• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 5,367 Views, 76 Comments

Turning The Page - Arcainum

Twilight Sparkle meets herself.

  • ...

Last Resort

“Because I believe in you, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight looked up at her mentor’s smiling face. Celestia’s expression was warm and kind, and Twilight knew she meant what she said. She always did.

“I... Thank you, Princess. This is a momentous occasion, and to be trusted with it is...”

Celestia chuckled at her student’s inability to articulate her feelings.

“I’m sure you will do fine, Twilight. Now, I will leave you to your business.”

The Princess turned and trotted from the conference room, leaving Twilight fidgeting nervously in full diplomatic regalia, eyeing the guards that ringed the room. Though not technically a member of the palace staff, she had been lent a uniform for the purposes of this meeting.

You can do this, Twilight. You’ve done it once before, you can do it again.

She swallowed, and took her place at the small table in the centre of the room.

Moments later, the door creaked open, and two ponies stepped through. The first, an officious-looking unicorn guard, strolled in and brought his trumpet to his lips, letting loose an obnoxious blast. As the echoes died down, he turned to the side and bowed toward the door, announcing the second arrival as she walked in.

“Her Royal Apprenticeship, Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, greets... Her Royal Apprenticeship, Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic!”

Twilight’s breath caught in her throat. This was the moment, the moment unprecedented in Equestrian history. She watched herself traverse the room with a confident stride she quite envied, stepping lightly onto the thick carpet and taking a seat before her. She... the other she... the other Twilight was dressed in a tight black suit, the material of which Twilight could not place. It shifted strangely on the other Twilight’s body, not quite in sync with her body. Her mane was immaculately combed back in a style that Twilight could hardly believe she was wearing, and her eyes... Twilight couldn’t bring herself to look into her eyes.

She took a deep breath. There was no time for messing around. She was here to make history. To do something nopony had ever done before.

To talk with an ambassador from the future.

Twilight’s doppelganger leaned forward, her suit making only the faintest rustling. Twilight was suddenly painfully aware of the age and mustiness of her robes. How silly must she look?

“I’ll make this quick, Twilight, and I’ll be honest. After last time, I’m picking my words carefully.”

Twilight nodded, remembering her last disastrous experiment with time travel. Her cheek still smarted some days.

“Soon, very soon, you’ll finish your work on the spell which you will come to name Sparkle’s Temporal Flimflammery - a name I still cannot believe I thought was any good. It is imperative that you cease all progress before that happens.”

Twilight blinked.

“The... the time spell? Why? What could possibly go wrong?”

Future Twilight sighed, a deep and mournful sigh that spoke of grief Twilight couldn’t begin to comprehend.

“Nothing. It will work perfectly, and repeatedly. And that is precisely why you have to stop.”

Twilight shook her head, mouth opening and closing stupidly as she tried to find the words to protest.

“I don’t understand. This spell could revolutionise the world! Stop accidents, reverse economic disasters, let us visit the ponies of the past... isn’t that what you’re doing?”

Future Twilight gritted her teeth before massaging her temple and continuing.

“Listen, there are rules. You know there are, because you’re writing them into the spell tonight. It’s... complicated, and I can’t tell you why, but it’s vital that you stop working on this spell for the safety of all that we know and love.”

Twilight folded her forelegs and set her expression in determination.

“There has to be a reason. A hint. I know me. I know I can work around a rule.”

Future Twilight was silent for a moment, then sighed grudgingly, resting her chin on a hoof and fixing Twilight with a steady glare.

“Fine. All I can say is... the right spell in the wrong hooves can make all the difference in the world. Do you think Celestia was always a Princess? That Equestria has always been at peace? That Discord has always existed?

“But... what are you saying? That I do... did... will do all these things? But... if I made the present so... so perfect, surely the future is even better?”

Future Twilight slammed a hoof on the table in frustration, lips curled in the beginnings of a snarl. Twilight recoiled in fear. She had never considered herself capable of such anger.

“Just because an outcome is happy, doesn’t mean that it’s right! Time works differently than how you’d think. Change is stagnation, and everything has a cost. This spell is powerful, Twilight, and it will cause more damage than you can possibly imagine. You have to stop.

“But I-”

“But nothing! From where you’re standing, the future is an open book, ready to be written. Your spell doesn’t just close the book, it snaps the pen! There’s so much damage I don’t even know if I have a future to return to.”

Twilight looked herself in the eye. Future Twilight’s expression was steady, resolute. Maybe... just maybe... she was right.

“I’ll... I’ll think about it. I’m sure that, with time and planning, any negative consequences could be negated. I’m sure.

Future Twilight looked back at her, her gaze boring into Twilight’s unwavering eyes, then nodded and stood.

“As long as you think about it. You mustn’t complete this spell, at any cost.”

Future Twilight raised her hoof to shake, and Twilight stood to reciprocate. As she raised her foreleg, she suddenly felt Future Twilight’s hoof about her neck, pulling her close. She heard the suit crackle with electricity and felt the materialising blade enter her chest.

She gasped in pain and shock, collapsing to the floor as Future Twilight stepped back and the blade attached her leg sizzled back into nonexistence. Tears welled in her doppelganger’s eyes as Twilight’s blood pooled about her hooves and the guards cried out in angry surprise.

“I’m so sorry, Twilight. This is the only option left. I’ve come back so many times and you never listen. You never listen.

Twilight tried to reply, but the breath was leaving her and she could only look up in desperate confusion. The guards’ thumping hooves seemed to grow quieter, and the room became a blur. Future Twilight leaned closer, stroking Twilight’s mane as she cried for her dying self.

“We’re the wrong hooves, Twilight. We always were.”

Comments ( 76 )

I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT PART!!!:derpytongue2:

1097412 my hate and love for you are at once to their furthest possible extremes =(

But how did she acquire the plutonium!?

Wanderer D

Seriously though... harsh.

But it says complete...

....man, I really can't argue with Future Twilight's actions here, as harsh as they are.

What just happened?


1097452 I
1097859 hate
1097924 you.

Actually, D, you're cool. You edited. You're a NICE PERSON <3

Twilight doesn't die because she's there to stab herself. :rainbowkiss:

Rough. That was pretty brutal.
Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

You just wrote the ending.
Now you need to go back and write all the chaos that leads up to it.

Seems like something out of an episode of "The Twilight Zone."
:rainbowderp: ...
I did not intend for that pun. :facehoof:

This is why we can't have nice things (Read: time travel)

This is beautifully written and needs no further continuation. I loved it!

0/5 needs more implications

I'm pretty sure the story is about how future Twilight killed her present self in order to stop her from altering the future. Even if that means that future Twilight ceases existing.

I really need to stop reading time travel fics. I like them, but I always come out of it with a headache. :derpyderp2: I'm just no good with paradoxes. That doesn't sound right... Paradoxi? Paradoxen? ugh... :facehoof: Even the word is confusing.

Why are characters from the future always so cagey about the details. Was it seriously easier to kill her than to explain exactly what went wrong?

I'm assuming all those other times she gave that same extremely vague warning.

The paradoxes this story creates are limitless. If this isn't the first time Twilight has travel back in time and she said " You never listen" meaning there are multiple Twilights to begin with and each time failing to convince each one. If this Twilight doesn't remember Future Twilight coming back, it means there are several universes and each time Future Twilight travels back, she is in a different one each time. WTF did I just write?:derpyderp1:

I don't get it, although I do get the distinct feeling that this has been done before in this exact form, lack of build-up, lack of purpose and lack of feeling included; the relentlessly flat prose I might call still Perrier, but in this context - that very slight bit of anticipation coming up, that 'how is he going to make this concept work' - it feels more like I've jumped thirstily at a bottle of Perrier in the fridge, brought it up to my lips and gulped it down and then found it to be milk gone bad.

(True story. I threw up in the sink, which in this metaphor is me typing out this comment.)

In truth, it feels like another story with the names switched out and a slight reference to the stagnancy of eternal rule thrown in. As much as I have a deep, unabiding platonic love for and a pure intellectual admiration of you, Arcainum, I can't say that there's a single good thing about this.

I'm sorry.

I'm sincerely, absolutely sorry.

ps plz don't hate me

So who really wrote it? Or is everything actually as it seems this time?

This was cool. Good job.

To avoid paradoxes hurting my head, I shall assume the "Many Worlds Theory". Every time something happens in the time-stream, a different world is created to house that time continuum and avoid creating paradoxes.:twilightsmile:

This feels like an unrelated cutscene. A part of a bigger whole that could make this have some sense.

Why wasn't Celestia present during such an important occasion? Does the spell create an alternative universe each time Twilight enters it (which is suggested by the "I tried so many times" line)? Does it make sense from the POV of future Twilight to attempt something several times, receive the same outcome and then try something different and expect it to work?

Time travel is a fascinating thing, but I feel the grounds for it here aren't laid out very well. Written nicely, but too short for anything else than "a nice piece of writing".

So, if future Twilight killed past/present self, then that means she wouldn't be around later in order to kill herself, and that won't keep a stable timeline and then the world would go boom. So, really, future Twilight just exploded the world and unraveled the universe in order for the future to not be like that.

Just some things I learned from Dr. Who!

If I recall correctly, I believe the entire UNIVERSE would 'go boom'. It would cause a rip in very fabric of reality.

Dude, you've been putting out some Dark stories lately. I suppose it's to even out all the fun and fluff of your earlier stuff?

Either way, a quick, mind-bending experience here. Though I have to wonder...

... did anything REALLY change? :rainbowderp:


Arcainum was going to post more chapters, but his future self came back and told him not to.

1098436 Then I killed him.

Wow, this was much better than I expected! Nice job!

IMO, Twilight doesn't actually die. Because it was Twilight that killed herself, she still has to exist, and because she stopped the spell from being created, the timeline resets and Twilight "reappears" somewhere else to take the place of the two in the story here.

Man, look at all these people getting caught up in the exact mechanics of time travel, and ignoring the actual point of the story (That last line:twilightoops:)

I like the idea of Future Twilight being forced to kill Past Twilight, but the justification reeks of pop philosophy - the whole "too much good is bad" cliche and all that.

Silly future Twilight.

There is no such thing as 'the right hooves' when it comes to this kind of power.

I really like how little explanation this story needs in order to work.

That was. .. surprisingly well done. Very much like.


Very nice story. For everyone who questions the time paradox, what if we simply assume the spell removes the caster from the flow of a simple linear universe and lets them edit it at will. That way the observed effect is an outside entity (twilight the time traveler) came in and killed twilight. When twilight died her alternate future self continued to exist because if the spell did'nt in some way buffer it's user from the normal time line it would always end in paradox no matter what she did. Now if you'll excuse me i have to burn my notes for a story that would be considered hopelessly derivative of this and nowhere near as good. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Wait. Wait. ...Wat? WHAT THE FU- *BOOM*

1098248 Well, yes. Look what the Master did. He cause one HECK of a paradox. I just rewatched the episode, the Doc said that the paradox machine around the TARDIS was the only reason why everyone was still alive. Well... more or less. If you don't count death by Toclafane.

Add that with the fact that the... I think they were called wraiths in the episode with Rose and Christopher Eccleson. (9th Doc) then yea, the world wouldn't go boom. It would actually, in fact, be killed by giant wraiths and be ripped apart because of the paradox. But I like the sound the words "go boom" make. So I said go boom.

I like this, short as it is, for all the ways it makes you imagine that Twilight(s) must've changed the past and what the past might have been before she/they did so.

For those saying that Future Twi (FT) couldn't have made multiple trips back without Past Twi (PT) remembering her unless the many-worlds theory is true, in which case FT isn't even trying to save her own universe: What if FT just came back a little earlier each time?

And for those who find FT maddeningly vague: I imagine she's been specific many times already, only to find that PT cheerfully came up with clever work-arounds for the terrible pitfalls FT detailed. Perhaps FT was even reassured the first few times that happened, thinking that she'd succeeded only to return to a future in even greater chaos.

Why wasn't Celestia in the room for such an important meeting? Because FT already fully briefed her on the disaster-in-the-making that she wished to prevent, and how she planned to prevent it. Celestia probably knows her student better than anyone, after all. Her strengths and her weaknesses. Though it broke her heart, Celestia decided to leave FT to her business. "Because I believe in you, Twilight Sparkle."

But wait, if Future!Twilight kills Present!Twilight then Future!Twilight ceases to exist which means she can't go back in time and kill Present!Twilight, which means Present!Twilight becomes Future!Twilight and has to go back in time to kill Present!Twilight which means if Future!Twilight kills Present!Twilight...

...unless you're using the multiverse theory. (Which wouldn't make any sense, as Future!Twilight wouldn't even be helping her own timeline, which seems to be the whole point in going back in time.)

Liked, favorited, and awaiting more. :twilightblush:

Some ponies just can't be trusted at the reins of destiny. Sad but true.

Simple but with lots of implications. I like it.

On the other hand, I would definitely consider learning an amnesia-inducing spell before I considered chronal suicide.

...I know it's complete, but if you wanted to expand on this and write an epic story telling all about everything else, I'd totally read it.

Just saying. :twilightsheepish:

“Fine. All I can say is... the right spell in the wrong hooves can make all the difference in the world. Do you think Celestia was always a Princess? That Equestria has always been at peace? That Discord has always existed?”

“We’re the wrong hooves, Twilight. We always were.”


Even though I knew it was Future-Twilight talking, I couldn't help but read that line about "the right spell in the wrong hooves" in the G-man's voice.

She tried that several times, apparently. She mentions that no amount of arguing and persuading ever makes past!Twilight listen and heed her warnings.

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