• Published 31st Oct 2019
  • 4,246 Views, 36 Comments

Take Your Nephew to Work Night - TAD2

Tomorrow is take you child to work day. But seeing at Spike Drake is the secret son of Princess Celestia, he can't really enjoy such a day with his mother. So how about the next best thing; A night out with his aunt.

  • ...

Now What?

After a lovely tea party with Fluttershy and the 2 sheep, Spike gave his friend a big hug around her front legs. "Thanks for inviting us Fluttershy, me and Billy had a lot of fun."

Fluttershy nuzzled the little dragon's head. "Well I'm glad you and him had fun, I hope you have a great rest of the night with Luna, Spike."

Spike smiled as he nodded. "I will, see you in 2 days." Said Spike as he was picked up by Luna and placed onto her back, he gave his friend a wave as the 2 walked out of the dream.

Fluttershy smiled as she went back to her dream. "Now, who's ready for Scrabble?"

In the dream realm, Luna opened a window into the real world to check the time. "Oh, I guess the extra stimulation of us sped her dream up a bit." Said Luna, it was around 1am when they went in, and normally when Luna went to visit Fluttershy, she could spend hours in there and only a few minutes would pass, but after spending a few hours in there, a hour had passed. "Spike, it's about 2 in the morning, we have about 4 hours until Tia raises the sun."

Spike huffed. "Really, but I'm having fun, I never get to spend time with you, I don't want it to end."

Luna sighed as she pulled Spike in front of her. "Spike, please do not say such things. I love spending time with you, but staying in a dream is not healthy. The real world is how we grow, in here is how we relax after we grow." She then nuzzled her little nephew's head. "Long ago, I wanted to do the same thing as you, I spend all my time in the dream realm, and that's when I learned, or I thought I learned that I was unappreciated, that grew to resentment for Celestia, and you know the rest." Luna sniffed, this was supposed to be a fun night with Spike and she was making it heavy.

Spike wrapped his arms around Luna's neck and gave her a warm smile. "Aunt Luna, you're right, I'm sorry."

Luna wiped her eyes with her wings. "You did not thing wrong Spike, it is my job to teach you about my job, and I'm proud to say that you are learning so quickly." She planted a kiss on Spike's cheek. The 2 of them just floated in the dream realm in silence until they both felt like it was enough.

Once all the love between the 2 was shared, Luna noticed that they had drawn a audience of one. "Dream Scale, do you mind?" Asked Luna.

Suddenly a voice in the realm gave a slight chuckle. "Sorry Luna, I couldn't help but stop."

Spike looked around and he couldn't see anyone with them. "Aunt Luna?"

Luna sighed as she forgot that only dream walkers could see other dream walkers unless they allowed themselves to be seen. "Spike, it's ok, she's just not letting you see her." Luna placed Spike on her back and she floated over to the invisible dragoness. "Scale, could you show yourself?"

"Fine." Said the voice. Soon a dark blue dragoness with a single fin that looked like the night time sky, slowly started to appear in front of Spike. Dream Scale looked at Spike with her wide yellow eyes and gave the little dragon a giggle. "Still just as adorable as when I first came into his dream." She then pinched his cheek.

"Hey, I'm not adorable, I'm handsome." Protested Spike, this made both Luna and Dream Scale giggle.

Luna looked at Dream Scale, it was rare for them to have a talk, but normally it was because someone was having a bad dream that needed multiple dream walkers. "Dream Scale, is there a situation?"

Dream Scale nodded. "Yes, one of Moon Moth's little changelings is having a nightmare about dragons." She then looked to Spike. "More specifically, a certain little dragon."

Luna looked at Spike. "What, but that's impossible, why would she even know Spike?"

"Luna, you must remember that King Thorax and Spike are very close friends. So close in fact, that Spike has told him the truth about who he is." Said a new voice.

Luna sighed. "Moon Moth, I know it's something that we do instinctively, but Spike can not see you, so could you please?"

Moon Moth giggled as she allowed Spike to see her. She was just as tall as Chrysalis, but that was not including her horn that was just as long as Luna. But she was still shorter than Dream Scale, her chitin was a very bright white, but her wings, eyes, horn, mane, and tail were all filled with stars and space. Spike looked up at the massively tall changeling, and he nearly fell off of Luna's back when he finally reached her head. "Whew, you're tall."

Moon Moth giggled at the comment. "Why thank you Spike, and you are just as adorable as many of the little nymphs dream you."

Spike huffed. "Not adorable, handsome."

Moon Moth giggled as she nodded. "Fine." She looked to her fellow dream walkers. "So, Luna, we are requesting that you and Spike accompany us to the nymphs dream to resolve the issue?"

Luna shook her head as she tried to protect Spike. "No, he is too inexperienced to deal with a nightmare, he is only a child, and I've seen how out of control those can be."

"She's worried about talking to him." Said Moon Moth.

"Say what now?" Asked Luna, she had seen crazy nightmares, and she had seen simple nightmares, but that one was on the latter's side.

Moon Moth nodded. "Last time Spike visited with Twilight Sparkle, she saw him and developed a little crush. But she's worried that she's going to mess up and make a fool of herself if she has the chance to talk to him."

Dream Scale smirked. "And since Spike is a dragon, I got the call, but since he's in your jurisdiction we need you to help."

All three dream walkers looked at the baby dragon in question. "What? It's part of the job, and I don't know how to find a door." Said Spike as he shrugged.

Moon Moth smiled at the little dragon's willingness to help. "Thank you Spike." She then sped off to the door in question. Dream Scale doing the same.

Luna looked to Spike. "Spike, one more time?" Asked Luna. Spike wrapped his arms around Luna's neck, closed his eyes, and gave her a nod. "Hold on."

Author's Note:

Yeah, I decided to bring in the others walkers for a chapter or 2, but I wanted to make the nightmare easy for Spike, no zombies, no death, just a little nymph worried about talking to her crush. Sorry if you don't like the idea, but I picture it as a reverse Rarity situation.

Sorry for the very limited update on this one. But just to help I'm planning to finish this story before the start of fall. Comment down bellow and tell me what you thought about this chapter.