• Published 18th Oct 2019
  • 13,899 Views, 613 Comments

Unexpected Aftermath - Autum Breeze

I thought having to move house was stressful. Now I'm Cozy Glow and I'd glady take the stress of moving over this!

  • ...

Chapter 9

Chapter 9


“Ma’am, get away from there, that pony’s dangerous!” Twilight yells to the mother yak.

Said yak cocks her head, glancing to me. “What purple pony princess talking about?”

I sigh, rubbing my forehead. “It’s a long story.”

Shining Armour glances behind me, his eyes widening. “Flurry Heart!”

The infant Alicorn lifts her head and cheers, leaping off my back and flies over to her father, who pulls her close and holds her to him tightly.

The rest of them all tense, glaring at me.

The yak mother looks between them and myself, cocking her head to the side. “Pony hellos are strange.”

“There’s no escaping this time, Cozy Glow!” Celestia says firmly, her expression cold. “Not after what you’ve done.”

“It wasn’t enough you tried to take over Equestria and then escaped punishment, you then go foalnapping a baby too?” Luna looks like she’s really to beat the living shit outta me.

I hold up a hoof, letting my annoyance show. “Hey, hey. If anypony was foalnapped here it was me, not Flurry. She’s the one who teleported me all over the place, not the other way around.”

“You expect us to believe that, villain?” Star Swirl says firmly, his horn glowing with its white aura. “You have done no good since you arrived at Twilight’s school.”

“And taking my baby was the last straw,” Shining growls, before crying out in alarm as Flurry teleports out of his grip and reappears above me, landing atop my back again and snuggling against me.

“Let her go, now, Cozy Glow!” Rainbow yells, pointing a hoof at me.

I deadpan at her. “Oh, yeah. Because I forced her to teleport over here and hug me.”

“Yeah, well… wait, wha?” Dash pauses, blinking in confusion as she notices Flurry nuzzling against me.

“Why in Equestria is Flurry Heart nuzzling a known criminal?” Rarity looks to Twilight, who has a very confused frown on her face.

“Why ponies say mean things to own princesses?” the younger nak says, looking in confusion from myself to the other ponies.

“Little pony save mother’s life,” the male yak says, nodding firmly. “Not be mean. She hero.”

Rarity scoffs, waving a hoof. “Please, darling. Cozy Glow, a hero? Hardly.”

The little yak growls, his body tensing. “Not tell me mother not saved! Pony saved mother’s life! That make pony hero!”

“What in the world is he talking about?” Spike looks to Twilight in confusion.

The purple princess is watching me, her eyes narrowed, scrutinizing me.

I sigh, before giving said princess a firm expression. “Look. If every creature would settle down for just a few moments, things could be cleared up really easy.”

“After all the lies you’ve told, you actually think we’d trust anything you say?” Spike points an accusing claw at me.

I nod behind me. “Flurry Heart does.”

The little pony replies with a coo.

Spike lowers his finger, looking a little uncertain. An expression shared by the mare who raised him and she watches Flurry on my back.

She frowns, looking down. “Flurry Heart was one of the first aside from Spike to trust Thorax…” She looks up, eyes narrowing. “But the difference there is Thorax genuinely had a good heart. We all know what’s in your heart, Cozy Glow.”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, you know Cozy Glow’s heart, but not mine.”

Rarity cocks an eyebrow at me before deadpanning. “Please, make up your mind, darling. If you’re going to talk about yourself in the third person, keep that in mind when you talk about yourself.”

“I’m not talking about—” I stop myself, growling as I run a hoof down my face. I take a deep breath, before looking to them stoically. “I am not Cozy Glow. Yes, I have her body, but that is the only thing I share in common with that brat. I would use another word to describe her, but there’s an impressionable baby present,” I point to the foal my back, who laughs, not actually understanding what I’m talking about.

Twilight narrows her eyes again. “And how can we trust you? Even if you aren’t lying, you look, sound and have the magic Cozy Glow did. We’re supposed to just take your word for it, when the very pony you claim not to be is a known liar and manipulator?”

I shake my head. “I’m not brain dead, Twilight Sparkle. I know damn well no one would be that easily convinced. Look, if you want to keep me observed or something for a while to easy your worries, I’m willing to do it. But I need to get back home before Cozy Glow uses my body to ruin my life.”

“Pretty sure you ruined your life just fine on your own, Cozy Glow,” Dash says firmly.

Twilight watches me and I meet her gaze, not breaking it.

We keep eye contact for what feels like hours, before she closing her eyes, looking away. “My niece is not one to trust those of ill will randomly. We will return to the empire and we will hear you out.” She opens her eyes, narrowing them at me. “But, if for any reason we decide you can’t be trusted, that’s it. You try to pull anything and you will get no more second chances, Cozy Glow.”

I growl. “Autum! For the love of—” I facehoof. “Call me Autum, will you? I am sick of being called Cozy Glow. I’m not that brat, so I don’t want to be addressed as her!”

“We go too!” the mother yak says, stepping forward. “Pony saved my life. Yak will speak for her too.”

Twilight blinks, seemingly taken aback by this, but nods. “Very well. Then let’s head back before —”

A roar rings out through air, my body tensing.

Whirling to my right, I see what looks like the yeti from Party Pooped making its way towards us, looking pissed as.

“I thought that thing was in Tartarus!” I gasp. “What’s it doing here?!”

“And just how would you know what’s in Tartarus without having been there, if you’re not Cozy Glow?” Dash asks, looking down at me skeptically.

“Now’s not the time, Rainbow!” Twilight yells, her horn flaring, firing a blast at the beast.

The blast makes contact, knocking the yeti back a bit, before it shakes its head and looks to Twilight, a red mark above its right eye, glaring at her.

I run over to Shining Armour and hand him Flurry Heart.

“What’re you —?” he asks, looking confused.

“She’s safer with you than with me!” I say, before turning back around and charging forward.

The yeti has its focus on Twilight, Star Swirl, Luna, Celestia and Rainbow Dash the latter two of whom are flying around to distract it, while the other three keep firing shots of magic every few moments.

With it focused on them and my petit size, I easily get under it without behind noticed. Moving over to one of its legs, I turn around and buck hard.

The yeti cries out in pain as its leg buckles and it topples to the side, its face pained, before it glares at me, swiping with a paw.

“Yikes!” I cry, but too late, being grabbed and held in the beast’s grip.

It pulls me closer and glares down at me, causing me to gag as its breath fills my nose. Talk about needing a breath mint.

I wave my hoof to try and get rid of the smell, before I meet its eyes and it tosses me through the air.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!” I yell, flailing my wings in a pathetic attempt to get control, but just end up slamming face first into the rocky wall by the cave and flop down, the world spinning.


An angry scream fills the air, before a magical explosion goes off.

Shaking my head gently, I get up and look around, before being glomped by a small form I’m instantly familiar with.

My eyesight clears and my eyes widen at the sight of the yeti, laying on its back, a far off look on its face, its fur singed as if it had been at the epicenter of an explosion.

“What…? What just happened?” I ask, indicating to the downed beast.

“Flurry Heart… saved her?” Dash has a very perplexed look on her face.

“We can ask questions once we have returned to the empire,” Star Swirl says, before giving me a firm look. “Since you insist on not being Cozy Glow, you will have no problem, upon our return, wearing a magical inhibitor ring, yes?’

“As long as I don’t have to wear the inhibitor twenty-four/seven, you got a deal,” I nod. “Sooner we get this mess sorted out, the sooner I can go home and that brat is punished for everything she’s done, not only to your world, but to me as well.”

We all make our way back down the mountain towards the Crystal Empire. All the while, everypony keeps their eyes on me.

For crying out loud, Flurry is perfectly at ease around me and literally riding on my back snuggled up to me. Shouldn’t that be enough for now?

We pass through barrier of the empire and make our way to the castle, the guards keeping me from the sight of the Crystal Ponies.

Guessing either the populace hasn’t heard about the supposed foalnapping of their youngest princess yet and Shining had the foresight to keep me hidden so we don’t have any issues before getting to the castle.

As we near the massive crystal structure, I notice the sound of voices.

Turning a corner, I see a contingent of guards, including a certain yellow Pegasus.

“Your Highness,” he says, saluting Shining Armour, “Princess Cadance is currently in the throne room awaiting your return. There are guests whom wish to speak about the prisoner.” He gives me a glare.

I glare right back. Well, fuck you too, Flash. And here I was willing to give you a chance.

Shining glances to Twilight, looking confused, before nodding and we all head into the castle to the throne room.

Upon passing through the doors to the throne room, my eyes widen as I see a group I wasn’t expecting. Pear Butter and Bright Mac, Meadowbrook and Spur, Somnambula and even…

“Ahuizotl?” Rainbow Dash gasps, her eyes wide. “I… what in the world are you doing here?”

“Aiding in the truth, once again, it seems,” he says, looking to me.

“Flurry Heart!” Cadance cries, noticing her baby.

Flurry cheers, flying off my back and into her mother’s waiting hug. The two remain that way, hugging and nuzzling each, tears sliding down Cadance’s face.

“What…? Why are you all here?” Star Swirl looks around, his eyes moving from the assortment of creatures, lingering partciarly on his fellow Pillars for a moment longer than the other, to Cadance.

We wait until Cadance has calmed down enough, before she looks to me, a mixture of emotions I can’t place passing over her face. “That… is an interesting story.”


Cadance slumped out of her room, plodding slowly down the halls of her castle, her head down, wings limp, dragging along the floor. She wanted her baby back so badly.

She couldn’t bear to imagine what Cozy Glow might be doing to her innocent foal this very moment. She knew something was wrong with that filly, but to willingly take a baby hostage? How truly far gone was that pony?

“I shouldn’t have to explain this!” an angry voice was saying from the hallway up ahead. “I sent a letter to Princess Twilight herself! How have things gotten so out of proportion despite my letter?”

Turning the corner, Cadance was met with what was probably the oddest thing she’d seen in the empire… and that was no easy feat, especially since her daughter’s birth.

Six ponies, four adults and two fillies, one being Apple Bloom and another a filly Cadance didn’t recognize, plus a very odd creature were standing in the hallway, clearly intending to enter the throne room.

The guards before the doors were stopping them, though it was apparent they weren’t sure what was going on.

As she neared, the unknown filly seemed to notice her and pointed. “It’s Princess Cadance!”

The group turned to her as one, before hurrying.

“Where’s mah sister!”

“Ya gotta let Autum explain herself, yer highness!”

“She may look like my cousin, but I promise you she ain’t!”

“She reunited me with my daughter. You cannot punish her for that!”

“Every creature, be silent!” the large creature yelled, his voice echoing throughout the hall.

Everypony went silent.

He sighed, taking a deep breath, before bowing. “Dearest Crystal Princess. Please forgive our abrupt arrival. I am Ahuizotl. I am the Guardian Creature of the Tenochtitlan Basin Jungle. We have come to clear the name of one who has been wrongfully… Is this a bad time?” he trailed off upon noticing the tear stains.

Cadance blinked, before wiping her eyes with a hoof and taking a deep breath. It hurt, but she was the Crystal Princess. She was the ruler of the Crystal Empire.

She had to put her faith in her husband, Twilight and her friends and her aunts that they would return with Flurry Heart and she would be safe. For now, her duties as a princess were important. She could do nothing for her daughter for the moment.

“Very well,” she said firmly, indicating to the throne room. “Come inside and I will hear you out.”

Author's Note:

Was originally gonna post this all as once chapter, but decided to split it.

Next chapter is already up, so feel free to go straight to it