• Member Since 15th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna fap | The Death Writer | Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lewdchapter

Comments ( 18 )

Wow. What a story!!!

It's good!!!

Wonder what you'll do next?? Button mash x chrysalis??

Button x Zecora??

Zecora x Twilight??

I look forward to whatever you do!!

Nice work on this story mr lewd! Found a small grammar thing for you to fix "It was later than her previous visit, the time pushing 10 PMwhen Rarity" apologies for the bad format lol, don't know how to reference a certain story point in these.

Flurry is evil in this. I'm legitimately impressed by how monstrous she is.

It was a lot of fun to find new ways of torment for poor Auntie Rara.

I can imagine a sequel to this, but I love the story. But the problem with stepping on ants. Eventually you're going to step on too many and then it becomes a problem

Really well written; even though I knew Flurry was going to be a total villain in this, I was still surprised by her sudden switch up during their second kiss. I always headcanon older Flurry as a brat who takes full advantage of her royal status while still having the brains of the situation. Definitely a favorite.

Tiny Tyrant Flurry is a nice change of pace from how I normally write her. Glad you enjoyed, cause it was a lot of fun

Perhaps Flurry Heart might tried to claim someone more destined with?

Surprisingly, I don't hate Flurry in this story, even though she is despicable.Maybe because she is a confident, powerful and spoiled brat that thinks she can do whatever she wants(and she does).
I honestly like that Flurry doesn't have a legit reason for abusing Rarity, she is just doing it because she can and knows she can't be stopped, and deep down, I bet almost everyone would want that power.
One question though:is Flurry in this AU actually stronger than all the princessess or is she just cocky?

100%, she is genuinely the strongest known entity in her universe, but no one knows that except her. Her parents remember her having some pretty intense magic as a baby, but they thought she leveled out as she got older. Quite the opposite, she's only gotten stronger, and as she said, she can't even be bothered to tap into her full potential.

I'll say it like this: If she woke up tomorrow and decided to lay siege to Canterlot, Celestia could call in Luna, Twilight and the other Elements, and Discord, and she might bring them to a stalemate. If she decided to prep for maybe a month, she'd have Canterlot under her control before Celestia could send out a letter asking for backup.

Oooookkk, that's awesome and scary at the same time
So Flurry not only can make Rarity her bitch, she can make even Twilight her pet :rainbowlaugh:

She absolutely could, but she wouldn't. Not worth the effort

The above is an alternate take on the ending of The Crystal Empress. Both the initial ending and this bonus chapter are equally valid interpretations as far as canon goes, so it's up to you to decide which is the "true" ending.

I know which one I personally consider the real ending, but that's just me.

Being honest, that's not really too impressive. Three other people beat her to beating basically all of them. What she needs to really be afraid of is dumb luck. Better known as harmony

i was really shocked to see a new chapter added out of nowhere but i couldnt be happier about it. of course just as dark and cruel as always, exactly what i love about your work so much.

as much as i prefer the ending where rarity can.. 'happily' live on as a slave to flurry, or i guess whatever fucked up version of 'happy' that could be, i really liked seeing such a brutal alternate ending where the only worth she had left was to kill herself for her goddess

I love the idea that the finale where the innocent woman is sexually assaulted to such a degree that it destroyed not only her marriage, but her psyche to such a degree that she willingly returns to her abuser, is the "good ending".

I'm glad you liked the additional ending. Writing a character as profoundly cruel and petty as Flurry was a very fun exercise for me, so I wouldn't be surprised if I try to recapture the spirit of this story for another, similar character.

Oh wow, poor Rarity...
You know, this may sound strange, but as a person that is terribly afraid of death, I have a profound respect for people that are able to kill themselves. My mother used to say that people that commit suicide are cowards, but I never saw it that way, since it takes guts to make yourself stop existing.
So if I was in Rarity's case, I would just relocate, not give a flying fk about what my ex friends/family would say. They would slowly get over it, but I can't reanimate myself to life :rainbowlaugh:

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