• Published 13th Jul 2019
  • 7,051 Views, 243 Comments

Son of a Dragon - The Bricklayer

Adopted by a dragon couple instead of by the Sparkle family, Spike's life was set to take a very different course indeed...

  • ...

8: A Day Out

Author's Note:

Okay... so... uh, yeah... apologies for the long wait between chapters. School sorta became that wee little bit more important really. Here, have a cute Cynder as an apology.

Anyways, huge thanks to Shadowmane for the assist here. Allowed Spike and Gallus to become quite the double act at the comedy club. Give him a shout, eh?

“...Don’t you think you’re overreacting just a bit, huh Cyn?” Spyro asked one morning as he tried desperately to calm his fuming wife down. He swallowed, if Cynder got any angrier she was liable to start melting things by accident.

Rubbing her shoulders with his hands, Spyro watched as Cynder began to calm herself the dragoness beginning to take several deep breaths.

“O-Overreacting?” Cynder sputtered and turned back to look at her mate. She raised an eyebrow. “You have seen our son’s new friend. He looks like a punk!” she said snorting smoke out of her nostrils.

“Relax Cyn,” Spyro said pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Ember vouched for the guy -and Elora too for that matter so don’t you start!- and for the record, I think it’s nice Spike’s making friends.”

Cynder sighed, banged her head on the table and muttered something under her breath that knowing her, was probably fairly unkind. “...Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I mean, it could be worse. Could have gone ahead and made friends with… ugh, Garble.”

“Oh, Garble’s not so bad…” Sypro said taking a sip of his coffee and Cynder whirled around to stare at him. “He’s nice once you get to know him.”

“He bullied you for years, Spyro,” Cynder deadpanned. “Please convince me you finally haven’t lost your damn mind.”

“He was jealous of me,” Spyro said. “It’ll be a while probably before I trust him completely, but we’re making some progress. Honestly, Cynder, don’t you think you might be that wee bit overprotective…?”

“...Yeah, I suppose I am,” Cynder finally admitted. “I… I’m still figuring out what to do with my first child. By Tiamat’s divine wing, I’m such a hot mess. And please Spyro, no puns.”

“Wasn’t even thinking about one,” Spyro told her giving his mate a brief hug. “I know, I know… There’s still a bunch of stuff we need to figure out. But we need to let Spike be his own drake, not just squirm into his life whenever we feel like it. I have that feeling that’ll only end up pushing him away from us.”

Again, Cynder stared at him. “Who are you and what have you done with Spyro?”

“Well, I’m not a complete dumbass,” Spyro deadpanned before smirking in a smug little fashion puffing up his chest. “I was able to save the dragon realms all by myself several times over for a reason after all.”

“And there he is…” Cynder said with a roll of her eyes. “You’re such a dork, you know that right? And here I thought you’d actually gotten wise on me for a moment. Shame it couldn’t last eh?” she teased.

“Well, I had to pick something up hanging around you, you do know that right?” Spyro said capturing her lips in a kiss. Cynder wrapped her arms around him as she pulled him closer, letting out a brief moan as she did so before releasing him.

A thin strand of saliva connected her and the now whimpering Spyro. “And that’s all you’ll be getting for a while,” Cynder said pressing a claw to her mate’s nose.

“Aww, and here I was thinking I could persuade you otherwise…” Sypro said with this little dorky grin.

“Oh… Oh, don’t you break out the puppy dog eyes Spyro,” Cynder drawled rolling her eyes. “It’s so unbecoming of you…”

“Didn’t hurt to try,” Spyro replied still with that same dorky grin plastered all over his face. “And admit it, you love them right?”

Cynder appeared to think about it for a moment before saying: “Okay, I admit they are growing on me…”

Licking her lips she pressed Spyro to the wall kissing him passionately before releasing him. “...What… what was that about before about all of that being I get for now?” Spyro panted out.

“Erm,” Cynder smiled seductively. “I changed my mind.”

Capturing his lips in a kiss again, she pulled him in close. Then before they could even get a chance to continue their little fun, there came a sound that sounded like a fake gag from behind them. “Ugh, TMI!” Spike said making a small noise. “Seriously, again I ask for that stuff to be labeled harmful to minors or something…”

Pulling away from each other, Spyro and Cynder both flushed a bright red. “...How much of that did you see?” Spyro asked.

“Far more than I needed to or ever really wanted to, actually…” Spike deadpanned grabbing a piece of toast off the counter. “Your breakfast’s going to get burnt, by the way. Just thought you should know that.”

Cynder let out a small “Ack!” as she saw he was exactly right with the toast slowly becoming a bit too burnt.

“...I swear, between you and dad getting all mushy with each other, this household’s going to fall apart one of these days,” Spike muttered.

“And how do you know you won’t want to get all ‘mushy’ with someone someday?” Cynder asked.

“Ugh, by Torch no!” Spike said. “I am a one drake dragon thank you very much! Meaning I will be only caring for one dragon in this world. Me, myself, and I!”

“Oh, you’d be surprised how funny life turns out,” Cynder said. “I didn’t want anything to do with your dad at first, and look at what happened then…” she said with a small smile.

“Yeah yeah,” Spike said. “He completely suckered you. Heard that story before. Someone else falling victim to the plague we call ‘love’.”

Spyro barked out a laugh. “You remind me so much of me at times you know that kiddo?” he said through his laughter. “That is exactly what I said about Hunter and Bianca before Cynder changed my mind. Trust me kid,” he continued. “As you get older, life will find a way of throwing you a few funny curveballs.”

“Whatever you say, dad,” Spike shrugged not particularly caring. “Whatever you say…”

Cynder and Spyro shared a knowing look. He’d find out soon enough someday. That much they were sure of.

Artisans: Town Square

“Ugh, seriously…” Gallus muttered later that afternoon. “You seriously walked in on your parents making out? And then you just had to go ahead and tell me about it? TMI man, like do you not understand the meaning of that particular phrase?”

“You think it’s bad for you?” Spike asked. “Imagine my reaction when I walked in on them! Like seriously, I think I’ll be scarred for life now or something… Like dude, do you even know where to find any form of brain bleach or something?”

Beside him, Smoulder faked a gag. “...Bleagh,” she muttered with a small roll of her eyes. “I came to hear all about the badass Cynder Wingbeats, the Terror of the Gnorc Skies being a general… well, all-around badass. Not to hear about her becoming a stay in housewife and going all lovey-dovey and soft on us dragonesses!”

“...Pretty damn sure she could still kick your ass if she wanted to, Smol,” Gallus deadpanned. “Like, I am 99% sure. She is a Peace Keeper for a reason and all that. Like, they are the last dragons you want to mess with. And I’m counting in the Dream Weavers, who could probably give you night terrors!”

“Hey, so you’re not betting on me?” Smolder said giving the blue feather griffon a frankly rather dangerous look. Spike wisely, had decided to stay out of this while Gallus took a few steps back. “I mean, am I worth about zilch to you? I mean, isn’t it the job of our generation to surpass our parents?”

“Y-Yes, that may be true b-but…” Gallus stammered out.

“Buuuuuutttttttt…?” Smolder asked.

“Abort man, abort!” Spike thought as he eyed the twosome. “Like, you are treading very dangerous waters here!”

“But I am just saying,” Gallus said. “I am just saying, Smolder. Cynder is like older and far more experienced than you. That famous title of hers? I really doubt it’s just for show, girl.”

“You’re just chicken,” Smolder said. “Like, seriously chicken.”

“And I think you’re overestimating your own abilities,” Gallus said sagely, with a small nod.

“Spike,” Smolder said in this dangerously sweet tone -one that reminded Spike far too much of his own mother before she really let Spyro have it- as she turned to the young drake. “Tell your friend here that he is being a complete and utter moron.”

“Well… I… Uh…” Spike stammered out before he figured out the best answer. IE, the one that wouldn’t involve Smolder skinning him. “I personally think you both make very valid points.”

“Yes, that seems fa… wait, WHAT!?!” both Gallus and Smolder started in unified agreement before they realized what Spike had said. “I make a totally better argument than him/her!” they both yelled pointing at the other.

“...Jeez, go get a room you two…” Spike muttered quite honestly fed up with the two and their arguing. Honestly, they did fight just like his mother and father at times.

“...Please tell me you just didn’t drag us both out here so we could argue and then hook us up?” Gallus asked with a flat deadpan stare. “Because if that’s the case, then you can seriously forget about it. Like, that’s such a cliche it’s not even funny man. No way in Hell is my beak going anywhere near her snout.”

“And vice versa with my snout and his beak, in my case,” Smolder said. “...Actually, how do you even kiss a… no, strike that. I don’t even want to know, and don’t you dare answer that Gallus.” she said seeing the griffon beginning to open his mouth to speak. He very quickly shut it.

Actually, I had other plans,” Spike corrected them. “Just a night on the town if you will. Got tickets to see The Dragon Escapade, if any of you are interested. First come, first serve and all that…”

“...It’s not a romance film is it?” Smolder asked. “Because seriously, if it is, then I’m bailing.”

“It’s not, trust me,” Spike said. “Trust me.”

“...Is it horror, then?” Smolder asked. “I mean, I like a good slasher flick and all that but if you’re just looking for an excuse to cuddle up to me then-”

“Okay, A, if it was my parents would kill me and B, I’m not even remotely interested in you Smolder. Like, seriously, I’m not…” Spike said.

His flushing cheeks said otherwise. Something Gallus picked up on. “...Sure you aren’t man…” he laughed elbowing Spike. “You know what they say about denial and rivers…”

Then came a high pitched squeal from behind the threesome. “The Dragon Escapade?” a female’s voice said and the trio looked behind them to see a gray-feathered griffon hen practically coming towards them at the speed of light. She practically barreled poor Gallus over in her excitement. “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to see that film? Do you know how long?”

“...Okay, who is this, and can I just ask why Mother Tiamat you do this to me?” Smolder requested.

Gallus sighed. “...This is my sister. Smolder, Gabby. Gabby, Smolder.”

“Again, I ask why do you do this to me Mother Tiamat?” Smolder requested.

“Oh relax,” Gallus said with a little wave of his paw. “She’s not so bad, like really she isn’t. She’s part of the postal service back in Griffonstone. Today’s one of her few days off, so don’t ruin it for her, okay?” he said with a small warning glare tossed in Smolder’s direction.

“What?” Smolder asked. “What’d I do? Why are you looking at me that way?”

Gabby smacked her brother upside the head. “You’ll have to excuse him, my brother’s a bit of a jackass. I swear when he was hatched he was born defective.”

Smolder actually burst out laughing. “You know what, I think we’re going to get along just fine…”

Spike hung his head. “...I guess I’m going to have to buy a fourth ticket then. ...There go more gems from my allowance. Whoopee…”

Later that afternoon, the foursome were inside a darkened movie theatre. As screams echoed in the background, Smolder rolled her eyes and tossed a popcorn kernel inside her mouth. “Weaklings. That monster isn’t even scary, I mean you can see right through his suit!”

A few hissed out whispers to be quiet were directed towards her. Smolder simply ignored them. “...Some dragons can’t just handle the truth I suppose…” she shrugged. “Like seriously, there’s the damn zipper!”

Spike simply facepalmed.

“...Is she always like this?” Gabby asked leaning over. “I mean, is she always such a movie critic?”

Spike simply shrugged.

“Well, it could always be worse, I suppose,” he whispered back.

“How could it be ‘worse’?” Gabby asked not really wanting to know.

“You haven’t met my mom, have you?” Spike asked. “She is the action movie critic. I swear I hear Darius complaining she’s going to put him out of a job one day. Like, whenever there’s an action movie Cynder just criticizes it’s every scene based on how ‘unrealistic’ it is. And oh, when the blood comes? That’s when she really gets going. Like, I’m pretty sure given her medical training a slasher film would probably bore her.”

“...so why don’t you ask her to join you in a slasher-thon or something?” Gallus asked from behind him. “I mean, if she’s constantly ruining the movie with how unrealistic it is then I don’t see why they could suddenly be so scary.”

“...Who says mom hasn’t tried to do that before?” Spike deadpanned. “Oh, she’s perfectly fine with me seeing a slasher film… as long as she’s right there along with me to make smart remarks on how one dragon can’t possibly lose that much blood. Dad’s the one who’s trying to keep me from having nightmares.”

“...Geez,” Gabby deadpanned. “Your entire family sounds like it comes from some sort of domestic sitcom or something.”

Spike had to fight back a laugh at this. “...Yeah, they sorta do now that you put it that way.”

“Oh, that is really bad CGI there... “ Smolder said. “Like you can really tell it was fake, FAKE I say! FAKE!”

“Are you trying to get us thrown out?” Spike whispered to her now seeing the nasty glares tossed from every which way towards them. “Like, are you seriously trying to do that?”

“What, I’m just speaking the truth, what’s wrong with that?” Smolder asked. Spike sighed to himself. Thankfully, Smolder then got her just desserts as the onscreen movie monster roared directly in her face. She let out a squeak and clambered into Spike’s lap as Gabby hugged him tightly, her whole body shivering and shaking.

Now, obviously, when a young drake has one very pretty female sitting in his lap certain ‘things’ begin to happen. Certain very uncomfortable things. Needless to say, Spike was hoping Smolder didn’t take notice. Thankfully, she never did and soon the foursome were back watching the movie as if nothing had happened.

“Fake movie monster eh?” Gallus practically sneered quite pleased at seeing her taken down a few pegs. Gabby reached over and slapped him upside the head with a wing. “OW! What’d I do this time?”

“...You’re such a dick, you know that brother of mine?” Gabby muttered crossing her arms with a small huff. “Like, you were so inconsiderate back then, right just there. Thankfully I had my brave ‘knight’ to save me back then…” she said hugging Spike’s arm causing him to blush.

“And to think,” Smolder remarked. “It’s usually the knights slaying the dragons…” she teased.

She then blinked as the leads then dumped… well… “...Okay, that’s a lot of fish.” Smolder repeated echoing the sentiments of the onscreen hero.

“Captain Obvious much?” Gallus deadpanned. “...Like, you could not be any more obvious if you tried. Oh well, at least the dragon’s sorta cool.”

“...Sorta cool?” Smolder asked. “He’s lame! Or she, or he… Oh dear goddess, I’m about to go cross-eyed just thinking about it…”

Eventually, when all was said and done the foursome found themselves walking out of the movie theatre. “...Perfectly wasted gems,” Spike muttered. “...Never been so unsatisfied with a movie in my life. ...I mean, the romance sub-plot was awkward, and what was with that death scene! I mean, come on!” he nearly screamed.

He crossed his arms and let out a cute little huff, complete with smoke snorting from his nostrils.

“There there,” Gabby said patting him on the back. “At least you got to spend it with friends, right? I mean, a miserable movie is always better with friends isn’t it?” she asked.

“I wouldn’t say it was miserable,” Spike digressed. “Just unbearably average. I mean, I expected better.”

“Hear hear,” Smolder said punching the air in agreement. “I mean, given the writer -really Alban, I know you can do so much better- I was expecting a masterpiece!”

“I think I know how to salvage the evening…” Gallus said with a smile.

“...If it’s going around peppering people with water balloons from the top of the highest tower, you can go ahead and forget about it,” Gabby said. “Count me out.”

“...Awwww, that actually sounds fun…” Smolder said.

“And you agreeing to it makes me not want to do it even more,” Gabby pointed out.

“That was only one time,” Gallus stated. “One! And in any case, getting my ass kicked for being a juvenile delinquent was not what I was going to suggest.”

“Shame really, because it’d be oh so much fun to watch…” Smolder snarked.

“You’re such a comedian, you know that right?” Gallus deadpanned. “And in any case, that leads me to what I was actually going to suggest. There’s this local comedy club I wanted to check out. You guys are free to come along if you want unless you’re chicken…”

“Oooooh, he’s calling you out Smolder!” Spike laughed. “So, you going to accept his challenge?”

“Of course I am,” Smolder smirked. “What type of dragon would I be otherwise? And he’s calling you out as well, you do know that right?”

“...Oh, he is isn’t he?”


“Okay, okay,” Gallus said over the audience. “I recently discovered something… intriguing. Okay, do you all know how beer is said to make us into all violent, dangerous drunk hooligans, or so the rumor goes...? I mean, come on, you do don’t you?”

He looked out into the audience and saw a few nods.

“WELL! I am here to tell you that beer isn’t the most dangerous substance in the world if you want to keep your marriage intact. Oh no, it’s actually tea. Yes, yes, I know what you all are saying. Tea? How can tea be dangerous?” he continued keeping the audience invigorated with every word. “So I discovered this last night, okay? I was up all night, drinking beer down at the Green Dragon, okay. My nestmate, she was at home drinking tea. Oh by Boreas’ wing, you should have seen how angry she was when I got home! I mean, what did I do wrong?”

That sent a chorus of laughter up from the audience, Gallus doing so well in playing the absolutely clueless husband. And he continued to do so. “I mean, I was very quiet all night long, peaceful and silent as I headed to bed. And then the very next morning, she was shouting up a storm at me. So I guess the moral of this story is, ladies? If you can’t handle your tea, please just don’t drink it…”

“Oh, have I got one for you,” Spike said joining him at the mike. “You know, there’s this place we all go when we die, right?”

“So what is it, then?” Gallus asked. “Hurricos?”

“...You mean if we’re good, or if we’re bad?” Spike asked in a tone of faux cluelessness as the audience cackled. “But seriously though, not to dump on Hurricos. Nice place. The sad thing is, nobody knows it exists so you can’t exactly compare it to a place like say… the Skelos Badlands.”

“You know the most popular thing to do when going to the Skelos Badlands?” Gallus asked and Spike raised an eyebrow.

“Leave?” he asked and that sent the audience into howls of laughter. “You know, I talked to a fawn yesterday, and she remarked on the reason why the Earthshapers haven’t migrated over to the Badlands? Apparently, the answer was that the Badlands got to pick first on who got the more horrid environment.”

Apparently?” Gallus’s eyes opened slightly. “I mean, c’mon. With a name like the BADlands, you’d think it’s pretty obvious…”

“Wait, isn’t there a place in Griffonstone everyone makes fun of?” Spike asked.

“Yes, the saying goes as follows: In every country, there is a place to be made fun of. In Avalar, it’s the Badlands. In Griffonstone, it is the Badlands.”

“Just how many badlands are there? Seriously. It’s like they’re all having a competition over which lands are the most bad. For all I know, you might just end up calling your badlands goodlands after you see what the other ones have to offer…” Spike muttered.

“Oh, I don’t know… There’s no place in the civilized world that anyone would want to subject to Gnasty Gnorc,” Gallus shrugged. “So where do you think they tossed him to? Yes, that’s right ladies and gentlemen. It is the Skelos Badlands!”

A drum riff, followed by more hysterical laughter from the crowd came after that.

“But hey. Let’s be totally honest here. Sometimes, it’s not just places that get on people’s nerves. Sometimes, it’s some of the simplest things in all the realms. Like a trolley. And boy, do I know a pretty good line of jokes about a certain trolley…” Gallus smirked to himself.

“Oh, oh, wait. Dad told me about this one,” Spike chuckled knowing exactly where this was going. “He says it still haunts him in his dreams.”

“So. Picture the scene. You’re on a trolley, trying to fix it for this bird, alright? Sounds fairly straightforward. But then you get to the fact that the trolley’s heavy as a thousand-pound cow, the track’s coated with debris, and if you screw up once, you gotta do the whole thing again.” Gallus looked out towards the crowd. “Try number one, you think to yourself; ‘alright, alright. I made an oopsie on my part, it’s fine. Try number two, you think about what you did wrong. Try number five, the process becomes a bit annoying. Try number eleven, you feel like you wanna throw that trolley over the edge of the realm and let it fall forever. See where I’m going with this?”

“Oh yes,” Spike said. “I see where you’re going with this. Breeze Harbor has… issues with its trolley building techniques. Guess the builders were from Skelos!”

He then went into a faux voice of Fisher the Breezebuilder. “Trouble with the trolley, eh? That's strange. You're the first one! No one has ever had trouble with the trolley before. In fact, controlling the trolley is so easy that a man from Skelos Badlands can do it. I would get those gears myself, but I don't want to at the moment.” Swear to Torch, that’s what dad always tells me when he’s trying to forget about that little… job.” Spike said with a shudder.

“Yeah, tell ya what, ya oversized, stupid bird. If this job is so easy, then why don’t you do it? Instead of pawning off your work to people who’ve never even used your trolley before? Do you just purposely have that story lined up for everyone who screws it up?!” Gallus barked, causing his eye to bulge out.

“I think he does, actually…” Spike said patting his friend on the back.

“Sounds like he’s got some trouble with the trolley, eh?” Smolder stepped up to the stage with a little giggle escaping her lips. “Never mind you guys, I’d pay to see that bird do the thing himself.”

“Ya know, that reminds me. He can fly. He’s perfectly capable of just flying around and getting all those gears himself no problem. Why does he even need a trolley in the first place?” Gallus tipped a claw. “Just more fuel to the fire that you should never accept jobs from a bird with a trolley, ladies and gentlemen.”

“You sure you won’t become a movie critic?” Smolder deadpanned. “I mean, you can point out so many plot holes within about five seconds, I think.”

“Well… I… Uh… I would,” Gallus said tugging at his collar. “But I wouldn’t want to ruin the movie for anyone, that’s all.”

“Eh. They wouldn’t be missing anything with all you’re giving ‘em.” Smolder deadpanned, causing another laughing fit from the crowd.

“Well, this is a fun night…” Gabby remarked as Spike stepped off the stage. “You might almost call it a date!” she winked at him.

“No way, sis. If this was a date, Spike would’ve been way funnier up there,” Gallus snarked. “What do you think, Smolds? Date or not?”

Smolder let out a little growl. “...I’d rather not think about the possibility of Hatoful Drakefriend coming true thank you very much…” she muttered crossing her arms.

“Ah, c’mon. You’d be squealing like a sheep if that happened, eh?” Gallus wrapped his claw around Smolder’s slender body.

“Hatoful… Hatoful what now?” Gabby asked cocking an eyebrow. “Is that like a disease or something?”

“Yeah, but it’s one you’d like to catch. It means you and Spike would live happily ever after on some kinda faraway island or whatever, where nobody would dare to think of looking,” Gallus nodded. “That’s why you’ve got that folder full of papers, right, Smolder? Because you want love to be a thing that’s not just dying?”

Smolder growled. “I swear, I am this close to causing a birdemic in reverse…”

“Can’t be any worse than when Gnasty Gnorc had his vocal chords reworked…” Gallus rolled his eyes. “Seriously. He didn’t even sound like the same guy afterward.”

“For the record,” Spike said leaning over to Gabby. “Hatoful Drakefriend is this gamebook where you romance a pigeon. Not a griffon, not one of those birds from Zephyr but an actual honest to Torch common park pigeon. I think Alban came up with it as a sort of joke and it just… took off from there I suppose…”

No pun intended, of course.

“Oh my god, what?” Gabby said through her giggles. “Like, seriously, that is something else. I’ve heard a lot of weird stuff in my time but that is… wait, how do you even know about this?” she asked in a confused tone.

“Eh, Alban asked dad, me and Uncle Hunter to be playtesters,” Spike said. “Mom kept giving us weird looks, but…” he laughed. “Truth be told I can’t say I blame her. That was a very weird day.”

“For the record, Hatoful Drakefriend has a very deep and interconnecting storyline!” Smolder shouted causing everyone to look directly at her. “...And I just said that out loud, didn’t I?”

“Yep. Congratulations, Smolder! Ya got it off your chest! I’m so proud of you.” Gabby brought her into another constricting squeeze as she carried her over to Spike. “Why don’t you tell Spike about it too? See if ya can get him hooked?”

“Again, I ask why in Lady Tiamat’s name do you do this to me?” Smolder asked really not enjoying being hugged by the rather… excitable griffon.

“Oh, did you get the secret ending with the teacher?” Spike babbled excitedly.

“Yeah, same. What about you?” Smolder asked as Spike nodded. Gabby and Gallus turned to look at each other.

“...Uh, Gallus… has it… uh… occurred to you that we have very strange friends?” Gabby asked her brother.

“Yeah, it might have as soon as Birdemic and this Hatoful Drakefriend thing started getting referenced,” Gallus nodded. “It might have, yeah… But still, what fun is there in being normal? I mean, we’re two griffins and two dragons at a comedy club. I’m pretty sure that strange is gonna turn into so much stranger later down the line.”

“...You really shouldn’t go into waxing poetry, brother dear,” Gabby said. “Because that just sucked. Like, it really sucked balls.”

Gallus opened his mouth before Gabby tossed him a glare to shut him up. “...Please don’t respond to that. You’re on thin ice as it is, brother dear,” the hen said. “Were you seriously trying to set me up with Spike?”

“Well… I… Uh…” Gallus stammered out. “I just think that you need a… uh… boyfriend. Look, I just don’t want to see you become an old maid or-”

“Gallus, for your own health please do shut it, before I decide to punch you one,” Gabby said before sighing and rolling her eyes. “...and you wonder why you haven’t scored yourself a date yet…”

And so all was well.

As Spike returned home to Spyro and Cynder, he sighed. “Well, that was a… uh, day. Yep, that was definitely a day.”

Still, he mused to himself it wasn’t a bad day really. It was probably the first real time he’d had fun with friends in any long while. Before… all of this happened, he’d often been far too shy to even strike up a conversation with anyone.

“Hmmm, guess mom’s rubbing off on me,” Spike thought to himself. “Because I doubt before I even met mom, I would have had the courage to talk to Smolder or anyone like her.”

He thought on Smolder, she was definitely a character that was for sure. Aside from her obvious fangirling towards his mother, she was a little bit of a spitfire. She didn’t seem to take any guff from anyone, which was certainly something to be admired. His heart beat just a little bit faster at the thought of it.

“Okay, that’s odd…” Spike thought to himself as he practically collapsed on his bed. “Yeah, that is definitely odd. ...Eh, I’ll ask dad about this in the morning.”