• Published 26th Aug 2019
  • 5,597 Views, 170 Comments

Criminally Stupendous - dudenotactive

Roman thought it was the end for him, but in a strange twist of fate the thief somehow lives. Sadly, dying wasn't enough for him to rethink his life of crime, and now he's back at it again.

  • ...

The Thief And The Showmare

Trixie yawned and watched the sun in the distance rising from rooftop of an apartment building, with a cup of coffee in her magic. Her mane hasn't even been brushed yet, nor has she put on any make up. And yet Roman, who was standing besides her, had looked better than before. The pegasus was currently looking through a pair of binoculars which she suspected that it was stolen. Whatever he was looking at, she does not care, she only cares about why Roman had woken her up so early just to spy on things.

She shivered as the cold early sunrise wind flowed past her. She quickly pressed the cup on to her cheek to give herself a little bit of warmth. Trixie took glanced at Roman, the pegasus was chuckling to himself as he used the binoculars, something was clearly entertaining to the stallion and Trixie doesn't know what. She shrugged her shoulders before taking a sip from her cup, welcoming the sweet taste of caramel coffee.

"Alright!" Roman suddenly spoke loudly, this startled Trixie and nearly caused her to drop her coffee if it weren't for her great talent with simple telekinesis. "Time to go Trixie, I'm done scouting."

"Mind telling Trixie of what exactly you are scouting for?" Trixie asked as she followed the the if towards the stairs that led down.

"Remember my talents Trixie?"

She took this chance to lift up the end of his jacket with her magic to see his cutie mark. "You're very happy?" She answered in the form of a rhetoric question.

Roman himself looked at the symbol on his flank, his own classic logo, an orange smiling face on his white fur. He had no idea what it was at first when he just woke up on Equestria, but he soon learned that they are like an identification of sorts, a good way to know the difference of ponies. Though it is never actually unique, Roman had saw many ponies with marks that was identical, but they were different in some way.

"No Trix', this-" He motioned his hoof towards his mark. "- doesn't mean me being a good smiler. What it means is my great charismatic personality! Notice how many hearts I've stolen by just saying a single word?"

"And you stole more than hearts." She said sarcastically.

"As I was saying, my mark may say I have a silver tounge, but I was actually talking about my other talents, stealing."

"By Trixie's beautiful mane, you are a total kleptomaniac."

"Keep it up Trix', and you'll run out of words to call me." He chuckled, by now they have already descended to the ground floor, and they both exited the apartment building. "We'll get back to the subject later, for now we're gonna go to a very secluded place in Manehattan for a very special training." A devilish grin crept up his face.

"'Special training'?"

"And now that we are here, let the class, begin!" Roman spoke.

Trixie stared at him, wondering why Roman had brought them both to some empty warehouse by the docks, it had looked like no one had ever set foot around at all. Making her and Roman probably the first ponies to even return to this abandoned building. As she watched Roman, he began to strip his clothes right in front of her, it had no effect on the mare with the fact that ponies are usually naked. She would do the same as well, but only taking off her cape and hat.

"Alright," Roman sets down his neatly folded clothes on the ground, but he made sure that it was at least dusted or else his white jacket would get dirty. "first things first, hit me."

"What?" Trixie asked, confused as to why he asked her to hit him. He then tossed his cane right in front of her hooves.

"Hit me with my cane." He raised his forelegs to the side, readying himself for what's to come.

"Trixie doesn't see why-"

"Just do it."

"Okay, but Trixie has your consent for this and Trixie may not hold back."

The unicorn's horn began glowing, and the cane was wrapped in a pink aura. In a blink of an eye, the cane swung at Roman, it slammed on his face with all her strength and pent up anger for that time he really annoyed her. But to Trixie's shock, the stallion did not move, not even an inch. A low chuckle escaped him as he pushed the cane away with a toothy grin, somehow silently mocking Trixie with the way he grinned at her.

"B-but how!?" She asked with great amount of disbelief.

"There's something you don't know about me Trixie, like I have told before, I'm from another universe. Dust is a mysterious crystal that exist all over my world, dangerous as they are, the only thing that could trigger their dormant state is with aura."

With that, the pegasus began glowing, he was surrounded by an orange light. Trixie stared at him, never in her life has she ever witness a pony glow before, and it was strange, she could feel a small trace of magic coming from the thief. It was definitely magic, but something much different than her own or anything in Equestria at all.

"As you can see, I have aura, a manifestation of the soul, and any creature with a soul can use aura. Aura is a wonderful trick from my world, it has many uses. Such as a defensive barrier to protect you from harm, or an offensive weapon," Roman picked up a conveniently placed rock, and reeled back his hoof before throwing it into the air. The rock flew off his hoof and sailed through the roof of the warehouse like a bullet. "which could be used to defeat your opponents."

Trixie had been keeping her eyes on the hole of the roof, too shocked to even look at Roman. Just as mentioned before, Trixie had never have seen this all before. A pegasus who was capable with magic such as shield barrier or strength enhancement was amazingly absurd to Trixie.

"I...Trixie doesn't...what!?" She said as she looked away and at the anomaly himself.

"I know, I know, I'm an an amazing guy. You could even say I'm-" His right wing moved towards under his chin and mimicked a check mark with a small feather on top of his wing pointing up and his 'index feather' pointed to his left. "criminally stupendous?"

"Was that joke? Because there are more important matters right now than jokes! Where in Equestria did you get this power!?"

"First: I had no idea why I said that. Second: I have already told you, its from my universe, aura is pretty common there. Believe it or not if you want, but you're not gonna find aura anywhere on this planet because I'm the only one who has it."

"F-fine, Trixie believes that you, a pegasus with a strange ability that Trixie has never seen before, are an alien." She finally said, but there was still a large amount of doubt in her words, Roman didn't really mind actually. As long as she believes it just a little, then she'll soon believe it all. "So...do you plan on giving the great and powerful Trixie this aura? It is quite useful if you ask Trixie, and Trixie could find great ways to add this skill for Trixie's amazing performance."

"You already have aura, so you don't need to ask."

"What!?" Her voice cracked. "Since when!?"

"The first night we were together, while you were asleep I unlocked your aura. Gotta say, you have a lot of it, you literally lit up the night with the amount of aura you have."

"That's good right? Is Trixie a great aura user if Trixie has a large amount of it?"

"You have potential sure, but just because you could fill up a pool with your aura doesn't mean you're good with it. It takes years of training to even master your aura, and lucky for you, I'm the one teaching you. So expect yourself getting stronger in a year because I, the stupendous Roman Torchwick, shall train you with my great knowledge of aura!"

"Yes!" She pumped her hoof in the air with excitement. "Teach Trixie the ways of aura, so Trixie could rise above her peers and be greater than the rest, even Twilight Sparkle!"

"Love your enthusiasm Trix', now come," The same grin returned to his face. "let's start with lesson one."

"Trixie is ready!"

"Trixie is bored!"

Trixie was indeed bored, instead of intense and tiring training like she expected, the two were only just sitting besides each other. Roman had his eyes closed and was breathing calmly, he had instructed Trixie to do the same but she was extremely bored of it.

"You weren't listening to what I said, were you?" His one eye cracked open to stare at her with visible irritation. "We've been at it since a hour ago, all it takes is you to learn how to glow like me. Focus your mind Trixie, focus on your aura and clear out the rest. Ignore all distraction. If you can master this then you would be ready for training."

"But Roman, Trixie is booored!" She fell down on her back to show how bored she was.

"Trixie, could you just do as I say so we can move on?"

"Fine." She sat back up and closed her eyes. She did as what Roman had told her again and focused her mind like he instructed.

"Good Trixie," Roman calmly whispered to her. "now, ignore all distractions that surrounds you, staring with my voice."

"Then why did you talk?"

"What did I say?"

"Okay, geez."

She returned to focusing and clearing her mind, and in a matter of seconds she felt as if her body was lighter than before. And her eyes unconsciously opened by themselves to reveal to her that she was completely surrounded by darkness. Roman's words echoed, reminding her to keep calm and ignore all distractions. So she closed her eyes once more and focused deeper into her mind. Trixie had one last distraction to over come, something that she have always had, a sense of doubt. She doubted many things since she started seeing the thief as a friend, she did not fully believe that he truly wanted to be her friend. But then he started proving himself to her, he had given her many things and had been there by her side when the two mares from Ponyville came.

Could she really believe the words of a deceitful thief? For once, Trixie was willing. Willing to be his friend if he was willing to be hers.

Her eyes snapped open as felt her body being enveloped by some kind of warmth, she found Roman standing in front of her with a welcoming smile. Trixie looked down to her hooves to discover them glowing brightly blue, she gasped upon knowing that she not only succeed, but also impressed her friend. She quickly stood up in excitement, and smiled back at Roman.

"I did it!" She cheered for herself.

"Indeed you did Trixie, I'm so proud of you." Said Roman. "Now you're really ready, and the first one on the list is defense! Now listen closely."

"You have Trixie's full attention!"

"Good, you need to know that aura doesn't completely protect you from feeling pain, it'll only reduce it and it must be noted that it does not keep you cold in hot areas, only warm in cold areas. And you need to train to passively cloak yourself in aura or else you'll be vulnerable to surprise attacks. Any questions before we begin?"

"Yes actually. Is this what you meant when you offered Trixie the apprenticeship?"

"You are correct my dear, this was my plan from the beginning. Anymore questions?" The mare shook her head no. "Alright, let's continue."

Trixie, for the tenth time in a row, fell down her back with a loud thud, Roman had repeatedly tossed her around as she had attempted to try and block his attacks with her aura. But it was really hard when you are new to this, so she ended up feeling pain all over her chest where Roman struck her. Good thing he wasn't being serious or else she could get badly injured.

She had easily learned how to use aura for defense, so now she was trying to learn how to fight with aura. And though she believed that unicorn magic is all she needs, Trixie thought that learning offensive use of aura wouldn't be a problem, especially if she could get an upper hand against anyone who would stand against her. Trixie would then slowly get back on her hooves before standing on two as Roman had instructed her to.

"You sure you can still go? You're over using your aura, even if you have a lot doesn't mean you could just leave it like a lightbulb, you'll exhaust yourself soon."

"T-Trixie can still go, she is far too powerful to be defeated."

"Alright, let's- Hah!" Roman covered the gap between him and Trixie, hoof ready to strike her.

But Trixie actually expected this so she dodged to the left, all her years of performing had helped train herself to stand and move on two hooves, a feat that would impress the simple minded ponies. And now she's using it to fight, something she didn't expect in her life. Trixie then mimic Roman's move and jabs her hoof at Roman, only to be blocked by the thief who had years of experience in fighting. Trixie felt Roman's hooves wrapped around her extended hoof before being lifted right over him and she was then slammed down on the floor. Her aura flickered, indicating that she is nearly out due to the constant use.

"Alright, that is enough." He said as he helped Trixie back on her hooves. "We'll continue next time. Gotta say, you've made a lot of progress for newbie. But that isn't enough, and you're gonna need some rest, if your aura breaks then you'd suffer fatigue."

"You're right, Trixie has pushed herself too much on Trixie's first day of training."

"Good, we'll need to- wait, what time is it?" Roman hadn't noticed it until now that it was getting dark, the sun was setting and the last few rays of sunshine was slowly disappearing. "Hmm, guess we missed lunch. Oh, never mind! Let's have dinner!"

"Dinner sounds lovely, if I do say myself." A new voice spoke, Roman and Trixie snapped their attention over to a gray mare who sat on top of a rusted barrel. In her hooves was a teacup with what both ponies presumed as tea. "How about some lasagna? I'm craving for some pasta right now."

"Wait, who the hay are you!?" Trixie questioned.

"You could call me a fan, especially for you mister Torchwick, been watching you since you've took a step into the ferry boat." She took a sip of her tea. "I must say, you've really catch my interest. I kept my eyes on you and saw all those naughty deeds you did. Really impressive."

Trixie's eyes widened, she hasn't accounted an outside spectator to watch them, nor has she expected anyone to see Roman perform his illegal tricks. She was worried that this random old mare would go straight for the police, and she planned to make sure she doesn't, not when her friend is on the line. But before her horn could glow, Roman lifted a hoof to stop her.

"I didn't expect anyone with a good eye on Manehattan, most ponies stick their nose up so high that they don't see me rob them of their bits. You yourself is impressive." Said Roman. "And what's that about dinner?"

Trixie couldn't believe it, she was sitting in the fanciest table she had ever seen, a pretty long one too. Roman and Trixie sat in one end while the mare sat on the other. There were so many forks and knives in front of her, leaving the mare confused on what to use for the lasagna that the old mare's chef had prepared. She watched Roman pick one of the forks and she followed by picking the same. Trixie began eating, it has been awhile since she had eaten pasta, too long indeed. And the best part was the expensive wine that was older than both Roman's and hers age combined, it even tasted as she expected, like rich person's money.

While the unicorn ate, Roman faced the old earth pony mare who had revealed her name to be Lucky Spice, an entrepreneur who owned many businesses in not only Manehattan, but Canterlot as well. She seems to be around fifty years old, judging by the looks, though Roman still doesn't know how ponies age, its probably the same as humans.

"So," Lucky Spice began as she held her glass of wine in her hoof. "I'm really astonished of what you and your unicorn friend have done, practicing some kind of magic that a pegasus have mastered. Truly amazing!"

"Thank you, that's just how the stupendous Roman Torchwick works."

"By Celestia, please don't copy Trixie." The unicorn muttered.

"But I am quite curious myself," Said Roman. "you see, I never really understood why a lovely mare such as yourself lives alone in a home like this. I don't believe I see any Mr.Spice."

"Oh Roman, I've seen you work, your tricks won't easily work with me." Spice said playfully. "But if you were curious as to why I brought you here, then allow me to illuminate. Mister Torchwick, have your life ever been so...dull?"

"Nope, my life is always a ride."

"I see, then might I say that though I am a wealthy mare, my life has been pretty boring lately, a few excitement here and there, but yet I am still yearning for something. Have you heard of the return of Nightmare Moon and the Elements? I don't believe so since you claim to be an alien."

Trixie frowned upon the mentioning of the six heroes that she despised.

Roman nodded towards Spice. "That's correct, I have been meaning to fill myself to what's happening in Equestria."

"Well Roman, after I read the papers of how a valiant heroes of six risked their lives, something inside me was sated. Then I discovered that I didn't want excitement in my life, no, I wanted to read about it!"

"What?" Trixie asked with a mouth full of pasta.

"Strange I know, let me continue. After my discovery of my problem, I have began reading books of thrilling adventures! Sadly, after my 822nd book, it began to become dull once more. Books no longer satisfy my thirst, that is until I read about a spirit of chaos returning to Equestria After that, I have been subscribing to different newspaper companies across Equestria. I even owned a few of them. But nothing amazing and thrilling has yet to happen. Then I saw you mister Torchwick, a strange pegasus thief that pops out of the rest, a pony who claims to be not of this world. You have potential for many things, such as providing a thrilling adventure that I not only wish to read about, but to also help you in this story."

The master and his apprentice stared at the mare, greatly confused by her reasoning. They both couldn't really understand why such mare had a strange hunger for the thrills, it was truly odd for them.

"Could you give us a moment?" Roman requested.

"Of course, take your time." Spice said before clapping her hooves together and a glass wall slams down in front of her, right between her and the table.

"Alright," Trixie spoke, and she lifted a hoof to point at the smiling mare behind the glass wall. "Trixie believes that this old mare has issues."

"Rich people Trix', all the money they can get always makes their lives dull and boring, so they go and spend it like crazy on things. Or they seek out the thrills to fill their hearts with. I've actually met a few with strange ways to get what they want back at my world."

"But what do we do, should we really let her in on all this?"

"Heh, I'm glad that you're starting to participate with my diabolical plans."

"Trixie is only part of it because of our deal Roman, and Trixie is a mare of her word."

"Think about it Trix', she's rich, that means if we ask her for a few things then she'll just give it to us. Might not be free, but anything to help us earn some bits and carving our names in Equestria's history. Also, we can ask if she knows any unicorns that is good with duplication spells."

"But Trixie was going to do that." She argued.

"Yeah, but if someone else takes the job, then we can focus on other spells, like teleportation!"

"Never thought about that, very well, Trixie supports your choice."

"Then that's two votes to zero." Roman nodded over to Spice, the old mare clapped her hooves again and the wall was gone in a blink. "Just to be clear on this, you would help us with anything?"

"Yes, but it won't come free, I am still business mare my good sir. If you wish for tools, then I shall hoof you them for the right price. If you wish for information, then with enough bits I would tell you everything I know. And if you want something more just to solidify our bond, then ask away and I'll see what I can do. Let's just call it a favor."

"What do you say Trix'? Sounds like a start of a beautiful friendship."

Trixie smirked and lifted her glass of wine to her lips. "Trixie believes so, Roman."

"Guess you miss Spice, have a Thief and a Showmare."

"Wonderful, its so exciting to make a deal with a criminal. Let us drink to our new found friendship!" Spice raised her glass in the air with Roman and Trixie following.

"Let's." Said Roman as he and Trixie shared a very devilish smile.

A new opening was made to Roman, a chance to establish his name into the roots. This was the beginning of Roman's story to Equestria's history, it was time for the world to learn that he exists, a thief that would not easily give up. Though the three have just formed a team, they all know that the bond is strong and it'll only get stronger.

Author's Note:

Alright, I already decided a semblance for not only Roman, but Trixie as well.

If you're reading this Dragonsboy97, thanks for the shadow suggestions but I decided not to use shadows