• Published 25th Apr 2019
  • 1,194 Views, 42 Comments

The Goddess of Winter - PoneStudios

There is a great immortal known only as the Winter Goddess who rules the Frozen Empire, far north. The four Princesses have good relations with her, but only through a messenger who makes the journey south to Canterlot to commune with the Princesses.

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Chapter One: Peace

300 years later

It was a gorgeous day outside. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and there were no clouds in the sky. It was the perfect day for a field trip to the Royal Memorial. It was for this reason that the Ponyville Elementary class had come up to Canterlot to view the Statue garden and the Royal Memorial.

Miss Bloom led her students up to the Memorial. She smiled.

“Class, do you know what this is?” a sky blue filly raised her hoof.


“It’s the Royal Memorial, ma’am.”

“Correct. Can anyone tell me why it was built?”

“It was built in memory of Princess Twilight the Kind, ma’am!” a silver colt grinned.

“Raise your hoof next time, Cobalt, and no. It was built in memory of the Bearers of Harmony some three hundred years ago. Princess Twilight the Kind is a legend and nothing more.”

“But Princess Twilight healed Princess Luna and Princess Chrysalis!”

“No more of that, now. Princess Luna and Princess Chrysalis were both healed by the Bearers of Harmony. Focus on the lesson please.”

“Aw.” Cobalt groaned. Miss Bloom smiled.

“Now, who knows the names of the five Bearers of Harmony?”

Princess Celestia watched the Ponyville Elementary class as they viewed the Royal Memorial from a window facing the statue. She sighed. It was unfortunate, how her own student had become nothing more than a legend for foals to tell.

“Twilight Sparkle…” the name sounded strange on Celestia’s tongue. She had not said it in over 297 years. How Celestia missed Twilight. So many good memories had been made all those years ago, and Celestia missed making them. Yes, she had Luna, but Twilight… Celestia had a special connection with Twilight. A connection she missed very much.

Celestia could still remember the days when Twilight was just a filly and they both had gotten into trouble. The freshest memory was that of a pie fight in the dining hall. They’d both ended up covered in whipped cream.

“Reminiscing again?” Celestia was startled out of her reverie by Princess Luna.

“I was just watching the Ponyville Elementary. They took a field trip to the memorial today.” Luna came up beside Celestia.

“Ah, I see. Sister, you cannot dwell on the past like this. It is unhealthy.” Celestia sighed.

“I know, I just… I miss her, Luna. how could I not? She was like a daughter to me.”

“I know, sister. I understand. I miss her as well. I miss her everyday, and so do Cadence and Chrysalis. She was responsible for saving us both and Equestria multiple times, after all.” Celestia looked down.

“It just doesn’t feel the same without her here. Before, I could talk to her and play games with her and write letters to her. I could spend nights having tea and reading to her like when she was a filly. Now, she’s gone. I don’t know where she is, what she’s doing, or if she’s even alive at all… I’m worried for her, Luna.” Luna nodded.

“And that is perfectly fine. It is okay to be worried about her. But dwelling on the past and not focusing on the present is unhealthy. Mother knows I spent one too many a day thinking of ways to get rid of you while on the moon for all that time.” Luna smiled. “The best thing to do is to continue on, sister. Remember her as you wish, but continue on with life. To stay in the past is to bring yourself to ruin.”

“I will try, Luna. I’m not entirely sure I can, but I will try my best.”

“And that is all I ask of you. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Luna.” Celestia smiled.

“Now, what is it that you’ve come to tell me about?”

“Ah, yes. The delegates are here. It is time for the Council of Nations.”

“Good. thank you for telling me.” Celestia and Luna walked gracefully to the Council room.

“Has the one from far north come?”

“Yes. they have sent a messenger on behalf of the empress.”

“Good. I shall send him back with a message for the empress.” the sisters gracefully walked into the Council room. They both took their seats. Celestia gazed serenely over the delegates from the neighboring countries. She picked out one specific delegate, a snow-white unicorn stallion, with her eyes.

“Welcome, my friends, to this latest Council of Nations. I assume everyone has arrived?” the delegates all nodded.

“Good. let the Council commence.”

Celestia and Luna, along with all the delegate from the other countries, walked out of the Council room. Several long hours had been spent in that room, discussing all sorts of state matters. Now, it was time to lower the sun and raise the moon.

“Well, that was long and tiring, don’t you think, sister?” Luna looked at Celestia. Celestia sighed.

“I’m glad to be rid of that pointless debacle for another year.”

“Entire nations rise and fall behind those doors.”

“I know, Luna. I just can’t help but think that we’ve been stagnant in our relations with other countries.” Celestia and Luna walked into Celestia’s chambers.

“You mean the Frozen Empire, correct?”

“Yes, Luna, I do.” Celestia sighed again and walked into her room. “I feel as if she’s been cutting me off, Luna, and it concerns me to have such a powerful country giving us the cold shoulder. I’ve tried to reach out to her, but she only ignores me.”

“We both have tried, and we both have failed. That is nothing to fret about. We simply keep trying until she responds.”

“Yes, yes, I know, but we’ve tried for so long that I’m beginning to wonder if she wants any contact at all. We’ve barely had any contact over the 3 centuries of communication, and she hasn’t appeared at all.” Luna was taken aback. She’d never heard anything like this from her sister before! Well, not about an ally at least.

“You know very well that the Winter Goddess has been nothing but accepting and kind since we first contacted her!” Celestia nodded.

“I know that, but… oh, Mother help me… I just-- I have a bad feeling, okay, Luna? I can’t help but feel as if something is terribly wrong up there… and it unnerves me that I don’t know what.” Celestia looked down.

There was a knock at the door. Celestia sighed.

“Come in.” the delegate from the Frozen Empire entered.

“Am I interrupting something?” Celestia shook her head and put on the serene smile that she held whenever dealing with foreign delegates.

“Of course not, Ambassador Snow. Please, come in. What is it that you need?” Ambassador Snow smiled.

“I wish to have a private conversation with you about our neighborly relations, if that is alright with you.” Luna nodded.

“I shall take my leave, sister.”

“Of course, Luna. See you later for dinner?” Celestia smiled.

“As always, dear sister.” Luna smiled back.

“Very well. Until then, sister.” Luna smiled, nodded, and left the room, closing the door behind her. Ambassador Snow watched her. Celestia gave a chuckle.

“Ah, always so good to spend time with my sister. Now, what is it that you wished to speak to me about?”

“A certain object of interest you may be inclined to accept from the Winter Goddess…”

Princess Luna gracefully strode down the halls of Canterlot Castle, heading to her Royal Chambers to read a few books while she waited to eat dinner with her sister. Luna sighed when she thought about Celestia. The Sun Goddess was likely still talking with Ambassador Snow about the relations between the Frozen Empire and Equestria.

Luna scoffed. She had never cared for the nuances of diplomacy. She had always preferred to let her sister deal with those things in the past. But, as she’d grown used to the modern world, so too had she grown used to dealing with other nations. By now, it had all but become practice to attend the Council of Nations with her sister every year.

Still, Luna smiled all the same. Even though she had far less practice with diplomatic relations, it was still nice to spend time with Celestia.

Luna’s smile only grew when she reached her quarters. She had been looking forward to reading a nice long novel all day. She went over to vanity, where she kept her supply of reading snacks and was about to open the drawer where she kept them, when she saw an old letter that had been on her desk for quite some time now.

“A letter from Twilight Sparkle?” Luna sat down. She glossed over the letter’s contents and sighed. “It’s the last one she wrote me before she disappeared…”

Luna sighed. She didn’t like to think about Twilight’s disappearance. While she understood that Twilight had been devastated by her friends’ death, she never could understand why Twilight would run away. When she’d heard of what had happened she had wondered why Twilight hadn’t come to Celestia for help and advice. The entire situation had only confused and disoriented her.

“It appears that I’ll be getting no answers from this letter…”

Luna scoffed. The more she thought about that day, the more confused she became. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more Twilight’s disappearance became impossibly out of character for her. Twilight would never run away, not when she had just lost her friends. The much more likely thing was that she’d come to her parents, loved ones, and her mentor for advice in how to overcome it.

And then there was the case of the missing emblem… Luna shook her head. There was no possible way those two separate incidents could be connected. For one, the emblem had been lost months before Twilight disappeared. Two, shortly before the search the emblem had been recovered…

Or so Celestia had said. Luna had no reason to distrust her sister, unlike 1300 years ago, and Celestia herself had confirmed its identity, but she still had a bad feeling that said she should make sure. Luna knew when she had a feeling like this that she could not ignore it. It was already making her skin tingle with anxiety.

So, instead of reading like she’d hoped to, Luna strode out of her chambers and to the nearest Night Guard.

“Lt. Swift!” Lt. Swift looked up at Luna.

“Yes, your highness!”

“Fetch me the emblem that was lost 300 years ago. I have a suspicion that I would like to disprove.”

“Yes, your highness.” Lt. Swift quickly trotted down the hall to retrieve the emblem. Once he was gone, Luna let out a breath of air she hadn’t noticed she had been holding. She was more nervous than she had originally thought, it seemed.

Luna took a deep breath. She let the breath out and rubbed her forehead with a hoof.

“So it’s going to be one of these times…” Luna smiled. She wondered what had caused this. It certainly wasn’t anything she’d caused, this she knew. And she hadn’t eaten or drank anything different in the last few days. Her sleeping patterns hadn’t changed either…

But then, she had read that letter. Luna took a look at the letter. She wondered what was different about it from Twilight’s other letters that had set her off. She sat down and began to read…

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first two chapters of this! I thought I'd post this story here because it's an interesting idea (to me at least). What do you guys think?
Anyways, I'll be posting a new chapter of this each week, so expect these then.
see you later!