• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 1,535 Views, 7 Comments

Hunt them Down! The Devilish Digimon Hunter! - Dark Star the Crazed

So... I decided to order a Xros Loader modled after Tobari Ren's from Xros Wars: the Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time. And now I look like Ren. On the brightside my partner's Super Evolution is pretty cool...

  • ...

Terror in the Tunnels! Ferocious Roars from Below the Earth!

One Week Later.

Sunset had been following Applejack for about an hour, although it felt more like an eternity. "Applejack, would you please just tell me what happened?"

Applejack sighed and straightened her stetson. "Ok, so the other day Winona went missing and Apple Bloom was worried sick, so I went out to find her. I checked all over the orchard, and when I was just about to give up, I heard her barking. So I followed the sounds until I found this!" Having finally reached their destination, the farmer pushed some low hanging branches out of the way to reveal the entrance to a cave, similar in appearance to a bear den.

Sunset just stared at the cave in confusion. "I... I don't see what the problem is... You just found a cave on the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres..."

"That's what I thought, until I went in. When I did, I slipped into that DigiQuartz place and found Winona barking at this really long tunnel, and then I saw something moving in there, something big. So, I grabbed Winona and ran, then, after I woke up the next morning, tremors started to happen. They were so bad some of the trees got uprooted!"

Sunset nodded and began to reach for her Xros Loader. "And since earthquakes aren't local to the Canterlot area, you figure that the figure you saw in the cave, most likely a Digimon, is responsible for them."

Applejack nodded. "Exactly. Those trees are our livelihood, I wouldn't care too much about the Digimon living in the cave, since that DigiQuartz place is technically another world or whatever, but if it's gonna wreck the orchard, it's got to go."

Sunset held out her Xros Loader and prepared to preform a Time Shift. "Hold it!" Sunset nearly dropped her Xros Loader in surprise when Indigo Zap and Ren Tobari walked out of the cave.

Applejack narrowed her eyes. "What in tarnation are you doin' here Shadowbolt?"

Indigo shrugged with her arms up and hands out, one of them holding her ash colored Xros Loader. "I'm here 'cause a Digimon told us that there was 'a real bad' Digimon making tunnels around here and causing trouble. I'm a Hunter, so I'm going to hunt it. Ain't that right partner?" A flash of light emerged from her Xros Loader and solidified into the bipedal bear cub that Sunset had seen with the girl the first time she had entered DigiQuartz.

"Right!" Bearmon thrust his fist into the air before realizing that two people he had never met before were looking at him. "Uhhhh..." He quickly ran behind his partner and poked his head out from around her legs before timidly waving. "Hi?"

Indigo sighed at her partner's antics, he was almost as timid around new people as that one girl with all the animals. What was her name again? Flutterby? Shaking her head, Indigo smirked and crossed her arms over her chest. "Anyway, you should just let the veteran handle it this time, rookie."

Sunset rolled her eyes, even though she had barely interacted with Indigo, she knew that the girl was cocky and competitive, just like a certain guitarist she knew. "And why's Ren here?"

"Why, I'm here to talk to Miss Applejack of course." The boy sent a wink at Indigo, who scowled and glared at AJ the second Ren said her name.

"Don't get any ideas, he's mine." With that, the girl held out her Xros Loader and preformed a Time Shift, Bearmon following after her.

Applejack just stared at the spot where Indigo had been. "Uhh…? What?"

Ren smirked and pulled something out of his pocket. "Think fast!" The speed, while nowhere near Rainbow's newfound abilities, with which he threw the object at her seemed almost inhuman.

"Landsakes!" Applejack barely managed to grab hold of the object before it collided with her chest. She glared at the boy for a split second, only receiving a smirk in response, before looking down at the bone white device she just caught. "Ain't this one of those Xros doohickeys?"

"Indeed it is. You see, the Digimon who told us about the troublemaker on your farm, also told us about how 'a girl with a hat like a Revolmon's' had slipped into DigiQuartz and asked if we could help him meet her, because he felt a connection. So, you in?"

Applejack just looked at Sunset. "Wha'd he just say?"

Sunset giggled. "He asked if you want to join the Hunt."

Applejack turned back and nodded her head firmly. "You better believe I'm in! So, uhhh…" Applejack looked around. "Sunset mentioned that I need a Digimon partner to join the Hunt when she explained things..."

"That's right." Ren smirked and held out his own Xros Loader. "Time Shift!" With that he disappeared into DigiQuartz. The two girls following behind. Ren looked over his shoulder and motioned for Applejack to come closer.

As Applejack approached the cave she began to look around. "So... Where's the Digimon who wanted to meet me?"

"I'm right here partner!" Applejack leapt back as the ground beneath her shook before two legs with three claws on each foot popped out followed by the rest of the being who had spoken. "I'm Armadimon, nice to meet ya partner!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow at the small yellow Digimon looking up at her, having fully removed himself from the ground. "Uh... Don't I get a say in who my partner is?"

Armadimon tilted his head to the side. "Uhhh… Maybe? All I know is that I felt a connection or something in my Digicore when I saw you, so, I figured you were gonna be my partner."

Applejack looked back at Sunset, who shrugged, before looking at Ren, who just smirked at her, as if to say 'I know something you don't know'.

The farmer looked back at Armadimon's and he smiled back at her. A small smile formed on her face as a connection of some kind formed between them. Applejack knelt down and put a hand on Armadimon's head. "How do I- What in tarnation!?" As she began to ask Ren how to make Armadimon her partner, the Xros Loader in her hand was covered by a rainbow of colored light before it solidified into a mocha brown color with canary yellow accents.

"Well, welcome to the Hunt I guess." Applejack looked up as Indigo emerged from the cave riding on Gryzmon's back, a frown on her face. "Ren, we've got a problem."

The happy smirk on Ren's face was replaced by a look of curiosity. "What kind of problem?"

Indigo hopped off of Gryzmon and gave him a pat on the head. "Sorry Gryz, but..."

"No problem Indigo." Gryzmon began to glow before disappearing into Indigo's Xros Loader.

Indigo held up her Xros Loader and called out the newest Digimon in her Collection. "Reload, Drimogemon!" The moment that the large purple and white mole Digimon with a giant drill on his face solidified, Indigo began to explain. "So, this guy said that he was the one who started to make tunnels around here."

Applejack looked at the Digimon and frowned. "Uh... Sugarcube? He's nowhere near big enough to be the Digimon I saw a few days ago."

The Shadowbolt was going to respond when the Drimogemon threw it's head down and nearly impaled Armadimon, who curled into a ball and was only knocked back some. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cause trouble! I made sure to keep away from the trees, I knew it was a human orchard and I didn't want to make anyone angry!" To Applejack's surprise tears began to fall from the Digimon's eyes. "I didn't know he was there! I didn't mean to wake him up!"

Ren walked up and placed a hand on the Drimogemon's head. "Exactly who did you wake up?" The ground began to shake and several trees fell over, completely torn out of the ground by the shaking. Then there was a roar, one so loud that it shook Sunset and Applejack to the bone, though Ren and Indigo seemed unaffected.

Drimogemon gulped. "Groundramon..."

Ren's eyes widened slightly and stood up, quickly reloading PicoDevimon, who was sleeping apparently. Ren scowled and picked him up before tossing him as hard as he could. "Wake up!"

The Child Digimon's eyes snapped opened and he began to flap his arms as hard as he could in order to avoid colliding with the back of the cave. "Ahh! I'm up, I'm up!" Ren wasted no time in Digivolving his partner.

"Indigo, Digivolve Bearmon and get ready." Indigo nodded and held up her Xros Loader.

"Reload! Bearmon!" Drimogemon glowed for a brief second before disappearing into Indigo's Xros Loader and being replaced with Bearmon. As soon as he had solidified he turned and looked at Indigo, the two of them nodding their heads in unison. Indigo brought her goggles down over her eyes and lightly tossed her Xros Loader into the air a few times before tossing it with actual effort and holding out her other hand, catching it in her waiting palm, a beam of blue surrounded by golden rings emerging from the screen as it came down. "Bearmon! Super Digivolution!"

Bearmon did a backflip as she began to glow, landing on all four paws his hat was blown away by an ethereal wind as his fur and skin were torn away leaving his digital frame, which expanded until it was the size of a fully grown bear. The paws on it's forelegs began to glow before exploding revealing red gloves with three metal spikes and claws on each, at the base of each glove a ring of golden metal formed. On his shoulders formed red shoulder pads, with three metal studs on each.

His brown fur had turned blue and a crescent moon with the points facing skyward had appeared on his forehead. He reared back onto his hind legs before slamming his paws into the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust. "Super Digivolution! Gryzmon!"

The second that Bearmon finished Digivolving, Ren looked back at Sunset and Coronamon, who had reloaded himself sometime during Bearmon's Digivolution. "If you two have managed to Digivolve, follow us, otherwise, get those two out of here."

Applejack frowned and narrowed her eyes. "Now hold on a apple pickin' minute! I'm not about to just let-"

Ren and Indigo didn't bother to let her finish, taking of into the cave as soon as Ren had finished speaking.

Sunset walked over and placed a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Applejack, I think we should do as they say, I don't think I've even seen Ren that serious. It's pretty clear to me that he's their team leader, and they've all been Hunters longer than I have so, I think they know what they're doing."

"But..." Seeing the look in Sunset's eyes, Applejack sighed in defeat. "Fine." Applejack dropped to a sitting position and turned toward her new partner. "So... I'm really strong... What can you do?"

Armadimon smiled back and laid down on the ground. "Well, I can dig, and curl into a ball, and..." Sunset smiled at the small yellow Digimon's enthusiasm before turning toward the cave.

'I wonder why Ren was so worried all of a sudden.'

"Demon's Ray." Dark energy began to radiate from Devimon's hand, brightening the cavern as Gryzmon led the way, using his superior sense of smell, at least compared to Devimon, to track down the apparent Groundramon who had been causing the tremors.

"Alright Ren, what's wrong?"

Ren didn't look back towards Indigo as he answered. "What's in the direction we're heading Indigo?" These tunnels were larger than the ones they had started in, a tell tale sign that Groundramon had made them.

"Uh... Canterlot?"

"How do people without cars get around big cities like Manehattan and Canterlot Indigo?"

Indigo raised an eyebrow. "The subway?" That's how she got around at least... Well, outside of riding on Gryzmon's back when in DigiQuartz.

"And exactly where are the subways located?"

"Underground?" Indigo's eyes widened after a moment. "Ohhhhh… Oh no. This is really bad, isn't it?"

Ren nodded as they came to a split in the tunnel, Gryzmon telling them to take the path to the right. "Exactly. If Groundramon makes it to the subway system, we could be looking at not only tens of millions in property damage, but also the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of people."

A roar, louder than ever before, signaled that they had almost found the Digimon who posed a threat. Just then, Indigo thought she heard voices, male voices. "Uh, Ren?"


Indigo gulped. "How likely is it that a Groundramon would work with another Digimon?"

Ren blinked and thought for a moment. "Not very likely, they're more beastlike than other Dragon Digimon... Although I suppose it's possible."

"Earthquake!" The sudden shaking of the ground nearly knocked the humans off their feet, the fact that they were near the walls of the tunnel were the only thing that kept them from falling.

Ren looked back at Indigo. "That... That wasn't a technique that Groundramon use." Without another word, the two took off toward the source of the sound, arriving in a large cavern filled with quartz crystals and then they spotted on the far side of the cavern, in the beginnings of a new tunnel, three distinct figures. "Oh... Oh that's really not good."

"What? What's not good?" Although she had spoken in a normal tone, the shape of the chamber amplified it and the sounds of digging stopped as the three figures turned around and locked eyes with them. "Uh oh..."

"Hunters!" The first one to acknowledge them was a gigantic being that resembled a cross between a hairless gorilla and a rhino.

"Get them!" The second resembled a mythological gnome with a large bulbus nose.

A roar followed both exclamations as the giant green dragon, with two hands on it's back instead of wings, charged at them from the other side of the chamber, the other two following behind it, one with an oversized hammer raised above his head.

Two blue circles with glowing gold rings around them appeared, one containing an image of Devimon, the other Golemon. "DigiXros! Devimon!"

"Boss!" Devimon's voice came from the circle containing his image.


"YEAH!!!" A shout came from the circle containing Golemon's image as the circles fused with one another. Devimon's horns began to glow before becoming like liquid and flowing down his cheeks and face before solidifying into a metal helmet similar to the one Golemon wore, explosions of light came from his arms and legs, with leggings and armguards similar in make to the helmet being left behind. On his back, between his wings, two spikes of molten earth emerged and curled up over his shoulders curving upward and out before cooling and turning into obsidian.

"DigiXros! Xros Up! Devimon!"

Indigo held out her Xros Loader, circles appearing just like from Ren's Xros Loader. One containing an image of Gryzmon, the other Drimogemon. "DigiXros Gryzmon!"

"Right!" Gryzmon's voice boomed from the circle with his image.


"Ok!" Both circles collided and began to shake as a pillar of light burst from Gryzmon's back, exploding to reveal two mechanical arms with drill like appendages that resembled Drimogemon's head on the end. Similar lights appeared on his gloves and shoulder pads before fading to reveal that the studs and claws had been replaced with small drills.

"DigiXros! Xros Up! Gryzmon!"

Indigo and Ren looked at each other. "I'll have Devimon confuse Groundramon with Hell Contract." The moment he said that Devimon called out the same thing and a cloud of dark mist filled with strange symbols exploded from his fingertips, engulfing Groundramon, causing the dragon Digimon to become confused and run off in another direction. Ren smirked and looked back toward the approaching Digimon. "Now then, I take the imp, you get the gorhino?"

The Grottemon, who had reared back and was just about to strike Devimon with his Grotte Hammer's Snake Eye Break technique was momentarily distracted in order to give a shout of indignation. "Hey! I'm not an imp!" Ren smirked and Grottemon's eyes widened as he looked back toward Devimon, just in time to see the blast of dark energy leap toward him from Devimon's hands.

"Demon's Ray!"

The energy collided with Grottemon, who jumped backward to put distance between them a moment later as Ren walked up next to Devimon. "That's not fair, you distracted me!"

Ren and Devimon smirked and spoke at the same time. "Fair play is for those who don't care about winning." For a brief moment a dark violet flame like aura surrounded Ren's Xros Loader before vanishing.

"Let us see who is better at the art of battle, wielder of the Human Spirit of Earth. That is, of course, if you think you can defeat me." Grottemon sneered and brought his hammer over his head before swinging it with all his might, the hammer colliding with the ground.

"Sculptor's Infantry!" Ren blinked, a frown working it's way onto his features. He... He didn't know that technique, at least it hadn't been in the anime or games. Suddenly the ground beneath them began to quake and rocks began to rise into the air, metal ores from the cavern walls melting before flying toward the rocks and binding them together as eyes formed on the large sculpture that Ren now realized was a Golemon.

Ren's only response? 'Well, that's different from the show.' "Devimon!" Ren raised his arm before bringing it down, his index finger pointing at the Golemon. "You know what to do."

Devimon smirked. "A very good Idea Ren." Devimon's right hand began to glow, the shadowy light around his middle finger being especially potent. With a burst of speed Grottemon had not expected, Devimon shot to the Golemon's head and reared his right arm back. "Death Claw." With the help of the gauntlet formed from his DigiXros with Ren's own Golemon, he was able to pierce the enemy Golemon's helmet and head. He retracted his hand, the glow having now vanished, and returned to Ren's side.

Grottemon was confused, was his enemy really that weak? If so, then he wouldn't even bother to fight them himself. "Golemon, attack!" When his newly created servant didn't move to crush his enemies in response, Grottemon scowled. "I said attack you useless pile of rubble! Crush them!"

This time, the Golemon did move. Only, he turned around and looked at Grottemon, who now noticed his glowing pure red eyes as the larger Digimon raised his arms over his head. "Crush!"

Grottemon's eyes widened as he realized what had happened. "Uh oh." The he saw darkness as the fists impacted with the top of his head, burying him in the ground in a manner similar to a cartoon, however he quickly made use of his Jack in the Box technique, burying itself into the ground before popping up in a different location and striking his brainwashed Golemon minion with his hammer. He popped up to attack again, only to find Devimon looking down on him with a cruel grin.

"Why hello there... Deadly Nail!" Grottemon didn't have time to react before Devimon's reinforced claws tore through his armor and connected with his Digicore.

He felt his body glitch as a purple ring appeared around him. "Not possible!!!" He disappeared, his body turning into motes of red light before reforming in the lavender cube now floating above Ren's Xros Loader.

"Digimon capture complete." Ren turned to look at his girlfriend's progress, the Golemon that Grottemon had created falling apart behind him.

Indigo smirked as Gigasmon charged at her partner, only for Gryzmon to enter the ground at unnatural speed, thanks to the drills created by his DigiXros with Drimogemon. It was obvious to her that Gigasmon wasn't very intelligent, because their whole fight had just been the same thing over and over again, Gigasmon would charge, Gryzmon would go underground then emerge beneath the gorhino and strike him with his drills. "Gryz, finish him!"

Gigasmon raised his arms over his head and brought them down to strike the earth. "Earth-" He wasn't even halfway down when Gryzmon emerged from the ground right in front of him and knocked him onto his back.

Gryzmon angled himself as he began to fall, shooting towards the downed enemy. "Crescent Dawn Drills!" As he collided with Gigasmon, the drills on his paws activated, spinning at high speeds and digging into Gigasmon's Digicore. Gigasmon's body glitched before turning into specks of red light that then collected in the lavender cube above Indigo's Xros Loader.

"Digimon capture complete!" She swiped her Xros Loader into the cube, which vanished, signifying that her hunt was successful, then she looked at Ren and nodded before turning to find their original target, which... Wasn't there... "Ren? Where's the Groundramon?"

Ren looked around the cavern and spotted a tunnel that wasn't their before, one heading toward the surface. "Come on, let's go!" The others didn't need to be told twice, heading after him at breakneck speeds. The group of four eventually reached the surface just in time to see the Groundramon they were looking for catch Coronamon's Digivolved form, Firamon, with the two massive hands on it's back with the Scrapless Claw technique.

Seeing her friend's partner in danger in the hands of the Digimon that could cause unimaginable damage to her family's farm, Applejack pulled her hat down tighter and narrowed her eyes. "I ain't about to let you hurt my friends or my farm, you lowdown lily-livered snake!" She was surprised to see a yellow ball leap into the air and collide with the side of the Groundramon's head, bouncing back and uncurling to reveal Armadimon.

"I'm right there with you partner!" Groundramon threw Firamon to the side, the winged lion colliding with an apple tree, getting knocked out and returning to Sunset's Xros Loader as the dragon turned to face the smallest Digimon present. "Uh oh." As one of the hands came down toward him a rock collided with Groundramon's head, the throw having been

"Hang on partner, we got this!" A golden ring appeared around Applejack's hand, a similar one appearing around Armadimon's torso. Applejack smirked and straightened her hat before twirling her Xros Loader in the air as if it was a lasso, a beam of blue light surrounded by golden rings appearing as she did so. "Armadimon! Super Digivolution!"

Armadimon began to grow in size, spike appearing all along his shell as it darkened in color, the three tufts of hair on the side of his head merging before hardening and becoming horns. His claws became larger, but blunted and bands of metal appeared around his ankles in a flash of light as dark grey spikes emerged from the underside of his body in between his front and hind legs, similar spikes emerging from the middle of his back all along his shell, his tail elongating and the head of a morning star appearing on the tip in a flash of light.

The new form of Armadimon's eyes snapped open as he slammed his tail into the ground. "Super Digivolution! Ankylomon!" The Groundramon, who had not been expecting the sudden Digivolution, was unprepared for the sudden charging headbutt that he received courtesy of Ankylomon's Armor Stampede technique. He also wasn't prepared for Ankylomon to leap surprisingly high into the air and return to the earth on top of him with a Megaton Press. Ankylomon began to spin in circles, gaining speed each time, his tail in the air. "Tail Hammer!" With a final spin he dropped his tail and smacked the Groundramon's head with it, passing through the head a second later as the Groundramon's body glitched and disappeared into particles of red light that collected in the lavender cube now hovering over Applejack's Xros Loader.

Applejack, who had no idea how she had even managed to use the thing in the first place, looked over at Ren, Indigo and Sunset as they came closer. "Uh... What do I do now?"

"You say 'Digimon capture complete' and swipe the Xros Loader into the cube." Ren's nonchalant attitude had returned the moment he say Armadimon Digivolve.

Applejack blinked and looked at Sunset who nodded. "Uh... Digimon capture complete?" She swiped her Xros Loader into the cube, which disappeared as it passed through and sighed. "So, uh..."

"Congratulations on your first hunt." Ren passed by them, along with PicoDevimon who had Dedigivolved, exiting DigiQuartz after he was a fair distance away, Indigo and Bearmon, who had also returned to his original form, following close behind.

"So... Are you going to give their entire group Xros Loaders?"

Ren nodded. "If anything I've heard about their multiple... Incidents is accurate, then most, if not all of them, qualify as hunters."

A sinister grin work it's way onto Indigo's face. "I'm so going to crush that Rainbow Dash chick when she gets her Xros Loader." Her grin was replaced by a frown as a thought occurred to her. "Where do you get all those things anyway?"

Ren smirked at his girlfriend. "Wouldn't you like to know."

Indigo opened her mouth to respond, only to let loose a squeak as she felt Ren pinch her right buttock. "Pervert!"

"You know you love it."

While accurate, Indigo did not deem the comment worthy of a response as her cheeks began to redden, Ren laughing at the flustered look on her face.

Author's Note:


PicoDevimon -> Devimon.

Bearmon -> Gryzmon.

Otamamon -> Seadramon.

Coronamon -> Firamon.

Armadimon -> Ankylomon.