• Published 9th Aug 2012
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Among the Ruins - SteampunkBrony

Canterlot, once my home, now it is but a husk. I bring my memories back as a warning... to everypony

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5: Rememberance

Among The Ruins
Chapter 5: Rememberance

By: SteampunkBrony
Edited By: DoomManta

One by one, everyone let go of the group hug, Pinkie being the last to detach herself from me. “You guys...” I said, doing my best to hold in tears. I felt something hugging my leg and looked down to find Spike there, tears streaking down his face.

“I hate to break up the moment,” one of the castle staff chimed in after a few moments, “But the press are wondering what's going on, and the various environmental groups are asking questions too.”

Celestia sighed and looked over to Luna. “Do you want to, or should I?” She said.

I chimed in before Luna could respond. “Actually, would I be able to come with, whatever the decision is? Nopony is going to believe this without seeing proof.”

“I... don't see why not.” Luna said after a moment. “Besides, they'll want pictures... although, do you want a manecut before then?” She was eyeing my fetlock length mane and tail that were hanging messily from my head and rump.

“Yes darling, I can have your mane and tail back to the way they were before.”

“There's no need for it,” I said, “And I'll admit, I kind of like it.” Rarity nearly fainted at that statement, causing everyone to laugh.

“Well I think it looks pretty badass,” Rainbow said. “Although I can only imagine the bed head you must have.”

“Actually, I haven't really had to worry about that.”

“Darling, you must tell me how!” Rarity nearly yelped. “It could be the next secret in mane styling!”

“Rarity, I don't think you want to know.” I said with a small smirk. Shining was covering his mouth with his hoof to hold back his laughter at the reaction that we both knew was coming.

“Tell me!”

“Shining, do you still have that photo?”

“Here ya go Twilly.” He just barely kept himself from laughing as he passed the photo they took in the Whitetail Woods.

I levitated it over to Rarity. “I can see the headlines now, ‘Two years’ worth of industrial grease, oil, and dirt, mane care breakthrough!” Her eyes quickly grew to the size of dinner plates as her jaw dropped. Rainbow leaned in for a look at the photo.

“I stand corrected Twi. That looks badass.”

“In any case, before I face the music with the press, on my way out of the city, I grabbed a few things of yours and Cadence's, Shining.” I said. “Where's the stuff I brought with me?”

“It's just down the hall, first door on the right.” I headed for the door, Cadence and Shining following me. The moment Cadence saw the wedding bands her eyes lit up and she pulled me into a hug.

“Thank you. Y-you have no idea how much you bringing our wedding bands back means.” She said, tears of joy streaming down her face.

Shining, meanwhile, was looking over the various items, disbelief clear on his face. “My medals... the wedding photos... grandpa's pocket watch...” He reached the teddy bear, “Fluffles... Thank you Twilight.” He said quietly as he held the old stuffed animal.

I was only three when it happened, but for some reason the memories of my grandmother's passing have stayed with me. We all were visiting her in the care home when it happened. The nurses had told us she wasn't doing well, and when they had her taken to the hospital we all knew it was bad.

“Is... is grandma gonna be alright mom?” Shining had asked as we waited outside the hospital room.

“The doctors are doing the best they can Shiny.” Mom had replied as I sat there, not grasping the situation.

Shining was silent after that, I think that despite only being eleven, he had figured out what was happening. A nurse came through the doors to the waiting area after a short time.

“Twilight Velvet, Nightlight?” The nurse asked as she came up to my parents.

“How is she?” Dad asked.

“It's not good... I won't go into details unless you want me to, but the doctor says that she probably won't make it through the night. I'm sorry.”

“It's alright.” Dad was smiling weakly, but looked pained. “We've kind of known she wasn't long for this world for a few months now. Can we see her?”

“Of course.” The nurse said smiling as she led the way to Grandma's room.

“Velvet? Nightlight?” I could hear Grandma say weakly from the bed.

“We're here Star.” Mom said, holding back tears. “Shining and Twilight are too.”

Grandma sighed. “You shouldn't have brought the kids...”

“No Grandma, I'd rather be here.” Shining said as he trotted up to her bedside.

“Thank you Shining. You remind me so much of your Grandpa... I'll be going to be with him soon...”

“I know.” Shining said, doing his best not to cry.

“Don't cry now, I may be at the end of my road, but that's no reason to be sad.” She said, sitting up to hug him weakly. “Celebrate my life, don't cry over my passing. I've had a good life, remember the good times. That goes for you two as well.” Grandma said to my parents chuckling. “Now, get yourselves home, just coming to see me was enough. Velvet?”

“Yes Starlight?” Mom said, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief.

“Can you tell your sister... I'm sorry for what I said back then. I've been trying to tell her myself for a few years now, but she wouldn't take my calls. Nightlight, the will is in my desk at the home. Make sure it's followed.” She said as she laid back into the hospital bed.

“Of course Mom.” He said, trotting over and kissing her.

“Now, you best get going.” She said with a chuckle. “I'll be on my own way soon.”

Tears were falling from Shining's eyes as he held the tattered old plush toy that had been given to him when he was only three. Grandma had stitched it together from one of Grandpa’s old coats, and it was one of the few things that we had managed to keep around to remember her by.

“I think I'll leave you two be for now.” I said with a smile as I picked up the olive cloth, shoulder bag, and goggles. Once I stepped out into the hall, the door closed behind me with a soft thud.

“Hey, you still have the goggles!” Rainbow exclaimed as I used the flight goggles to hold my mane back and out of my face. I soon donned the leg wraps, bandana, and shoulder bag.

“Yep, and they saved me some serious pain over the years, but that's a story for another time.” I said as I looked inside my bag, the memory gems and the sword were still inside. I levitated them out as the Princesses walked up, a small contingent of Day and Night Guards in formation behind them.

“Twilight, are those what I think they are?” Celestia asked as I wrapped the gems in a spare piece of the olive cloth.

“Well that depends, did you think they were memory gems?” I asked.

“Well, yes... but...” Celestia took a moment to recover from my answer before sighing. “It has been too long, I'm going to need to get used to having somepony around aside from my sister who knows me well enough to poke fun at me like that.”

“Still got it,” I said drawing a giggle from Pinkie. “In any case, yes, these are memory gems from my time in there, starting about four weeks after I woke up inside the wall.” I levitated the gems over to Celestia, who took them in her magic. “Although, I wouldn't want to just copy all of those, some of the memories are... disturbing to say the least, mostly the early on ones.”

“I will go through them before releasing them then.” Princess Luna said. “But now to face the press...”

“Yes, I hope you don't mind more guards than the press meetings you remember, however, things have been... tense ever since the wall went up.” Celestia said with a sigh. “Some ponies are willing to do terrible things to try to stop technological progress these days, and they may just try to do something.”

“Is it really that bad?” I asked.

“Unfortunately yes. This isn't going to be a question session, just one to say you have returned and that you were in fact inside the wall. The question session can come later; right now I just want to stop the rumor mill from doing its usual thing.”

“Okay... why do I have that feeling that this isn't going to go quite as well as we hope it will...” I say as we approach the door to the main castle entrance.

“That's what I'm here for Twilly.” Shining said as he nodded to the guards on either side of the door.

“Showtime... smile for the cameras.” At Luna’s command, the guards opened the doors and we stepped out. I pulled my tinted flight goggles over my eyes with my magic, preparing for the wave of camera flashes that was no doubt about to occur.

Sure enough the goggles proved their worth as a good thirty cameras flashed at the same time, blinding Shining. I felt a small flare of magic to either side of me as the princesses used magic to prevent themselves from being blinded by the bright light.

“My little ponies, I ask that you refrain from all taking photos at the same time, the flash is rather bright.” Celestia chuckled lightly and looked over at Shining Armor. “As stated, this is not a question period, but a press release.” She cut of one of the reporters who was about to ask a question. “I am overjoyed to announce the return of my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, whom we thought to have perished in the Canterlot incident. She managed to return to us earlier today through an old escape passage from Canterlot Castle. I already have a team dispatched to re-seal the tunnel and ensure none of the airborne toxin escapes through it. We will be holding a question period later on this week when Twilight feels comfortable playing twenty questions with all of you.” Celestia said, causing Luna to chuckle a little. “In addition, I would like to remind you all about the penalties of playing paparazzi on castle grounds; we don't want a repeat of last year.” A few of the pegasus reporters looked rather embarrassed at that warning.

“Princess,” I said, motioning for Celestia to lean closer.

“Yes Twilight?” She asked quietly.

“I'll answer a few questions now.”

“Hmm... in that case I think we'll give them five or six questions if that's alright with you?”


“Just don't tell them about the changes that have happened to you, that will have to be carefully handled. Tell them that we're still trying to figure it out.” I nodded as Celestia stood back up. “It appears as if there is a change in plans. Twilight will be taking questions today.” She said as she stepped aside and I stepped forward.

Before the press ponies could start yelling their questions out I spoke up. “I'll only be answering a few questions today, and before you start yelling them out, I won't answer blurted out questions. If I decline to answer a question, do not press the matter, or I will leave.” I said loudly enough for everypony to hear.

One reporter's hoof shot up. “Yes?”

“How did you survive this long inside the quarantine zone?

“I've been asked not to discuss that yet because we don't quite understand it either.” I said. “However, as soon as we have all the facts we will be releasing the information.” Four more hooves shot up into the air.

“You with the black hat next.” I said, pointing to a pegasus wearing a black fedora.

“Are there any other survivors trapped within the wall?” He asked.

“While I was in there, I encountered a few safe houses and a few survivors, but the chances are slim that they are still alive. I lost contact with the last group over a year ago. You next, unicorn with the blue camera.”

“Slim Chance, with the Equestrian Inquirer.” he said. “What are the chances of the incident being some form of organized attack?”

“I can't answer that, mainly because I don't know. All I know is that the gas came from a reaction between the crystals in the crystal cavern and chemicals that had seeped through the rock. Next question, you there, beige pegasus brown mane.”

“I'm Featherweight, here for Equestria Daily.” I nodded, motioning for him to go on. “How does it feel to finally be out of there?”

“I... well it's a relief to tell you the truth. I’m never going to forget what lies on the other side of the wall, or what happened that day.” I shuddered at the memory. “I will say this though, if anypony is even thinking of trying to get to the other side of the wall because I managed to survive this long, don't. Nothing is worth going in there, because you will die, if not from the air, from everything else. On my way out, a whole building nearly fell on me. I saw one survivor who had all the safety gear possible die because he tripped and ripped his protective suit. I am happy to be free, but at the same time I'm worried that somepony will get themselves killed trying to retrieve something from Canterlot.” Featherweight nodded as he finished writing things down.

“Last question I think.” Celestia said to me.

“Okay then... you there, grey earth pony, green hat.” I said.

“Do you think this could have been prevented if regulations had been put in place to control the progress of industry?” the reporter asked eagerly.

“I... don't think so.” I said with a frown. “The regulations at the time of the incident were lacking, yes, however the problem wasn’t so much a matter of lack of regulations, but rather a lack of monitoring. After seeing what I have of the industrial sections of Canterlot after the incident, I can tell you that the regulations at the time, had they been enforced and followed, would have been enough to stall the incident, but with the lack of monitoring of the effects on the surrounding environment, it was only a matter of time.”

“So what you’re saying is, despite what you've seen in Canterlot and what you know happened, you don't think that we should stop the progress of industry?”

I don't like where this is going... “Don't pick and choose the bits of what I say that make me seem like I'm careless.” I said. “What I mean is that I think that industrial progress should continue, but more cautiously and in a way that is better monitored than before.”

“How can you think that even after seeing a city killed by industry?” He blurted out. I could see Shining saying something to another one of the guards out of the corner of my eye.

“I can think that because I realize that what happened was an accident.” I said. “Mistakes are made, and unfortunately the mistakes were made by so many ponies that nopony noticed what was happening until it was far too late. All we can do now is learn from our mistakes and-”

“The only answer is to shut down industry!” I could see the guards moving in on the reporter.

“I was not going to say that!” I replied.

“Well if you can't learn, let this be a lesson to the rest of you!” He yelled out as he pressed the shutter button on his camera, the front lens pointed towards me. Shining's shield flashed into existence around the reporter a moment too late as the lens exploded outwards with a loud bang. I felt a searing pain go through my chest as something struck me. “Shining, shield!” I gasped out. After a moment a purple layer formed around my body as the guards threw the guncolt to the ground. I coughed a few times, the metallic taste of my blood filling my mouth. I struggled to stand as both Celestia and Luna's horns lit up, teleporting us back into the castle.