• Published 9th Sep 2019
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Warhammer 40K: Sunset - madhat886

The mirror sent Sunset into the Warhammer 40K universe to meet her father.

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Chapter 3

The Emperor health has improved to the point where he's able use his vast powers to begin the repair to the webway that he's been keeping from opening and letting demons to overwhelm Holy Terra. He's also been able to eat food again instead of having it injected into him, soft foods but food once again. He had miss enjoying a simple meal and drink.

He has also been fixing his empire and reversing the decay that has happen since he was gone from leading it. He sent Guilliman to The Rock home of the Dark Angels to free his brother Lion El'Jonson from stasis. With his backing and Guilliman being a fellow Primarch he would go into the chambers that only the current chapter master could go into and wake up his brother. Then both of them would go and start looking for their brothers who are still alive. He gave Guilliman the locations of where he would be able to find or at least contact his missing brothers.

Then there is his fallen son Sanguinius whose body lay entombed on the world of Baal. He has ordered the Blood Angels to open his tomb and bring his body to Terra where he'll try to bring his son back to life. He needs all of his sons that can be recovered back to him to help restore the human empire back on the right track. Not to mention that his son would be able to teach his sister Sunset the one thing that he couldn't teach her, how to fly.

The Emperor look down to his daughter who is down below the golden throne up against one of the walls of the room. He's been training her to use her powers, which her still growing body wouldn't be able to handle at full strength till she's older. She isn't alone as a group of young girls are with her. Since Sunset came to live in his universe away from her mother's, she's been living in the palace under the watchful eyes of the custodes and then the eyes of the adepta sororitas.

Sunset has been to the many of the parades and feasts that took place on Terra, which also mirrored what happen on other planets once news of the Emperor's return hit. Which she was closely guarded at all times by the custodes, as well as her being protected by personal shields, one on top of another. Then there were the grand balls where the most powerful and important of the nobles of Terra gathered to celebrate their Emperor's return. With Sunset, once he allowed the wider Imperium to learn about her, being the guest of honer seeing how her father couldn't be moved from the golden throne yet and where she was first introduce to the wide Imperium.

The nobles still played the power game, of competing against each other for just about everything. When the news come out of how the Emperor's daughter would be attending the grand ball to celebrate his return, and all they knew of her at the time was that she's young and took after her brother Sanguinius in having wings on her back. The noble houses quickly schemed against each other in finding a member of their houses to charm the young princess. Which resulted in many assassinations before the ball took place, which was held in the palace where the only ones allowed to carry weapons would be the custodes. Anyone else would be quickly rejected from the party if any weapon was found, no matter who they are and how connected they are. And in the shadows the Officio Assassinorum watched as well, having been given orders from their Emperor to ignore any other mission and kill the ones they use to take orders from if it would result in the harm of his daughter. They would treat any threat to her as a threat to his life and to response in kind.

When the grand ball took place, all the most important and powerful houses from noble to Navigator houses came. With all of them being scanned and scanned again before they were able to enter the palace. The normal ball that the nobles were use to from what others would do, take it as an opportunity to develop their network of allies, improve their businesses or generally meet new people. The nobles on the other hand used it as an opportunity to practice the worst excesses humanity was capable of. The murder of their rivals by poison or exotic weapons, making power plays and ending or making new connections in the ever changing power struggle that they were all use to. But seeing how this was a ball for the return of their Emperor and that they were told in advance that any murder or assault that happens in the palace, the house responsible would be wipe out by the order of the Emperor. So the noble houses did what they could before the ball and once they're in the palace, where the surviving young members of the number of different houses would do what they can to charm the young daughter of the Emperor.

Which once the Emperor by a giant screen and vox on one of the walls, revealed himself to the crowd showing that he's on the path of recovering his full health, not just to the ones in the palace but also all over Terra by vox screen. He introduced his daughter Sunset Shimmer who made it all possible, his 6 year old daughter. Which put a damper to all the plans the houses had made of getting her to marry into their house, seeing how young she is. Which meant all the killings of the younger members of each noble house and all the preparations they done to seduce a young woman, was all for nothing. Not to mention all the gifts that bought with them which Sunset had no interest in as they're all meant for someone older.

Sunset had her own personal table away from the other tables and surrounded by custodes who wouldn't let anyone pass. Sunset wasn't alone as she's with young girls her age who were all sisters of battle in training, taken from the streets of Terra itself. They were taken from a life as a sister of battle to be the future bodyguards of Sunset and are undergoing training by the custodes themselves. The Emperor has Sunset undergo the same training to make her body stronger to be able to use her abilities to their full power.

Unlike how her mother just told her to make friends, her father the Emperor had her Sunset undergoing the same training as her future bodyguards which resulted in her growing close to them. In fact unlike in most training that other military units go through in the rest of the Imperium, were given easy training seeing how all the girls are around Sunset's age of 6 and their training are just to get their body on the road to be able to handle the real training down the road in a few years. Not to mention no one wanted to be the one who gets Sunset who restored her father the Emperor badly hurt because of the training she was put through, when she is still a young child. Which the one who is overseeing the training of the girls, pointed out the reason why they're only undergoing light physical training to build up their bodies. Which the Emperor stated that till they're older the girls are just to go under training to strengthen their bodies for the real training later. And that they should enjoy having a childhood while it last. (1)

The few young noble children that were brought along to the ball were allowed to join Sunset at her personal table. The food served to Sunset were all tested and tasted before it was set on Sunset's table. As the kids feasted and chat with each other, the adults watch afar making plans for the future seeing how Sunset is just a young child she can be guided to a path that would benefit them. But the smarter nobles also realized that unlike all of their power struggles of the past, Sunset is someone that they couldn't just treat like another noble. Her older brother Guilliman already made it clear what he thought of the power plays that the noble houses played against each other, and it's already an unwritten rule to never play against any of the Emperor's children yet alone the Emperor himself. Those that do never lived long. With how young Sunset is and how watchful the Emperor seems to be on her, many nobles saw how the servo skulls hovered around Sunset, anyone who tried anything with her would be signing their death warrant which no matter who they are the Emperor would see them dead.

But still the smarter nobles who had their young children with them who have joined Sunset at her table pass the many guards around it, saw a long term plan in motion. They couldn't arrange anything with Sunset, not with what the fallout would be depending on what happen, but if their child were to become friends with her and even better a love interest. Well the Emperor or anyone else could really do anything about it, if it just happen on its own. Many of the other nobles also had the same ideas in their heads to get their own children to become close to their new princess.

The Emperor look upon Sunset as she chats with the group of girls around her. She's been bringing one group of girls after another to see him. Sunset besides the training she's been going through also is being given an education which she joined a class of noble children, which is at a nearby Adepta Ministorum chosen for the tight security and defenses already in place. She didn't get about praying and studying the scriptures about her father as she pointed out that he's changing his mind about many of the things in the scriptures. Which somehow resulted in Sunset taking a group of her fellow students to go see him in person.

Now it's just something that happens with Sunset bringing some of her classmates and friends over to the palace to see around and visit him. Which the custodes tried at first to stop with the captain-general coming in with Sunset and the group she brought with her hanging on him trying to bring him down by dog piling on him. Which Sunset having him in a headlock which was doing nothing to him, just ordered him to bring her and her friends to her father to ask. Which was a funny scene of the captain-general surrounded by his fellow custodes and sisters of battle, having a group of young girls lead by Sunset still trying to bring him down by holding onto his massive armored body. With Sunset and two other girls all trying to pull off his helmet. So now after they're scan and search they're allowed into the palace as long as they're with Sunset.

The Emperor never had to deal with this kind of things with his sons, but they never had a childhood to begin with. They were all born as adults with all the knowledge already in their brains. Sunset is just a child that he has to teach and be a real father for her to become a true leader of the Imperium. He has done it before. A flood of memories of children that he has taken in and raised over the eons came to him. It's just been a long time since he has done it and having to remember long forgotten lessons that he learned in raising children. And the first in a long time since he had a daughter. Which is going to be a long and hard road in raising her to adulthood. But then again there is a way to make it easier.

The Emperor turn his glaze to the mirror which is still open for Sunset to return to her mother when she decides to return. Celestia is the only woman that he has met who he could have a real relationship with. Not to mention she's the only woman who could handle him and vise versus in him being able to handle her. Sunset does have both of their powers and he could only teach her so much about her powers, till only her mother could teach her the rest.

Author's Note:

1 - Putting a 6 year old child through training that is meant for an adult won't result in a strong child, but a cripple one or a dead one.