• Published 19th Aug 2019
  • 10,936 Views, 502 Comments

Spits Fire - CommanderApplejack

Ever wonder how Spitfire got her name and what secrets she hides?

  • ...


“The bandages really aren't necessary Rainbow…” Spitfire grumbled as she tugged at the white dressing covering the spots where her fur had been burned away.

“I don't care. You're hurt, and those were enchanted by Twilight to improve your healing rate,” Dash simply but pointedly stated, slapping Spitfire's hoof with a wing to stop her from screwing up the bandages. The captain grunted but didn't retort. Dash continued her work in the kitchen, a fish sizzling on a frying pan and drowning in butter. Spitfire had absolutely refused to stay at the hospital the previous day. Even after the village had a non-negative reaction to seeing her dragon hide under her half burnt fur, she had no interest in being closely examined by some doctors. In the end Dash had at least got her to allow Twilight to bandage her. Spitfire sighed as she gazed outside over the town. Despite the damage the storm still had its intended consequence and coated the village in a blanket of white.

It only took three pegasi being put into critical condition and the burning of two houses.

“By the way, is it ok if Twilight comes by in the afternoon?” Dash asked, breaking Spitfire's dour train of thought. “Since she saw your scales, she's probably been itching to talk to you.”

Spitfire sighed. It was only a matter of time before everyone knew, and it might be handy to pre-empt any rumors before they could spring up. “We could also go visit her home? We could go by your other friends as well. Would have been a matter of time before you introduced them anyway.”

Dash's face lit up at the suggestion. “That's a great idea! I just hope Twilight won't hog up the entire day in that case,” she grinned, letting the fish slide onto a plate and bringing it over to her marefriend who immediately grabbed the plate and devoured the fish. “Hungry much?”

“Best cooking ever,” Spitfire managed to say with her full mouth.

“Of course! I'm an awesome cook after all!” Dash puffed her chest fluff forward in her boast making the other pegasus chuckle.



The two stared into each others eyes for a moment, the expression on their faces as hard as steel in their little staring contest. It didn't take long for Dash to start cracking as she couldn't stop herself from smiling, something that soon infected the captain as well, and they both burst out into laughter. “I totally won that by the way,” Spitfire grinned.

“Shush you,” Dash simply replied, pulling Spitfire in and placing her lips on her’s. The captain's eyes went wide with shock as she hadn't seen that move coming. Leaning into the kiss she allowed her tongue to dance with the rainbow maned mare's. The kiss felt like it went on for an eternity only for Dash to break it…

“You taste like cooked fish.”


Spitfire's cheek went beet red, striking out to swat Dash's head with a wing but Rainbow had anticipated the move and ducked below it before bolting. “Come back here!” the captain shouted as she sprinted after the other laughing pegasus. The two briefly chased each other through the cloud home, but Dash was tackled to the ground just as she reached her own bedroom. “Gotcha!”

Dash struggled for a bit but it was very clear that Spitfire, though battered, was not going to give in. “And what is my strong half-dragon going to do now?” Rainbow asked with a smirk.

Spitfire smirked as well, her fangs somehow seeming much larger than usual which made Dash's confident smirk falter. “Well…” Spitfire dove in and started tickling Dash in all the right spots, the pinned pegasus squirming and laughing at the assault. “Surrender or be subjected to my eternal wrath!”

“Never!” Dash blurted out, only making Spitfire redouble her efforts. Rainbow managed to hold out a little longer but eventually started to crack. “Please! I surrender!” she managed to choke out through the laughs, Spitfire dropped onto her chest and chuckled at the defeated pegasus.

“That was a very short never,” Spitfire grinned at the panting pony below her. “We will discuss the terms of your surrender later. Now we should be getting on our way towards Twilight Sparkle's house.” Spitfire nuzzled Rainbow's neck and allowed her to get back up, the two finishing their morning routine before taking off from Dash's home. Spitfire had some trouble keeping her speed up, a few too many feathers having been destroyed the day before. Not that the bruises and cut on her flank helped either.

“Just giving you a heads up, Twilight can be a bit excitable,” Dash warned as they approached the large castle on the edge of town, Spitfire rolled her eyes at the warning.

“I get it, Rainbow. You've told me plenty of times.” The two of them landed in front of the castle, the few ponies up and around already looking over and whispering to each other. Spitfire, not in the mood to be exposed too much, swiftly followed Dash into the large crystal building. There was a large hall with a large stairway leading up to the higher rooms and passageways running to the left and right.

“Hi Spike, do you know where Twilight is?” Dash asked, pulling the captain's attention towards the little purple and green dragon that had appeared out of nowhere.

“Sure thing, Dash. She's been in the basement all night, so she might be a little kooky,” he warned before leading them to a downward spiralling staircase. Spitfire meanwhile just stared at Spike with her mouth slightly ajar. She knew about the little dragon of course, but reading about him and meeting him are two separate things entirely. There was also the fact that she knew the nobles could only tolerate him because he was close to Princess Celestia's personal pupil. Seeing him wander around without any worries was slightly jarring.

The two went down into the basement, spotting various forms of equipment neither pegasus was able to identify. In the middle of the room was a large desk with various open books and stacks of paper and a purple alicorn softly snoring between them.

“It's not too late to run away yet,” Dash whispered, getting another eye roll from the captain who stepped forward… and hesitated. Twilight might be a friend of Dash's, but she was a princess as well. Waking her just felt wrong. Dash on the other hoof had no such reservations and upon seeing the hesitation stepped forward herself to wake Twilight.

“Hey egghead, wake up. You've got a visitor!” The alicorn shot up from the desk, her hair an absolute mess and an ink stain on her cheek.

“I didn't eat the cake!” Twilight shouted looking around in paranoia, then spotting the two pegasi standing beside her with puzzled looks. “Uhm, hello Rainbow what are you… Oh! Spitfire!”


Twilight's horn lit up and a pot of hot coffee and a cup floated over, the alicorn downing the scalding hot liquid as if it was nothing. “I did some research last night and well… uhm… I might have fallen asleep?” Twilight said guiltily.

Spitfire still wasn't exactly sure how to respond to Twilight, her mind eventually falling back onto her basic Wonderbolt training. “Don't worry, ma'am. I wouldn't want to trouble you too much.”

“Trouble? This is one of the most intriguing things I've ever seen!” Twilight shouted in excitement, old parchments and books floating up from the table which showed various drawings of fire-breathing ponies. “If you dig deep enough, then there's an entire swathe of legends about heroes and foes that were able to breathe fire like dragons!”

“Really?” Spitfire's curiosity quickly won over her apprehension and she stepped, although still uncomfortably, forward to look at all the documents lined out on the desk. More drawings and texts in old ponish were lined out on there while Twilight excitedly teleported some more documents to the desk.

How in the world did she manage to get all of these together in a single afternoon and night while she only had rumors and Dash's short explanation to work with!?

“These have always been dismissed as fictions to make certain ponies stand out in history, but if you really are part dragon then that would mean major revisions will need to be done. Let alone the advancements that could be made in several other fields of science!” Twilight nearly bounced in place from excitement. Spitfire meanwhile just felt more uncomfortable than she already was.

“Maybe you should explain what the tests are you wanted to do, Twi,” Dash interjected, feeling her marefriend's uncomfortableness at the princess' excitement.

“Oh right! I've been itching to get some tissue, blood and saliva samples to do an analysis on. I also want to know all the things that set you apart, like the scaly skin and fangs, maybe even fire-breathing? Can you do that?” In response to Twilight's ramble Spitfire blew out a wisp of flame, earning an excited squee from the alicorn. “Alright, let's get some samples!” A set of tools and syringes appeared next to Twilight. Spitfire nervously took a step back from the princess, eyeing the tools with suspicion.

“U-uhm, princess? W-what are you doing?” Spitfire felt a cold sweat starting to cover her coat as Twilight carelessly approached. Rainbow proceeded to step in between the captain and the princess as she had no problem sensing the growing panic in Spitfire.

“Say Twi, you don’t really need all of those things, now do you?” Rainbow said, pushing away some of the implements, and giving the princess a stern look silently telling her to drop them or back off.

“O-oh right, of course not!” Twilight teleported a good amount of the tools away again, leaving her with only a single syringe and a couple of vials to store samples. Rainbow stepped aside to, with Spitfire’s permission, allow the alicorn to take some samples, constantly under the pegasus’ watchful eye.

“So, if you don't mind me asking, what are you going to do now, Spitfire? I understand from Rainbow you avoid talking about being a hybrid like the plague—I'd love to know why by the way—but all of the commotion won't help. Sooner or later a reporter will come down here to check what happened and find out you were involved, and it won't be long after that the hard questions will be asked.”

Spitfire swallowed nervously as Twilight bluntly stated the reality of the situation. The captain really hadn't thought about it. Ponyville might seem to be an accepting place, but the Canterlot tabloid press would not be so forgiving. “I'm not sure, and the reason I hid is… personal… maybe if I'm ready at some point.”

“Take all the time you need, Spits. Just know that you'll always have friends here.” Dash said, covering Spitfire's back with a wing and bringing a smile to the captains' face as she placed a quick peck on her lips.

“Thanks babe,” she said with a smile, only for stuttering to break up their moment. Twilight stood there with her mouth open in astonishment while stuttering, her brain trying to process this new information.

“Sooo… Keep us posted on your progress, we've got other ponies to visit today too, bye!” Rainbow swiftly pulled her fellow pegasus along before the alicorn regained her senses and would bombard them with questions.

“Uhm, Dash? Should we have left her like that?” Spitfire asked questioningly, looking back at the castle while flying after her marefriend.

“She'll be fine. Spike can handle it… probably.” This did nothing to reassure the captain in the slightest. Shaking off the concern for later, Spitfire focussed on where they were going next.

Actually, where are we going?

“Hey Rainbow, who are we visiting next?”

“Rarity is closest, and her sister will probably want to see you too after you saved Scoots. The two of them are good friends along with Apple Bloom,” Dash replied and banked to the left, setting down in front of a store called Carousel Boutique.

“Oh,” was the only thing Spitfire replied with. She most definitely remembered the little unicorn who'd shouted that her friend was still in the burning building.

A friend that apparently also was Rainbow's honorary little sister…

A little bell rang as they entered through the front door into the boutique. There were many dresses on display all through the main room, varying from a simple yet elegant dress to gowns that were covered with gems and everything in between. Something else Spitfire immediately noticed was that no one dress was the same as another. All of the creations were unique to some degree.

“Please give me a moment, I’ll be right down!” a melodic voice called out from upstairs. The time they had to wait was spent by Spitfire inspecting some of the dresses designed for pegasi.

Hmmm… I might commision her to make a dress for me at some point.

“Oh hello darling, I wasn't expecting to see you today…” Spitfire peeked past the mannequin to catch a glimpse of Rarity, immediately recognizing her from the Grand Galloping Gala and the great young flyers competition. “…shouldn't you be at the hospital with Scootaloo or other members of the weather pegasi?”

Rainbow sighed, “I'm going to visit them sometime today as well, but right now I was showing somepony around town.” Spitfire took this moment to step into view and clear her throat. Rarity gasped in surprise.

“Oh my, Captain Spitfire, it's a pleasure to meet you again,” the unicorn exclaimed, getting a chuckle from Spitfire.

“A pleasure to meet you while I'm conscious as well, ma'am,” she replied teasingly, Rarity's cheeks turning beet red while Rainbow snickered from the sideline.

“Please, just Rarity. And my deepest apologies for what happened that day,” the unicorn said, deeply embarrassed over having knocked out all three 'Bolts that had tried coming to her rescue. “Now, do you two have to go or shall I get you something to drink?”

Spitfire chuckled heartily. “I'd love something. We should have enough time left to visit the rest of your friends, right Dash?”

“Definitely!” Rainbow replied and led Spitfire after Rarity into the boutique's kitchen where they took places at the table while Rarity made coffee.

“Sooo… There have been rumors floating around Ponyville about you, Captain.” Rarity blinked her eyebrows suggestively as she leaned forward to get some new gossip. Rainbow groaned in response while Spitfire just sighed. She should have expected the question.

“I don't know what the rumors floating around are, but I guess the cat's out of the bag now.” Spitfire opened her mouth to show her canines, Rarity gasping in surprise. “I'm part dragon. That's why I could run into that burning building and come out relatively unscaved.”

“Well I'm glad for it. We'd have had a much greater tragedy if you hadn't been here,” Rarity said without any hesitation.

“Just doing my duty, ma'am” Spitfire replied, downing the coffee in one go. Dash cringed as she imagined doing the same with the hot liquid.

“You went far beyond what was expected of you, darling. If you ever are in need of a dress, then don't be shy about dropping by. I'll gladly give you a hoof.” Rarity, who had added milk to her own coffee finished her much less hot drink as well. “But you have to excuse me now. I have commissions to finish and that work isn't going to get done by sitting here.”

“No worries, Rares. We'll be out of your mane,” Dash said, getting up from the table and heading for the door with her marefriend. “See you around!”

With that the two stood outside in the snow again, the sun now standing high in the sky. “So, who's next on your list?”

“That'd be…” Rainbow didn't finish her sentence as a pink coated and maned pony bounced over the street, the moment she spotted the couple she gasped and shot off out of view into town. “… Pinkie Pie.”

“What was that about?” Spitfire asked, baffled by what had just happened.

Did I just scare the first Ponyville local?

“Well… I think we'll skip Pinkie for now. I'm pretty sure you're going to be introduced very soon anyway,” Dash said cryptically, a devious grin on her muzzle as she turned and headed into the opposite direction the pink pony had disappeared in.

“If you say so…” the captain said with a raised eyebrow. “I take it our destination changed then?”

“Yeah, we’re skipping AJ since we visited her yesterday... which means that I’ve got a final friend living on her own near the Everfree.” A frown formed on her face as she stopped to look at Spitfire. “I left her for last because she’s deathly afraid of dragons, so don’t take it personally if you scare her.”

That’s great, just fantastic…

“Thanks for the heads up. I’ll try to bring it up carefully,” Spitfire sighed as Dash nuzzled her cheek comfortingly.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure she won’t have an issue after yesterday.” Rainbow took off and soared over the white-covered roofs of Ponyville towards the eastern edge of town where Dash’s last friend lived. As they arrived, Spitfire took a good look at the cottage that seemed to be part tree with the amount of snow-covered shrubbery around it. Another notable thing were all the small birdhouses and animal pens all around the house.

“Hey Flutters, are you home?” Dash asked as she knocked on the wooden door. Sounds of something dropping to the ground came from the inside along with hooves hitting the floor before the door flung open and the rainbow-maned mare was tackled to the ground.

“Dash! I was so worried after yesterday and… oh, uhm, hello?” The yellow pegasus standing over Rainbow shrank back at seeing the third pegasus looking at her with a baffled expression.

“Fluttershy, can we come in? It’s kind of cold down here,” Dash said sarcastically from her position down in the snow.

“Oh yes, sorry, please make yourselves comfortable. Want anything to drink?” Fluttershy asked as she led the two other pegasi into her house, guiding them to her couch.

“No thanks. We just had some at Rarity’s place,” Spitfire politely declined, leaning against Dash on the couch.

“Oh, okay…” Fluttershy took a seat on her own armchair and nervously played with her hair. “So, is everyone in Ponyville okay? I saw smoke coming from the village, but I haven’t been out to check up yet.”

Rainbow sighed and shook her head, “Flitter and Icy Rain are still in the hospital. They’re not in a good condition, and two houses burned down, but thanks to Spits here nopony got seriously hurt by that.” Dash extended a wing around Spitfire and nuzzled the fiery-maned half-pegasus again. Fluttershy’s face went slightly red at the display of affection between the two pegasi on her couch.

“Oh my… uhm, did you save somepony, Miss Spitfire?” Shy asked meekly.

“Save someone? She ran into a burning building and pulled Scoots out of there!” Dash exclaimed excitedly, making it Spitfire’s turn to blush.

“You saved Scootaloo?!” Fluttershy suddenly livened up, her eyes wide in shock and standing on her seat instead of sitting.

“It was nothing ma’am, just doing the right thing,” Spitfire answered slightly embarrassed at the praise from Rainbow and Fluttershy’s response.

“You saved my best friend’s little sister, that's not ‘nothing’ Miss Spitfire.” Shy suddenly had a lot of confidence in her voice. “I guess that’s why you’ve got those dressings then?” The yellow pegasus pointed at the white linen wrapped around the parts where Spitfire had been hurt from the fire.

“Yeah sort of…” Spitfire answered, Fluttershy looking at her with a bit of confusion. “I wasn’t in as much danger as a regular pony would have been running into that building…” The comforting wing around her back gave Spitfire the confidence she needed to reveal her secret. “…I’m not exactly fully a pony.”

“You’re not?” Fluttershy questioned but her eyes shrunk as Spitfire opened her mouth and revealed her sharp teeth sticking out quite far. The captain felt her heart pound in her chest as she saw the fear in the fellow pegasus’ eyes, it looked as if she could run off at any second… But she didn’t. “S-so that’s why you n-needed those f-fish, Rainbow?”

“Yeah it was, Shy,” Dash confirmed. Fluttershy swallowed nervously, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. Her posture relaxed as she performed a quick breathing exercise before opening her eyes again.

“My apologies. Rainbow must have notified you of my phobia…” Spitfire gave a confirming nod. “…I’m not going to be afraid of you after you went and saved a pony.”

“Thanks… and please drop the miss. It makes me feel old,” Spitfire said, smiling at the pegasus.

“Of course, Spitfire. Now if you don’t mind me asking, are you two… you know… together?” Shy’s voice progressively lost volume as she meekly smiled at the couple. Dash smirked and pulled Spitfire close and placed her lips on her marefriend’s, Spitfire squeaking in surprise but swiftly leaning into the kiss. “Oh my…” The yellow pegasus’ cheeks went completely red at the display.

“We’ve been together for a couple weeks now,” Dash said with a smile, resting her head against Spitfire’s. Fluttershy let out a soft squee and shot over to the pair for a hug.

“That’s so nice. I’m so happy for you two!” she said, happily embracing the couple.

Rainbow smiled at this. “Thanks Shy, you’re an awesome friend.”

“Don’t mention it. So would you two like to stay for some sandwiches or do you two have anything planned for lunch?” Fluttershy asked, letting go and trotting over to her kitchen. Rainbow looked over at Spitfire who gave her a quick nod.

“We’d love to.”

Author's Note:

pretty far on the chapter after this one as well, so that one might follow soon! :twilightsmile:

edited by gerandakis, lordelliot

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