• Published 6th May 2019
  • 1,400 Views, 10 Comments

Rarity’s Kissing Spree - Lonely Fanboy48

Rarity (a representative of Applejack) must find three boys to kiss them in order to have Applejack beat Rainbow Dash in their competition.

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Rarity and Applejack managed to get away from the last boy they encountered, but Rarity is freaking out on the inside. “That almost ruined our chance!” Rarity taking deep breaths until Applejack stopped her.

“Well look on the bright side, at least we got his name.” Applejack replied but Rarity got into her face.

“True, but your really low on impressing boys darling and we’re lucky it was a scientist and not a strong talented boy, because trust me, they’re smarter.” Rarity put her lipstick back on as she tries to get back into track to help Applejack.

“Okay, we can agree I’m not the best at talking to boys, but blame it on Rainbow Dash okay!?” Applejack retorted, still furious at the athletic girl who put her in this situation.

“I don’t blame you at all, Rainbow is sometimes lazy when she’s empty in the head.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “Here’s my advice, let me do all the talking and flirting. I’m sure it won’t turn out as the last boy we did.”

Applejack agreed with Rarity’s different strategy, with the best of her efforts she did for Micro Chips, she can only hope her best friend will help her beat Rainbow Dash
Before they leave the beach. Rarity checked in all directions to find the next boy for their note. So many choices but not much time left.

They saw Sandalwoods, who’s about to use his surfboard to go surfing in the water. This gave Rarity another idea to impress a boy, Pinkie Pie told her there’s so much to do on the beach other than relaxing on a lounge chair.

“Let’s talk to Sandalwood. Maybe we can convince him to allow us have a slow but romantic ride on his board.” Applejack shook her head agreeing with Rarity again. They make their way to Sandalwood who’s about get in the ocean to surf but Rarity stopped him just in time. “Oh Sandalwood!” She turned on her sweet cords.

Sandalwood turned around and was surprised and shocked from Rarity’s swimsuit, hair and good looks. Almost similar to Micro Chips, he stood in place, speechless with his cheeks blushing. “Holy cow.” He said while Rarity and Applejack stand in front of him.

“I can see your about to go surfing right?” Rarity blinked her eyes several times while Sandalwood nodded.

“Yes I am, is there anything you need?”

“Of course. Can me and Applejack have a simple ride on your surfboard?”

Sandalwood would never thought that two beautiful girls would ever give him the opportunity, but it wasn’t what he had in mind once he got here.

“Rarity, Applejack I would like to do that but I brought my surfboard to hit the waves. I like being here during the summer and it’s the only season we can do surfing.”

Despite his reasonings, Rarity uses her seductive charm as she walks to him and place her hands on his bare shoulders.

“Now come darling, we have two months until school returns. Besides, if you allow us it will be my first time on a surfboard in the ocean with a somebody like you.” She uses her blue eyes, looking straight to Sandalwood’s eyes making him mesmerized. Sandalwood had never saw a girl so nice, but way sexy at the same time. Rarity’s swimsuit without a sarong makes her powerful against any boy, no matter how different they are. Goes to show she’s the best at flirting.

Sandalwood refuses to disappoint the fashionista due to the state he’s in right now. “Okay, I have all the time in this season, we can take it slow in the ocean, all three of us.”

Then Rarity gave him a quick kiss on the cheek which causes Sandalwood to blush more. “Good boy.” She padded on his head.

As for Applejack, she decided to keep her mouth shut since she’s allowing Rarity to do all of the work so she won’t make the same mistakes as last time. Sandalwood, despite his cheeks turned into apples, brings his surfboard and placed it on the surface above the water.

While Applejack is used to swimming, Rarity is shivering once her legs dip into the water. Even though this is the first time she’s about to swim almost, she’s very uncomfortable, but refuses to let this opportunity slide. Sandalwood sits in the front with Rarity in the middle and Applejack in the back while she helps to get them towards the center of the ocean.

Soon eventually they’re farther away from the beach giving the best view. They see all the kids and teens on the beach especially the Rainbooms splashing with each other. However what got Rarity’s attention is how amazing the ocean looks around her. For the first time with the ocean being in her surroundings than in one direction, she loves it with a passion. The water had never been so blue and clean at the same time, while the sun reflecting over it shines it with the most glorious way possible. After all the times she went on the beach, she completely regrets after all the times she stayed on the sand and the fact Pinkie Pie was right all along about the activities.

“This looks so amazing.” Rarity commented while she holds onto Sandalwood tightly.

“Yes, the ocean has always been amazing once the sun is above us.” Sandalwood smiled. “Do you ever think about doing this again? Flash Sentry told me there’s going to be a surfing party.”

“A surfing party?” Rarity blinked.

“Before we hit the waves to do tricks, we allow girls to have a ride on our surfboards.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Because there’s going to be a charity to have the school get money for lunch before it resumes. And I’m wondering, would like to have another ride with me?”

Rarity became speechless, but the fact it will give her another chance to see the ocean again, she uses her charm and seductive attitude.

“Oh, then why would I ever deny such a sweet and generous offer from such a great musician?” She laid her head on his shoulder. He slightly giggled due Rarity’s hair tickling his skin and how tight her arms are around his body.

“Well keep in mind, it will be a longer trip than this one.” He blushed.

“Hey um...will you mind turn around so you can look at me in the eyes?”

Sandalwood obliged, he slowly moved his body around to make sure his surfboard doesn’t flip over from the wave. With him looking at Rarity again, he couldn’t help himself to be more mature due to Rarity’s beautiful face, messy hair and the grin she’s doing.

“No one has ever taken me to this place before and witnessing the experience. And considering your more of a musician than a surfer, maybe we can allow you to write one song with the Rainbooms.” She placed her hands on his shoulders again, causing Sandalwood to blush, slightly losing his grip on his board. “And who knows if we can successfully make our song popular like our others have, more girls on the beach might want a ride with you. I’ve meet so many gorgeous women outside our Canterlot High and if they see you,” She leans up close to his face. “They could pray the heavens above to be your girlfriend.”

Rarity pucker her lips and presses them against Sandalwood’s. Sandalwood’s Heart beats faster than the times he played the bongos, never in his life the kiss he’s getting would be so heavenly, amazing and so perfect. He can smell the scent of Rarity’s hair and how lovely it was after all the time she changed it for her music video. And not only that, it made Rarity feel like a mermaid who spent years under the sea finding the right man in Sandalwood’s perspective. This moment right here has hit Sandalwood to the point he wants a girlfriend who not only loves him, but have the same customs.

However the kiss from Rarity became too much for Sandalwood, he lost his ability to control his arms, making the surfboard flip upon the pressure from the water.

“Sandal- Wow!” Applejack screamed until she, Rarity and Sandalwood splashed into the water. While the kiss somewhat got interrupted, it still qualifies for Applejack to have her second boy write his name down for her. Both Applejack and Sandalwood popped their heads out of the water with their hairs covering their eyesight.

Then Rarity pop her head out of the water which shocks the living heck out of Sandalwood. Rarity almost kept her hair unwatched from anyone when it’s wet. During the times she takes a shower with her hair wet, it makes her a complete different and adorable women to the point people can’t tell the difference of her being fashionista or not.

“Rarity, that kiss you just gave me...reminds me...this look you have now.” He blushed.

Rarity found the water a lot more safe than she thought, in fact she takes back everything she said to Pinkie Pie. “Tee hee hee, then I guess you think of me this way perhaps? Bet the girls your gonna meet will have the same looks when they ever give you the reward of a lifetime.”

“If only they don’t kiss you, lose their balance and cause impact in the water.” Applejack thought in annoyance as she squeezes her cowgirl hat to get the water dry out.

“Anyway we should get back to shore, we’re about to leave in a bit.” Rarity was holding onto Sandalwood’s surfboard before it was about to surf away from them. They get back on and went back to the beach spot Sandalwood was staying.

With their bodies completely wet especially their hairs, Rarity had a great time on her second boy. She didn’t even care her hair was wet and the fact her hairstyle was the same in her music video make it ten times better.

“I wanted to thank you for allowing us to have amazing ride in the ocean.” Rarity giggled.

“No problem. If you ever come to the party, I’ll guarantee I’ll give you another ride and hopefully we might see more around the ocean.” He smiled as he placed his surfboard by his spot.

“I would love that.”

Applejack just remembered he still needed Sandalwood to write his name on her note to prove Rainbow Dash. She poked on Rarity’s shoulder, she turned around and showed her the pencil and note in hand which Rarity luckily realized before they leave.

“Oh and that reminds me.” She borrowed the pencil and note from Applejack and gives them to Sandalwood. “I’ll might bring several girls with me so you might need to write your name down so they can remember your name.”

“What about my home address?” He asked confused.

“They might ask you during the party.”

“Okay I guess.” Sandalwood wrote his whole name on the note until he notice Micro Chips is on this note. “Um...why is Micro Chips’s name on this?”

“He’s going to be our beach assist, but he’s getting payed.” Rarity said at the last second to avoid any mistakes. This manage to confident Sandalwood since she knows how famous the Rainbooms are.

He gives them the note and pencil back as they part ways for now. Sandalwood’s day at the beach was something he wished could happen again in the future. Rarity gave him the inspiration of generosity by giving the girls on the beach sightseeing around the ocean. That’s something will give him the center of attention and respect.

“I love the beach more than life.” He thought as he looks at the shining ocean.