• Published 19th Aug 2019
  • 10,936 Views, 502 Comments

Spits Fire - CommanderApplejack

Ever wonder how Spitfire got her name and what secrets she hides?

  • ...


Spitfire checked her dress suit again after having polished all the buttons on there, finding not even a single flaw left in her attire as picked up a clipboard with a few newspapers and notes clamped on. The hallways had few ponies walking through them as most of the workers were either busy or getting ready to listen in on the press briefing.

After making her way outside Spitfire headed over to the visitors stand, the other 'Bolts were standing motionlessly to the left and right of a little podium with their own dress suits on. None of them moved as they stared straight ahead with iron discipline, even Rainbow didn't move a muscle. The press on the other hoof had no such restraint as they tried their hardest to ask their questions while Spitfire hadn't even reached the podium yet.

“What is the Wonderbolts' position on the latest developments!...”
“Are you really a changeling!...”
“Does this mean you'll be stepping down as Captain!...”

Spitfire ignored them all as she put the clipboard on the stand in front of her, tapping the amplification crystal to see if it was charged enough. After finding the taps being amplified Spitfire cleared her throat to quiet down the crowd.

None of the reporters really did.

Sighing the captain simply started with her address. “I'm sure everyone has their questions but just as any other press conference I will first give a statement and will then answer questions in an orderly manner.” Spitfire punctuated the word orderly to make it clear she would not tolerate the press conference turning into a shouting match. The reporters too finally got the point too and shut their mouths for the moment, all ready to write down every word she would say and describe every gesture. Pulling out one of the newspapers, Spitfire briefly showed it to all the press-ponies. “As I'm sure you all are aware, this morning several papers published speculative pieces about me based on-”

“So you deny being a changeling?” one of the reporters on the stand heckled.

“No, I am not a changeling,” Spitfire said, her temper flaring but she luckily managed to get a handle on it before she could snap at the reporter. “None of these libelous pieces even took the diligence to contact me personally for comment they may have found out the truth-”

“And what would that truth be?” the same reporter shouted at Spitfire who felt her fangs sliding out and stinging her lower lip while her chest started feeling warm from her internal furnace.

“That in fact I am a hybrid,” Spitfire growled.

“A hybrid? You don't exactly look like a pegasi mule to me. Do you really think we're that stu-”

“ENOUGH!” The Captain roared, the entire stand rearing back from the sheer volume of Spitfire's voice. “If you wish to interrupt me every sentence then leave my base. My father was not a donkey, I am not a mule, but he was a dragon,” Spitfire hissed, her fangs bared while smoke came from her nostrils. “I may have never met him but I assure you I have definitely picked up some draconic traits from him, notably a short fuse.”

The ponies in the stand had fallen into complete silence for the first time since Spitfire had arrived, a couple of them quickly taking pictures and racing off into the air. Spitfire quickly realised her mistake, straightening herself up and checking if her tie was still in place.

“Y-You'll hear more from this!” the reporter shouted before taking off and rapidly flying away.

Ahh, crap. That's going to bite me in the flank, isn't it?

Not being able to do anything about what just happened anyway Spitfire sighed and pointed at one of the reporters that had behaved relatively well. “You had a question?”

“W-well, yes. The other Wonderbolts are all here now, can we assume they are supporting you?”

“Soarin?” Spitfire looked at the pegasus beside her and let him get up on the stand to use the amplification crystal.

“The answer to that question is yes, all of us stand behind our captain. She’s pulled us through enough hard times that we support her one hundred percent,” Soarin answered, getting out of the way again for Spitfire who turned to another reporter.

“Captain Spitfire, what has Canterlot’s response been to this news and will you resign over this controversy?”

“I had a good conversation with Princess Celestia this morning and I do not see any reason to resign at this time,” Spitfire answered, a murmur going through the crowd at that little tidbit of information as she pointed at another reporter.

“From the Cloudsdale herald, since you say you are part dragon are there any differences physically other than the fangs we can clearly see?”

Spitfire swallowed nervously but pushed her anxiety down as the question was going to be asked by somepony at some point anyway. “ Like you pointed out the fangs are the most obvious feature, but other than that I’m stronger than a regular pegasus, have a tougher bone structure, can breathe fire, and am fire resistant to a degree.”

“To a degree?” the reporter asked, trying to dig deeper.

“Enough to run into burning buildings,” Spitfire answered, pointing at the next reporter in the stand.

“Thank you, I just wanted to ask about your diet. Since you claim to be part dragon do you share their more… exotic dietary choices?”

“First I want to point out that for dragons it is not so much a dietary choice, they either consume gems or meat because otherwise they die,” the captain bluntly pointed out to the crowd. “But to answer your question, I require both vegetables and a supplement of either of the two options I just pointed out. No I do not, nor will I ever, eat something sapient. That’s disgusting.” Spitfire clamped all her notes and newspapers back onto her clipboard. “Thank you for your attention, have a nice further day.”

The press corps exploded into more questions but they were ignored as Spitfire walked back to the headquarters’ entrance. The other bolts filed in behind her in lockstep while staff held back some journalists and lead them off of the premises. Once inside Spitfire let out a heavy sigh and sat down against a wall, Rainbow taking a seat next to her and wrapped a wing around her marefriend. The other ‘Bolts went by to leave the two alone for a bit, only Soarin hanging around.

“You should go underground for a couple of days, I’ll deal with any further press while they stew on that bit of information. See what they write and give an interview to a hopefully friendly but credible reporter,” Soarin told them, probably best to sneak out and shake the press along the way.

“And what about my work? Who's going to do that?” Spitfire asked as she lay her head on Dash's shoulder.

“I can handle it Spitfire, this isn't like a few weeks back where we had stacks of potential trainees to deal with,” Soarin dismissed. “Now get out of here, I suggest flying in a random direction to throw off any pursuers before heading to a quiet place to lay low.”

“And you have one of those? My places will definitely be watched and there's probably a small number of paparazzi around Ponyville as well,” Spitfire grumbled.

“We could just ask AJ if we can stay at Sweet Apple Acres, that's decently out of the way of most traffic. I'm sure she won't mind us staying a couple of days,” Dash proposed.

“See? Problem fixed, now sit back and let things play out for a few days. Go relax and stuff, maybe get somewhat… closer acquainted with each other,” Soarin smirked playfully, Spitfire's cheeks going red from a blush while Dash didn't immediately catch on. “Now go, I don't want to see you here for at least three days.”

“Fine, if you need me you’ll know where to find me,” Spitfire sighed, breaking away from Dash and quickly kissing her cheek. “I’ll fly off alone so the press won’t have a lead on where I could possibly be.”

“You know the way, I’ll head over to AJ’s to get us a place to sleep for a couple of nights.”

“You’re the best, Rainbow.”

“Well, duh. I’m awesome didn’t you know?” Rainbow smirked as she puffed her chest out.



The two ponies kept their eyes locked with each other in a staring contest but Spitfire quickly cracked, starting to snicker and pulled Dash in for a swift kiss. “I won that one, which evens our scores by the way.”

“We’re counting now?”

“I’m always counting,” Dash smirked, swatting Spitfire on the flank with a wing as she made her way back to the door. “See you in Ponyville babe.”

Spitfire blushed furiously. “I’m so getting back at you for that.”

“Rawr,” Rainbow simply replied, Spitfire shook her head and flew off to hide her embarrassment while Soarin burst out laughing.

“You’re actually the worst, Rainbow,” he snickered, “Give it thirty minutes before leaving to give the press some time to run after Spitfire.”

“Aye, aye, LT.”

Rainbow came to a gliding halt at Sweet Apple Acres, the sun was heading down towards the horizon already. Spitfire wasn’t anywhere to be seen yet but the captain would have had to take a detour anyway so she wasn’t too worried about Spitfire not arriving. Rainbow knocked on the house’s door, waiting for somepony to open up. Apple Bloom eventually being the one to answer the door.

“Hi Rainbow, Ah take ya want ta talk ta mah sis?”

“Yep, mind getting her for me?” Rainbow asked to which Apple Bloom nodded, turned around, and cleared her throat.

“APPLEJACK, RAINBOW’S HERE!” she shouted into the house at an impressive volume considering her size. Applejack was upon her in seconds.

“How many times do Ah have ta tell ya ta not scream in the house!” She admonished while Apple Bloom just sat there with a look innocent as an angel.

“Hey Dash… Why are ya dressed all fancy like?”

Rainbow looked down at her dress suit momentarily, noticing the tie wasn’t completely straight and swiftly fixed it. “Just came over from Wonderbolt HQ, we had a bit of a media issue… actually, how haven’t you heard about that yet? It was plastered over pretty much every newspaper’s headline.”

“Hey, Ah didn’t visit town, haven’t seen the news today,” Applejack shrugged, Rainbow pulling out a newspaper and showing it to the earthpony. “That’s horseshit,” she bluntly stated after reading the headline.

“Pretty much,” Rainbow replied. “We already did a press conference and we’re looking for a place to lay low for a bit, mind if the two of us stay at the farm for a few days?”

“Of course, you two can stay as long as ya like,” Applejack immediately offered. “Is yer marefriend here?”

“On her way. We took off at different times to shake the press,” Rainbow answered as Applejack let her into the house and lead her up to the guest room.

“Ah’ve got some more things ta do, if Ah see Spitfire Ah’ll bring her up too,” Applejack promised, leaving Rainbow alone to get settled. Dash took the time to get out of uniform, placing the dress into the room’s closet. She could hear the door downstairs open up minutes later, Applejack coming up into the room with Spitfire in tow. The captain was completely drenched in sweat from exertion, and still slightly panting.

“There’s a bathroom at the end of the hallway ya can use, sugarcube,” Applejack told her, nodding to Rainbow before heading back down to continue with her last chores of the day.

“You seem like you flew quite a way to get here,” Rainbow smirked, Spitfire immediately trying to get out of her sweat-soaked clothes.

“Yeah, those reporters were in way better shape than the usual ones, they were quite persistent on trying to catch me. I’m pretty sure I got rid of all of them though so we should be fine.”

“That’s good… also, AJ was right. You really need a bath.” Rainbow recoiled slightly from the smell.

“Yeah yeah, I’ll get on it,” Spitfire rolled her eyes as she hung her clothes out over a chair, they had to be washed sometime soon too.

“You know, maybe I should take a shower too...” Rainbow said suggestively, rubbing up against Spitfire. “Flying all the way to Cloudsdale and back to Ponyville in one day is not something most pegasi could do you know.”

“Hmm, you think the shower is big enough for two ponies at once?” Spitfire smirked, leaning back against Rainbow.

“Why don’t we find out?” Rainbow swished her hips suggestively as she made her way out of the room and towards the bathroom, Spitfire hot on her tail.

The two quickly got two sets of towels ready and turned on the shower, stepping in and sharing the stream of water. Rainbow got a sponge and some soap to clean off Spitfire’s coat, the captain let her marefriend rub the soap in and the water wash it off, enjoying every bit of it.

“There, much better,” Dash said as she finished soaping up Spitfire and washed it all back out of her fur.

“Well, thank you, my dear lady. Now let me return the favour,” Spitfire smirked, taking the sponge from Rainbow and giving her the same treatment that Dash had given to her.

“Hmm, yeahhh. That hit the right spot,” Rainbow purred as Spitfire worked on her back.

“Is that so? I might know another spot.” Spitfire said playfully, pushing Dash onto her flank into the corner of the shower and exposing her chest fluff. Their muzzles hovered inches apart as Spitfire rubbed the sponge through Rainbow’s chest fluff, Dash couldn’t help but melt at the sensation. “Like it? Or is this too mushy for you?”

“Shut up and continue rubbing,” Dash muttered in response.

“Is that right? Why would I do that then? I remember somepony swatting my flank right in view of my lieutenant,” Spitfire said with a devious smirk while keeping Rainbow pinned down in the corner.

Dash’s eyes went wide and started stuttering. “W-well… uhm… please?”

“You’re going to have to do a bit better than that,” Spitfire smirked, leaning forward to whisper into Dash’s ear. “So tell me, what will you offer for a good belly rub?”

“I-I could take care of washing your clothes?” Rainbow offered, Spitfire didn’t look convinced yet though as she glanced out of the shower towards the window to see darkness falling on the outside world.

“Hmm, that would be a good start, but I was thinking more along the lines of Soarin’s suggestion and get closer acquainted with each other.”

“Y-You know there are more ponies in the house, right?” Rainbow replied with an increasingly better-defined blush.

“Guess you’ll just have to keep any squeaks to a minimum then,” Spitfire smirked, kissing Dash on the lips before she stepped out of the shower and started to dry herself off. Rainbow, quickly washed the rest of the soap out of her coat and shut off the shower. Spitfire by that point was already done and hung up her towel to dry, looking back over her shoulder at Rainbow as she stood in the doorway.

“See you in the bedroom, don’t let me wait for too long.”

Author's Note:

Been a while since I went back to this story, had a bunch of ppl asking around for updates both here and on Discord so I pushed myself to get this one done. :twilightsmile:

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.