• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,613 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Dragon Fire Pt.2

It didn't take long for the princess to teleport to the farm house, only around 10 minutes. She had to apologize to Twilight for missing lunch with her, but she promised to make up for it tomorrow by teaching her how to teleport items like scrolls.

She also gathered all the gifts she had procured for Spike, like his new sun blanket, his future backpack, that she got from a mysterious world with creatures that walk on two legs called humans, and just because she was in a rush, she accidently brought Swift Flight's pet rabbit Angel along.

He had been a total menace to the staff of the castle, thankfully the moment she noticed that he was taking a ride with her, she placed a powerful sleep spell on him to keep him from running off.

So the moment Celestia arrived at the farm house, she knocked on the door, waiting to be let in.

Granny was the one to answer the door. "Princess?" Asked Granny, she was shocked to find the princess once again standing right outside her families home.

Celestia smiled at Granny. "Ms. Smith, I got your letter, what's happened to the girls?" Asked Celestia, she was worried about the girls and Spike.

Granny cocked her head to the side. "Letter, what letter?" Asked Granny.

Celestia was confused. She used her magic to levitate the letter she got and showed it to Granny. "This one, I got this about 10 minutes ago."

Granny looked at the paper, it was the exact same size she just gave Spike when she put him in the play pen with his aunt, it was even written with one of the colors in the crayon pack. "What the hay, when did he, how did he, how did you?" Asked Granny, but it would be better to confront Spike about it first than to ask pointless questions. Granny sighed as she moved over to let the princess in to the house. "Lets go talk to Spike, please come in Princess."

Celestia nodded as she walked into the home, she smiled at the girls and adults who were staring at seeing the princess once again. "Girls is everything ok?" Asked Celestia.

Everyone nodded. "Yes, nothing is wrong Princess, why are you here?" Asked Rarity.

Celestia moved the piece of paper over to the girls. "Well, I got this message from Spike, but instead of finding a report from you girls, it was asking for help."

All the girls looked at the letter, but then they looked at Spike in the play pen, he was playing with Applebloom, they were playing keep away with his tail.

AJ walked over to Spike and picked him up from the play pen. She brought him over to the others. "Spike, did you write this?" Asked AJ.

Spike looked at the paper, and smiled at seeing that it was still intact, he made his way to the letter and tried again to send it to the princess, completely unaware that she was sitting just out of his view. Spike took a deep breath and concentrated on the image of the princess in his mind. Soon there was a warm feeling building in his stomach. Once it was warm enough he opened his mouth and exhaled a jet of green fire.

Everyone was shocked to see Spike produce his first flame, that they knew about. The flame hit the letter and turned it into a plume of smoke. But unlike last time, where the smoke flew out of the chimney, this time the smoke flew around the room and stopped right above the princess. Spike watched the smoke fly around the room and smiled when he finally noticed the princess sitting in the room. "Princess Celestia! Hi." Said Spike.

The letter condensed back into a solid form and landed right on the ground right in front of the princess. Spike gasped as he smiled wide. "It worked." Cheered Spike.

'Ok that answers one question.' Thought Celestia. She picked up the letter and placed it on the table. She walked over Spike and smiled at him. "You did a great job Spike, I'm so proud of you." Said Celestia as she nuzzled his head.

Spike giggled at the praise he was getting, but then he remembered why he needed to see her. "Princess, Mommy need help." Said Spike.

Celestia sighed, she levitated Spike over to her and placed him on the ground right in front of her. She looked down at Spike and sat down with him. "Spike, what is wrong?" Asked Celestia.

"Mommy and grandpa and grandma are upset that mommy..." Said Spike, he really didn't know why she was upset, he had no concept of money, he had no idea of property, and he had no idea what was making his mommy upset. He looked at Fluttershy. "Mommy, why are you upset?" Asked Spike.

Celestia looked at Fluttershy. "Yes, please tell me as well Fluttershy. I want to make sure that nothing happens to you girls or Spike."

Fluttershy sighed. "Well, all this week, Mr. Hondo and Ms. Cookie have tried their best to find me a place where I can live in Ponyville. But there isn't anywhere that we can afford."

Gentle sighed as he walked over to Fluttershy. "Sweetie, I'll talk to my boss and see if I can get an advance on my pay check."

Celestia sighed. 'Ok, now I understand, but I think I have an idea how to remedy this.' She looked down at the basket with the gifts and the little white menace. 'You might actually be useful you little pain in the flanks.' Celestia looked at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, I have a feeling that you and your family are struggling to afford a home, that will allow you to spend time with Spike, is that right?"

Fluttershy nodded. Celestia smiled. "Ok, Fluttershy, do you like animals?" Asked Celestia.

Fluttershy nodded. "I do, I've always wanted to take care of animals, but I'm not a good flier and I'm afraid of heights, so flying to the ground was just too scary."

Gentle smiled at his daughter. "But that didn't stop her. One day she found a injured red bird resting on a cloud right below our house, she flew to it and brought it back, she took such good care of it until it was ready to fly again."

Fluttershy blushed as she tried to hide her face. "Daddy." Whined Fluttershy.

Celestia smiled at hearing this. "Well, I just so happened to have a special little rabbit with me, he needs a new home, and if you'd like to take responsibility for him, I just might know the perfect place for you to live." Said Celestia. She looked at the group of girls. "Would you all mind following me?" Asked Celestia as she placed the basket with Angel onto her back and used her magic to place Spike into the basket. Spike found a still asleep Angel and thinking that it was a toy for him, he started to snuggle it.

All the girls nodded as everyone except for Granny and Bloom walked out of the house, headed for the possible home for Fluttershy.

It didn't take long for the group to reach the location, and to everyone's shock it was the exact same house that would of been perfect for Fluttershy and Spike to live in. "This is the one I believe." Said Celestia.

Fluttershy gasped as she looked at the cottage. "But this is the one we were talking about?"

Celestia looked at Fluttershy. "Really?" She shrugged. "Well, if I remember, I gave this plot of land to a wandering vet that treated my little Philomena when she accidently broke her leg. I asked her to make it her home in hopes of her helping more animals. I see she took my offer to heart. I was saddened to find out about her passing, but when I asked around, I learned that she had grown into some what of a animal whisperer, but that came at a price, she unfortunately never married and had a child to take ownership of the land." She looked at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, if you are willing to help animals in need like she did, I would be honored to give you ownership of this land, along with a stypence of 500 bits a month to cover all of the supplies you could need, and another 300 to deal with the upkeep and maintenance."

Everyone dropped their jaws, Spike picked up Angel and looked at Celestia. "Princess, can I have this toy as well?" Asked Spike.

Celestia looked at Spike, and looked at the still sleeping Angel in his arms. She smiled at him. "Spike, that's not a toy, that's the little rabbit I was talking about, would you like to say hi to him?" Asked Celestia. 'Maybe seeing a dragon will scare some manners into him.' Thought Celestia.

Spike nodded. Celestia smiled as she used her horn to lift the sleep spell on Angel. Angel opened his eyes and looked around, but when his gaze fell on the creature holding him, his eyes went wide.

Spike looked at Angel. "Hi." Said Spike, but Angel wasn't in the mood to say hi back, he tried to get away from Spike and that resulted in him running and hiding right behind Fluttershy.

Celestia smiled a devilish smile on the inside. 'Good, it worked better than I thought it would.'

Fluttershy looked at the little bunny trying to hide from Spike. She kneeled down to his level and looked into his eyes. "Hi there, little guy, my name is Fluttershy, what's your name?" Asked Fluttershy.

(AN: this next part it going to be between Angle and Fluttershy, just to show that she can talk to animals.)

"Angel Bunny." Said Angel.

Fluttershy smiled. "Well that's a cute name. Do you have a home?" Asked Fluttershy.

Angel shook his head. "No, my last owner was taken away, I've been living with the big pony for a while now, and its boring."

Fluttershy nodded. "Well, would you like to live with me and my son, we're both very nice?"

Angel looked around. "Um... Sure, where's your son?"

Fluttershy giggled as she looked at Celestia. "Princess, can I see Spike?"

Celestia nodded and levitated Spike over to Fluttershy's back. She looked at Spike. "Sweetie, you need to be a good little dragon right now and keep your voice down, or you might scare him. Can you do that?" Asked Fluttershy.

Spike nodded. "Ok Mommy." Said Spike.

Fluttershy smiled at hearing this, she placed Spike down right in front of Angel. She looked at the bunny. "Angel this is Spike, he's my son." she looked at Spike. "And Spike this is Angel Bunny."

Spike looked at Angel. "Hi, Angle its nice to meet." Said Spike.

Angel groaned as he looked at Fluttershy. "Really?" Asked the bunny, but at least he could get out of the castle and at least make living with a dragon bearable. "Fine, I need a place to stay." He looked at Spike and stuck out his paw for Spike.

Spike grabbed the paw and instead of shaking it, Spike lifted the bunny up and placed Angel on his head. "That's my favorite seat, maybe you like it too?" Asked Spike.

Angel sighed, he looked at Fluttershy. "Well, I guess I'm stuck here from now on." Said Angel.

Fluttershy smiled as she looked at the princess. "Princess, he said he would like to stay here with me and Spike."

Celestia smiled. "I'm glad to hear, I'll make arrangements for you to move in as soon as possible, but for now I must get back to Canterlot." She looked at AJ. "Applejack, would you mind taking these back to the house with you, inside is Spike's blanket and backpack?"

AJ shook her head. "Not at all Princess." Celestia smiled as she removed the basket and placed it onto AJ's back.

Celestia smiled as she extended her wings and started her flight back to the castle and her student.

Fluttershy looked at Spike and his new friend. "Well, thank you Spike, you truly are something else."

Spike smiled as he started trying to walk into the cottage. "Come on Mommy, lets go inside."

Fluttershy smiled as she followed her son and sorta pet into her new home.

Everyone else were just silent. "So... are we going to talk about the fact that Flutters can apparently talk to animals?" Asked Rainbow.

Pinkie gasped as she could now throw a house warming party for Fluttershy. "I'll be right back, I need to get ready." Said Pinkie as she ran off to get her new supplies from her recently dug Party Cave.

AJ shook her head. "Maybe later Dash. Lets go check out the house." Said AJ as she and Rarity walked into the house.

Rainbow sighed as she followed behind.

And that's how Spike was the most important part of getting his Mommy her home in town.

Author's Note:

There we go, Fluttershy has Angle and her cottage. Spike knowingly sent his first message.

Next chapter will be two months later from this point. All the girls have moved into thier new homes, and it's time for Spike and the girls to meet the whole extended family.

As for Twilight, she is going crazy trying to get ready for her first day at school, where she will meet a special someone.

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