• Published 18th Mar 2019
  • 1,684 Views, 88 Comments

The Gamer's Game - Chrome Masquerade

Button Mash awakens in a strange space and receives a strange power. Not only that, but other ponies are gaining special powers of their own!

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Chapter 10: The Joy of Flight

(Moon's Day, just outside of home)

I decided that I'd stalled for long enough and that I should teach myself how to fly fluidly.Princess Celestia (You might remember that she wanted me to call her Amal) gave me my first flying lesson, and i'd passed with flying colours. But as far as I'd heard, Pegasi coming into their power have a boost to their flight abilities. Pinkie Pie had to catch Pound Cake a few times.

Anyways, I made sure to get Princess Twilight to spot me; make sure I didn't hurt myself. I figured that she might also have some pointers, having recently gotten control of her flying.

"Okay, Button." She said, "You may make your first attempt whenever you're ready."

I felt for the muscles that controlled my wings. I'd practiced getting that far before, but it still took a little effort.

Attempt 1

After that, I fully extended my wings and gave them a couple of flaps. When I realized that I was actually off the ground -a fair 40 hooves, at that-, I stopped flapping out of surprise and dropped like a rock.

"Don't worry." the lavender princess assuaged, "That happened to me too." This was another reason that I'd chosen princess Twilight to aid me. Rainbow Dash would've been too gung-ho. Fluttershy would've been too soft. Princess Twilight ought to be just right, I figured.

Her being one of my Divine Parents didn't hurt either.

Gained 22 EXP in Pegasus Magic.

Attempt 2

After a few slow-flaps to make sure I had it right, I attempted again.

This time, after I'd reached about 50 hooves, I tried turning, which was... relatively easy. Tilting forward slightly, I angled my wings -still flapping enough to stay aloft- I went forward.

Only to overbalance and nearly crash. Fortunately, princess Twilight caught me.

Gained 25 EXP in Pegasus Magic.

"Ooh! That might've been a painful one. When you crash like that, it's because you have an unbalanced body position. You're in control."

She projected an image of a standard pegasus flying.

"Take a look here. With the slightest movement of your body, you can control your flight. You can turn in position -you covered that- go up or down," the pegasus did all of that, "With enough practice, you can even fly upside down, or spin on your head like a top. With Celestia having given you your wings, it should make it even easier. Come on, let's try again. I'll even keep you balanced."

This time I took out a pair of flight goggles from seemingly nowhere. I'd bought it from the Chaos Auctions site.

"Where did you get that?" princess Twilight queried

I shrugged in response, putting them on anyway.

Flight Goggles equipped; +3 Agility, +2 Endurance

I took a takeoff stance for the third time.

"Make sure not to put too much energy into your hooves when you push off the ground. We'll cover hot takeoffs later."

I took a deep breath, exhaled and -with a clear mind- extended my wings again. Music began playing in the background.(1)

Attempt 3

I carefully took flight, I could feel princess Twilight's magic holding me steady, subtly shifting my wings to make sure I was balanced. With this confidence booster, I sped up slightly as the music began to swell.

I was flapping harder, speed increasing steadily. The wind was whipping past me, blowing my short mane back. By this time, Twilight had let me go, not that I noticed. A mach cone began to form in front of me.

I kept looking straight on, focusing on reaching the next cloud bank, then the next one, then the next. It became harder to do so over time, but it helped at first. I did a midair somersault as the music increased in tempo.

The mach cone condensed, but I hadn't broken the barrier yet. I would never be as fast as Rainbow Dash -who could easily reach mach 4 BEFORE entering her Iconic Sonic Rainboom mode-, but I was fine with that. I could feel the pressure increasing...

On top of the next cloud was what looked to be a Super Star. Not questioning it, i grabbed it as I flew by, new energy flowing into my body, inccreasing my speed yet again!

As the music reached a crescendo, I finally broke past the sound barrier.

"Yahoo!ahoo!ahoo!" I exclaimed as my speed increased again.

Twilight turned toward the audience. "When a flying object breaks the sound barrier, a sonic boom occurs -that's the sound you would've just heard.

Since Button doesn't seem to want to come back down, I'd say this about does it for this session."

She whispered conspiratorially, "He'll realize I let him go eventually. He should be fine, though, since I cast a Feather Fall spell on him. On the bright side, he'll learn about gravity, too."

Author's Note:

1: Imagine the classic meme track from Halo. You know the one. I couldn't find a proper version of it on Youtube, so...

Comments ( 13 )

I have just remembered something that i should have written when on the right page.
Rule 1. about having superpowers: keep them goddam secret.

Consequences for not following this rule: Family and friends (also loved ones such as romantic interest) put in danger via enemies or people who just want your power, so they take your loved ones to make you work for them. Or to basically let them experiment on you and figure out how your super power works and either give it to themselves or they don't find it and you just die in the process.

Sure but at the beginning hes gonna be weak AF and equestrian has to deal with a big villain almost every Thursday or Saturday, seriously most of these guys beat Celestia as if it's an easy part time job or as if it's a bitch slap. And at 1 point hes gonna have to deal with them because either the heroes (main 6) are occupied or they don't see the True villain working behind the scenes. Which means is up to little button mash who is small and doesn't have many abilities because level cap after all your abilities sort of confine themselves to your level or other skills that you have. Meaning that at the beginning hes not gonna be able to do much and he has to grind inorder to get to the level where he needs to be to actually take care of the villains. Because he doesn't have the Almighty mcguffin (the elements of harmony) or love power like Cadence and shining armor.

To be fair, there's a lot of power among the pony race as is. Particularly in the Unicorn tribe.

Yes that is a fact. Which is an even bigger reason to keep his superpower hidden there is no telling how many ponys would try their damnedest to get his power. Because power corrupts (example prince blueblood in the original timeline), absolute power corrupts absolutely. Unless that power prevents corruption but those who don't have that power to prevent their corruption get greedy (sooner or later).

1: fair enough.
2: As far as I can tell, Gamer's Mind would prevent such corruption.

Which is one part of his power. And the rest just improves is over all life. Do you know how many villains would kill for that power, or just incapacitate others for it? Think of all the exploits they would be able to do. Ids basically making You intangible Example: you can rob a bank by going into a id go in get out of that id then (after looting of course) go into another id and come out without any problem from security. Unless you get caught coming out. Also you can bring specific targets into ids basically leaving them there and making it so they aren't a threat. Example: Tirek somehow gains the power of the gamer. Then he puts Celestia, Luna, and cadence in a id making it so they need him, or else with powers like him in order to get them back. And while this is happening (ponys looking for a way to get their princesses back) Tirek is having a good time getting the powers/skills of others, after all thanks to gamers mind he was calm and collected in situations were his emotions would have effected him. Gamers body however made it so he wouldn't have any problems taking hits. After all a gamer can't have their arm cut off the weapon will just go though their body (similar results to other injuries). The power of the Gamer also might make it so he gets skills from the creatures that he sucks the magic from.

Do you need a tinfoil hat? I have one around somewhere. :ajbemused:

No. I just like my facts and theories, which I can make up on the spot, with a bit of time.

It's ok we all make mistakes. Hell I need a computer program to help make my stories readable and help correct my mistakes all the time.

Well... So far, so... so-so, to be honest. There are some interesting ideas there (pulling off a second Gamer would be tricky, but rather original1), but the chapters read like summaries more than anything. There's very little world-building, and events are following in this sort of disconnected heap of "things happening".

Not sure where this is going. There's no clear goal (though there hardly is, with these things), but without some extra lore to go with it, there's no way to even propose an encompassing arc.

Sounds nice, but needs work. A lot of work. But it has some interesting ideas which, if fleshed out, could carry this story hard.

Keep at it.
I'll refrain from giving this story a rating, for now.

[1] though it would be nice if Sweetie didn't immediately get reduced to the primary status of "Button's marefriend"? Food for thought.

I don't know about all of you, but I'm a little tired myself from the fact that something always goes wrong.. I don't want to continue.. I want to sit on the sofa in the living room and look for football matches here - https://so.1xbet.com/ Autumn is a disgusting season.. Brings depression and apathy.

I'm honestly not one for football (or sports in general for the most part). We really only use our satellite connection for an appreciable length of time about twice every four years, if you catch my drift.

Thanks for the input. I'm trying to figure out where things go next for this.

Side note: sory for the extra extra late reply. :twilightsheepish:
Side note 2: That's FAR from the most negative opinion I've received. One of my previous stories was given the review of -verbatim!-...

There is absolutely nothing redeemable about this story and it should be scrapped entirely.

I'd like to think that I've improved markedly since then.

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