• Member Since 15th Mar, 2016
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Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna fap | The Death Writer | Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lewdchapter

Comments ( 29 )

If he likes to watch, it's ... hotwifing.

First of all, it's really a "is it jelly or jam" kinda deal. Sure there is a small technical difference, but to correct someone when they ask for strawberry jelly when all you have is jam is pointless (and kinda a dick move)

Second of all, my "first of all" is kinda irrelevant, because this isn't a situation in which it must be Column A or Column B. It can be both. Pulp Fiction is a crime film, but you could also consider it black comedy. In this instance, cuckold is "crime film" and hotwife is "black comedy".

Third of all, the agreed upon definition (in my circles, anyway, this may differ depending on whom you ask) is that cuckolding involves some sort of humiliation or teasing, whereas just pure hotwifing is a dude lending their wife to a friend. This scenario definitely involves teasing and humiliating.

So, like, you're not wrong, but neither am I.

Well. Tomàto, Tomato.
Depends how much he enjoys it I figure... *Shrug*

Wasn't planning on any smartness duel.
Just a thought after reading "healthy cucking"
.. night

Damned, Twilight Velvet. You lucky lady. :D Very well-written and very hot.

What's a cuckold relationship?

Simply put, an agreement in which a men allows, urges, or doesn't object to their partner having sex with others. This normally means him watching or listening to his partner having sex with someone else, or even just being told about it before it after the fact.

In this case, Night Light (our cuck) has an arrangement in which he watches, sometimes even participating in, his wife's sexual escapades with friends from work and the similar.

>a man etc.
I'm curious now. Is there any niche for the reverse?

The inverse, of a woman watching her partner engage in sexual acts with others, is known as cuckqueaning

If a sequal to this would be made, it would be great if the first chapter would from Velvet's perspective during her alone time with Zed before Night got home and the second chapter would be from Night's perspective starting with him at work building anticipation knowing what is going on at home.

Not a bad idea. I'll look into that.

I'd actually do the inverse, start with Night at work. If he has to wait, so should the readers

Again, it would be awesome if you did this. About Night though, I was thinking his chapter would start with him close to leaving work to fit his perspective into one chapter but the idea of him going through his work day as a prologue would be great.

Ha. That Zebra's name sure looks familiar :raritywink:

Shit, did I rip someone off? I'm really bad at coming up with names, so I picked the first Z name that popped into my head (I was thinking about Dr. Zed, from Borderlands). I tried to find a way to make "Zed" more exotic, and thus, Zedria.

I used the name "Zed" for the main zebra character in my clopfic. Course, I just ripped it off from League of Legends, seeing as it started with a Z and all.

This was a very hot read and a beautiful way to do cucking.

I checked this story out mainly because it has my favorite pony-parents in it. Before reading I wondered where all these downvotes came from...

Well, I still don't know exactly. This isn't my cup of tea, but the story overall was decently written. Not the best (there are a typo or two I've spotted), but the audience score right now hardly reflects that. It goes quite over the top in the fetish departament, but, again, I'm not the target audience.

One of the most glaring flaws I think I should point out is how Night Light just assumes what type of personality Zed have after just one line of dialogue. That felt extremely like 'tell, don't show'. The whole experience would be better if you just cut that out and let charachter interactions speak for themselves.

P.S. I have no idea why I'm writing this.

You're not wrong about that Night Light thing. I don't like making excuses, but full disclosure: I've been going through a really, really, really rough patch these last two weeks or so, and I really just wanted to get something out relatively quickly, before I broke down and stopped writing for a month and a half. I'm aware it's kinda rushed and fucky, I hope to rectify that in some way in the future.

Thanks for, yknow, understanding the very basic concept of what the upvote/downvote system is for and how the site is supposed to work in general. People are gonna carpet bomb dislike anything they don't agree with, and I think this story especially pushes people's buttons.

P.S. I have no idea why I'm writing this either, but thanks for the chat

There's never enough chastity of cuckolding on this site. Always glad to see more.

(this is before reading the story)
Aww why can't you ever have a zebra get dominated? would love to see some of that

p.s. nice though to see it's more consenting on both sides. also I hate myself for still being drawn in by this stuff as in two kinks I do't like and warming up to cucking a little

You shouldn't feel bad about the (legal) kinks and fetishes you enjoy

Is always a pleasure read some milfs having fun

yeah but that kink is just dirty to me like one I've hated but getting to less so in certain contexts

Read it... :)

Minor suggestion: how about more built up?
Seeing her asking him out? Night could have been near/unaware. Teasing cheating, so to speak^^?

Building a bit more tension for when she tells :ajsmug:

Didn't really have the time, patience, or energy for all that. Just wanted to write a quick cuck scenario.

I'll keep that in mind for when I write something that actually matters

"You're so much bigger than my husband. Come here, cucky, get a nice good look before it's inside of me." Night nodded, then shimmied a bit closer. Velvet was right, of course. Night didn't need a visual reminder of just how physically inferior he was, but he was more than happy to receive one. "Oh dear, he's going to ruin me! Do you think I'll even be able to feel you in me after this, cucky?"

I had kind of hoped she would position them next to each other. To really hammer it home how big the difference is. Also maybe use a measuring tape to measure it's length and it's circumference.

I'll keep that in mind for the sequel

Also maybe try to get a little more personality out of them. A pure porn story doesn't need super deep characters but if you make a sequel a little more is really appreciated. Maybe Velvet is a writer and so uses very poetic and fantastical words to describe things. As well as that Night is very impatient and practical and just wants things to get done with quickly and efficiently.

Nah. That doesn't matter for this particular project. If I'm gonna be expanding on anyone's character, it would be Zed, and even that's not super important

Well this was refreshing. It's not my kink normally but your emphasis on how excited both husband and wife was about their kink made it work.

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