• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 31,907 Views, 1,749 Comments

Among the Ruins - SteampunkBrony

Canterlot, once my home, now it is but a husk. I bring my memories back as a warning... to everypony

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2: Reunion

Among the Ruins
By: SteampunkBrony

Chapter 2: Reunion

((A/N: Thank you to everypony who gave this story a chance and blasting it to second in the feature box in under a day! This was originally going to be a one shot, however it seemed that you liked the idea. Shout out to DoomManta in thanks for his editing. Keep it real my bronies,

~Steampunk ))

The decontamination shower's water was cold, but not as cold as the waterfall's. It washed over me as the guards in Hazmat suits scrubbed me down, my first shower in almost two years, and judging by the amount of oily greenish water that was flowing off me, I was in dire need of it.

The flight from the Whitetail Woods to the new castle hadn't taken very long, we only had to fly over Ponyville after all.

Ponyville... will I be able to return now? Will I be kept under quarantine?

I hope I’ll be allowed back, but I would understand if they need to keep me contained, containment is still better than Canterlot.

My saddlebags sat in one corner of the chariot and my brother sat in another. We barely said anything the entire trip, he just kept staring at me until I broke the silence.


“Yeah Twily?” I could tell he was smiling from the way he asked.

“Would you mind passing me my bag?”


“It's a surprise.” I giggled a little, he was going to love this.

“Okay then.” He chuckled as he levitated the bag over to me. I would have gotten it myself, but my magic was worn out; I’d used more magic in the last few hours than I had in months.

“Thanks, I'm a little burnt out.” I said, or at least tried to say, as I used my teeth to undo the zipper on the bag. Holding it open, I pushed aside some of the items in it to reveal the jewelry box. “Here, open it.” I pulled the box out with my teeth and placed it on the floor.

“Is that?” He trotted over; trying to contain his excitement as he magically picked up the box and undid the clasp. He pulled me into a hug the instant he saw the two golden wedding bands. “I thought they were lost for good.”

I hugged him back, at least until I felt myself tearing up again. “Shining, can you let go?”

After a moment of hesitation, he released me. “Sorry, did I hurt you?”

“No, I just don't want to accidentally cry on you.”

“Why not?”

“I... Canterlot changed me...” I looked down at my hooves and sobbed quietly as a tear fell. I heard Shining gasp as the floor sizzled where the droplet fell, leaving small hole. “I don't know how, why, or how much has changed, but I don't think my tears are good for anypony's health.”

“Alright, so what do you know?” He sounded a little more wary of me now, but I suppose that’s fair, he just discovered that my tears could eat through the floor in seconds.

“Let's wait till we're not flying over someplace with ponies below us.” I said. “Besides, I don't want to repeat myself, it's hard enough talking about it once.”

“What do you mean Twi?” He sounded very hesitant as he asked this; I guess he was having trouble deciding if I was Twilight Sparkle, his sister, or Twilight Sparkle, security risk.

“Somehow, I was... I guess mutated would be the best word for it, after the incident. I think the Nanoplagues did this, but I’m not sure. It's not just my eyes that have changed, my blood is acid as well. Beyond that, I’m not sure. By the time I reached a hospital to try and run a few scans on myself, the entire city was dark. The first explosions took out the power grid.”

“That's... I don't even know what to say...” Shining said. “Um... is there any risk of any more acid coming from you?” I could tell he was trying to put it gently, but there really isn't a way to sugarcoat my predicament.

“Not unless somepony cuts me, or I start crying again, so can we try to keep pointy things away from the walking acid balloon?” It wasn’t really that funny, but I chuckled a little anyway.

“Well, I know I'm glad to have you back. Celestia will be too, she damn near jumped out the window when she realized somepony was alive and on their way out.” He chuckled. “I swear if she blasts another hole in the wall to leave the throne room...”

“She blew a hole in the wall to exit the throne room? Wait, where is the new castle anyhow?”

“Yeah, she did. The castle is on the site of the old one in the Everfree, it was easier to repair it than to build a new one, and thanks to the buffalo it has proper road and rail access. Ponyville is the capital now, and speaking of which, we should be passing overhead soon.” He said, nodding to the window.

I stood and trotted over, looking out as the trees of the Whitetail Woods started to thin, and gave way to a bustling city. A large contingent of Royal and Night guards had joined in formation around the chariot, clearing the air traffic around us.

“Wha... all this in two years?” I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, Ponyville was nearly as big as Canterlot used to be.

“Yep, with the old capital uninhabitable, the Princesses moved the government to Ponyville because of its location near the main roads that cross the country. The original town is still intact, but it's now known as Old Ponyville. The mayor wanted it preserved in the name of all those who passed on in the disaster...”

“I'm just glad you, the princesses, mom and dad, and my friends weren’t in the city...” I said. “I think I'd have just given up if you guys had been there.”

“I know... two days either way, and we would have lost the Elements, the Princesses, and almost all of the Royal Guard.” An awkward silence fell for a few moments while Shining sat there frowning. “Industry has been... limited since then, the politicians are still debating what to do.”

“I take it almost all of the noble families were in Canterlot at the time...”

“Yeah, their loss set the financial state of the country back for a while, but Luna used some old loophole to transfer the money from dead families to the country, instead of just leaving it sitting. A quarter of it went to funding the castle, another quarter went to starting New Ponyville, and the rest was used to keep things running while Celestia and Luna overhauled the government. The noble bloodlines are almost all gone, so they’re working on a system of elected officials from the different cities. It's a headache for the guard too, there's a whole sect of anti-technology zealots who gained popularity after the incident, between them and a few groups trying to oust the Princesses, we've had our hooves full.”

“Wow...” I was still looking out the window as I noticed the buildings of New Ponyville abruptly give way to some fields, although the road continued. “You’ve certainly been busy. Has there been...” I trailed off as Old Ponyville came into sight, exactly the same as I remembered it. I couldn’t stop staring as we passed overhead; it looked exactly the same, right down to the ponies in it.

Soon enough, the library came into view, and I caught a glimpse of something purple and green walking towards the front door. I started to quietly sob when I saw my number one assistant.

“Twily?” Shining said, joining me at the window.

“Spike... I... I never thought I'd see him again...” Shining cast a bowl shaped shield below my face as I broke down into tears. He held the spell as he walked over to a gem on the wall of the chariot and tapped it.

“Somepony make sure that Spike is brought to the castle.” I laid a hoof against the thick glass of the window as a Night Guard broke off, landing near Spike as the library passed out of view.

“Who... who else will be there?”

“The Princesses, mom and dad, your friends, Cadence... Most of Ponyville will probably find out from Spike's reaction and be there...” Shining said, trotting back over. “Um... how strong is this stuff?”

“My tears probably won’t eat through glass... but I doubt anypony will be able to get a blood sample from me, that stuff will go through... well I never found anything in Canterlot that could stop it. I'm willing to bet that it's the same stuff that I cry, my tears are just diluted.” My tears stopped as I went into what Pinkie used to call 'Science Twilight Mode.' I saw Shining remove a glass Erlenmare flask from a compartment in the wall, dump the acidic tears in, and cap the flask with a glass stopper, sealing it with magic.

“I'll have the labs analyze this stuff... it's probably the best sample of that toxin we're ever going to get.”

“I just call it 'The Glow'.” I shrugged. “Simple, descriptive, and sounds a bit foreboding.”

“The Glow it is then...” Shining said with a chuckle. “You should hear some of the names the lab rats have come up with... you almost need a recording to say it the same twice.”

“Yeesh...” I said, smiling despite myself as I felt the chariot start to descend. “I take it we're here?”

“Yeah, although we're not leaving this chariot until we get to the quarantine station I had set up. I'm sure you'll want to see everypony right away, but...”

“I understand. Actually, I'd call you an idiot if you just let me go. Two years in a toxic wasteland, I'll be lucky if I'm stuck in decontamination for anywhere under a decade.” I chuckled a little at the thought, although I think the irony would have killed me if that actually happened.

“Oh now you're just exaggerating. Still...”

“Tell them not to rush... I'd hate for somepony to die because of me.”

“I'll make sure they do their job.” Shining said as the treetops passed the window, soon changing to the grey stone of the Everfree Castle. Shining tapped the gem again and spoke. “Hazmat One to Everfree Castle, We have touched down with the package, and are en route to quarantine. Notify our guests of this and make room for Spike, he'll be arriving soon as well.”

“Roger that Hazmat One, tell the package welcome home, from all of us,” came the crackling reply.

It was another ten minutes before we got the go ahead to step out of the chariot after the Hazmat ponies running the quarantine area triple checked the seal on the barriers around us. I sat patiently, my goggles over my eyes so I wouldn’t scare anypony when I saw them, although, eyes or not, my appearance would probably cause Rarity to pass out on the spot.

I giggled at that thought, causing Shining to give me a confused look. “What's so funny?”

“Oh, I just imagined Rarity seeing me right now.” I said, waiting for it as I removed my goggles.

I could see the gears turning in his head before we both burst out laughing. Soon, I was doubled over from stomach cramps, and I could see Shining was barely standing.

“Oh... I haven't had a laugh that good in years.” As I sat up, we saw a few sizzling spots where tears of laughter had fallen. “That... is going to make things difficult in the future.” I sighed, the mood thoroughly killed by the reminder of my current condition.

“Yeah...” Shining said as I pulled the goggles back on as the back ramp slowly lowered.

“Although I must admit, Wastelander is a good style for you.”

“Let me guess, you finally took my advice and read Fallout?”

“Yeah, good recommendation.” He said as the ramp touched down with a small clunk.

“Well... Time to face the music... This reunion is not going to do wonders for the floor, or anything I'm wearing.” I said with a frown.

“I had them set out a large tub of water while you were lost in thought watching the Hazmat team work.” Shining said as we stepped onto the ramp. “And if that fails, I have my shields. Everything will be fine Twily.” We stepped through the doorway to the next chamber where the Hazmat team was waiting for us with hoses and a collection of large basins. We were promptly ushered in after I took off my clothes, goggles, and shoulder bag.

Before they began I said to the pony that had taken my things, “I want those back afterwards, can you decontaminate everything in there, though mind the teapot, I put Philomena's ashes in it.” They nodded and trotted off to another room, where I could hear the bag being unpacked before they started hosing me down.

The water was cold, but refreshing. One of the ponies passed me a bottle of liquid soap which I quickly worked into my mane, coat, and tail with my magic. I was content to enjoy cleaning off until I was reminded of the fact that I hadn't trimmed my mane or fetlocks in well over a year and a half by a comment from the Hazmat worker.

“Lose your trimmer dear?” She said with a small chuckle.

“No,” I said with a small smile, “The power's just been out.”

The rest of Hazmat team started to laugh as I stepped from one basin to the next, repeating the process until, six basins later, all of the oil, dirt, and grime was washed out. My coat had regained its sheen and my mane and tail were no longer matted. One of the Hazmat workers piped up again. “How are you feeling?”

“Clean.” I let out a relieved sigh, it felt phenomenal to finally be free of Canterlot’s remains. “You ponies have no idea how good it feels to do that after two years of not being able to wash up.”

“I can hardly imagine.” Shining said from the other side of the Hazmat barrier. “You look a thousand times better Twily. We took a picture as you were walking towards the chariot back in the woods... do you mind if we send it to the press with the story?”

“Not at all.” I said. “Just keep the damn paparazzi pegasi away from my windows.”

“Will do little sis. I'll go let them know you're coming, the doctors will want to do a few tests before you can leave the quarantine though, do you want to do them first or after?”

“After, and ready a few more of those basins... I'll probably be crying a fair bit.”

“I understand dear.” The mare that had spoken up earlier said. “I can't imagine what it's been like...”

“You don't want to know.” I replied as she led me down a hall from the decontamination room.

“I... had family in Canterlot when it happened... Was it quick?” She asked.

“I... don't know. I ran into a Nanoplague and passed out before the cloud reached me.” It took at least ten minutes for the first ponies to die, and you could hear screams for days. I leant a hoof where I could, but it was usually just a spell to put them into a coma. For the rest, I would either help them over to a loved one, or pass them something so they could end it themselves. If I still slept, I’m sure the first few days would haunt my dreams forever. “I think it was quick though.”

“At least they didn't suffer.” She said, a small sob escaping her lips. “I'm sorry, this must be digging up bad memories.”

“It's alright.” I said, “It doesn’t affect me as much anymore.”

She nodded as we reached a door. “Here's your stop.” She said, pulling out a mouth swab, and a piece of cloth. “I just need a spit sample and a quick wipe of your coat to make sure your tears are all that we have to worry about.” I nodded and let her do what she had to before pushing the door open.

The room was a large one, with a wall of glass separating the half I was in from the waiting ponies.

Everything was silent as I stepped in, they were all staring at me with mixed reactions. I trotted over to where a communication gem was, sitting on steel grate platform over a tub of water. We sat that way for what seemed like hours, nopony talking, until Pinkie, her mane hanging straight, trotted over to the gem on their side of the glass and tapped it, her voice being relayed through the one on my side.

“Twilight? Is it really you?” Her voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

I tapped the gem on my side. “It's me Pinkie.”

“Pinkie Pie Swear?”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my ey-ow!” I had gone through the motions, but forgot to close my eye first. A few tears falling through the grate into the water. “I'm back.”

The response was immediate, Pinkie's hair poofed up and a smile, bigger than any I had ever seen, grew upon her face. My mother and father broke down into tears of joy, and Celestia and Luna soon followed suit. Rainbow Dash hoofpumped the air and I could see Fluttershy jumping up and down, her shouts of “She's really back!” overpowering the sobs of all those present.

Then, a familiar purple and green form stepped up to the glass, tears streaming down his face as he placed a hand against it.

“Spike!” I cried and ran to the glass, placing a hoof against it where his hand was. The room had gone quiet again as he turned and walked over to the communication gem, letting me get back to mine before he spoke.

“Twilight... I thought...” He started.

“Shh...” I cut him off. “I'm back now.” I said, tears flowing freely as one of the Hazmat team stepped in and said something to Shining. He nodded before turning to Celestia and whispering something to her.

Her horn glowed, and Spike was teleported past the glass. As one of Shining's shields covered him, I ran over and pulled him into a hug. “I'm back and I'm never going to leave you like that again.”