• Published 8th Mar 2019
  • 778 Views, 8 Comments

Winx crusaders - phantom ghost hunter

In a world were a young girl is unaware that she has magic she will soon learn the truth.

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the willow and a secret revealed

"Okay Apple bloom this has gone to far" Zipporwhill said.

Then Sweetie belle asked "um Zipporwhill whats wrong?

"Whats wrong is this Apple bloom asked me If she could put some flowers outside my window and I thought about it and accepted but then she went and put a bunch of plants by my mirror".

Then Apple bloom said "they feed on reflective light".

Then Sweetie belle asked "whats the problem with a few plants at your mirror".

Zipporwhill then said "look there putting on my expensive cloths Apple bloom make them stop".

Apple bloom then said "oh come on they adapt to there environment plus you don't hear Scootaloo and Twist complaining" as she walked to there room and went in "hey Scootaloo wheres Twist?"

Scootaloo pulled her head out of a book and said "don't know haven't seen her since this morning".

Apple bloom then asked "you two aren't having any trouble with my plants are you?"

"We have plants in our room?" Scootaloo asked.

Apple bloom then said "well I asked Twist to keep some seeds in her closet because they like the dark" as she opened the closet then looked and saw Twist tangled in vines "oh my" apple bloom then used her magic to free her "Twist are you okay?"

Twist then said "I was looking for a pair of socks when something grabbed me".

Apple bloom then said "sorry I must have miscalculated how fast they would grow up but I guess Zipporwhill is right I need to lower my studies habits but first I need to do something in the ever free swamp".

Then Sweetie belle said "wait will go with you and help".

"We will?" Zipporwhill asked Then Sweetie elbowed her and she said "I mean of course we will".

"Thank you guys" Apple bloom said.

Later at the ever free swamp Scootaloo asked "so what is it you need?"

Then Apple bloom answered "A hearts desire flower".

Then Twist said "a what now?"

"Its a rare flower I need it to create a magic proof potion" Apple bloom answered.

Zipporwhill then said "okay then lets just find the flower and get out of here"

Apple bloom then said "Its won't be that simple its a very skittish flower it won't allow its self to be picked".

Sweetie belle then asked "then how are you going to get one?"

Then Apple bloom smiled and pulled a potion out of her bag then said "like this as she put a drop on the blade of a leaf and it fell to the ground then anther of the plant grew from it "with my plant cloning potion I can make an endless number of artificial petals if I can get the flower to extend one of its own petals".

Sweetie then said "alright then lets go find one"

Later on they found a small pond and water nymphs living there Apple bloom then said "look there are water nymphs living in air bubbles under lily pads maybe they can help us".

Then one of then nymphs heard them and said "maybe you should go see our leader shes over by the big tree".

They went over there and explained there plan and she said "well I can tell you are working hard but were kind of having our own problem you see that island over there" as she pointed to it "that island is were we get our food supply from but there is a giant monster that lives in the water surrounding the island you see our food source was running low and it was one of our youngest turn to get them but that was yesterday and she didn't come back" as she started to cry.

Then Sweetie belle said "don't worry will help you"

Then she said "oh thank you so much".

Then Sweetie belle said "alright time to transform" and they all went into there fairy forms and flew over to the island.

While they were flying over the water Zipporwhill said "hey girls I just thought about something the nymph said the monster was giant but to her we were pretty big to so its probably a medium sized monster right" while she was saying this a giant shadow appeared under the water behind her.

Sweetie looked and yelled "Zipporwhill look out". Zipporwhill looked behind her and then screamed when the monsters head came up and tried to bite her but she moved out of the way and they all flew onto the island.

On the Island they stated getting tired and Twist said "strange let me cheek the air" as a hologram screen appeared she then said "oh no this is sleep gas" as she made an air mask appear on her face "everyone you have to stay awake"

Then Zipporwhill said "but the moss on these rocks is so soft" as she, Scootaloo and Apple bloom all fell asleep.

Twist then saw Sweetie belle looking at something and she said "hey Twist is that where the gas is coming from" as she fell asleep, she was looking at a scary looking tree.

Twist when over to her and said "only one thing to do" as she created a magic dome "I'll suck the bad air out and let the good air in" then Sweetie belle woke up "hey Sweetie belle welcome back from the dream land now can you help me make this bubble bigger?" they both put there magic into it and it went over and covered the others.

"Wow morning" Scootaloo said.

Zipporwhill said "what happened".

Then Sweetie belle said "hey everyone we need to make this bubble bigger all together now" and they all made it even bigger.

Then something came out of the nearby bushes it was the nymph and she said "morning".

Then Zipporwhill said "you must be the nymph that your leader sent us to find".

She then said "yes and I already know who you all are you see while I was asleep I keep a telepathic connection with everything going on around me".

Then there was a large shake then Scootaloo said "that must have been the monster its coming".

The nymph then said "actually the monster isn't coming here the monster is here" they all looked at her confused and she said like I said I kept a mental connection to my surroundings you see this entire island is actually the back of a giant turtle and the monster is the turtles head coming out in its sleep all because of the sleeping willow" as she pointed to the tree.

Then the tree reached and tried to grab one of them but they flew out of the way Sweetie belle then said "you bully" as she shoot a fire bolt at its roots then it caught fire and she said "guys aim for the roots" they did so and the tree was destroyed.

Scootaloo then said "alright we did it".

Later they met back up with the leader of the nymphs and she said "Well done young fairies thanks to you the turtle is free" as she pointed to the turtle swimming away.

Apple bloom then said "wait what about you your food source only grows on the island".

The leader then said "before the turtle left it aloud us to pick a great amount of the leaves but sooner or later we will run out we might have to relocate".

Apple bloom then said "wait I think I might be able to help thanks to my potions" as she took out vial with a dropper and put a drop on the leaf they were holding and then it multiplied.

The leader then said "thank you Apple bloom oh and before you go we have something for you" as they carried a flower over to her "it allowed its self to be picked for you".

Apple bloom then said "thank you I will plant it in the best soil I can find oh and girls" as she turned around to face her friends "I promise to keep my work contained in my room from now on" Then they hugged it out.

(One week later)

Sweetie belle was back in pallet town on break and was currently helping her mom Sugar belle in the kitchen who said "So Sweetie belle how long are you off for?"

Sweetie then said "about a week".

Sugar belle then said "really thats not much".

Sweetie then said "I know but its better than nothing".

Sugar belle then said "you've grown a lot in the past few months".

Sweetie then said "You really think so?"

Sugar then said "I know so".

Then Sweetie belle sniffed the air and said "Mom do you smell smoke?"

Sugar belle then looked and saw her cake in the oven had caught fire then said "oh no!"

Then Sweetie belle said "Mom no let me handle it" as she raised up her hand then magically put out the fire and made the smoke disappear.

Then Sugar belle sat down and said "you are incredible Sweetie"

Sweetie then said "I only saved the kitchen".

Sugar belle then said "you might not be a very good cook but your powers are stunning why don't you go out for a while".

Sweetie then said "Okay then" she then went out on her bike and rode past her dad in a fire truck.

Big mac then said "Hey Sweetie belle".

Then Sweetie said "hi dad".

The next day she was riding threw town when she saw something she couldn't believe at first there was a guy walking past and Sweetie said "amazing I can see that guys aura I couldn't do this back at alfea but it seems that I can do it here". Then she rode to her mothers bakery and saw a limo parked outside then saw a glimpse of the driver then went in to see her mom talking with a brown man with dark hair.

Sugar belle then noticed her and said "Sweetie I've got good news this is Mr Rich he wants to help me open a chain of bakery's".

Mr Rich then said "Yes I do".

Then Sweetie saw his aura It said "Oh she is so gullible once she signs all the paper work we will tear down the bakery and build a supermarket".

Mr Rich then walked out for a minute and Sweetie belle said "um mom I don't think you should do this".

Sugar belle then asked "why not?"

Then Sweetie belle said "I think I've gained the ability to see peoples aura and Mr Rich wanted to scam you".

Sugar belle then said "well alright then".

Mr Rich came back in and she told him the deal was off and he said "oh you will change your mind they always do".

Three days later Sweetie was lying in bed asleep when she woke up to a vision dream then Big mac and Sugar belle came in and Sugar belle said "Sweetie belle are you alright".

Sweetie then said "we have to go to the bakery its important".

Big mac then said "okay then".

They drove there and saw the building in flames big mac the spoke into a radio to his fellow firemen and said "get to my wife's bakery and hurry the situation is already gone from bad to worse".

Sweetie then said "I have to go in there I can sense someones in there"

Big mac then said "well then i'll go with you". A couple minutes later they were in the bakery in side a bubble then Sweetie saw a vision of her father big mac who was in a flaming building and said in the past "hurry there's a baby" then when he found the source of the crying he saw a baby in some kind of protective bubble and was amazed he then picked her up and she immediately calmed down.

after the flash back Sweetie thought "what was that?" the heard some call for help and both she and big mac looked to see a man trapped under some wood and big mac went over and helped him as Sweetie belle used her magic to weaken the flames.

When they got back out side Big mac asked the man "what were you doing in there?"

The man then said "I started the fire".

Sugar belle then asked "why would you do that?"

Then man then said "Mr rich wanted revenge for you not accepting his deal".

Big mac then said "sir you are in a lot of trouble".

The man then said "I know but I'm not going to take all the blame I will tell the police everything about how Mr rich scams everyone out of there business believe me i'm sorry".

Sweetie belle saw his aura and said "I know".

One day later they were eating dinner and Sweetie said "Um mom, dad can I talk to you about something?"

Sugar belle then said "Oh of course what is it Sweetie?"

Then Sweetie said "yesterday in the fire I saw a vision of you dad you were saving a new born baby from a fire".

Both her parents looked at each other and sighed then big mac said "Sweetie belle that baby you saw in your vision it was you".

Sweetie then gasped "what?!"

Big mac then continued "you see I found you in that fire you were the only one there in the building I don't know how you got there but the fire seemed to stay away from you like it respected you we knew then that you were a very special child".

Sweetie belle then said "But this means your not my real parents you adopted me".

Sugar belle then got up and hugged her then said "You my not be our child by birth but we still love you sweetie".

After break and Sweetie went back to alfea she told her friends and Apple bloom said "Don't feel bad Sweetie Adopting a child is a very good thing you were very lucky".

Sweetie belle then said "I know but this just raised more questions for me were am I from and who are my real parents Scootaloo then said "Don't worry Sweetie belle we'll help you find the answers" as they all hugged her.

(To Be Continued)

Author's Note:

Wow that took some time but finally.
Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below but for now Ghost out