• Published 17th Jan 2020
  • 543 Views, 1 Comments

Skylanders Fusionators 3: The Island of Huttsgalor - Flameboy

Twilight and the Dragon Skylanders head to a world where vikings ride dragons.

  • ...

The Roost

Dak and Leyla were walking up to their home, an old lighthouse, with the Dragons walking behind them.

Side Note: if dragons is spelled with a capitol "D," then that is referring to the Dragon Battle Class Fusionators. If its spelled with a lowercase "d," then its referring to the dragons on the show.

Back to the story...

"Whoa! You actually live in a lighthouse?" Spike asked as he walks on Dak's left. Where his twin sister walked on her twin brother's right with Ember on her right.

"Yup," Dak shortly answered.

"Its not much, but we made some adjustments here and there; like our zip line, our targets for target practice, and the inside of the our nest," Leyla explained.

"Not bad," Spike said. But a certain light green furred werewolf interjected and stood in front of Spike, Ember, and the twins.

"Not bad?" Its not "not bad," its awesome! A zip line, targets for target practice, and a base of operations. What's not to love? *Looks at the zip line* In fact, do you use that zip line all the time?" Jonathan asked as he looks back at the twins.

"Yes, but, mostly Dak uses it. I'm not nearly as reckless as he is," Leyla answered.

"It's true, but I don't take offense. After all, sometimes, and I will admit, going with my gut does get us into pretty nasty situations such as getting lost in the Maze Caves," Dak started.

"And I admit that sometimes trying to think of a plan also prolongs the danger that soon arrives when we least expect it. In fact, I'd rather take precautions before doing any action," Leyla added.

Twilight Sparkle, in her alicorn form, flew in front of the twins and landed on Jonathan's right. "Amen to that, sister. But, wow! The two of you make a pretty good balance between brains and brawn. Leyla fits in with the brains; Dak fits in with the brawn. Together, you make a great team," Twilight complied.

"Thank you, Twilight," Leyla replied happily.

"Your welcome, Leyla. But may I ask what the targets are for?" Twilight asked.

"They're mostly used for Winger's power blast, Cutter's spike shot and fire blast, and Burple's rock spit," Dak explained.

"And Summer's water breath as well as Aggro's fireballs," Leyla added.

"And not only is this place our base of operations, its also our home," Dak added.

"And what's that place? Saivon Rey asked as he looked at an entrance under the lighthouse.

"Oh, that? That's just the dragon den," Dak answered.

"And since Winger, Summer, and the other three are not outside practicing or eating fish, it's safe to say, they're in there," Leyla added.


Winger, Summer, Cutter, Burple and Aggro were laying on their bellies in a circle around their fire. They were not pleased at all. Ever since they saw the power of Discord's Chaos Magic, they didn't want to speak in front of all Huttsgalorians. Soon, their unpleased faces turn to wide eyed faces as they saw Dak and Leyla opening the doors to their den as they were followed by the Skylanders.

"Guys, why did you leave me and Dak back at the village?" Leyla asked.

Aggro, who laid next to Burple on his right, started to smile sarcastically. "Really? Did you forget that a certain mixed-up magical creature broke the rules of our world?" Aggro asked them with an angry glare.

Discord started to interact. "Now, I'll have you know that it was sooo boring to just let humans hear only roars, screeches, and growls coming from you're mouths. In fact, you should be thanking me," he said as he points his lion thumb to the center of his chest.

Aggro started to stand up quickly with an even more angry face as her scales started to glow bright red, along with her ram-like horns glowing yellow. She flew right into Discord's face. "Thank you?! We have dealt with three bad dragons, Magnus and Axel Finke, and Waldondo Del Mundo twice with Svetlana the Sly, and Erik the Wretched. Three pirates, who tried to steal a Golden Dragon egg that can only be laid every 100 years! So, basically, we handled everything without having our fellow Huttsgalorians be able to hear us talk," she finished and went back to laying beside Burple.

Cutter, who laid on Burple's left, started to speak. "She does have a point. Haha! "Point"! Get it!" He said as he mentioned his spikes. Then, he laughed for a little until he went back to looking serious.

Summer, who laid across from Cutter with a campfire in between them, started to speak her turn. "It's not like we don't want to talk to our friends, like, Chief Duggard, Hannahr, Elbone, Marena--"

"And Finngard and his mom, right, Summer?" Burple pointed out despite interrupting his water-spitting friend.

"Okay, yes, Burple. Them, too. We really do want those guys and gals to hear us talk, but there are SOME that probably don't NEED to hear us talk," Summer said.

"Some? Need? Don't you mean a LOT of pirates and other humans don't DESERVE to hear us talk? I mean, there's Magnus and Axel, Waldondo, Svetlana, Erik, and probably more bad people out there who want to either hunt or steal dragons, or dragon eggs," Cutter pointed out.

Winger, began to speak. "I'm with Cutter on this one," he said. Then Winger flew over the fire and in front of the crowd.

"Really?" Summer asked surprisingly as she lifted her left eyebrow up.

"Yeah. I mean, Magnus tried to get rid of us by accusing Burple of eating the town's prized sheep, Haggis--"

"Which I didn't because he was my friend."

"We know that, Burps. Then, he tried to get rid of Cutter because he thought he was scaring the sheep on the other side of the island because of his firebreath."

"Which, of course, me being the only one on the team who can breathe ACTUAL fire at the time is pretty understandable," Cutter points out once again.

"But it was really me trying to protect the sheep by making a wall of fire to scare away the wolves, which no one thought that wolves would go anywhere to find their prey," Aggro explained. Then she looks at Jonathan, Michael, Savion, and Luke. "No offense to you, Michael, Saivon, and Luke, of course, Jonathan," she said.

"None taken," Jonathan said.

"Then, he tried to replace us by making a Mechano-Dragon," Summer said.

"Mechano-Dragon?" Twilight asked.

"Its one of Magnus's crazy contraptions that always fail in the end," Winger explains.

Fluttershy started to speak as she walks up on Twilight's left. "That's not so bad. As in "always fail in the end" that is, right?" The Elemental Bearer of Kindness asked.

"Of course," Winger answered.

Twilight and Fluttershy started smiling. But then Summer came walking up on Winger's right side and laid down next to him.

"That was the case indeed. However...?" she pauses in suspense as she looks at Winger and he looks back at her.

Twilight and Fluttershy dropped their smiles.

Winger sighs deeply. "However, that was until we discovered that this ONE invention of his... actually seemed to work," he said.

"How so?" Smolder asked.

"The first time he built the Mechano-Dragon, he made it so that when piloted, thanks to his nephew, Axel, he managed to make that hunk of junk fly and pick stuff up with its retractable legs," Summer told them.

Cutter got up and walked over to Winger's left and laid down beside him while Burple flies over next to Cutter. Aggro flied over onto Summer's right.

"It was so heartbreaking to see that sight that it made me say, and I quote, "It kinda felt like... Huttsgalor didn't need us anymore," Aggro recited the words she used in S2-EP3: Mechano Dragon.

(Seriously, if you have NOT watched the show, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you do BEFORE READING THIS STORY. It's on Netflix if you have it or not).

"Oh! My," Fluttershy said with one of her familiar one-liners.

Twilight however retraced Summer's words back a little. "Wait. "First time"? You mean he's made more?" She asks.

"Indeed. Well, he made two versions of it. Mechano-Dragon 1.0 was red, yet it was gone forever. I mean, we had to save Axel by removing him from the unstable contraption as it flew away, never to be seen again," she explained.

Cutter butted in. "Until it came back and trashed not only our good luck lanterns, but all of the Huttsgalorians' good luck lanterns. All of us were so mad that Magnus created an invention that not only was supposed to do our jobs, but also by ruining one of Huttsgalor's traditions. Funny to me, at least when he ran away scared. I still can't believe Chief Duggard made him chief for a day. Man, the look on Magnus's face as he realized he messed up at the Spring Festival. Oh! Which reminds me, Huttsgalor has TONS of festivals. Even a festival of all the festivals," he finished.

"Then, when I was molting, which I can only molt at a hot place to shed off my old scales, Magnus made ANOTHER Mechano-Dragon. This time, it had a suit of armor made with belzium, a purple rock that can withstand super hot heat like the lava on Volcano Island."

"Wait! You were molting inside one of the most deadliest places to sightsee in the history of the world? Respect," Jonathan said as he beat against his chest/heart twice with his right paw at the end of his sentence.

"Thanks. Also, the Mechano-Dragon 2.0 had longer claws, and, surprisingly, not all parts of the invention was covered in belzium. The nuts and bolts weren't even covered in belzium. Good thing Burple saved me from getting a little too hot," Aggro explained.

"Everyone didn't want to burn, and I didn't want to burn either, but Aggro was in trouble and I was the only one who got more close to her than Winger," Burple said. "With some help by carrying two baskets of snow, as well as filling up all of my four stomachs to the brim with fluffy, yet, cold snow. My stomachs didn't agree with what I ate, but like I said earlier, yet again, "anything for Aggro."

"Wow. Talk about major brain-freeze, heehee," Michael joked with his right paw on the left side of his snout.

"You have no idea," Burple replied

"How DID you get close to her anyhow, darling?" Rarity asked.

"When Magnus's Mechano-Dragon broke apart due to the bolts being fried, we decided that one of us should go in there to rescue Aggro. Soooo, I volunteered to do it even though I didn't want to. But, Aggro was in there, so I had to do it because I was the only one to get close enough because I'm a Rockspitter. So, Leyla told me to eat three clumps of ore with a terrible taste, but it was worth it, because Belzium was highly magnetic to a certain type of ore. So, the parts from the Mechano-Dragon became a suit of armor for me. Then, I rushed in to save Aggro. As soon as I rescued her, I flew as fast as I could until I couldn't fly anymore," Burple explained.

Twilight and the girls started to gasp in shock.

"Good thing a steam of black smoke erupted and hit us, mainly me because it gave me the boost to finish molting and be able to carry Burple. Good things always happen to a dragon when they finish molting because it increased my size a little and greatly increased my strength to carry Burple out of there. It even increased my firepower," Aggro added.

Twilight and her friends sighed in relief.

"Anyhow, we also discovered that strange things had happened, such as look-a-like spikes that resembled Cutter's, an area in the woods with fire everywhere, and even our targets were missing. But when we got to the village, we discovered that Magnus has rebuilt the Mechano-Dragon yet again. And we also discovered that the new Mechano-Dragon 3.0, or the Mechano-Multi-Dragon, was behind the random spikes in town, the fire in the woods, and our missing targets," Summer explained.

"He took a certain key element of our dragon nature and put them in his machine. Which, by the way, was now covered with belzium armor with both a long neck, a long tail, and walks on all fours. But that's beside the point. For example, he stole my spike shot ability," Cutter said.

"He stole my fireballs," Aggro added.

"He also stole my water breath," Summer added as well.

"And he stole my rock-spitting ability," Burple added the last part.

"He stole our powers so that he could easily replace us," Summer said. "He even used our targets to show off its moves which were OUR moves in front of the whole village, including Chief Duggard. I was all "H2-Oh, no he didn't," she finished.

"Luckily, we wanted to prove that it wasn't better than us by holding a competition over at the ravine filled with hot geysers we call "Boiling Springs Valley." I raced Axle as he piloted it, but lost because I didn't want to fry myself; even if I'm a Firefury," Aggro pointed out.

Cutter went next.

"After Axle won and Aggro lost, Chief Duggard, after realizing that Boiling Springs Valley was dangerous, said that there should be a sign to tell others to stay away. But we all thought that it would be a good idea to just cause a blockade in the form of a rockslide. Which Magnus boasted yet again that his "metal dragon" can easily create the avalanche. But, he figured that all of our special powers cannot cause a rockslide. But on the night after showing his latest invention with our stolen powers, and when Dak told him about Winger's Power Blast, he became stumped when he realized that his prized invention didn't have that "special" skill. I mean, who can stop a dragon with the power of lightning like our buddy, Winger, am I right? But what really happened that night, was when Magnus made an antenna to attract a bolt of lightning; a living, unstable force of nature with a box to contain it," he explained. Then, Summer went next.

"We actually discovered that he went to extremely, yet dangerous measures to copy Winger's Power Blast the next day when it started going on a rampage, causing damage all over our home. After discovering that Winger's Power Blast couldn't take it down, and figuring out that combining our powers (except for Winger) was the key to destroying Magnus's crazy invention, Magnus knew he didn't want to be there with everyone staring at him and Axle, so the two ran off. Talk about feeling embarrassed, let alone feel humiliated yet again," Summer explained and jested.

Winger continued.

"Then, one day, with a special event called the "Game of Horns," Chief Duggard had to temporarily give up his crown and title to see if he could win yet again to remain chief," Winger said.

"Actually, he explained that he was lucky enough to get his first win due to his fellow competitor getting sick after tasting his cooking, hehe," Cutter chuckled. "But... even if he was lucky enough to win in a weird way, he has been taking care of Huttsgalor and his fellow Huttsgalorians like a true chief. I say that because I'm his favorite dragon, he even said that when I was found innocent when Aggro was inducted into the Rescue Riders," he said which caused Winger, Summer, Aggro, and Burple to raise their eyebrows. Cutter looked left and right. "Then again, we're all his favorite dragons because of the many times we have saved Huttsgalor, hehe," he awkwardly giggled a little.

"Well, hail to the chief. If that's not a true chief, then I don't what it is. Good thing his competitors knew he would have no trouble winning again," Jonathan said.

"That was the case, especially since two of the friendly competitors were none other than Fainting Otil and Elbone," Aggro said.

"Elbone was in the competition?" Ember asked.

"Yep. But you won't believe who else was in the competition," Aggro stated in dreaded hope.

"Was it that cute human boy, Finngard?" Fluttershy asked as she placed her hooves on her face as it puckered up like she was about to kiss a baby.

"Think "meaner"-- a LOT "meaner," Aggro pointed out.

"No way! Magnus was one of the competitors?!" Saivon asked defiantly with his arms crossed.

"You would think that after nearly destroying Huttsgalor so many times, he'd be banned from entering that contest," Shiny states.

"Yeah, but they allowed him anyway. Especially, when he entered with both Axle and his Mechano-Dragon," she pointed out yet again.

"Brawk! That's cheating! Especially with the Mechano-Dragon!" Shiny shouted.

"We thought so, too. But guess what? The rulebook said that any competitor can have the aid and support from his family members and there were no rules against having a Mechano-Dragon," she finished. "Especially since there were never Mechano-Dragons in the past," she added her final sentence.
(Don't worry, she won't stop talking later on in the chapter).

"Well, that's just crappie. Even if there was a rule that you can get aid from your family members, that shouldn't at least fit with Magnus," Michael pointed. "If I had help with my family, I would at least ask them to let me do this by myself."

Cutter went next.

"Um, no offense, Mike, but aren't your bandmates and the Extreme Squad technically your family?" He asked.

"Well, duh. But I can at least have their support if I was in any competition, such as the Game of Horns. But, I wouldn't be the chief. Believe me, I would act more like a tyrant if I had won and had that kind of power. So, it be best if I help someone else become the true king rather than some guy who relies on machines rather than living beings, like Magnus."

"Well said, Michael. Well said," Jonathan said as he placed his left paw onto the sky blue-colored werewolf's right shoulder.

"Thanks, buddy," Michael replied back.

"So, what else happened that day?" Luke asked.

Summer went on to tell him and the others. "Well, Luke, Leyla decided that in order to help Duggard was to tell him to adopt her and Dak, and the rest of us."

"Wow! Really?" Michael asked.

"Mhm. We even got together for a group hug after Leyla went on to talk about how he could win the competition with help from us. But... he just quickly said "yes"; implying that he sees us as his kin when we risk our lives to protect Huttsgalor," Summer said.

"Then we heard sniffling while we were all hugging, and thought it would be Burple," Aggro started.

"Which I said it wasn't," he stated.

"Then we discovered that it was Cutter who was crying," she finished.

"What? No, I didn't. I told you, I had something in my eye," Cutter rejected.

"Really, Cutter? Then what about the time you were worried sick for Sizzle; the baby Slobbering Smelter, the acid-drooling dragon when you wanted him gone in the first place?" She asked.

"Fine, I can be sentimental, sometimes. But to tell you the truth, I discovered he treated me as his mommy because I was colored yellow like a Yellow Tail Pike; his favorite type of food just like me, remember?"

Aggro thought about it and came with a conclusion. "Hmmm, fair point," she said.

"Then, we were helping Duggard win first at every event. Like me when I used a Power Blast at the stump of the tree to knock a lot of apples out from the top," Winger said. "But that was the second event. The first one was rock hurling."

After Winger said that, Burple started to blush.

Spyro went next.

"You know, as someone who can also spit rocks, you probably had it in the bag, Burple," he compliment.

"Thanks for the compliment, Spyro. Buuuut....," he started awkwardly.

Cynder walked up on Spyro's right.

"What's wrong, Burple?" She asked sincerely.

"Even, though, I'm a dragon, and not a chicken, I actually chickened out in the third event," he said.

"Third event"? I thought you said that rock hurling was the first one, Winger?" She asked.

Summer spoke up. "Actually, the Game of Horns started off with Archery, which Duggard said he was good at it. But, when Duggard started his turn, Magnus told Axel to move the Mechano-Dragon's head to the right so that a ray of sunshine would cause Duggard to stagger as he was about to shoot," she explained.

"(Growls Tiger-like)Those dirty, low-life, cheating scoundrels," Jonathan growled with his arms crossed.

"Luckily, before Duggard was almost close to shooting his arrow, he tried to hold on, which it gave me time to fly over between Duggard and Magnus and Axle,(mostly Magnus and Axle); covering the sun with my body so that Duggard could fire his arrow properly without being sabotaged," she explained. "Luckily, he managed to hit the edge at the bottom of the center of the target. But then Magnus told Axle to pull a lever to fire an arrow from the mouth of the wannabe dragon, which hit the center of the target," she added.

"Despite there's no rule against a Mechano-Dragon, I still call it cheating, especially if Magnus wasn't so full of himself that he could've operated the machine himself," Jonathan said with his arms crossed like Saivon's.

"True. But just like you said, he would still be "cheating." I may have a magic infused robot hand-slash-paw, but even I know I'm not dumb enough to stoop down to Magnus's level to cheat when I'm in a competition," Saivon said as he still had his arms crossed.

"Since Otil, who we just called the "fainting guy", well, "fainted" before the event started and was quickly removed from competition, Elbone was the only one left to fire his arrow at his target. But, he was probably scared that he would accidentally hurt someone, so he gave a little arrow shot, which proved to be weak, then he tried asking asking for a do-over."

"Soooo, did he get a do-over? Pinkie Pie asked.

Summer shook her head to the left and right once. "You can only get one shot, but Elbone was still in the game, but didn't get a point. At least he tried, though. Duggard, however, was lucky to get a point thanks to me for helping him by blocking the sun from his eyes. Then, the second event was Tree Climbing. Duggard couldn't get a grip on his tree, Elbone was climbing so well, that after seeing that Duggard couldn't climb, Elbone got a little too cocky, and lost his grip, and fell back to the ground. He tried his best yet again, at least, but it still didn't give him a point."

"To be honest, if Elbone managed to do everything so well, and got more points than Duggard and Magnus, wouldn't he at least be a good chief, considering that he likes you the same as the other vikings?" Applejack asked.

"You know, Applejack is right, Dak. Even if Elbone somehow did manage to make more points than Duggard and Magnus, he shares the same love for our dragons just like Duggard himself, Hannahr, Marena, Finngard, Finngard's mother, even along with the other villagers. So, I guess, in a weird way, Elbone would probably be a good chief just like Duggard until the next Festival of Festivals and Game of Horns in next four years," Leyla pointed.

Everyone, except for Dak and Leyla, and their dragons, started staring at them with their eyes opened widely.

"Four years?!" They all exclaimed.

"Well, we do have so many festivals on this island, so yeah," Dak shortly pointed out which everyone accepted.

"Back to the Tree Climbing Event, Jonathan, you can probably guess how Magnus managed to win," Summer said.

"Let me guess, did Magnus stood like a tree, pull his arms out so that Axle; the one piloting the dragon, would pick him up, fly him up to the top of the tree and drop him at the top, ultimately winning another point?" He questioned the Fastfin.

Summer was dumbfounded. "Uh, yes, that's exactly what happened. How did you know that?"

"In the world of Dragonia, we tribal werewolves have the power to look into one's memories or others at the same time to see their memories, secrets, and when they're lying. Believe me when I say, "it's unwise, very unwise, to lie to a tribal werewolf." And how we can use this special, tactical power, is with one sniff from our noses," he explained. "Besides, me, Michael, Saivon and Luke, used it earlier, just when we first met when we came to save you and your entire village from those Slinkwings," he finished explaining.

Aggro spoke up. "Wait, you mean to tell us, that you smelled our memories earlier, and didn't think to tell us before we started explaining our troubles?" She asked her scales started to glow brighter and her horns glowing yellow.

"To be fair, you didn't ask," Jonathan pointed out with his right index finger. "And we thought it would be fair if you told your troubles yourself."

Aggro started to glow less brighter, indicating that she was calming down.

"I guess that's a fair point," she said.

"Ahem! Back to the Game of Horns, there was another event you probably know is where we first teamed up with Duggard," Summer said.

"The Rock Hurling Event, right? Spyro asked.

"Yes. The same event we know that Burple would do GREAT, but didn't do anything," she said which cause everyone to ponder on what she meant by that.

Cynder started to look at Burple. "What did she mean by that, Burple?" She asked.

"Earlier that day, we were practicing on how to expect the unexpected by shooting targets of red, blue, orange, green, and purple. I was the first to go when Dak unexpectedly told me to shoot the purple target by saying "Burple, Purple!", but wasn't ready; meaning I don't work well under pressure, and both Dak and Leyla demonstrated with the others and told me to try and shoot one of them at a time, but I couldn't aim right; couldn't hit any of the targets. Which was what led me to skipping the event that was right up my alley," Burple explained.

"Dude, that's why you didn't want to help? Brother, I feel the same way because I'm not good at multi-tasking all the time, which puts me under pressure," Jonathan stated.

Spike went next. "I felt that way too when I felt super nervous that I couldn't breathe fire at the opening ceremony for the Equestria Games because I had to breathe fire in front of thirty-thousand Crystal Ponies. But, I discovered that my fire only comes out when I'm determined. Seeing that huge crowd of ponies and griffins that day - made me believe that I would let everybody down. Then, I embarrassed myself by singing the Crystal Empire's Anthem."

"What was wrong with that?" Burple asked.

"Shining Armor, both Twilight's big brother, and my big adoptive brother, announced that I was supposed to sing the Cloudsdale Anthem since it was the Wonderbolts; a group of talented flyers who also served as the protectors of Equestria, who actually won the first game event. I was so confused and so shocked, that I was like, "Wait! The Cloudsdale Anthem?!" He told me that they play the anthem of who won the first event of a flying relay race. And there was a big problem: I didn't know the God-darned lyrics!" he explained with his voice risen a little.

Winger went next. "Why did you think singing would help you feel better?"

Spike looks at Twilight on his right. He started to glare at her.
"Do you wanna tell them? Or should I?"

Twilight sighed depressingly. "During the Equestria Games, Unicorn Magic was prohibited while the Games were on thanks to a Magic Disabling spell. However, it didn't apply for Alicorns, such as myself along with Celestia, Luna, or even Cadence. When Spike was having trouble starting the Games, I did something that I didn't want to, yet, somehow did for Spike's sake: I broke the rule of using magic."

Winger and others, including Dak and Leyla, became shocked after hearing what she just said.

Discord spoke up. "(Ooh) Oooohh! I didn't know there was a rule breaker inside you, Twilight. Who knew you had it in you," he gloated.

"It's not something I take pride in doing, but I couldn't just stand there seeing Spike having some trouble in front of everyone, including our friends. So, I made sure that no one was watching and covered the left side of my horn and... *sighs depressingly*... I.. lit the the giant torch that Spike was supposed to lit himself. And after thinking he had the power to "create fire"... with his mind, I had to stop his silly imagination by telling him he couldn't. He asked me how to explain how he did it in front of thousands and thousands of ponies, which I stopped him there; telling him that I did it - I lit the fire for him in front of thousands and thousands of Crystal Ponies, including our friends, and the other teams. Especially that one team filled with griffons. All I know is that I broke his spirit... and his trust."

Cutter spoke up. "Woooow, that was.... very cruel of you to do, Twilight."

"I know. I learned that the hard way. But, despite that I secretly broke the rule to not use magic to cheat, the rule was that I couldn't use my magic DURING the games. The games couldn't even start without the opening ceremonial torch being lit. Even though I broke his trust, I at least helped him get through the beginning of it with my magic."

Spike started to smile. Then, he looks back at Burple.

"So basically, Burple, many of us here had to work terribly under pressure. But who took your place in the Rock Hurling Event?" Spike asked.

"Cutter did. And actually, it's called "Rock Tossing."

"Oh, that makes a lot of sense and is much better than rock hurling."

Cutter spoke up. "Despite the fact that he lied into weaseling out of the event, I was lucky enough to use a move I got from me and Burple's friends, the Flyhoppers of Flyhopper Island. So, I grabbed a shovel, placed it under a rock, flew high into the sky and back down; adding my weight to the handle that gave a power boost to my throw; ultimately winning us a point when it went farther than Magnus and Axle's rock."

Winger went next. "Then, at the next event, Duggard had to perform a dance after Elbone and Magnus. Elbone started, and he seemed to do good with his supposedly male rock, Rocky."

"Haha! I get it! "Rocky"! Pfft, ahahah! Because he's a rock!" Jonathan laughed uncontrollably until he caught himself by clearing his throat. "Please, continue," he said as he uncrossed his arms, placed his right paw on his heart, and his left paw out to Winger.

"Elbone, while he started the game event, was wearing a fancy hat as he was carrying Rocky, and a red cape."

"Just like the Tango," Twilight said.

"So, that's what its called in your world. Well, he started off good, which everyone started to like a little, until three seconds later, Magnus and Axel scared him off so that Magnus performed some kind of machine-like dance move that seemed to get everyone to feel shocked and confused. After that, Duggard started to tap his feet on the ground as he performed a classic viking dance. But, it was making his fellow Huttsgalorians feel sick, since he had a little bit of stage fright. But that was quickly cured when me and Dak joined in, which it wasn't embarrassing since we both wanted to help and joining the dance help boosted the Chief's confidence. Then, there was that Sculpturing event, which we didn't help."

"Why didn't you help him in that event?" Garble asked.

"Because that event was Duggard's specialty. Elbone created a weird object while Magnus created a sculpture.... of his head."

"Figures he would do that. That viking is so full of himself," Smolder said with her arms crossed.

"But the winner was Duggard, especially when he created a podium with the town's prized sheep, Haggis. It was even bigger than both Elbone and Magnus's sculptures. Duggard said that being the chief is his job, while making sculptures is his passion," Winger explained.

"Everyone needs a hobby," Discord said.

Summer went next. "Then, there was the Fishing Event, and you won't believe who won that event," she proclaimed.

"Who?" Twilight asked.

"Elbone," she answered. "After all, he is amazingly good at fishing, which is why he's the town's best fisherman. But, he didn't seem too excited to finally get a point, considering that he treats his specialty like a curse and would rather do a different job to get away from fishing. I mean, while the event was going on, he just sat on the dock, looking depressed and frustrated; because he hates fish," Summer explained.

"What? Why would he hate fish? Everyone else in the village loves fish; why not him?" Shiny asked.

"Because the villagers don't mind the slimy taste or the stinky smell that comes from fish. But, Elbone, however, does seem to mind the feeling and taste of fish as well as the smell. Anyway, when he won his first point, he quickly cheered; saying that it was "anyone's game." But that all turned for the worst when he discovered that both Duggard with us, and Magnus with Axel, were tied with more points than him. Elbone said it "wasn't anyone's game", and he dropped out of the entire event," she explained.

"Wow. I actually feel bad for Elbone. He tried so hard to earn a point and when he finally does get a point, he quickly drops out, knowing that he couldn't win," Saivon said.

"Finally, it was time for the final event; The Race of Doom," Summer explained.

"Race of Doom?" Smolder asked.

"It's a one-lap race from here, through a side of a mountain with tangle vines that have a mind of their own, through Boiling Springs Valley, through a frozen river, and back to Huttsgalor," she explained.

Winger went next. "Duggard offered to go alone as he thanked us for getting him that far in the competition, until Leyla told him that Magnus was running while inside the Mechano-Multi-Dragon. So, he gladly took her offer to take one of us to ride on during the race."

"I can see myself as not a good choice to ride on since I'm covered in spikes literally from head to tail," Cutter explained. "But none of us, including Dak and Leyla, could move, even Summer for crying out loud, when we were stuck in hardened Slinkwing goo. But we discovered that it was quickly hardened thanks to a certain viking, who used liquidized belzium to make it harden faster," he said.

The Fusionators could tell who it was.

"Magnus! Of course he would do something like that," Jonathan snarled.

Aggro started to speak. "But he didn't waste any of it on Burple; because he knew that Burple was the slowest member of the Rescue Riders both in the air, and on land. No offense, Burple," she said quickly not to offend her friend.

"None taken. After all, it is true. I am slow both on land, and in the air. Duggard went alone to try and catch up to Magnus and Axel. However, thanks to Leyla, who got out of the goo because only her boots were stuck in it, gave me confidence that I can help win the race. The others gave me confidence, too, telling me that they don't think that I'm the worst dragon. So, with Leyla, we raced through the forest and managed to catch up to Duggard, who quickly understood that my speed is just like my normal speed, and helped give me confidence as well. Then, we raced past the tangle vines, tried to get through Boiling Springs Valley without getting, well, boiled, which Magnus just waited as he and Axel watched the three of us jump back and forth from the geysers," he explained which caused the four werewolves to growl like tigers as well as everyone else. "Then, when we reached the frozen river, Magnus, with help from Axel pulling another lever, caused the Mechano-Multi-Dragon to pull out its claws to stick to the ice, while the three of us were sliding uncontrollably. Even when we got to the last part of the race, which we slide all the way because of the ice, we could see Magnus a few feet away from the finish line."

"But, when we were at the finish line with every other viking, Magnus was boasting and had a list of things he wanted to get off his chest," Cutter said.

"Then, after Leyla told me to look at the boulder of belzium that almost destroyed the town if not for me, I went back on to what Leyla said and for the second time ever I got an idea. So, I told both Leyla and Duggard to get off my back so I could roll up into a ball and roll down the mountain to gain incredible speed, which I tumbled over the Mechano-Dragon, then Magnus almost won the race when he tried jumping for it, but at least he wasn't athletic. So, I purposely rolled over on top of Magnus and voila, I won the race and entire event," Burple explained in happiness.

The Mane6, the werewolves, and the Dragons started clapping.

"Great job, Burple!" Ember cheered.

"I love the part where you tumbled onto Magnus to win the race," Garble said as he chuckled.

"Serves him right for being a coward and a cheater, as well as a liar," Smaug said.

"If there was another Game of Horns, and Magnus and Axel were using the Mechano-Dragon again, believe me when I say, that those two cowards will fear the name of "Skylanders," Rainbow Dash promised.

Winger, liking her confidence, started to reply in happiness. "I like your enthusiasm, and thanks," he accepted.

Then, everyone heard three knocks coming from behind the Fusionators.

"Dak! Leyla! You in there? Are Winger, Summer, Cutter, Burple and Aggro alright?" The chief of Huttsgalor asked from outside the Dragon Den.

Then, they heard a Scottish woman with a little ruff voice. "They haven't come down with anything from their encounter with the Slinkwings, have they?" Hannahr asked.

Finally, they heard one more voice that sounded cool with a friendly vibe coming it. "If so, I can go fishing for some fish until they feel better. Maybe some Yellow Tail Pike for Cutter?" Elbone asked.

As soon as he said that, Cutter stood right up, smiling at the near mention of Yellow Tail Pike. He was about to say the species of fish until he was getting looked at by the depressed faces of his fellow dragons. Then, he sat back down with a depressed face of his own.

Author's Note:

The next chapter will be a follow-up to this one.