• Published 8th Mar 2019
  • 777 Views, 8 Comments

Winx crusaders - phantom ghost hunter

In a world were a young girl is unaware that she has magic she will soon learn the truth.

  • ...

a date?

It had been two days since the event in the swamp now it was evening time and the Winx were in there room with there pets when Zipporwhill came looking excited and she said "girls you will not believe this but Feather weight sent me a letter asking me on a date to the white lake diner" she then held up the letter.

Then Sweetie belle said "wow thats great Zipporwhill".

"I know, I had better go find an outfit to wear" Zipporwhill responded as she went to her room.

Then Apple bloom said "you know she sure is lucky".

Scootaloo then said "ya I know the guy she likes is taking her out".

Twist then mumbled "I wish snails would ask me out".

Sweetie the asked her "what was that Twist?"

Twist then blushed and said "Um nothing".

Then Zipporwhill came out in a nice short green dress and said "there perfect" then she looked at her hand "but the ring is to much" she took it off and handed it to sweetie belle then said "hold on to it for me will you".

Then Sweetie belle said "what but its you magic ring your magic doesn't work without it".

Zipporwhill then said "don't worry about it who needs a scepter when you've got a brave knight to protect you".

"Okay then" Sweetie said as she put the ring on her on finger for safe keeping.

Then Zipporwhill went out and one hour later the girls all went to bed when Scootaloo said "I wanna go out to with or without a date".

Then Sweetie said "well it would be better if someone asked us".

The next day in professor Thorax's class they had pumpkin heads and Thorax then said "okay now everyone repeat after me vanish pumpkin".

They all said "vanish pumpkin" and all but one of the pumpkins disappeared.

Sweetie then said "well that was fun".

Then the girl who still had a pumpkin head said "professor it didn't work do something"

Thorax then said "this is what happens when you don't focus enough hold on" he then reached into his pocket and pulled out a mouse "here it is".

The girl then said "eek a mouse?" then her head went back to normal.

Thorax then said "in this case a good scare usually does the trick okay now class dismissed".

When the Winx girls go back to there room they saw Zipporwhill tearing up the place and Sweetie asked her "Zipporwhill what are you doing?"

She then answered "looking for my ring of course" as she shoot a lighting bolt at them then disappeared.

Apple bloom then said "okay something is wrong and we need to find out what".

Then twist said "yes and I think we should start by questioning Feather weight over at red fountain" They all nodded in agreement.

They got to red fountain and asked him and he said "look I would love to help you girls but I have no idea what your talking about I never asked Zipporwhill on a date and I didn't send that letter".

Then Rumble said "don't you know Feather weight can't read".

Then Feather weight said "very funny Rumble" he then looked back to the fairies and said "look its not that I wouldn't want to date Zipporwhill but ever since that event with the troll in the swamp we haven't been allowed to leave campus and that makes it kind of hard to date someone".

Then a loud voice over head yelled "back to training boys".

Then button mash said "thats Rock hoof the strong you don't want to make him upset so we had better get to it nice to see you though".

The girls all left red fountain and Sweetie belle said "okay I think the best option we have its to find this white lake diner and find out what happened".

Apple bloom then said "your right Sweetie belle we need to find it".

Later they all arrived at magics and started to ask around about white lake diner but weren't having much luck and Scootaloo said "well this is not going well".

Then Apple bloom said "we just need to keep trying".

"Apple bloom is right lets keep on searching remember Zipporwhill is our friend" Sweetie belle said.

Two hours later they still had no leads until some strange looking guy came over and said to them "hey you girls are looking for the white lake diner because that place is like awesome?"

Sweetie belle then asked "oh can you tell us where it is?"

The guy then said "sure just go down past main street make a right at the train station then keep going till you get to the statue of the ancient fairy sisters Celestia and Luna then go left up clover street until you see a bridge go over it and your there its right next to a giant oak tree you can't miss it, did you get all that?"

Then Twist said "yes I wrote it all down so thank you come on girls lets go".

They followed the guys directions and found it but when they arrived Apple bloom got a confused look and she said "hmm something is wrong here".

Then Sweetie belle asked "what do you mean?"

Apple bloom then answered "that tree I can't feel any life coming from it like its dead" then the scenery changed dramatically the grass all disappeared, the building became a dirty old shack, and the tree changed to a dead tree.

Sweetie belle then asked "what just happened?"

Then Twist answered "It seems that there was an illusion spell cast here but it wasn't strong enough to hid the lack of life from the area so when Apple bloom didn't feel any life the spell was broken".

Then Scootaloo said "well we had better go in and see if Zipporwhill is in there" they all nodded in agreement and went in.

Five minutes after they went in a lightning shoot hit near there feet "what the" Twist yelled.

They looked and saw Zipporwhill floating in the air attacking them and she said "no more game give me my ring!" as she shoot more lightning at them.

They all ran for cover Twist and Scootaloo were safe but Sweetie belle and Apple bloom were pinned down Twist then said "hold on girls I'll come help now magic transform!" Then a light green suit with light purple details, a matching pointy hat, heels and wings that looked computerized appeared on her she then said "techno shield" then used it to get to Apple bloom and Sweetie belle and then shielded them over to where Scootaloo was.

Then Scootaloo said "I think we had better transform too".

Sweetie belle then said "your right now lets go girls" then they all transformed into there fairy forms.

Apple bloom was wearing a red dress with a rose like design, red heels, her hair was braided in one pony tail and glittery wing appeared on her back. Scootaloo was wearing a blue skirt with a one shoulder top, strap on heels, her hair was in short pig tails and sparkling wing appeared on her back.

Then Zipporwhill said "well now you still can't beat me".

Scootaloo then said "what is wrong with her?"

Then Sweetie belle said "that can't be her Zipporwhill can't do any magic without her scepter remember".

Then Zipporwhill transformed into Suri and she said "bingo" as Trixie and Aria appeared next to her.

Then the guy who gave them directions came over and Asked "now can you change me back?"

Then Trixie said "fine" then snapped her fingers and the guy turned into the ogre.

Sweetie belle then Said "where is Zipporwhill!"

Aria grinned and pointed up where Zipporwhill was trapped in magic rings and Aria said "those rings are now going to get tighter and tighter until she pops like a big zit if you want to save her you best give us the ring".

Zipporwhill then said "don't do it".

Sweetie belle thought for a minute then sighed and said "okay i'll give you the ring" as she detransformed then took off the ring and gave it to them.

Trixie then snapped her fingers and the rings holding Zipporwhill disappeared and she fell to the floor as then the Trix disappeared the rest of the Winx then went over to her Apple bloom asked "Zipporwhill are you alright?"

She then answered "yes I'm fine but now the Trix have my ring what are we gonna do"

Sweetie belle then said "lets go back to alfea and think of a plan".

(to be continued)

Author's Note:

Well things are certainly heating up stay tuned to find out what happens next.

Ghost out.