• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,642 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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The Spike of The Party Pt.2

Spike yawned awake, and he rubbed his eyes. "Mama?" Asked Spike as he looked at Pinkies barrel. When he didn't get a response, Spike used his tongue to tickle Pinkies nose. Pinkie hummed as she tried to move her hoof and stop the thing that was making her wake up.

"No, stop eating everything... you bunch of parasprites, Limey will get mad." Said Pinkie in her sleep.

"Spike, what is she talking about?" Asked Dumpling, she had been awake for a few minutes, but Spike was just so warm that she didn't want to get up, that and Spike's tail was around her.

Spike turned his head and looked at Dumpling. "Oh, good morning, and happy birthday." Said Spike.

Dumpling smiled as she snuggled closer to him. "Thanks Spike." She then smirked. "So, are you going to hold onto me all day? I don't mind, but..."

Spike blushed as he quickly moved his tail off her. "Sorry!"

Dumpling smiled as she kissed Spike's cheek, making Spike blush even more. "Don't worry Spike, you were warm."

Spike calmed down but then he smelled something, and the sound of a full grown dragon roared into the bedroom. Dumpling giggled. "Well, I guess you're hungry, lets head down to the kitchen and get some breakfast." Said Dumpling.

Spike nodded. "Mama, food." Said Spike.

Pinkie's eyes shot wide open at the mention of food. "Where?" Asked Pinkie as she sat up. She looked around the room and noticed that Spike was close to Dumpling. "Spike, good morning." Said Pinkie as she pulled Spike away from Dumpling and nuzzled his head.

Spike smiled as he hugged Pinkie. "Morning Mama."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Pinkie, Spike, Dumpling, time to wake up, we all have a big day today." Said Ms. Cake.

Spike smiled as he got out of the hug and ran to the door, he tried to reach the knob, but he was still cursed with tiny legs. Pinkie giggled as she got out of the bed and opened the door for Spike. "Morning Ms. Cake." Said Spike as he ran past Ms. Cake and straight for the food.

Ms. Cake looked at the purple blur. "I see he has AJ's apatite." Said Ms. Cake. She looked at Pinkie. "Good morning Pinkie, are you ready to work today?"

Pinkie gained a serious look as out of nowhere she had a head band with a picture of a cupcake on it. "I was born ready."

Ms. Cake just giggled. "Ok." She looked at Dumpling. "Good morning Sweetie, happy birthday." Said Ms. Cake as she gave the little filly a hug.

Dumpling smiled. "Thanks Aunt Cake. Is Mommy making pancakes?"

Cupcake nodded. "She is, just make sure to not eat the one with a toothpick in it, that one's for Spike."

Dumpling cocked her head. "What makes it different?"

Ms. Cake giggled. "About 200 bits and a trip to the dentist. He likes to add sapphires to the batter and add amethyst to the top with syrup."

Dumpling shivered. "I still don't know how he can eat gems."

Cupcake smiled. "Don't worry Sweetie, now head down stairs, you're first birthday surprise should be here any minute."

Dumpling gasped as she ran past Ms. Cake and headed for the table. Ms. Cake sighed as she was going to be so excited when he shows up, but for now, she needed to get downstairs.

Down stairs, Tart was finishing the last of the pancakes, Spike was already in a chair with half of his pancake devoured, Pinkie was sucking in a pancake a minute, and there was a single stack of pancakes on a plate with a candle for Dumpling, and Spike was given the honor of lighting it, much to his over exaggeration.

"Good morning Mom." Said Dumpling as she flew into the seat.

Tart smiled. "Happy birthday Sweetie, are you ready for a big surprise?"

Dumpling gasped and nodded. Tart smiled. "Spike, swallow you're food and do the honor." Said Tart.

Spike nodded and swallowed his mouthful of sweet breakfast. Spike looked at the candle and focused. "Dumpling, I've been practicing, but just in case, sit back." Said Spike.

Everyone got back, and Spike shot a flame at the wick, lighting it in one shot. "I did it!" Cheered Spike.

Pinkie smiled. "Great job Spike."

Tart smiled. "Ok, lets sing to the birthday girl and let her blow out the candle. 1...2...3...4..."

(I'm not going to add it, just imagine I did.)

Once the song was over Dumpling made a wish and blew out the candle. Tart smiled. "So, what did you wish for?" Asked Tart.

Dumpling sighed. "I wished Daddy could be here."

Tart sighed. "I know sweetie, but he got you something." Said Tart as she levitated a birthday card to the little filly.

Dumpling sighed as she looked at the card.

Hey Sweetie, I know you want me to be there for your birthday, trust me I want to be there as well. I know today is you're big day, but can you do me a favor and open the front door?

Dumpling looked at the card. "Mom, is this the right one?"

Tart smiled and nodded. "Yep, why don't you do what it said?"

Dumpling sighed. "Sure." Said Dumpling as she walked to the front door. She opened the door and found a large box with a little sticky note.

Happy B-DAY from Daddy.

Dumpling smiled as she took off the bow, but instead she took the entire lid, and once the lid was off, the whole box dropped showing Solid Earth smiling at his little girl. "Happy Birthday Dumpling."

Dumpling started crying. "Daddy?" Solid Earth nodded, Dumpling cried even more and jumped into her father’s front legs. "DADDY!"

Solid Earth smiled as he hugged his little filly. "Hey Sweetie, look at you, you’re so big now, and just as pretty as your mommy."

Tart walked to the door and smiled. 'You good?' Mouthed Tart.

'Perfect.' Mouthed Solid.

Tart smiled and walked into the house to let the little girl have a moment with her father.

When Dumpling and Solid were done hugging, there was still the matter of breakfast to deal with, both hadn't had any and more importantly, pancakes were better hot than cold. "Come on Daddy, mom finished making breakfast, Aunt Cake and Pinkie need to start soon."

Solid Earth was confused. "Wait, Cupcake is here? I haven't seen her since you were 4. But who's Pinkie?"

Dumpling smiled. "She works for Aunt Cake, and Spike's her son, oh you'll love him, he's so nice."

Solid earth smiled. "I'm sure I will." Said Solid as the 2 made their way into the kitchen. But the moment Solid saw a dragon in the kitchen, he instinctively moved his daughter behind him. "Dumpling run, there is a dragon in the kitchen."

Everyone looked at the pair, and worse, they heard the comment, especially Spike, who sighed and lost his appetite. Pinkie noticed Spike's change, she walked over to Spike. "Shh, it's ok Spike, I'm sure he's sorry about what he said." Said Pinkie giving the stallion a death glare for making Spike upset. But it wasn't only Pinkie, but every female in the room.

Dumpling walked passed her father and gave Spike a hug. "Spike, I'm sorry my Daddy was mean to you, I know you're not a mean dragon, you're a good boy and a gentledrake."

Ms. Cake nodded. "She's right Spike, you are not in the wrong, he is."

Tart sighed as she walked over to her husband and pulled his ear into the living room. "You, go apologize to that sweet little dragon, I don't care if you've been gone, Spike is a guest in this home, and you had no right to assume that he is like other dragons."

Solid looked at Tart. "But what is he doing here?"

Tart sighed. "Spike is Pinkie's son, they adopted him after he was found in the Everfree right after he was hatched, all he knows is ponies, and all he gets are looks, it's not his fault for being a dragon, it's our fault for judging him."

Solid kinda felt like a jerk for judging Spike before even getting to know him. "You're right, I'll go apologize."

Tart smiled as she let go of his ear. "Good."

Solid walked back into the kitchen and took a seat next to Spike. "Spike, please forgive me, that was not right of me to just assume about your character."

Spike smiled. "It's fine, many ponies used to not like me, especially Ms. Spoiled, but Grandma told me to not let they're words get to me."

Solid smiled. "She's sounds as smart as the princess."

Spike nodded. "Yeah, Grandma Celestia is very smart." Said Spike as his mood lightened.

Solid nodded. "Yeah, Grandma Celestia....Celestia....Princess Celestia....Princess Celestia is your grandma?" Asked Solid.

Spike nodded. "Yeah." Said Spike not seeing the problem, but he did see that his food was half finished, so he decided to dig right back in.

Solid Earth was confused, but Dumpling sighed and ran to her room to grab the letter, when she ran back down stairs, she showed the letter. "Daddy, Spike is telling the truth, look."

Solid looked at the letter. "Dear Spike... Proud of you...Grandma." Said Solid, then he noticed the royal seal, only Princess Celestia had that seal, meaning that this was a personal letter from her. Solid looked at Spike and his heart stopped.

Tart sighed. "Solid, breathe, Cupcake told me about that last night."

Solid took a deep breath as he tried to process that he just upset his bosses, bosses, boss, and he was worried that Spike was like Blue Blood. Dumpling looked at her father. "Daddy, are you alright?"

Solid nodded. "Yes Sweetie."

Dumpling smiled. "Ok, so since today is my birthday, can we spend all day together?" Asked Dumpling.

Tart nodded. "Great idea, it'll give Cupcake, Pinkie, and Spike time to set everything up."

With the decision made for him, Solid was given a plate of pancakes and a kiss from Tart. "Eat up dear."

With that the group finished breakfast.

After breakfast, Dumpling, Tart, and Solid left the party planners to their job. Ms. Cake was going to supervise, Pinkie was going to do everything she could by herself, and Spike was given the task of getting Pinkie's act ready, meaning he was told to blow up the beach ball, get the rubber chickens in line, and load the confetti cannons and Pinkie's party cannon. Honestly Ms. Cake trusted Pinkie to do her job, she was supervising Spike.

Spike climbed into the party cannon and started packing it full of plates, napkins, a table cloth, a few 20 foot long poles, and a large banner that read Happy Birthday Dumpling. Ms. Cake looked down the barrel. "Spike, how did Pinkie even find this thing?" Asked Ms. Cake, but her voice echoed in the party weapon.

"Mama said it just showed up one day with a little note attached, it should be here somewhere." Said Spike but his voice echoed. Soon Spike smiled and stuck his hand out of the barrel. "Here read this." Said Spike.

Ms. Cake took the note.

To whomever finds this tool, you have been chosen to wield great power, this cannon has been enchanted to precisely target whatever the owner wishes, as well as allowing for unlimited storage of ammunition. Please use it as you wish. D.

Ms. Cake was confused. "Who's D?"

Spike popped out of the cannon. "No clue, but he must be really nice, the cannon lets me in it, as well as Mama." Said Spike as he jumped out of the barrel.

Ms. Cake looked down the barrel and she was really confused, it was shorter than her, but she couldn't see the bottom of the barrel. "Where does it go?"

Spike shrugged. "No clue, but Gummy is in there, my scale polish is in there, a ton of scripts for a weird show called My Little Pony, plus a few dozen gems for me are down here as well." Said Spike.

Ms. Cake sighed as she stepped away from the cannon. "Ok, Spike I only have one more task for you to do."

Spike gasped; he was ready to help with as much as he could. "Tell me!"

Ms. Cake smiled as she rubbed his head. "Spike, I need you to help me and Pinkie clean up the kitchen."

Spike adopted a serious face and saluted Ms. Cake. "Ma'am yes ma'am." Said Spike as he ran over to the kitchen.

Ms. Cake giggled as she followed Spike.

2 more hours and everything was ready, but the party wasn't planned to start for another hour, so Pinkie decided to take a little nap with Spike and Gummy. Ms. Cake smiled at the work Pinkie and Spike had done. "Yeah, I'm really proud of them." Sitting on the table was a large platform cake with strawberry frosting, and on top was a photo realistic image of Dumpling made of frosting. Ms. Cake then looked at the clock. "Tart should be home any minute and we can wake Spike and Pinkie for the party." Said Ms. Cake.

30 minutes later Tart walked into the house. "So, is everything ready?" Asked Tart.

Ms. Cake nodded. "Yep, everything is perfect. The cake is perfect, the decorations are loaded, and the entertainment is ready."

Tart smiled and hugged Ms. Cake. "Thanks for doing this for her C."

Ms. Cake giggled. "Well, I'd do anything for her and you T."

Tart smiled. "So, how is Pear, wait she goes by Buttercup ever since she got married."

Ms. Cake smiled. "Well, she's still on the farm with Bright Mac, and they have three foals, Big Mac, Applejack, and Applebloom. AJ is actually one of Spike's mothers."

Tart laughed. "Really, she has three. I have one, when are you going to have one?" Asked Tart.

Ms. Cake blushed. "Tart!" But this didn't stop Tart from laughing, so Ms. Cake sighed. "Me and Carrot want to make sure the shop is successful, and now that we have Pinkie living with us, there isn't much time for that, and she's too young to run the shop on her own, so we can't go away."

Tart sighed. "C, sorry I didn't really think about that."

Ms. Cake sighed. "It's fine, Pinkie is actually great, and Spike is just the sweetest little thing. Besides, Pinkie told me she sees me as a second mother."

Tart smiled at hearing that. "Well I'm glad to hear that."

Ms. Cake nodded. "So am I, but I need to go get them up, we don't want to be late."

Tart nodded. "Nope, and you sure did a good job."

Ms. Cake giggled. "Nope, this was all Pinkie and Spike. All I did was help Spike load the banner poles and clean up the kitchen."

Tart looked at Ms. Cake confused. "Really, you didn't do anything?"

Ms. Cake nodded. "Yep, Pinkie is a great baker, and Spike is strong for his size, it’s an Apple thing, I guess. Kid lifted 30 pounds without a problem, but he needed help guiding it."

Tart looked at Ms. Cake. "But he's only 4 months old?"

Ms. Cake shrugged. "I don't know, but from what he tells me, he can talk to animals, he's strong, he's very smart for a baby dragon, and he acts like Pinkie from time to time."

Tart shivered. "I don't know why, but that last one kinda scares me."

Ms. Cake giggled. "Don't worry, they use their powers for good." Ms. Cake smiled as she got off the couch and walked up to Dumpling's room to get Pinkie and Spike up. "Pinkie, Spike, it's time for the party." Said Ms. Cake.

Both shot up, and became blurs as they ran out of the room, leaving Ms. Cake alone, so she sighed and walked back down stairs, only to find that Spike was pushing the cannon, that should easily weigh 500 pounds, and Pinkie was checking the cake for any imperfections. "Spike, is everything loaded?"

Spike nodded. "Yes Mama, the chickens are ready, and the ball is outside."

Pinkie smiled as she kissed his head. "Great, the cake is ready as well."

Spike smiled. "Great, I can't wait for my first birthday party, or would it be a hatched day party?"

Pinkie hummed. "Why not have both?" Spike smiled as he nodded. "Then a First Birthday/Hatched day Party it is." Said Pinkie.

Ms. Cake smiled. "Well, I'll make the plans, but first we should get this party done first." Said Ms. Cake.

Tart smiled. "I agree, but I want an invitation to that."

Spike nodded. "Ok."

Ms. Cake looked at the cake. "Tart, you handle the cake. Pinkie, you grab the cannon, and Spike and me will handle the large ball." Said Ms. Cake.

Tart nodded, she knew that it was hard for an Earth Pony to move something like a cake, and it was much easier for a unicorn like her. Pinkie nodded, picked up Spike, and placed him on Ms. Cake's back. With that all settled, it was time for the party to begin.

The party was planned to be held at the park, the exact place Dumpling was playing with her friends, and Solid was talking with some of the other parents who greeted their royal guard buddy.

But soon Tart, Pinkie, and Ms. Cake with Spike helping push the large ball, arrived at the park. Dumpling gasped and ran over to Spike. "Spike, come meet my friends, they don't believe I know a dragon." Said Dumpling.

Spike looked at Ms. Cake. "It's fine Spike, you did a great job."

Spike then looked to Pinkie, who nodded as well. "I got it Spike, but I'll find you if something happens."

Spike nodded. "Ok." Said Spike. Dumpling smiled as she placed Spike on her back and ran over to her friends.

Everyone was surprised to see Dumpling with a dragon on her back. "Spike, this is Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, and Sunny Flare." Said Dumpling.

Spike looked at all the fillies, and he was kinda scared of them. "Why are they looking at me like that?" Asked Spike.

Dumpling sighed. "Girls, pull it together, you're scaring him."

All the fillies snapped out of the shock and felt bad that they scared him. The first to try and get Spike to calm down was Sour Sweet, a little unicorn filly with a light rose mane. "I'm sorry little guy, it’s nice to meet you, I'm Sour Sweet."

Then came a Pegasus filly with orange eyes and a blue mane. "Yeah, sorry dude, it's just that a dragon isn't something you see every day. I'm Indigo Zap by the way."

Next came an Earth Pony filly with a light green mane. "Oh, you poor thing, I'm sorry for scaring you, but please don't be afraid, my names Lemon Zest."

Next was a pale blue unicorn filly with a long snow white mane and a pair of glasses on her snout. "Oh, he's so cool looking, can I see him?"

The last of the fillies, an earth pony with a mulberry mane, sighed and gave a hoof to the back of the head to the unicorn. "Sugar Coat, he's scared as is, he doesn't want to be used as a test subject for your research."

Sugar Coat looked at the earth Filly. "Sunny Flare, I would never hurt anypony, I just wanted to examine him, it's not like dragons are everywhere."

Dumpling sighed as she felt Spike shivering in fear. "Girls, please stop, Spike is really scared now." Said Dumpling.

Sunny and Sugar Coat sighed in embarrassment, they looked at Spike. "We're sorry." Said the 2.

Spike calmed down a little. "Um... it's fine. I'm Spike Drake, it's nice to meet you."

Dumpling smiled as she placed Spike on the ground and gave him a nuzzle. "Don't worry Spike, they're all very nice, but they're weird too."

Spike chuckled. "No, they seem nice, and Mama told me that everyone is weird, but weird isn't always bad."

Dumpling smiled. "Well, it's going to take some time for everything to get ready. Would you like to come play with us?" Asked Dumpling.

Spike looked at Pinkie. "Can Mama join?"

Dumpling smiled. "Let’s go see." Said Dumpling as she and Spike walked over to Pinkie and Ms. Cake. "Aunt Cake, can Pinkie come play until the party starts?"

Ms. Cake smiled. "Sure, just let us set up really quick."

Spike gasped as he ran over to the party cannon. "Mama, ready?"

Pinkie smiled. "I was born ready." Said Pinkie as she grabbed the firing string and imagined what and where she wanted the ammo to land. "Ready, aim, FIRE!" Said Pinkie as she pulled the string. There was a loud bang and seconds later all the party supplies were flying. They soon landed in a clearing with a pile of plates landing on a folding table, along with the napkins and forks, but the poles landed behind the table and the banner floated perfectly in place, but the real unbelievable part was that the ends of the banner actually tied themselves to the poles. Pinkie and Spike smirked, and hoof/claw bumped at how cool they were as they looked at the party.

Ms. Cake looked at Pinkie and Spike. "Ok, great job you 2, now have some fun until the party starts." Said Ms. Cake.

Pinkie smiled as she placed Spike on her back and ran over to Dumpling and her friends. Tart walked over to Ms. Cake. "C, is that girl actually a pony?"

Ms. Cake shrugged. "I'm not even sure myself, but nothing in Ponyville is normal." Tart sighed at her friends answer.

Spike introduced Pinkie to all the girls, and they all ran to the parks play area, so they could play. First Spike was getting pushed in the swings by Pinkie, at first Spike was scared about being so high, but soon he smiled as it was just as cool as flying with Rainbow. Then Dumpling took Spike down a small slide, and he loved it, but he didn't go on a bigger slide. So Sour Sweet Levitated Spike so he could try the monkey bars. Indigo played a few games of tick tack toe with Spike, where she was surprised to have lost to him every time, even before she told him the rules. Lemon Zest showed Spike the sound pipes and they had a short conversation about his life in Ponyville. Sunny Flare took Spike to the top of the play set and showed him White Tail Town, and some cool places he could see from where they were. Lastly Sugarcoat just sat down with him, he was tired from all the fun, and she wasn't much into physical activity, but while Spike talked, Sugar was taking notes about Spike.

But soon it was 3 O'clock and the party started. More fillies and colts arrived at the park and gathered to greet the birthday filly. Pinkie picked up Spike, it was time for them to get back to work. "Ok Spike, I'm going to hop onto the ball and roll it over to the group, you toss me three chickens at first, then I'll nod and that'll be the signal to toss another one." Spike nodded, so Pinkie placed him near the cannon. She jumped on her ball and rolled it to the group of fillies and colts. "Hello everypony, today we are here to celebrate Strawberry Dumpling's 7th birthday, so 3 cheers for the filly of the hour."

"DUMPLING! DUMPLING! DUMPLING!" Cheered all the colts and fillies. Pinkie nodded and Spike shot out the first three chickens, and Pinkie started to juggle them. All the foals were watching Pinkie in amazement, but she nodded again. Spike launched the 4th chicken, and Pinkie didn't even blink as it just entered the rotation. Pinkie nodded again, telling Spike to add a chicken, he pulled the string and another chicken flew into the rotation. Pinkie was doing the impossible, but she nodded one more time.

Spike gulped, they didn't have a 6th rubber chicken, Pinkie only packed 5, but she kept nodding, waiting for another chicken. Spike panicked as he looked around for something to launch, but ultimately, he decided to crawl into the barrel and he pulled the string, Pinkie caught him but was just as shocked as everyone else seeing Spike fly into the act. "Spike, what are you doing here?" Asked Pinkie as she kept going.

"We...Forgot...The...6th...Chicken...So...I...Jumped...In." Said Spike every time he was close to Pinkie.

"Spike, when we get back to town, you're going to the time out corner for 15 minutes for doing something dangerous." Said Pinkie in her angry mom tone.

Spike sighed. "Yes ma'am." Said Spike.

Pinkie nodded. "Good, now flaming wheel." Said Pinkie.

Spike nodded and started shooting small flames up into the air creating a wheel of fire as he goes around. The whole crowd cheered at the performance, they all thought it was a bit.

After a few more minutes, Pinkie's front legs were getting tired, and Spike was getting dizzy, so Pinkie looked at Tart. "Ms. Tart, catch." Tart was surprised when all the chickens were getting tossed at her, but she caught 4 of the five. The last one was picked up by a light orange colt with a large brown mane. Once Spike was the only thing in the juggle, Pinkie tossed him up and jumped off the ball. When she landed, she caught Spike as the 2 panted? The crowd cheered at the show as Spike and Pinkie took a bow.

Solid Earth walked over. "Ok, let’s get the birthday filly to her cake so she can make a wish." Said Solid as he carried Dumpling to her cake.

Tart walked over to Spike and Pinkie with the colt. "Pinkie, that was fantastic, but a little more heads up would've been great."

Pinkie giggled. "Well, I wasn't expecting for Spike to join in the show, but thanks Ms. Tart."

Tart smiled as she placed the chickens in front of Pinkie. "No problem."

Spike looked at the colt who had the chicken. "Thank you for getting this for us." Said Spike.

"Oh, sorry, but that was fantastic."

Pinkie smiled. "Thanks, my names Pinkie Pie, and this is my son Spike."

Spike smiled and waved. "Hi."

The colt smiled. "Hi, well I'm just passing through and I saw a crowd, so I joined into the group." Said the colt as he tried to give Pinkie the chicken back.

Pinkie smiled but pushed it back. "Keep it, I have a closet full of them and for some reason I have a feeling I'll get it back one day."

The colt smiled. "Thanks, it was nice meeting you both." Said the colt as he placed the rubber chicken on his back. "You seem like a Boneless. So Boneless you ready to hit the road?" Asked the colt, Boneless flopped to the side. "Great." Said the colt.

Spike looked at the colt and chicken. "I like him." Said Spike.

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah, I do too, he was actually kinda cute." Said Pinkie as she giggled.

Spike was confused as something in him was growling. 'Why do I have the feeling that I'm going to have to threaten him?' Thought Spike. But Pinkie heard the growling. "Oh, let’s go get some cake Spike, your tummy is grumbly." Said Pinkie as she prodded his tummy with a hoof. Pinkie then picked Spike up and carried him to the cake.

As the party finished, it was time for Ms. Cake to take her filly and dragon assistant home before sunset. "Ok, we've finished packing up all the supplies, and Carrot will be here tomorrow to pick it up." Said Ms. Cake.

Tart nodded. "Thanks for doing this C. Dumpling had a great time."

Solid nodded as he nuzzled his wife. "Yeah, thanks Cupcake, Dumpling had a great day."

Ms. Cake smiled as she gave Tart a hug. "Don't hesitate to stop by."

Tart smiled. "Sure, maybe we can get Buttercup to join us."

Pinkie with a sleeping Spike on her back walked over to Ms. Cake as she yawned. "Ok, lets head home." Said Pinkie as she yawned again.

Ms. Cake smiled as she placed the little filly and dragon onto her back. "You did a great job today Pinkie, I'll take you home Sweetie, you just rest." Pinkie hummed as she closed her eyes.

Dumpling ran over to Ms. Cake and her family. "Aunt Cake, are you leaving already?" Asked Dumpling.

Ms. Cake sighed and nodded. "Yep, sorry Sweetie, Pinkie has class tomorrow, and Uncle Carrot needs me tomorrow morning so we can open."

Dumpling sighed. "Ok." Said the birthday filly as she hugged Ms. Cake. She flew up to Pinkie and gave her a hug, which, even in her sleeping state, Pinkie returned. Lastly Dumpling flew to Spike. "Bye Spike, it was nice to get to know you." Said Dumpling, she then kissed Spike's cheek. Dumpling landed and walked to her parents. Ms. Cake smiled as she started walking back to Ponyville.

After an hour of walking, Ms. Cake walked into her home, and carried Spike and Pinkie to Pinkie's room, she tucked them in and kissed Spike on the head. "Everyone's favorite party dragon." Said Ms. Cake as she walked to her room for the night.

Author's Note:

Pinkie just threw her first party, now its time for the Apples to meet the pears, this will happen one month after this, right as the break for Hearths Warming starts, then I'm going to honor my promise to Pinkie and have her family visit. Then a little time skip, to Spike's first birthday and his first real greed moment. Then I'm going to do a Rarity and Spike chapter about 3 years later, when Spike and his aunts go to shcool. Then a 2 year skip to the dragon migration where he meets some dragons. Then a 3 year skip to his first encounter with Zecora and him molting, yes I'm going them both at the same time, and then lastly a 1 year skip when Celestia informs the group that she will be holding the Summer Sun Celebration in town. There will be a few little chapters in between, like a wedding, Rarity opening her first shop, Fluttershy getting Harry. I'm planning to start writing with the show at chapter 55 + or - 2 or 3 chapters.

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