• Published 3rd Sep 2019
  • 552 Views, 4 Comments

MLP Friendship is Ghostly Equestria Girls - Musiclover435

Twilight and Phantom head to the human world to retrieve their crowns from two girls who want to rule Equestria and the human world for themselves.

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Chapter 5

Twilight and Phantom are now walking through the halls of Canterlot High. Phantom was looking for the library but he forgot to tell Twilight about the ghost in the gym. They kept walking till they came to a dead end with some broken lockers and broken lights. Phantom saw a few ghosts getting stuff out of the lockers or hiding in the lockers. "Can you believe we didn't recognize either of them?" They heard a voice say they turned around and saw Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise.

'Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer.' Phantom thought to himself. They walked up closer to them.

"We shoulda known Princess Celestia and Princess Luna would send their prized pupils here after our crowns, and their little dog, too," Sunset Shimmer told her sister.

"Those are our crowns!" Phantom told them.

They both scoffed. "Whatever," Moonrise said.

"This is just a minor setback for us. You two don't know the first thing about this place, and we already rule it," Sunset Shimmer said while she and Moonrise started to walk around them.

"If that's so, why do you even need our crowns?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, you two went to an awful lot of trouble to switch them with the ones that belong here," Phantom said.

Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer rolled their eyes. "Pop quiz: what happens when you bring not just one but two Elements of Harmony into an alternate world?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

Phantom and Twilight were about to answer but they actually didn't know the answer. 'I should know this. I have learned all kinds of things like this from the Ghost Zone.' Phantom thought to himself.

"You two don't know? Seriously?" Moonrise said. They both laughed.

"And you're supposed to be Princess Celestia's star student?" Sunset Shimmer told Twilight.

"And you're supposed to know everything like that since you have two cutie marks?" Moonrise told Phantom.

"Then again, what were the chances she'd find somepony as bright as me and my little sister to take under her wing after we decided to leave Equestria?" Sunset Shimmer told them.

"It's a bit embarrassing that you two are the best she could do even Princess Luna," Moonrise told them. Spike got out of Twilight's backpack and growled at them. "Oh, and I'd keep an eye on your mutt," Moonrise said.

"We'd hate for him to be… taken away from you." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Is that a threat?" Spike asked.

"Oh, of course not." Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer said sweetly. Spike barked at Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise making them jumped a bit.

They smiled and put a finger in his muzzle. "But I'd cut down on the chatter if I were you. Don't want everyone to know that you two don't belong here, now would you?" Moonrise said.

"You two want to be a Prince and Princess here? Please. You don't know the first thing about fitting in," Sunset Shimmer said as she and Moonrise walked away leaving behind a discouraged Phantom and Twilight.

The girls were walking through the halls till the came across a tangled Snips and Snails who are covered in streamers. They rolled their eyes in annoyance and pulled the streamers off untangling them. "We want you to follow them," Moonrise told them.

"Bring us something we can use just like we did with those last two students who thought they could challenge us," Sunset Shimmer said. Snips and Snails did a soldier's salute.

"You got it, Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise." Snips said.

"When the crowns and their power is ours, Twilight Sparkle and Phantom will be sorry they ever set hoof into this world." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Yeah, not that they would have been much safer if they'd stayed in Equestria," Moonrise said finishing her sister's thoughts.

"Yeah, in Equestria," Snips said taking both Moonrise and Sunset Shimmer out of their thoughts.

"What are you still doing here?! GO!" They shouted at them. Snips and Snails then ran off.

Later Phantom and Twilight found a vending machine with all kinds of healthy food in it. Both Twilight and Phantom licked their lips at the sight of the food. But they had no idea how it works. Twilight started to shake it to make it work. Phantom was just observing it till a ghost came by to see what is happening.

"What is she doing?" He asked.

"She is trying to figure out how this contraption works."

The ghost looked at Phantom surprised. "You can hear me?" Phantom nodded.

"And see you. How I can see you it's a long story. I don't even know what this is," Phantom said.

"It's a vending machine. I am not too sure how it works either but here comes someone to help. Later." Then the ghost disappeared.

Just as Twilight was about to kick it Trixie came by. "Excuse me."

Twilight got up and went next to Phantom. "The Great and Powerful Trixie!... Needs some peanut butter crackers." She said as she took out a coin, put it into the machine, and ordered the crackers. "Voila!" She said as she showed it to Twilight and Phantom and walked off.

Twilight sighed in defeat. "Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise are right. We don't know the first thing about this place," Twilight said in defeat.

"Twi, calm down. We can do this. If we're are really gonna fit in and win votes, then we need to do some research," Phantom said.

"Research?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, Twi, this is a school, remember and what does every school have besides classrooms?" Phantom asked his sister.

Twilight gasped in realization as they walked in front of the Library. "Libraries!"

Phantom nodded. "Yeah, I learned about it from Youngblood. He was in the gym with us when we were talking to Pinkie Pie and Applejack." They walked into the library but what they didn't know was the Snips and Snails were right behind them outside the library.

"Got your phone?" Snips asked. Snails showed his phone.

"Got yours?" Snails asked then Snips showed his phone and they both snickered.

Meanwhile Twilight was sitting at the computer trying to figure out how it works and Phantom was standing behind her. "So I just push the letters here, and the words and moving pictures will come up here?" Twilight asked Mrs. Cheerilee as she was messing with the computer.

"That's right." She said as she showed them how it works. "Maybe this place does have magic," Twilight said.

Then some very loud music started playing. "When you're a younger-" Mrs. Cheerilee shut off the music as Jazz, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle were playing it.

"Uh, girls, what are you doing?" She asked them.

"We're just seeing how many hits our new music video has gotten," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, we've been working really hard on it," Jazz added. They turned the music back on.

"So the three of us will fight the fight…"

"No, just…"

"There is nothing…" Cheerilee shut the music off and took away the speaker.

"No! The school computers are for research purposes only," She told the girls then she walked off.

"It's just as well, y'all. Some of the comments about our song were really awful. "Epic fail"… "Funniest thing I've ever seen"?!" Apple Bloom said.

"Funniest thing they've ever seen, huh?" Sweetie Belle said.

"You girls thinking what I'm thinking?" Jazz asked her friends. They all nodded and ran off.

"Uh, I don't know that that's what you should take from…" Twilight started but Phantom stopped her.

"Twilight, if they are like the CMC back home then they won't listen to us right away," She nodded and went back to the computer.

"Twilight, I am going to look around a bit. Okay?" Phantom told his sister.

"Okay. Don't get lost." Phantom nodded and left to look around the library.

Snips and Snails knew they needed info on both Phantom and Twilight so Snips is following Phantom and Snails is staying to follow Twilight. Phantom is walking around the library until he came across a section filled with cobwebs and dust. "Wonder why, no one comes back here?" Phantom asked himself.

'Is he crazy?! Doesn't he know that this part of the library is haunted?!' Snips thought to himself.

Phantom continued to look around till he heard a very familiar voice. "No. No. No! It's all wrong. Doesn't anyone here know how to organize these books? And where are the books I wrote?" He heard a voice shout.

'That sounds like Ghostwriter.' Phantom thought to himself. He continued to walk to the source of the voice until he found the Ghostwriter at a small desk. "Grr. I can't believe that no one knows how to do anything around here. Sigh. I wish someone could see me so I can bring this library back to life." Ghostwriter said to himself.

"Ghostwriter. Are you okay?" Phantom asked.

"I am fine. I am just in one of my moods again."

"You said that the books are wrong. Maybe I can help?" Phantom said.

"How can you help? Ghosts can't touch everything." Ghostwriter told him.

"I'm not a ghost." Then Ghostwriter turned around and saw Phantom. He gasped in fright.

"You aren't a ghost! How can you see me?" He asked.

"It's a long story. But it's not important. My name is Phantom. I am not from here and I need some help with some research." Ghostwriter smiled with excitement.

"If you can help me, then I will help you." Phantom nodded. He helped Ghostwriter with organizing books in the library. He grabbed a book with his mouth but realized he was doing something wrong when Ghostwriter looked at him weirdly. Phantom smiled as he spits it out of his mouth. Phantom, as he was helping Ghostwriter, fell down knocking a whole pile of books on him. "Heh. Sorry."

Later both Snips and Snails met with each other and laughed at what they got to embarrass Twilight and Phantom. Phantom met with Twilight after helping Ghostwriter. Ghostwriter gave him a book that he thought would be very helpful. "The library will be closing in five minutes." Both Phantom and Twilight yawned and they both gasped.

"Twilight, we have thought of everything but where we're gonna sleep tonight!"

Spike came out from under the table and gestured them to follow him. "Way ahead of you two."

Spike led them upstairs in the library where they can see the stars. 'Amazing. Just like the stars back in Equestria.' Phantom thought to himself.

"It's a little dusty. But it doesn't seem like anybody comes up here," Spike said as he pulled some blankets of two piles of books that look like beds. Phantom and Twilight sat on each one.

"It's perfect, Spike," Twilight said while scratching him behind the ear.

"Yeah, the beds are comfortable and we can see the night sky." Spike smiled.

"So, how did your research go?" Spike asked.

"I found all kinds of things," Twilight said happily.

"Same here. And with the help of my friend Ghostwriter I found this book." Phantom said while showing the book. He walked over to Twilight's makeshift bed and sat down.

"He told me that it's called a yearbook. It seems to be something they use to keep a record of things that have happened at the school." Phantom then opened to a page with five very familiar-looking girls.

"Look. That's Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and I'm gonna bet the girl on the far right is Rarity," Twilight said while politely take the book from Phantom.

Spike then grabbed the book from Twilight and started to wag his tail. "There's a Rarity here!?" Spike smiled in embarrassment and handed the book back.

"Uh, I mean, uh… interesting photo." Phantom rolled his eyes. 'Oh, Spike. You and your crush on Rarity.' Phantom thought to himself.

"It's interesting because they look like they're friends," Twilight said.

"They do look like our friends. But I thought we'd figured that out already," Spike said.

"No, Spike. What Twilight means is that they look like they're friends with each other. But it doesn't seem like they're friends now," Phantom said.

"Not so much."

Phantom then walked back to his bed and covered himself with the blanket. "Twilight, do you get the feeling that Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise has something to do with our friends not getting along in this world?" Phantom asked his sister.

"I do, Phantom," Twilight said.

"I wouldn't put it past her. But they wanted your crowns because they're planning on doing something even worse. If you guys are gonna stop them, you have to focus on making friends here. Can't worry about why these girls aren't friends anymore. Even if they do remind you two of your Ponyville friends." Spike said as he covered Twilight with the Blanket and curled up into a ball.

"You're right, Spike. Eye on the prize. Goodnight, Phantom."

"Night, Twi."

Author's Note:

Sorry for this late chapter. I've been busy lately.