• Published 18th Sep 2019
  • 669 Views, 8 Comments

Derpy's hidden secret - General Sparky

Derpy, the clumsy mare we all know her as, is hiding a very important secret. One which would shock everyone if they knew. For she is non other than Clover the Clever, the founder of Equestria.

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Derpy, clad in her battle armor, flew through the skies, flying past the buildings at break neck speed without hitting anything. Holding an crossbow with her hoof, her sword dangling off her armor as if it was a piece of decoration. She scanned the ground for her target, that pony would not get away that easily. Within a few minutes up in the air, she spotted her target: an earth pony of dark blue. As soon as she spotted the pony she shot her with the crossbow, the arrow hitting the pony's hind hoof, causing the pony to drop on the floor. Derpy landed in front of the pony and pulled her sword out.

"Where do you think you are going, little pony?" Derpy asked, her eyes glaring intensely at the pony in front of her. The pony did not respond and simply stomp her hoof on the ground. The pony then took out a sword and pointed it at the tiny dragon she was carrying on its' back.

"You would not want me to kill him, do you?" The pony threatened. Derpy stood there, looking intensely at the pony. She let out a small giggle. The pony took a step back.

"Why are you giggling?" The pony asked in fear. Derpy lit her horn and took out one of the U-shaped horseshoe underneath her hoof. She examined the horseshoe. "Who are you?! There is no such horseshoe in Equestria!"

Derpy gave a wicked smile. The pony took the cue and started to lose her grip on the sword. The pony threw her sword on the ground and broke into a trot, hastily retreating into the city. She ran and she ran and she ran, anything to get away from the guard. As the pony reached within sights of the city, she thought that she had escaped far enough from the devil. Only to run smack into a towering alicorn.

The pony was knocked hard and fell on the ground, the dragon falling off her back during her fall. The pony looked down and saw that she was covered entirely by the alicorn's shadow, the alicorn's shadow could cover her two times easily and blocked the sunlight from her view. The pony tried to look up to meet the alicorn's eye, only to find that she was gripped by the fear of just being so close to the alicorn's presence. She kept her eyes down, unable to muster up the strength to look at this creature's true form.

Derpy gently place her hoof underneath the pony's face and lift it up so that she could meet her eyes. Derpy tilt her head downwards so that the pointy end of her horn would be near the pony's skull. "If you ever hurt my precious Toothless again," Derpy eyes glow with hatred and darkness that would made King Sombra look like a foal's play, "I will not hesitate to plunge this horn down into that plushy body of yours and kill you."

The pony nodded furiously, begging for Derpy to release her. Derpy used her telekinesis and toss the little pony in direction of the city gates. She use her hoof to pick up the little Toothless and place him on her back and flew away.

Derpy woke up suddenly, and stood up and hit the ceiling. "Ouch." She commented. "It was just a dream, Sparky. Just a dream." She said to herself. Derpy looked underneath her wing and noticed that her daughter and Toothless missing.

"Oh you are awake." Toothless commented, walking out of the kitchen with a plate of baked fish. Toothless place his breakfast on the table and sat beside Derpy.

"Heh, you okay?" Toothless asked, concerned that he saw Derpy looking ready to obliterate the surface of the earth and kill anyone on sight.

"No. I am not okay. I had a nightmare last night. I thought some pony kidnapped you and I track her down. I was filled with so much hatred that I almost lost control of my powers and nearly went on a killing spree." Derpy said, tears dripping from her eyes.

"It's okay, we have nightmares now and then. Just don't let it impact you that much." Toothless stated.

"Did I do anything bad when I was in that nightmare?" Derpy asked.

"When I woke up, you pointed you horn directly at Dinky and said some nasty things. You look like you were about to plunge your horn into her. I quickly picked her up and placed her in her bed. Now she shaking in her bed, Derpy. She must have been awake when you said those nasty things at her."

"Oh no, Toothless, what have I done?" Derpy asked, her tears flowing like a river down her cheek, and hurled herself into a ball and lie down on the floor.

"Hey, don't cry, it is not your fault that you have nightmares." Toothless said, trying to console the poor alicorn drowning in her own mistake in front of him.

"It is my fault, Toothless! My own daughter is now terrified of me! What should I do Toothless?" Derpy asked.

"Go up and explain it to her?" Toothless said, also unsure of what to do in such a situation.

"What do I tell her? Oh Dinky, sorry for scaring you I was just having nightmares, that's all. Also, your mom is a freaking alicorn that kill creatures for a living in the past. That is not really going to calm her down is it?" Derpy replied sarcastically.

"Look, I suggest you wait a few days to let her cool down first. She is huddling and shivering under the bed covers right now. It took her a long time to fall asleep." Toothless said.

"I will break it to her when she is ready. In the meantime, could you take care of her while I calm myself down?" Derpy requested. Her eyes staring with the love of a mother to her daughter at Toothless.

Toothless placed his claw over Derpy's shoulders. "Of course I can Derpy. Now, you better figure out a way to break it to her." Derpy nodded.

A week has passed after the incident. Toothless has been taking care of Dinky for the past week. Dinky has slowly open up her mind after the incident. Toothless took a lot of time trying to get rid of that scary figure in her mind and briefly explaining what creature Derpy is. Derpy stay out of Dinky's sight during the whole week.

Toothless asked Dinky if she is ready to face her mother again and she replied, "Not really."

Toothless called Derpy up into Dinky's room to see her reaction. Dinky was a bit hesitant to open her eyes but eventually found the will to do so. Dinky opened her eyes, expecting to see a monster of sorts. But what she sees caused her to staare in disbelief. What was in front of her was the nicest, most beautiful alicorn she has ever seen.

"I am so sorry for scaring you, little muffin. I promise I will not do it again." Derpy said, her head bowing low to show her regret. Dinky rushed over to Derpy and hugged her mother. Derpy returned the hug, and hugged her tightly. Derpy did not realise that she almost choke her daughter until Toothless sheepishly commented, "Maybe start by releasing her so that she could breathe." Toothless sheepishly commented. Derpy swiftly release her grip on Dinky and said, "Oops, sorry about that."

"It's okay, mom, now tell me how did you earn those wings and how did you get so tall and maybe how do you look so cute?" Dinky asked.

Author's Note:

1) Another chapter up, YAY!
2) Side note: Derpy was a soldier so she was no stranger to killing.
3) What a greater way to introduce the story than a nightmare and a glimpse into past Derpy
4) What do you guys think? Leave your constructive comments in the comment section down below.
That is all, General Sparky out