• Published 4th Nov 2019
  • 10,495 Views, 648 Comments

Little Changes - tom117z

When a Rainbow Dash from another world crash lands near the Badlands Hive, Princess Twilight Sparkle, daughter of Queen Chrysalis, works to find a way to send her home.

  • ...

26 - Miscalculations

“HOURS?!” came the surprised squeal of a pink party horse while her friends all stared in abject horror at Princess Luna’s announcement. “But that’s like… Days but not in hours in minutes and we really really need to get Dashie Deus back home or she will never see her lovey-dovey again and that would be sad and I could probably get a ‘sorry you missed it’ cheering up party going in a couple of hours but saving the world is-”

“Laughter,” Luna said cooly. “Silence.”

Pinkie stopped speaking, but her frantic movements suggested her rant continued as an inward monologue.

“Er, but Pinkie does have a point…” Rarity added. “This is… A bit sudden. Hours to get her home? That is a bit of a tall order, but at least we’re already by her exit.”

“I would hate to think what would happen had we not been here when the scary crash happened…” Fluttershy stated thankfully.

Luna grit her teeth.

“...And yet, I feel there is much left unsaid,” Queen Chrysalis noted, moving to be near her daughter as the latter glanced at the increasingly panicked-looking Rainbow Dash with worry. “What did happen out there.”

“Yeah, all I heard before Pinkie did her thing was the time bit,” native Rainbow commented.

“Cos all she literally said was, ‘Comrades, we have but hours to see witness our charge’s escape!’, and then Pinkie Pie did her Pinkie Pie thang,” Applejack said in an odd attempt at mimicking Luna’s tone.

There was a moment of silence.

Rainbow glanced at Applejack, setting aside her panic for a moment. “That’s a terrible impression.”

“But not inaccurate,” Luna replied, ruffling her wings. “To a degree. My actual wording was, ‘to bear witness to our charge’s escape’.”

Applejack's snout wrinkled in annoyance. “Ain’t my fault y’all have fancy words.”

“Can we focus?!” Rainbow suddenly snapped, her wings twitching open in a display of agitation. “We only have hours, right?! So banter later, explain the problem now!”

“Yes, let’s,” Twilight concurred. “To answer your question, we came to an understanding, and then Luna dropped that bombshell on us. And if I were to make a well-educated guess as to why the Princess looks so displeased, it’s because the rift here is closed, right?”

Luna glanced at the young royal changeling, a look of pity then forming as that gaze shifted to her counterpart’s niece.

“Alas, it is so. The connection between our worlds has grown more fragile than anticipated, and our meddling in the Dream Realm closed almost all of the rifts.”

Sometimes, Twilight hated being smart enough to be right about these things.

“But…” Spike started, looking somewhat mortified along with the rest of them. “You said ‘almost all’, right? So, there are others?”

“One, to be precise,” Luna confirmed. “Examining the network in my realm revealed it to be the only one stronger than the one here.”

“Above that empty field…” Twilight recalled.

“Right, the bear…” Spike muttered.

“There is no bear!” Luna retorted. “The circumstance behind its manifestation may be a mystery, but there is no denying its strength. But even that is rapidly fading away, and soon it too shall close.”

“What did we do wrong?” Twilight wondered aloud. “We examined the risks, and with your proficiency with the Dream Realm, we should have known if we were taxing it too much!”

“We always knew our intervention would weaken the connection,” Luna responded. “All of my previous meetings with the other side confirmed that. Our interaction should not have had such an effect as this, however, based on our original observations. All of this could only have happened if the connection between our worlds is much weaker than we first witnessed. As it is, the decay accelerated after we made our original estimate, and when we finally made our attempt, it proved too much for it to handle.”

“So we went from a week to maybe a few days between Canterlot and here,” Twilight surmised. “And because we called ahead and pulled so many ponies through, now it’s hours. Why didn’t Starswirl’s books mention things like this!?”

“My mentor didn’t encounter something quite like this, his experiments were far less grand in scope,” Luna pointed out. “This is an anomaly, it was never going to be predictable.”

“Okay, cool, we have the technicalities down,” Rainbow babbled, stepping forward while her eyes darted around the room. “So now, my question is what are we still doing here?! We have hours to get halfway across the freaking country! We gotta GO!”

“But how exactly?” the other Rainbow asked her double. “We could probably make it, sure! We’re us! Maybe even the other winged equines in the room, minus Fluttershy. No offence.”

“Oh, none taken!”

“But that might be all we need. The magical powerhouses compared to the random strays,” Chrysalis pointed out.

“Offence very much taken,” Rarity said with a huff.

“Or perhaps not,” Luna denied. “Should the Elements be required, it is not wise to leave them behind. And even so, this location is quite a flight away. As they say, the two Rainbow Dashes could make it. But the rest of us would only do so with mere moments to spare. Too close to be comfortable.”

“So we need transport, right?” native Rainbow remarked. “Something we can pull you all in!”

“And jus’ how’re we meant to find one of them?” Applejack asked. “Ah mean, we left Chrysalis’ back in Ponyville, and while the Princess has deep pockets and all, ah sure don’t know where the nearest rental is in this darned place.”

“Ask for directions?” Pinkie asked innocently, followed by a not-so-innocent: “Oh! Or we could make use of my ‘for robber emergency’ stashes!”

“Why do you even have that!?” Rarity asked, aghast.

“Haha, pl-”

“No! Never mind!” she decided right then and there. “Enough of that! We do not need to run around like such uncouth ruffians to get what we need, be it a rental or… another such provider.”

Luna gave her a level stare. “Explain.”

“Being something of a fashion icon…”

“Bragging much?” Applejack deadpanned.

“...I, of course, have a few connections dotted around,” Rarity continued. “And a few favours owed. Just give me twenty minutes, at most.”

“Rarity, we really don’t have time to waste if that’s an underestimation,” Twilight warned.

“Please, darling, you know me far better,” the alabaster unicorn responded with a confident flick of her mane. “I have things well in hoof.”

The next fifteen or so minutes passed by in a hectic blur for Rainbow Dash. Rarity departed the moment she had made her little declaration, instructing the others to park themselves out in front of the hotel and wait. Something about a ‘lady needing room to work her magic.’

A general air of anxiety hung over the group as they waited on that curbside. Rainbow couldn’t blame them, given how invested they all were in this at this point. But she held no doubts that her own stresses dwarfed theirs. It was paradoxical how long this short span of time was taking.

She couldn’t contain herself. Her stress, fear, anxiety, and dread were visible in her posture as she paced restlessly back and forth on the sidewalk. Her head was turned down, her ears hanging, and her wings ruffling and twitching on her back every few seconds. She imagined the changelings could sense it just as keenly as she could.

Her thoughts were confirmed when a gossamer wing was draped onto her back.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure she’s whining her way into a carriage as we speak,” Twilight said jokingly. “She will be back in no time. Besides, it should be quicker than the alternatives. Even using royal authority to ‘requisition’ one could become complicated if we cause a scene. Point being, with all of us helping, you’ll be home today. So chin up!”

“Yes please, because this aura is disgusting,” Chrysalis remarked. “Depression tastes as awful as it looks. And you have little reason, my daughter always pulls a metaphorical rabbit out of her ridiculous hat.”

Rainbow twitched and shot an annoyed glare at Chrysalis. “I get that you’re trying to be comforting, Chrysalis, but… you are not good at it. And as somepony whose had to deal with depression before, and as a Princess of Equestria I am gonna ask you to shut up for now.”

“Live for centuries and then tell me I don’t grasp your state of mind. Trust me, I know it too well,” Chrysalis shot back. “But succumb to fatalism and you shall fall. So until that time, as a Queen of the Changelings, I am going to demand you listen to my child and prepare to receive your beloved’s inevitable ravishment upon your return.”

Twilight blushed. “I didn’t need that image broadcasted directly to me…”

“You did not. But I saw fit to send it anyway.”

Rainbow looked down, briefly entertaining the mental image Chrysalis’ words sparked. Her wings twitched. “...You don’t wanna know what I’m thinking right now.”

Chrysalis shot her a smirk. “No, but you are thinking it, so we shall call it progress.”

Rainbow winced, a tiny blush forming on her cheeks as the mental image became more… intricate. “Ugh…”

“Yes, now that tastes better,” Chrysalis said in victory. “But… all kidding aside, this is but the final obstacle. And I know you are well versed in tackling what seeks to stop you. So, Princess of Equestria, show me just how strong you really are, and deny any fate other than what you wish for yourself!”

Rainbow glanced at Chrysalis again. “Heh. Put a horn on my head so I can open the rift and jump through on my own and I’ll get right on that.”

“If it were only that simple. I doubt even the full might of the Queen’s Council could achieve something to this scale,” Chrysalis mused. “Not without time and effort, never mind uniting them under a common cause. But you don’t require them nor a horn. I believe that much about you.”

Rainbow hummed before taking a series of deep breaths, trying to steady her frayed nerves. It worked, albeit only somewhat. “Well, this may be the final obstacle,” she said after a minute. But that’s good and bad. If this works, then yeah, like Twi said, I’m going home tonight… but we won’t get another chance. We can’t mess this up. If we fail, then…”

She sighed and looked away. “Well, you get the idea.”

Chrysalis hummed, peering at the pegasus curiously. “Yes, should we fail. And to sate my own curiosity, what would you do with that outcome?”

“Mother!” Twilight hissed.

“It is a genuine question,” Chrysalis calmly retorted, taking note of several other pairs of eyes now on the conversation. “And not just for me, it would appear.”

Rainbow hummed quietly, giving the question a bit of thought. “I… I’m not sure,” she muttered, rubbing the back of her head. “I guess… I guess I’d just try and get integrated into your group? Help out where I can? Ya know, when I get a hold of myself. Maybe help Twilight with that idea she has to try and get a permanent portal made between our worlds? I mean…”

She turned to face Twilight, managing to put on a small smile. “I dunno how long it’d take, but I’m sure we could figure something out eventually, and I’d be happy to help out wherever I could until it was done. Even if it took years… Besides, I know my friends back home would look after my Twilight for me, if it came to that…”

“Should that happen,” Luna spoke up. “You would be more than welcome staying where you wish until the time of your return.”

“I… I would be happy to have a friend around the hive…” Twilight suggested.

“I allow visits, I do not think the hive is ready for permanent Equestrian habitation,” Chrysalis disagreed.

“Hey, that’ll all change eventually. I have policies all lined up!”

“You are not Queen yet, daughter.”

Rainbow snorted. “Right, well, how about we just dodge that whole mess by getting me home tonight? Having a backup plan’s a good idea, but I’d rather not use it if I don’t have to.”

As if on cue, the sound of wheels rolling along the stone streets reached the group’s ears. All eyes turned up to see two upper-class chariots speeding toward them, a tired-looking earth pony stallion pulling the lead carriage along while Rarity stuck her head out of the window with an ‘I told you so’ look on her face.

“Here we are, darlings!”

“Well, ah’ll be a timberwolf stuck in Big Mac’s rope traps, she actually did it,” Applejack said with a whistle. “How’d ya manage this one?”

“Ha. Ha. Please.”

“Hey!” Pinkie whined. “That’s my thing!”

“Consider it justice for that horrid plan of yours earlier,” Rarity scolded, exiting the carriage alongside a rather flustered looking stallion in a suit. “You should thank High Bid here, he was generous enough to offer them up for your cause, Rainbow Dash.”

“Uh, yes…” the stallion, High Bid, said nervously, looking up at the various royals present. “Anything for the crown! Now, Miss Rarity…”

“Hm, yes?”

“Seeing as I have fulfilled my obligation, perhaps you would consider joining me for a-”

“Oh, look at the time, we just must be off!” Rarity said as she glanced up at the moon without missing a beat. “Thank you for your service, but I do think you can go now.”

“But I-”

“So, Princess Luna, what have I missed?” Rarity turned and pretended not to hear his protests.

“Do I wish to know the manner of your ‘persuasion’?” Luna deadpanned.

“Psh. It was just calling in a favour like I said.”

“Did it come with eyelashes?” native Rainbow remarked.

“Does it matter? I do think the results speak for themselves.”

Chrysalis smirked. “I do think you were born the wrong species. You would have made a devilish changeling.”

“Why thank you… Er, I think? Ahem.”

“Yeah yeah, that’s great,” Rainbow interjected, taking a step forward and nodding at the chariots. “We going or what? Kinda on the clock here.”

“Looking at these carriages, they would definitely get all of us there,” Twilight noted. “One Rainbow Dash per carriage leading it. But it might be too large for a single pegasus to make the flight as timely as they could be without the added weight.”

“Um… we could help…?” Fluttershy suggested with a fluff of her wings.

“Yeah, I think you’re a little slow. Chrysalis and Luna, maybe…?” native Rainbow suggested.

Chrysalis’ smirk never left her face. “I would put forth a better idea. You see, my infiltrators are well trained in all they would need for a life and death situation. That includes as much their flying ability as much as their magical and martial skills.”

“Yeah, that’s great, but I don’t see any around here.

And, at that moment, alongside a ping across the hive mind heard only by Twilight, flashes of green occurred all around them as various unassuming ponies who had been scattered in the streets burst into flames. Their fur melted away into chitin, blue armour was likewise revealed to have been magically concealed, revealing the forms of several changeling drones.

“That is the point,” the Queen announced.

“That is terrifying,” Rainbow remarked in a deadpan, unable to stop a chill from running down her spine. She had honestly forgotten that they were being shadowed by Chrysalis’ guards since Ponyville. If these ones could hide from her so well, how easy would it be for hostile ones back home to do the same? She shook her head to dispel the paranoid notion. “But whatever. If they’re helping us pull these things, then let’s hop to!”

“You heard the interloper! Prepare the harnesses and prepare for flight, fast as you can! Do it!”

“Yes, my Queen!” the lead drone saluted. “Trapezius, Platysma, with me! The rest of you, get moving!”

With the changelings dutifully running to get set up, Princess Twilight turned to her mother with a thankful, if bemused, expression.

“You know, for once I am actually grateful you’re so paranoid.”

“I’m so glad to be appreciated,” she replied with no small amount of sarcasm. “But the time has come to leave. Another second of mindless talk and we may be stuck with her.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes before turning to her native counterpart as they approached the chariots. “So… up for that race we talked about?” she asked with a challenging glint in her eyes.

Her other gave a wide grin. “Oh, you’re on!”

With the two pegasi both rushing to join the changelings with renewed vigour, Twilight and Chrysalis both moved with Luna and Spike towards the carriage pulled by the otherworldly Rainbow Dash while the Bearer of Magic’s four friends moved into the one pulled by their more familiar friend. They all boarded, each Rainbow flanked by three changelings who would be supporting the flight. The doors swung shut, and the stamping of hooves indicated that take off was about to commence.

“Well, this is it…” Twilight said as a pang of sadness hit her heart. “I’ll be sad to see you go, Rainbow…”

“It is for the best,” Princess Luna spoke out, hearing the mare’s mutter.

“I know. But still.”

“Do you think we’ll actually get there in time?” Spike asked as the world beyond the carriage doors started to shift, the chariots began to be pulled forward and gain momentum. “You know, before this portal closes for good?”

“She will,” Chrysalis confirmed. “Barring anymore ‘miscalculations’.”

Luna hummed in contemplation. “Let us hope it does not come to that.”

Spike nodded. “Yeah, that’d really suck.”

“As much of an understatement as it is, young dragon, yes, it would.”

Twilight remained silent as the carriage jolted and the upper floors of the surrounding skyscrapers started to pass by the windows, the wind rolling past them as flight was obtained. They continued to pick up speed, Twilight hoping their changelings could at least somewhat keep pace with the two pegasi outside.

And as the silence persisted, other musings reentered her mind.

This rift, the strongest and most mysterious at the same time. High above a vast range of countryside, no civilisation anywhere for miles. Just grass, trees and wandering wildlife.

So why?

Why was it so important to Rainbow’s altered history?