• Published 20th Oct 2019
  • 2,298 Views, 115 Comments

The Perfect Rose - tom117z

An infant griffon is brought into the Equestrian way of life. Can someone of her kind fit in with the ponies around her?

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4 - Social Graces

Perfect Rose did not like where this was going.

She wiggled and squirmed as if her life depended on it, all in vain as the outfit, a small infant-sized dress, was carefully fitted onto the young griffon. She gave a few grumbles at the act, clearly displeased with the ongoing development. She could do little more than that, however, as the dress was finally fitted onto her small frame and her parents took a step back to admire their daughter for a moment.

“Aw, she looks like a little princess,” Ebony squeed.

“Not sure she approves, though,” Cash Counter noted. “If looks could kill…”

“I would dare say that, were griffons physically capable, she would hold quite the pout,” Time Catcher noted with no small amount of amusement, taking the packaging the dress had been held in and putting it safely away.

Was it just their imagination, or was she actually glaring at them?

The dress was well made, definitely an expensive item, even more so considering they had it custom made to Perfect Rose’s specifications. It was a deep shade of red to match her eyes, also pairing her up with the one her mother wore, though Rose’s was more loose-fitting to allow the infant with a decent amount of comfort and freedom of movement.

Still, in her mother’s eyes, her indignation only made her look all the more precious.

“Well, I guess it’s my turn,” Cash Counter stated, his horn lighting up and retrieving his own suit that was laid out on the bed nearby. “Got to look proper for the Prince, I guess.”

“I am glad Prince Blueblood saw fit to invite us,” Ebony said. “Maybe Dad’s predictions were rubbish after all.”

“Blueblood Sr.,” Cash corrected. “Got to make that distinction. It’s only ‘proper’.”

“And far less confusing, I’m sure,” Time agreed. “But such confusion is expected when you name your firstborn after yourself with no variation. Either way, I shall head downstairs and wait for the arrival of the carriage I hired on your behalf. Hopefully, it arrives on time.”

“Don’t worry too much, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind us being a little fashionably late.”

“That would imply being late was deliberate. But alas, it is out of our hooves now.”

They watched as the stallion retreated from the master bedroom, shutting the door behind him before heading downstairs to wait by the front door to await the family’s transportation. All light had already faded outside, a chill pervading the night air. Cash Counter started to slip into his tuxedo, Ebony glancing back at their daughter as she suddenly found herself biting her own lip.

“You think Rose will be alright staying up a bit later?” Ebony asked her husband, a little concerned. “It would be a first.”

“I don’t honestly know. But we’ll keep a close eye on her. If she starts getting cranky then we can just leave a little early.”

“I suppose. I don’t know how she will react to being around so many ponies, either.”

“Don’t worry. She’ll be fine. If not, as I said, we can just leave. Besides, we’ll hardly be the only ones there with infants to worry about. But if you’re that worried, we could always leave her in Time’s care for the night.”

Ebony let out a slow breath. “No… No, we need to show the rest of the nobility that we’re not afraid to be seen with her. That they have to get over it.”

“Weren’t you the one just saying your father’s prediction might be wrong?”

“True. Still, it’s important. I’m not ashamed and I refuse to give them any impression to the contrary.”

“Alright, fair enough,” he said, fixing his tie into place and then turning to show it off. “So, how do I look?”

“Dashing,” she responded, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Well, I need to look my best for the princesses. Did you know they were going to attend, by the way?”

“It’s a given, Princess Celestia’s nephew is the host.”

“Yeah, though I imagine every high-end noble invites her to their little gatherings. Blueblood Sr. just has the advantage. Even if he’s not really her nephew by a blood standpoint.”

Ebony raised an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t say that to them.”

“I’m not that much of an idiot,” he remarked in reply. “You have to admit, though, they do act a lot as if they are.”

“It doesn’t change the fact they are actually related to the former Queen of Equestria,” Ebony pointed out. “Who Celestia adopted into her own extended family, remember?”

“Yes, I do. And every child of his will be prince or princess, though only the first-born’s own children will adopt that title from then on and yadda yadda yadda. Why are we talking about this again?”

“You were complaining,” Ebony said with a chuckle.

“Well, the inter-class competition gets tiresome. Bloodlines and shows of power and… whatever else the others do to flaunt themselves.”

“I know you’ve never really liked that stuff, but you’ve gotten a lot more vocal about it recently. To me, at least.”

Cash glanced off at the small child on the bed, tugging distastefully at her dress. “Well, I have more reason to.”

Said child started to whimper.

“Annnd we should be giving that reason some more attention. Come here, you!”

Rose’s whimpers turned to happy gurgles as she was levitated into the air, being brought into the hooves of her father who began to apply the horrendous war crime that was tickling and raspberries, the infant giggling and squealing at the horrible assault.

“Honey, you’ll ruin the dress,” Ebony warned between her own smile. “Save it for later.”

“Bah, saved by your mother,” he remarked to his child. “I’ll get your next time.”


“You wouldn’t dare!”


“Yes, I’m talking to you, Missy!”

Ebony shook her head in amusement, taking hold of Perfect Rose and placing the infant onto her back. “Come on, let’s see if our carriage is here.”

“Oh, you do spoil my fun.”

“I know, I’m a horrible pony.

“The worst.”

She nipped his ear. “Well, I’ll just have to have you sleep on the sofa, then.”

“You wouldn’t…”

“I might change my mind…”

“Sir. Madame. Your carriage has arrived,” came Time’s shout for downstairs.

“Okay, hold that thought. We should move.”

“Well, alright then. Let’s get this over with.”

The couple retreated downstairs, Perfect Rose in tow. After a small debacle of getting her into a pram, they loaded it and her onto the waiting carriage before boarding themselves. From there they said farewell to Time Catcher and willed the ponies out front to move on, the carriage starting to move from their home and deeper in towards the castle.

Their destination, the Blueblood family manor. A home so large that is had its own ballroom.

And with Rose in tow, the night was going to be… an interesting one.

Sometime later, the carriage having dropped them off outside of the estate, Cash Counter and Ebony Rose were led by a servant through the giant halls of the mansion and into the ballroom where the party was taking place. The moment they entered, classical music flowed through their ears from the hired musicians playing from a raised stage in the corner. There were several tables all along the edges of the room containing small bites of varying fancy foods, bottles of only the best champagne and some boxes of Sweet Apple Acres branded apple juice for both the youngsters and those staying away from the alcohol.

The room was also packed with finely dressed ponies, a few particular mares being adorned in more expensive jewellery than they really knew what to do with.

Cash Counter thought it just made them look weighed down. None of them could compare with Ebony, not in his mind.

Most were mingling in groups, snippets of conversation making its way over to them. Some were about business, some were complaints about the lower classes, some were political in nature. None of them were particularly interesting. The rest were joined with their partners on the dancefloor, conducting a slow dance to music. The present fillies and colts, meanwhile, were a mixture of attentive and bored-looking, all of them staying close to their respective parents.

And already, mere moments after stepping inside, the stares were starting to pile in. Several nobles glanced towards Perfect Rose, their eyes either filled with disbelief or disdain. Most would go on to whisper to those around them, others would simply turn up their noses and attempt to forget their very existence.

Still, Ebony Rose, in particular, was suddenly finding herself feeling rather self-conscious. Cash Counter, meanwhile, just glared challengingly back at the nosy lot.

“Okay… Okay…” Ebony muttered. “Let’s go slink over to the food table. Might do something for my nerves.”

“If that’s what you want,” Cash responded, not taking his eyes off of the onlookers.

Keeping the pram containing the oblivious Perfect Rose, who was just looking around at the colourful ponies in complete fascination, they started to slink through the crowd towards the food table. A few more ponies glanced their way as they went with a variety of reaction. One colt, who they brushed past just before reaching their destination, had his eyes go wide.

“Woah! That’s a griffon!”

“Hush!” his mother warned. “Don’t bother yourself with the likes of them.”

“But they look so cool!”

That got a small smile from Cash.

Unfortunately, all Ebony really heard was the reaction of the colt’s mother.

They reached the table, the mare pouring herself a small glass of champagne while her husband studied the food for anything of particular value. He was eyeing a cheesecake slice and perhaps a small piece of apple for Perfect Rose.

“So, tell me, Cadance. Is Shining Armor and his family not going to attend?” a voice asked, Ebony and Cash both glancing at the source.

Their eyes settled on a small clearing amidst the crowd nearby, occupied currently by three ponies. One was the very same alicorn they’d seen the day they adopted Perfect Rose, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, only she was now adorned in a light blue dress. She was conversing with two teenage ponies, one a white stallion with a blue mane and curly moustache, another a tall also white unicorn mare with a long pink mane.

“I’m afraid not, Fancy Pants,” Cadance answered. “After what happened at Celestia’s school, they didn’t want to bring Twily. She’s still adjusting to being Celestia’s pupil.”

“That explains her, it is most understandable,” the mare stated. “But what of your little stallion friend?”

Cadance blushed. “What are you implying, Fleur?”

Fleur De Lis giggled. “You know what I mean.”

“He’s just a friend!”

“Of course, because you so closely integrate yourself into the family of most friends and become the sister-like foalsitter of their younger sibling. Or is that just his where you have done that?”

“A-anyway…” Cadance tried to change the subject as her blush deepened. “Shiny wants to focus on his application to join the Royal Guard, and Night Light and Twilight Velvet are helping Twilight acclimate to the castle. She was feeling a little homesick.”

“It is understandable, but nevertheless an honour for the filly,” Fancy Pants commented.

“I’m thrilled. We’ll see each other a lot more,” Cadance said. “Still, I just hope she manages to pry herself from the royal library every once in a while.”

“Ah, Princess!”

Another stallion emerged from the crowd, this one a white stallion with a greying blue mane not unlike Fancy’s. He gave a courteous bow before Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, who seemed a little uncomfortable at the action.

“Er, Prince Blueblood. Thank you for the invite.”

“I would have been amiss not to,” he answered. “My wife so wanted to make your acquaintance at long last, you should speak to her before the night is done.”

“I’ll… make sure to.”

“You have my thanks. I’m sure it would make the evening of my sons as well.”

“Oh my!” Fleur suddenly explained, Ebony and Cash suddenly realising the mare had spotted them eavesdropping. “A griffon?”

Ebony sighed. Here they go…

The couple mentally prepared themselves as all eyes turned on them, the group making their approach as they glanced between the infant in the pram and her adoptive parents.

“Ah, Cash Counter and Ebony Rose,” Blueblood Sr. recalled. “You work with the Rich family, I believe. We have you to thank for the sparkling apple juice.”

“We only help with the contracts,” Cash responded. “Making such transactions occur smoothly is my special talent, after all. Rich is the one who points us in the right direction and makes sure Sweet Apple Acres meets their quotas.”

“Still, I’m told you make the process an efficient one,” the Prince replied. “And I’m also told about the unorthodox addition you’ve collected.”

“Hi there!” Cadance blurted out as she crouched down to look into the pram. “Aren’t you just sweetest thing? Yes, you are! You're a little cutie pie!”

Perfect Rose giggled at the Princess’ cooing, taking hold of the pink outstretched hoof as the teenage alicorn played with the happy little infant.

Cadance then noticed the looks she was getting, flushing red as she pulled back a little.

“Oh, um, sorry! I should have asked first…”

“It’s fine, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza,” Ebony assured her. “I’m just… glad you approve.”

“Cadance is fine,” the alicorn stated. “The full thing is a mouthful. And of course I approve, she’s so cute!”

“Unusual, but I appreciate the kindness you showed in giving her a home such as yours,” Fancy Pants mused.

“It will turn some heads,” Fleur agreed. “But she looks like a fine young lady.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

All eyes went wide at that motherly tone, all of them with the exception of Cadance immediately dropping into a low bow as they turned to see the tall imposing form that was Princess Celestia herself. Her royal regalia glimmered in the ballroom’s light, her alabaster fur completely immaculate and perfect while her rainbow mane flowed in an unseen breeze.

The most powerful pony in Equestria, a symbol of beauty and the ruler of all the land.

And not a pony either Ebony or Cash had expected to encounter in such a close proximity!

“Rise, my little ponies,” the Princess requested gracefully. “And you know you need not bow to me, nephew.”

“I do apologise, Aunt Celestia. But I feel obligated to do so in your presence, it is only proper,” Blueblood Sr. explained. “I wasn’t expecting you quite yet or I would have greeted you at the door.”

“I finished today’s paperwork a little early, so I took the opportunity to fly over under the power of my own wings. I am sorry if I caught you off guard.”

“No need to apologise. I am glad you could make it.”

“As am I, Auntie,” Cadance said, trotting forward and giving Celestia an affectionate hug. “I like it when you get out of the castle. Even if it’s to a formal function.”

“I rarely am afforded the opportunity. But I had reason; I have yet to meet my latest nephew.”

“Born mere weeks ago, Goldenblood is already a fine gentlestallion,” the Prince claimed. “He is with my better half and Blueblood.”

“The ‘other’ Blueblood, you mean,” Celestia said with humour in her tone.

“Of course, it is as you say.”

“And speaking of the young…” Celestia trailed off, focusing on Ebony and Cash. “To see such acceptance for others from the nobility is quite pleasing, this is the first instance of a griffon among your ranks since Equestria’s founding.”

“T-thank you, Princess!” Ebony exclaimed, quite humbled by her words. “She was just… perfect.”

“It’s why she’s called ‘Perfect Rose’,” Cash recounted.

“I see,” Celestia said with a nod, leaning down or a better look. “Hello there, little one.”

Rose’s eyes went wide at the giant pony in front of her, those eyes drifting over to her ethereal mane as it swished and flowed. She started trying to reach out for it, determined to catch whatever the weird flowy thing was!

Celestia chuckled. “She is endearingly sweet, is she not?”

Ebony curtsied. “Thank you, Your Highness.”

“Am I happy for you. But I’m afraid I must mingle with some of the other guests,” the Princess apologised. “Do take care of your little one.”

“We will. I promise.”

Celestia gave them her iconic motherly smile, giving them a final nod before turning back into the crowd. She was followed by the rest of the group, who all gave their own farewells to the couple, before vanishing with Celestia into the crowd.

Or as much as they could, Celestia stuck out like quite a bit among those several heads shorter than her.

“Well, that went surprisingly well,” Cash Counter muttered. “Approval from both our host and both alicorns. Great success?”

“Great success,” Ebony happily confirmed, feeling a weight lift off of her shoulders. “If they approve, I don’t think the rest of the nobility will be far behind.”

“Don’t count on that.”

They were both caught off guard by the snide female tone, a mare emerging from the crowd with two children in tow. The mare was wearing a priceless jewel-ridden red dress that covered her yellow coat, her blonde coloured mane done up in an elaborate style in a show of status. A white colt with a blonde mane wearing a tuxedo walked alongside her, glaring at the pram disapprovingly. A second colt was but an infant held in her right foreleg, also wearing a small suit. His coat was far darker than his mother’s, more golden in colouration, his mane being more a yellow that matched the mare’s coat as blue eyes stared out curiously.

“Social Grace,” Cash Counter greeted through gritted teeth towards the wife of Prince Blueblood Sr., not taking kindly to her words and tone. “What do we owe the pleasure.”

“Mother, why is that thing in here?” the younger of the two Bluebloods asked in a condescending tone. “I want it gone from our party!”

“I wish it were so, Blueblood. But your father decides these matters. And with the Princess being too courteous to such abnormalities, we cannot,” Social Grace replied to her son. “Even if they should all be appalled by this gross betrayal.”


“A griffon? Of all the gall!” the mare said with a huff. “You insult your peers and belittle yourselves with such reckless and foolish actions. You would do well to see her off back to the hole where you got the creature from and swap out for a more respectable child. A unicorn, of course.”

“Swap out? She’s our daughter you b-”

“What my husband means to say,” Ebony interrupted with a frantic elbow to his side. “Is that we are very proud of our daughter. Your husband seemed to agree, I am sorry you don’t.”

Social Grace’s nose seemed to rise a little higher. “He is taken by the mere curiosity of it, little more. The phase will pass, and he will grow weary of the novelty. A griffon does not belong among the elite, it threatens our very sovereignty over Equestria.”

“I’m pretty sure Princess Celestia is the one with the ‘sovereignty’, last I checked at least,” Cash taunted.

“We play an important part in keeping Equestria proper,” she retorted. “If the common ponies see we let beasts mingle with those above their station, they will all believe themselves worthy. Then Equestria becomes strained as the masses clamber for what is beyond them.”

Ebony frowned. “I think you’re being a little dramatic.”

“Dramatic? The nerve!” she screeched.

“Maybe you should move on. Wouldn’t want to be seen with the ‘likes of us’, right?” Cash suggested.

“Hmph, quite right. Come, Blueblood,” she started to lead her son away, the colt continuing to glare at Perfect Rose. “This isn’t over, deviants.”

They started to vanish into the crowd, Cash glaring and ensuring that they actually left. As they did, however, Goldenblood peered over his mother’s shoulder and seemed to wave a hoof at Perfect Rose.

And then they were gone.

“What a- Gah,” Cash growled. “Purity and bloodlines and nobles and stupid bad rubbish. Thinking we’re better than everypony else just because we’ve done well for ourselves, she’s the big red flag that makes half of Equestria hate the nobility. Bet she lounges all day, never worked for anything a second in her life.”

Ebony sniffed. “W-well, at least not everypony reacted s-so… badly.”

“Hey, forget about her,” Cash comforted his wife and tears appeared in her eyes. “She’s just some horrible pony who married into more privilege than she knows what to do with. She doesn’t matter. None of them do, even the ones who approve, though that’s appreciated. All that matters is us, alright?”

“Yeah. I know…” she replied, taking in a deep breath. “I’m alright… Can we just avoid her, though?”

“Of course. Come on, have your champagne. I’ll see if Rose is hungry.”

“Okay. Thanks, Cash.”

They returned to the party, trying to forget their encounter with Social Grace and instead focus on the good that had come their way. Celestia approved, as had several others. That counter for a lot, especially in the Princess’ case.

Ebony Rose just hoped that Social Grace had more bark than she had bite…