• Published 16th Oct 2019
  • 34,811 Views, 4,565 Comments

Trust Once Lost - Greenhorne

When I agreed to be sent to Equestria I didn't read the fine print. I'm the wrong age, the wrong gender, and lost in the wilderness.

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Life in Equestria

“Why doesn’t Green have ta go ta school?” asked Applebloom, “This ain’t about what happened with Diamond is it?”

“She’s not in trouble,” explained Applejack, “We just think it would be better if she had a couple days to settle into living in Ponyville.”

“But yesterday you said-”

“Ah know what Ah said yesterday,” said Applejack, “But it was a mistake to send her back to school before she’s ready. You saw what happened.”

Applebloom squinted at her sister.

“Yer not gonna be doin’ that whole overprotective big sis routine again are ya?” asked Applebloom.

“You know I’m sitting right here?” I said

Winona rubbed up against me again and I scratched her ears as best I could with a hoof. Maybe she was paying attention because animals can sense when you’re feeling insecure - or maybe it had something to do with the piece of cheese I’d snuck her when I thought nopony was looking.

As I’d expected for a farm, the milk and cheese were fresh and delicious, but Winona could still have a little bit because she’s very cute.

Applejack smiled at the filly happily playing with Winona. Yesterday she’d made a point to keep them separated so that, in the case Green was afraid of dogs, she could introduce them in a controlled way. Applebloom must have let Winona inside this morning, but she couldn’t be too mad given the outcome.

So Fluttershy was right. Thought Applejack. Animals really do help with anxiety.

Maybe Green would have been better off with Fluttershy than her? Fluttershy never offered though, and she probably had her own problems to deal with.

Applejack wasn’t quite sure what to do with Green today. She and Big Mac had work to do on the farm, but she didn’t want to leave Green to be watched by Granny, not after what happened last time. There was nothing for it but to bring Green with her. If it was Applebloom she could get her to help with the chores, but with Green’s poor hoof grip and co-ordination she probably wouldn’t be able to do much. Hopefully she wouldn’t be too bored just watching.

“Al’right,” said Applejack, “Since you’re not going to school today, how about you come with me and learn about how to run a farm?”

“That sounds nice,” said Green

If Applejack closed her eyes she could almost imagine Fluttershy was standing in front of her.

“And yer’ not jus’ sayin’ that because you’re ‘fraid to hurt ma feelings?” asked the farm pony.

“If I was, you would know.”

“Ah can’t read yer mind Sweetpea,” Applejack said gently

“Ah’m just not that good at fibbin’,” Green mimicked Applejack’s accent

Applejack raised an eyebrow. The filly tried to copy her, but ended up just raising both her eyebrows. Applejack cracked a smile and ruffled Green’s mane, the filly leaning into her hoof much the way Winona would.

Unlike what I had expected, there was no applebucking involved in today’s activities. I suppose it made sense that they wouldn’t be harvesting every day, but there were few other examples from the show of what the Apples actually did when it wasn’t applebuck season.

As it turned out, for me, there was a lot of walking.

There were cows to be milked, eggs to be collected, fences to be mended and saplings to be watered and cared for. I couldn’t help with much of any of it aside from holding up some fencing wire while Applejack tacked it to the fence posts.

Winona kept pace with us too, and despite being a working dog, she still enjoyed a good game of fetch with her favorite pink ball. When my hoofgrip refused to let go of the ball, fetch turned briefly into tug-of-war, but Winona didn’t seem to mind. After a couple hours of this I started to feel tired again - probably because I woke up so early this morning. Winona had a few goes at trying to nudge me into playing with her more, but was mostly content to just sit with me until Applejack called her.

It was nice to be out in the sun without having to worry about my skin, but there was never quite enough time for me to doze off before we moved to the next job. This body still wasn’t very fit, and I found my legs aching before we even got to lunchtime.

Applebloom came back from school in time to get lunch with us at the farmhouse. School was only ever half-days to give children a chance to play or work on their special talent. With the triple length years I guess that half days were more than enough to cover what foals needed to learn for their primary education. Cheerilee taught younger students in the morning, and older students in the afternoon.

“How was your day at school?” asked Applejack

“It was alright Ah guess,” said Applebloom, “Everypony was talking about Green though.”

“What were they saying?” I asked

“Er, it wasn't very nice,” said Applebloom, “Diamond thinks she got ya kicked outta school. Ya are commin’ back, right?”

“I sure hope not.” I replied. “But realistically yes, they will force me to go back to school eventually.”

“But how will ya learn all the stuff ya haf’ ta know if you don’t go ta school?” Applebloom asked.

“I can read,” I said, “So I’ll just get the textbooks or whatever. I can read faster than Cheerilee can teach anyway.”

“What if ya don’t understand somethin’?”

“Then I’ll read other books that explain it better.”

“Ya really like books, huh?” asked Applebloom. “You should meet Miss Twilight.”

“Princess Twilight?” I asked.

“If’in ya want ta be all fancy it’s ‘Her Royal Highness Princess Twilight’” explained Applejack, “But she don’t like ta be called that outside’a court.”

“Oh,” I said, “Alright.”

“Ah have to get back ta work after lunch,” said Applejack, “But how about you girls take a trip to the library and pick out some books.”

Whether it was because she’d been cooped up in school while I was walking around all morning, or just because the farm filly was so much fitter than me, I was straining to keep up as she led the way through Ponyville. I could tell that she was getting impatient with my pace, and I struggled to control my breathing so it wasn’t obvious how out of shape I was.

I’d never really thought about it before, but after the library tree got destroyed, the Castle of Friendship became the new public library. It was much more imposing in person - in pony? - easily a dozen stories tall with walls several feet thick of partially translucent crystal. Racing up the castle steps after Applebloom there was no hiding the fact that I was well and truly winded.

Rather than being cool as I expected from a solid hunk of crystal, the wall was warm. I could feel the magical field of the wall as I leaned against it to catch my breath, as if the wall were a pony.

“Y’all right?” asked Applebloom

“Yeah... I’m fine, I-” I panted, “The castle is alive.”

“It feels like a tree,” said Applebloom, “But with way more magic. Twilight told us each type of pony experiences the castle’s magic differently. Scootaloo said the castle felt like a storm cloud turned solid.”

I filed that under ‘interesting facts I have no context to understand yet’ and followed Applebloom deeper into the castle.

I don’t know how she knew which door was the library since they all looked the same to me. When we entered I was surprised to see a purple alicorn sitting behind the returns desk.

“Princess Twilight?” I exclaimed.

“Shhhh!” Came the immediate response.

I approached the desk so I could speak at a more library appropriate level.

“I mean, er, your majesty,” I said, “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“It’s ‘your highness’,” said Twilight, “But please, call me Twilight.”

“Oh. Er, sorry.”

“Welcome to Ponyville Library,” said the alicorn princess, “Is there anything I can help you find?”

“Why are you running the library?” I asked. “Don’t you have, like, princess stuff to do?”

Twilight gave a soft, library appropriate giggle.

“I’m not a ruling princess like Celestia and Luna,” explained Twilight, “So no, not really.”

I almost asked if she was bored, but then I remembered that this was Twilight and she was surrounded by a library three stories tall that she no-doubt had the royal prerogative to reshelve as often as she liked.

I almost just asked for a book about magic, but then I realised how dumb that would have been. I’d have to be much more specific, especially with Twilight. The problem was that I didn’t know enough about magic to even know what I was looking for. Beyond that, I probably didn’t have the cultural context to understand what I was reading even if I found it. Alright, let’s try to cover all the bases and see how many books she’ll let me take.

“I’m looking for the shortest history book you can find that covers history from ancient to modern, a book on pony anatomy, a medical dictionary, a first aid manual, a book that covers the fundamentals of magic, a dictionary of magical terms, and a book that gives a brief overview of the history of magic as a field of study.”

Applebloom was looking at me with a raised eyebrow; Twilight practically squee’d with delight as she clasped her front hooves together.

“Oh,” I added, glancing at her wings, “and a book on royal etiquette”

“Wow, that’s a lot of books!” Twilight said, before squinting a little, “Is this for a school project?”

“Nah,” I decided to mess with Twilight a little, “I got kicked out of school.”

Twilight’s look of horror was cut short by Applebloom, who nudged me.

“No ya didn’t.” Applebloom said, before turning to Twilight. “She jus’ takin’ a couple days off from school ta settle in.”

“Of course,” said Twilight, “They said you had a dark sense of humor.”

Naturally, Twilight would think that getting expelled was the darkest thing to joke about.


I felt as if a bucket of ice water had just been poured over the back of my head.

“Who told you that?” I kept my voice even as I struggled to control my breathing

I was suddenly aware of how much taller than me Twilight was, and the silence of the library that had been comforting became unsettling.

I was a little shocked when Applebloom put her fetlock on my withers.

“It’s okay Green,” Applebloom said, “Twilight is a nice pony, she’s not gonna make fun of ya.”

That’s not what I’m afraid of.

I almost said as much until I thought better of it.

What am I afraid of?

“I’m fine.” I said, “I'm just - I was surprised.”

Applejack must have been talking to her about me. Which I guess wasn’t technically a violation of my trust, since she never said she would keep anything between us a secret. I still felt betrayed.

I was looking at the floor and I flinched when purple hooves suddenly appeared in front of me. Twilight had used her wings to leap over the library counter to land in front of me.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said, “I didn’t mean to make you feel anxious!”

“It’s fine.” I said

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

“It’s just my stupid body overeacting.” I continued. “Not your fault.”

“We can go home if ya like.” Applebloom offered

I looked up at Twilight who had an undisguised look of anxiety on her own face.

Damnit, now I was making her feel bad too.

“No.” I said quietly. “We should stay, I still need to get some books, otherwise we came here for nothing.”

Twilight gave a genuine smile. “Now that I can help you with. It’s always good to see fillies who enjoy reading!”

In my panic, I’d forgotten the list of books I’d asked for, but Twilight hadn’t. That pony’s memory must be incredible.

In a series of flashy, but silent, teleports Twilight had a stack of books that came up almost to my shoulder. On the bottom of the stack was a book so broad it could have been used as a doormat by a pony foolish enough to incur Twilight’s wrath. The book was labeled “Greymane’s Anatomy”.

“The history book I picked out for you isn’t the shortest,” Twilight indicated a tome as thick as my hoof, “But Weathered Scroll provides a good summary in the first three chapters, and there’s a timeline in the appendix, so you shouldn’t need to read the whole thing.”

Displaying this kind of detailed knowledge of the books in her library, without even referring to an index, was almost unnerving. Just thinking about how many years it would take to read all those books made it seem impossible, but if Twilight was in her early twenties she could have spent more than fifteen pony years reading books every day. The equivalent of four decades of experience and all while her brain was in a state of constant growth, the best state for learning new things.

“Wow,” I said, “Thanks!”

Or she may just have memorised the best books on common topics. Which was still a hell of a lot of books.

“Normally you would only be allowed to check out five books,” Twilight explained, “But since Applebloom is here too she can check out the other books for you. Oh, and there’s still one more book you can take if Applebloom wants one.”

“Er, no. Ah’m good.” Said Applebloom. “Twilight, how are we even supposed ta carry this many books?”

“Oh! One moment.” Twilight vanished once more in a flash of teleportation, returning with a pair of filly sized saddle bags adorned with her cutie mark.

“These were my bookbags when I was a filly.” Twilight explained. “If you promise to take good care of them, you can borrow them for as long as you like.”

I looked from the saddlebags to the stack of books, noting the great disparity in size.

I tried to raise an eyebrow, but instead just raised both of them while one eye twitched. Twilight seemed to grasp my skepticism regardless.

“They’re enchanted specifically to hold books.” She explained. “Each one can hold a dozen books and keep them protected from damage, and their weight and volume are reduced by a factor of ten.”

Once Twilight had produced the bookbags Green’s earlier anxiety seemed all but forgotten. The filly had examined them in awe as if they were a lost artifact of Starswirl the Bearded, rather than the standard issue bookbags of a student who attended Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. It made Twilight thrilled to see filly so excited about reading. She reminded the Princess of herself as a filly; Rather unfortunately so with the anxiety.

She did however, notice the books the filly had chosen. They weren’t the choices of a curious foal; They made more sense as the choices of an educated, but ignorant, foreigner trying to understand ponies and integrate themselves into pony society.

History, anatomy, and magic. They were all topics a filly might have an interest in, but she didn’t just ask for a book about magic, or the facts of life, as Twilight had almost expected for a unicorn her age. The way she’d asked it was clear she was deliberately avoiding children’s books. At the same time she had preemptively asked for reference materials, meaning she expected to have difficulty understanding them but she knew how to study and was confident in her ability to work through it on her own.

Green’s emphasis on finding ‘brief’ history books meant that she was familiar with how long and dry history books were, but somehow didn’t know enough history to even specify what time period she wanted to know about. Anypony who had the briefest exposure to Equestrian history would have known that their history was divided into the pre-Celestial era and the Celestial era, not ‘Ancient and Modern’.

‘Modern History’ was almost an oxymoron; ‘modern’ being synonymous with ‘contemporary’ or ‘new’. Twilight liked it as a turn of phrase. ‘Modern History’: New history we’re making every day. It’d be a clever name for a newsletter about current events.

Twilight stopped herself short of declaring her theory of the filly’s extra-equestrian origin ‘proven’. She was cognizant of the effects of confirmation bias on her own reasoning. She would have to show this list to somepony else, somepony ignorant of her hypothesis, to see if they reached the same conclusion.

Author's Note:

Chapter art of Winona and Green by Scoundrel Scaramouche

Chapter art of Twilight and Green by Maxxacre (commissions open) and paid for with donations from my readers!

If you want to see more art in this story you can donate to my Ko-Fi.

Let me know in the comments if you have a particular scene you want to be illustrated, or an artist that you recommend. If you ARE an artist and you're reading this, even better! Comment below or DM me a link to your commissions sheet.

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