• Published 9th Sep 2019
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Warhammer 40K: Sunset - madhat886

The mirror sent Sunset into the Warhammer 40K universe to meet her father.

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Chapter 2

Shaking his head from what his father just revealed to him, Guilliman look down at his sister, Sunset who came only up to his knees. Around them are the ever present Custodes as well as Sunset's own personal guard of sororitas, who his father had personally chosen to protect Sunset. Her power reminded him of Malcador the second most powerful human psyker ever, but with her being so young there is no tell how powerful she would become. Their father is still far more experience and powerful but only for so long and how much Sunset's power would become once she reaches her peak.

"Sunset's mother is a powerful psyker in her own right, being able to move entire stars and planets. Which she pass on to her, along with your own power," Guilliman said.

"Yes once Sunset has fully matured in her powers will be even greater then mine," the Emperor said.

"She just touch you and you were healed?" Guilliman ask.

"Her power allowed her to restore me to a point where I can recover on my own. Which also caused her to become an ailcorn," the Emperor said.

"How did she get past all the custodes?" Guilliman ask.

"She didn't, she just appeared in the throne room," the Emperor said.

"I came in by the magic mirror," Sunset spoke up.

"Magic mirror?" Guilliman ask looking around the room. Then he spotted it. The ancient mirror that's been in the throne room as long as he remembers, off on the corner where it always stood and people just forgot about.

"Before me and Sunset's mother separated after a fight between us. I use to visit her using that mirror," the Emperor said.

"But for that to had happen it would had to be before you were wounded. How is Sunset still so young?" Guilliman ask.

"Our two dimensions are also out of sync in time. Only when the mirror is activated allowing passage to each other's universes does our time sync up," a woman's voice called out that filled the room. That both Sunset and the Emperor knew as the royal voice.

"Celestia, about time you showed up. What took you?" the Emperor ask.

A tall woman appeared at the bottom of the stairs leading to the golden throne, which the custodes and sisters of battle quickly lock their weapons on her. The woman wore the same colored armor as the Emperor but with the claw gauntlet being on the right as the woman is left handed. The woman's white skin and long hair that blew in some unseen wind, in strains of blue, pink, and green coloring, and she wore a tiara on her head. She wielded a massive specter in her left hand that look elegant while being as powerful as the Emperor's sword, which she used as a walking stick. The custodes lowered their weapons seeing who it is but the sisters of battle didn't lower their weapons.

"I thought it would do Sunset some good to get to know her father. I never thought that she would be able to use the mirror to reconnect our worlds together. Not to mention what you have become since, I last saw you Ham," Celestia said. (1)

"Ham?" Guilliman ask.

"That's my birth name," the Emperor said very reluctantly.

"Daddy is Emperor Ham?" Sunset said before she started laughing.

"I see that pigs must have gone extinct since, I last been here," Celestia said eyeing the room which no one seem to understand the joke. She look closely at a pair of custodes. "Bill, Victor it's been a long time."

"It has Empress," Bill said.

"Have you and the others taken care of Sunset?" Celestia ask.

"We have been, but the Emperor thought it would be better for her to have women to watch over her," Victor said.

"And the sisters of battle are the ones he picked. I fail to see why you would pick them to look after our daughter. Seeing how they kill anyone who doesn't follow their mindset," Celestia said.

"I have been making changes since, I have been awaken. I have given the sisters of battle the chance to prove themselves to me in protecting Sunset. Even if she isn't fully human, she is still my daughter," the Emperor said.

"They're xenos?" Guilliman ask.

"Hybrids. Before even the age before the fall where I step out of the shadows. A group of humans not liking how the world was at the time decided to travel to a new universe, which the group leader discovered a way to do so by a magical rainbow bridge that one of their grandmothers discovered years before. That world they made their home, was already home to a race of beastpeople in the form of horses or ponies as they called themselves. And over the generations the two races mix together creating the current race who now populate that planet. I discovered the mirror after you Guilliman and your brothers were shattered around the galaxy. There, I met with Celestia and one thing lead to another," the Emperor said.

"Both of us learn from each other and shared ideas. As an ailcorn, I am immortal, ageless and just as powerful as he is. I'm the only one that Ham could even relate to on any level. Malcador was the only one he had before he came to my world. But then our different views caused us to break apart. With his views on different races," Celestia said.

"Well unlike before, I had time to rethink on somethings and changed my mind. Like living with xenos who aren't out to kill all humans or worse," the Emperor said.

"Must have been a shock to you when you discovered that Sunset is your daughter," Celestia said.

"When she touch me, I was able to read her mind and it wasn't hard to figure out," the Emperor said. "And the fact that you were sending her away from the castle."

"I didn't even know she was my mom," Sunset said.

"I have reasons to keep things hidden from you. But we can talk when we go back home," Celestia said.

"I'm not going back with you. I'm an ailcorn and daddy is much better then you," Sunset said.

"Unlike you I told her everything," the Emperor said.

"You have no idea what your father is like. The reason why he's struck on that throne is because of what happen between him and your older brothers," Celestia said.

"I'm not making that mistake again," the Emperor said.

"You finally admit when you're wrong, but only when your empire you created has become this dying and a husk of what you told me it would be," Celestia said.

"Yes a bitter pill I had to shallow in how much the empire I created has fallen. But thanks to Sunset restoring me, I am making the changes and made examples to set things back to what the empire should had been," the Emperor said.

"I'm guessing there were those who think of Sunset being xeno scum to be killed then," Celestia said.

"The different orders and groups that have been created since my fall, all now have to prove themselves to me that they shouldn't be disbanded with my return. The battle sisters for example have been made Sunset's guards to prove to me that they can follow the new order of things that I have made," the Emperor said.

"Having a bunch of women who are so brainwash in the religion that was created around you, which you having destroyed all the other religions the irony must be great, kill anyone who's views doesn't matches theirs. Guarding Sunset who is a everything they been taught to hate," Celestia said.

"The ones who are guarding her are all young and I'm giving them a chance to change before I decide what to do with them. Other orders, I have already ruled in their either disbanding or reordering in what they're able to do," the Emperor said.

"Sunset this place is too dangerous for you," Celestia said.

"Then where were you?" Sunset ask. "I been here for nearly a year and you suddenly just appear and wanting to take me back?"

"I thought it would be the best for you to get to know you father before I came to take you back home," Celestia said.

"Why are you acting like my mom when you never did before?" Sunset ask.

"I have my reasons," Celestia said.

"Celly you are not taking Sunset when she doesn't want to go with you," the Emperor said raising his hand causing the custodes to lock their weapons back on Celestia.

"So be it, Ham," Celestia said seeing there is no way she'll be able to take Sunset back. "I'll leave the mirror active so when Sunset decides to come home I'll be there waiting."

Celestia walk pass the guards who parted allowing her to walk through the mirror. Leaving behind her daughter with her father. Who she won't see again for many years.

Author's Note:

1 - Seeing how no one has revealed what the name of the Emperor is which his parents gave him. I'm giving him the name of Ham.