• Published 31st Oct 2019
  • 854 Views, 9 Comments

Pony Horror Anthology Vol. II - LoreLove

The collection grows as do the fears and dread of ponies caught within.

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“Starlight?” Twilight called out, hovering several books in the air. “Could you help me arrange these?”

“Uh, sure,” Starlight answered, her own magic taking a few of the floating books before reading them off to herself.

Helping out around the castle was something she somewhat enjoyed but felt she could be doing something more every time. It never got to the point she regret doing it. She just thought she was meant for more. Though, all attempts at suggesting she help on a mission usually got shot down.

One book on the top shelf, another below. Her eyes seemed to take in the colors more than the names with how tired she felt for the day. Brown, red, blue, nearly every color of the rainbow lined all the shelves. A small moment to read the next and she hovered the green piece of literature up into its proper spot.

“Why do you change your books around so often?” Starlight asked, turning one book every which way before managing to read the name.

“It helps me think sometimes,” was the simple answer given. Twilight continued pulling rows out to look through them and place them back.

For a moment, Starlight planned to ask for a favorite one that her friend might have then quickly realized that conversation piece would have her stuck there for hours. Instead, she remained silent other than a simple mumble of acceptance. The two worked through a good number of books just simply rearranging or placing them back in the same spot.

Mind numbing as it could be, there was some small satisfaction for just doing the simple task. Maybe Twilight was right with it helping her think. Starlight knew she could use a clear head at times and if sorting books was the answer then so be it. Her magic pulled a few more free to read the titles then set them back.

“Is this all you do?” Starlight teased and smiled.

“What? No,” Twilight defended instantly though the hint of blush showed it did seem to hit a mark.

“You ever think that other ponies got it easier?” the unicorn asked as she kept sneaking glances to see how her questions were received.

“What do you mean?” the alicorn replied before squinting at a book and place it up.

“You know, like how other ponies have a day of just selling flowers or ones that just bake. Ever wonder if it be easier being them?” Starlight explained as she turned to face her friend for the answer.

“Not really. Surprise does well enough with the Cakes,” Twilight said simply while putting the row in a neat order.

There was a moment where Starlight nearly felt she missed a key detail before thinking the sentence over again. Her mind played back the phrase more than enough time as her expression turned to mild confusion.

“I’m sorry. Who?” the unicorn asked, trying not to come off as rude but wanting to make sure she heard correctly.

“The Cakes,” said the princess before her, still casually moving books around.

“No, the other one. Who did you say?” Starlight asked as she leaned her head in the make sure she got it right.

“Oh, Pinkie? You know her,” Twilight commented as her eyes scanned the row above her. “This looks pretty good.”

The odd change in the name she heard had the unicorn silent as she tried to think of a reason why another name had been uttered. It was clear that her friend meant Pinkie and said so the second time, so why was the first one so different? Maybe just a random chance she heard it very wrong or her friend said it weird.

“Sorry to keep you inside for so long when I’m sure you want to go out and enjoy the rest of the day,” said the Princess of Friendship, her smile kind and understanding. “Go ahead and get some fresh air.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Starlight mentioned before walking out and shaking her head lightly.

Being cooped up inside and doing such a mundane task probably had her mishear. That was the best explanation of what happened that she could come up with. Her hooves made their soft clippity clop noises as she walked through the halls and down to the front doors of the castle. It would certainly be a nice change of pace to get some cool air.

The doors opened with a light shift of her magic and she felt the soothing breeze of the fall air flood inside. It was refreshing to have the weather remind her just how different things were outside. The leaves falling and ponies starting to wear a bit for some warmth gave a rather cozy scene. A deep breath to take in the calmer atmosphere and she was off.

A walk through town sounded like a good idea. See the sights, hear the sounds. Her spirits went from a murky pool to outstandingly high as she saw the fresh baked goods being put out and even some fillies trying to decorate the town square. The Nightmare Night event would be quite something for the year with how many ponies were planning on setting up tents for attractions just outside of town.

Taking a small detour, the unicorn felt invested to see what fun was in store for all the ponies. Fortune telling, candy vendors, even a tour guide near the cider stand. Classy. Seeing the preparation going into the setting made her wonder just how much Twilight planned on doing for the holiday. The castle was far from decorated as it stood.

“Looking good, isn’t it?” a pony said from behind.

Starlight let out a small noise before quickly shifting it to a laugh as best she could. While she wouldn’t admit it, the remark caught her off guard out of nowhere.

“Sure is!” she agreed, letting out a slow breath. “Where’s the tour go?”

“The what?” the pony asked, raising a brow.

“The tour guide. Right next to the ci-” Starlight stopped as she turned to look over the area again only to see the cider stand there but no tour guide.

In place of the supposed guide was instead an apple bobbing game that had yet to be fully set up. Just the empty bucket seemed to be in place with the sign above. She must be incredibly tired to have mixed that up so terribly.

“There’s no guide. Still need to set up the makeshift graveyard but there’s no need for somepony to show others around that,” the pony mentioned before giving a shrug. “Maybe we’ll get a maze one year.”

“Yeah,” the unicorn said quietly before turning back to walk in town.

She had been certain there was a different stand in place just moments before. That was twice she had messed up something she initially perceived. It was a good thing Twilight didn’t ask her write anything for she was sure it would be a mess at this point. Still, it felt strange to her that she had seen or heard something entirely different just moments before.

At least the rest of the day had gone without much worry. The book sorting had left her a bit dulled to most things and she attributed it to her lack of notice on details. It wasn’t a terrible day by any means, just more slow than usual. Possibly the feeling of Nightmare Night coming soon had her a little excited and eager for it.

Most of her walk around the town was friendly with warm greetings from all ponies. The season was perfect for her. Calm and cool with so much warmth from the ponies around her. It all just felt perfect.

As the day began to wind down, Starlight found herself walking about the town square and admiring the sights before heading back to the castle. Her mind was filled with all sorts of ideas to suggest to Twilight for sprucing up the castle’s décor with some spooky themes. Maybe they would even have a small party as well.

Walking up to the castle’s doors, the unicorn was smiling to herself as she magically opened the barriers and let herself in. The warmer interior was a soft embrace and made her realize how cold it was getting. Her mind ran through a few ideas before she ended up opting to find her friend. Better to suggest the idea rather than forget it until it was too late.

“Twilight, you around?” Glimmer called out as she began to trot through the halls.

The lighting was peaceful and welcoming. Each step sounded out as she walked around while continuing to call for her friend. Maybe Twilight wouldn’t mind if Trixie came for the party as well, should have one. It was a nice thought at the very least.

“Sparkle?” Starlight asked again, hoping the teasing use of her last name would get more of a reaction.

“In here!” came the sound of the studious alicorn from a nearby doorway.

Inside stood the alicorn, still spending her time looking through books and sorting them away. It was impressive to see her still so infatuated with the literature that she spent all day in the room. Starlight wasn’t sure whether to tease her about it or just cut to the chase.

“Hey, I had an idea while looking around town,” the unicorn began and felt her eyes constantly drawn to her friend’s mane and tail.

“What’s that?” Twilight asked without looking, her magic still moving around rows or single books.

“Uh… It was…,” Starlight tried to explain but kept feeling something was just off with her friend.

“Hm?” the alicorn inquired, still paying little mind to the pauses.

“Oh, uh, just that I was thinking maybe we could decorate the castle for Nightmare Night. What do you think? Maybe even a party for it?” the mare finally suggested while still studying over the striped mane and tail before her.

“That sounds great! If you like, I could leave you in charge of decorating,” Twilight offered and finally turned to face her. “What do you say?”

That’s when Starlight knew what was so off. Twilight’s mane and tail had changed their signature stripes in them. No longer did she have the dark purple and magenta-like streaks in her hair. Instead, just a single line of cyan ran through it.

“Um, when did change your mane?” the unicorn found herself asking.

“Huh? It’s always been like this,” the alicorn stated and gave a confused smile. “You feeling okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. Just… Guess I forgot?” Starlight lied, knowing full well what her friend had looked like just earlier.

“Hehe, that’s okay!” Twilight told her and turned back to moving around more books. “Let me know if you come to a decision on being in charge of the decorating. I’ll plan the party for us.”

Glimmer nodded with a noise of confirmation as she walked back out of the room and closed her eyes. Either she was far more tired than she ever thought or something was a bit strange. Opening her eyes and glancing in the room showed the same cyan color in her friend’s mane. Had she been wrong all along and only just noticed?

The idea that she had never taken the detail in until recently left her wondering how it could have slipped by. Even if it was the original way it had been, it didn’t feel right. While she couldn’t place exact reasons, she knew what her gut kept telling her.

Instead of worrying over minuscule details and stressing over things she thought were there, Starlight headed to her room. An early rest could easily set things back in place. For all she knew, the change wasn’t a change at all and had been that way the whole time. Sleeping on it would clear her mind for taking things in properly, she was sure of it.

Getting into her room, the mare shut her door and drew her curtains closed while climbing into her bed. Rolling onto her side, she stared the photo of her and Trixie in front of the magical pony’s caravan. It had been a lovely time to find such a pony to connect with and ease her into the new life she was living. She wouldn’t know what she’d do without her.

Starlight yawned and smiled, staring at the picture on her nightstand and remembering the blue unicorn in her purple hat and cape with adorning stars and moons so fondly. Morning would be better and maybe Twilight wouldn’t mind Trixie coming for the party as well. Those two got off on the wrong hoof but things had seemed better.

Another yawn and her eyes began to drift. The picture made her feel safe looking at it. Possibly why she kept it so near. It was certainly nice to have her best friend be the first and last thing she saw for the days.


The light in her room seemed to beckon Starlight from her slumber. Her eyes opened as she saw the mare in her cape and hat come into focus. A smile eased onto the waking pony’s muzzle before she slowly sat up and stretched out a bit. Her rest must have been peaceful for the lack of dreams she had.

It was rather early in the morning but it seemed Celestia’s sun waited for nopony. The unicorn stayed sitting in her bed as she let the drowsiness wear off while she magically tugged her curtains open. Things looks nice outside but she knew the chilly air would be a stark contrast to her warmer room.

Breakfast would be a good start to the day then working out how to decorate the castle for approaching holiday. Spike may even have fun setting up things with her, she thought. The little dragon always like to help and seemed keen to lend a claw during special occasions. Wouldn’t hurt to ask.

Starlight gave a final stretch before she nearly rolled out of bed and staggered to the door. Her hoof fumbled for the latch a good number of times before she stepped back and looked closer. The latch itself was on the left instead of the right. The fog of waking still fresh in her mind probably made her forget.

Down the halls and into the main dining area, the unicorn rubbed at her eyes with a hoof while deciding to rummage the kitchen. Some fruit and a drink would help her wake up better. Her stomach seemed to approve of the idea.

Minutes later she was left with a small bowl of fruit and some grape juice. Seemed to be the only kind they had from what she could tell. Her magic peeled a banana and popped a slice of mango into her muzzle as she sat down to eat. She never got used to the empty feeling the castle gave when eating by herself.

A sip of her grape juice and she looked around the room to figure out what kinds of decorations she might need to get. Streamers, fake bats and spider webs. Maybe borrow a cauldron from Zecora for some witch aesthetic for some part.

Another sip of her orange juice. Starlight held the drink in her mouth in confusion before glancing at the glass. Sure enough, the purple liquid was a solid orange. The citrus flavor was abundantly clear on her taste buds as she sat in confusion.

There had been no orange juice when she checked and deliberately chose grape juice as an alternative. As much as she wanted to spit it out, it did taste fine. The swallow made her worry something was wrong with the drink before she put the glass aside. Either somepony was playing a prank on her lately or she was really skipping details something fierce.

“Glitter?” Spike asked, walking into the room with a bowl of gems under an arm.

“I’m sorry?” Starlight stated, shaking her head and hoping she heard that wrong.

“Didn’t know you were up already,” the dragon said while plopping down nearby and munching on a few of the lovely stones.

“Did you call me Glitter?” the unicorn asked slowly as she studied her scaled friend.

“Mhm!” Spike said with a mouthful of his meal. “You forget your name?”

As much as Starlight wanted to refute the assumption, something deep down conflicted with her. The name did sound familiar but she knew it wasn’t right. It was strange to feel complied to react to it, as if she’d had it all along. The main problem was that she knew it wasn’t her name.

“Uh, Spike. My name’s Glimmer. Starlight Glimmer,” she decided to explain carefully with a worried look.

“Haha!” the dragon chuckled and popped another gem into his mouth with a cracking crunch. “Good one! You should tell Twilight that!”

A scowl formed on the pony’s face as she nearly threw her changed drink at the little guy but quickly calmed down. If it was a joke then they were probably looking for some rash reaction. Her stomach sank as she pondered if maybe it wasn’t a joke.

Her magic pushed her plate away, losing her appetite and feeling more like cooling off. Without a word, Starlight walked off and made her way towards the front of the castle. It was just some dumb prank. Whomever had done it was probably laughing heartily at her was all.

The notion of her name change had her slow down as she paused to open the door. Why did it feel like she had to answer to it? She had grown up with the name she knew her whole life. It didn’t make sense to just have things swapped so suddenly.

Opening the door let the cold air gush into the large foyer as she shivered. The mornings of fall in Equestria sure were freezing. Her magic closed the doors behind her as she walked out and tried letting her head clear. Joke or not, she didn’t like it.

Perhaps it was only a joke within the castle. Then what about the tour stand she thought she saw? A detail she merely glossed over. Whatever the case, most things seemed to be happening while she inside the castle rather than outside.

Walking along, the unicorn took note of small things to maybe add for decorations. Even if the prank was going too far, she was determined to keep her mind on the Nightmare Night festival decorations. The holiday wasn’t going to celebrate itself.

“Well, hello there, Starlight!” came a very familiar voice nearby.

The unicorn was elated to hear her actual name, though the feeling deep down wasn’t sitting right with her about it. A turn of her head and she saw her best friend giving a rather overacting performance of a wave and bow.

“Heh, hey there, Trixie. How have the shows been?” Starlight asked, glad to see and hear some normalcy around her.

“Oh, you know~” the blue unicorn mentioned without really answering. So, mediocre.

“I was thinking of decorating the castle for the holiday but things have been… weird,” Starlight said as she looked back to the towering structure.

“Hm? Weird? Trixie knows better than to think Sparkle is anything but!” the magician claimed then smiled to her friend.

“Well, it’s not just her. I feel like it might be some sick prank,” the purple unicorn went on. She did admire that her friend was at least trying to cheer her up a little.

“Prank? How so? Are there buckets of water or those… ‘cushions’ involved?” Trixie inquired, leaning in and nearly whispering about whoopie cushions that Pinkie uses.

The two talked with Starlight explaining as much as she could while trying to keep from smiling too much at some reactions she got. Trixie was her own wild card when it came to conversation and, while it usually ended up about her, she seemed quite conscious of the fact it was all bothering her friend. A genuine kindness that meant a lot.

It felt good for Starlight to get it off her chest that something was nagging at her and the assumption of a joke being played. While it didn’t fix the issue there was at least a load taken off her shoulders. Somepony to confide in and be there for her. A familiar face that she knew was there to be with her through thick and thin.

“If these things are as you say they are, why not just confront them?” Trixie asked casually as they walked together.

“I didn’t think of that. Though, why would they suddenly fess up to it if I did?” the violet mare replied and tried thinking up excuses.

“Not saying they would. If Sparkle and her dragon are really teasing you, maybe they’ll feel bad about it after and stop?” the blue unicorn said and gave a shrug. “Or, Trixie could go in there an-”

“No, no! I think I can handle it,” Starlight interrupted with a smile. “Thank you, Trixie.”

The rest of their time outside was spent offering suggestions of décor to place within the castle or joking about the various shenanigans Twilight might try next. It put Starlight in much better spirits. Fake spiders and bats were bought as well as a rather hefty amount of faux webbing.

Carrying the bags and boxes back to the castle, they teased each other by magically dangling the decorations in front of one another. Trixie seemed a bit more forced with her laughing when the spider came near her face. As they stepped up to the doors, the items were set aside as they hugged to part ways.

“Thanks for listening. I really needed it,” Starlight told her and smiled.

“Not any trouble… Glitter~” Trixie said with a raised brow.

A brief moment of panic washed over the purple unicorn as she almost paid it no mind. It felt natural for her to be called as such. The knowledge of which name was properly her own flooded back quickly as she gave a worried look to her friend.

“Sorry, Trixie couldn’t help herself,” the blue magician apologized and gave a light bow of her head. “Take care, Starlight.”

“I’ll try,” Glimmer answered back though still a little concerned.

The doors opened and the boxes and bags were ushered inside with ease. Starlight’s magic hoisted the items effortlessly above her as she walked in with them and gave a final wave with a hoof back to her friend. When the doors closed, all the items were set aside as she sighed.

Her concern wasn’t for her friend teasing her but for the fact of how quick she was to nearly respond to the wrong name. Somehow, it still felt like it was proper but it wasn’t. Almost as if she belonged and didn’t at the same time. The thought didn’t ease her confusion and only had her worry for a moment before she quickly brushed it off and began heading through the halls.

Trixie was right. Confronting them about the joke would be best and letting them know she wasn’t happy with it. They were friends too and would undoubtedly understand if it was bothering her too deeply.

Rounding a corner, Starlight checked each room until she found Twilight sitting in her study and writing away. There was a moment of hesitation before she cleared her throat and walked in, head held high. The alicorn glanced up from her work.

“Oh! Hello, Glitter!” she greeted in an otherwise normal fashion.

“Look, Twilight,” the unicorn started and tried thinking of a nice way to put things. “I don’t enjoy this joke that you and Spike are doing. It honestly hurts a bit and it’s… well, a little scary at times.”

“What?” the alicorn asked, tilting her head. “What joke?”

“Calling me a different name, changing my drinks! Those things!” Starlight spat. She was upset and a little unsettled with how her friend came. It almost appeared as if she really didn’t understand there was a prank being played.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve been in here since yesterday,” Twilight said simply.

There was a pause. The silence was stretched thin as Starlight felt her mind trying to shake free of the odd feeling rising. Twilight had been in her study since then, right? No. She was arranging books in the library.

“You… You weren’t here,” Starlight tried to tell her but felt her own voice not wanting to… lie?

“I was. Are you feeling okay?” Twilight asked as she leaned forward from her desk. “Do you need to lay down or anything? I don’t want to upset you.”

“The library,” the unicorn blurted out. “You were in the library. I helped you move books. You even said that I could be in charge of decorating the castle for Nightmare Night.”

“I did, did I?” the alicorn said with raised brows. “Hm, well, if you wish to take on the task, it’s okay. Just don’t think we’ll be doing any parties.”

As much as Starlight wanted to counter the statement with what was said the day before, she couldn’t. Not that she didn’t want to but it felt pointless. Her confrontation about the prank only seemed to be making her more stressed over it. How could she be treated in such a way?

“Yeah,” Starlight said softly. “Okay.”

With that, she turned tail and walked back out feeling as though nothing had been accomplished. Even worse, she felt like the joke was starting to mess with her mentally. She knew for sure what had happened the day before and what was said. Why did she almost feel as if it were a lie to state the truth?

Instead of continuing with much else for the day, the mare walked up to her room and shut herself inside. It was getting ridiculous with the prank. A small part of her feared if it wasn’t a prank at all. The doubt, even the tiniest bit, that it was fact had her pacing in circles as she talked to herself.

Mostly, her statements were mumbles as she tried sorting things in her head of what was wrong and separating it from what she knew. Nothing really connected to it all and yet it all felt as though it were still one in the same. Just thinking so hard on it hurt her head.

Passing her nightstand, Glimmer looked to the fond photograph and stopped. A calm sensation washed over her as she let herself just enjoy the sight of her friend who seemed to take her seriously. It felt like things were okay looking at the picture.

Starlight let her eyes pull away to gaze out the window. The sun had already begun its descent from the sky and reaching for the horizon. Had she been mulling things over for that long? The unicorn frowned before drawing her curtains closed and getting into bed.

Some rest would help her understand things. It seemed sensible. Maybe Twilight would understand that the joke had gone too far after thinking on it more.

Rolling over, the mare stared at the comforting picture and smiled lightly. It was nice to know she had somepony to confide in and help her. She was thankful for that.

As the day dimmed into night and the sun lowered, so did Starlight’s eyes. By the time the burning orb in the sky had hidden she was fast asleep.


Four days since her attempt to get Twilight to stop the prank, Starlight had only felt worse. At first, things were small and mostly easy to ignore. The purchased decorations had gone missing, though the missing bits from buying them never returned. A few doorways leaned or had gone to comically large shapes. Some candles had started glowing a greenish hue.

While they weren’t severe, they did distract her upon the first time noticing. It was when the floor of a hall acted as water yet stayed solid and Spike had claws that dragged the floor that she had started to worry more. Her senses kept feeling off with things changing or appearing so awkward. The fake water hall especially had her troubled every time she tried walking over it.

The worst thing about it all was that knowing how wrong it was and how out of place things were getting, deep down it somehow felt like it belonged. Startling but also ‘normal’ to some bizarre degree. It messed with her so much that she found it hard to leave her room. Even her bed sheets had warped to something seemingly alive.

She yearned to see Trixie again. The picture near her bed gave her some solace at seeing a more familiar face and a time that almost felt longer gone than it was. Starlight knew she had to leave the castle to get fresh air and clear her mind as well.

Waking up with no sheets, due to locking them away for breathing, had her shivering and staring at the photo. Her nerves were getting on edge from how she felt tormented from the changes yet seeing her friend again helped soothe things. She would just have to get new sheets in town since she didn’t want to risk a chance of Twilight knowing, just in case.

There had been no acknowledgment from the alicorn of everything being a joke. In fact, she seemed more at peace than ever. Not a single thing appeared wrong to her, even when Spike would come in with his claws dragging behind him. It was becoming more believable that Twilight wasn’t the one behind it at all.

Starlight got up and gave one last look to the picture before stepping out of her room and staring at the hallway floor. It was solid but every step made ripples like water. She knew it was fine to walk on but it disoriented her so much. Closing her eyes, she rushed to the end before opening them again and continuing on her way.

Everything had started feeling like chaos. An odd gut feeling of ‘normal’ chaos. The unicorn stopped beneath a green candle and thought. If there was any kind of prankster capable of the stress she was enduring then she knew the draconequus that would be behind it. Why hadn’t she thought of it sooner?

“Discord!” Starlight yelled out, unsure if he would even hear such a call.

A flash of light and the snake-like body of the creature stood before her, holding a bottle of hot sauce and honey.

“You rang? I was just about to try a new eye treatment!” Discord said before tossing the condiments behind him.

“I don’t know why it took me days to figure it out but stop with the prank,” the pony ordered as she gave a stern look.

“Prank? I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about, Glitter. I haven’t had time for fun and games lately with Fluttershy wanting me to help her set mousetraps,” the draconequus stated and looked around. “Bit dull around here, isn’t it?”

“Mousetraps? Fluttershy loves all creatures. You’re proof of that. Why would she use those?” Starlight asked and looked with him to study the strange doorways and odd lighting.

“First all, rude,” Discord mentioned scoffed. “Secondly, she always hated those nasty vermin running around.”

She couldn’t tell if he was joking or stating a fact he believed in. While he sounded genuine in his response, it wasn’t the pegasus she knew. Something was wrong.

“You’re telling me you had nothing to do with anything going on lately?” Starlight asked, hoping he’d give in and admit he had been a part of the problem.

“None at all. Also, what seems to be the trouble?” he asked while looking puzzled.

“Just please be honest with me,” she stated slowly. “If you set up this elaborate prank then you can stop now. You got me, okay?”

The draconequus looked even more confused as he looked her over then at the surroundings. It was as if he was actually at a loss of what she meant. His arms lifted as he gave a small shrug with a raised brow.

“Okay?” he said, sounding completely unsure. “I would admit if I pulled a good one over on you but I just haven’t had time as of late. Speaking of…”

As much as she wanted to ask over and over if he was being truthful, the bright flash made her squint and the strange form of the being was gone. He had sounded entirely honest to her. Even if he was hard for her to trust, the draconequus appeared to have no involvement with things going on.

Starlight drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out. She had no idea what to do. Things kept on going missing or altering before her from the last few days. If the trickster was to be believed then things weren’t changing just inside the castle. The day she saw a different booth outside might have been also tied to the whole ordeal.

Her mind continued to work out possible explanations as she glanced to the green flames and finally saw one of them still burning its calming orange and yellow. It felt like she needed find things that were normal to her to feel a bit safer. Something was going on and she couldn’t pin down a reason or even a mild guess as to why.

Even if things were changing and she felt caught between the normal and odd, the familiar things kept her from thinking she was missing things. It all felt like it should belong but it just didn’t. Her new name felt wrong but also seemed to ring a bell. Even Twilight telling her about being in the study all day some odd days ago sounded like she should have remembered it but couldn’t.

It frightened her, if she were to be honest with herself. Aspects of foreign memories giving vague hints as if she recollected them nearly. It was only finding moments of respite with familiar objects that she could get better clarity on the situation going on, even if she was no closer to solving it than before.

The notion that things were both wrong and right collided within her often. She never could see them actually change. It was as if somepony waited until she turned away to swap a set piece out and attempt to do so with her memory.

In a sudden haste, Starlight ran out of the castle and into the autumn weather where she continued to sprint through town. Ponies stared as she hurried through just wanting to get away from it all. There were a few more decorations in the town square that seemed different than she remembered. Her inability to recall what they may have been prior only fueled her desire to keep running.

It was only until she reached the edge of town that she finally stopped. Panting and scared, Starlight stared at the grass while getting a grip on herself. She had felt things slipping away from her and wanted to just get out. What was going on?

There was a deep fear she might forget or confuse things if it kept up. The whole effect was occurring outside the castle as well. Nothing seemed safe from the awkward transitioning of the various realities, if they were realities.

“I am Starlight Glimmer,” she told herself and nodded. That was something she was sure of.

Out of all the years in her life it had been the name she was given and referred to. No other had any place to her, save for nicknames. Glitter was not on that list. Then why did it feel so familiar?

Her head shook as she closed her eyes. She had to get those thoughts out and not let them fester. It wasn’t right. The true nature of things she knew had to stay for her. If she remembered them well enough then perhaps that was the key to set things right.

Look at you, she thought to herself. Acting like this is only in your head. It’s got to be something else.

She sat there at the edge of town for hours, contemplating what to do and how to fix it all. Every thought seemed to be countered in another manner. Whether she was trying to sabotage herself or just couldn’t find a reliable answer to it all was beyond her. She just wished it all would stop.

I am Starlight Glimmer, she thought. That, I know.

The walk back during dusk was slow. She dragged her hooves every step she could as she kept wondering what to do. A filly ran by with a balloon that looked to be made of glass yet it glided effortlessly through the air by its string. She even saw a visible fracture along the surface of it. It took a large bit of effort for her not to try and pop or break it just to see.

It wasn’t until she got to the castle steps that she began wondering if she should really go back inside. Every day in there ended up having things worse. Although, she still had the memory to view.

Starlight lifted her head high and cautiously opened the doors. Nothing too new seemed to have spawned, which she was grateful for. Her hooves moved her up through the castle as fast as they could while she felt the stirring inside of her shift from wrong and right in complete indecision.

The door to her room flew open as she worked across the hall and nearly dove inside. There was a loud bang as she slammed it shut and magically grabbed her photo to look over. Trixie and her, friends as always and having such a wonderful time. She admired the timeless piece and felt herself calming down bit by bit the longer she stared.

At least she still had Trixie.


Days rolled into weeks. The weeks progressed and Nightmare Night was looming close. Or, as they had started calling it, Frightful Rites. The name did make her uncomfortable alone.

Glitter, or rather Glimmer, had tried her best to keep track of things that had changed. It became too much after a solid week. Names were swapped, items relabeled, even objects kept getting replaced. The whole town had changed into something vastly different than what she could remember.

One thing that never changed was the picture of her best friend that she kept near at all times. Her saddlebag stayed on when venturing out just to keep her picture nearby. It seemed to be the only thing that kept her from completely losing her mind.

One day, ponies would talk about the weather. The next, they would be claiming no such thing existed. Pegasi managed little in terms of the climate and often seemed fearful of sudden clouds. Unicorns hardly used their magic as well as acting as if there was little control over even the smallest things. Earth ponies even stopped most production of items. Instead, things just seemed to show up.

It was one headache after another as Starlight walked through town. She had even taken the liberty of writing down all odd things of note to try and work out some solution yet nothing came of light. Her mane was ragged as sleep seemed to be the least important thing to her as her mind tried to determine if things were the way they meant to be or not.

She knew that things weren’t right even if they tried to coming off as an aura to appeal correct. There were thing she had no idea about but still felt as if she had seen them before or even interacted with them prior. It was a surreal experience that she was merely swimming through.

Her magic pulled the photo from her bag as she took a moment to calm down. It was the only thing left for her. Nothing else was right. Just Trixie and her in the picture to captured forever.

“I am Starlight Glimmer,” she muttered. It was a thing she often found herself doing for a while.

Repeating her name had some semblance of reminding her not to let it all get to her. While her mind was pushed to its limit, she had to keep the anchor down and not roll off the deep end. That would be the last thing she needed. Even if she knew repeating a name that sounded less and less like her own made her look crazy.

She didn’t belong. She never felt completely comfortable with everything. Her internal war was ongoing and at an odds of which she couldn’t fathom. Sanity or not, the conflict within was always raging. It was always so strange to see a pony she knew suddenly look different or a being that was beyond what she could recollect almost appear familiar.

Everything had turned around on her in some form. Her eyes glanced to the photo again to reassure herself things would be okay. Even if all flames had turned green or all doors oddly formed, she still had her best friend. Sadly, she hadn’t actually seen Trixie in a while.

“Soon,” she mumbled and placed the photo carefully back in her bag.

It would drop soon. No. Rain. It would rain soon. Why did she think of the other term?

Starlight shook her head and stared up at the clouds. The looked so odd being so white but still causing an overcast. She felt like she was in a constant fever dream with no escape. It had crossed her mind that if she wished to appear as part of it all then she would be having to relearn everything. Absolutely everything.

Her life, the land, terms, ideas, everything would need to be done over. It wasn’t a pleasant thought. The mare let out a soft whimper as she wiped her eyes and sniffed. How did she feel so ruined yet whole? Everything was gone but not.

She silently muttered to herself under her breath as she tried to vent her frustrations. It wasn’t fair. Somehow, she had been the only one to experience all the changes and know they were happening. Her mind hadn’t been affected so fully. It was almost like she was forgotten yet still tried to be a part of it all.

The feeling hurt but there wasn’t much else she could do about it. She was tired. Tired of how she felt and how off everything was. None of it made sense and she figured it might never.

A damp droplet tapped her head. It was going to start soon, the drop. The rain. Whatever the hay they called it. It didn’t matter.

Starlight watched at the red drops began to fall and pelt the sapphire grass. Red rain. Just as it was the week before. She had been in a huge panic over the color but it seemed lakes and all were a mere purple. Drinking any of it felt like nothing.

As she sat, the unicorn let the rain douse her without bothering to get under something. She just wanted it to all stop. Things weren’t right and she knew it. It didn’t even feel completely right yet part of her tried to say otherwise.

Minutes passed in the downpour of the red torrent while she wondered what to do. What was even left for her to try and accomplish? All of her notes became illegible and the ones that hadn’t would suffer the same fate soon enough. She didn’t know the language at all and it was filled in every book.

Her magic opened her satchel once more while she sighed and pulled out the photo once again. She needed her clarity. Talking to herself was getting tiring and she needed to see the only thing that hadn’t been tainted. Something to just ease her warped mind.

There it was. She hovered the picture before her as she felt the rain wet her mane and coat completely. A calm washed over her once more as she stared at the piece for a while. It made her feel like everything would be okay.

Glitter stared at the object as she sat in silence. She seemed to be looking at it far longer than usual. Something kept prodding her mentally to keep looking. Something deep down that tried its best to keep her sanity tethered right.

It was a picture of her friend. What more was there to notice? Nothing else seemed out of place. Starlight felt herself start laughing. How had she not seen it? It was something that went right by her. It really was a picture of Trixie.

Only Trixie.

Author's Note:

What if you kept waking to a world you didn't belong? Only small details at first but it got progressively worse as though it were a fever dream?