• Published 18th Mar 2019
  • 1,684 Views, 88 Comments

The Gamer's Game - Chrome Masquerade

Button Mash awakens in a strange space and receives a strange power. Not only that, but other ponies are gaining special powers of their own!

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Chapter 8: Keeping Promises

Saturn's Day - Home

I exited from the game that I'd just completed. This ability to dive into games was straight up AMAZING! Better than any 3D tech you might imagine!

You have completed: Jade Empire
Rewards- The following Arts
Leaping Tiger
Thousand Cuts
Legendary Strike
Heavenly Wave
Stone Immortal
Dire Flame
Storm Dragon
Paralyzing Palm

The following weapon styles:
Tang's Vengeance
Crimson Tears
Dragon Sword

8000 Silver bits

Dragon Amulet
The following Essence gems:
Gem of Inner Genius
Gem of Unyielding Strength
Gem of Infinite Spirit
Negative effects nullified by the unison of all three gems(1)
Net gain: +10 Physical, Mental and Social points

Eye of the Dragon- Physical +6, Social +6, Mental +6, Celestial Aura
The Open Palm- Social +10, Mental +5

16, 26, 21 points awaiting allocation

8000 EXP
You have leveled up 4x
BP gain: 16

All in all, a very fruitful playthrough! Earlier on, I completed Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, which earned me a set of pokeballs, containing each of the starters that were available for play, aside from the ones that I'd recieved from the first playthrough. So, as a result, I got:
Charmader, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Meowth, Machop, Cubone, Psyduck, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Treeko, Torchic, Mudkip And Skitty.

Again, a very fruitful playthrough. I decided that I'd let the Crusaders have one each, as long as they were careful with them. I'd also let mom and Miss Cheerilee have second and third pick, respectively.

Also, due to my ability to create Instant Dungeons (which I'd been practicing with to the extent of being able to augment time by 6:1) I had Jade Empire completed before breakfast! I was loving this ability of mine more and more!

That said, no school today or tomorrow. Bonus~!

I thought to myself, 'Maybe I will meet the Crusaders at Sugar Cube Corner. Maybe they have an idea of what to do for fun today.'

(Saturn's Day; Sugar Cube Corner)

Arriving at Sugar Cube Corner, I saw the Crusaders there, drinking their favourite milkshakes. Vanilla for Sweetie, Apple/Strawberry for Apple Bloom and Caramel for Scootaloo.

Trotting over to the counter, I shifted to my bipedal stance, so I could better balance and order my favourite. Which, you might/might not remember, was Chocolate!

After paying for that, I went over and took a seat at the same table. Placing my shake to the side, I opened my inventory and placed nine of the pokeballs in a 3x3 pattern. These were all of the starters that were available in-game.

Sweetie tilted her head. "What are these ones?"

I smiled and replied, "Why don't you pick one and find out?"

Apple Bloom chose first and recieved Chikorita. Sweetie chose next and got Squirtle. Scootaloo chose last and got Cyndaquil.

Promise kept.
+10 XP

Suddenly, Pinkie dashed over and chose one. "I want this one!" she said. Begrudgingly, I let her do so. As it turned out, she picked Totodile.

I said to the four of them, "With these Pokemon you'll be able to defend yourselves should worse come to worst." They tossed their 'balls to the floor, releasing their Pokemon. All except Pinkie, that is. Unexpectedly, Gummy (who was nearby, i guess?) walked over and poked the button on the Pokeball that Pinkie chose. Suddenly, he was sucked into the Pokeball, which started glowing.

Pinkie touched the button and with a nigh-on blinding flash, Totodile was released. As it turned out, it had Gummy's colours!

This wasn't lost on the bubbly balloon branded mare, and she called out, "Gummy?"

Her new pokemon responded, "(Present! It's me. And in this new form, others will be able to understand this renewed gator. What possibilities might come from this? What new experiences might He witness?!)"

Apparently, Gummy had merged with this new guy. That flash was them coalescing!

"Well, that was unexpected." I commented.

Pinkie nodded excitedly. "You're telling me!"

I decided to inform Pinkie of her Partner's stats. "Okay, Pinkie, listen up. Gummy here is now a Totodile, I guess. Totodiles are Water type, You might occasionally have to go to Fluttershy for some fish, or get some for him yourself. Maybe see if there's a place that sells something he might like. He should now be able to tell you what he's in the mood for. At the level he's at, he'll have a couple of Intrinsic moves and one Learned move (2) Be sure to give him lots of love and for Celestia's sake keep him far away from the twins!"

As it turns out, Pinkie was taking notes, a quill held in her mane scribbling on a likewise prised piece of parchment.

"If you train him well, he'll eventually become a Crocognaw and in turn a Feraligatr. Raise him right and you'll have a powerful partner protecting you and yours from danger. Speaking of... Gummy?" I continued, addressing the bystanding reptile at the end.


"Open your mouth, would you?"

Obliging, the small Pokemon opened his mouth, revealing several sharp-looking teeth.

"You may or may not want to pick a new name for him. I hardly think Gummy describes him anymore. Something catchy. Self explanatory. Easy to remember."

Pinkie thought for a moment. "Nothing's coming to mind, so for now I'll just keep calling him Gummy." She turned to her partner. "If that's okay with you, buddy?"

"(Always! 'A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet', as the saying goes. I'll be fine with any appellation you designate to me.)"

I subvocalized, "System?"

Update in progress.

That brought me up short. This thing got updates?! Oh, well.

My promise kept so far, I decided to move on. Maybe Rarity would like to have the Skitty? I finished my shake-

(Saving Throw vs Cold, DC 4: 4 successes)
You have eaten: Milkshake.
+2 HP
+1 temporary Stamina
Satiated status for the next three hours.

-and exited the sweet shop.

(Saturn's Day, Schoolhouse)

Arriving at the schoolhouse, I noticed Miss Cheerilee doing her best to fill out paperwork.

Status: working
Emotional status: frustration/boredom

Surprise her? Y [] N [x]

I knocked on the door, attracting her attention.

Good Manners
+10 XP

"Yes, Button? You have a question?" she asked.

"More of a... gift, Ma'am." I said. Stepping over to her desk, I placed three pokeballs upon it.

"Pick one! Maybe it'll... brighten your day!" I offered.

She smiled and chose one. Pressing the button on the front, she released Meowth!

"Well, I have always wanted a cat." she commented perkily.

"(Oh, I'm no mere cat, mistress! I'm a Meowth!)" the released feline corrected.

Miss Cheerilee was surprised, but pleasantly so.

"How are you with paperwork?" she joked.

Leaving them to get acquainted, I decided to move on.

Author's Note:

1: That's only a thing for the purpose of the story.
2: For example, a bipedal gator should be naturally able to Bite and Scratch. Water Gun or Bubble, for example, are Learned Moves. I think you can figure out why.