• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 1,535 Views, 7 Comments

Hunt them Down! The Devilish Digimon Hunter! - Dark Star the Crazed

So... I decided to order a Xros Loader modled after Tobari Ren's from Xros Wars: the Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time. And now I look like Ren. On the brightside my partner's Super Evolution is pretty cool...

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The First Hunt! Beware the Forest of Petaldramon! Pt 1.

Three Weeks Later.

It had been weeks since Sunset had joined the Digimon Hunt and she had yet to capture a single Digimon, much to Coronamon's dismay. She had decided that instead of just fighting Digimon in order to get stronger, she should get to know her partner better, and that perhaps, she'd be able to help Coronamon achieve Super Digivolution. And she knew the perfect place to do it.

Camp Everfree.

The school had raised enough funds for a field trip to the camp and it would be the perfect place to get away from all the mayhem of Canterlot. Or at least it would have been if the camp director Gloriosa Daisy hadn't set off all of her warning bells. She was cheery, too, cheery. The kind of cheery you see in the best friend characters in horror movies before it's revealed that they're a serial killer in the end. Coronamon apparently thought the same thing because the moment that Sunset was alone Coronamon reloaded himself. "She's being possessed by a Digimon... But there's something else, and I can't tell what..."

"Sunset!" In a flash Coronamon vanished back into the Xros Loader, and a moment later her six friends were standing there, the Human World's Twilight looking like she had just run a marathon. Rainbow was looking around as if there was someone hiding in the shadows. "Sunset, we've got a problem! The girls and I just saw one of the Sirens skulking around."

"I saw Indigo Zap too... Ughhh how is anyone able to play sports! I feel like I'm dying!" Rarity handed Twilight a bottle of water which the purple girl greedily gulped down. Rarity patted her on her back to comfort her.

"Just breath darling..." Rarity turned her attention to Sunset. "Although, I must admit, the Siren's presence doesn't bode well for our getaway from magic and mayhem." She began to look around as if searching for something. "Who were you talking to? I could have sworn I heard someone else..."

"Oh, um, I was talking to myself!" Applejack's eyes narrowed, she was lying. "I think something might be wrong with Gloriosa, and I'm trying to figure out what..." Applejack opened her mouth to speak but was cut off before she could say anything when a granola bar hit her in the head.

"What in tarnation?" As Applejack picked up the granola bar the others looked up at where it had fallen from, only to see a boy about their age sitting on a branch near the top of the tree, a mutant bat hanging upside down beside him.

Ren simply stared down at the girls... "Uhhh… Hi? Don't mind me, I just watching this soap opera as it unfolds." The eight of them blinked. Once. Twice. Three times.

A sigh from some bushes nearby drew their attention, all of them watching as Indigo Zap emerged from within, somehow without getting any leaves of twigs stuck in her hair. "Out of the three of us, you were the one I least expected to be caught Ren." She brushed off her shoulders and walked up to the group, Sonata Dusk following close behind. "I'll be taking that." Without another word she snatched the granola bar from Applejack's hand, opened it and took a bite.

Ren scowled as he dropped to the ground, PicoDevimon perching on his shoulder. "Hey! That was mine!"

Indigo just gave him a look that said 'too bad'. "Well now it's mine."

Sunset just watched as the two started to bicker. Sonata groaned and looked at the students of CHS, Sunset in particular, before walking over and speaking up. "Soo... Have you told them yet?"

Sunset slowly shook her head. "No."

Fluttershy peaked out from behind Rainbow Dash, who she had positioned in front of her as a shield the moment she saw the Siren and CPA student. "T-told us what?"

Sunset's eyes widened as she looked back at her friends. "Nothing!"

Pinkie's eyes widened comically before she gasped, drawing in the biggest breath she could. "A villain asking her enemy if she had told her allies something and then the hero denying it... I know what's happening here!" Pinkie raised a single finger toward the sky before bringing her arm down and pointing at the two faux-humans. "You two are dating! Aren't you!"

The two girl's eyes widened. "NO/NUH-UH!"

Pinkie blinked in response. "Oh... Then what isn't she telling us?"

Sonata opened her mouth to respond only to have Ren's hand cover it. "That is for the three of us to know and you to find out."

"And who in tarnation are you?"

Ren smirked and slid his hat down over one of his eyes. "Ren Tobari, the pleasure is all yours, I'm sure." Indigo groaned in exasperation while Sonata just giggled. "Anyway, we have something to discuss with your friend here. So if the six of you don't mind..."

The girls all looked at each other, narrowed their eyes and looked back at the three Hunters that weren't part of their group. "Whatever you have to say to Sunset, you can say to us."

Ren raised an eyebrow and looked at them. "Do the terms DigiQuartz or Digimon mean anything to you?" At their looks of confusion he sighed. "That's what I thought. Sonata, if you would be so kind?"

Sonata looked up from where she was drawing a picture in the dirt with a stick. Smiling she reached behind her back and pulled out her Xros Loader, Persian blue with pink accents. "Reload! Otamamon!" A stream of data emerged from the Xros Loader and landed in between Sunset and her friends.

The sudden appearance of the strange tadpole like creature shocked them, but Fluttershy and Twilight recovered quickly, one gawking at the adorable creature in front of her.

"What is this thing, some kind of undiscovered creature? How did you store it in that device? Where did you find it? Where did you get that device? What-"

"Lullaby Bubble!" The moment the words left the Otamamon's mouth a stream of bubbles emerged and popped in front of each of there faces. Their eyelids suddenly became heavy and their knees weak. Before they knew it, they knew no more and fell to the ground.

Before Sunset could move to check on them Ren spoke up. "Don't worry, they're just asleep, they'll wake up when we go. Now, you've likely noticed that the camp director is being influenced by a Digimon, as well as some... Other things." The team of Hunters shared a look. "Anyway, we'll let you have this one because magic isn't our area of expertise... Good luck rookie!" With that the three of them turned around and entered DigiQuartz through a Time Shift, the portal closing behind them...