• Member Since 6th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Meylin Messor

I am Meylin Messor IE The Gaming Kitsune. I write and read stories, and am going into animation and art ( Self taught ) and I happen to love playing video games.

Comments ( 77 )

You may also want make a on mention in your story description on if or if not there'll be cross-overs with other stories

Thank you, I forgot about putting that in, damnit... guess we all make idiotic mistakes at times.

Interesting start looking forward to the next chapter tracking and like.

They look like... Antro? Anthro! That's right, Anthro... horses?

Is this a spelling error?

No, it's meant to be her attempting to remember the correct word.

Also Dawnbraker dose this mean Celestia has been corrupted?

Ha ha. Not a thousand miles though. No no. This journey, as far longer. Pain, strife, love and madness, and so much, much more.

Yeah, but it was the first thing i thought of when i saw that line

So, assuming the pheonix chimera joins the party, we would have electricity, nature, and fire all in one... neat

[color=#a6000Alright... so if I pierce the hide and make it bleed, deck can fucking fry the damn thing. Though... what does that ???? do to it and what's with the name? Ah well, LETS DO THIS!

Might wanna fix this

Also, it wouldn't JUST be Electricity / Lightning, Nature, and Fire. As what is nature composed of? But I ask two questions? If you figure it out, you get a slight spoiler. Where does nearly everything go to when they die? And what can both Lightning do normally and fire do should it get hot enough? If you manage to figure it out, please send me a private message as I want everyone else to figure it out.

Chara NightStalker. LV11. HP 900/900. MP 25300/25300 Stat Points to spend: 50 STR = 66 DEX = 52 + (65) = 117. VIT = 31 INT = 900 WIS = 700 CHA = 10 LUK = 7

you need to fix the level and the stat points (this is after Chara leveled up)

Think I fixed it. They were supposed to be level 11 by the end of the chapter. Terribly sorry about that. Guess I missed something.

Am i the only one who was getting a Captain America vibe when Chara was using that shield as a weapon?

When I woke up. It was a new day. Full of Opportunity. Ready for me to have some damn fun and train. But little did I realize what would happen if I left Gaster Blasters in an ID alone. But I'd find out soon enough.

This can mean a few things
1. They go out and attack a bunch of hostiles, leveling up Chara in the process
2. They turn into monsters/bosses from the energies of that world
3. They get found and destroyed (unlikely)
4. Nothing happens (highly unlikely)
5. A monster/boss of that world finds them and uses them for their own benefit
6. A sentient and/or sapient being finds them and does something with them

Oh, please, let there be GILGAMESH! There Must Be GILGAMESH!!!!

Let there be Gilgamesh?! That'll be up for Shinigamisparda to decide! After all, they're the one who I'm hoping to crossover with.

But if there IS Gilgamesh, you will more than likely enjoy it!

Dude, your text formatting for "Death" can't be read in a dark format. I had to change to default to read it.

Wait what? You mean in dark theme on the PC or Fim fiction's nightmode?

First time I've gotten a comment like this. Heh, more? Not entirely sure if I can yet, as I've got some of my own stuff to do. I'm doing a whole lot at once and it can be irritating. Art, Animation, Writing are currently what I'm working on, but I've also hit a massively irritating / annoying / tedious task. Fixing 'some' stuff in the chapters, and getting everything re-listed in doc's to keep track ( Chara's abilities, bit count, ammo count, ect ). It'll take hours of boring AF work. I hate boring work. But don't worry, it'll be done. It'll just take some time along with having to figure out where to go from here.

Shattered, long time, no see. It has been a while, hasn't it? Hope you're enjoying my story here, after all, I'm putting a lot into it. New pic? I remember your old one was a standard Thestral from all over the place. Made that yourself? Or had an artist make it for you as a commission? I'm curious, though, I do hope that anyone who reads and likes it, gives it a thumbs up. As that does help me keep track of how many enjoy the story, anyways, I the next chapter will take some time, unfortunately. I have to head butt a belt sander ( If you get the reference, good job, you've played a really good game ) and get some irritating shit done before I can really work on the next chapter. Hope you've had a good life so far, Shattered, and I hope you continue to do so. Have a nice day.

You have a good day too, you're lewd as some of my RPs can get, and no doubt we both share at least a few fetishes. I did get this new PFP of mine commissioned. I am also sorry, but I don't get that reference.

Oh? Borderlands 2. That's the reference, and that's all I'm telling, as I am NOT going to spoil that game for anyone. And quite frankly? I'm probably more 'lewd' than you'd think. Though... I've changed some bits, but Chara there? Just about Self Insert, but not entirely, they lack some of the lesson's I've learned, but one of them, which was shown in chapter 7, I learned myself... the hard way. You might be able to figure it out. That one lesson, I couldn't go through with writing through the perspective I had before I learned it. If I did, it would've haunted me for a long time.

Again, Hope you're enjoy the story, though, I'm currently working on getting the stuff listed and done, another chapter that won't be a part of the main story, an info chapter that'll show what Chara has at what chapters and the stats of her and other characters will be posted soon. Probably in a week.

Not recently no, but from my own experience previously. It took me WEEKS of playing non stop just about to level up to level 35. I tended to have multiple accounts and create characters based on ones I liked at the time, Mostly female, but some male. More so if they're badasses. Because seriously, Griffin The Griffin IS A BADASS!

If you need help just call, lvl 85 with Lightcaster Immortal Dark Caster and Lord of Order, there was some pretty big lore events recently

Wow, that's nice. Though, I Intend to prefer doing stuff myself. But thanks for the offer. I'll have to check the events as I'm curious as to what's been going on. Though, I've been more into dragon fable recently of the games from Artix Entertainment and I even have a DA for all my characters on that game.

This was interesting. Is her mother a futa as well? Because I'm still confused on who birthed her through their cock

They didn't birth them through their cock, that's... kinda disgusting / really odd to me. it was said that she was the first Futa in the world, IE: Her mother is completely female, not a Futa. Plus, a Futa / Female Hermaphrodite ( Male ones lack breasts in this case, they might be added later in the story, but I've had a creative block recently. ) has BOTH sets of organs / genitalia that are fully functional. IE: A Cock and Balls with a Vagina right behind it THEN an asshole. Seriously, if you've only seen 'Futa's' with dicks and an asshole those aren't Futa's, those are Dick girls. Huge difference. As they lack a Vagina like what they SHOULD have to be classified as a Futa.

This is very confusing to me. Why does the mother have colored text when she didnt have any before? Also why the over abundance of colored text? Its very annoying and hard to read

Comment posted by Sylica telca deleted Feb 7th, 2020

I've had a creative block recently. So.... might take a while. I dunno. I can't play the one game that got me inspired / gave more inspiration for this series anymore as it kills my pc. So.... yeah... could take a bit.

Nice to hear. Unfortunately, I'll have to.... redo, bits of it. Damn idiot me forgot to write down the equations for the stats and in some cases didn't even use equations. Like a moron. Plus, lacking the game that gave me said inspiration is annoying. But... I may've found a replacement on that front. Might not be as good, but here's hoping, right?

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