• Published 4th Nov 2019
  • 10,497 Views, 648 Comments

Little Changes - tom117z

When a Rainbow Dash from another world crash lands near the Badlands Hive, Princess Twilight Sparkle, daughter of Queen Chrysalis, works to find a way to send her home.

  • ...

25 - A Proper Chance

Twilight could see Luna from her perch, though the alicorn was as of yet unaware of the changeling’s presence. Her horn was alight, the Princess of the Night seemingly having had local police forces close the road as she conducted her examination of the site. There were more than a few disgruntled pedestrians because of this, but none dared challenge the night itself over the matter.

Part of Twilight knew she should offer Luna a helping hoof solve the riddle of what happened back in the Dream Realm. Give her expertise as a scholar of magic, figure out a way to fix whatever went wrong.

But as much as she hated to admit it to herself, she felt far too tired to care.

Twilight sighed, laying on to her stomach and crossing her forelegs as she continued to watch on with glazed eyes. Something was frustrating the alicorn, that was for sure. Maybe it was bad news… What else was new? And that street…

Who knew something so mundane, a simple street in the middle of Baltimare, was the cause of so much chaos and heartache…

But she at least had some idea, not like these little ponies grumbling about the closure as if that was the worst thing in the world. Like any of them knew. A street or a castle courtyard, anywhere could become the worst place in the world at a moment’s notice, far beyond their stupid little grievances.

...Now, why would she think something like that? It wasn’t their fault, as she had to remind herself. She shouldn’t take her problems out on them.

‘What is wrong with me? Why can’t I get it out of my head? Why is everything about this making me… me…’

“-sends her regards.”

Twilight scrunched her eyes shut at the memory, taking in a deep breath in before releasing it slowly, hoof on her chest as Cadance taught her so long ago. She wished it helped like it used to, but at times like these, it barely alleviated what she was feeling.

She wanted it to stop. She normally could make it stop! So why couldn’t she get her head together now of all times!? Why would her old wound not stop itching!? Why couldn’t she put that memory to the back of her mind and focus on getting Rainbow Dash back home!?

Why did her disguised hatred of changelings hurt so much? Was it really because she was a copy of one of her best friends? The visage of her fears from before her reveal to Equestria? Or was it that look she saw back at the hive, the same they wore that day. As simple as that.

Things just seemed to get more complicated as the days went by. And then she saw her.

Twilight Sparkle. How Twilight Sparkle ‘should’ have been in the eyes of who knows how many? Lavender fur, rounded pupils, not a hole marking her entire body. The reflection she deluded herself into believing was really hers for almost two decades of her life. One she was willing to bet didn’t get looks of distrust just because she had fangs in her jaw.

‘That’s not fair, Twilight,’ she reminded herself. ‘She’s hurt too, Rainbow told you that.’

But at least Rainbow Dash had never looked at her that way before.

Twilight was abruptly jarred from her thoughts when somepony cleared their throat behind her. Jumping in place, she craned her neck to see Rainbow Dash standing a few yards away. Her brow was furrowed, her lips curled down into a solemn frown. Curiously, the hairband she used to tie her mane into a ponytail was absent. Were it not for her scar, Twilight might have thought it was her Rainbow that had found her.

A heavy silence fell over the rooftop. A gentle breeze swept by, sending Rainbow’s long and unkempt mane drifting lazily through the air. She looked like she wanted to say something, but wasn’t sure where to begin, her jaw opening and closing like that.

Finally, Rainbow found her voice. She drew herself up to stand straight and looked directly into Twilight’s eyes. “...I don’t hate you.”

“Eh, heh heh! W-what are you talking about?” Twilight tried to shake off the comment in a not-so-convincing manner, standing up and taking a step away from the pegasus while doubly trying to hide her facial features. “I was just… checking on Luna, and… I should probably get on with that.”

Rainbow took a slow, delicate step forward. “Twilight, please. You told me I’m not an idiot back at the hive, so please don’t treat me like I am,” she said carefully, her words soft and gentle. “I know what’s going on. And… and I’m sorry, alright? I should have said something sooner, and I didn’t, and I got nopony to blame for that but me.”

Twilight grew silent, the changeling mare turning her back on the pegasus as a dark shadow grew across her face. “...Said something sooner? No. Don’t be sorry about that. You tried to spare me, but you couldn’t hide it any more than I could hide this. You don’t hate me, you hate us. The stupid evil changelings that have no business being in Equestria.”

Rainbow’s ears drooped. “W-what?! Twilight, don’t say things like that! You have it all wrong!” she tried, but at that moment, the words fell on deaf ears.

“I must be such a joke to you!” Twilight gave a humourless laugh. “The face of the monsters who killed Twilight mixed with her own, like some weird perversion of everything you love and hate at the same time. Maybe you were right to hit me, to have night terrors about me. Changelings are threats, those ponies back at the castle knew that, didn’t they?”

Rainbow’s brow furrowed in disapproval, and she approached with more determination. “Twilight…”

“Don’t deny it! I can sense your emotions, remember? I could feel every bit of hate in the hive, all the longing for her. The little purple pony I should have been. Well, I’m not her. I’m a changeling. Every look at me will only remind you of that, just like every time I see you all I can think about is a poisoned dagger in my chest.


Twilight’s tirade was brought to a grinding halt when Rainbow’s hoof grabbed firmly onto hers. It was only then that she realized how much her scar had started itching, and how furiously she had been fussing with it. She turned, making eye contact with the pegasus beside her.

“...My nightmare wasn’t about you,” Rainbow said in barely even a whisper. “It was about my parents… You were in it, yeah, but the dream was not about you… I don’t hate you, Twilight, and I don’t hate your people. And if you can really sense what I’m feeling, then do it right now. Look at me and tell me that I’m lying. Tell me, honestly, that I truly hate you.”

Twilight sat silently for a moment, breathing hard as her body shook from the emotion and adrenaline running through her system. But then she opened her mind, just a little, and there…

Love. Love for the form of Twilight Sparkle, her Twilight, as expe-


This was different. It didn’t taste the same. It wasn’t romantic, more platonic in nature, but it was love nonetheless. Love for…

For her…

She took in another far more shallow breath. “...That’s not right. That can’t be right!”

“I think it’s about right,” Rainbow replied with a ghost of a smile playing across her lips. She lost it a second later and looked off to the side, her ears drooping. “...I didn’t say anything about my nightmare to you because I was just… I didn’t want to talk about it. I’m not good about opening up with my feelings and all that, y’know? I didn’t think you’d read into it so much and get such a horrible idea… that’s on me…”

Rainbow turned back to Twilight and looked directly into her eyes. “And I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. And as long as I’m here with all of you, I won’t let it happen again.”

Twilight’s silence returned, her eyes drifting from the pegasus and towards the street once more. Luna was gone now, but it didn’t matter, the fact barely registering as a war raged inside of her. She had truly believed Rainbow hated her like they had. She had felt it. It had made sense in every logical way, the logistics of the situation fit!

And logic aside, that memory remained. The cold steel, the burning of the poison as it destroyed her from the inside out. The anguish of her mother ringing in her head as Celestia held onto her with more desperation than she’d ever seen.

Everything the past few days had brought, it made the memory terribly clear. Every moment, sound and sensation. And her…

Her feelings supported her words. But how could it be true!? How could she actually care for her!? Who she really was!? A changeling!?



Something twigged inside the royal changeling’s mind, something dark and primal and buried in the deepest depths of her psyche. Instinct flared along with her gossamer wings, her pupils dilating even further into violently thin slits as she regarded the pony.



And then, in one quick movement befitting any predatory species, she was upon Rainbow Dash. A hiss made its way past her forked tongue and dripping fangs, pain and fury in her eyes as her scar burned like it never had before.

“DON’T LIE TO ME!” she bellowed, shoving the pegasus back with her hooves as she moved with her. “Don’t you DARE lie to me!”

“W-woah!” Rainbow yelped, scrambling backwards in a desperate attempt to get away. “Twilight, stop! I’m not-”

Another vicious hiss cut Rainbow’s protests off as the Princess of the Changelings continued to lash out at the pegasus, Rainbow merely attempting to stop any of her strikes from making serious contact as she remained on the defensive.

“YOU HATE ME!” she continued in agony. “A changeling! A monster! Just like them! Just another judgemental pony who will send me back to that place! The cold! The dark! The… agh!”

Twilight gave one final shove against the pony that pushed her up against a wall, planting her hooves firmly into her cyan fur with her fangs bared, eyes full of anguish as she suddenly lit up her horn with clear intent. Rainbow stared back at her with wide eyes, her pupils dilated in terror and confusion. Twilight could see the glow of her horn reflected in those deep pink orbs.

And then, whatever was to come next, did not.

All energy died, all will to keep on fighting her terror subsided as the killer instinct of a Changeling Queen bled away into the frail insecurity of Twilight Sparkle. And with that instinct went the magic, her horn blinking out as she fell forward and buried her muzzle into Rainbow Dash’s shoulder, a terrible wail ringing out as she finally let her pent up emotions out in their truest form.

Rainbow didn’t respond for a few seconds, seemingly taken completely off guard. But then, slowly and gently, she wrapped her forelegs around Twilight in a tight hug. She rested her chin on Twilight’s head. She even wrapped her wings around the hysterically weeping changeling, adding another layer of warmth, comfort, and protection.

“Twi… if any of those jerks ever came by while I’m here,” Rainbow whispered to her. “I’d fight each and every last one of them to keep you safe. Hay, I’d even take that knife for you if I had to… because you’re my friend.

“I- I’m s-so sorry…” Twilight begged her forgiveness. “I’m so sorry…”

“It’s okay,” Rainbow assured her, running her hoof down the back of Twilight’s head in a soothing manner. “It’s okay, Twi. You’re okay. I gotcha.”

They remained that way for a little while longer, Rainbow more than willing to wait as Twilight cried away her remaining anguish until the tears steadily came to a stop and gave way to careful breathing.

And then, with one large gulp of air, Twilight shakily raised her head to look the otherwordly pegasus in the eyes.

“I… Thinking you hated me, my friend, it was too much. Ever since that day I’ve been able to block it out, just not think about it. But thinking that, everything was just so clear, and only got more so each hour,” she admitted, getting herself back under control. “Dammit… Here you are with your own terrible baggage, and I can’t keep myself together.”

Rainbow gave her a soft smile. “‘Kay, so, this doesn’t really mean the same thing to you as it does to me, but… that’s gotta be one of the stupidest things I’ve heard since I got here.”

Twilight blinked. “...Huh?”

Rainbow’s smile grew. “Did ya forget what friends are for or something? It’s not a one-way thing, ya know. You can’t expect to carry the weight of all your friends' problems on your shoulders and not expect them to do the same. That’s what friendship’s all about, isn’t it? Being there for each other and sharing the burdens?”

Twilight blinked again, staring at her evenly for a moment before a genuine smile graced her features alongside a laugh. “Oh, Rainbow. I know you’re right, I guess friends just need to remind each other of that sometimes. Heh… How about we write a Friendship Report together? Haven’t done that since my brother’s wedding exploded.”

Rainbow chuckled and lightly ruffled the changeling’s mane. “Ha. If we get a chance, sure,” she agreed heartily. She fell quiet for a second, her expression turning a little more serious. “So… you good?”

“No. Not entirely,” Twilight admitted. “But at least I’m being honest about it now. I don’t think that day will fade from my mind anytime soon. I still don’t even know who sent that changeling infiltrator who set the whole thing up. It’s a sore spot, that’s for sure.”

“Well, if you ever find ‘em…” Rainbow winked. “Gimme a ring. I’ll help ya sort ‘em out.”

“I’ll keep you in mind,” she agreed. “Eh, I think I understand why I’m a killjoy now.”

Rainbow lightly smacked her on the shoulder. “Ya think?” she teased lightly.

“You know, if I knew being an Element of Harmony would be this ironically chaotic, I might have given eternal night a shot.”

“Heh. Now I can’t help but wonder how that mess went for you compared to me,” Rainbow chuckled. “Was other me held hostage for the whole thing?”

“Um, no. She faced temptation from some fake Wonderbolt knock-offs.”

“Lame. That is so much lamer,” Rainbow deadpanned. “I mean, I’m glad she got off easy - again - but I had to put up with being stuck in a cage by my corrupted aunt and forced to choose between being turned into a slave or joining Nightmare Moon with mom and the rest of you as leverage against me. It sucked.”

“Wow. Luna really had a problem back then, right?”

“Well, she was a fallen alicorn, so ‘problem’ might be a bit of an understatement,” Rainbow shrugged. “But eh. We blew her up with a rainbow laser explosion. All was well.”

Twilight giggled, looking across at the cyan pegasus with friendly appreciation. With a small smile on her face, she took a step forward and planted a small kiss on Rainbow’s cheek before the mare could so much as react.

“Twilight’s a really lucky mare. As would I be, if I was another pony, different from who I am,” she said gently to her. “Thank you, Rainbow.”

Rainbow blinked a few times, her cheeks turning red and her wings twitching on her back. She coughed into her hoof and awkwardly rubbed the back of her head. “Heh… well, you are lucky. You got the best friends in the world waiting for you back at that hotel. Plus like, what, three really great moms?”

“I have. And I know they’re not going anywhere,” Twilight admitted. “But she has you. Now, if I actually liked mares…”

There was that purr again.

Rainbow’s blush intensified. “W-we really doing this again? Cause uh, we are alone, and if you tempt me, I have terrible impulse control.”

“Pfft. If I liked mares. Then I’d be tempted,” Twilight shot back. “But you are such an easy target. What can I say? Chrysalis is my mother, remember?”

“Course I do. Who do you think gave me permission to come after you?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Of course she did. I suppose we’re lucky she didn’t send for half the hive. Oh Celestia, she didn’t do that, did she!?”

“I… don’t think so?” Rainbow echoed with a raised eyebrow. “I mean, I don’t have your egregorwhatsit, so… uh, ask her yourself?”

“Egregore,” Twilight corrected on principle.

“Gesundheit,” Rainbow replied automatically.

“Funny,” she deadpanned. “You do that too? Gah, whatever. I’ll leave cleaning up Mother’s political messes for later. I have an entire box full of charts, graphs and papers ready to go for such a situation!”

Rainbow’s smile softened. “Heh… yeah, you’re Twilight Sparkle alright,” she muttered before turning to look off into the night. “Anyway, we should probably get back to the hotel. Everypony’s gonna be worried if we take too long, and I don’t wanna miss it when Luna gets back.”

“Yeah, okay. Hopefully, Luna has figured out where we went wrong by now,” Twilight said. “We do still have to get you back home. Though, I’m going to miss you when you’re gone. These last few days seem like they’ve been both an eternity and a brief moment at the same time.”

“No kidding. Feels like six months or something,” Rainbow replied with a shrug. She then turned to offer Twilight another warm smile. “And I’m gonna miss you, too. I’m glad I got to meet you. Frankly, I don’t think I’d have ever made it even close to this far without you.”

“And this is why the multiverse needs its Twilight Sparkles,” Twilight bragged. “Ignoring the inevitable evil versions, which by calculations of the cosmos’ infinite nature we could potentially determine-”

“Twi,” Rainbow cut her off with a cheeky little smirk while lifting her hoof and narrowing her eyes, pulling that cheap princess trick of hers. “No.”

“Oh, fine. But I hope evil me at least has a Rainbow Dash of her own to count on. Hopefully to talk her down, but eh,” the Princess said with a roll of her eyes. “But… if I can, I’ll see about Starswirl’s old mirror technique I told you about. Maybe I can figure it out, visit sometime.”

Rainbow grinned. “Heh. That’d be cool. Here’s to hoping,” she said while lifting a hoof as if for a toast. She then turned back and began to head for the edge of the roof. “Anyway, we going or what?”

“Yeah. Just… one last thing…” Twilight hesitated a moment, but then took in a breath and allowed herself to speak frankly. “When I visit, and I will visit, I hope to find that the ponies of your world have given its own changelings a proper chance to have grown out of your Chrysalis’ shadow. Don’t make the mistakes that caused… this.”

She gestured towards her scar, the itch finally fading away. At least for the time being, the sting wasn’t so easily vanquished.

Rainbow paused for a second. She turned to look up at the sky as she pondered her answer. “...It’s not really in my hooves to make that happen,” she eventually admitted with a regretful sigh. “But… I can definitely try to help it along. And I can promise you this;”

She turned to face Twilight directly one more time. “I know that I’ll give them a chance whenever I meet them. I know they’re not monsters, and with my world’s Chrysalis gone, they finally have a chance to prove it. I’m not about to stand in the way of that. Not after all this.”

Twilight sighed in relief, looking up to smile at her. “Thank you. Now, let’s get back before Mother really does send out a search party.”

“Let it be known that the search party has arrived,” Princess Luna’s voice quite suddenly rang out above the pair, both glancing up to see her descending down towards them before landing on the roof and folding her wings. “Albeit not one of Queen Chrysalis’ doing, I saw fit to remain here while you worked out your… issues. And I resent that comment about my past, my former ‘issues’ are not to be discussed so flippantly.”

Twilight gaped like a fish. “Wait… You were there the whole time!?


“Honestly? Not surprised,” Rainbow deadpanned before shaking her head and staring at the lunar princess with a serious frown. “Yeah, we’re good. What about you, though? What’s up with the rift? Is everything alright there?”

“I had just finished my evaluation of the rift when I heard your voices. I am glad things turned out well here, I nearly intervened upon your… ‘outburst’. Alas, it wasn’t necessary. However, I am afraid things are not so positive where I stand.”

Rainbow gulped, her ears drooping. “...What went wrong?”

“That is best discussed in detail with the others,” Luna decided. “Come, we must not delay. For now, suffice to say, we do not have the week we believed.”

“What? Then… how long do we have?” Twilight asked, trying to do the math and figure out where they went wrong.

The next answer silenced those questions.
