• Published 25th Apr 2019
  • 1,195 Views, 42 Comments

The Goddess of Winter - PoneStudios

There is a great immortal known only as the Winter Goddess who rules the Frozen Empire, far north. The four Princesses have good relations with her, but only through a messenger who makes the journey south to Canterlot to commune with the Princesses.

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Chapter Five: Clues

Princess Luna sighed. It had been a little more than a day since she’d found the last clue, and she hadn’t had the chance to talk to her sister about it. She currently sat in her Royal Study, waiting for Celestia to arrive and looking through the poem again. She had been writing down possible meanings ever since she’d woken up. She was currently wondering if the “hidden path” the poem mentioned was literal.

Luna looked up when her sister entered the room.

“Hello, sister! You wanted to talk to me about something?” Celestia smiled. Luna nodded and stood up.

“Yes, sister. I have made a discovery in searching for clues to Twilight’s disappearance.” Celestia nodded.

“And what would that be?”

“This.” Luna showed Celestia the poem. “It’s a poem I found in a book in the Archives. I was hoping you would be able to decipher it. You’re better than I am at these things.” Celestia took the poem and read it.

“Mmm…” Celestia sighed. “Well, I don’t know exactly what it’s talking about…” Celestia hummed again. “But I do know what a few things mean.” Luna nodded.

“What is it?”

“It seems to be talking about us both in a negative light, although me more than you. You seem to be some sort of anti-heroic savior.”

“Of course. That was one of the things I figured out, as well.”

“The part about rendering us blind I assume means that I will, in some way, forsake Equestria. Which, followed by the part about you and revealing the sun’s --my-- wrath, means that you and I will fight.”


“Golden Light is the Key… You told me about that phrase a while ago. I’m wondering whether that actually might lead to something other than this poem.”

“But what?”

“What about that fake Royal Emblem you looked at? There might be something on it.”

“There may be… that will have to be investigated.” Celestia nodded.

“Indeed it will. I will trust you to find out where this leads.”

“I will do my best. I must go look at that now.”

“Luna! There’s one last thing. This part about the ‘hidden path’… It seems to be literal.”


“This seems to be a reference to a tunnel in the dungeons of the castle, which was called the ‘hidden path’ by prisoners who would use it to escape. Supposedly it led to a place where nopony would find the prisoners. If not, then it at least is talking about a way to supposedly defeat me.”

“Well, they were certainly creative.” Celestia smiled.

“Yes, well, thieves often do not have the time to think up a proper name for a tunnel. I do, however, admit that I was surprised by the name myself when I found out about it.” Luna giggled a bit. “Of course, the tunnel’s since been sealed to prevent escape.”

“Do you know where the entrance to this tunnel is located?”

“Yes, I do. It’s down in the lowest layer of the dungeons, hidden behind a blank tapestry.”

“Thank you, sister. I will be going now. I am going to see where exactly this clue is leading me.”

“You’re welcome, Luna. Oh! You’ll need to break through the wall of the dungeons to get to the tunnel.”

“Of course. I will hire a contractor and then spend a while looking into the royal Emblem. I will tell you if and when I find anything.”

“Then I will see you if and when you find something. Until then, sister.” Celestia smiled.

“Until then.” Both sisters walked out of Luna’s study. Luna towards the archives, and Celestia to talk to Ambassador Snow.

When Cadence awoke, she almost had no idea what was going on. As she groaned and slowly opened her eyes, she could see a glimpse of someone sitting by her bed, waiting for her. When she had opened them fully, she was not at all surprised by who was waiting for her, although she was rather unsure of why they were. Said pony was Empress Winter.

“Hello, Cadence. I assume you rested well?”

“Empress Winter? I didn’t think you would stick around while I was asleep.” Winter smiled.

“Hmm. Well, I do still have those things I would like to talk to you about. And I can’t just leave without making sure you’re okay. If I left a new friend like that, what would I be? If that’s okay with you,of course.”

“A new…” Cadence smiled. She still didn’t trust Winter, but under the circumstances, with Winter having saved her Empire, Cadence could accept a new friend. Celestia knew (quite literally, she and Cadence had discussed this over tea some time ago) that she needed a friend after Twilight’s disappearance. “Of course I would like to be your friend. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to call anypony that.” Winter smiled.

“Well, you will have me to call a friend from now on.”

“Thank you, Winter, If I may call you that.”

“Of course you may.”

“Thank you. May I ask what time it is? I could do with some food right about now.”

“I could, as well. And it’s around five, I think.”

“Let's go get something to eat then.” Cadence stood up.

“Yes, let’s do that.” Winter followed Cadence out of the room, and down the hall.

When Cadence and Winter arrived in the dining room, food was already set out for them. Both sat down at their respective places and began eating. Minutes of silence passed, with neither of them saying anything. Winter sighed.

“So, Cadence.”

“Hmm?” Cadence looked up at Winter.

“I was hoping I could ask you about Princess Celestia while we’re here.”

“What do you mean?”

“Recently, I have… come into the possession of some dangerous knowledge concerning her that I would like to disprove, if at all possible.”

“What do you need to know?”

“I, among other things, would like to know what Celestia is trying to accomplish. She has been fruitlessly trying to become allies with my country for months now, even though I’ve given her no hint of acceptance of this. That determination, that unwillingness to give up… I have to admit it’s ever-so-slightly disturbing to me.”

“Yes, Celestia can be rather stubborn at times, especially when cake is involved… you have to admit that she’s helping at least in minimal amounts, though!” Winter sighed.

“I do admit that she has been somewhat helpful in my recent dealings with her. But that is not what I want to know. I would like to know what she's hiding from me.”

“Hiding from you? I don’t think-- Why would she be--”

“She is. Ambassador Snow has told me as much. He has informed me that she has been waiting to invite me to Canterlot. Now, this could be an innocent invitation to a banquet, or worse yet, the Grand Galloping Gala--” Both mares shuddered. That Gala was so boring! “And I am sure that is what she is inviting me to, but given the nature of our two nations’ relationship with each other, I am wondering if there is an ulterior motive to her invitation.” Winter watched Cadence’s uncomfortable shifts. It seemed to winter as if Cadence was hiding something as well.

“After all, I have not spoken to her. I have not come to any of her balls or banquets. I have not even arrived for the yearly Council of Nations that she has invited me to year after year. I have done nothing to give her even the slightest hint that I wish to pursue a national relationship with her and Equestria as a whole. I have only ever put in the barest minimum of effort to appease her.” Cadence’s eyes shifted. Winter couldn’t help but wonder what it was that Cadence was hiding. Or if she wasn't hiding anything, then why was she so uncomfortable? Perhaps Winter could convince her to say why.

“And yet she continues to pursue my approval of her attempts, despite my being indifferent, so I must assume she is either a blind optimistic fool who thinks the world is made of rainbows and butterflies, or, and this is the more likely case, she is baiting me to come to her, so that she may dispatch me and finally be rid of another threat to her nation.” Cadence seemed to wilt under Winter’s suspicious gaze.

“I-I don’t know anything about--”

“And when I ask you about this, you become so incredibly uncomfortable that I am beginning to wonder if she has not informed you of this plan, as well.” Cadence seemed taken aback. Winter almost smiled. The bait had been set.

“What-- you think that I--”

“I have suspicions as to your part in all this, and I do suspect that you may be collaborating with Celestia in some way, but I do not know in what way you are. You seem unaware of Celestia’s bait. But then again, I cannot be certain until you have acted, can I? I suppose I shall have to wait and see.”

“I-I… I suppose.” Cadence took in a breath. “What would Celestia even have to gain? I don’t think getting rid of you would benefit Equestria in any way.” Hook.

“There are many things she has to gain. A potential threat would be gone, she could take my citizens and use them in future wars, she could even take my land for her own. Which motive is causing her to bait me will need to be investigated, though, something that I will take care of.”

“But what about the benefits of having an ally like you? Why would Celestia just ignore those?”

“Perhaps she doesn't see them, or she considers them worthless in the face of such a powerful threat, or perhaps she simply doesn’t want those benefits. Either way, she is ignoring them, and either way, she is baiting me.” Winter looked up at Cadence. “And now that you know about this, it is likely that she will begin to bait you, as well. So aren’t you wondering what she is hiding from both of us?”

Cadence couldn’t meet Winter’s gaze any longer. This alicorn that she had never met before was insinuating that Celestia was baiting her, and Cadence knew Celestia would never do such a thing. But Cadence couldn’t help but wonder… what was Celestia hiding? It couldn’t be anything bad, but… Cadence didn’t know what to think. After a minute, she sighed and nodded.

“Yes. I don't know what she’s hiding from me, but I would like to find out. Well, if you’d be willing to help me.”

“Good, I was hoping you’d say that. I will inform you of the things she is keeping from you, and I will assist you in keeping the winter storms away. But…” Cadence knew there was going to be a but. There was always a but in national relations. “You must do something for me. When the time comes, I will need your assistance. Assistance with what, I will inform you when the time comes. But you must promise to assist me. Do we have an accord?” Cadence nodded.

“Yes. I promise to uphold my portion of it, as long as you uphold yours.”

“Of course I will. The first part of it will have to wait until I can travel to Canterlot and look into Celestia’s secrets. But the second portion I can show you after we finish eating, if you like. It is a simple spell that I can teach you so that you can dispel the storms should they threaten you.” Cadence smiled and nodded.

“It would be wonderful if you could.” Winter smiled.

“Then I will show you when we are finished.” Winter sighed again and finished up her plate. Cadence did the same. When they were both done, Winter moved to put her plate in the kitchen. She then turned towards the hallway doors and-- stopped when a letter dropped onto the floor floor in front of her.

“Hmm…” Winter lifted the letter in her magic. Cadence tilted her head to the side.

“What’s that?”

“It seems to be a letter from Celestia. This is the second time in two days that I’ve gotten a letter from her.” Winter opened the letter and scanned through it. “This is the invitation I was informed of. I will have to leave for Canterlot tomorrow morning. Unfortunate, I had hoped that you and I could talk more.” Winter sighed and put the letter in her pocket dimension. “Now, I do believe I was going to show you that spell of mine, wasn’t I?”

Cadence and Winter left the room and headed down the hall towards the balcony.

The very next morning, Winter stood on the balcony of the Crystal Palace with Cadence, looking out at the Frozen north.

“You remember the spell I taught you, yes?”

“Yes, I do. I’ll practice it daily, just in case.”

“Good. Remember: in order to cast it, you must focus on the center of the storm.” Winter looked out at the tundra again. “I must go now. I will be in contact with you when I arrive in Canterlot."

“Thank you. Good luck!” Winter nodded and flew off. Cadence watched Winter fly. As she watched she couldn’t help but notice that something seemed vaguely familiar about the alicorn…