• Published 18th Sep 2019
  • 669 Views, 8 Comments

Derpy's hidden secret - General Sparky

Derpy, the clumsy mare we all know her as, is hiding a very important secret. One which would shock everyone if they knew. For she is non other than Clover the Clever, the founder of Equestria.

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"It's okay, mom, now tell me how did you earn those wings and how did you get so tall and maybe how do you look so cute?" Dinky asked.

“Well, about that. It was a really funny process actually.” Derpy said, “Well, it all started when I was a horse back on earth.....

I was just born in this place called the Singapore Zoo. My entire foalhood was spent inside the zoo’s walls. I also grew up under the care of the zoo handlers. I was named Sparky by my zoo handlers. When I was about 2 year old or a ‘filly’, I gave rides to little children that visit the zoo. When I reach adulthood (about 5 years old), I was about 17 hands (68 inches/ 173cm) tall and I started to give rides to both human children and adults. I mostly stayed inside the zoo’s wall and just got used to people riding me.

My life changed when the Singapore army attempted to introduce an equestrian wing, mostly for ceremonial purposes, into its ranks. I was then transferred to an army guarded stables where I met several other horses. That was where I first met your father too. There were about ten horses inside and there was like about five riding instructors inside. The instructors taught us some commands and what is expected reaction. We were also measured in terms of height and weight so that the tailors could make fitting armor that we would wear.

I was like any other horse at the time. That is until a Unicorn came to our stables one night when we were sleeping. I was just trying to close my eyes when I saw this bright light entering our stables. The Unicorn walked up to other horses’ stall and held up a little piece of paper, chanting something. He walked towards another horse and did the same thing. This continued until the Unicorn walked up in front of me. When the Unicorn walked up to me, I did not say anything but stare in awe at this amazing sight.

The Unicorn then turned to look at me and said, “Bad horsey, not sleeping like your fellow horses.”

I frowned at the statement. “I am so sorry but I just couldn’t help but see you. Your magnificent light is making me hard to sleep you know.” I stated.

“Wait, you can see my light?” He asked.

“Yes, of course I can see. It is so bright and so distracting.” I stated.

“Ah, I see. Maybe this will help you.” The Unicorn before lighting up his horn and a scroll of paper appeared in front of me. It looked like a chant of sorts.

“Now, to confirm my suspicions, read the words on the scroll out loud.” The unicorn commanded.

I did as I was told and said, “Twilight Star, Twilight Star, Twinkling high above so far, Shining light, Shining bright, Will you grant my wish tonight? Let my little horse forlorn, Be at last a Unicorn!”

The Unicorn looked at me, smiling with glee.”You are the one I have been for looking for!”

“I don’t get it, nothing has changed.” I said, not realising what he was so hyped for.

“Touch your forehead.” He said. I raised my hoof to my forehead, expecting to feel nothing. Except I did feel something. It was something long and pointy attached to my forehead.

“I have a horn?!” I exclaimed, surprised to finding a horn appearing on my forehead when a few seconds ago it wasn’t there.

The Unicorn laughed sneakily, “Not just that.” He eyed on something on my back.

I slowly turned my head and looked behind me. It was a pair of feathery wings. “I got wings too?!”

And than I notice something weird happening, the Unicorn was shrinking right before my very eyes. The world around me was shrinking too. Wait a minute..... The world isn’t shrinking, I’m Growing! I am growing at a fast rate too. Within a minute, the gate that separated me from the Unicorn was level with my hoof when it was at my chest just moments prior.

Before long, my tail hit the back my stall. The gate when now level with my knee. I quickly jumped out and ran towards the gate before I got any bigger. The gate wasn’t that tall as it was designed to fit at most a double decker bus through. The Unicorn helped me to cut the lock open and opened the gate. I bent down low to avoid hitting the gate’s ceiling and managed to squeeze my way out.

When I was outside, my growth started to slow down and came to a stop. I was already quite tall as a normal horse but this growth spurt brings it to the next level. I was eye level with the stables’ roof and my horn was pretty long. the little Unicorn walked on a path of magic stars up the stables. He sat down on the stables’ rooftop and gave a good look at me.

“I will have to say, not bad for a starting height.”

“What are you talking about? Are you suggesting that I will grow any taller? I demand you change me back NOW!” I said, freaking out about what just happened to me.

“You are an Alicorn. You have no idea how great of an honour that is. Only those that have done a lot of good deeds are able to become Alicorns. They are generally very big and tall. I heard that their size corresponds with the amount of powers they have. You must have a lot of hidden potential if your starting height is about 7 metres (22 feet). Don’t worry about your size, we can change back into our normal horse-like sizes through a spell and vice versa.” The Unicorn explained. “Well, at least that is how it works for the average Unicorn like me. I heard that Alicorns can change their size at will and can shrink or grow as much as their magical stamina allows them to.”

“Are you done with your explanation? Can you please get me down from here? I am kinda scared of heights.” I said, trying my best not to look down.

“Ok, fine.” The unicorn pops another scroll up and enlarge so that I could easily read. “I will say this spell and it would return you to normal size.”

“Okay. Here goes nothing.” The Unicorn took a deep breath and chanted, “Twilight Star, Twilight Star, Twinkling high above so far, Protect this secret from prying eyes, and return the Unicorn to her disguise. Her magical shape is for my eyes only, Let her be once more a pony.”

Just like that, I am back to the normal horsey that everyone knows me as. I look around for the Unicorn but he seemed to have gone away.

All that is left is a piece of paper on the ground.

Dear Sparky,

When you read this, this means that my scout has finally found you and has made the reveal. I had my eyes on you when you were a little filly when you did something nice for the animals and the humans around you. Your spirit of giving has definitely not gone unnoticed here in Aura. (HQ for magical horses) As you grew older, you continued to help those around you, even helping the handler to calm down a horse that went wild. Your actions on earth has led us to believe that you will make a wonderful alicorn in the future. So we decided to grant you the magical abilities and the physique of an alicorn. Hopefully, you could use your new found abilities to help those in need better and render more assistance to them. The alicorn council has decided to make me your mentor. I will be there to help you when you have doubts on how to use your powers or if you have any questions about being an alicorn. An alicorn is expected to learn about her powers while disguised. So over the next few days, you will find yourself learning new powers and abilities while doing some ‘everyday tasks.’

When you need my help, just say my name three times and shake the Unicorn head communicator attached to the back of this letter and I will answer your questions through it. Have a great learning ahead!

Signed, Cleo
Alicorn, Power of transmission

Some things about me:

Personality: Impulsive and Loyal
Interest: Writing and Reading
Power: Power of transmission
Appearance: A white alicorn with a pink mane and rainbow coloured wings
Height in disguise: (*It was required apparently) 16 hands (162 cm/ 64 inches)

I flipped the paper and saw an metal Unicorn head. I smiled as I walked back towards my stall. I REALLY need to get some sleep. :)

Author's Note:

1) Sorry for the ‘real-life’ horses fact dump in this chapter. (Derpy was a horse on earth before going to equestria so deal with it)
2) I have no intention of writing everything from Derpy’s POV but I did it anyway.
3) More Derpy backstory, YAY! I REALLY need some sleep considering I am typing this at 4 am in the morning
4) What do you guys think? Leave your constructive comments in the comment section down below.
That is all, General Sparky, out (to get some sleep)

Comments ( 2 )

Nice idea with the real world. I wonder what Dinky has inherited from her mother and father.

The real world mixed with Equestria!? Don't think I've heard that before in a while

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