• Published 17th Jan 2020
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Skylanders Fusionators 3: The Island of Huttsgalor - Flameboy

Twilight and the Dragon Skylanders head to a world where vikings ride dragons.

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Golden Dragons and Dragon Classes

The Rescue Riders, along with the Dragons, Twilight and her friends, all go down to the village of Huttsgalor to go get supplies to help with rebuilding the town. The Rescue Riders insisted that they all walk slowly, much to Rainbow's demise.
On their way down, Shiny ran in front and walked beside Dak and Leyla on their right.

"Escuse me, Dak and Leyla, but what else did you do here? Aggro mentioned something about a Golden Dragon. What IS a Golden Dragon, anyway?" Shiny asked.

"Well, if I remember correctly, Waldondo Del Mundo gave us a map that also holds a riddle to find out where Gemma was. That's the name of the Golden Dragon, by the way," she said.

"First, we had to deal with Erik the Wretched, seems bad to the bone at first, but when he tried to broker a deal with us, he actually sounded like a gentleman. Winger and Summer were our bodyguards, but we told Cutter, Burple, and Aggro to stay in the air, hovering over us in case when things go hairy, which it did after we told Erik that we wouldn't help him and his crew steal the egg. He ordered his crew to fire two nets onto both Winger and Summer. Good thing the two managed to find a way out. But then, Erik took his crew into a cave with gold painted at the entrance. Unknown to him that it was a path filled with booby traps," he explained.

"Next, we had to find a way to get to Gemma ourselves, after me and Summer had to discuss what was truly golden. She believed that a path with flowers would lead us to the next clue while I suggested that we took the one that was silent. After all, silence is golden, which at least Aggro would tell me sometimes," Cutter explained.

"Well, I did say before that I have said that... a lot," Aggro added.

"But Summer said that my observation wasn't "logical" enough for her, so, Leyla suggested that we split up, after she made a copy of the map and the riddle, of course. Summer went inside the start of her flower path and took Leyla and Burple with her, while I took Winger, Dak, and Aggro in my path of peace and quiet. But, while we were going down my path, we ran into an army of bugs, which you can't believe, just like the rest of us, that our Winger, was afraid of bugs," he said with a chuckle afterwards with Aggro, surprisingly following with him in his laughs.

"Hey! I said they freak me out," Winger said with a little defiance in his tone as he defended himself.

"Wait, the tough leader of the Rescue Riders, is afraid of a tiny insect?" Summer said as she started laughing with Leyla, Burple, and the Skylanders.

"Not you guys, too," he said with disappointment. "Besides, there was more than one," Winger pointed out.

Next, they all decided to wait as they got the supplies and started helping all over Huttsgalor. Spike ordered Discord to remove his magic as they helped all around Huttsgalor. Afterwards, they went back to The Roost. They all sat around a campfire, and continued telling their story.

"Turns out, just like certain types of bugs, they love light, which we had a big light in the form of Aggro. I told her to "light up the night" so that the three of us could pass them. Then, we helped Aggro as we lit another lantern and threw it to where she stood, right after she dimmed her glowing body down all the way, of course. Finally, we reached a dead end and discovered that Summer, Leyla and Burple caught up to us. Turns out we discovered that both of our paths were correct and found a secret room. But it was empty, and then we met Svetlana the Sly as she used a giant magnet made out of belzium to trap us since we worn belzium buckles."

"You know, in retrospect, there should be a time and place for the seven of you to wear buckles made entirely out of highly magnetic metal," Jonathan said.

"Yeah, but then, Svetlana was slightly upset when she didn't see anything in the room just like ourselves. But before she came back, we had to hide the map. Good thing we had a Boulder Class dragon with four stomachs, otherwise, she would have gotten one step closer to finding Gemma and her egg," Leyla said.

"Uh, quick question," Saivon started with his right paw held up. "-why would those two pirates want a dragon egg anyway?"

"Actually, there were three pirates, because surprise, surprise, Waldondo tricked us into helping him by leading him closer to Gemma," Cutter said.

"Wow. Let me guess, "every pirate for him or herself"? Saivon asked.

"Yeah. That's exactly what Waldondo said. How did you-- Wait; did you smell that in our memories, too?" Cutter asked.

"No. It's just that the Tribal Werewolf Pirates... are actual pirates," Saivon said.

"You're pirates, too?! I thought it was just a band name for you four," Leyla said.

"Well, it is our band name. But we ain't like THOSE pirates. We're the types whose crimes of piracy are by means of stealing gold and food from the rich to give to the poor," Saivon explained.

"Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I want to be a pirate, too -- help steal from the rich to give to those who desperately need it for survival," Dak said.

"But we already do that, Dak. Except for stealing that is. Wait, you four don't steal dragon eggs, do you?" She asked.

"What?! Are you crazy?! We never steal dragon eggs to get rich, or worse, eat them. In our world, tribal werewolves are "Dragon's Best Friend." We even consider them as our brothers and sisters," Jonathan explained.

"We would rather die than betray a dragon. After all, the four of us were born in the Year of the Dragon, which gives us our Dragon DNA," Mike explained, too.

"Awww, you werewolves aren't monsters. You're just noble and loyal teddy bears... with claws and fangs, of course," Leyla said.

"Why, thank you. You're not so bad yourself. But, please, continue your story," Jonathan told them politely.

"But first, to answer your question, Saivon, the three pirates wanted to steal the golden egg so that they could get rich," Leyla explained.

"Wow, they are truly monsters," Saivon replied.

Soon Cutter went back to telling the story.

"After Svetlana and her pirate crew left, we escaped thanks to Leyla sending them after Erik and Burple freeing us from the magnet by using his neat rock-spitting technique to hit all our belzium buckles."

"Like I said before, I practiced," Burple said shortly after.

"But then, we discovered that Waldo wanted to steal the egg himself and used the magnet to pull the clumps of belzium off the ceiling and trapped us. Then, after minutes of trying to use our spine shots, power blasts, water blasts, fire blasts, and rock-spitting, I discovered we needed to blast the window. Then, shortly after that, even when Burple shot a rock at the count of "two", we counted to "three" once again, and blasted our way out and flew into the sky to catch up to the pirates," he finished.

Winger went next. "Then, as we flew into the sky in hopes of reaching the pirates and stealing back our map, even though it was really Svetlana's map that Waldo stole in the first place, Leyla thought that since Cutter was on edge as he helped us figure out the all clues, that he should be the one to lead us to the Golden Dragon," he explained.

"Wow! What an honor that was, Cutter. Surely, you must've accepted it," Spike said.

"Actually, I didn't want to accept it since I was the prankster of the group, not exactly into leading."

"Winger tried to encourage him, but it didn't work. But, after I told him that he could basically boss us around, he thought I was pranking him until he recessed the role shortly after and decided to lead us on the mission to save Gemma," Burple explained.

"After my plan to get them to attack each other worked as we stole back the map, we continued our hunt for the Golden Dragon. Despite what I just said, it was more of a search for Gemma and protect her egg. But in order to do that, we needed to find a beast we least expected to help lead us to the next riddle on the map,"Cutter said.

"And believe me, the sheep were not friendly when I discovered that their hugs were starting to hurt," Burple said.

"Then, while we trying to escape, the map was loose in the wind until it was on a cliff between me and a sheep that was on the cliff eating grass. We had a showdown as we both raced to get the map. Luckily, before the sheep could eat it, I slid in front of it as I got the map, and jumped onto Winger," Dak explained.

"After we fled from the baa-ad sheep," Cutter started to joke. "- we came across a beast that was truly unexpected: a pack of golden wolves."

The Tribal Werewolf Pirates started to stare wide-eyed at Cutter with everyone else until they all went back to looking at Cutter normally.

"Wait, golden wolves? Actual golden wolves," Twilight asked.

"Well... no. In truth, their fur color was a mixture between light brown and yellow. So, yeah. They were golden wolves," he answered.

"We tried to figure out which beast would expect us the least, which of course, I believed it wouldn't be wolves to help us," Burple said.

"Burps was right about the wolves we faced in the past. But, after him and everyone else flew into the sky before me, I stopped my wings and looked behind me as I started to wonder," Cutter said.

"Wonder about what?" Fluttershy asked the Relentless Razorwing.

"I wondered if the beast we expected the least to help us find the golden dragon... was the pack of golden wolves," he said.

"I told Cutter to fly away but he insisted that he stayed on the ground with the pack of ravenous wolves," Dak said.

"But then Cutter asked what the riddle was. Which, of course, I recited the riddle saying that we needed to find a beast that we "expected the least" to help," Leyla quoted

"So, there I was standing, staring at the wolves as one came running to me. But, I think it's best if you all can see what happened next. Discord?" He asked the Lord of Chaos.

"I thought you'd never ask," Discord said as he snapped his lion finger and thumb, and soon, a yellow outlined portal appeared showing Cutter and the wolf running at him.

They saw Cutter staring at the wolf for a little, and then he turned his head to the right with his eyes closed, and his teeth bared as he started to whine in fear. Everyone started to gasp at what they thought was going to happen as the wolf came closer. Hearing the sound of the running paws drew more closer caused Cutter to whine in fear again. But, then the wolf running towards Cutter stopped.

"Huh?!" The Fusionators said.

Then, the menacingly grinning wolf opened its mouth....

....and licked the left side of Cutter's face.

The Fusionators were shocked. Even Jonathan, Michael, Saivon and Luke were surprised.

After feeling a wet substance touch his face, Cutter said: "Huh?", and then looks at the wolf standing in front of him as he barked friendly as the others had their tongues out as one had his rump raised while he wagged his tail.

Smiling that his wondering question was answered, he looks back at and the others. He then tells Burple that the sheep may not have hugged him, but tells him that he thinks that the wolf just kissed him. "That sheep may not have hugged you, Burps. But I think this wolf just kissed me," Past Cutter said.

Everyone else saw the past Rescue Riders enjoying the company of friendly wolves.

"Whad'ya know? "Man's best friend"," Jonathan said. Next, the Skylanders saw the wolves telling the Riders to follow them and finally lead them to the location of the Golden Dragon. Then, they saw the Rider's pastselves solving a puzzle with pictures of dragons and strange symbols.

"Umm, excuse me, Leyla, what kinds of dragons are those? And what are those symbols?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, we'll get to those soon. Cutter?" Leyla said.

Cutter went back to telling the story. He told them that after solving the puzzles, they finally got to meet Gemma the Golden Dragon. Cutter had ask the Lord of Chaos to show them a picture of Gemma... and then the Lord of Chaos wondered what kind of breath attack she used.

Twilight had to ask about that.

"Umm, is that... glitter?" She asked.

Aggro started to take it from there. "Yep. I had the same reaction to her "golden blast"," she said.

"Golden blast?" She asked.

"Gemma was kinda in denial when she later on knew that she couldn't protect her egg from the three pirates," she explained.

Fume started to react to the statement about the three pirates. "Wait, "three pirates"? I thought you said that you tricked them into fighting each other earlier before you went back to searching for Gemma?" He questioned the young Razorwing.

"I did. But Waldondo must have made a deal with them to work together to share the egg. Which, of course, was true when we went up to Gemma's lookout at the top of her cave, and saw Waldondo, Svetlana, and Erik's pirate ships circling the whole island. They had us trapped so that they can take her egg with force or try to make a deal with us to hand over the egg and no harm would come to neither of us. But, after discovering that we were surrounded and that we needed a plan, everyone looked to me for a plan."

"Didn't you come up with one, though?" Saivon asked.

"No. I mean, why should I? My plan to get them to fight each other backfired as the pirates started working together. But, thanks to my friends encouraging me about how I got us to Gemma by figuring out all the clues, I then came up with a plan yet again to stop them from taking Gemma's egg. And it involved using Gemma's golden glitter attack on three rocks, leaving the real egg inside Gemma's nest the WHOLE time. I mean, we split into two teams while me and Burple were Team 3 with the last rock as the others were smashed by either landing on a floating rock or by landing on a hard helmet with one hard spike. We tried our best evading... but we lost our egg, too. Luckily, we all acted like the "real egg" was gone in the depths of the sea as Summer tries to save it," he explained.

"Even though it was a rock painted gold, I still had to put on a show by staying four seconds underwater," she explained.

"But we also discovered that our friend, Marena, was desguised as Svetlana's first mate. She knew that Waldondo was lying, as well as knowing that we Rescue Riders would never put a defenseless egg in harm's way," Dak explained.

"Then, we all go back to Gemma's cave just in time to see her egg hatch," Winger said.

"Must've been worth the wait, especially since, the egg was laid for a hundred years," Jonathan said.

"Oh, it was. See for yourself," Leyla said as she points her left hand to the magic, floating mirror.

The Fusionators look and saw Gemma's egg starting to crack, as it finally hatched and revealed a very cute baby as it gave cute growl.

"Awww," the Fusionators said.

Then, they see baby chewing on it's eggshell.

"Ewww!" the Fusionators exclaimed.

"Believe me, it was so gross, even when I said those exact words when we first experienced it," Aggro explained.

"After asking her why her baby was eating its eggshell, Gemma said that that's how all baby Golden Dragons get their, and I quote her attack, "golden blast", which they both blew it on us," Leyla explained.

"Luckily, our baths washed it off when we got back to Huttsgalor," Dak explained.

"Okay, so what about those Dragon Classes you were talking about earlier?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, right. There are eight Classes: Strike, Sharp, Boulder, Fear, Stoker, Mystery, Tidal, and Tracker," Leyla said.

"Technically, that was a long time ago back when dragons were feared. In fact, since no one fears them anymore, Fear has turned into Tracker. But, it's best to define them with our dragon buddies," Dak said. "Hit it, Winger!" He exclaimed.

"I'm a Swiftwing; one of the fastest flying dragons ever. But because my species are part of the Strike Class, we are also fast on the ground, but not like, super fast. We have high intelligence; able to understand any situation if it means to earn trust. But like our ground speed, we're not that smart, just enough to show signs of empathy. We're also known for our amazing, vice-like jaw strength. I can literally bite through the thick roots of a Wonderroot Tree. But what makes my species amazing, is our breath attack, known as "power blasts." These purple balls are made of pure energy, or just to be more explainable in quick terms, it's a ball of lightning. But a Swiftwing can charge up a bigger power blast called a "mega blast." Those powerful blasts of ours can destroy anything that is tough to break, such as, rocks glued together by Slinkwing Goo," Winger explained.

"Now let's talk about Tidal Class dragons, like Summer, for example," Leyla said.

"I, am a Fastfin; a species of dragons that don't fear eels. Well, with the exception of me, I have eel phobia. But, when my friends had the Dreaded Dragon Flu, and Leyla was about to be a snack for eels, my Fastfin instincts, as well as seeing my best friend in danger, kicked in as I fought off every eel so Leyla can escape, as well as getting the cure for the Dreaded Dragon Flu, which were strands of a special kind of seaweed that eels love to eat. But anyway, back to the whole species thing, Fastfins like me breathe jet streams of water, which can be used to get rid of Slinkwing goo unless its quickly hardened, cool off Aggro when she needs to chill, and even push enemies away. Tidal Class dragons mostly get around by swimming rather flying. We also have water-based abilities, such as breathing hot water that can melt flesh off of a human, or, breathe a huge amount of ice. Unlike most dragons, our fire chamber, is actually a water chamber. Also, a Fastfin's scales and fin membranes are immune to Slinkwing goo (unless hardened). We can even stay underwater for as long as we can until we need air," Summer explained.

"Now it's time for my class, the Sharp Class," Cutter said.

"Hold on, Relentless Razorwings have the best eyesight, right?" Spike asked.

"Uh, yeah," Cutter replied without question.

"So, based on my assumption, Tracker Class dragons can smell like a bloodhound, or, in your case, can see like an eagle. Needless to say, doesn't that mean you're a Tracker Class?" He asked.

Cutter thinks about it by looking upward to the right in the sky, then looks back at Spike as he gasp in awe. "That's right! I am part of the Tracker Class. But anyway, since you obviously explained the Tracker Class, it's time for the Sharp Class to be known. Sharp Class dragons aren't just known for their sharp spines or spikes, they're also known for their vanity. But, Tracker Class Dragons can sniff or spot anything with both their eyes and noses. Depending on which body part is mostly acquainted with a species of the Tracker Class," Cutter explained.

"Since I'm a Rockspitter, that makes me part of the Boulder Class. In truth, I wish I was part of the Strike Class. I mean, me and Winger are alike in so many ways," Boulder started.

Cutter started to speak. "Aren't those the same exact words you used right after you shot two rocks, one, hitting the Gronkle button while the second one matched it with the symbol of Strike Class dragons? Because last time I checked, your choice in matching dragons nearly got us squashed and flatten us to look like dragon and human-sized pancakes," Cutter reminded him.

"Oh!" Burple replied.

"But we all make mistakes," Winger started.

"My fear of eels almost made it so that if I didn't help Leyla get the seaweed, one of my friends could lose the power of flight."

"Wait a minute, the Dreaded Dragon Flu is known to cause wings not to work anymore?!" Burple asked. "I was mostly worried about getting through the flu, but now I'm worried about losing the power of flight! I can't run fast like the others and you didn't tell us the fact that we could've lost the power of flight!" Burple yelled.

"If I had to make a quick assumption based on what Marena told us, if we had hope, then it will be 50-50 that you're cured as nature took its course, or never be able to fly ever again," Summer sheepishly explained.

"Well, then again, I made a mistake when I used Slinkwing goo to trap Magnus in a metal egg he made for desguise."

"Why would you do that, Cutter?" Fluttershy asked.

"Because he used it to trick us into thinking his desguise was an actual egg so that he could sneak into The Roost and steal Leyla's personal belonging that is the only thing she has left of her mother -- her Dragon Diary," Cutter explained.

Jonathan pounds his right fist into his left paw. "Thievery! That lousy, stealing, thief of a wasted genius!" Jonathan says calmly, yet, with a trace of anger still residing in his tone. Then, he took a quick breath. "You know what? As a fellow prankster, we jokers know there's a time and place to prank. But when it involves someone's personal belonging, just like how you stated Leyla's diary, Cutter, that's when pranksters know when to draw the line when it comes to something someone you care holds dear. But unlike what you just said, Cutter, that wasn't a mistake," Jonathan said.

"What do you mean "wasn't a mistake"? We're trying to prove that not all dragons are mean," Aggro retorted.

"Be as it may, Cutter at least did something right. Because last I checked, you said that when you all arrived in Huttsgalor (with the exception of you, Aggro), Magnus treated you all as terrible beasts, mindless brutes,... and bloodthirsty monsters. When you all grew bigger with Aggro as a well coordinated team, he still treated you all the same, even when his nephew, Axel, moved here. You all think Cutter messed up by sealing Magnus inside his own desguise. But what I hear, despite what the six of you might think or say, Cutter, like I said before, actually did something right when the rest of you were all snug as bugs in rugs. Be glad that he originally woke up for a midnight snack. He trapped Magnus in the fake egg and left it outside so that when the sun comes out, he would've told you the truth about the egg and what happened with Leyla's Dragon Diary. You could've taken the trapped Magnus to Chief Duggard, remove the Slinkwing goo, and hold him responsible for theft as the chief could've forced Magnus to give your precious diary back, Leyla. Ok, it might've been a little mistake to leave him out there where a mama dragon thought it was real, but would you rather wake up on the wrong side with one of Magnus's boots kicking the inside of the fake egg, causing untold ruckus for the rest of the night?"

Leyla, Dak, and the other Rescue Riders looked at each other; nodding and murmuring about how he was right about the noise Magnus would have kept causing.

"But, even if Cutter was doing a good job solving clues of how to find Gemma and her unborn child, why didn't you trust him before, huh? I trust both Mike, Saivon, and Luke with my life! They're not just my best friends, they're my brothers. Sure we don't have the same last names or even relate to each other by blood, but we are brothers, nonetheless. Just like Cutter, he is not just one of your best friends, he's your brother as well."

Cutter looks down, knowing the leader of the Tribal Werewolf Pirates was right, but chose to not say anything as he wanted to hear more from him.

"Just 'cause he's a dragon, or from a different class of dragons, that still doesn't mean you shouldn't love him as a brother ei--"

"Okay, I'll go get some fish for tomorrow so we can have a hearty breakfast. See ya in the morning! Goodnight!" Cutter said as he flew out of the... "dragon's den."

"Looks like we'll have to catch up on the other classes later since it's getting late. And because it's getting late, tonight's a full moon, and we werewolves LOVE to howl. So, we'll see you in the morning. Goodnight!" Jonathan said as he and his fellow werewolves ran outside of the den.

"They're gonna follow Cutter, aren't they?" Leyla asked as she stared at the opened door.

"Eeyep," Summer replied as she stood on Leyla's left and stared at the door as well.