• Published 18th Oct 2019
  • 13,899 Views, 613 Comments

Unexpected Aftermath - Autum Breeze

I thought having to move house was stressful. Now I'm Cozy Glow and I'd glady take the stress of moving over this!

  • ...

Chapter 11

Chapter 11


A knocking brings me back to the waking world, despite my body’s protests to the idea.

“Um… Princess?” a muffled female voice calls from outside. “Are you awake?”

“I’m up. I’m up,” I call, my tone showing just how unhappy I am to be woken up.

“Very well,” the voice is followed by the sound of hoofsteps.

I give a big, loud yawn, before smacking my lips and looking around the room in boredom.

It’s the same room I was being held in before, though now it’s more fit for an occupant to live in.

The bed is better set, with purple silk covers and pillows. There’s a dresser table on the right side of the room… with a suspiciously familiar looking ballerina music box with a purple pony ballerina on the top.

Aside from that though, the room is pretty sparse, not that I care.

Getting out of bed, I hope down, ignoring the messy bad and walking to the door and pushing it open, nodding to the two crystal guards standing outside my door, who nod back and start following me.

It’s been about three days since I was finally able to get the princesses, the Mane Six and Shining to understand I’m not Cozy, Discord helped me say my goodbyes to my family and inform Cozy of her punishment.

What I didn’t know until after is that Discord, once he’d gotten his magic, though unable to send me back, had sent a letter to Cozy addressed to where she/now he, would end up. Guess he’d looked into the future to see where Cozy had gone, but watched from the start to see how he got to that future.

The letter, which apparently would’ve arrived seconds after the link between the worlds was cut off forever, was to inform Cozy that, along with being trapped in my old body with no means of identification or real money beyond what he’d earn from his fishing job in that small town, it also informed him about how much the human body sucks, like how humans eyes and ears can fail after fifty years, their strength and organs past forty, and death can happen past sixty, meanwhile, I get the better end since alicorns are known to have lifespans well in excess of 1000 years like the royal sisters.

I do get a small bit of malicious enjoyment at the thought of the fact Cozy is now very aware of his human mortality, having no idea my old body’s actual age, so living in constant fear of when it’ll get to those ages, while I get her immortality, never having to worry about my new body’s age and having a good life.

Well, I’m assuming it’ll get good, over time.

Technically, right now, I’m still a prisoner by law.

Celestia and Luna are going to be doing everything they can (while also getting Canterlot Castle rebuilt) to find a way to smooth things over with Equestria and the other nations so I don’t constantly get treated like I’m Cozy when I’m clearly not.

Cadance offered and set me up with a place here in the Crystal Empire. It’s a pretty smart idea, when you think about it, as the Empire was the least effected place during Cozy, Tirek and Cheese Leg’s invasion attempt, so I’ll be the least ostracized by citizens here, not to mention it’s a good way of assuring those yet to be convinced that I won’t be a threat, since, unless I take the train, there’s nowhere outside the Empire I can go that isn’t frozen wasteland.

I mean, Cozy never bothered to learn about yaks, so I doubt she’d know how to get to Yakyakistan, especially since even Pinkie had needed Cadance to show her which way to go. And that’s Pinkie Pie, the pony who normally can know things she shouldn’t know right out of nowhere.

Still, three days of being stuck in the crystal castle has me so wound up. I’ve wings, I need to use them. I’ve Earth Pony strength, I want to run.

Magic... actually, I’m willing to hold out on that for now. I’ve learned I can use my wings like hands for the most part and the main reason I’d want to learn magic quickly is to make up for my now lack of hands, so I can wait on the magic.

I mean, I haven’t even gotten to explore the Empire itself yet and, frankly, I think I need a change of scenery that isn’t so crystalline based right now.

It would help if Flurry Heart were able to hang around with me, but Sunburst has been busy setting a few things up for when he finally fully moves into Ponyville to be Vice Headstallion of the School of Friendship, so he’s been making any final touches so that Flurry gets all the lessons and prior directions she’ll need once he moves away.

“Princess Autum,” a light-blue Pegasus mare guard says as the three of us enter the dining hall, which is smaller than one would expect for royalty, but I know that’s because Cadance and Shining wanna keep things cozy.

“Let me guess,” I say, my face blank as I quickly glance around the room, “neither Shining or Cadance can join me today?”

She gets an uncertain apologetic look.

I sigh. It’s not like I expect them to be here. I’m not even supposed to be here. If Cozy hadn’t switched bodies with me, she’d be frozen in stone with Tirek and Cheese Legs and I’d be still trying to adapt to the changes my life had been going through at the time she’d swapped us.

Without that, Cadance and Shining wouldn’t have even been thinking of housing a new princess in their home. They’d have just been going on about their days as usual.

If anything, my being here as increased their workload. After all, they’ve had to set up my Crystal Empire citizenship, have arrangements made for any social security mumbo jumbo I’ll need, a ton of things that, while I never fully understood them back home, I do know take a lot of time and effort.

Walking over to the table, I see a plate already set. On it isn’t much, bacon and eggs and a slice of Prench toast with butter and a glass of banana milk.

Yeah, turns out Equestria isn’t a worried about the whole eating meat thing as some make it out to be. In fact, I’d say it makes sense as horses and ponies in the real world are known for eating meat.

Granted, red meat isn’t on the table when it comes to what ponies can digest, but things like bacon, ham, pork (yes, I know those are all the same animal, shut up, I’m not the one who specified the each piece was named something different), fish and birds ARE on the menu for pony diets… which is actually a little morbid, now that I think about it, since Griffons and hippogriffs are part bird. And that’s not even mentioning Captain Celaeno and her crew and how they are birds, just anthro.

Seriously, if you actually stop to think too much about this world’s mechanics for even a second it’s truly disturbing.

I eat my meal without any fuss, using my wings to hold my cutlery and glass whenever needed. Wings are pretty dang handy. I feel bad more those without them, magic or anything like hands.

When finished, I set my dishes aside and head back into the hall, where I just plod through the castle, like I have every day since being aside to live in the Empire.

I’m tired of seeing nothing but crystal. I need to spread my wings, feel the wind rushing through my feathers, feel grass beneath my hooves.

I pause, glancing back at the two guards over my shoulder. “Think Cadance or Shining will mind if I go out somewhere?”

“Orders are you aren’t allowed to go to Canterlot or leave the boundaries of Equestria,” the one on the right says, before looking a mix between worried and confused and bowing his head. “Urm, Your Highness?”

I sigh, rolling my eyes. “I told you before, boys, seriously, you don’t have to refer to me as royalty. I get it. You can’t help looking at me and seeing Cozy, even with the new mane style and severely different attitude.”

When it comes to changing my look, I kept the mane and tail styles from back when I started traveling with the Apple parents. I don’t really see a reason to do more than that.

I mean, I could try changing my coat colour or hair colour, but I just don’t really see a point. I’ve already gotten used to this look, having to get a new one would just be starting the process all over again.

Not to mention, I never was one for caring about appearances. Most I ever did was keep my face shaven and my hair from getting too long back when I was human.

Besides, give it a couple years, maybe a decade or two and no one will even think of me as a Cozy Glow lookalike. They’ll just see Princess Autum, princess of… well, whatever I get labelled as.

I pause in my steps, blinking, turning around. “Wait. Say that again?”

“Urm, Your Highness?” he repeats, confused.

I shake my head. “No, no. Before that.”

He cocks an eye in thought. “Orders are you aren’t allowed to go to Canterlot or leave the boundaries of Equestria?”

I go over that for a few moments, before smirking. “Ah-ha! A loophole! I don’t’ have to spend all my time here.” I give an exasperated sigh. “Thank God!”

I turn around and start trotting down the hall, a new spring in my step.

“Uh, Princess… I mean, Autum, what do you mean?” the other guards says, the two quickly hurrying to catch up and join me.

I look back, grinning. “I’m forbidden from going to Canterlot or leave the boundaries of Equestria. Nopony said anything about still going other places in Equestria.”

The two guards glance to each other in worry.

“Uh, but wouldn’t that still be dangerous for you?” the first one asks. “I mean, I don’t mean to rub salt in the wounds, miss, but you do look exactly like Cozy Glow, who isn’t exactly thought of fondly throughout Equestria right now.”

I wave a hoof. “So, I’ll wear a cloak or something. And I’ll have a guard or two come with me. ’S long as I don’t try drawing attention to myself or do anything stupid, I’ll be fine.”

The two look at each other again, before sighing.

“I guess that makes sense,” the second one (you know, I really should get to know the names of the guards at some point) says, still seeming a little uncertain. “As long as you stay close to your guard and don’t wander off.”

I nod. “Good. I’m sure Cadance won’t mind too much. So, who am I gonna have guarding me, one or both of you two?”


“Flash, can you stop giving me the stink eye? I don’t like this anymore than you do!” I grumble as I walk up the path to the train station, glaring in annoyance at the stallion behind me.

The Pegasus in royal guard armour just glares back. “Not a chance. You’re not leaving the Empire without escort. If you escape, who knows where you’d go?”

I groan, waving my right foreleg at him, a red band clearly visible against my pink fur. “Yeah. It’s not like Twilight put this tracking band on me after it was decided I’d live in the Empire, with a spell that activates and tracks my location if I were ever to leave the Empire. I’d just vanish off the map.”

He just snorts.

“You can’t fool me, Cozy Glow!” Flash says firmly, eyes narrowed. “Your silver tongue may have fooled my fellow guards, but it won’t make me abandon my duty of guarding you to keep you from whatever evil plans you have.”

I groan louder, drawing the attention of several nearby ponies for a moment, before they return to whatever they were doing. “The Rainbow Laser didn’t take away my horn! Surely that’s enough evidence I’m not evil!”

After I’d said my goodbyes to my family, I’d braced myself as the Pillars, the Young Six and Mane 6 plus Spike had all been gathered (the students were very surprised and confused by my being flesh and blood instead of stone) and they’d blasted me with the triple Rainbow Laser.

When it cleared, I was still the same, wings, horn and all, but I do feel… different now. Lighter somehow. Guess that’s because Grogar’s magic isn’t in me anymore?

And, yeah, Flash put himself in my bad books back during the time everyone was mistaking me for Cozy and he hasn’t been doing anything to get himself out of them since… so imagine my displeasure when it was decided he’d be the one to keep an eye on me during my little day trip.

“And you’re going to Ponyville because…?” Flash asks, eyes narrowed suspiciously.

I roll my own. “Because I want to speak with Twilight about something. Is that so bad, really? I’m an Alicorn too and Cadance has been too occupied the last three days sorting out the trade deals with the other nations along with my being here and it’s not like Flurry Heart’s much of a conversationalist. Plus, I highly doubt, even wearing this cloak,” I flick the black cloak I’m wearing to hide my wings, “and my new mane style, going to Canterlot to ask Luna or Celestia would be a wise move.”

Not to mention, the guards had let it slip that Tirek and Cheese Legs’ statue is temporarily being kept by Twilight’s castle. I kinda wanna take a look at them, admire their stone prison, so to speak.

“Then I’m staying close by!” he says firmly.

I just roll my eyes again and board the train. “Do whatever you want. You think I care? Sheesh, and to think I defended your character back home.”

We board the train, the conductor looking at me in confusion, before shrugging and we settle down.

The whole ride is quiet, with Flash not letting me out of his sight, not that there’s anywhere I’d go on the train.

When the train arrives in Ponyville station, we head discreetly through the town. Twilight, the Mane 6 and students had promised they’d do what they could to make sure nopony mistook me for Cozy, but better safe than sorry, much as I don’t like having to sneak through the town.

We make it to Twilight’s castle and walk in, myself calling out, but getting no response.

“Dear any creature who comes to visit,” I glance back to see Flash reading a note posted on the door I hadn’t notice, “I am currently away in Canterlot assisting Princess Celestia and Princess Luna on the new designs and construction details of Canterlot Castle. I should be back by evening, if you wish to speak with me. Otherwise, leave a note in the box behind the door and I will get back to you. Signed, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Guess Spike went with her?” I ask, before calling out, “Spike?”

No answer tells me I’m correct.

“Then this was a waste of my time!” Flash says, turning to glare at me.

I just give him a “I don’t care” look from over my shoulder. “Am I supposed to care about your time? Isn’t your job to keep an eye on me? So, wherever I go, you gotta go. If I’m wasting my time, how is that wasting yours? You’re still doing your job, aren’t you?”

He opens his mouth to argue, before he pauses and closes it, looking annoyed that I’d stumped him.

Smirking, I walk back outside and around the castle to a small cordoned off area, where three guards are standing duty.

They see Flash and me and step aside, though give me suspicious looks.

“If she does anything, I’ll stop her,” Flash says to reassure them.

Rolling my eyes, I walk past the guards and three a hastily constructed wooden building.

Inside is a statue showing a cowering feeble looking Tirek, an angry ordinary Queen Cheese Legs frozen in the position of lunging forward, snarling and a terrified looking Pegasus Cozy Glow.

Looking at the false image of her, I can’t help smirking. She’d probably have preffered that to the fate she sentenced herself too.

You escaped?!

I start, looking around frantically.

“What?” Flash narrows his eyes at me.

“I… I thought I just heard Tirek,” I say in astonishment.

Flash rolls his eyes. “Sure, and I’m a Diamond Dog.”

I scowl at him. “What, are you rascist again Diamond Dogs?”

He seems taken aback, before glaring. “No, I— You’re the racist one!”

Cozy is,” I correct him, rolling my eyes.

Quit bickering with that stallion and get us out of here!

I start again. That was Cheese Legs. Why am I suddenly hearing…?

I frown at the statue. “Hang on. Are you two actually conscious and talking to me?”

That causes Flash to become confused, before quickly turning to the statue.

Of course we are! Tirek’s voice yells. Now, get us out of here and share what little of Grogar’s magic you have left!

I smirk, shrugging. “No can do.”

We had a deal! Cheese Legs snarls. It’s odd not seeing the snarl and only hearing it.

I shake my head. “No, you made a deal with Cozy Glow, not me. Besides, I don’t have that magic anymore. Every last trace of Grogar’s magic is gone, lost to the aether.”

What in the world are you babbling about? Tirek says, sounding annoyed.

I sigh. “Yeah, I had a hunch she didn’t bother telling you before the switch actually happened. See, Cozy figured you three could still lose, be it to Grogar himself, regardless of whether it was just Discord pretending to be him or not, or to Equestria itself. So, she had a backup plan. A failsafe to avoid punishment.” I snicker. “Or, that was her plan, anyway.”

“You’re talking to the statue?” Flash gives me a deadpan look.

I shrug. “Guess some weird connection formed between them because they were all exposed to Grogar’s magic at the same time and it’s still there.”

What?! Cheese Legs sounds furious. You planned on betraying us the whole time?!

I roll my eyes. “Are you that thick, Cheese Legs? Of course she was going to betray you in the end. She’s a villain for crying out loud! They’re not exactly known for keeping promising that require an honourable method. You, more than any creature, should know that. You too, Tirek. And, again, I’m not Cozy. She’d swapped bodies with me, leaving me to take her punishment.” I snicker. “Though she’d probably prefer being stuck with you two right now.”

What do you mean? Cheese Legs sounds both curious and annoyed.

I briefly explain to them my situation, original body and what Cozy’s actions led to.

Cheese Legs cackles. Oh, that’s rich. She’s now living in fear with no idea of your age or when his new body will start failing? She cackles again.

Tirek remains oddly silent.

“No spiteful quips, Tirek?” I ask.

I… I have nothing to say, he says, his tone saying he wants to change the subject… and is that the tiniest bit of hurt in the back of his tone.

I cock an eyebrow. He doesn’t want to gloat about how Cozy betrayed him? Maybe there’s hope for him yet… or I’m just being too optimistic and reading too much into things.

Wait, Cheese Legs sounds confused and annoyed. What did you mean you don’t have Grogar’s magic anymore. You still have a horn, so I’m guessing you’re still an Alicorn?

I remove the cloak to reveal my wings and nod. “Yeah, but I got blasted by the Elements long after you two got turned to stone and, aside from Grogar’s magic being removed, this is how I still am.”

She then starts hissing and screeching obscenities at me for having weaselled out of punishment, glaring already forgetting I’m not Cozy and I just slip the cloak back on and leave, Flash looking rather bewildered.

Author's Note:

Promised i'd get this out.

Honestly, i did wanna do more and i had a slightly different plan for the conversation between Autum and the two villains, with something more spiteful happening, but can't quite remember how i was going to do it, not to mention i originally planned on her offhandedly mentioning something on the train about what Cozy or the other two villains did in the show's past or Tartarus to Flash that would have him scold her on being Cozy being she couldn't know about those things otherwise, with Autum sarcastically saying it's not like Twilight could've informed her about all that stuff or anything, but i couldn't remember how i originally planned to word it or what about, so it got left out and i feel a little sad about that.

Dunno when i'll get the next chapter our or what i'm really gonna do with it now. Originally i was planning on Autum going in the Equestria Girls world because Flash stupidly fall through the portal and encountering a certain someone there that's causing trouble, but i dunno if i should, since that takes her out of Equestria so soon and i think i should focus on Equestria first for a bit.

let me know what you think in the comments.

If you don't want me to, i have an idea, as something from Equeztria Girls, or rather someONE is going to be a part of a future arc. Who, i won't say. that, i leave for you to guess.

I will say it fits into a theme you might have noticed Autum will be dealing with for a long time.

Anyway, that's it for now. dunno when i'll get back to this, but just felt i needed to give it at least a small update, since people were getting confused whether i'd actually finished this story or not, despite the fact i very much am not, since i've 20 years of Equestria's time to write Autum into and wanted to clear things up without having to do a blog about it or something.

hope this was satisfactory and, til next time, later everybody