• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday


A guy. A guy who writes stories. Stories about ponies. (And sometimes robots).


"Every normal pony must be tempted, at times, to spit on her hooves, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”

Over brunch, Twilight Sparkle lines out her plans to turn to a life of villainy. For the most part, her friends are all for it.

It makes sense in context, honest.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 208 )

“Did everybody liquor up their mornin' coffee 'cept me?” Applejack looked down at her mug. “'cause none of this is makin' a lick of sense.”

I lol'd.

But seriously, good chapter. I look forward to more; have an upvote.

Applejacks accent was a bit thick at times though, but got better.

This reads like something Argon would write, and I mean that as a compliment. Have my upvote and watch.

8017115 Slight dialed back from Aragon's full insanity I'd say, but definitely has that flair to it.

Looking forward to more of this.

“Just so you guys know,” said Twilight, “I've decided to turn evil.”

And then the murders began.


this story 2 crazy 4 meh

i luv it


This is looking very promising indeed. Twilight's logic, mad though it is, is impeccable, and the rest of the girls are getting into the mood nicely.

Except for AJ. Which makes sense, and is a good thing overall, because with her pragmatism and everything, Applejack would be competent evil, and then nobody would have fun. "If y'all want a vision of the future, imagine an apple stampin' on a pony face -- forever." :ajbemused:

Now, everything is shelved by publication date, and not by subject or author's name!

You monster!

Somewhere along the line, she'd donned a domino mask and a black shirt with 'HENCHMARE' printed across it in large block lettering.

I am getting serious Venture Bros vibe from Pinkie here.

This is going to be awesome :raritystarry:

My word, I do believe this is gonna' be good. Let's have some more!

if five of the six has decided to spend the afternoon becoming evil and taking over ponyville, please tell me that celestia is going to form a task force to investigate/ contain this.

AKA: what are you going to do with trixie & glim glam

or even better, twilight sent a letter to celestia explaining her reasoning, and celestia also thinks its a good way to entertain her self.

This should be amusing. :pinkiecrazy: I look forward to seeing what's next.

Oh my, this story looks *delightfully* silly/demented!

Carry on good sir!

I like Twilight's inoculation argument, but isn't that what Discord is for? To give Equestria a constant low-grade magical pest that keeps everyone on their toes?

8017988 It shows a dedication to petty villainy which is impressive. You can do that sort of nonsense easily in a relational database, it's trivial. Actually doing it with a card system and shelves of real books, that's hardcore librarian wickedness right there.

And I've always said that Twilight was one magitech lab experiment short of a supervillain origin story.

Because, like, what if you got a bunch of sharks, and then I got a tornado, and--”
“And nothin'!” Applejack said.

Applejack's got the right idea there.

I honestly hope there is more to this.

Also sorta have a headcanon already of AJ going to the barn, opening a secret hatch and meeting Granny Smith and Big Mac.
'Twilight darn near blew my cover by asking me to turn evil.' Applejack stated.
'Well ya can't turn evil if ya already are!' Said Granny Smith.
'Eeyup' Big Mac agreed.
'Speaking of, has Applebloom managed to stir up a working mind control potion yet? Looks like we need to add it to the cider soon. Before Twilight decides to mess our plans up.'

Hoh, looks promising. Going to have to keep an eye on this one.

“Well.” Twilight shrugged a little bit. “I thought we could start by taking over Ponyville.”

...The town you are already basically the princess of?

“So now what?” Pinkie Pie said from atop a pile of ominously blinking machinery with 'M.A.S.S. DEVICE' stenciled in a military font down one side. “Because seriously I've had a bunch of this mad scientist stuff laying around for a while now and I've been waiting for the chance to use it! Like, I'm pretty sure I have a mega-laser in the basement somewhere-- we could use it to draw our faces on the moon! Wouldn't that be fun?”

Ye olde Canterlot Voice:"WHO DARES!"

This, good sir, is awesome. Have an upvote and a favourite. And a moustache.


8020526 The terrifying thing about this is that, here in Equestria, it's actually possible. *Shivers.*

“That. Is. Awesome.” Rainbow Dash stared at her friend with newfound admiration. “You sure you're not good at this evil thing, Fluttershy? Because, like, what if you got a bunch of sharks, and then I got a tornado, and--”


“And nothin'!” Applejack said.

Whew! This story got really horrifying for a second there...

its interesting, but not my cup of tea so to speak.

It was around "This will make all the licks of sense!" that I knew I'd enioy this story. Sure enough, I am. Looking forward to more. Also, nice use of more obscure D&D monsters.

As a side note, hasn't Rarity already been innoculated for evil, what with the cursed tome and all?

They'll end by ruling the world by public acclamation while beeing Big Damn Heroes trying to be villains, won't them? :rainbowlaugh:

8024529 Let's face it, Equestria is a D&D monster manual.


You can do that sort of nonsense easily in a relational database, it's trivial. Actually doing it with a card system and shelves of real books, that's hardcore librarian wickedness right there.

I haven't seen such an act of malevolent bibliothecography since the great Dewey Decimation!

Oh man, supervillains love explaining their evil schemes!” Rainbow Dash squeaked. “Maybe Twilight really did turn evil!”
Applejack facehooved. “Rainbow. Think. Twilight's always liked explainin' things.”
Rainbow paled. “So you're saying she's been evil this whole time!?”


“Did everybody liquor up their mornin' coffee 'cept me?” Applejack looked down at her mug.

Awesome intro, really good work.

“But, um. If you need an army of animal minions, Twilight, I could help with that.”
“What?” Applejack said.
“Like, sharks? Every villain needs a bunch of sharks, right? Or how about weasels? I could get you a basket of flesh-tearing weasels in an hour, if you asked.”


"Damn, what am I going to do with all these surplus waterproof miniature laser cannons?"

I love it.

It's absolutely absurd.

I could get you a basket of flesh-tearing weasels in an hour, if you asked.”

"You're listening to 95.5 the Weasel's metal hour: Flesh-rippin' Weasel! Stay tuned, folks, as we head on over to the dark side."

What's that article on TV Tropes? Villains act, heroes react. Now that they're villains, they're probably going to go out and cleanse the world of evil as they try to expand their empire or whatever.

And Celestia will watch and smile.

Three cheers for our new heros!

They're bad at being bad,

Well, Applejack already has given into anger. She's well on the path, I say.

However, perhaps Twilight should have thought of a slightly different H L Mencken quote:

For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

The scene with the mayor and lunch after had me laughing, good story!:rainbowlaugh:

“What.” Applejack whipped her head around to glare at the white unicorn sitting beside her.

Rarity is the only Unicorn at that table. Just a quick heads-up to avoid Lavender Unicorn Syndrome before it can break out.

8024529 That wasn't evil, that was madness. Anyho, I am so going to follow this. And yeah they are too bad at being bad.

What a bunch of lovable dorks!

"Lavender Unicorn Syndrome"? Please elaborate on this neat-sounding 'disease' or 'argument' or what have you.

8021657 She is a princess, who resides in Ponyville, but I'm pretty sure Mayor Mare still holds office.
Technically, Mayor Mare would have to cede to Princess Twilight's wishes, but for the most part, Twilight's not really interested in 'ruling'.

So Twilight would have to 'convince' Mayor Mare to 'hoof over' the town.
Maybe Midnight Sparkle will rise again? This time in pony form?

8025891 while that isolated incident is hardly an example, LUS is a writing error stemming from almost entirely foregoing a character's name, such as Twilight, and constantly referring to them by a physical trait, such as coat color and species (before S4, here)

While not only using a character's name to refer to them is a good thing, at a certain point it kinda gets to be annoying and tedious to read. This has been dubbed "Lavender Unicorn Syndrome" by the fandom.

They are going to fail hard at being evil and eventually Aj is going to get tired of it and out evil all of them! :ajsmug:

It's good to be bad at being evil!:pinkiecrazy:

+1 for semi-obscure monster and very MLP way of dealing with it.


while that isolated incident is hardly an example, LUS is a writing error stemming from almost entirely foregoing a character's name, such as Twilight, and constantly referring to them by a physical trait, such as coat color and species (before S4, here)

I would not have dinged it were it not for the fact that there is literally no need to mention that Rarity is white. She's the only Unicorn there. If Starlight were there, I wouldn't have brought it up.

8025940 up to a certain threshold I would say it sets the mood or helps with the setting. While most of us do know Rarity is white (ish), a writer should also aim to entice those with no prior experience, and a lot of people out there may have an easier time visualizing the scene with a bit of additional description. It also does kinda get boring only using character names after after a while. Reading this piece I think your warning was unneeded, as this person seems to be managing fine. I wholeheartedly support the idea of helping people avoid LUS, though.

“That. Is. Awesome.” Rainbow Dash stared at her friend with newfound admiration. “You sure you're not good at this evil thing, Fluttershy? Because, like, what if you got a bunch of sharks, and then I got a tornado, and--”
Im pretty sure this is a Sharknado reference.


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