• Published 26th Aug 2019
  • 5,612 Views, 170 Comments

Criminally Stupendous - dudenotactive

Roman thought it was the end for him, but in a strange twist of fate the thief somehow lives. Sadly, dying wasn't enough for him to rethink his life of crime, and now he's back at it again.

  • ...

Reservations And Retribution Part 1

Princess Luna was ready to finally meet Roman for the first time outside the realm of dreams.

She, along with Adam and Ironwood was chaperoned by two ponies who had brought with them a stagecoach for four. It was worth mentioning that Time Turner was there as well, but he wore a sour look as if he had not wanted to be with them for reasons beyond Luna. Something about him was odd, yet familiar, it was as if she had met him somewhere.

Curious, she questioned Turner, this went unnoticed by the other two who had also taken an interest in the Doctor. The General who had known Turner longer than the others was more interested in Turner's earlier achievements. One could say that Ironwood saw something else unlike Luna and Adam. To Ironwood, he saw no ordinary pony, he saw Doctor Time Turner, the stallion of tomorrow.

He had so much to say about Turner and all of it was good things. His reputation in the Legion was positive, many would even admit to giving their life for him if the moment comes.

Luna was unsure how this image of his was made, she wanted to ask about it but fell silent when the stagecoach stopped completely. The doors opened to reveal a beautifully built gazebo large enough for a party to dine in. Much to their surprise, there was a band as well that played as soon as Luna and her group arrived. There was also an outdoor kitchen where a few ponies worked, so much food was already prepared for the dinner that Roman had planned.

"Ah," Everyone turned their heads towards the sky, and there they finally met the crook himself, Roman Torchwick. "So glad that you all could join me!"

But he went silent as his eye was drawn towards Turner.

"Oh, I expected that you would bring Dash or Applejack..."

"Is that who you expected?" Adam huffed. "As if we'd allow someone who is clouded by their own justice near you." This earned the faunus a few sharp glares from the Equestrians.

Roman grinned at Adam. "You're one to talk," But before he could say something snarky, Roman stopped himself. "Alright then! Let us continue if you all could follow me please!"

The wings on his side folded which caused Roman's hover to cease, he dropped onto the space before them before he stood up with a welcoming smile.

"If you all would please, follow me so we can begin our little party."

Adam was reluctant, as were the others, but he felt something wrong with the whole picture. As Roman closed his wings, he heard an audible click, as if something was triggered as the thief did so. And yet despite the nagging feeling, Adam followed the ponies towards the gazebo.

Everything was a mixed feeling for Roman's guests, Turner simply wanted to get this thing over with, while Ironwood waited for a chance to finally capture the one pony on the planet who held the information needed to battle the Grimm. As for Luna, she simply felt a sense of intrigue, this was the first time the two had met face to face.

Roman brought them to a table which was big enough for everyone, it even had seating arrangements that had the guests on one side of the table and Roman on the other. Unicorns soon arrived at their table with plates of exotic delicacies, some of which were fish, a truly odd choice since they were all herbivores. All was set for dinner to begin, Luna couldn't help but notice how Roman had kept his eyes on her during the process. Though she noticed another thing, Roman was far different than he was in the dream realm. Shorter, and his voice sounded a little scratchy. If anything, it was like meeting a different person. Perhaps it was because she had only met his human form, not his Equestrian. He looked so much like a mare in some angles.

"I do appreciate that you could join me tonight! And princess," He sent her a mischievous grin. "You sure are a looker."

"Flattery won't lessen your sentence." She coldly told him. "Though you are not what I expected, forgive me if I'm being rude."

He simply chuckled. "Nothing you say can offend me, your highness. I'm just happy to finally meet with you."

"Enough games," Adam slammed his hoof against the table, the catering staff flinched as Adam became aggressive. "What are you planning?"

"Straight to the point," Ironwood commented as he glared at the thief along with Adam. "I'm also curious about how you'll stop us from just capturing you now."

Roman grinned, he simply waved a waiter over who placed a plate with its contents hidden by a cloche. The waiter then pulled the shiny dome to reveal what was underneath.

"Roman," Luna hissed as the threat made itself known. "You truly are a coward, just as you have said."

"I aim to please," He said smugly.

Ironwood retreated into his seat, even Adam resisted the urge of tearing Roman apart, as for Turner, he was silent.

There was a detonator on the table with a timer and a keypad. The three leaders all had the same guess, there was a bomb threatening not just their lives, but the innocent ponies that were roped into this.

"I paid them a king's ransom, and promised them that as long as you bunch behave, then the bomb won't go off." Roman explained, as he did so, his hoof punched in a code on the device. "I also have to reset the bomb now and then, or else- KABOOM! So it's best that you all don't do anything, also the code cycles through several combinations, now, let's enjoy our dinner!"

As the catering staff served the food, Roman couldn't help but notice how Turner wore a smile on his face, as if he saw something the others didn't.

"Uh, if you'd excuse me for a second..." Roman snatched the detonator and rushed somewhere out of earshot. The forest was perfect to get some privacy. He made sure to check if he was alone. "I think he saw through it!" He whispered to himself.

Suddenly, a pony appeared out of nowhere, dressed completely in a ghillie suit that hid their identity. Until they lifted the veil to reveal that it was Fuchsia Blush. "What do you mean?"

"The random guy that came with them!" Roman spoke, but his voice changed completely, yet again the truth was revealed that this was Lavender Lace. "Oh no, my semblance... You still there, Roman?"

"Yeah, still here." He answered through her. "What can you tell me about them?"

"A stallion with an hourglass cutie mark and-"

"Ozpin," Roman hissed. "Listen, he's unpredictable and I doubt that he's serious about capturing me, so relax and keep your distance. If anything, he probably knows that there's no bomb."

"What do we do?" Fuchsia asked him.

"Inform Trixie and the twins that Dash and Applejack are most likely still in the headquarters. Then continue with the distraction. If everything goes sideways, you're up, Fuchsia."

"Ain't gonna disappoint you or Trixie, count on that."

"I'm glad to hear that," Roman smirked, the real Roman Torchwick.

His location? Atop the town hall of Ponyville where he could see his objective, Twilight's library. This was his grand plan, Trixie and the two swindlers were currently inside the Iron Legion base, ready to pounce the moment he called for it. As for him, Roman had a score to settle with, and a meeting that was due for far too long.

"Um, Roman?" He looked down to his side where Scootaloo was latched onto his leg as she tried not to slip off the roof. "What were you doing?"

"Ah nothing, just pondering, that's all." He answered nonchalantly. "So, Scooter, have you found your semblance yet?"

"Uh, not yet... Do I have to?"

Roman smiled at her innocence. He liked that about her, reminded him of his own childhood. Sadly there's about to be a harsh lesson to be learned. "It is important, but you can take your time, it'll come soon enough."

"Why are we out in the dark, anyway? My aunts aren't gonna like it that you took me..."

"I asked for their permission, it's not kidnapping." He argued back. "I'm above that, professionals have standards."

She doubted him greatly, Scootaloo was there when Roman threatened for their signature on the permission form. What purpose he had for doing such a thing, Scootaloo knows not of. It was just something only the thief knew, and perhaps she would soon learn of the truth.

Or perhaps, Roman knew another truth.

Either way, she was stuck in the ride to chaos with Roman behind the wheel. And it would seem to Scootaloo that Roman had set his sights on Twilight's house. Scootaloo panicked, the only reason he'd ever take a step closer to this place would be something evil. She raced to think up a plan to escape and warn Twilight of the threat.

But she was stuck on Roman high up in the air, she clung onto him tightly or else she'd meet the painful ground.

Roman slowed to a glide, the two descended towards the entrance of the library. Scootaloo planned to scream out for help once she got back down. It was a simple idea, and most importantly, she would run for her life.

But before she could have the chance to initiate her heroic plan, Roman stopped just as he was about to touch the ground. That was when the filly felt the ominous presence that almost suffocated her with malice. There, standing right at the foot was a pony clad in all black, with eyes red as blood.

Roman set Scootaloo aside as he touched the ground, a smirk grew on his face as well. "Agent Black... I'm guessing we won't be disturbed?"

The mare gave a short chuckle. "So you know about my semblance? Guess you're as clever as the Doc says." She drew out her combat knife and a suppressed pistol. "If you already know how it works, then let me explain it to you better. My semblance affects the mental mind of everyone outside a six-meter radius from me, anything happening within the radius would be seen as ordinary to everyone."

"You can shrink that circle," Roman noted as he remembered the time back at the inn. "But how big is the other part of your semblance?"

"Let's just say the whole town... Though I have to tell you that anyone outside would hear us if we were to be... loud."

Roman scoffed. "Guess I'll just bash your head in. But how did you find out that I'd be here?"

"You'd think I'd be alone?" A red light blinded Roman just for a moment, once he recovered his sight he noticed a red dot on the ground. "A team of certified hunters is here to capture you under my leadership."

"Ozpin has hunters?" Roman was shocked to hear that.

"Lisa! Inform Trixie of a possible third party!" Roman gritted his teeth. "Did Ozpin order you to capture me?"

Bon Bon growled. "No, but I'd be damned if I allowed you to walk freely in my town."

"Scootaloo..." The filly looked away from the scary mare. "I need you to sit still while I deal with Black here."

"So I said to the guy, 'That's not my wife, that's a can of tuna'!" The whole room erupted in laughter as Flim delivered his jokes to the Legionnaires.

The twins and some employees of Candlewick were all gathered in the cafeteria with some guards. Ever since they arrived, Flim and Flam did nothing but told jokes, all of which were greatly received by the guards.

They had just delivered a very important package and a lot of Dust to the Legion. Now they were just enjoying themselves.

At the corner of the cafeteria sat Applejack and her friends, the farmer kept an eye on the twins while her friends simply chatted amongst themselves.

"Will Spike be okay alone at the library?" Fluttershy asked Twilight.

"Spike can take care of himself, I trust him to keep the place intact." Twilight said.

A window shattered as Roman dodged several shots from Bon Bon's pistol. Spike continued to eat Dust crystals despite the fight outside the library. Of course he heard the noise, but he waved it off as raccoons in the trash again.

"Something ain't right..." Applejack hummed. "Why the hay are those two here?"

"Oh, they're here to make sure the Dust storage is up to code." Twilight explained. "Apparently they were impressed with the Iron Legion's work."

"Ugh," Dash groaned loud enough for her friends to notice. "I'm tired of waiting! Roman is out there having dinner with the princess, but we're here doing guard duty!"

"Now, now, dearie," Rarity said, "Nothing wrong with a little break after all that tiring training you've both done."

"Yeah!" Pinkie shoved herself into Dash's sight with her usual smile. "We can finally hang out! That mean red guy kept you busy too much, but now that you're doing nothing, we can all have a little party right here and now! I brought confetti~!"

Dash was about to object, but then realized how much she missed the crazy parties. "You know what, Pinkie? Sure, I want to let loose for once!"

"Need Ah remind y'all that we are on duty?" Applejack told the rest.

"You two are, not us." Rarity corrected the farm mare. "I don't understand why the rest of us are even in this place..."

"Because Roman is back and we need to be ready in case he escapes capture. Which means all six of us must stay alert for any-" Twilight explained.

An explosion was heard, and the blast shattered every window in the fortress. Every guard that was relaxing in the cafeteria immediately ran to see what caused the explosion. Before the six could follow, a thick smoke started to fill the room.

"Fire!" A guard yelled. "The armory is on fire!"

With that, the six mares jumped into action. Unbeknownst to them, the twins both wore similar grins as they watched the chaos unfold. Though this would spell disaster for Roman, the explosion was too early in his plan. But he did not let the opportunity pass, Ozpin's agent was distracted for just a moment which allowed Roman to slip away with Scootaloo.

But now, Ironwood and the others couldn't help but ask what exactly happened. As for Lavender Lace, she felt vulnerable, especially when she was in reach of Adam's sword.

Author's Note:

Lavender "Lisa" Lace
Semblance: Ventriloquist

Lavender is able to connect with other telepathically and is able to use their voice, this creating a living communication radio that could be used to connect with allied units.

Bon Bon/Sweetie Drops
Semblance: Hidden In Plain Sight

Bon Bon's semblance affects the mind of any living creature within a large radius. Anyone affected by this will be mentally tricked to believe that whatever the user is doing was ordinary or unimportant to the victim. But once the semblance is broken, the victim would be immune until a certain time has passed or once they had forgotten of Bon Bon

Weapon: Cloaking Dagger
A regular suppressed Walther PPK and a combat knife. All painted black for stealth in the dark. The only notable thing about her weapons is that the combat knife is able to generate electricity that could stun opponents.

Comments ( 2 )

I honestly love this story.

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