• Published 31st Oct 2019
  • 846 Views, 9 Comments

Pony Horror Anthology Vol. II - LoreLove

The collection grows as do the fears and dread of ponies caught within.

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With the sun so bright and the birds singing, it was impossible not to smile for the day. Roseluck was ready to get their flower stand up and running for the morning. Her extra pep in her walk made her all the more chipper as she greeted ponies she passed and smiled kindly to them all. It was quite the amazing day as it were.

The stand was mostly empty save for a few bundles of flowers left from the day before. The flower pony helped herself to cleaning up the area as she waved a hoof at passing ponies nearby. It was quite lucky for her to enjoy the clear skies as much as she was. She couldn’t even feel the colder air of autumn rolling in.

Her work slowed for a moment as she remembered the time of year it was. It did feel a bit strange to be so warm this late in the year. A minute passed before she blinked until she began focusing better again. It was just a nice day and that’s all she needed!

A look at the time in the sky showed her that Lily and Daisy would be by any minute to help out as well. They should be bringing the stock in to set up the rest of the area. A nice routine with wonderful friends. The fact plenty of ponies enjoyed their flowers for showing a loved one how much they mean to them or even just to decorate was always enjoyable.

Pulling aside the last bundle and properly ordering it all, Roseluck let out a content sigh while she waited. Her body swayed lightly as she hummed to herself and looked around. Many of the Ponyville population went by the town square, so it was a nice place for them to have set up shop. As much as she wanted to credit for it, Daisy was the one who had suggested it.

The day’s rays beat down on her as she sat behind the booth and watched the daily habits of other ponies. It was strange to feel the heat of the day like she was. Maybe Celestia accidentally moved the sun just a hair closer than usual. A quick glance to the glowing ball seemed to indicate it was fine where it was.

She was almost ready to get fetch a pitcher of water just to counter the strange heat before she saw both her friends ride up. The small wagon being pulled by Lily held a wide assortment of flowers from all over Equestria. It looked lovely just being there and she couldn’t wait to see just how beautiful they would look on display.

“Hey, girls!” Roseluck called out and waved from behind the stand.

“Hi, Rose!” Lily called back and giggled, tugging the wagon to the displays and stopping.

“Sorry we were late,” Daisy mentioned as she looked to the large amount of flowers. “We kind of made a stop to grab some along the way.”

“It’s fine~” Roseluck assured them, her rose-colored mane giving a light bounce as she nodded.

The three of them quickly began setting things up. With the variety of flowers they had, it would be impossible for other ponies not to notice. All the colors flowed from one to the next almost like a rainbow as the lightest of breezes made them look like colorful water waves.

“It’s perfect!” Lily said and leaned in to sniff at a few.

It did seem that way. The most perfect batch of flowers they ever had. It was oddly a bit too perfect though. Roseluck couldn’t place it at first but something felt a bit off.

“Where did you get some of these?” the rosy pony asked, looking a bit confused the longer she stared.

There were several types of flowers that shouldn’t be in season yet. With fall already underway, it wouldn’t be feasible to get some. The heat was also another thing that bothered her some.

“Girls? I was wondering, where did some of these come from?” Roseluck repeated as she turned around. “Also, this heat is-”

They were gone. Not just running away from something but entirely missing. Her heart picked up pace as she let her worry get to her. The spots they had been standing seemed absent of them ever being there in the first place. No wagon, no ponies, no flowers left.

Her ears wilted much like flowers do as she glanced around. Those green eyes searched the area but came up with nothing. Sadly, she found that all other ponies in the otherwise bustling town square had also seemed to just disappear. Something wasn’t right.

The heat of the day suddenly changed to the chill of late autumn. Roseluck shivered as she felt the cold air and watched the town become overshadowed in a much dimmer light. An eclipse? That wasn’t due for a long while.

Looking up, the mare watched as dark clouds seemed to come out of nowhere. They encompassed all the land and went as far as the horizon. Her worried only seemed to grow stronger as she tried to control her breathing to calm down while witnessing such bizarre weather phenomenon. What was going on?

“Hello?!” she cried out, though felt more afraid to speak again with how harsh the silence was.

The air stayed cold but still. Nothing moved other than herself in the town. It was more than eerie to witness the whole area be as if all ponies just ceased to exist. Just gone.

A turn around yielded her stand devoid of the precious flowers she had just prior. Nothing seemed safe anymore. Everything just went everywhere and nowhere all at once. Yet, Roseluck was stuck in the middle like she didn’t belong.

Deep rolls of what she thought were thunder echoed out in the sky. Oddly enough, not a single lightning strike or indication of one. She may not be a pegasus but she understood that much. There would always be lightning with thunder.

Again, the sound rolled over the sky, encompassing the land below with a deep vibration. Her stomach tied in a knot as she found herself cowering when she heard it. There was something sinister about it all. No storm ever sounded so dreadful to her.

Her balance wobbled as she stared up at the sky in hopes of finding an answer before quickly turning her head down. She was feeling lightheaded for some reason. Her legs refused to cooperate as she stumbled forward and toppled onto the cobbled ground. Even the best efforts were in vain as she found her body struggling to do even the simplest of tasks to stand.

The thunder bellowed and roared above, much closer than she last heard it. Still no lightning. While the flashes were absent there did seem to be the sound of something more beneath the storm. Roseluck whimpered and pulled herself over to the stand, trying to right herself during the terror.

Then her world shifted. Her body pulled lightly as if she were starting to slide away before her forelegs latched around a lamppost. Slowly, she felt herself almost being lifted up from the ground yet not by magic nor her own doing.

Roseluck’s body tilted as her hooves slid up the post to the end where she nearly lost her grip. Gravity itself had warped but only for her. The stand stayed right where it had been as she tried to keep her hold on the post as long as she could. She didn’t want to let go.

It was like her world had literally turned upside down for her. The flower pony looked up only to see the ground of Ponyville above her as her hind legs dangled below to the sky. Her strength felt fleeting as she tried to stay with the ground above, wanting nothing more than it all to correct itself. That heart was pounding away as she felt her grip slipping more and more.

A glance down showed the cloudy sky part open. The black void behind it was absent of any stars. It was no night sky and she knew it. Vertigo kicked in at the worst time as she felt that light headed sensation kick in once more but much more intense. Her forelegs failed.

Roseluck fell.


Letting out a cry, Roseluck flailed about in bed. Her body tossed and turned before she finally opened her eyes and looked around. Everything felt calm and normal. The sun had just begun to rise and she wasn’t falling up.

The mare sighed and let the panic slowly ebb away as she stared at the ceiling. Her thoughts were muddled but slowly began coming clear as she turned to watch the sun rise out her window. That had to be the worst nightmare she had ever experienced. Why Luna would let it happen was beyond her.

It would be a slow start to the day as she tried to gather herself while climbing out of bed and getting ready. The sky looked clear but there was no unnatural heat. She could even feel the colder air upon nearing her windows. At least she had the satisfaction of knowing she was out of that terrible dream and awake.

Things moved by at a pace only she felt comfortable with. While it was only a dream it was one that she had never had before. Even worse, it was a nightmare that felt all too real to her. Perhaps Luna just missed her dream during the night or was a bit too busy. Roseluck was hardly wanting to point blame or even consider the Princess of the Night had forgotten a pony.

She didn’t look any worse for wear when inspecting herself in the bathroom mirror. Just a simple bad dream. Her hooves splashed a bit of water on her face to help liven her up as she took a deep breath. There hadn’t been even the thought of actual nightmares in Ponyville for a while.

The thoughts made her perk up a bit as she remembered Nightmare Night was coming soon. While she wasn’t one to take too many scares it was still a fun event. At least she would have her two other friends alongside her to make not feel left out if fainting did occur. She smiled at the thought.

Her day didn’t need to be glum or her mood gloomy. Instead, she planned to push it all aside and enjoy her time with her friends. The stall they had set up would be attracting many ponies and she was sure of it. With some flowers being scarce during the season, they would work around it with different arrangements or even helping decorate for the town.

That was the spirit she needed. Roseluck smiled and quickly hopped over to grab a small meal before taking her saddlebags with her on the way out. Her body shivered the second she opened the door as she considered grabbing a scarf but decided against it. It wasn’t too bad.

There she walked, heading on down to the town square as she greeted the ponies she passed happily. The day felt nice despite the cool air. Plenty of pony spirit about with many either getting ready or talking about Nightmare Night.

As she continued, she noticed the center of town partially decorated. Orange and black streamers as well as a lovely batch of pumpkins being towed around. It did appear that the town was ready for the holiday more than ever. The smell of fresh baked goods from Sugarcube Corner even wafted in the air so early in the day.

Arriving at her booth, Roseluck set her bags aside and started clearing things up around it. Loose petals, discarded parchment, anything that would deter the look of their lovely flowers. Her hooves stuffed the trash away before she looked around in search of her friends. They would be there any moment.

A sudden wave of déjà vu seemed to hit almost instantly. The mare took a slow breath as she tried to let it pass while staring down at the counter top to their stall. It almost felt just like how her dream had started out. Of course, it was just a dream and those never hurt anypony.

“Rose?” a voice called out in front of her. “You okay?”

Looking up, she saw the worried face of Lily with her head tilted. The expression was enough to know Roseluck probably had some odd look about her. With wide eyes and wilted ears, it would be clear something was off.

“Oh?” the rose marked pony randomly uttered before smiling and shaking her head to hopefully shake the feeling she had. “I’m fine. Just a random dizzy spell.”

“Need to go home?” Lily asked, her concerned look seeming to check for any ailment on her friend.

“No, no. I’m okay!” Roseluck said and smiled wider. “It’s mostly passed anyway.”

“Oh, that’s good!” the pink pony replied before walking around to sit next to her. “Daisy should be by soon. I think she slept in a little.”

The two of them giggled and teased each other as Roseluck began feeling her internal conflict subside. Nothing acted as the same as her dream and she was left to enjoy the time with her friend. It did help that other ponies passed by to take the last of their stock before Daisy would arrive. Not a terrible start for the day.

It took their green maned mare friend another hour before she had come by with the wagon of extra flowers to stock up. Each of them worked to make sure their stand looked as good as it could before Lily offered to walk the wagon back.

“I’ll be back soon. You two don’t have too much fun without me!” the pink mare said and smiled before moving along.

“I was late, I know,” Daisy remarked as she looked away. Her tone was obviously that of a defeated pony.

“Don’t worry about it~” Roseluck assured her and smiled. “I would have been late myself due to the nigh-”

She had almost let it slip. There was no need to worry her friends over a silly thing like that, especially when it didn’t worry her as much. Did it?

“The what?” her friend asked, turning to look at her with a confused face.

“Uh, nothing serious. I just had a ni… a bad dream,” the rosy pony mentioned while avoiding eye contact.

The silence that ensued made her uneasy with how her friend was looking at her. There was concern and worry in those eyes but she did her best to keep smiling.

“How long have you had them?” Daisy inquired. The serious tone seemed almost eerie with how lighthearted things had just been.

“Just the one. Last night,” Roseluck answered back and shifted a bit in her seat. “It’s nothing, I promise!”

There was more of that silence but it seemed far less intense than a moment ago. Daisy gave a slow nod as if she understood then finally smiled. It was such a change back to normal that it almost seemed uncanny.

“Okay, but if it gets serious or such then you need to talk to Luna!” the green maned pony instructed with a firm tone. It was clear she cared deeply for her friends.

“I promise, Daisy. I promise,” the rosy mare said as she agreed.

She did mean it. While nightmares weren’t that common since Luna had returned, it did beg the question of what happened when one did occur. Either way, she was willing to write to the princess if things somehow progressed into a further venture of the dark alley of her mind. Not that she thought they would.

Soon, Lily did return once the two had moved onto other topics. Things were only quick given a once over before continuing more about brighter things. The three mares giggled and talked as they made a few items and bouquets to sell, being sure to appear kind to any passing ponies. It was a relaxing time.

The day passed on as they talked and gossiped throughout it. Hours breezed by while the three teased each other and had a merry time just enjoying the company they were in. As the sun hit noon then began to lower, their stand began to see less and less customers. It wasn’t until the evening was about call in the twilight that they decided to pack things up.

“You go on ahead, Rose,” Lily mentioned while starting to work on covering the plethora of flowers. “We’ll finish up here since we were late~”

Roseluck thanked them and wished them a good evening as she grabbed her bags and headed out. The walk home was serene and rather lovely. The hues of the sky changing and mixing to give off a rather relaxing effect made her more at ease. She was happy to live in such a wonderful town.

Before she knew, the door to her house was swinging open and she was already stepping inside. It was nice to be back home and just mind her own business once again. Her saddlebags slipped off as she placed them on the table to count out her share of bits later while she went to grab a small snack. The night had come rather swiftly it felt.

The sky was pocked with stars that shined brightly. Her eyes watched more blink into existence as the sun lowered completely while she ate. It was truly something to witness though it did make her feel a bit strange. While it was lovely to see the stars there was something bothering her to make her look away.

It had to be the nightmare. Somehow, it still played with her emotions even though she hadn’t thought of it since bringing it up to her friends. Maybe a letter to Luna wouldn’t be a bad idea. Though, perhaps just sleeping on it might have her wake up with better thoughts.

The latter idea seemed more her wish. She didn’t want to disturb the Princess of the Night for her own troubles of probably nothing. If it went away and she had already written to her then it might be a whole bouquet of embarrassment. Better to sleep on it.

Her eyes drifted up to the sky once more out her window before she backed away and began looking for something to keep her attention. It was strange to wake up one morning and feel a pit in her stomach when looking up. Worrying about it wouldn’t help so distracting herself would be the next best thing.

Searching around, the mare eventually found some old books she hadn’t read since she was a filly. Quite a long time with many memories attached to them. The box in her closet hadn’t seen the light of day in years it felt. The small struggle of tugging it out had her looking through various titles and covers before settling on one to skim through.

She sat there for probably an hour or two just fondly remembering the tale as she tried to tire herself out. While it did a good job at eating her time and causing quite the distance between her and her worries, it didn’t completely stop them when she would pause. Every glance up had her force her eyes back onto the pages to keep from looking.

It wasn’t until her fifth, or perhaps eighth, yawn that she finally decided that some rest would be in order. Her hooves piled the books back in and shoved the back back into the closet before she hurried to get ready. Plenty of windows to look out of from her home yet she kept her head down and only glanced up once in a while for her toothbrush or other nightly routine activity.

Carrying a candle into her bedroom, Roseluck set it aside as she slipped under the covers and tried getting comfy. Her eyes were feeling heavy but her heart was somehow beating quickly. It was almost as if she were excited for the new day to come. Perhaps she was. Although, she felt it was more due to wanting the new day to remove the slightest offset she had going.

Keeping her back to the window, the mare stared at the flame on her candle for a while as she silently asked for pleasant dreams and a good rest. Her muzzle inched closer before she gave a light puff and blew out the candle to lay in the dark. It didn’t take long for her to drift off to sleep where she hoped things would be better.


Roseluck couldn’t remember getting much rest. Her body felt sluggish and mostly not willing to cooperate. She had barely managed to make it to the stand with how out of it she felt. Maybe it had just been a long night and she couldn’t rest properly.

At least the stand looked to be already up and ready. Flowers were all set up and the tarp they sometimes used was cast aside. It didn’t look too bad but most of the floral arrangements were wilted and already showing a much needed replacement. Odd, they had just changed them out the day before.

With Lily and Daisy somehow absent, Roseluck opted to sit behind the booth as she waited for any customer to show up. She had been so groggy on her walk that she didn’t think of greeting any ponies on her way. Hopefully she could change that.

A look around seemed show very little activity going on in the town square. While it was early morning, the overcast might have many staying inside. Her eyes darted to the tarp as she considering draping it atop the stand to keep any possible rain from getting her wet. She didn’t recall the weather ponies stating anything about rain lately.

“Hello, miss,” a stallion said softly as she walked up and looked over the various flowers.

“Oh! Hello! What can I get you?” Roseluck perked up and smiled, putting on her best customer service attitude.

“Hm… Well, a bouquet of these ones here might do well,” the stallion said as he indicated a selection with a hoof.

“Oh, would you like a card with them for a special somepony?” the rosy mare asked, always loving to help ponies find a nice gesture for their loved ones.

“Mm, sure,” said the stocky stallion as he looked over the rest of the floral options.

“Okay, let me just get you a quill and ink here,” Roseluck spoke while ducking under the stand to fetch the required utensils. “That will be 5 bits and yo-”

He was gone. A quick check of the stock showed the flowers gone as well. Not just the ones he had picked but all of them. The strange thing was not even a single petal was left.

Looking at the open area turned up the few ponies she had seen had also disappeared. That uneasy feeling began to rise in her gut. Her heart dipped with her stomach as she looked around and shouted for any kind of response. Nothing at all.

Her hooves paced around as she circled the front of her booth while trying to calm down. It couldn’t be another dream, she had woken up. If it was, why wasn’t she waking up now? The panic set in faster the longer she was left in an unknowing state.

The sound of the mimicked thunder roared above and her legs went numb. Roseluck toppled over herself in alarm as she heard the noise and whimpered loudly. Her hooves worked against her as she tried to stand then felt herself rolling into the flower booth. It stung a bit with no way to protect herself but then felt things dip.

Her body started to lift as she felt the world shift and turn once more. It was a miracle she managed to grab onto the sigh of the stand while dangling above Ponyville. The terror below her that was once above beckoned her to let go. She knew it wasn’t natural and that something was wanting her.

The clouds parted as she held as tight as she could and watched as the blackness beyond simply waited for her. Mock thunder clapped and rolled but no lighting struck. Her forelegs shook as the strain against her weakened legs started to become too great. She couldn’t fall.

“HELP!” she cried out, the tears welling up in her eyes as her legs slipped more. “Please!”

It was useless. She was crying out to nopony and none but the void could hear her calls. The gaping emptiness below almost felt like it was waiting to devour whatever fell into it. Her heart thumped madly as she struggled to pull herself up on the sign only to slip.

Roseluck fell.


Screaming and kicking, Roseluck tumbled out of her bed and onto the floor. The actual fall had her heart skip a beat before she was fully conscious. That was something she didn’t need at all. Her waking state was far from groggy and more alert than ever. Even the faintest hint of a blurred wake was erased from that drop.

Curling up and pulling the blankets with her, the mare let out a soft whine as she stayed still on the floor. Her frail state wasn’t gaining any strength from such horrid nightmares, which were now two in a row. They felt so real as well. She didn’t feel like getting up early for once.

Daisy and Lily could deal with the stand themselves for a little bit. She wouldn’t mind taking the wagon back if she had to either. For the moment, the frightened pony just wanted to calm down. She would write to Luna soon and ask to keep watch over her dreams. Might not be much but it would at least bring a little peace to her mind.

It was barely breaking day when she had slipped off her bed. The light slowly filled her room as she stayed still and tried telling herself it was all a dream. No matter how many times she did try to convince herself there was a mild worry at how real it had all felt. Everything had seemed like it was happening and not just some nightmare that preyed on her.

Roseluck groaned and slowly forced herself up. She would take her time getting ready and plenty more if needed just to make sure that things would settle down for her. The mare’s mind was racing in thoughts as she made her bed and thought of what to say to the princess. How would she approach the situation without coming off like scared foal?

The idea to wait another night did cross her thoughts but she quickly disagreed with herself. Waiting anymore might make the nightmares worse if they continued. Should Luna check on her sleep and nothing happen then at least they would stop. That would be the important thing. Her friends could wait a bit longer for her to write the letter.

It was a good call, she thought, to write and send the letter to the princess right away. Maybe she would get it before nightfall and things would work out fine. It still confused her why she was the one getting nightmares when it seemed as though no other pony was receiving them. Was she just unlucky enough for them?

Anymore worrying about it all wouldn’t help. Roseluck got out a piece of parchment and a quill to sit down at the kitchen table and write. Saying nothing wouldn’t solve anything and worrying about how to say it would keep her from giving needed details. She wrote everything she could, detailing how she felt and what happened both nights.

She could hardly keep the tip of the quill straight as she shook. It was her nerves still acting up from the scare. How they carried on well after the nightmare was over didn’t make sense. It almost felt like something wasn’t leaving her alone. Something that merged between both realms.

Scary as the thought was, she added it to the letter and quickly dripped a wax seal over it once folded. Having Luna take a look and respond would put her conscience as ease. There wasn’t much else she could do anyway.

A plan to tire herself out before bed was something she would think on for the day. Reading old tales didn’t seem to help drive away the bad dreams. Maybe a puzzle or just some tea to relax with. Her thoughts toyed with various ideas as she got ready and slipped the letter into her bag before heading out.

Whatever was going on felt like it may interfere with her daily routine or more. If it left her worried enough to get in touch with the Princess of the Night then there could be something more serious at play. She still hoped for it being nothing other than worry over them. Luna just being busy. Something easy to explain.

The walk to the postal service was as fast as she felt like going. There was some kind of feeling looking over her that kept her from wanting to make a scene. Her ears stayed low as she hurried on before turning a corner and nearly bumping right into another pony.

“Sorry! Didn’t see you there!” they said as Roseluck nearly toppled over.

Instead of replying, the scared pony felt her world drop out from under her before diving to the nearby grass. Her hooves dug into the dirt as she grit her teeth and whined. It felt far too much like she was about to leave the ground like her dreams.

“Y-you okay?” the pony asked her, looking confused.

“Uh, yeah…,” Roseluck lied, her shrunken pupils a clear sign of the fear she felt. “I’ll be okay. Sorry…”

The two parted ways awkwardly shortly after before she continued her path to the post office. Either something was wrong or there was more going on than just the nightmares to her. She never had a fear of her hooves leaving the ground so abruptly until then. The thought of jumping had her frown as well.

A small test was in order. Taking a deep breath, Roseluck looked up to the slightly cloudy sky. Already she could feel her body wanting to go limp but she stood as still as she could. The sense of vertigo had her instantly queasy before she took a few breaths and forced herself to jump.

Almost instantly, the mare felt her heart leap from her chest as her eyes widened. Once her hooves touched back to the ground she was clinging to anything she could nearby as she shook. Her head stayed down as she panted and gathered what she could of her remaining dignity and continued her shaky walk. Something had her scared deeply.

The post office was friendly enough once she arrived and she had felt far safer under a roof. Her fears had died down and the nauseous reaction she had moments prior had subsided. The mailmares were kind enough and agreed to deliver the letter within the day. Whether the princess read it that day or the next wasn’t in their control but Roseluck thanked them for what they could do.

A moment passed where she considered not even going to the stall but figured her friends would liven her mood better than being alone. It was a long walk but not long enough. She wanted to keep to herself even if it wouldn’t be a healthy thing to do. Just that she didn’t feel it would be worth telling them about and having her friends worry.

It was a short way to the center of town as she tried keeping her head up though her eyes barely left the ground. Cobblestone, grass, dirt. She began making random lists of what she saw to try and keep from thinking of her fear.

“There she is!” Lily’s voice said in a chipper tone. “We were wondering when you’d get here, sleepyhead!”

Roseluck smiled and finally looked up to face them. The facade of being happy was easily seen through as both Lily and Daisy began asking what was wrong. It was hard for her to keep from almost bursting into tears as she spoke. She relayed the entire event and ended with a simple wish of them not to worry about her.

“That sounds awful,” Daisy commented while offering a hug which was quickly taken up and merge into a group hug.

The three of them felt like family and often looked out for one another. It was just that Roseluck felt the issue of her dreams was something she didn’t need them stressing over. Luna would read her letter and make it all right. In fact, both of her friends assured her things would be better since she was already looking for help.

While they didn’t want to sit aside and do nothing they did agree to intervene if necessary. They were extremely vocal about it as well. The day crawled along as the mares tried to move onto better topics and leave the bad thoughts behind. It wasn’t easy and Roseluck offered little input the entire time.

Customers that came seemed to notice something wrong and either opted to take their business elsewhere or stay quiet. The sales weren’t great and the mood was obviously down. Things weren’t going as well as they had days before.

“Hey, I’ll clean up here. You just get home and try to take your mind off things, Rose,” Daisy offered while Lily nodded.

“I’ll help,” Lily ended up saying as she worked with the other to put things away. “Just take it easy, Rosy.”

“I’ll try,” was all Roseluck could promise. She would, but it wouldn’t be as easy they made it sound.

Heading home once more during the young hours of twilight had her starting to wonder if she making more of a deal out of it than needed. The whole issue was because of just some stupid nightmares. Bad dreams that somehow got under her coat. It didn’t make sense to her.

Walking up to her home revealed her mailbox to have the small rose on the side lifted. It was a replacement flag she liked more than the standard one it came with. Her heart beat excitedly as she thought of getting a response from the princess. She made haste to run up to the container and popped it open to grab the single letter inside, sealed with a Royal Canterlot wax seal.

She was elated to have a reply. Roseluck closed the box and rushed inside where she put her bags down and lit a lantern in her kitchen. Something, anything, would be good. It had to be.

Her hoof carefully broke the seal as she unfolded the paper slowly. It was time to know why her dreams had been either neglected or something else. She just wanted to know what was going on.

Dear Roseluck of Ponyville,’ it started and she quickly read on. ‘These supposed persistent dreams you speak of have no recollection to me. I do understand a desire to have the situation answered yet I cannot tell you more that might help. The words I write to you I only bring to light in hopes that you understand where things reside. Roseluck, you have not had a single dream for the past two nights. I have not found a dream to enter nor any nightmare to quell in your rest. It, from what I can tell, has been absent in the dreamscape.’

She had to read the lines again to make sure she understood what exactly was written to her. There had been no dreams from her? None? No nightmares to take care of? There was more.

For your safety, I will personally be watchful under you sleep tonight. Take heed and know that Princess Luna will be there to aid you should anything happen. If I cannot witness the event in the dreamscape then I fear I that you may be beyond my help,’ it ended with the elegant signature of the princess adorning the bottom.

Luna would be looking out for her for sure when she went to bed. No excuses if something happened. The rosy mare sighed and tried to figure out what to do with herself. The only way she’d know if things were okay would be to get rest.

Reading a book or working on a puzzle crossed her mind but she instead opted to just pour a cup of tea. Her feelings were conflicted with the letter. She would have Luna’s utmost attention during the night but if it still happened then she would be lost on what to do. It wasn’t something she was sure she could cope with easily should things not align in her favor.

She read the letter several times over just to make sure she understood what was being said. It was strange to receive confirmation of something but also nothing. There she sat, alone and desperate in her kitchen as she stared at the letter while waiting for the tea to encourage her to sleep. Minutes ticked by while she wondered what would await her on the other side when she laid her head to rest.

Surprisingly, it didn’t take much longer for her notice her head dipping and her eyes wanting to close. The surest sign of a tired pony if she ever knew one. Roseluck put away the cup and blew out the light before heading to her bedroom and staring at her bed. She would be just fine.

Crawling into the bed, her hooves tugged the blankets close as she let out a small yawn and closed her eyes. Tomorrow would be a new day and she’d be able to move on.


The weather was overcast but with low winds. Roseluck knew it was going to be a rather slow day just from looking out her bedroom window. There was a moment where she felt that creeping notion again before it stopped. It didn’t seem to return.

Luna must have done well enough as she didn’t seem to recall anything happening during the night. Something still seemed off though. The day felt oddly surreal to her. As if nothing was set in motion just yet despite her being awake and ready. Whatever it was, she wished to put her horrors behind and try to make the best of the day.

Most of her routine felt like a blur. Things done and taken care of before she could remember when she started. It was a strange sensation.

Her hooves moved effortlessly as she walked around her home before grabbing her bags and stepping out. The air was much colder than before. Perhaps her friends would agree closing shop earlier for the day if it kept up. No reason to sell if there won’t be customers.

Roseluck began her walk as she breathed in the cool air and felt her lungs almost act like they craved it. Maybe the lack of a nightmare had her appreciate things more. It did put her in a better mood overall. Things seemed to be looking up.

As she thought, her eyes trailed up to the cloudy overcast above. Her fears were still present as the chill of not the cold but of terror ran along her back. Just don’t look up. That was all.

Every pony she met along the way seemed almost as if they didn’t notice her. Most had merely stood still and either watched her or just not reacted. It was eerie enough without the spooks she was getting from looking into the sky. It also bothered her deeply in the sense that she felt it was like some charade being played.

Once at the stall, her hooves tugged the tarp away to leave just enough for the top. If it did rain then she didn’t want to catch a cold. Her bags dropped and she sat behind the counter top by herself, wiping away and small bits of debris. Lily and Daisy would co-

It suddenly felt too familiar for her as she stopped her actions and tried to reason with herself. It wasn’t a dream. There wasn’t any possible way it could be a dream. She began rocking back and forth as she tried to calm herself while a pony walked by.

“It’s not a dream,” she muttered to try and vocally assure herself.

The pony that had been passing, a pale unicorn in dark mauve robes, stopped and turned to look at her. There was no expression she could discern from the face. Things weren’t feeling right at all as she stared back, unable to look away until turning her head.

“You’re right,” the mare in mauve said and began walking again.

That was very strange. Roseluck didn’t know what to make of it as she turned to watch them leave. They barely made it around a corner when she cowered from the crackling start of thunder above. Everything was falling in line with what she remembered but it couldn’t be what she thought it was.

Holding out a hoof, she attempted to feel for any droplets of rain. There was nothing. She couldn’t even smell the rain in the air. It made all the more uncomfortable as she stepped out from the stand and looked around.

Alone and scared is what she was. The sky almost insisted her attention with another roar. Roseluck felt her body shaking as she tried to keep from crying. She couldn’t break down in the middle of town square. It wasn’t what she thought it was.

The absence of lightning only made her fears grow while she walked over to a nearby fountain and tried to stay upright. Her legs were feeling weak and refusing to hold steady. It felt too real. Much more than ever.

It didn’t take long for her to be slipping to the ground and into the grass surrounding the stone structure. She wanted to go home and feel safe again. She was scared. Every attempt at pushing to get up only had her feel as if she used up what little strength she had.

A cry out was overshadowed by the near deafening boom above. Nopony would have heard her even if they wanted to. The thunder continued as she tried to call for help. Not a soul was in sight to see her helplessly trying to crawl or hear the pleas she yelled out.

Vertigo hit once again as she dared to look up to the sky. If she had any strength left it would have been sapped from the simple action. Then her world shifted.

“NO!” she cried, rolling against the stone wall of the fountain.

Her hooves desperately tried to grab at anything but she had moved too far from any other object to help her now. The ground continued to tilt while she panted out of fear. Each second drew closer to everything turning against her once again. She whined and whimpered as she was left trying to grasp onto the small patch of grass before her.

The clouds parted once again and the hollowed echo of thunder erupted from deep in the void. Roseluck knew it wanted her. Whatever it was it wouldn’t be satisfied until it had her. Those hooves held onto the small tuft of grass as she felt herself dangle precariously above the opened sky and before the thing below her.

She could feel each blade of grass snapping free as she dared not look down. Her cried fell on deaf ears as she hoped things would turn right again. It had to be a dream. There was nothing possible like it in Equestria so it just had to be fake. The final blades of grass snapped as she gasped.

Roseluck fell.

Author's Note:

Based on a recurring dream I used to have when I was younger. Still terrifies me.