• Published 3rd Sep 2019
  • 552 Views, 4 Comments

MLP Friendship is Ghostly Equestria Girls - Musiclover435

Twilight and Phantom head to the human world to retrieve their crowns from two girls who want to rule Equestria and the human world for themselves.

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Chapter 2

The next morning, Twilight, Phantom, and their friends were in the throne room of the Crystal Empire discussing the two ponies who stole Phantom's and Twilight's crown. "Sunset Shimmer and her little sister, Moonrise, were once former students of mine. They began their studies with me not long before Twilight and Phantom. Unfortunately, when they did not get what they wanted as quickly as they liked, they turned cruel and dishonest. I tried so hard to help them both, but they eventually decided to abandon their studies and pursue their own path." Princess Celestia told them.

Spike walked up with the two fake crowns in his hands. "They replaced Phantom and Twilight's with these." He said while showing her the fake crowns.

She looked at them then began to lead them to a room. "I suppose Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise thought you wouldn't notice right away that these were not yours. And by the time you did, it would be too late to go after your crowns and Elements of Harmony." Princess Celestia explained.

"But I don't understand," Twilight said.

"I'm with Twilight. Where did they go? Why did they take our crowns?" Phantom asked.

"Soon, the both of you will know more about this place than I do." Princess Celestia told them.

"This is no ordinary mirror. It is a gateway to another world. A gateway that opens once every thirty moons." Princess Luna explained.

Then Pinkie Pie put her hoof in the mirror and the mirror sparkled. "Sparkly!" Pinkie said then Princess Luna used her magic to move Pinkie hoof out of the mirror.

"It has always been kept in the throne room of Canterlout Castle. But when Princess Cadance took over the Crystal Empire, we sent it here for her to watch over." Princess Luna told Twilight and Phantom.

Princess Celestia walked up behind Phantom and Twilight then sighed sadly, "I had always hoped that Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise would someday use it to return, to come back to Equestria seeking my guidance. Obviously, this is not what has happened."

"Twilight, Phantom, you must use the mirror to go into this other world and retrieve your crowns. Without them, the other Elements of Harmony have no power and Equestria is left without two of its most important means of defense." Princess Candance told them.

"Both of your crowns do not belong in the place that Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise now call home. And in their possession, your Elements of Harmony will no doubt be used to bring harm to the inhabitants of this other realm. They will not have to power to defend themselves." Princess Luna told them.

Then Princess Celestia gave Twilight a bag and Princess Luna gave Phantom a bag. "You understand the importance of your task?" Princess Celestia asked Twilight.

"And you, Phantom?" Princess Luna asked Phantom. "Of course," Twilight told Princess Celestia.

"Yes, I do," Phantom told Princess Luna.

"Good. Then both of you must go at once." Princess Celestia told them.

Both Twilight and Phantom sighed and proceeded to walk into the mirror then Rainbow Dash flew in front of them. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! They're going, we're going with them. Right, girls?" Rainbow Dash asked her friends.

"Ooooh! I'm so 'nervicited'!" Pinkie Pie said with a very weird face.

"You do realize that's not a real word, right?" Applejack asked Pinkie Pie. Phantom and Twilight smiled warmly. They have such great friends.

"I'm afraid I can't let you go." Princess Celestia told the others.

"What?! Why not?!" Rainbow Dash demanded.

"Sending all of could upset the balance of this alternate world, creating havoc that would make it impossible for both Twilight and Phantom to get their crowns back from Sunset Shimmer and Moonrise. This is something Princess Twilight and Prince Phantom must do together." Princess Celestia told the shocked ponies.

"Time is of the essence. On the third day, when the moon reaches its peak in the night sky, the gateway will close. And once it does, it will be another thirty moons before you will be able to use it to return." Princess Luna told them while using her magic to show the moon in its position for when the gateway will close.

Twilight gulped very nervously. "Twi, we can do this. Let's go." Phantom told his sister. She smiled at him and the two entered the mirror.

Spike watched nervously than he too entered the mirror before any pony could stop him. "Spike, NO!" Everypony shouted.

"Whoa! Aaah!" They all shouted as they went to another world.

Twilight and Phantom woke up with a groan. "Twi, are you okay?" Phantom asked his sister.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You?" Twilight asked her brother.


Spike cleared his throat. "Uh, Twilight? Phantom?"

Both Phantom and Twilight gasped. "Huh? Spike?" Phantom asked.

"Spike, you're not supposed to- uh, Spike? Are you a dog?" Twilight asked.

Spike did a full 360 to get a good look at himself. "I think so. But I have no idea what the two of you are!" Spike told them.

They looked at their hands and screamed. "AHHHHH!" Both started to pant heavily.

"Phantom, Twilight, you have to get it together!" Spike told them.

They both took a deep breath. "What does the rest of me look like?" Twilight asked.

"And me, Spike?" Phantom asked.

"Um, like you. Only not you. Both of your muzzles are really small. And Phantom, your eyes are both green and blue. The same color as your eyes when your other cutie mark appears and your normal eye color." Spike told them.

"My muzzle?!" Twilight shouted.

"My eyes?!" Phantom shouted.

Twilight felt her nose and noticed that it was small and was about to scream again before Spike and Phantom covered her mouth. "Are you gonna scream again?" Spike asked. Twilight shook her head.

"Twilight, where are we?" Phantom asked.

"I don't know. But that must serve as the gateway back to Equestria. We need to find our crowns as soon as possible and get back there. I suggest we start searching the castle first." Twilight said while putting her hand in the mirror and it showed her hoof and then she pulled it out.

"Works for me," Spike told her.

"Same here, Twi," Phantom told his sister.

Then Twilight got on all fours, Spike went on her back and the two started to walk towards the school. Meanwhile, Phantom was looking around and he saw a few ghosts walking on two legs. "Um, Twilight." She turned around and looked at him. "I don't think that's how the new us is supposed to walk." Then he pointed at someone who was walking their dog. She jumped up and brushed the dust of her. Phantom figured out how to walk on his two feet faster than Twilight did.

"Whoa! Whoa!" Twilight said as she struggled to get up the stairs. "Come on, Spike and Phantom. I do not want to be like this for longer than I have to."

"I agree. Walking like this is really weird." Phantom added.

"Hey, guys, look on the bright side. You don't have those pesky wings to worry about anymore." Spike told them. Both Phantom and Twilight looked at Spike annoyed. They both got to the front door and Twilight tried to use her magic to open the door but failed and hit the door. She gasped. "My magic! It isn't working!" Twilight said shocked.

"Twilight, that makes sense. It seems neither of us has our horns." Phantom told her.

"What?!" Spike opened the door with his paw.

"We really need to find you a mirror."

Phantom, Spike, and Twilight looked around the building that they were in and walked to a case filled with trophies. "Phantom, Spike, what do you think? Other artifacts they've stolen from Equestria?" Twilight asked.

Once the two got a good look at themselves they gasped. "Twilight, what are we?" Phantom asked his sister. Both of them looked weird. Twilight is wearing a blue shirt with a small pink bowtie, a purple skirt with her cutie mark on it and a blue backpack with her cutie mark on it.

Phantom's look was quite different from his sister's. His eyes were weird. One was blue and one was green, just like back home with his two cutie marks. He was wearing a black shirt with his skull cutie mark on one sleeve and his moon with three stars cutie mark was on the other and in the center was a small white oval. He wore blue jeans and red shoes and his backpack was purple with both of his cutie marks on it. "Twilight, I can see ghosts everywhere," Phantom told his sister.

"Phantom, how? I thought you could only see ghosts when your other talent was showing." Spike said.

"I agree with Spike. How is that possible?"

"I am not sure. It could be that we are in another world and our magic works differently here." Phantom theorized. Then a loud bell rang across the building startling Phantom, Twilight, and Spike. Suddenly, there were many people walking across the building making all three fell to the ground.

Luckily, they got out of the crowd safely and before Phantom could help his sister up someone else helped her up since she ran into him. "Whoa. You okay?" He asked as closed his locker and helped Twilight up. She nervously accepted his help and nodded once she was up.

He walked off and once he did Spike spoke up. "Phantom, Twilight, I don't think this is a castle."

Twilight: I've never seen a place
That's quite like this

Phantom:Everything is turned around
This crazy world is upside-down

Phantom and Twilight:Getting on our feet
It's the hand that we were dealt
But we don't have much time with them
Got to learn all that we can

Phantom and Twilight were looked around the school at everyone and everything. Phantom was even trying to ask the ghosts but very few were helpful.

Twilight: They don't use any magic or fly with any wings
I don't get these funny clothes, skinny legs, or tiny nose

Phantom: Everything's confusing when it seems so new
But we look a little closer and it starts to feel familiar too

While Phantom and Twilight are walking through the halls, four very familiar-looking girls run right past them making Spike jump into Twilight's arms. They all look at each other and smiled at seeing some familiar faces.

Phantom: What a strange new world Twilight: What a strange new world
Phantom: We're trying to make heads or tails of this strange new world Twilight: What a strange new world

Phantom and Twilight: Sorting through the small details of this strange new world

Phantom and Twilight: What a strange new world

Now Phantom, Twilight, and Spike are standing in the hall very scared about this new world. Even the ghosts that Phantom has been seeing are making him nervous.

Author's Note:

Let me know if I need to fix anything that is confusing. I'm still getting used to the rules here and I hope I did everything right. Hope Y'all enjoyed! See Y'all next week!