• Published 13th Jul 2019
  • 7,068 Views, 243 Comments

Son of a Dragon - The Bricklayer

Adopted by a dragon couple instead of by the Sparkle family, Spike's life was set to take a very different course indeed...

  • ...

2: Doubts


Spyro as much as he hated to admit it, was quickly starting to regret his decision to adopt Spike. Already, he had his doubts about keeping his promise to Spike’s mother. For one thing, he didn’t know the first thing about being a parent. Sure, he’d had figures to guide him and raise him -Like Nestor, Tiamat bless him!- but there was a marked difference from being the child in question to becoming a father yourself.

Well, he certainly wasn’t going to just dump Spike anywhere and forget about him, that much he was certain. His dragon’s honor would not allow him to do so. He’d kill himself before he even considered that possibility. But the thing was, he simply did not know what to do about raising Spike and truth be told he wasn’t sure Cynder knew anything about it either.

He recalled his conversation with his mate a few hours prior.

“Well, I finally managed to get him to sleep,” Cynder sighed to herself shaking her head slightly. Spyro peaked into the next room, a ray of moonlight illuminating Spike’s sleeping form. He looked so peaceful, curled up in his basket. Spyro could only guess at what kinds of dreams the Weavers had given him. He hoped they were good ones. “...For what it’s worth anyways. He wouldn’t leave my side for a good hour and a half before exhaustion finally caught up with him.” she whispered sadly and if Spyro didn’t know any better he could have sworn a small tear dropped to the floor from her eyes.

“...Can’t say I blame him really…” Spyro muttered as he slowly stepped into Spike’s bedroom -in reality, an old hastily converted library wing- and drew the covers up over his son.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Cynder hissed slightly snappishly. Spyro couldn’t blame her, even if he did flinch slightly from her tone. She’d had a long and rather tiring day. He was amazed she was still standing really.

“Well, you do look slightly like his birth mother, slightly,” Spyro added. “Maybe he’s holding onto you for comfort, still struggling with the reality that his mother is… gone.”

“...Yeah, when you put it that way…” Cynder muttered to herself sadly before laughing bitterly. “Goddess above, I hope he doesn’t grow up with an Oedipus complex!”

Spyro had to fight back a bitter chuckle of his own, he could definitely see that happening sad as it was.

“Tiamat, we’re so not cut out for this are we?” Cynder muttered to herself as they left their son’s quarters. Son, Cynder mused to herself. She was already calling the kid her son. Basic maternal instincts perhaps? “Like, we are really not cut out for any of this…”

“Surely between the two of us we must know something right?” Spyro had to ask. “I mean, how possible is it either of us know absolutely nothing about being a parent? Not that likely I’d say…”

“Probably know about as much as you really. I mean, for years I thought I was a dragonfly! It was only when I started belching fire and getting a craving for meat did I figure out what I really was…” Cynder noted in reply. Spyro had heard the story before, he still had yet to figure out how for years someone neglected to notice they were a giant fire breathing lizard. “...However, I still remember my parents' words to me. They said: “You are our real daughter. It's just that you came from somewhere else.” Still keep those words close to my heart, every day.” she said with a soft smile.

“See, how can you say you’re not cut out to be a mother when you put it like that?” Spyro asked idly nibbling on a gem. “Sounds like you know a little at the very least…”

“Yeah, I suppose…” Cynder said licking him. “It’s just I’m still new to this, that’s all. There’s not a manual or anything to parenthood. I… I just want to follow the same promise you did, raise the kid right and all…” she whispered sounding actually rather terrified for one of the few times in her life. Sounding terrified for one of the few times Spyro had known her. Draping a wing around her in comfort, he cuddled close to his mate.

“I… I suppose we’ll just have to figure this one out together, right Cyn?” Spyro asked and Cynder nodded tucking her head under his. “...Um. Cyn?”

Her only response was the sound of loud snoring. Spyro smiled to himself before falling asleep soon after letting the Weavers take him. His dreams that night were strange ones indeed. He heard it, dark laughter coming from somewhere around him and Spyro found himself surrounded by flame. He’d had this dream a few times before but thought nothing of it. He always thought it things relating to eating an oddly cooked piece of mutton or something like that.

This time the dream was more intense than before. A massive dragon, almost dark violet in color with eyes black as coal stepped out of the shadows. Smoke poured from his nostrils in thick gulping black clouds. The smoke swirled and surrounded Spyro as two massive wings unfurled themselves.

“Look at you,” the dragon said to him as Spyro began unfurling his own wings and snorting out a few blasts of flame for good measure. “You’re an incredible one kid, you know that right?”

The tone sounded almost respectful. Almost. The dragon continued. “Well, so you’re a parent now huh Spyro? Can’t say I’m surprised. You always had a good heart. I’d say too good, but them’s the breaks as they say eh?” the dragon laughed. A deep echoing laugh, one that sent chills running down Spyro’s spine.

“W-Who are you?” Spyro stammered out. “I’m not afraid of you!”

“Oh, young dragon. How naive you are. You will be… You will be…” the massive dragon said with a hint of a smile before vanishing back into the shadows from whence he came…

Spyro awoke with a start finding himself panting and sweating. He quickly extended his wings, looking back to see Cynder still fast asleep. He breathed a sigh of relief. Good, she was still there. Taking to the skies and rushing out the window he let the early morning light beat down on his wings and soaked in the sun.

He knew who he needed to see, Nestor. Surely he had some advice -however small- on how to deal with the trials and tribulations of parenthood. The burgeoning young father definitely needed it. Spyro sighed to himself. Goddess, he was so in over his head.

He looked back to his house and shuddered fearfully before brushing those thoughts away. It was just a dream, nothing more. Things must have come to a pretty pass if he was even taking that dream seriously. He’d had several others like it before, as I mentioned, and he’d never taken them seriously. So why did this particular one rattle him so? What was different about it? These were several of the thoughts running through the young dragon’s mind. He shook the thoughts aside and groaned to himself. He didn’t need to think this heavily this early in the morning. At least not till he had his cup of coffee from Gavin.

Throwing himself into a spin to let off some steam, Spyro then went into a dive and tucked his wings grabbing a sheep in his mouth before the shepherd could even take notice. Letting the warm taste of blood fill his mouth he quickly landed atop a nearby battlement to eat his breakfast.

The griffons and dragons you see, they had come to an understanding. The dragons gave several of their gems to the griffons for their own hoards, and the griffons allowed them to eat some of their sheep in return. All in all, nobody lost much and nobody ever went to war with each other. Hell, a few of the dragons were actually friends with the griffons and vice versa. Spyro had even caught Argus -the dragon who always had a watermelon in hand- stealing kisses from a griffon hen. Spyro never caught her name. Started with a G, he knew that much.

And pretty much all of the griffons' names started with a G save for a few rare exceptions so that really didn’t narrow it down by much.

Really, there wasn’t much animosity with the two kingdoms and the two staunchly backed themselves whenever one needed the other’s help. When Ripto came one year with his great war machines and powerful sorcery, the griffons were the first to lend their aid to the dragons. Ripto had never suffered a quicker defeat, the history books calling this the One Day War.

Spyro chuckled at the memories, remembering seeing Ripto’s terrified face when a griffon came right at him, battle claws at the ready and sharpened like the finest blades. That was when he waved the white flag, with the mighty queen on top of him ready to rip him open. Even Cynder had been impressed by Gilda’s abilities. What was the saying? God save us from the Queen? ...Yeah, that totally fit Spyro mused to himself with another chuckle.

Spyro found himself in Dark Hollow, the rather dreamy realm always a soft comfort for dragons who needed their peace and quiet. It was a small wonder Gavin had set up his tavern -The Green Dragon, he called it- here for the more knowledgeable types to converse and theorize over a cup of coffee.

Finding Nestor overseeing the assembly and reconstruction of a castle tower -such structures were popular amongst dragons, always made them feel rather regal- he walked up next to his father in all but blood. Plopping himself down into the grass he felt the coolness beneath his claws. Soon, Nestor took notice of his fellow dragon and motioned for another to take over.

“Spyro, so glad you could join us!” Nestor said adjusting his belt. A hammer hung from it, perfect for either driving in nails or bashing in skulls. “Like my handiwork?” he asked and gestured proudly to some stones that sooner or later would make up the brickwork of the new tower.

“Excellent as always, dad! Say, you got a minute?” Spyro asked unsure on how to go about this. The last time he was this nervous about something it was simply how to ask Cynder out on a date! “...I… I sorta need your help with something…” he stammered out.

Now Nestor was intrigued and he raised an eyebrow. Now, of course with most of the dragons being dudes -at least in the Artisans realm- Nestor came to the most natural conclusion. To him, Spyro being somewhat nervous about something meant only one thing. “Spyro, if you… ah, can’t get it up I wouldn’t be the first person to ask. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about for certain but I would go… uh, ask the Magic Crafters about potions and such…”

“It’s not that!” Spyro exclaimed making several of the other dragons look at the pair. Lowering his voice Spyro then replied: “Torch and Tiamat above, what made you go ahead and think that was the issue?” he said with a small blush.

“Apologies, my son…” Nestor blushed before continuing. “So, you only come to me when it’s something important. I can only presume that something important can either be one of two things. One, there’s trouble at home. Happy wife means a happy life I always say, so whatever it is, just apologize profusely and just agree with her. Or two, and I think this is more likely you’re having… doubts are you not?”

“D-Doubts?” Spyro stammered out in surprise. He really shouldn’t have been as his father figure always managed to get to the root of the problem quite quickly he’d found. “Doubts about what?”

“I heard what happened from Maximos. Firstly, let me say I’ve never been more proud of you until today. What you did was above and beyond the call of duty for a normal dragon,” Nestor said with an approving and quite proud smile. “Secondly, it’s normal to feel these worries. Goddess knew I did when I found you. Did I ever tell you that story?”

“You said you just found me as an egg. That’s all.” Spyro replied.

“Yes, but it was a bit more complicated than that…” Nestor began.

Seventeen years ago, Nestor had been a dragon around Spyro’s age. He was only just beginning to learn his craft and figure out his place in life. His father had been a smelter in Peace Keepers, crafting weapons. Nestor wanted to work with his hands as well, but in an entirely different manner. So he had taken up an apprenticeship with a dragon named Nexus.

His father had been surprised at first, why wouldn’t he have been? The family had always been smelters and weapon crafters. But that didn’t mean he disapproved of his son’s choice in life. He always said Nestor had to chart his own course, go with his own flow in life. Nestor’s father had married a siren for his second wife, so that might have had something to do with his sea metaphors. His first had passed away during childbirth leaving him a single father.

Nestor had always just helped his father where he could and even now was trying to earn his mastership so he could build his stepmother a proper home for herself. She deserved only the best, after all, that Aria Blaze.

In any case, Nestor found himself walking along a river bed one afternoon, during his lunch break. Taking a bite out of his roasted chicken leg his eyes widened when he saw a purple spotted egg floating gently along the creek. It had been partially cracked open, and inside was a young purple dragon crying for anyone who would listen.

Nestor naturally saw red. Who could abandon their kid like this? Scooping the egg up into his arms he helped the young one out of it, and cleaned off the amniotic fluids with a soft towel. Rocking the dragon in his arms he began softly singing a tune his stepmother had taught him and little by little the young one’s eyes began to slowly shutter themselves shut. Soon he was lost in a peaceful dream.

Soon he returned to his workshop not even realizing the drakeling was still in his arms. Not until Gavin pointed it out with a rather blunt comment of: “Dude, you do realize you’re holding a kid don’t you?”

“So I am,” Nestor replied. “What of it?”

“He’s probably imprinted on you already,” Argus said munching on his seemingly ever-present watermelon. “You do realize what this means right?” he asked.

It took several minutes for this to register in Nestor’s mind, but when it finally clicked his eyes widened in almost comical fashion and he let out a low mutter of: “Oh my God.”

“Congrats!” Argus bellowed slapping his friend on the back. “You’re now a daddy!”

“...But… But I’m not cut out to be a dad! I’ve never even raised a child in my life!” Nestor babbled. “I… I mean, I don’t even have siblings so I couldn’t have even learned how to take care of clutchmates!”

“Reeeeeeeeeellllllllllaxxxxxxx,” Gavin said walking over to his friend and holding out a brown paper bag. “Here, deep breaths. Take several of them. Blow into it. Relax. Just relax…”

“How can I relax when I…” Nestor began to shout before realizing his current situation and lowering his voice. Thankfully his new charge was still fast asleep. “How can I relax when I’ve never even been near a kid?”

“Deep breaths man,” Gavin said again and this time Nestor took several into the bag. “There, you good man?”

Nestor responded with a weak little nod.

“Okay, good. Just sayin’ man, you seem to be doing just fine. I mean, you’ve already got him curled up in your arms so you must be doing something right. I mean, kids that age? They’re noisy little things!” Gavin said. “And besides, you’ve got us right?” he asked wrapping an arm around his friend and then gesturing to the dragons. Maximos and Argus nodded in turn.

“Ho hey!” Maximos shouted. “We’ll all pitch in! You just teach him the important stuff, like how to fend for himself and eat and such. We’ll help teach him everything else. Like chasing down sheep, kicking Gnorc ass, bashing in skulls, and never having to brush his teeth before bedtime!”

Nestor glared at him sharply for that. “...Okay, maybe not that last one,” Maximos agreed quickly backtracking. “But you see it for yourself! Look at you, you’re already playing protective dragon daddy!”

“He’s got a point,” Gavin agreed with a small nod before poking him in the chest. “You’ve got the makings of a parent right there. You just don’t know it yet. Don’t worry man, we’re here to help you in any and every way we can!”

“With you to the end of the line, as we’ve always been,” Argus agreed. “We’re buddies formed in spit swears and fire belches. No way we’re going to just drop those sacred promises now just because you found yourself a kid!”

Nestor felt a strange warmth go through him and he breathed a sigh of relief. His friends, they always had been there for him and they always would be. And then he felt that strange warmth go through him again. He knew what it was now, love. Love for his son.

“Speaking of the young whelp,” Argus commented. “You picked out a name for him yet?”

“You doofus,” Gavin said smacking him over the back of the head. “They’ve just met, how could Nestor have picked out a name for him yet?”

Nestor quickly found a word coming to him. He ran it over the tip of his tongue, tasting it and seeing how it felt. And he found he liked the word. “Spyro,” he said finally. “I’ll call him Spyro. That’ll be his name.”

“Yeah, Spyro! That sounds like a fine name!” Gavin agreed with the other two following. “Guess this means you’re going to have to start working overtime to get enough gems to provide for your young one eh?”

Nestor didn’t care. Not that much really. He could have been hit with all the work in the world and he wouldn’t have cared. Looking down on his son, he smiled. “Hello, Spyro…”

Back in the present, Spyro was watching his father with a gaping jaw. He hadn’t realized.

“Yeah, I was going through these… well, I wouldn’t call them exactly the same as your Spike’s situation is different but I was going through similar concerns. Doubts, would I be able to do it? Would I be able to provide for you? Would I be able to raise you right?” Nestor explained with a small laugh. “Like father like son I guess. Point is, this isn’t something that you’re born with an instinctive knowledge of nor is it something you can be taught. It’s something you learn along the way, with all the trials and tribulations that implies. I know you’ll be a fine father Spyro. After all, you got it from me.” Nestor said with a small wink.

“Yeah… Yeah, guess I’ll just have to do my best and hope for the best,” Spyro nodded. “Thanks a lot dad. Like, really. Thank you!”

“Always son, always,” Nestor said giving him a small noogie making Spyro give out little cries of half-hearted protest. “And if you ever need help…”

“I know who to call,” Spyro said already in the air and heading back towards home where his son was waiting. His son! Those words felt so right, Spyro mused to himself. “Thank you.”

Feeling like a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders Spyro did a loop-de-loop in the air in joy. He was a father now. He was a father! He hadn’t asked for it but he found it wasn't really that much of a bad feeling all things considered. Was he ready? He didn’t know. But he did know that his father and his friends and his mate would be there by his side to support him as needed.

He wondered now if Cynder knew this as well, and decided it was time to find out. Tucking in his wings he flew in to his home’s main room. Once there, he found both Sheila the Kangaroo and one Sgt. James Byrd at his house already. Byrd was giving Cynder a rather hastily gift-wrapped toy tank while Sheila was handing Cynder several books on childcare and on animals. Spyro smiled. Seems the news had already made its way to his friends. Gossip and news did seem to find its way to travel fast in the realms after all as gossip and news always did. Especially when that news revolved around Spyro. Not that Spyro really minded in this particular instance. He, of course, was grateful for his friends pitching in.

Sheila and Byrd gave Spyro small waves before taking their leave. Cynder smiled at her mate.

“Found what you needed?” she asked and Spyro gaped at her. “Oh come now, don’t play dumb with me you dingus. I sorta figured when I didn’t find you in bed this morning something was wrong. Nestor, right?”

“Yeah,” Spyro said. “Just had to get some… advice. You know how it is really.”

“Yeah, I do,” Cynder smiled. “Just don’t drop everything at a moment’s notice without telling me first okay?”

Spyro hung his head. Yeah, some would say he was totally whipped but with a mate like Cynder, it was impossible not to be. Again, Spyro really didn’t mind. She was the yin to his yang so to speak. “Well, I’m still going to help you ya big lug. Well, not like I really have much of a choice in the matter, seeing as how we're stuck together,” Cynder continued with a small teasing smile that also held a hint of flirtatiousness. Even years on, Spyro mused, she really hadn’t changed much. “So, do you want to introduce yourself to Spike or should I do the introductions? That reunion of friends was really touching and all, but I think Spike needs to meet -and I mean truly meet- his new parents.”

“Already calling yourself his mom, are you?” Spyro teased back as they walked to Spike’s room. “You’re quite sure of yourself. That this will work out and all.”

“Course I am. When am I ever not sure of myself? ‘Sides, if you believe this will work then so must I. With you to the end of the line and all that right?”

Spyro laughed. “Haha, yeah. I’m surprised Hunter and Elora didn’t show. You’d think that they…”

“Elora sent a note via dragonfly. Apparently, Hunter broke something of that Professor’s… again. They’ll be caught up with fixing things for a while,” Cynder explained. “Your friend’s such a dumbass…” she commented though with a good-natured grin.

She liked the cheetah, she really did. Cynder could honestly see why he was Spyro’s best friend, even if he wasn’t the brightest sort. Outgoing and adventurous just like Spyro himself. Two peas in a pod really. Sometimes she liked to joke that if she hadn’t come along the two would have married each other instead!

Cynder sucked in a breath as they neared the door. She looked towards Spyro. “You ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be. What about you?” Spyro asked with his trademark wily grin.

“Course I’m ready, looks like we've got some things to do eh?” Cynder said with a small smirk. They had a whole new life in front of them and all they had to take that first step into that little room in front of them. One foot in front of the other, that was all it took really. Both Cynder and Spyro shared a brief little nod before gently pushing the door open...

Author's Note:

Okay, first off, a massive thank you to all the outpouring of support this story is getting. Seriously, I honest to god never expected it to be doing this well. Like, seriously. It was just one of those ideas I never expected to get off the ground in your eyes. I mean, Spyro and adoptions have both been done to death am I right?

Now, secondly... This chapter went through a few ideas. The first was starting off with Spike learning to accept his parents but then I realized what Cynder and Spyro had to be going through. I mean, it's doubtful that they have even been near kids in any lengthy capacity. Unless Spyro plays babysitter to the other drakes and dragonesses. shrugs So I decided to play around with their worries and their doubts, handle this realistically.

Fun, eh?

Also, yes, this is totally what I imagine a teenage Spyro to look like. (Source)

Also, Nestor as Spyro's daddy. I thought, why not? I mean, it's a cute thought that he of all dragons raised him and considering there's so little personality given to the dude who's to say I'm wrong really?

Sorry if there wasn't much Spike in this chapter, I promise he'll get more appearances next time around.