• Published 6th May 2019
  • 1,400 Views, 10 Comments

Rarity’s Kissing Spree - Lonely Fanboy48

Rarity (a representative of Applejack) must find three boys to kiss them in order to have Applejack beat Rainbow Dash in their competition.

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Applejack and Rarity are running out of time left on the beach. They try their best to find the final boy but at the same time, most of them have left the beach due to the sun setting and burned out after all the activities they had.

“Applejack! How much time we have left!?” Rarity reacted putting her lipstick on again while she’s freaking out.

Applejack looked at phone as the sweat on her skin continues to drop down. “Ten minutes!”

“TEN MINUTES!!?” Rarity shouted.

“We won’t be able to find the last boy in that short amount of time!”

“Okay don’t panic, maybe we might get lucky again.”

“We had all the luck we had with Micro Chips and Sandalwood, I doubt the same thing will happen with the final boy.”

They looked around again but sadly the beach is almost empty with no boys in sight. Applejack is sweating while Rarity takes huge amounts of deep breaths as the clock is ticking in the competition on the beach.

“You know what, I can’t take the stress and pressure anymore.” Applejack lowered her head in surrender with the odds against her, even more then before.

“NO! We can still do this one way or another!”

“But in ten minutes!?” Applejack lifted her head back up. “I’m excused for walking around the beach for fifty minutes. How are we supposed to find our final boy?”

For the first time in this situation, Applejack is right. Rarity is hopeless with the idea to find one more boy before they leave, as if the odds couldn’t get any worse.

“I have no i-“ Just when Rarity turned around, she stopped herself and saw a boy sitting by a concession stand eating a hot dog in his hand. He’s not wearing a swimsuit, instead he’s wearing a uniform from a pacific school Canterlot High battle during the Friendship Games. He had glasses but not similar to Micro Chips and he’s not completely neutral unlike him.

“Is that a student from Crystal Prep?” Rarity asked Applejack.

“He sure is, he’s wearing his uniform...on the beach for some reason.” Applejack added. They had second thoughts since they’re not completely biased with all the students in Crystal Prep since they still continue to have grouches against Canterlot High.

“What do you think? Should we talk to him?” Rarity offered despite feeling off.

“Sure, we have no choice.”

They make their way to the Crystal Prep student as Rarity turns on her seductive attitude again. “Oh hello!” Rarity called which got the student’s attention. Once he turned around he couldn’t believe the sight he witnessed. In his perspective she’s beautiful, kind, and of course sexy. Rarity seem to be ahead of the game however she didn’t realize the boy isn’t drooling at her.

Applejack felt really uncomfortable with the stare from the student. She never thought anyone would ever fall in love with her which makes her completely worried.

“What’s your name?” Rarity asked.

“I’m...Trenderhoof.” He answered but he wasn’t looking at her at all.

“Is it okay you buy us two hot dogs each?”

Trenderhoof accepted, he gets off his chair and went to the hot dog stand.

“Um...Rarity? There’s something you need to know.” Applejack whispered into her ear.

“Why? We got this right, after we’re done with this boy, you will beat Rainbow Dash darling.” Rarity whispered back.

“Well...yes but that’s not actually the problem.”

“Don’t worry, let me take care of everything.”

Applejack facepalmed and sighed that her best friend is missing the point. Instead Rarity took a seat where Trenderhoof was sitting. Trenderhoof got back with two hot dogs on a bun with mustard in his hands and places them on the table. Applejack who had no idea who to discuss this with Rarity, also took a seat by her.

“So, you’re Trenderhoof from Crystal Prep right? I bet everything must be better since Cadence is taking over.” Rarity placed her hand on his, moving another step forward on her strategy.

“It sure is.” Trenderhoof replied still has his eyes glued to the country girl.

“Well, I think maybe you should see what our school has to offer. It’s much better.”

“I can tell.”

Applejack knew this wasn’t going to work out since he didn’t never looked at Rarity once, even if he’s hearing her voice.

“Considering your fashion class isn’t going to be anything extraordinary, how about you come to my workshop? You might know some tips.” Rarity giggled until Applejack poked her shoulder.

“Um...will you give us a minute?” Applejack asked which pulled Trenderhoof’s heartstrings.

“Oh yes, I can wait!” He stood still trying to impress the cowgirl. Applejack sighed again as she takes Rarity yards away from him.

“What are you doing, your wasting valuable time, I was about to ki-“

“Trenderhoof is in love with me!” Applejack getting that out of her system. Rarity became completely speechless due to the odds actually against her.

“He’s in love with you!?” She reacted.

“Yes!” Applejack painted in stress with the idea that she’s in a situation involving love. With only about eight minutes left, she might try to handle this on her own plans. “Why can’t we just talk to him on what we’re doing?”

“And make him believe we’re using him?” Rarity raised her eyebrow.

“I can’t take this anymore! If someone is into me and not you, I have to take matters into my own hands.” Just when Applejack was about to return to Trenderhoof’s table to give him the true honestly, Rarity stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

“Wait, I know you’re not into boys, you can’t do this by yourself.” Rarity replied. “Maybe we can try to work this around.

For about one minute, Rarity and Applejack made an agreement involving with Trenderhoof. They agreed to discuss what they want from him and the fact it’s probably going to confuse him.

They return to him as they got back into their seats. Rarity gave him a concerned while Applejack is giving him a serious look.

“So do you want me to come to your workshop?”

“I changed my mind.” The fashionista replied.

“Look, I need to know this.” Applejack looked straight into Trenderhoof’s eyes. “Do you have a crush on me?”

Then the Crystal Prep student blushed hard that Applejack caught his feelings. “Okay yes I am but-“

“It’s okay.” Applejack interrupted.

“I know this is going to sound stupid but…..” Rarity took the time still afraid of the mistake she’s making. “We came to other boys to give them kisses so they can write their names on our note.”

Trenderhoof made a weird look until Applejack fills in. “I’m in a beach competition against Rainbow Dash and she dares me to find three boys to kiss. And Rarity is representing me.”

With everything completely out in front of the student, a silence accord. It’s bad enough Trenderhoof was being used, but Rarity doing all of Applejack’s work made him disappointed. Even looking at AJ for the first time several minutes ago, he would a get chance to impress her however he has second thoughts.

“We’re really really sorry but we don’t have much time.” Rarity stated.

“Why would I ever decided to have you, someone I’m not into demand a kiss?” Trenderhoof retorted.

“Because your the last boy we come across on this beach.” Applejack added.

While Applejack makes a great point, it still makes a fool out of Trenderhoof. Thinking he would hang out with Applejack but knows that won’t be the case. He covered his face with his hands unable to give himself an option in this predicament. He gets off his seat and gave both Rarity and Applejack a dirty look.

“May I remind you that my life in Crystal Prep didn’t chance whatsoever even if Cadence is our new principal now. I still have to wear my uniform and my classes haven’t changed.” He bursted out in anger. “The only things that makes me happy and calm is being here, eating hot dogs and looking at the ocean.”

“Then why aren’t you swimming like the rest of us?” Rarity asked.

“Because everytime I go out on the beach, nothing good happens to me!”

“Is it because your a student from Crystal Prep?” Applejack asked.

“Yes…..” Trenderhoof blushed in embarrassment. “My point is, this spot by the hot dog stand makes me more calm.”

Rarity didn’t knew that Trenderhoof was so miserable while Applejack saw something in him.

“And you know what? Give me the note, kiss my on the cheek, we can get this over with so I can leave earlier!”

Rarity who was took aback from Trenderhoof’s anger decides to take her opportunity. She gives him the pencil and note as Trenderhoof’s write his name on the note from his handwriting.

“So you don’t want a kiss on the lips?” Rarity asked.

“You’re not my type okay!? Your lucky I’m doing this for you!” He finished writing his name, handed back both the pencil and note to Rarity, he stood in place by the table and waits for Rarity to kiss him on the cheek.

“You know you don’t have to be such a grumpy jerk.”

“And nobody is calling you a hooker huh?”

Rarity gasped from Trenderhoof’s insult, but unfortunately he’s right. Even if she’s helping Applejack, she’s been doing so much aggressive things towards the boys on the beach. Applejack didn’t move a muscle since she’s stunned from Trenderhoof’s behavior of his life.

Trenderhoof stood in place, he closed his eyes waiting for Rarity to kiss him on the cheek. Rarity who’s a bit offended still puckered up and kissed Trenderhoof’s cheek. Unlike the times she’s been giving kisses to the last two boys, Trenderhoof didn’t even blush at all. After Rarity leans back, she has to understand that he’s not into her and he’s not risking another kiss on the lips.

“So you didn’t enjoyed it?” Rarity asked.

“No, but you’re welcome.” He retorted again.

Rarity signed, despite not able to kiss him on the lips which is part of Rainbow’s rule, this is how far she got and can’t go any further.

“Come on Applejack, let’s go.” Just when Rarity was about to leave, Applejack got off of her seat and stopped her.

“Wait! We’re not done with him!” She grabbed her arm.

“But we don’t have much time left.”

“I know, but I refuse to make up lies, let me handle this by myself.” Rarity is confused but at the same time always trusted Applejack. Applejack turned her attention to Trenderhoof who was about to sit back down.

“What do you need?” He asked.

“Nothing whatsoever however I understand what you mean. Crystal Prep isn’t the best school ever but I’ll guarantee people will easily respect you.”

Just when Trenderhoof was about to roll his eyes, he found Applejack’s point reasonable. He even closed his attitude and returned his crush on the cowgirl.

“What do you mean respect me?”

“Well...if you didn’t have to trash our school because of the Friendship Games, they wouldn’t see you very selfish.” She placed her hand on his shoulder which surprises him. Applejack did something her best friend was doing all day when she was representing, seduce the boy. “How about we go on the beach together next time?”

Trenderhoof face turned into a tomato and it doesn’t stop Applejack from impressing him. “You want me...to go on the beach with you?”

“Yes. For once, you should try to spend time with someone who’s willing to hang out with you because if you do, they will repay you. And I’ll promise you will be praying to the heavens to hang out with me again.”

Then she made her final move by kissing him on the lips. Trenderhoof’s eyes shoot wide open as he allows Applejack to take full control. Meanwhile Rarity was actually shocked from the sudden move Applejack did. Throughout the previous hour she did her best to help her win this competition but she didn’t kiss the final boy on the lips. It especially makes her more impressed of how Applejack is holding her position on Trenderhoof, almost as longer when she did her kiss on Micro Chips.

Finally, Applejack broke the kiss as she giggled of Trenderhoof’s reaction. The kiss made him daydream about Applejack way more than he thought. Then much to Rarity and Applejack’s surprise, Trenderhoof collapse on his back on the floor with a dumbfounded look on his face.

“Well, I guess my first time was more fun than I thought.” Applejack smiled.

“Why did you kiss him on the lips?” Rarity asked which Applejack turned around.

“Two reasons. One we still need a kiss on his lips to count and second, you gave me more to understand how to seduce any type of boys.”

Rarity giggled and blushed at the same time. “Well, I guess my strategies was a lot more hard then I planned but, I’m supposed to respective of you.”

“You did enough, Rainbow Dash didn’t say anything about stepping in to help someone.” The fashionista felt relief from Rainbow’s lack of rules. “Anyway we have two more minutes left, we she get back to our spot.”

Rarity agrees as she and Applejack rush their way to their spot on the beach. They managed to find three boys and did everything they can in one hour. The only thing they will love to see is the look on Rainbow’s face on what the did during this whole time.