• Published 20th Oct 2019
  • 2,298 Views, 115 Comments

The Perfect Rose - tom117z

An infant griffon is brought into the Equestrian way of life. Can someone of her kind fit in with the ponies around her?

  • ...

14 - Business as Usual?

Perfect Rose was probably fine.

Ebony shook her head. What trouble could she possibly get into? She was usually as good as gold when Time Catcher looked after her, but today she just had an odd feeling that something was going to go wrong. Was it motherly instant? Paranoia? Some paranormal sixth sense she had no idea she had until now?

It probably wasn’t the latter, though it was a fun thought. But ever since they had sent their child off towards the library, she’d been nothing but a worrywart.

Then again, she’s her mother. It was her job to unnecessarily worry about her wellbeing.

At least, she hoped it was unnecessary.

“You’re making that face again,” Cash noted with an amused smile.

“Face? What face? I don’t make faces.”

“It’s the face you make when you’re about to enter ‘mama bear’ mode.”

“Now that’s an exaggeration,” she defended earnestly. “And you’re the same, papa bear.”

“Okay, yeah, you got me. But relax, Time Catcher knows how to handle three fidgety foals.”

“He does handle you.”

“Hey, low blow.”

Now it was her turn to shoot an amused smile, and she felt some of the tension in her body bleed away with great relief. Not entirely, mind you. She would never stop worrying for as long as she still drew breath. But enough to shove it to the back of her mind for the time being and focus on present matters.

Namely, approaching the monarch of the entirety of Equestria with a foreign-based business proposal surrounding rainbow apples. You know, a completely casual day.

“You’re making that face again. For different reasons now, I’m guessing.”

“Ah, shut it.”

Ebony squirmed in her seat, a plush red velvet cushion that was customary for a waiting room within the confines of Canterlot Castle. It was nice to stand away from the usual line carrying on down the halls, she wasn’t sure how Filthy Rich managed to secure a specific appointment time. Those were usually reserved for particularly important matters and dignitaries, and yet here they were. Some strings he must have pulled…

Speaking of…

The door opened, admitting the said stallion alongside a few other bored-looking ponies in business suits. She wasn’t really familiar with their faces, but some faint recognition lit up in her husband’s features.”

“Mr Rich,” Cash Counter greeted, getting up and shaking his hoof. “I trust the trip from Ponyville was pleasant?”

“Pleasant enough,” he responded. “Though, circumstances back home have not been overly pleasant as of late.”

“Yes, we heard. The death of Buttercup and Bright Macintosh has to have hit the whole town rather hard.”

“An understatement. It came as a shock to everypony,” he mused regretfully. “There has been a great number of condolences being passed to the family, but nopony has really seen them in days. They’re keeping to themselves, though a few other members of the Apple clan have shown up as well.”

“I take it there’s going to be a memorial service?” Ebony asked.

“Next week. Granny Smith is seeing to it, Big Macintosh is helping out too, the poor lad. But I hear he is handling it well for a teenager. I imagine to be strong for young Applejack.”

“She’s not all that much younger,” Cash noted.

“No, but he is the big brother. It makes sense,” Ebony then pointed out. “What about their youngest?”

“It’s a blessing and a curse, really. She won’t remember a thing; she doesn’t even know what’s going on. And yet she will be raised by her siblings and a single grandparent. Quite the tragic set of circumstances.”

“Not to mention how it’ll affect the harvest,” one of the other ponies grumbled.

“Yes… quite…” Cash replied through gritted teeth. He then released a sigh. The pony may have put it horribly, clearly not having brushed up on what counts as a priority in this situation, but it was still an issue they couldn’t ignore. “We do still have a stock of zap apples and other such products from the farm. And if I recall, crates they have yet to distribute.”

“That is correct,” Filthy Rich confirmed. “But production will understandably cease for the time being. At least until after the memorial.”

“I’d hope so,” Ebony said, seemingly earning the ire of the other suited ponies. “But what we have can sustain our bit flow until they are ready. At most, we’ll see a minor deep in earnings for a few weeks. But things will return after that, the family is nothing if not dedicated to their farm.”

“But how can they run with their primary workers no longer of this world?” one of the suited ponies enquired.

“Granny Smith is still spry enough to pull her weight,” Filthy Rich pointed out. “And Big Mac is old enough, Applejack too is near enough. Worst comes to worst; Mrs Smith will hire some extra hooves for a while. It wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Or get some other family members to come on for the time being,” Cash added in. “Don’t underestimate them, they have things in hoof. Right from childhood, an Apple is a tough pony to bring down.”

“Speaking of kids, how is your own doing?” Filthy then asked. “Perfect Rose, I trust she is well?”

“She is off at the library right now with her friends and our butler. Thanks for asking,” Ebony explained. “What about you? I mean, I hear you’ve got a new mare in your life.”

“I… Ahem, I would rather not talk about that.”

Ebony frowned. Something was going on there, but in this case, she decided it wasn’t her place to press on the matter further.

“Either way, we should also make our move,” the brown stallion then stated, glancing at a pocket watch he held in his suit. “Our allotted time is rapidly approaching, and the court of Princess Celestia won’t wait on account of tardiness.”

“Good point. Honey?” Cash asked over to his wife.

“I’m coming,” she confirmed as she stood up, stretching out her stiff muscles for a moment. “Filthy, would you care to lead the way?”

The stallion nodded, turning and opening the door back out into the hallway of Canterlot Castle. As they did so, a member of the Solar Guard ran past in a bit of a hurry. The group all looked at one another in confusion at the sight, Cash looking over to another standing guard with a quizzical expression.

“Guardspony, what’s going on? Should we be concerned?”

“It’s nothing to worry about, sir,” the guard assured. “Just some trouble in the dungeon.”

His frown deepened. “Isn’t it sealed off?”

“Again, it’s nothing to worry about. Please, go about your day.”

They all looked at each other again, but the pony’s tone left no room for argument. So, with nothing else better to do, they chose to push that little curiosity aside for the moment and continued on towards the throne room. They didn’t require a guide, each of them more than familiar with the process of entering Celestia’s court. So, with that in mind, they passed through the corridors, past the various historical images depicted in the windows and other such day-to-day things usual to the castle until the hustle and bustle of a decently busy line of ponies became known to their ears.

Indeed, rounding the next corner, they found themselves outside the throne room. The queue bent all the way around the next corridor over, around the corner and out of sight. The doors were sealed shut for but a moment when they arrived, the guards then opening it up to allow the previous petitioner to exit.

“Just in time…” Filthy mused to himself, approaching the guards. “Filthy Rich and accompanying company. I believe this is our time slot.”

The guard glanced towards another unicorn pony wearing the attire of the castle’s serving staff, said unicorn checking a checklist held in his magic before nodding at the guard. The guard, in turn, nodded back at the group and moved aside to allow their entrance into the throne room.

This achieved no small number of groans and complaints from those towards the front of the line still waiting their turn.

Ignoring the disgruntled protests, the ponies made their way inside as the doors were secured behind them. Walking down the red carpet towards the golden throne, and reaching the end, each of them took a low bow towards the figure sitting in the seat.

Princess Celestia looked up from a chat with her assistant, Raven, and graced them with her typical brand of motherly smiles.

“Ah, my little ponies, I would presume you have something to discuss regarding that quaint little farm in Ponyville.”

“Yes, your Highness,” Cash Counter confirmed as he and the others stood up again. “We wish to discuss royal endorsement in opening a new line of trade with some foreign powers.”

“Oh? Like whom?”

“The griffons, potentially. We were also looking at the minotaurs of Minon and the hippogriffs of Mount Aris.”

“I trust you have also heard of the difficulties plaguing the farm as of late?” Filthy Rich then asked.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Difficulties? I am afraid I have heard little news from Ponyville. I apologise for this, but I have a whole nation to watch over, sometimes things slip through the cracks.”

“No apologies necessary, Highness,” Ebony assured. “We can’t expect you to have heard about all the things happening out in Equestria. Especially a small town like Ponyville.”

“Ponyville may be small, but it is no less important,” Celestia replied. “Now, what has happened?”

“It’s the owners of Sweet Apple Acres, Princess,” Filthy explained. “Sadly, both have passed away. The family, being in mourning as they are, shall understandably not be working the farm for the time being as a result.”

Celestia blinked in shock. “Passed away? I am very sorry to hear this. What happened, if I might ask?”

“An accident, best to leave it at that. Lest you truly wish to know the details.”

“…Perhaps I should spare us from that,” she decided. “But do send my condolences to the family. The Apples were the ones who helped kickstart that town, with my support. I am quite familiar with the family.”

“As we understand it, your Highness.”

“But even with this dire news, you wish to keep going with this new business enquiry?”

“We have a modest supply of zap apples stored,” he explained. “A minimal amount, admittedly. But enough to broach the market by selling them at a high price to… particularly high-class individuals. We also have a larger surplus of other types of Sweet Apple Acres branded apples and products that could be distributed at more moderate prices to a wider range of individuals.”

“And you believe selling zap apples exclusively for the rich is the way to go?” she asked doubtfully.

“We would ideally make it for everyone, but we don’t have the supply for that kind of demand,” Cash pointed out. “We would run out far too quickly and leave far too many customers wanting. Maybe when things are better we can, but at least this way we get a line of trade with these nations and increase Equestria’s own influence on their markets.”

“Which would be useful to the crown, at least diplomatically speaking,” Filthy further stated. “Seeing as our current trade with other powers are at an all-time low, Equestria could use it. Which is why we’re seeking a royal endorsement.”

Celestia hummed. “It is true that relations with other species and powers aren’t as… open as I would like in recent years. But I am not certain that-”

And then the door exploded.

All eyes looked back in utter surprise at the sudden spark of mana that cast the door aside and revealed the complete calamity going on beyond the throne room. Shouts and the sound of beating hooves, as well as a far stronger clanking of metal, could be heard as whatever the source was came rushing through the splinters that were once the entrance.

And then, the most dumbfounding thing of all was the tumbling pile of four foals that came rolling in before crashing and landing in a heap. Behind them came running several animated suits of armour of archaic design, not a soul inside them as the magical automatons were pounced upon by the frantic Royal Guard as they tried to stop the rampage.

But that wasn’t the focus of Ebony and Cash’s attention, however. No, that would have been the single child that stood out among the rest, the former’s mouth going agape at the sight.

Perfect Rose!?”

“Uh… I can explain.”