybe we can meet up in the real world."

Chitin blushed as she wasn't sure if this was actually happening. "Um...Spike, could you close your eyes for a moment?"

Spike was confused but he nodded. "Um...Sure?" He closed his eyes and waited. Chitin blushed as she kissed his cheek and immediately all the dream walkers were forced out of the dream.

In the real world, Chitin shot up from her bed with a huge blush on her face. "I actually kissed him." She started to cheer at the fact that she kissed her crush.

Back in the Dream Realm, Spike groaned at getting thrown into Luna, who was thrown into Moon Moth, who was caught by Dream Scale. "Ok, what happened?" Asked Spike, he thought the traveling was bad, but he was sure he was seeing 8 Lunas. "Aunt Luna?"

Luna groaned as she was seeing 6 Spike's in her barrel. "Hold on Spike, it's a really bad time right now."

Moon moth giggled at seeing 4 Spikes and 2 Lunas. "But I think you did a great job Spike."

"Not bad for a little youngling, getting a dreamer to toss you out on the other hand, that will need some work." Said the only non dizzy creature in the realm.

Moon, Luna, and Spike all shook their heads until there was the correct number of creatures. "So that's what happened?" Asked Spike.

Luna nodded. "Yes Spike, dreams are really fickle things, similar to how Fluttershy's dream works, but just more intense, the moment she gave you the kiss on the cheek, her brain was so stimulated that it forced itself awake, and since we are not part of the dream it forces us out."

"This happens sometimes, but the worst that happens is that we get tossed out on our flanks. But since there were four of us in the dream it had to work extra hard to get all of us out." Said Moon Moth.

"You're just lucky that I was here to catch all of you." Said Dream Scale.

"Wait, that's what she did?" Cried Spike as he blushed.

Luna giggled as she nuzzled his head. "Awe, it's fine Spike, and I'm so proud of you for taking the lead on this job."

Spike smiled at Luna. "Thanks Aunt Luna."

"Well, I got to get back to work, Dragon Lord Torch is having a dream about his mate, and I like to see the big tough ex Dragon Lord act so out of character." She looked down at Spike and ruffled his head. "Not bad kid, maybe one day you'll be interested in taking over for me and Luna."

"Really?" Asked Spike hopeful that could actually happen.

"No, I already got a dragon in mind for my doors, but no one ever said that the one in charge of a races doors had to be from that race. Heck, Dream Yak took over for a Yeti that found a gem that gave him intelligence and access to the dream realm. But I'm sure that Luna is looking your way."

Spike turned around and looked at Luna with his big pleading eyes. "Really Aunt Woona?"

Luna shot Dream Scale a glare. "Spike, listen, I am still a few hundred years from retirement. But I will not lie, what you did in that dream was almost perfect, aside from the whole getting forced out, but for a first nightmare, I'd give it a 9.5."

"The same, I can't count how many dreams I was forced out of in my first few years." Said Dream Scale.

"Me neither, but seeing as I think that Spike conquered a few of Chitin's issues, I'd have to give him a perfect 10 out of 10. Great job Spike."

Spike smiled as he hugged his aunt. "Thank Aunt Luna, she taught me all I know."

"Humble too, a great quality, no wonder Dream Feather always sees him in Gabby's dreams." Said Dream Scale.

Spike blushed as he looked at the dragoness. But Luna was looking at Spike. "Spike, who is Gabby?"

Spike gulped as he was sure that he didn't want to tell anyone about her just yet. "Oh look, I just felt another door appear." Spike, without thinking went to anywhere but there at the speed of thought.

Luna, Moon Moth, and Dream Scale all looked down the dream Realm that Spike just sped down. "WHAT!?" Yelled Luna, she didn't even learn how to do that until she was 400. "How did Spike just do that?"

Dream Scale giggled at Luna as she helped the mare up to her hooves. "Luna, I saw Spike's dream when he was little, that little drake is different, and I'm going to chalk it up to having lived with Twilight, but I think he just wants to impress you. Now I'm sure that your sister is going to be raising the sun in a few minutes, so I think it would be best if you go find him before he does something."

Luna opened the portal to the real world and noticed that Chitin's dream was so fast that it was only 15 minutes until the sun was going to rise. "Right, thank you for everything Moon Moth, same to you Dream Scale." Luna then sped off to follow her nephew.

Dream Scale laughed as she watched Luna leave. "So, Moon, wanna bet that Luna takes an early retirement, I mean that kid has done a lot of things that took me centuries to learn, and it's only been one night."

"You willing to look after my doors for a month so I can take a vacation?" Asked the changeling.

"You're on." Said the dragon as she took Moon Moth's leg.

Author's Note:

I'm going to finish this story soon. But I think I got a few great ideas from this one. Again sorry for the long wait, but I got the next chapter done, so it won't be as long of a wait.